xt79057cv94c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79057cv94c/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1999-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 1999 text GLSO News, February 1999 1999 1999-02 2019 true xt79057cv94c section xt79057cv94c it 1771???” .9, 19‘3115; j if: ‘xw-f'v" (’3! ‘91—» i" 7' “v 1 tr , 13- i ,
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it “3.6-. a
, Voi.14 February 1999 No.2
3 * A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Moves c Feast Court Cafe Benefit (Meg’s 6/1on [:2 $1119
Moveable Feast, organized and The second in the Court Café You have seen the men of the
coordinated by Michael Thompson, is Series will be held February 7 at chorus looking dignified in tuxedos ,
a volunteer run organization that Regina's at 116 N. Upper. From 7:30 on various stages around Lexington.
delivers hot meals every day to at until 10 pm, for a cost of $795 you You have heard their beautiful rendi-
- least 40 people living With AtDS 0" can enjoy all the Chili you can eat. “0'15 0f many types 0t choral music. ‘
HlV related illnesses and disabilities. This is not your run of the mill But if you missed them in last year’s
They are located in the basement of “Hormel" variety chili. Regina has a benefit drag ShOW, then YOU haven't I
the St- Augustine Episcopal Chapel new concept restaurant opening in seen them at their campy b93t- .
at 472 Rose St- ( 2522367)- ThiS Indianapolis called Chili Babies. Her 99"" miss this second annual
successful project needs our help to fami|y has sampled hundreds of one- fundraiser at the Bar Complex 0" l
continue their work. of-a—kind chilis for this restaurant and Wednesday February 17 at 9 pm. =
The Episcopal Diocese 0t they have chosen some receipts that Admissron ‘8 $5 at the door. The a
Lexington's AIDS Ministry began are both delicious and uni ue Me ns Chorus and the Pride Center “
hosting monthly dinners for People R ' - q I W." benefit from "1'5 event. j
. . . egma has agreed to premiere her And this Will be an Event! ,
L'VihQ With AIDS- In ‘995 they were new menu in Lexington. There will Tuesday and Sundae De La Rouge
joined by other religious organiza- be chilis from around the world: will be headliners with most mem- 5
tions as it became increasingly obvi- Texas Style, Thai, white, chili with bers of the chorus performing individ- ]
ous that more nutritional support was and without beans, etc. ual and group numbers. One thing l
needed. Net proceeds of this benefit will that makes this show special is that I
Michael organized Moveable support the designated charities of these men know and “We musm. i
Feast because he saw that people the RSIC: AVOL, Moveable Feast, Zhefyiwfll entertain you :3“ aavlvoné ‘
with AIDS were often declining in and The pride Center of the 9 u vane y 0 voca es 9" l
health from a lack of nutritious food. Bluegrass. Drinks are not included in gun a '6.“ 0f the more common disco i
. . . . . _ _ . iva delights. So, 10in us for a great l
Chents consult Wlth nUtfmonlStS t0 the price and there IS a one drink evening you Wm not regret I“ l
developie a diet that addresses their minimum to receive this special deal. , I ' l
specific needs. Meals are prepared Sunday night always features drink , ‘ ‘ , . . i
to meet these needs in the modern- specials, just ask. i , , l
ized kitchen of St Augustines. Regina has been hosting popu- , j Sponsor of- the Month l
Movable Feast needs your help. lar Sunday nights suppers for a while g ' , » _ i
Consider giving them a call to ESSiSt and she has agreed to let the Court :- - " ' . g
in f00d preparation, office work, 0' hold monthl tundraisin dinners . i - .7 , '
delivery. A few hours a month from a there. So l0"): us on the figst Sunday Mr' I 60 0d ce ntS
number Of US COUtd make a big differ— of each month for a benefit dinner a E‘ .i , , ‘ .
ence. During the day there is a need and bar night at Regina’s. See SUbS & PaSt'as I
for people to help With tasks SUCh as Community News for another Court I‘ '7; Q . ' ,
Moveable continued on page2 function in February. , , Z , ;

