xt79057crz24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79057crz24/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1966-12-dec13. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1966-12-dec13. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1966-12-dec13. 1966 1966-12-dec13. 2011 true xt79057crz24 section xt79057crz24 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, December 13, 1966

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Board
Room of the Administration Building on the campus of the University at 10:00
a.m. , Eastern Standard Time, in regular meeting as provided in KRS 164. 170,
with the following members present: Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairman,
Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Vice Chairman, Dr. H. B. Murray, Secretary, Mr.
William R. Black, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Mr. Richard
E. Cooper, Mr. Sam Ezelle, Dr. Harry Sparks, Mr. Clifford E. Smith, and the
two non-voting faculty members, Dr. Stephen Diachun and Professor Paul
Oberst. Absent were: Mr. Wendell PT. Butler, Dr. R. W. Bushart, Mr. Smith
Broadbent, Mr. W. F. Foster, and Mr. Floyd H. Wright. The administration
of the University was represented by President John W. Oswald and Vice
Presidents A. D. Albright, Robert F. Kerley, and Robert L. Johnson. The
various news media had representatives present. Mr. Carson Porter, President
of Student Congress, was present as a representative of the student body.

      A. Meeting Opened

      In the absence of the chairman, who was delayed in his arrival, the vice
chairman asked Dr. Stephen Diachunr to pronounce the invocation. Following the
invocation, the secretary called the roll and reported that a quorum was present.
The chairman declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at
10:05 a. m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Denham, and without
objection, so ordered by the vice chairman the reading of the Minutes of the
October 21, 1966 meeting of the Executive Committee was dispensed with and
the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. President's Report on Activities

       President Oswald prefaced his report on activities of the University com-
munity since the November meeting of the Executive Committee with the
explanation that the items in the report were merely representative of the many
and varied activities going on at the University at all times and said that copies
of the report would be mailed to faculty members, key alumni, and selected news
media throughout the state.

       Following a brief mention of each item in the report, President Oswald
read the following Resolution on the Death of Paul Garrett Blazer, Sr.



P p

              THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the University of Kentucky notes with
              sorrow the death of

                           MR. PAUL GARRETT BLAZER, SR.

              on December 9, 1966. Native of Illinois. friend and benefactor of
              the University of Kentucky, Mr. Blazer gave generously of his
              time, talent, and leadership to this institution.

              WHILE STILL A YOUNG MAN, Mr. Blazer gave evidence of the
              leadership that was to be his as he moved through the echelons which
              ultimately led to a position of persuasive influence for good in the
              world of business and industry, in the broadening spheres of
              education and public service.

              HE WAS AN ALUMNUS of William and Vashti College of Aledo,
              Illinois, and of the University of Chicago. When he established his
              home in Kentucky, he soon became involved in the cause of edu-
              cation at all levels and gave wise counsel to his associates in that
              area of public service.

              EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO the University of Kentucky gave its first of
              many public recognitions to him when, in 1948, he received the
              Sullivan Medallion. Four years later, another University award
              was bestowed, an honorary degree.

              MR. BLAZER'S interest in the University of Kentucky continued
              throughout his life and he and his family not only made possible
              buildings and programs on the campus and elsewhere, but through
              his generosity young scholars were afforded an education. His
              interest in the University was never aloof, but always warm and

              IN 1960 the University of Kentucky Press published a book entitled,
              BLAZER AND ASHLAND OIL, and in 1965 tribute was paid to him
              again by the University when he and his family received a special
              Centennial Medallion.

              OTHER INSTITUTIONS of higher learning also gave him deserved
              honors, among them Centre College and Pikeville College of
              Kentucky, and Marshall University of Huntington, West Virginia.

              MANY A YEAR will pass before another dedicated leader comes
              forward to carve the same enduring mark which Paul Garrett Blazer
              Senior has left upon this earth and in the hearts and minds of his
              fellow Kentuckians.


      THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the University of Kentucky, re-
      calling his invaluable contributions to this institution, directs that
      copies of this resolution be spread upon the December 1966
      minutes and be transmitted to the fanmily of a steadfast and loyal
      f riend.

