xt79057crz0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79057crz0z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1934-09-sep18. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1934-09-sep18. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1934-09-sep18. 1934 1934-09-sep18. 2011 true xt79057crz0z section xt79057crz0z 

    Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the University of Kentucky of September 13, 1934, aotinued and
held September 20, 1934.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
President lMcVeyts office at the University of Kentucky September
20, 1934, at 10:30 am., meeting continued from regular date of
September 18, 1934.  The members of the Committee present were
Judge R. C. Stoll, Chairman of the Executive Committee; James Park,
Miller Holland, Dr. George Wilson, James H. Richmond, Superinten-
dent of Public Instruction; G. C. Wells, Robert G. Gordon, and
James R. Rash.  President McVey and Secretary D. H. Peak were also

     1, Minutes Approved.

     The minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of
May 29, 1934, were approved as published.  The minutes of the meet-
ings of the Executive Committee of June 30, 1934, and of July 17,
1934, were approved as published.

     2. Financial Report.

     The Businers Agent filed a statement of condition of finances
as of June 30, 1934, stating that it was published in the minutes
of the Executive Committee of July 17, 1934.  He also filed state-
ment of condition of finances as of July 31, 1934.   These state-
ments were received, and the statement of conditions of finances
as of August 31, 1934, was ordered inserted in the minutes of this
meeting when report is completed by the Business Office.

                                            EXHIBIT "'B"

            Statement of Income and Expenditures
                    Month of August 1934

                          Previously        Current     Year
                          -Repo~ted         Month        To Date
General Fund Income
Vocational Ed. Bd.          353 332                      353.32
  State Appro. - SumSch.   4,500,00         4,500.00     9,000.00
  Special Agr. Appro.       4,043.24        4,197,24     8,240.48
  State Appro. - Back Salaries             71,100.00    71,100.00
  State Appro. - General  19,942,76        72,490,16    92,432.92


  Student Fees                 324.16
  Student Fees - Sum.Sch.   35,636.30
  Student Fees - Univ.Ext,   1,265.04
  Miscellaneous Receipts       594.16
  Rentals                      251.50
  Men's Dormitories            542.13
             Total          67,452.61

Expenditure s
  Instruction               45, 664.80
  Administration, Exp. &
      Main t.              10,324.58
  Additions and Betterments
             Total          55,989.38
  Excess of Income over Ex-
    penditures              11, 463. 23

Patterson Hall Income
Miscellaneous Receipts
Room Rent - Summer School


     64. 55
  3, 820. 82
    815. 24
    170. 45
    165. 60
    42. 50
157, 36.6. 56

   388. 71
:I, 080. 28
    764. 61
224, 819 17-

38, 325. 19  83, 989.99

50, 173. 83  60,498.41
1, 277.24  1, 277. 24
89, 776.226 145,765.64

67_ 590.33

   10. 20
   12. 50
1,245. 25
1 . 2.67. 95

689. 61

10. 00
58. 25
68, 25

79, 05L3. 5:

   10, 20
   22. 50
1, 336, 20

1,006.99    1,696.60

Exoess of Expend. over In-'

578. 34

General Fund Income         68,720.56
General Fund Expenditures   56,678.99
Excess of General Fund
    Income over Expend.     12,041.57
 Accounts Payable - liquidated
 Excess of Receipts over Ex-
   penditures for General
   Ledger accounts            (76.74)
 Excess of Receipts over Ex-
    penditures for the fiscal
    year to date - General
    Fund                   11, 964.83
 Excess of Receipts over Ex-
    penditures for the fiscal
    year to date - General Fund
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1934 -
    General Fund
  Cash in Bank July 31, 1934
    General Fund

( 938. 74)  (360.40;'

157, 434.81 !26,155.37
90,783.25 147,462,24

66, 651. 56  78,693. 13.
(71,100.00) (71,100.06,

  1,254.51   1,177,77

  ( 3, 1'78 93)  8, 770. 90

8, 770.90





. =

=               .