 _, Commwuflt Newsandgvente “
- _ Movable Feast Cont. .
figs” fit; chopping vegetables and answering CVGQQMMQS (Dag
IE “fit“;- the phone. Early evening from 5 to 7 good and gill“
pm. is delivery time. Volunteers deliv-
? .. .- ,.»- er 5 to 6 dinners on a route deter— Celebrate Valentine‘s Day at the
/ W mined by proximity. If you learn a Pride Center Sunday, February 14.
“ WW route it becomes easy and takes less We’ll be serving a chili dinner, $3 per
v than an hour. Monetary donations are person, beginning at 5 pm. and show-
also welcomed. ing the video Out of the Past, tree of
Find a couple of hours a month charge, at 6:30. GLSO is sponsoring
The GLSO News that you can donate and give Movable this event as a fund—raiser for the
V014“ “will: Feat a call at 252—2867. Pride Center.
“”115th M01“ by Out of the Past is a documentary
Disvsp‘lstrs‘ion/Sup E ctr: Gme t about the struggle of Kelli Peterson, a
. G h f) ”[330.” aretl‘f‘s 3'"th :19 Salt Lake City high school student
The Lexington 61y or ave een Mng ou ora 'e’ '8 who establish a gay-straight alliance
L b ' - COUId be the dlSCUSSIOI’i group for you. that resulted in the banning of all clubs
BS zan Service We met twrce in January and had at East High School. This film inter-
. . such a good time that we are continu- h t 'th h rt h' t .
organization ing into February Join us at the sperses er sory WI 8 o '5 ones
a P I' L t 7_ of gays and lesbians from our past.
321 Second St. V\tlav3ntovvjna ubFicb lbraWSa 630100" This includes the stories of Sarah Juitt
e nes ys e ruary 'a ’ and Annie Fields, a 1880’s "Boston
Conference room C which is across Marria e ,, Hen Gerber a ostal
Edit0fs= from the elevators. g ’ ry '. p
M r Crone Com armed with our 0 inions worker who started a gay rights orga-
a y e , y p ’ nization after World War I, Bayard
Peter Taylor there are many Issues In our 09mmu' Rustin, an advisor to Martin Luther
Davina Warner nity to dI§CUSS and the. tOp'C can King, and Barbara Gittings an activist
change qwckly. For more information from the I950’s (An article about
call Mary at 266-5904 or e-mail Rustin starts on ' a e4)
Layout Editor: Jerem at Ciscobo @webtv.net. , p g ' ,
y y Everyones inVIted -- you dont
CharliePerkins , _ dt h V! t. t n d
N6 "8"]!"6‘! 1” ‘5 . nee o avea aenine oa en.
3‘21"“FTwhel'ElisJ‘Ne/tugw it" , 'd P ‘d , Who knows, you may meet one while
GLSO Annual Dues , i e " or '3‘“; at}. . Tue. you’re there. This is an excellent
and Newsletter: $15 Planningmeetlng :mejbe ' use, chance to meet and mingle with oth—
Dues and Newsletter for Fen-155.33; ‘77P”? .at the.‘°itd¢;‘?9”‘9" ers from our LBGT community.
Couples: $20 337M¥l€rAveWehopethat eve} :
pothmmityggro‘upqwm"send-"a repreé Maryanne Abbid is conducting a sur-
, , . gefitafiygjg The“: prtdé‘v V'Mon’th vey of lesbians and gay men over the
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are CommitEE‘SetS ‘flie'oalettder plans age of 55 concerning their attitudes
those of the authors and don’t necessarily the: l “Eh. _ 1' . n‘ el‘th’“ about social services for the elderly.
represent those of the GLSO Board. 199:”‘953 4.6195993“? ' 3 This survey only takes 15to 20 min.
Submissions are welcome and become the banana ‘.lndttltduals 1 Wgnt'ng. .m to complete. If you or someone you
property of the GLSO. The staff reserves ecammvowedaremmagedm know in Kentucky or Tennessee
the right to edit submissions and advertise- afiePdi‘._i;T’}‘5 marks the endow? would be interested in participating,
ments as well as the right to reject any sub- Gay , “males. am we w?” Pride or if YOU WOUId like more information,
missions or advertisements. Month "to, be a fittmg celebraflon._ contact Maryanne at 254-6254 or at
Cometend us azhand, __ . _> Maryannepooter@hotmailcom.

