xt79057cv91m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79057cv91m/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1940 Prepared by the North Carolina Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Professional and Service Projects, North Carolina Historical Commission; 9 leaves, 28 cm; Typescript (photocopy); Included bibliographical references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:N 81 c/ser.9/no.10 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina, Miscellaneous Agencies, Series IX, Number 10 North Carolina Rural Electrification Authority text Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina, Miscellaneous Agencies, Series IX, Number 10 North Carolina Rural Electrification Authority 1940 1940 2015 true xt79057cv91m section xt79057cv91m ·   V 7/   H|N|\[ER$lIV`OTT§NYu$KY  `  
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ié ,h ‘ Inventory of the State
ré Archives of North Caroline
gi Series IX
gg Miscellaneous Agencies
: ii ....-.....
Ei NO. 10
ii North Carolina _
ig Rural Electrification Authority
ii North Carolina Historical
}E- Records Survey Project
gl Division of Professional
Q   and
gf Service Projects
iiji Work Projects Administration
i; Raleigh, H. C.
g { January 1940
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Q The records of the North Carolina Rural Electrification Authority,
C both those records kept by the Emergency Relief Administration project
1 and the records accumulated by the Authority since its creation in 1935,
» are kept in its offices, rooms 5lO-5ll, of the Revenue Building, South
t Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. The building, erected in 1926,
is constructed of brick, steel, and concrete with a granite facing. The
. offices have concrete floors overlaid with hardwood and steel window
Q 7. Public Laws, 1935, c. 288, s. 2.
_ ii- Ibid., s. 5.

E ·,
J :
 I; "' 4. "
é easements. They are well-lighted, well-ventilated, and clean.
Q Conditions of storage and facilities for the use of records are
~g good, There is ample space for expansion of record files. The records
;§ are divided approximately as follows: seventy percent in room 5lO and
Q thirty percent in the chairman’s office, room 5ll.
j glph, ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alphabetical (ly)
  Sip]-)TOX• • • s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • &ppI`OXll;l3.t€  
“ arr. .................. arrange, arrangement
‘ c, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . chapter (s)
; chron. . . . . . ..... . ..... . . . chronological (ly)
· E, d, ..................... file drawer (s)
hdw. ....................... handwritten l
J ibid, . . . . . . . . . .......... the same reference
ne., nos. ....................... number (S)
” num, ....................... numerically
( p,, pp. ........................ page (5)
pr. fm. .............. . ....... printed forms
rm. ...¤....... . .............. room
s (S) . ..¤.................. . section (s)
-- ........ . .... . . . . . . current or to date
x ......... . ......... by (in dimensions)
( Exact titles on volumes or containers are written in all capitals
_l without brackets.
_f Descriptive titles, written in all capitals and enclosed in brackets,
p have been assigned to records having no exact titles on volumes or con-
f tainers.
; Explanatory titles written with initial ca itals and enclosed in
4 - •. 3
{ brackets, have been added to exact titles which are misleading or are not
r sufficiently descriptive of record content.
tg If units of a record have distinguishing numbers, letters, or other
{ labeling, such labeling is indicated in parentheses as following the state-
Q ment of quantity in the title line.
Z Third-oararra h cross references are used to indicate relationshi
.L n) ·
3 between records in other entries, or to refer to records of similar
Q nature contained in other entries.
¤ Dimensions of volumes or record containers are given in inches.
i Number of papers contained, as shown in title lines, is approximate
§ total number covered by the entry.
Q Unless otherwise indicated the condition of a record is assumed to
§ be good or excellent.
Qin l