      Mr. Sam Ezelle', as a representative of labor in the state who had great
respect for Mr. Blazer, made a motion that the Resolution be adopted and
spread upon the December 1966 Minutes and a copy transmitted to Mr. Blazer's
family. Mr. Smith, as along-time personalfriend of Mr. Blazer. asked that he
be permitted to join Mr. Ezelle in his motion and upon second, duly made, it
was so ordered by the vice chairman.

       Following the adoption of the Resolution, Dr. Angelucci asked if there
were any additions to be made to the President's Report on Activities and upon
learning there were none, he ordered the report received and filed.

       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       President Oswald indicated that the items contained in PR 2, Recom-
mendations of the President, were routine in nature and that he had no special
comments to make about the report. Mr. Kerley called the attention of the
Board to page 8 of the Financial Report for the period ending November 30, 1966,
which showed Current Estimated Funds Income for the five months' period in the
amount of $70, 582, 302; and to page 11 which showed Current Funds Expenditures
in the amount of $70, 523, 326. 95. The estimated income for the five months'
period is approximately $60, 000 greater than the estimated expenditures.

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried PR 2, Recommendations of
the President, was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the
Minutes of the December 13, 1966 meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.

       E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       Dr. Oswald pointed out that the items in PR 3, Supplemental Recommen-
dations, are similar to the items contained in PR 2 but were received too late for
inclusion in PR 2 which is mailed to the Board a week in advance of each meeting.
He asked that the Board note the recommended retirements for the following
members of the University staff, calling attention to the many years of service
each has given to the University.

     Professor Shelby T. McCloy, after over 22 years of service
     Professor Arthur C. McFarlan, after over 43 years of service
     Professor Herbert Sorenson, after almost 20 years of service
     Mrs. Alice M. McDaniel. after almost 37 years of service
     Mrs. Mabel C. Rosel, after almost 17 years of service



       He also indicated that the gift from Mrs. Joseph C. Graves of her late
husband's press and library was a particularly valuable gift, not only from the
monetary standpoint, but from the fact that Mr. Graves' library contained
many out-of-print books and the hand press would permit the Library to initiate
some programs in the publications area which have not been possible heretofore.

       Governor Breathitt, who arrived while President Oswald was comment-
ing on the report, called for a motion. On motion duly made, seconded, and
carried PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President, was approved
as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the December 13,
1966 meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.

       F. Report of Secretary on Results of Alumni Association Member
Election (PR 4)

       The term of Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer as alumnus member of the Board
expires December 31, 1966. An election has been held among the alumni of the
University as prescribed by Statute and in accordance with rules and regulations
of the Board of Trustees. As secretary of the Board of Trustees, Dr. H. B.
Murray supervised the counting of the ballots and certified the results in a letter
to Dr. John Oswald under date of December 13, 1966. Dr. Murray read this
letter, a copy of which is included in PR 4 at the end of the Minutes, to the

       On motion duly made, seconded and passed the report of the secretary of
the Board of Trustees on the results of the election authorized by the Alumni As-
sociation was received and ordered put to record and he was authorized to certify
to the Governor the names of the three persons receiving the largest number of
votes, from which list a successor to Mr. Hillenmeyer would be appointed. (See
PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       G. Adjustment of Room and Board Rates (PR 5a and 5b)

       Mr. Kerley recommended that the semester room and board rates be ad-
justed to $425 effective the fall semester 1967 in the residence halls and dining
facilities and that the semester room rates for single student housing in Coopers-
town be adjusted as shown in PR 5b, a copy of which is attached. He explained
that the recommended rates were necessary because of increasing operational
costs. Mr. Smith, as Chairman of the Finance Committee, concurred and ex-
pressed the feeling that the proposed rates were both reasonable and necessary.