 PinK PAGQS Taylor, Miss Valentine of I998, will be best foreign film in 1994. Meet
The first meeting of the GLSO turning over her crown to a new David, a naive college kid out on his
Committee to publish the 1999 edi- queen. There will be some outstand- own for the first time, Diego, a gay
tion of the pink pages met in January ing performers so come join the fun writer anxious to leave Cuba, and
and has mailed some 150 brochures at Club 141 at 9 pm. The cost is $3 Nancy, Diego's neighbor, with a few ,
to potential advertisers. Those to benefit the Robert H. Williams lessons for David of her own. Also,
responding by March 1 may be eligi- Cultural Center. For information and in honor of Black History month, the
ble for discounted ad rates. (If your applications call John at 294-0901. short subject film, All God's Children,
business or organization did not Wi” be shown. i
receive one, see contact below.) Mien flamingtan Sup/tame Black History month will also be i
The committee will meet again Congratulations to Miss Latoya observed with special readings,
on Wednesday, February 24' at 7pm, Bacall who won the Miss Lexington prayers or music at each worship
at the pride Center, 387 Waller Supreme title with show stopping tal- service during February. l
Avenue, and continues to look for ent. The first runner up was Taylor The Church also continues to l
people to become involved. Bryce and second runner up was have Games Nights on the fourth l
"We particularly need people Ginger Grant. Latoya also won Miss Friday of each month. We will meet ;
interested in marketing, but we can Congeniality. Thanks to Leigh on Feb 26, 7 pm at the Pride Center. :
use anyone who wants to put some Angelique for organizing this Bring you favorite snack and game.
energyuand time-into this communi- pageant. This is a fun way to meet new peo- 3
ty effort," said John Eastwood, editor P.FLAG ple. ” YOU have questions you can i
and GLSO board member. Volunteer Parents! FriendS, and Family of ca“ Tomas Edison at 226—0978 or e' i
work is a great way to meet people!" Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) will mail me at (twedisi@pop.uky.edu). i
The PINK P8995 is a fund-raiser meet the second Tuesday of each I
to help support the Pride Center of month at 7:30 pm, at Chapel Hill Fairness
the Bluegrass. The 1999 edition is Presbyterian Church (corner of Lexington Fairness website is no
scheduled to be available during Armstrong Mill and Tates Creek longer at: http://lexfairhome.mlorg.
Pride Month! For further information, Roads). P—FLAG is open to anyone The afflua‘ ”BL is now: http://qxnet/
contact John Eastwood at 606-269- who has need of support or is willing Jefi/fa'meSS/fa'mess'htm"
6969 (okay *0 leave message on to offer support to people, including
maChlneli or rainbear@qx.net. straight spouses, who have friends or DOJ Pride
lVll‘erweave gay, bisexual, or transgendered. we want to help you get the support t
Join us Sunday, Feb. 21 after you need to make it in this stressful ,
the Sunday Service for our next MCC Events line of work. We are working togeth— l
monthly luncheon. We will be making The Metropolitan Community er to make a network of “family” in l
plans to co-host a Coffee House with Church is sponsoring a movie night the business of helping others. All :
Wishing Chair in March. For more on the second Friday of the month. information regarding membership in l
information call Davina (271-6174) February's movie night will take DOJ Pride is strictly confidential. If ;
place at 1233 Oaklawn park! 700 you are working in law enforcement, i
dl/lt'ss (Vafzntins pm, the 12th. The film will be corrections, fire, emergency medical ,1
. . .. .. servrces or any other part of the pub— .
The Roya' Sove’e'gn 'mper'a' StraWber'y 8‘ Choco'ate p'Oduced lic safety field call Skeet (277—0450) 9
Court is having a Miss Valentine con- by Robert Redford and .Miramax Scotty (273—6111) or Robin (321- ,
test on Wed, Feb 10_ Ms. Jordon Films in Cuba. It was nominated for 8526) for more information. ;

