xt78w950k994 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78w950k994/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-09-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 2008 2008 2008-09-15 2020 true xt78w950k994 section xt78w950k994 0:"Web

I Audio slideshow of The Swells in the last Dame

I Nights of the living dead: weekend

convention a monstrous hit in Lexington





, 2008



Hurricane Ike impact extends to Lexington area

By Jill Lester

More than 15 hours from the
center of the storm. Kentuckians
felt at least some of Hurricane Ike's

Kentucky Utilities reported
around 5l.000 homes in the state.
about 9.5 percent of its users. were
Without power as of 9:30 pm. Sun-
About l.500 Lexington homes
did not have power. said KU

spokesman Cliff Feltham. Many of
the Lexington homes should have
power again by Monday moming.

However, while Lexington e

perienced some wind damage as

gusts topped 50 miles per hor
Feltham said the majority of pow
outages have been in the weste
part of the state.

“That part of the state got it first
and got it Worst." he said. “At the
peak (between 1 and 3 p.m.). about
70,000 houses were without power.

and 30.0(X) were west of 1-65."

lke, based in the Atlantic
Ocean. is not the only hurricane in
recent memory to have repercus-
x- sions in Kentucky, said Buddy
Rogers. spokesman for the Ken—
ir. tucky Division of Emergency Man-
er agenient. Many times hurricanes

rn will change the state‘s weather. he

said. although intensity differs with
each storm.

"It can always move in. We
were fortunate with Gustav —— we

See Weather on page A4

Weep no more,

Ptrons evei loss of city block

" Arrow Electrical

Contractors begin
_ to replace the

metal pole at the
corner of High
Street and
Fontaine Road
that holds the
street Slgl'lS and
cross walk sig-

trauma SHEMD


By Danielle Pritchett


(iriel comes in many lorms. but rarely
does it come as a public funeral for a de
inolislied city block

Over the weekend. three downtown
events spanned out over 34 hours com
iiieinorated the June demolition of the city
block located in the block between the
corners ol West Main arid South [Tppct
streets and West Vine atid South Lime—
stone streets. ln place of 'l‘hc Dame. The
Webb Companies plan to develop the
$250 million (‘entrcl’ointe project. which
includes a 35-story lll.\lll'_\ hotel.

The events were put on by GREEN—
(‘iRllili an orgaiii7ation sponsored by
lilandl“ Gallery. according to gallery di—
rector Bruce Burris.

News that The Dame plans on reopen
ing on Oct. 3 in the Main Street Live en—
tertainment complex is good. but this
weekend's event is about more than open»
mg a new venue. Hui'iis said Sutiday

"The event was about The Dame. but
it was a small part. It focused mostly on
how the deal was made. the secrecy and
how the entire block and people were
treated." Burns said.

According to Burris. (iREliNURlliF

doesn't typically focus on development is
sues but small examples of projects the
group feels hurt the environment. Howev»

er. the demolition of The Danie called for

a special project. Burris said.

To mourn the destruction. Bun'is sent
out a help wanted ad for mourners in
June. offering a .31in stipend, Applicants
were required to submit a ltltlaword essay
on what mourning m‘eant to them and why
they wanted to mourn the block.

(if the applicants. three artists were
chosen. including Lyndsey Hyman. Brit-
tany Clark and Jenny ()‘Neill.

See Funeral on page All

UK prevails with a yard to spare

By Kenny Colston

kcolstonfllkykernel com

Not again.

That‘s the thought that ran
through the minds of the ($81”:
in the stands at Commonwealth
Stadium. UK head coach Rich
Brooks thought about it too.