       On motion by Mr. Smith, seconded bv Dr. Angelucci, and without ob-
jection, the recommendations for adjustment of room and board rates in residence
halls and dining facilities and for single students residing in Cooperstown as con-
tained in PR 5a and PR 5b were approved and ordered made a part of the official
Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 5a and PR 5b at the end of the Minutes.-)


r a

             H. Report on Federal Grants Received

             Mr. Kerley reported to the Board of Trustees that the University's ap-
      plication for a loan for the classroom-office building on the Lexington campus
      in the amount of $4, 393, 000 had been approved. He explained that when the
      building is financed, the federal government will buy bonds up to this amount at
      an interest rate of 30o.

              The University has been advised that an additional grant of $714, 666 was
      approved for the Northern Community College. With the original grant of
      $361, 641, a total of $1, 076, 307 from federal funds is available to help with the
      construction of the first addition to the Northern Community College. The Uni-
      versity must finance an additional $1, 900, 000 from its own resources for this

              Applications are pending for grants amounting to $1, 200, 000 for the other
       community colleges to assist in expansion and improvement of facilities.

              The Board accepted Mr. Kerley's report and expressed gratification over
       the receipt of these grants.

              I. Report on Student Referendum on Relocation of Stadium

              At the June 17, 1966 meeting of the Executive Committee the possibility
       of relocating the stadium on approximately 150 acres of the southernmost portion
       of Coldstream Farm was discussed and the President was authorized to under-
       take all actions necessary to conduct physical and financial planning for a 50, 000
       seat stadium on the Coldstream site. Such studies and surveys are presently
       being conducted; however, several interested groups have protested moving the
       stadium to Coldstream and, in order to determine student opinion, Student
       Congress recently conducted a referendum. Mr. Carson Porter, President of
       Student Congress, was asked to report the results to the Board.

              Mr. Porter stated that 2, 905 students participated, the largest number to
       vote in any student referendum. Two questions were asked and the results are
       given below:

              1. Are you in favor of moving the football stadium from its present

                             Yes                                1, 361
                             No                                 1, 5 3 3
                             No opinion                            11

              Z. If moved, would you prefer:

                             Coldstream site                      268
                             Within walking distance of campus  2, 133
                             No opinion                           504



Mr. Porter closed his report with the statement that he felt the referendum
clearly indicated the strong feelings of the students against moving the stadium
to the Coldstream site and expressed the hope that the interests of the students
would be given serious consideration in reaching a final decision.

       Governor Breathitt, recalling his student days at the University, indi-
cated that he was most impressed with the large vote cast in the referendum and
felt that it showed a real concern on the part of the students and a deep interest
in the athletic program. He commended Student Congress for its leadership in
conducting the poll, which shows quite clearly student preference. He also
commended the University administration for allocating additional seats at the
basketball games in the student section, since the students are and should be the
main concern of the University.

       Mr. Smith thanked Mr. Porter for his excellent report and made a
motion that the Board of Trustees express its appreciation to the students for
the very fine manner in which they expressed their opinion on the problem that
is of interest not only to them but to the state as a whole. His motion was
seconded and, without discussion, it was so ordered.

       A brief discussion followed the passage of Mr. Smith's motion in which
the Board members expressed their confidence in young people in general and
in the students of the University of Kentucky in particular.

       J. Investment Counsel Authorized (FCR 1)

       Mr. Smith reminded the Board that a recommendation to engage the
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York as investment counsel to the Trustees and
the University administration, which had been presented at the September
meeting, had been referred to the Finance Committee for study and report back
to the Board. This has been done and the Finance Committee unanimously
recommends that the President be authorized to engage the Chase Manhattan
Bank, New York, as investment counsel to the Trustees and the University ad-
ministration for all investments of the University of Kentucky and its affiliated,
non-profit corporations, and that the President be authorized to appropriate the
funds necessary for payment of such counsel from the general funds of the Uni-
ve rs ity.