Experiment Station Income
  Hatch - Federal Appro.
  Milk and Butter - Cash
  Beef Cattle Sales
  Datry Cattle Sales
  Sheep Sales
  Swine Sales




Poultry Sales                103.25
Farm Produce Sales            66.41
Horticultural Sales           28.35
Seed Test                    618,55
Seed Inspection            1,143.21
Rentals                    2,144.67
Miscellaneous                346.94
Fertilizer - Fees            180.50
Public Service - St. Appro.1,452.67
Feeding Stuffs - Fees      2,972.95
Adams   Federal Appro,     3,750.00
Serum - Sales                 23.30
Serum - Virus Sales            2.40
Serum - Supply Sales           4.25
State Appropriation        4,267.75
Creamery - License Fees    5,712.50
Creamery - Testers' Lic.   1,498.02
Creamery - Glassware Test.    75.46
Robinson - State Appro.      413.33
Robinson - Misc. Receipts  1,288.37
West Ky. - State Appro.      658.00
West Ky. - Misc, Receipts    328.25
Purnell   Federal Appro.  15, 000.00
Nursery Inspection - State
Nursery Inspection - Fees    192.42
Blood Test                    20.75



12, 793.81

Excess of Income over Expendi-
  tures                    34, 160.72
Excess of Expenditures over
  Receipts for General Ledger
  Accounts                 (9,865,16)
Excess of Receipts over Ex-



Excess of Receipts over Ex-
  penditures for the fiscal
  year to date - Experiment Station
Cash in Bank July 1, 1934 - Experi-
  ment Station
Cash in Bank August 31, 1934 -
  Experiment Station


  878.84  1,592.40
  162.2 5   162,25
    5.00     61.11
    24.97     24.97
    99.75    203.00
    84.85    151.26
  1?0.20    148.55
  29.25    657.80
  888.16  2,031.37
  143.67  2,288,34
  728.57  1,075.51
  289.25    469.75
1,605.67  3,058.34
2,339.20  5,312,15
   43.67     66.97
   3.60      6.00
   8.00     12.25
4,863.18  9,130.93
  294.05  6,006.55
  225.00  1,723.02
  79.98    155,44
  833.83  1,247.16
  138.17  1,426.54
1,190.32  1,848.32
1,178.63  1,506.88

   150.00    150.00
   160.00    352,42
            _ _20. 75
16, 568. 06 63,522.59

28,493.31 41,287.02

(11,925.15) 22,235.57

(1o 329.43)'00.194.59

(22,254.58)  2,040.98






Extension Division Income
  Federal Smith-Lever
  Federal Additional Co-oP.
  Federal Supplementary
  Federal Capper-Ketcham
  State Smith-Lever
  County and Other

   116. 6


18, 400, 49
28, 762. 29
164,176. 74


14,345.50  47,722.69   62,068.19 _

Excess of Income over Ex-

116.66 101,991.89 102,108,55_

Excess of Income over Expendi-
tures for the fiscal year to
date - Extension Division
Cash in Bank July 1, 1934 -
Extansion Division
Cash in Bank August 31, 1934 -
Extension Division

Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund
  Student NTotes Paid
            Total Receipts


102, 108.55


101, 523.51 _

99. 11



Excess of Receipts over Ex-



Excess of Receipts over Expendi-
tures for the fiscal year to
date - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1934 - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank August 31, 1934 -
  Trust Fund




  General Fund Income
  Experiment Station Income
  Extension Division Income
  Trust Fund Income

     66. 09

157, 434.81
     31. 22
323,748 67

226 155 537
164, 176. 74

_ _ Z  _ ,    z.. . -a_



General Fund Expend.       56,678.99
Experiment Station Expand. 12,793,81
Extension Div. Expend.     14,345.50
             Total         83,818.30

Excess of Income over Ex-


Accounts payable liquidated

Excess of Expenditures over Receipts
for General Ledger accounts

Student Loan Fund - Notes












Excess of Receipts over Expendi-
  tures for the fiscal year to
  date - Combined Fund     36,635.87

Excess of Receipts over Expenditures
  for the fiscal year to date - Com-
  bined Fund




Cash in Bank and on hand July 1, 1934 -
  Combined Fund


Cash in Bank and on hand August 31,
  1934 - Combined Fund


Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income
and Expenditures as "Excess of Expenditures
over Receipts for General Ledger accounts

                   Debit                   Credit

Accounts Receivable

Insurance Paid in Advance   186.47

Sundry Accounts



20,381. 61




3. The Business Agentl s8 Statement.

The Business Agent made the following Adeitional statement:

     Statement of Balances and Income 1933-1934

                Receipts and Balances

Excess of Income over Expenditures,

Collections Applicable to 1932-1933

Collections 1933-1934

Less Collections 1932.1933

$ 9,872.50

  17,630.33  $ 27,502.83

1, 044, 812. 03

   17,630.33 1, 027,181, 7Q

Campus Book Store Assets
     Sundry Ledger



Expense 1933-1934

Balance 1931-1932

1,040,391. 31

   28,478.03 1,068,869.34

     This statement shows that we had a balance of assets available
reflected in the Campus Book Store account, to-wit; $25,263.19,
after payment of expense of 1933-34 and payment on 1931-32 sa.lariez
of S28,478,03, as was authorized by the Executive Committee. The
Campus Book Store balance, however, is a property and not a cash
balance.   Therefore, the cash balance of sundry ledger accounts
was exhausted in making the final payments of 1933-34 expenses, and
it will be necessary to replace these balances as demands are made
on the sundry ledger accounts.   This will be done during the year
to the extent of $2000.00 or more, miscellaneous collections of
last year's income, and from the Campus Book Store to the extent
of about $7000.00.



    4. President McVeyfs Quarterly 'Report.

    President McVey made the following report:

                   TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                      September 20, 1934

     The general situation at the University of Kentucky has improve
greatly over last year.   Personally, I am more hopeful about the
program and growth of the University in the next three years than I
have been for some time.   The University opened its sixty-ninth
session on September 10.   There has been evidence of a fine morale
in the staff and student bodies.   The enrollment last night
reached 2,721; on the same date last year it was 2,372, and at the
close of registration last year for the first semester thqe figures
were 2,477.   The increase over last year is more than 51o.   The
growth in enrollment is slightly higher than it was in 1932, so the
enrollment curve following 1931-32 has changed to an upward trend.
How far this increase has been affected by FERA jobs is a thing
we can not fully determine.   The enrollment of freshmen has
reached 813, as against 658 last year, an  increase of 155.   The
total number of new students holding FERA jobs is 139.   The
freshman enrollment in the College of Arts and Sciences is 374.
The College of Agriculture has the largest enrollment in its his-
tory, 291, showing an increase of 107.   The College of Engineer-
ing has an enrollment of 329, a decrease of 6 under last year. The
College of Education has an enrollment of 244, about 12,o' less than
it was last year.   The College of Commerce has an enrollment of
421, an increase of 100 over last year.   Registration in the
Graduate School has not been completed but 100 have enrolled to
date.   The general increase may be due to better business condi-
tions generally, to an improved agricultural situation, or to the
feeling that it is better to be in college than to be loafing.
Students registering in the College of Commerce may have been in-
fluenced by the publicity given the College in securing jobs for
its graduates.   The College of Education experienced greater dif-
ficulty in placing its graduates this year; however, its Placement
Bureau placed 124 teachers.

     By action of the Board of Trustees rooms in the dormitories
were limited to freshman occupation.   The dormitories are now
filled for the first time in their history.   There are, however,
48 places held for members of the football squads.    In addition
to that, we have set up an experiment in the form of a cooperative
house.   This experiment was suggested by the women in the Home
Economics Department.   So, without the approval of the Board of
Trustees, I authorized the expenditure of $1,000 for equipment and
furniture, and the rental of the Miller house at $800, the Security
Trust Company making repairs amounting to $500.    Twenty girls
coming from the 4-H Clubs will occupy the house, manage it and do
the work,   They will bring food from home and other supplies, re-
ceiving credit for them toward the maintenance of the house.



     There is a question about the matter of fees.   Some are ad-
mitted without a cash payment but have their payments deferred.
Other students pay in full and in case of withdrawal receive only
a part of their fees as a refund.   If the student who pays nothing
retires, he insists he owes nothing.   No student should be admitted
who makes no payment at all, though students have been allowed to
enter, giving post-dated checks or notes.

     The relations of the University with the State administration,
particularly in connection with the Finance Department, have al-
ready been mentioned in the Report of the Business Agent.   I wish
only to state that they have been quite satisfactory.   The Depart-
ment is inclined to give the law a broad interpretation, so that
no difficulty has been experienced.

     The first half of the amount due in back salaries less lO4o
was paid in August.   At the present time, full professors are
receiving only $3600 as a maximum.   The ten per cent cut has not
been restored.   With salaries at this point the problem is to
hold and keep the best men.   The difficulty is to get financial
officers to see that this is not a large salary for a man who
teaches college students.