 Rediscovering Our History that he applied within the black civil Although no one believed this lie,
rights movement. He also worked Rustin offered King his resrgnatlon
Bayard Rustin and became friends with A. Philip and much to his surprise, King
Gay Black Civil Rights Leader Randolph, Brotherhood of Sleeping- accepted it.
by Mary Crone car Porters Union, who became a For over two years Rustin was
Watching Out of the Past last father figure and supporter for the not involved in the civil rights leader-
month on Public Television, I was rest of his life. ship, although he had many opportu—
surprlsed and delighted to see ln 1955-56, Rustin went to nities for pursuing his commitments
Bayard Rustin profiled as a major Montgomery to join the leadership of to nonviolence and human rights in
civil rights activist for four decades the bus boycott. He had already other areas. in l963 the Leaders of
who was also an out gay man. organized numerous protests in the various Civil Rights organizations
Bayard Rustin: Troubles l’ve Seen, south and was known and respected debated asking Rustin to help orga-
by Jervis Anderson provided infor- by other leaders for his creative nized the March on Washington.
mation for this brief look at his life. Strategies and commitment to nonvi- Roy Wilkins (NAACP) and Whitney
Bayard Rustin was raised as a olence. In the months spent in Young (National Urban League) were
Quaker and lived a life of commit— Montgomery, Rustin drew up plans reluctant to include him, butA. Philip
ment to nonviolence and human for what became the Southern Randolph spoke of his genius at
rights work. As a young adult he Christian Leadership Conference organizing, saying that he was per-
worked and traveled extensively with (SCLC) and strategized to make Dr. haps the only man who could pull
the Fellowship of Reconciliation. He Martin Luther King Jr. a nationally together all the aspects of this effort
was a conscientious objector during know leader. in the little time they had remaining.
World War ll and worked with the The Montgomery Bus Boycott Randolph, with the support of
War Resister’s League. ln l940 he and Dr. King did capture the attention John Lewis, Student Nonviolent
was granted exemption from the ser- of America. Rustin worked closely Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
vice as a conscientious objector; with King for the next four years as and Dr. King, SCLC, won agreement
being a quaker was enough to quali- the civil rights movement gained from his more conservative col-
fy for one of the options offered as national support. leagues that as long as Randolph’s
alternative service to the country. The fact that Rustin was gay name remained as the official direc-
Atter consideration Bayard decided was never a secret, although it did tor of the March, Rustin should be
not to accept the alternative service, trouble some of the people with asked to organize and coordinate the
but to make his protest of war more whom he worked. After one arrest event.
substantial by not accepting what he for “deviant sexual practices," friends It did not take long for critics of
saw as a privilege not offered to suggested to Rustin that he get ther- the March to attack Rustin. Senator
other war resisters, certainly not to apy to cure him so that he would not Strom Thurmond called him a com-
many black men. He was incarcerat- embarrass the organizations he munist, a draft dodger and a sexual
ed and spent most of his three year worked for further. Although Rustin pervert. Even though this was exact-
sentence in a federal prison in himself never seems to have been ly what conservative black leaders
Ashland, Kentucky. He continued his ashamed of his orientation, it was a had feared, this time they all stood
work in prison, claiming and winning time when even liberals thought of strongly behind Rustin. Randolph
the right to read non-censured books homosexuality as an illness. spoke publically of his pride in the
and magazines and working to end Rustin‘s homosexuality was work Bayard Rustin had done for the
racial segregation. made a political issue in l960, when civil rights movement and was doing
After his release from prison, Congressman Adam Clayton Powell for the March. Criticism of the March
Rustin returned ‘0 the FGHOWShiD 0“ spoke publicly warning of “sinister continued, but Rustin was no longer
Reconciliation At ”‘3‘- time, hewas influences“ endangering the civil a target.
one 0‘ the few DECKS 'n the pacrfist rights movement. Privately, he There continued to be disagree-
movement where .he learned-the threatened to publicize that Rustin ments but it was clear that Rustin
strategies 0f nonvrolent opposrtron and King were having an affair. was the only man who could orga—
EL§6 P355 4