How could you not. When
Middle Tennessee State (l —2. (l—l
Sun Belt Conference) quarter
back .loc (‘raddock scrambled to
his right. cocked his arm hack
and released it Hail Flutie style‘.‘
Or when MTSU receiver Mal—
colm Beyah tipped the ball up
and backward.,

The memories of LSU. circa
2002. were prevalent. and the si-
lence of over 68.000 holding
their breath was so loud it was
deafening. Yet. there wasn‘t dis-
appointment this time. Robbie


McAtee wouldn‘t allow it. tack?
ling Eldrcd King at the l-yard
line. preseivuig llK's l3~0l Ill-l4

“1 was real shocked McA~
tee. a senior corner. said. "I did-
n't know he was back there. It's a
situation you don't find yourself
in all the time. so when it hap~
pens you're a little tense.“

And as Eldred was stretching
toward the goal line. McAtee
said he was praying he could pull
the Blue Raider receiver down in

“I was hoping I got (the tack»-
lei." McAtee said, “If I didn‘t. I
knew we were going to be sick

instead. both fans and players
weren't heading for the medicine
cabinet. but they weren't

See Football on page M

first have tree. She‘ll-em Issues 15 cm


PHOTO or so mm l srm
UK senior Wide receiver Dicky lyons Jr watches the replay of Robbie McAtee's
gamesavmg tackle With Gorby loreus (43) and Eldred King (83f from Middle
Tennessee State McAtee brought King down on the one-yard line With no time
left '


begins on

By Grace Tapie


Renovation and expansion of
UK's Livestock Disease Diagnostic
Center officially began with a
groundbreaking ceremony Friday.

Between 60 and 70 people at»
tended Friday‘s groundbreaking
event at the Livestock Disease Diag-
nostic Center's location at UK's
Coldstrcam Research Campus off
Newtown Pike. Those in attendance
included researchers. veterinarians.
legislators. students and horse racers.

Gov. Steve Beshear. state Agri—
culture Commissioner Richie
Farmer. Mayor Jim New'berry. Col-
lege of Agriculture Dean Scott Smith
and Director of the Kentucky Agrr
cultural Experiment Station Nancy
Cox spoke.

The $28.5 million upgrades. ex—
pected to be completed by 2010. will
include a total renovation of the cur-
rent facility. lt also includes doubling
the existing .‘sx.000-square-loot tacil»

llaving bigger and more high—
tech facilities will allow staff to do
research that may not be possible
now Smith said.

“The staff can do the work. but
the facility. software. infrastructure.
they ~rc not up to par." Smith said.

During l—riday 's event. (iov.
Sieve Beshear presented a $20 mil-
lion clieck to the center. winch coni-
plL‘tcs funding for $28.5 million

The $20 million. which came
from funds approved iii the 3(le
state legislatiye session. is on top of
“38.5 iiiillioti received for the project
from the 200i legislative session.

The l.i\cstock Disease Diagnos—
tic (‘enter is expected to be complet-
ed by ‘Ztiltt Proposals to renovate
and espaiid the Livestock Disease
Diagnostic Center were arranged in
200]. when Cox helped lead efforts
to plan. analy/e and advocate for the
project. In her speech Friday. Cox
extended the labs aid to not only
those in Lexmgton. but everyone in
the Commonwealth.

"We are one agriculture." Cox
said. "We are one facility in this

The speakers that represented
different fields of Kentucky all em»
phasiled the same point __ to main-
tain the reputation of Kentucky as a
leading agricultural state.

Kentucky is the horse capital of the
wofld. which the city hopes to present at
the 20“) Alltech PH World Equestrian
(iames in lexington. Farmer said. He
hopes that the updates to the facility wrll
make lexington more able to take care
of the needs of the more than 60 nations
that will be present for the games

“Kentucky is going to be in the
world‘s stage." he said.

Reaching UK‘s topAZO goals and
state goals does not end with com-
pletion of the Livestock Disease Di-
agnostic Center. Famrer said. Legis-
lators plan future funding of research
labs to support the growing interest
in agriculture. he said.

"We don‘t want to rest on our
laurels." Farmer said. “This is not
the end. There is no end to what can
be accomplished."

We: 257-1915; ”I!“ 257-2872


 PAGEHAVZHI Monday, September ll t’llllti



























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage check the
day's rating i0 is the eaSiest
day, 0 the most challenging
Aries (March 21-April 19) —
Today is a 6 -., Don‘t worry ii
you're off to a slow start this
morning New complications
require pondering before you
decide which way to go
Taurus (April 20-May 20) -
Today is a 7 -— Don't freak out
when you get the bills Remem-
ber, you were warned. Take full
responsrbility, no gutlt

Gemini (May 21-June 21) -
Today IS a 7 »— The Situation
that's developing Will turn out
well, so don't worry There‘s
never much use in worrying any-
way. as you may have alreadv