     The State administration of relief is interested in further
training for those who are assisting in the relief program and
has sent twelve social workers to the University of Chicago for
training there.   We have asked Miss Esther Taylor, of the Louis-
ville Family Welfare Society, to come here each Saturday for the
purpose of presenting case work to students who are candidates for
degrees in this field.   The administration finds it cannot use
people who have had no special training for social work.

     Few changes have been made in the faculty and staff.   Pro-
fessor 7. E. Freeman has been appointed acting dean of the College
of Engineering.

     In commenting upon repairs, I mention as among the most ur-
gent, a new roof for the alumni gymnasium.   The original roof was
of tar paper and a new one is badly needed this year.    The lava-
tories in the girls' dormitories have broken down and something
will have to be done.   The question is, whether it should all be
done now or spread over several years.   The total cost will be
about 4"14,000 as the bathrooms must be completely done over. The
Dean of Women feels that something should be done at once and a
start, at least, made this year.   The lavatory facilities in
White Hall are very limited.   Something should be done here also.

     The storm which visited the campus in July caused great havoc;
199 trees were lost.   The roof was torn from the northern end of
this building.   Th1i. has been repaired.   There should be a reg-
ular plan for landscaping the grounds, planting trees and shrubs.
Something could be done this year, and I think arrangements could
be made with Mr. Hillenmeyer for securing plants that have outs
grown the sale age.   Roads and w jlIK.s are badly in need of r epairs.
They cael possibly go a year or more with little done, but they



will have to be rebuilt in a short time.   The suggestion has been
made that a heating plant be erected, omitting Generating machin-
ery.   Such a plant would cost approximately $175,000.    The
funds might be secured from the P.W.A.

     One of the problems; which confronts us is the organization
of the alumni.   The Alumni Association has now reached the point
where it reouires all of its funds to pay the secretary.    With
not enough money for stamps, stationery, publications and the
like, how is she to carry on? 'that sort of an organization should
be set up to carry on alumni relations? As I see the situation
nor, the University will have to take over the alumni lists, pub-
lication of alumni bulletin and. like matters in the interest of
the University.   The alumni organization would function as an
organizer of reunions, dinners, class organizations, etc., main-
tenance of the lists, publication of the bulletin, etc., to be
taken over by the University entirely.    I have no final statement
to make on this point, but will present a plan at the next meeting
of the Board.

     I have to report the completion of the Patterson statue.
It was dedicated on the first day of June with proper exercises.
Three murals have been placed in University buildings.    These
were made possible by 0. W. A. money.    Two are in the library and
are interesting.   The third, in the Memorial Hall, approximately
20 x 8 feet-, shows the history of Lexington from the beginning
until about 1870.

     Since the last meeting of the Board there have been two
deaths among the members of the Board of Trustees,    Mr. E. 0.
Robinson of Fort Thomas died in   June,   and Dr. W. W. Wash of
Lar-renceburg,    died in August.    Appointments should be made
to fill these vacancies on the Board..   One place must be filled
by a Republican, and, in the case of Doctor Wlash's successor, the
appointee must be a member of the State Board of Agriculture.
They ought to be fine men, interested in the University, of high
standing in their home community and in every way worth while.

     I close this brief report with a quotation from a. circular
printed by Arnaud 0. Marts:

     "These latter are the values, of course, which our
     philanthropic institutions, our colleges, churches,
     libraries, hospitals and other agencies have been
     created to produce.   In a world of material over-
     production, these abiding values, alone, have been
     underproduced,   Can not the challenge to strengthen
     the agencies which produce character, intelligence and
     good will be invoked by our cultural leaders in a man-
     ner so impressive that a continued outpouring of
     great gifts shall be inspired? "

     The importance of the lasting values are the imponderables.
They are represented in the cultivation of the arts and sciences.



   5. Repairs - Patterson Hall.

   Letter of Dean Blanding:

                                  September 19, 1934

   Dr. Frank L. McVey, President
   University of Kentucky
   Lexington, Kentucky

   My dear Dr. McVey:

         The time has come when I feel that we cannot put
   off any longer doing something about the plumbing system
   in Patterson Hall.   For several years the renovation
   of the plumbing system in Patterson Hall has headed the
   list of requests towards the up-keep of the residence
   halls.   Because this was an expensive job, we have run
   along as best we could.   The breakdowns in the system
   are so frequent now, the odor of the sewer gas is so per-
   sistent, that I feel that we shall have to do something
   about it.