 , nize the March. Rustin was criticized I have been fascinated to redis— In Business
l for placing Dr. King last on the pro— cover this piece of our history. lgrew From time to time we like to ;
I gram, partly because of concern that up during this time. I watched the highlight gay owned and gay friendly ,

people would start to leave But no water hoses flattening people my businesses particularly those that 1
i one wanted t0 Speak after King, age in the streets, and was shocked have advertised with us We would l
- knowing the power he possessed. when five little girls were killed in the encourage you to patronize these 1
- Rustin chose wisely. At the end of bombing of the 16th St. Baptist businesses letting them know you 3
; the day, when King rose and dellv- Church in Birmingham. After watch- saw their ad in the GLSO News l
i ered “l Have A Dream", America lis- ing the March on Washington, l was A new Sponsor of our newsletter ‘
f tened. We are still listening to those able for the first time to speak up in is Mr Goodcents Subs and Pastas
; words; a crowning moment in disagreement when afriend, actually Theyvare located in The Marketplace Q
' American History. a gay boy that ' was "dating", made a next to the Lexington City Brewery
. in Out of the Past, John Lewis slight disparaging remark about the You can enter this shopping area j
I (SNCC, now a Congressman) says March. i told him how moved I was from Broadway or from Virginia Ave l
a “without Bayard Rustin, the March by Dr. King’s speech and how I would See their ad including an offerfor $5 i
) would have been a bird without always remember that day. off on page 15 They are open for i
t wings...He brought us all together. I also remember Bayard Rustin lurich and dinner hours are 10 to 9
- We have not had the raw courage to from that time period but never knew Mon -Thrus 10 to 10 Fri and Sat
.| honor this man, because he was a he was gay until last month. How the Gift Garden at105 North
1 homosexual." empowering it would have been for Limestone has also recently adver-

Rustin continued his work until my friend and myself to have known tlsed with us They carry pride items
'T his death at age 751 He was eulo- Rustin was gay as we watched his KY and UK. souvenirs cards can: 1
it glzed by Lane Kirkland, AFL'CIO’ speech at the 93 March dies and other gift items, They’are in
‘) thus: “He traveled the world on If you would like to see Bayard the process of expanding to carry ,
It behalf of the helpless, the homeless. Rustin and other historic lesbigay- flowers They are located between
i' the poor, the exploited. He under- trans people on film, come and watch Short and Main
5 stood and he taught that human free- Out of the Past at the Pride Center The Sills Inn .1—800 number was
1- dom wasaseamless fabric that all of on Sun. Feb 14. Come for chili , _ _ ,
9 us have to repair whenever or wher- beginning at 5 pm. (:53) Free film misprinted in sponsorship ad last
8 ever it is torn." will start at 6:30. Story on page 2. month. it is 1-800-526-9801 1
)f I O O I
f Do you belleve 111 speaklng out
0 O I O
2 111 the face of 1nJust1ce?
d M
,e ‘
lg ~
11 l 3564 CLAYS MILL RD. ,
at i
. ' 2 23 -2448
_ ' ' ' l
GLSO Page 5