       He pointed out that one of the principal purposes of an investment
counsel is to place the University in a much stronger position for the receipt
of substantial contributions or gifts. The Chase Manhattan Bank is probably
the outstanding financial institution in the country in its studies and surveys of
college and university investments. Their proposed employment would not only
mean that the bank would be custodian of the securities, but would also furnish
to the University the results of their studies and surveys and would provide the
University with information relative to sources from which large contributions



might be obtained. Under the proposed contract with the bank, the bank will
not make final decisions on investments or reinvestments.  Recommendations
will be given to the Board through appropriate channels and the Board will re-
tain the right to determine whether or not it will follow the recommendations.

       Mr. Smith put the recommendation of the Finance Committee in the
form of a motion which was seconded by Dr. Murray, and without dissent, was
approved. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       K. External Audit Accepted (FCR 2)

       Copies of the audit reports of the financial records and related statements
for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1966 from the firm of Haskins and Sells were
mailed in advance of the meeting, not only to members of the Finance Committee,
but to the entire membership of the Board. Mr. Smith indicated that the Finance
Committee had reviewed the audit reports and the related statements. He
pointed out that under the present policy of the Board of Trustees, the obligations,
assets, and liabilities of the University of Kentucky and its affiliated non-profit
corporations are brought together as public records so that the administrative
officers, Board members, and the public have access to the complete financial
picture of the University-. At the last session of the Legislature, all assets and
liabilities of the University of Kentucky were presented in our budget as a matter
of public record.

       Mr. Kerley noted that a special audit was prepared of the University of
Kentucky Housinag and Dining System. Although it is also a part of the University
of Kentucky audit, it is desirable to have a separate document prepared by a
national audit firm for distribution to bond holders and investment firms showing
the operation of the facilities supporting the bonds in order to insure their
marketability. The same policy will be followed for all bonds on academic facili-
ties to maintain them in the market.

       Mr. Smith asked for a report of the Medical Center and Hospital audit
which was authorized several months ago. Mr. Kerley replied that he, Dr.
Willard, and the hospital administrator Fad gone over a draft. The final
report and the findings will be available by January 8. At that time, it will be
mailed to all Board members including members of the Hospital Subcommittee.
Incident to or prior to the January 20 meeting, the Board will be asked to con-
sider the report and representatives of Haskins and Sells will be at the meeting
to present a detailed report.

       Mr. Kerley said that the Finance Committee had requested a full inven-
tory, particularly on farm holdings  The external auditor has done this and an
internal audit is being done on the same subject.

As chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr. Snlith moved that the audit



reports and related statements which have been received and those that are to
follow be received and filed as a part of the public records of this meeting. His
motion was seconded by Dr. Denham, and without dissent, it was so ordered.
(See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.

       L. ETV Site Approved

       Mr. Hillenmeyer, Chairman of the Real Estate Committee, reminded the
members of the Board that the Executive Committee at the July 15, 1966 meeting
had made available to the Kentucky Authority for ETV approximately 2 1/2 acres
of University property opposite the football practice field on Cooper Drive. This
action was taken with the stipulation that the exact location and description of the
said property would be established jointly by the Authority and the University and
submitted to the Board for final approval. The specific description has now been
determined and, after pointing the site out on a map provided for that purpose,
Mr. Hillenmeyer made the following motion: that (1) the Board authorize the
President to execute the necessary documents to convey to the Kentucky Authority
for Educational Television a tract of land in Fayette County, Kentucky, presently
owned by the University and more particularly described as follows:

              Beginning at a point 185 feet N 580 06-1/2' W of a point
              in the east boundary of the property of the University of
              Kentucky, said point being located 494 feet S 310
              53-1/2' W of the intersection of said property line
              extended, and the center line of Cooper Drive; thence
              365 feet N 580 06-1/2' W; thence 335 feet N 310 53 1/2' E;
              thence 365 feet S 580 06-1/2' E; and thence 335 feet
              S 310 53-1/2' W to the point of beginning and containing
              2. 8066 acres more or less

and (2) the President is authorized to provide, to the Kentucky Authority for Educa-
tional Television, an easement or easements reasonably necessary for ingress
and egress to the site hereinbefore authorized to be conveyed.

       Mr. Hillenmeyer's motion was seconded by Dr. Denham. In the dis-
cussion that followed, Mr. Smith pointed out that Kentucky is one of the first, if
not the first state to receive a federal grant to assist in the development of an
ETV program.