         Mr. Crutcher has made various estimates about the
   cost of this work.   The one which he gives me at this
   time is that it will cost four thousand dollars for each
   bathroom.   This will include tearing out all the pipes,
   enlarging the space, the installation of new fixtures
   throughout, and the installation of tiles on the floor
   and on the walls.   To me the cost seems exorbitant and
   I believe that a final estimate would be somewhat lovwer
   than the four thousand dollar figure.

         I am suggesting that we go into the matter very
   thoroughly and if possible that we do the whole job
   this year.   If we find that the cost is too great, we
   might do three of the bathrooms this year and three of
   them the next.

                                  Yours very sincerely,

                         (Signed) Sarah G. Blanding
                                    Dean of Women

     President McVey was authorized to proceed with the repairs,
and to carry on the work to extent of funds that may be available
for that purpose.   It was suggested that he authorize the recon-
struction of one bathroom at a time, the entire work to be thus
carried forward as funds become available.



     5a. Gymnasium Roof.

     President McVey was authorized to have a new roof put on the
Gymnasium Building, the cost being estimated at $2570.00 as set
out in the budget,

    6. Student Directory.

    President M1cVey was authorized to have the Kentucky Kernel
compile and print a student directory for this college year.  This
is to be paid for from funds set aside in the Sundry Ledger of the
Business Office as Student Activity Funds.   The memorandum of
agreement with the Kernel is as follows:

                                  February 6, 1934
    Memorandum of Understanding between Mr. Shropshire and the

    In reference to the publishing of the student directory:

         1. That the s9   ~ directory is to be compiled by
    the Kentucky Kerne? /Ta ebed.  It is to be printed each

         2. The Kernel office is to make up the list from the
    cards as filled out by the students for this special pur-

         3, The Kernel is to begin work on this immediately
    after the close of the registration period so as to be
    able to print it by the time registration is closed.  Fames
    of students coming in late are to be furnished the office
    at intervals suggested by the Kernel.

         4. The Kernel has the privilege of naming one person
    during the regular registration period, charged to the ex-
    pense of registration and paid at the same rate as other
    helpers, to see that the names on the cards are legible.

         5. The number of directories to be printed is to
    equal four-fifths of the official enrolment for the first
    semester and two-fifths of the enrolment for the second

         6. The compensation is to be 5 cents for each student

         This is submitted to President McVey for his consid-

                              (Signed)   EzrakL, Gillis

                                          Jas. S. 8hoopshire



     7. Cooperative House - Expenditures Authorized.

     President McVey presented a memorandum in regard to the project
of girls' cooperative house, with statement that he approved the
trial of such a project.   The memorandum follows:

                                     July 18, 1934

     Dr. Frank. L. McVey, President
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Hy dear Dr. McVey:

          The 4-H Girls' Olub work throughout the state has
     brought out rather forcibly the fact that many girls are
     eager to come to the University of Kentucky but are de-
     terred by the high cost.   When they compare the cost of
     an education at the University with that at a teachers'
     college, they decide too often to attend the teacherst
     college.  Many parents consider all higher education the
     same whether obtained at a teachers' college or at the
     State University.   Some other state universities meeting
     this same problem have tried cooperative houses to reduce
     living expenses for students.

          A cooperative house is one managed and cared for by
     the students who live in the house.   They do all the
     work connected with it and pay all the bills of cur rent
     running expenses.

          The undersigned committee feels that a cooperative
     house of this sort could be successfully undertaken at
     the University of Kentucky.   The help of the University
     would be necessary on the initial financing.    The help
     of the University would also be necessary in obtaining
     the lease of a house. If such help can be obtained, the
     cost of a year at the University would be about $300 pro-
     vided twenty students entered on the cooperative plan.

          Miss Anita Burnam, State Leader of Girls' 4-H Club
     Work, feels confident that there are at least twenty girls
     who would be glad to come to the University if their ex-
     penses could be reduced from $100 to $I5O a year less
     than they are now.   These are girls who have already had
     some home economics training and would therefore be able
     to assume the duties of the house without much difficult
     adjustment.   The 4-H Club girls do much calming in the
     early fall and could, therefore, bring with them much
     canned food.   They could also bring root vegetables,
     eggs, and smoked and dried meats.   The actual cash outlay



     could in this way be considerably reduced.