 One “01'” Film PM town Library at 2_ pm we Wi" show Lesbian Congresswoman
The One World Film Festival is three award wrnnrng Appalshop doc- January 6 marked the historic
another project of the Pew Civic umentarres made by Kentucky swearing in of out lesbian Tammy
Entrepreneurs, part of the One World teenagers , A number or the-teens Baldwin (Democrat) as the US.
Festival that included the successful d"‘?°t°rs M” be ”959m t°_d'scuss Representative for Wisconsin's
DanCelebration in November. Our the" work and a reception Wm follow. Second District. Baldwin is the first
goals are to learn about the variety of . We W'" 595° b9 showrng some candidate ever to win initial election
cultures now represented in mm at the Universrry 0f Ken‘PCW {33 to the Congress as an open gay or
Kentucky, to enjoy some of what part. of their Cultural Drversrty lesbian. Other gay members of
these cultures have to offer, and to Festival. UK has gotten POW" ’n the Congress such as Barney Frank
celebrate our growing diversity. A Delta, a new release wedded by came out while in office.
number of lesbigaytrans organiza- Maya Angelou and staring A"? Baldwin told the Washington
tions have donated to the One World Woodard and Weslre Snipes “"3 Post that, "I have frequently said I will
Festival and I hope that members of film opened t9 great revrews but '0)” do more to advance gay and lesbian
our community will turn out for one or attendance 'r‘ a few crtres- m civil rights in this country if I become
more movies. December. Th's has pee" ,a We?“ the Congressperson associated with
A number of films will be shown him t9 9% 't IOOKS "k8 Mrramax 'fs health care for everyone, who just
between February 26 and March 8. shelvrng 't‘ I éncourage you to see 't happens to be a lesbian."
We are in negotiation to get Serving now‘ Other filmsare being SChgd' Baldwin believes that ‘The more
in Silence, The Marguerit uled. Wewrll publish a complete film people who have the opportunity to
Cammermeyer Story, which we schedule in the March issue of GLSO know and work with openly gay and
hope to show free at the Public News. You may also call Mary Crone lesbian people, the more acceptance
Library. On Feb 28th at the down- for information. and tolerance there will be."
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 One Perspective groups and cliques, who gather often pm. Admission is free.

ic by Heinette F. Jones for fun and comradery. There is Directed and produced by

1y . comfort, affirmation and a feeling of Marion Eggs and narrated by Esther

3‘ There are a guesstrmated 300 safety from being with those who are Rolle, this award winning film traces

'3 African American lesbians in the most like you. At the same time, the development of stereotypes

st Bluegrassm We can be seen in these closed clusters of likeness filter which have fueled racist prejudice,

m mass at events SUCh as the Martin out difference. Difference is organic; ignorance, and hatred in our country 1

3r Luther King Day celebrations Or the it promotes growth. It reinforces the over the last 170 years. Using 5

of Rome and Heritage Festival. The reciprocal benefits of organizations images from cartoons, advertising, {

,k complete opposite iS true for atten— that are open to all lesbians and seek household artifacts, films and even 1
dance at iUhChOhS that invite les- varietal representation. children’s rhymes, this documentary 1

)n bians. The difference in audience If some degree of unity is to be shows how dehumanizing carica- I

rill numbers iS more than "just the way it the goal of the community, then there tures of African Americans have

m is"; it’S about identity. must be a willingness from all sides been used to influence our beliefs

we in We area race, hOi sexuality, is to be seen and to be heard. There is and emotions. ‘

th Shii one 0i the primary factors that nothing golden about silence or invis- While it may be easy for us to

st influences participation decisions. ibility. lf unity is not the goal, then we find some of the images created in
This is net heWS- Kentucky W33 hUiii need do nothing and things will con— the lBOOs ridiculous (but nonetheless ‘

re 0” separation, and today there are tinue as is. horrifying), we must question if these .

to 3h“ many VOidS- The lesbian com- So, how are we going to enter images are still buried deep in the

1d munity is a microcosm that contains the next century? American psyche. What damaging ‘

:e the same issues as the larger com- Intercultural Lesbians! stereotypes are we perpetuating .
mUnity. (1) Latest Bluegrass African American population statistics taken todaY?