 M E
li »4'  - 5 -
fa  `
j __ · manu-tes ·
Q, 1. [MINUTES], June 15, 1935--. 1 vol.
g — ·` Hinutes of meetings, showing date, attendance roster, business discussed,
Q and applications for formation of electric membership corporations re-
g viewed. Entries arr. chron. by date of meeting. No index. Typed. 250
3 pp. 12 x 9 x lg. Rm. 510.
Ii ,
E Correspondence
E 2. [GERERAL CORRESPONDENCE], July 1, 1935--. 5,600 papers in
l 2 f. d. (labeled by contained letters of alphabet).
Q General correspondence with state, county, and city officials, pro-
i spective consumers, power companies, and electrical building contractors
l relative to power lines, subscriptions, building of lines and substations,
l surveys, statistics, and other official business. Arr. alph. by name of
E correspondent; thereunder chron. No index. Typed and hdw. 10 x 12 x ld.
  am. sic.
‘ North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration Survey
Q 3. LETTERS AND INFORMATION SURVEY, 1934-55. 5,600 papers in 2 f. d.
1; Field ins ector's reports to director of Rural Electrifieation Committee
i of North garolina Emergency Relief Adndnistration, including reports of
Q weekly activities and questionnaires filled in by electrical engineers
E seeking work on county lines; correspondence between field inspectors and
Q director of Rural Electrification committee; and weekly expense accounts
§ and copies of North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration vouchers.
Q Arr. in folder alph, by name of county or name of inspector. No index.
g Typed, hdw., and mimeographed. 1O x 12 x 18. Rm. 511.
g 4. PROPOSED LINES DATA, 1934-55. l@,4*O papers in Q f. d. (labeled
Q by contained letters of alphabet).
§ Information on proposed lines compiled by field inspectors, including
§ report on estimate of load, demand, rcvcnue to be expected, and resume of
g the location for each line, electrical data showing ,’·. name of prospects,
g electrical appliances to be installed, and farm data when available;
E statistics on line right-of—way showing acres cleared, unclearod, esti-
`§ mated cost of materials, name of station to supply power, and number of
Q poles needed; statistical report on distribution of current over existing
T lines, giving for each line detail of construction voltage, distance in
§ miles, and line number; and maps indicating present and proposed lines
§ end location of substations, Arr. alph. by name of county; thereunder _
gs Hum. by line no. No index, Typed, hdw., and mimoographcd. 10 x 12 x 24.
,  Rm. 511.
g For compiled reports, see entry 5.
{ 1 vol. V
Q1 Statistics compiled from field inspectors’ reports on rural electrifi-
Q cation giving data on existing transmission lines, proposed line extensions,

l  ,i.  
Y  6 1
Q and existing substations, and containing map of each county indicating
p_ present and proposed lines with remarks by field inspector. Arr. alph.
pi by name of county. No index. Hdw; on pr. fm. and nap drawings. 98 pp,
§ 14 x 15 X 3/4. Rm. 511.
Q For data from.which statistics are prepared, seo entry 4.
Q s
% Records of lines and Corporations V
g 6. CO-OPBRATIVES, LETTERS, nND DATA, July 1, 1935--. 2OO papers
l§ in l f. d. 1
Q Miscellaneous file containing;
Q i. Bulletins, n. d., containing statistics and general infor-
3 mation mailed to members of county co-operatives.
i ii. Correspondence with state, county, and city officials,
g prospective consumers, and power companies regarding
f county electric corporations, maps, and statistics. ;
f iii. Lists, 1957-39, of county electric membership corporations
2 showing name and address of corporation, estimated cost
Q of project, name of builder, name of project supervisor,
v and date.
7; iv. Membership survey tabulation report showing name of elec-
g tric membership corporation, name of county, date of
y; report, name and address of each prospective consumer,
~l fees paid, distance from.road, guaranteed monthly revenue,
{ and signature of secretary.
E Arr. in folders by subject; correspondence arr. thereunder alph. by sur- y
Q name of author. No index. Typed and hdw. lO x 12 x lO. Rm, 510.
Q 7. APPLICLJIONS FOR LINES, July 1, 1955--, 4OO papers in 2 f. d.
§ (labeled by contained letters of alphabet),
Q Applications, in form of correspondence with power companies and indi-
Q viduals, for lines proposed and under construction, showing address and
Q location of prospective consumers and information pertaining to line
Q extensions and approximate cost of service. Arr. alph. by name of county.
é No index. Typed and hdw.8 lO x 12 x 10. Rm. 5lO.
._‘, g ror maps, seo entry .
,% 8. CO-OPEHATIVES LAP, n. d. 120 papers in 1 f. d.
§ Maps, showing location of proposed and present power outlets, details of
1% power lines, and location of suhstations. Also contains pamphlets and
Q bulletins on electrical statistics in North Carolina and other states
pg used for purposes of comparison. Maps arr. slph. by name of county;
Q pamphlets and bulletins arr. by subject. No index. Typed, pr., and
Q mimcographed and hand-drawn. 10 x 12 x 12. Rm. 510.
§ For applications, see entry 7.
g Financial Records
Q 9. [asrcsrs TO BUDGDH BUREAU], July 31, 1955--. l post binder.
Q Monthly reports to the Budget Bureau as follows: Monthly Report on the
Q. Budget, Form B.B. 701, showing purpose and amount of expenditure;
V  ]J:

"` h
: ?€ _ 7
i  1
} Monthly Report on.Appropriation and Allotment, Form B.B. 702l, showin;
ay total appropriation, how allotted, total transaction, unexpended, out-
’ % Standing obligations, and unencumbered allotment; Voucher Register, Form l
,5 B.B. 801, showing voucher number, payee, purpose and amount; Pay Roll,
%l Form E.B. 80ll, showing voucher number, payee, position, and amount; i
g Voucher Register A/c Classification, Form B.B. 802, shoving summaries of
§ vouchers to date; Receipts Register, Form B.B. 804, showing date, receipt 4
% number, from.whom, purpose, amount, and total; and Receipts Register A/c
Li Classification, Form b.B. 805, showin; summaries of totals to date. Also
é contains: departmental budget for biennium, Form B.B. 507; notification
g of allotments for quarter, Form B.B. 502, transmittal of the estimates,
Q Form B.B. l00l; estimates of the amounts required for the biennium, Form
E B.B. 1002; statement supporting Form B.B. l002, Form B.D. l004; and inter-
Q office communication, Form B.B. 606-706. Arr. chron. by year; thereunder
3 chron. by quarter; and thereunder chron. by month. No index. Typed on
C 7 '
yi pr. fm. 175 pp. l0 x l2 x lg. Rm. 510.
  .   .,..   ,7. a, 7. -7 i -,
E l0, [VObCn£h nnAmnhfS, STATMLEETS, BILLS, MECEIPTS], July ll, 1935--,
g 2 vols.
} Carbon copies of statements, bills, receipts, and vouchers for payment
ip of salaries and other expenses of the Authority. Arr. chron. by year;
iq thereunder chron. by month. Typed and hdw. on pr. fm. and pr. heads.
[Q dG5 pp. l0 x l2 X 5. Rm. 5lO.
l Miscellaneous
W ll, CLIPPIHGS, lQ55--, 5,500 papers in l f. d.
ig Press clippings relative to activities of the North Carolina Rural
Q Electrification Authority. Arr. alph. by name of county or by topic.
{ No index. Pr. l0 x l2 x 22. Rm. 5ll.
zi T
3} ~
4 15  '

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2. -, . ~ M Y Q
    1JIBL;OGR;ar‘; ;Y [
rg Ngrth C0,r0l1n0. Mcmual (PU`DllCC.L1OTl of the L<2g1slcxt1vc Rcfcrcncc Llbrury),  
  Raleigh, li)57. l
  . . T M .  
  PU.b].lC Laws OI ROINJLI CS.2`O].;L1'lC.•  
A   United Sizcvlzcs St0»t¤.·.’ccs :11: Lcmgm,  
R {

  5 g
‘  X `- -r i
  é ILJDEA. 3
1 f  
  (Unoerlined numerals refer to pages, others to entries) A
  Abbrcvisti¤nS, list of, jg N<>:.·th carolina., i2mo;~ge¤C;,» zgcijbr igdmimn.
p g AppliG€~JG1C>l'lS S'b1`C.ti0n Rural Electrificcztion Com-
 pj for electric membership corpor·· mittee p
  ations, 2, 5, 1 correspondence with field in- l
  for power linens-, 7 speetors, 2 l
  reports of field inspectors, 5, i
N g Bills, for expenses, lO 4, 5 l
  Budsget Burwu, reports tc, 9 I-Forth Csrolima Rural Elect:·ii`ie;;tion
  Bulletins, 6, 8 Authority, l-5
  corresponlgenee, 2, 3, 5
  Clippings, newspapers, ll minutes, l
  Co-operative map, 8 newspaper clippings, ll
  Correspondence reports to Budget Bureau, 9
Y Z Authority North Carolina. State College, l
C. , with electrical building "
  contractors, 2 l":~mphle·ts, 8 l
 Q- with power corxjpenics, 2, 6, 7 Po·1;·er lines
ff l with prospective consumers, copliesrtionc for, 7
pi ? 2, Gii mo,j,>s, Q, 5, 8
F  with public of`jTici:=.ls, 2, Gii prenent, LL, 5, 8
 g_  llorth Caroline }$1.1ergeneyE`ielief proposed, 4;, 5, 7, 8
  j_ct;;inis·tr::tion L`resident of the l?;iitod States, l
  See North Caroline Emergency M
 Q nnjlelief .f`,dlElllllSJGl`£i`l?lOll Qus.;tionn:—.ries, clcetricnl »;:;·;gi.neers, 5
  Electric ziembership corporations Receipts, for pcgmont of bills, lO
l  spplicstions for, 2, 3, l Reports
  list of, 6iii M -· of jfield insp·:ctors, 5-5
:  membership survey, 6iv 121·S:;11`eership survey t{bul;tion, 6
;5  Electrical building contractors, 2 to liuniggot liurc-au, 9
i t Electrical engineers, question- liursil Elloctrifieation Let, _l*
  ncires, 5 Yluril T1Jlectrii“ie¤tion _Ante, e;;p·;:;1s<;s pcicl, lO
  Field inspectors¥ reports, 3-5* Substetions, locations, of, 4, 5, 8
 C Governor, appointments by, l United Stutes G·ovor;x;ent,  
·¢  `_ Utilities Coztmission,  
it  Laps, power lines, 4-6, 8
, 3 Efiinutes, l Vouchers, 5, lO
  `jfe; v:.r, D. S., ll
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