       Governor Breathitt commented that the last Legislature had authorized
the construction of an ETV network throughout Kentucky and that the program
was being implemented as rapidly as possible. The federal grant referred to by
Mr. Smith will be most helpful since it provides money to finance the program
in forty-four counties of Eastern Kentucky, thereby releasing state money for
use in other parts of the state. The Governor added that the impact this program
would have on the state would be tremendous.



      The question was called for and Mr. Hillenmeyer's motion was passed
without dissent.

      M. Additional Land Acquisition Approved at Prestonsburg

      Mr. Hillenmeyer said the Real Estate Committee wished to make the
following recommendation: that the President be authorized to acquire in the
name of the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the use and benefit of the University
of Kentucky, either by purchase or through the exercise of the power of emi-
nent domain, two tracts of land for the purpose of expanding the plant and
extending the usefulness of the Prestonsburg Community College. The first
tract is contiguous with the present boundary of the Community College, con-
sists of approximately 10. 03 acres, and is presently owned by Mr. Graham
Porter. The second tract is contiguous with the first. consists of approximately
11. 20 acres, and is presently owned by Mrs. Susan Elliot.

       The additional land at Prestonsburg is urgently needed to provide the
necessary space for the expansion of the facilities of the college to accommo-
date a projected enrollment of 1, 350 by 1972 and for additional future enrollment

       On motion duly made, seconded and carried the recommendation of the
Real Estate Committee was approved as presented by Mr. Hillenmeyer.

       N. Easement Granted to General Telephone Company

       Mr. Hillenmeyer said the Real Estate Committee wished to recommend
approval of a routine request from the General Telephone Company for an
easement for the purpose of installing underground equipment. He added that
the granting of the easement would not interfere with the use of the property.

       The motion was made by Mr. Hillenmeyer that the President be author-
ized to convey to the General Telephone Company of Kentucky a utility easement
for buried cables on and across that narrow strip or portion of the real property
of undersigned, lying along, adjacent, and parallel to the right-of-way of., and
within 50 feet of the center line of, the Tates Creek Road, in Fayette County,
Kentucky, being a part of the property conveyed to undersigned by Percy H. Speed
and Helen S. Speed, his wife; W. MI. Ellis and Sarah A. Ellis, his wife; Claude
W. Warner and Jane Null Warner, his wife. and Martha Pettit Van Meter, a
single person, Gerry L. Calvert, as Special Commissioner of the Fayette County
Court, by deed dated September 29, 1.966, recorded in Deed Book 881, Page 121,
in the Fayette Co'intv Clerk's Office, to which deed reference is hereby made for
a more particular description of said property. Mr. Ezelle seconded the motion,
and it was passed without dissent.



       O. Meeting Recessed

       Governor Breathitt asked if there were any further business to come
before the meeting, stating that if there were not, he would entertain a motion
for adjournment.

       Mr. Smith said he wished to make a motion that the Board recess the
meeting to meet again on January 20, or such date as President Oswald may
elect. Mr. Ezelle seconded the motion, which passed without objection.

       Governor Breathitt urged the members of the Board who could do so to
attend the luncheon with members of the Executive Committee of Student Congress
and declared the meeting recessed at 11:30 a.m.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              H. B. Murray, Secretary
                                              Board of Trustees

(PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5a, PR 5b, FCR 1, and FCR 2 which follow are official
parts of the Minutes of the December 13, 1966 meeting of the Board of Trustees.