'- it is ideal 10 think the term ‘ieS' 3’:&§T§§%§éi£§$fi£§§cofiiiflfigimfi As a community that suffers
bian’ possess a powerful uniting ”yz'm””‘”“"°"y‘”°‘“ms““m‘m'm’ from stereotyping and prejudices, we l
quality that transcends race, ethnici- as lesbi a {ans eo le need to :
ty, religion, culture, and all else. in Ethnic Nations raise our9 cfinsciouisnepss about all ,
the real world we are an amicable in honor of Black History Month forms of oppression. Depending on
and voluntarily segregated communi- and to offer our community the the success of this event, we could 1
ty. This includes all lesbians, not just opportunity to discuss race relations, meet regularly to talk about these :
blacks and whites. We have never GLSO is showing the excellent docu- issues. The GLSO discussion group i
been one big happy family. mentary Ethnic Notions, Black meeting on Wednesdays is another

There are shifting and overlap— People in White Minds at the Pride possible forum for these discussions.
ping subdivisions of families, friends, Center Monday, February 22 at 7:00 (See page 2 for more information) ‘
Become involved 1
y " C ' 332'SOuihiond Drive Network And Pride Planning .
Lexrngton, KY 40503
. . “6% (606) 260-1048 Tues. Feb 16, 6:30 i
' (606) 260-2071 Fax and .
0 . Pink Pages Meeting .
Howard Stovall .
i Owner/General Manager wed' Feb 24’ 7:00 1
_ T he Pride Center, 387 Waller Ave. ,

 assassis assia‘ss ”ls ss as: Eliaill-slits: _ Eis 'ss‘ls‘ E1351 as sl‘asl‘ssiéi ‘EmELJs-sf‘ss "a“ '1'? a as‘sss:ama:;s st? sass ai‘.:;:-.sssa"ss 'séssz'a s,,,s‘isss stalls as A I F A I F I
MOVEABLE 7:00 pm Women‘s l:30 pm PFLAG Chsspel 6:00 pm Frontrunners (wp) 7:00 pm Men’s 7:30 pm Gayl/LesbianAA 9:00 am Frontmnners
FEAST Basketball (Seaton Gym) (Hill Presbyterian Church) 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum)
8:00 pm AA Step Study Support Group 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm (ray/Lesbian AA
EVERY DAY 7:00 pm MCC Study Grp (Student Center) >
all slit-ll: ll. 7:30 pm Discussion Group , %
am a: as ,s: .3, (Domrtown Library) '- N, a, ‘ "~
riI‘,‘:,i'.s‘,;“m:}i..!iiii'wil a 8:00 Pm Gay/Lesbian AA _ p: .5, J, Ail ‘
is as as aaaaasa as fl 7“— fl" ”:5 — "_ v“ as (1:; jjj‘: - I _ ' ‘
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Board Mtg 7: 30 pm Fairness 6:00 pm Frontrunners ('wp) 7:00 pm Men’s 7:30 pm Gay/7Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners
l l:30am LMCC (Pride Center) Lexington (Pride Center) 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum)
6:00 pm Dignity 7:00 pm Women's Support Group 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
6:00 pm SisterSound Basketball (Seaton Gym) 7:00 pm MCC Study Grp (Student Center) 8:00 pm Moonshine Bears
rehearsal 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:30 Discussion Group (Crossings) e S t 3 ur ant
7:30 pm Coust Chili Supper CDmmtown Library)
(Regina’s) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA .
9:00pm Conn Miss 55 7 S. Limestone
Valentine (Club Ml) L . K
exmgton y
__.___ _.___._ ____ ____.___ ___.___ 3 o
! ‘t-l.ssls'as:sas as: ‘fi "l? is 3:2 :s all
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm Women's 6:30 pm Networking 6:00 pm Frontruiiners (wp) 7:00 pm Men’s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners 25 3 -00 1 4
1 l:30 am LMCC Basketball (Seaton Gym) Potluck (Pride Center) 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum)
5:00 pm Chili Dinner 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:00 pm Pride Planning Support Group 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA f
(Pride Center) Session (Pride Center) 7:00 pm MCC Study Grp (Student Center) .
6:00 pm Fihri _ _~ 7:30 pm Support Group eaturlng the famous
(Pride Center) ULS( ) NEWS DEADLINE (Downtown Library RmB) ‘XI
6:00 pm SisterSound SUBMIT ADDITIONS 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Alfalfa eekend BrunCh
rehearsal AND/OR CORRECTIONS 9:00 pm Men’s Chorus '
6:30 pm Film (Pride Ctr) FOR NEXT CALENDAR Drag Show (Bar Complex) SCfVlng blueberry
_____ 273-9649 __ _ _ buckwheat pancakes,
'33? .iiiii i??? ii“? Is: .323? sill: if? as .;;s: .QF‘ '3" .
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm Women‘s 6:00 pm Frontrunners (up) 7:00 pm Men’s 7:00 pm LMCC Games 9:00 am Frontrunners eggs benedlCt aI‘nOld,
11:30 am LMCC Basketball (Seaton Gym) 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Chorus Rehearsal Night (Arboretum) - h l
12:15 pm Interweave 7:00 pm Film/Discussion Support Group 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Spanls ome ettes
Potluck (UU Chuch) (Pride Center) 7:00 pm Pink Pages Com~ (Student Center) One World Film Festival
6:00 pm Dignity 8:00 pm AA Step Study mittee Mtg:(Pricle Ctr.) (Downtown Public Library) gourmet dCSSCITS,
6:00 pm SisterSound 7:00 pm MCC Study Grp (see article)
rehearsal 7:30 pm Support Group and mUCh more
(Dovmtown Library Rm B) '
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
_ __ _. _ __ W ._____ __.__.__ All of our breads and
sass: .
10:45 am UU Church desserts are [)3de dally
6:00 pm SisterSound rehsl 11] our kltChCl’l
One World Film Festival ., . . . ., ,: a . . : ,. . as ,
(Downtown Public Librar)y Iii as aaf as arts; El]? sass alga a :3; is s, : z; ‘ja alas sail-a, 3E, I :as, 515M: til: slings as a; a; ail a; a as: ,
L (see article)
Free Evening Parking