          If the University is willing to help with the
     furnishing of a house, the following items will be need-
     e d;

               21 beds, springs and mattresses
               1 dining room table
               21 dining room chairs or folding chairs
               1 gas range
               I mechanical refrigerator
               1 washing machine.   Can be obtained second hand,
                    good values, at a price of about $50 or $60.
                1 mangle.
                Cooking utensils
                Dishes for 21
                Table silver for 21
                A few inexpensive table cloths
                5 dozen inexpensive tea napkins
                1 Hoover sweeper
                1 carpet sweeper
                1 electric iron
                1 ironing board
                About 8 dressers

          In working out of the above plans it has not been
     possible for me to consult with Miss Blanding so I do
     not know just what suggestions or changes she would wish
     to make,   I do know however that she is in favor of a
     cooperative house if it can be worked out without a large
     initial outlay.   The committee however felt it abeolute-
     ly essential to present these tentative plans to you before
     your vacation.  It will be necessary to work out the plans
     in detail before the first of September.

          We welcome any criticisms or suggestions that you may
     have to offer.

                             Very sincerely yours,

                       (Signed)     Statie Erickson
                                    Anita Burnam
                                    Sarah B. Holmes, Chairman

     The project was approved and President McVey was authorized
to set up a budget item of $120Q.00 to help furnish the house and
put it in condition.

     The rental of the Miller residence in Maxwelton Court at
$80.00 per month for a period of ten months was approved.    The
rental is to be paid with funds collected from the occupants of
the house,


     8. Purchase of Land at Quicksand.

     Dean Cooper, through President McVey, presented a proposal
to purchase 35 acres of land adjoining the Robinson Sub-Station
Property at Quicksand, Kentucky, from Miles Back and wife, the
purchase price of the property to be paid from funds arising from
the income of the Robinson Sub-Station.

     The purchase was authorized, provided the funds are available,
aId provided further that the contract of purchase and the deed
be drawn to comply with the requirements of the contract with the
E. 0. Robinson Mountain Fund for expenditure of funds arising from
the produce of the lands conveyed by that Fund to the University
of Kentucky.   It was further suggested that proper examination of
title be made.

     9. Criticism of the Bureau of Mineral and Topographic Survey
bySta    Inspectr and Examiner.

     President McVey reported that Professor A. C. McFarlan, until
the change in the law enacted by the last session of the Legisla-
ture, director of the Bureau of Mineral and Topographic Survey, had
presented to him the report of the State Inspector and Examiner on
the conduct of the affairs of that Bureau under the management of
Professor McFarlan for the two years it was under the supervision
of the University of Kentucky.   President McVey presented a letter
of Professor )AcFarlan to the State InKpector and Examiner in which
he took exception to statements and. criticism of the Bureau made
in the report.   The President was authorized to inspect the letter
carefully, to correct and revise it if necessary and have copies
sent to the Inspector and Examiner and to the Governor.

    10. Liquor Store on Rose Street.

    President McVey reported that a liquor store has been opened
on Rose Street near Euclid Avenue and, further, that he had written
Mr. Cirrles R. Thompson, Mayor of the City of Lexington, asking
that some action be taken to prevent the location of liquor stores
(including the one referred to above) in the vicinity of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky.

     Following are copies of answers received from city authori-



                              September 18, 1934

Dr. Frank L. McVey, President
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky
                       Re:. Location of Liquor
                           Store in Vicinity
                           of University.
My dear Dr. XcVey:

                  Referring to the above subject, this
will acknowledge receipt of your letter of September the
14th addressed to our Mayor, and I beg to inform you that
your letter was read to the Board. of Commissioners last

                    It is our understanding from our Legal
Department that, in view of the state law on the subject
and the fact that the state government issues permits ir-
respective of location, there is, apparently, nothing
that can be done to prevent opening of linior stores at
any location within the city.

                    I am, however, instructed to refer your
letter to the Legal Department for further consideration.

                              Very truly yours,

                 (Signed)         Paul Morton
                                   City Manager

Dr. Frank L. M.'cVey
President, University of Kentucky
Lexington, Ky.

Dear Dr. MrcVey:

               I duly received the copy of your letter of
 September 14th to Charles R. Thompson, Mayor of the City
 of Lexington.

               Prior to 1922 there was a provision of the
 Kentucky Statutes prohibiting the sale of liquor within
 a certain distance of the University; but the Rash-Gullion
 Act passed by the General Assembly in 1922, being a com-
 prehensive law regulating the sale of liquor, and not con-
 taining such a provision, effected a repeal of the old
 act.   There