                           PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE TRUSTEES

                                     December 13, 1966


      An advisory council of community college students which will serve in a liaison
capacity with the University President and the Dean of the Community College System now
is in process of formation, At a meeting with President Oswald and Dean Ellis F.
Hartford in early December, representatives of student government groups in the
community colleges agreed in principle to the organization of such a council, The
structure and functions of the council now are being discussed among student government
leaders at the separate colleges, A second meeting with the President and Dean Hartford
is to be held in January,


      Automation, in the form of information-retrieval systems, soon will bring wide-
spread transformation to the nation's libraries, Development of a graduate curriculum
for training the "information scientists" who can establish and operate these systems
effectively is a major goal of the Department of Library Science, under the direction
of its new chairman, Dr. Lawrence Allen,

      Although the concept of the librarian as a custodian of books is widely accepted
as outmoded, the librarian's new role as an information scientist still is not fully
developed, says Dr. Allen,  It is clear, however, that as libraries move to supply the
demands placed upon them by the "information explosion" of the past decade, they will
require more and more personnel trained in the use of computers for instant retrieval
of information,

      It is probable that more printed matter of a scholarly nature has been produced
in the last 10 years than in all previous publishing history, according to Dr. Allen,
Science and technology have given libraries the systems for coding this flood of printed
matter and storing it in space of minuscule proportion.   It is now possible, literally,
to store the contents of 1,000 books in a space equivalent to the head of a pin, In the
not distant future, Dr. Allen believes, a library patron will need only to push a button
to have the information he seeks flashed on a screen before him- The information could
be transmitted from one part of a library to another or between libraries a continent
apart. Training personnel who can operate these libraries of the future is among the
major plans of the Department of Library Science,


- 2 -


      More than 400 unemployed Breathitt County fathers are learning the importance
of preventive dental care for their children as part of a program sponsored by the
University through the Department of Community Dentistry. The men, participants
in the Work-Experience and Training Program, spend six hours a week in classes at
the Adult Education Center in Quicksand, About three-fourths of them take elementary
level subjects, the remainder high school subjects,

      Miss Edith R. Sanders, instructor in community dentistry, spent a week at the
center during November, talking with four groups of the unemployed fathers each day,
and using visual aids to stress the importance of preventive care. Although it will
be some time before the results can be measured, response to her instruction appar-
ently was good, Miss Sanders will return to Breathitt County in February for more
discussions with teachers and a preliminary study to determine whether the level of
preventive dental care has increased, The program was arranged at the request of the
Breathitt County Board of Education.


      Migration of University graduates to other states is decreasing although com-
petition for their services is growing each year, Two factors account for the change,
according to Prof, William A, Tolman of the College of Business and Economics, These
are the availability, quantitatively and qualitatively, of jobs stemming from Kentucky's
rapid industrial growth, and a growing desire among graduates to find their futures
within the Commonwealth,

      Professor Tolman, who heads the Business and Economics Employment Association,
says more than 500 recruiters from companies throughout the nation will visit the
University this year to interview graduating seniors. "Kentucky employers represent
only a small percentage of this number," he reports, "yet they have better than a 50-50
chance of getting the men and women they seek."

      One of the advantages enjoyed by Kentucky employers is their quick reliance upon
a booklet, "Bargains in Brains," issued annually by the Employment Association, The
publication, first issued 35 years ago, contains a photograph and biography of each
Business and Economics senior who wants a job. It now is mailed to more than 2,000
employers each year, Graduates and employers alike have praised the publication as an
effective aid in placing the right person in the right job,


                                          - 3 -


      The Jefferson Community College is expected to open in January, 1968, with an
initial enrollment of about 500 students, The college, a part of the University's
Community College System, will be administered by a joint executive council consisting
of four UK officers and four from the University of Louisville, At the outset, the
college will be housed in the old Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Building
at First and Broadway.

      According to a timetable announced November 25 by President Oswald and U. of L.
President Philip G, Davidson, renovation of the west wing and central portion of the
existing seminary building will be completed during the fall of 1967, This will provide
accommodations for the initial class of somewhat under 500 in January, 1968, By the
fall of 1968, renovation of the seminary's east wing will be completed, allowing the
admission in September of a new freshman class somewhat larger than the first, This
would increase the college's total enrollment by September, 1968, to slightly over
1,000. By the fall of 1969, the college's first new facility will be ready for use,
providing for enrollment accommodations of about 1,500, The college is being planned
to accommodate an eventual enrollment of 6,000.

      Presidents Oswald and Davidson said the co