 1‘ fli
The Bar Complex 1‘ . g: /
invites you to WM
the first Kentucky ‘
showing by renowned ~
Key West angst .


Reception: 5—9pm .
February 6, 1999 i\\\
Show runs: \\\\
February 6-28, 1999lf§§

 What Do You Mean, Macaroni Tam came home that night after The other night, Tam and l
& Cheese Isn’t a Vegetable”!!! work and told me she was willing to agreed, as we were staring into the
by Kelly O’Ferrell try giving up meat. We've eaten fridge, that we couldn’t believe we
“Motivated action is doing it more cheese sandwiches, bean bur— actually had tofu in our refrigerator. it
because there is a lack if you ritos, spaghetti and chill in the last felt like we'd just earned a new
don’t...trying to perform action that month than i care to remember. For badge in the Lesbian Scouts.
someone else wants you to per- some reason, we‘ve not been willing Have we eaten any of that new
form....[lnspired action] you do by to go any further. food? Well, I tasted the soy milk and
talking about what you want and why As a matter of fact, I believe l‘ve i just added 2 Tbls's of the dry milk
you want it. That will bring you to the done what Ell’ve done many times powder to my instant oatmeal-main-
vibrational connection with who you before - went all the way too soon. ly because I read that dry milk pow-
are, and from that place you will be Instead of slowly m1 eating meat - der added nutritional value and l hap-
inspired to the how, and the who, and going from 7 days to 6 to 5... - I went pened to have some for the first time.
the when, and the where." Abraham cold turkey. Tam helped out in the So, why did we make this agree-
The Science of Deliberate Creation first weeks by reminding us that we ment with one another? If Tam and l
were just doing this "one day at a don’t speak the words, we will forget.
Tammy, my partner, came time" - sometimes “one meal" at a lcan feel myself falling off the veg-
through the do” afew weeks 390 time. etable wagon. There's hamburger in