Cancer (June 22-July 22) —
Today is a 7 —~ A bold scheme

..:i{ 7T”

needs more work The way it's
out together now Will lead to a

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) ~—
Today is an 8 —— The action
picks up as the day progresses
Don't fret if you get a slow
start Do figure out early what
you want You'll catch on.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —
Today is an 8 .. v Proceed With
caution Odds are high you or
somebody nearby Will get con-
fused and do somethrng stupid
Drive defensively

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —-
Today is a 5 . Don’t rely in.)

heaVily on new skills or informa-

tion Listen to and watch people
who have lots of experience
Take the best of both

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) —
Today is a .i’ - All of a sudden
you‘re behind and it isn't even
your fault The good news =s
that extra work Will help you
pay oft a few bills Let someone
else's emergency be your lucky

4puz com


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
—— Today is a 5 7—» Luckily,
you're pretty good at multitask-
ing It’s safe to assume that
everything that can change
today, Will Keep all the balls in
the air, and don't be surprised
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
— Today is a 6 7— You might be
slightly tired from your spoial
activnies Going back to your
work routine could be a wel»
come relief Don't schedule any
thing hectic for tonight
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) —
Today is a 5 »— You can't afford
to foot the whole bill yourself
You II have to talk everybody on
the team into pitching in.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) ——
Today is an 8 -~~ A breakdown
Will occur if others try to boss
you around You're generally
very nice, but you do have a
breaking pomt



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Hulk Hogan declares victors in

we Dig" Hollywood's latest start smackdowns

My name is Earl v.

War of the NBC sitcoms!
After My Name Is Earl exec-
utive producer Greg Garcia
called Alec Baldwin. 50, “a
psychotic narcissist who
whines" for saying his show
is "cooked." the 30 Rock ac-
torvshot back. “Why are you
Scicntologists always render-
ing these medical opinions
you aren‘t qualified to give?"
Garcia said in a statement
that he is Catholic.

WINNER IS Garcia. "I
Iovc Earl. Jaime Pressly will
never be cooked." says

Church v. Katy

Beware the Lord's wrath!

Havens Corners Church of

Blacklick. Ohio. has decreed
damnation for those living
out the lyriCs of Katy Perry's
“I Kissed a Girl." Pastor
David Allison tells Us the
“loving" message was meant
to “warn those children that
there‘s an eternal conse-

WINNER IS Perry. "Thc
church should stick to the
Bible and not judge people."
Hogan says.

Miley v. Nick

Miley Cyrus has gone
public about her breakup with
Nick Jonas. 16. Not only
does the Disney starlet’s hit
song “7 Things“ list what she
is rumored to hate about the
boy-bandcr (lyrics include:
"You're vain. your games.
you‘re insecure"). but Cyrus.

15, is even said to be Wearing
his old diabetes necklace (he
has Type I) in the video.
How does Jonas feel about
being called out? "He loves
it." a source tells Us. "He was
hoping everyone would even—
tually figure out that it was
about him."

Hogan says. “I don't think
Miley should be kissing and

Lily v. Elton

While hosting Britain‘s
(IQ awards. Elton John. bl.
made a joke about Lily
Allen‘s drinking. The presen-
ter. 23. shot back. “I“ - k oi‘t.
Elton. I'm 40 years younger
than you!" She later bloggcd
about the incident. “I‘m not
defending my drunkenness
because I don‘t need to."

WINNER IS John. “I got-
to give props to Elton for all
the wars he‘s been through."
Hogan says.

Jodrdin v. Russel

Jordin Sparks. 18. took a
stand for chastity at MTV‘s
VMAs after the show's host.
Russell Brand. 33. madc sev—
eral jokes about the Jonas
Brothers' purity rings
(they’ve pledged to wait until
marriage to lose their virgini—
ty). The American Idol win-
ner. who also wears a ring.
called out the comedian be—
fore presenting an award.
saying “not evciybody. wants
to be a slut."

WINNER IS Sparks. “I
don‘t think he should be
knocking promise rings ei-
thcr." Hogan says,

Taylor Momsen

What was the St. Louis
iiativc's debut gig.’ A Shake
N Bakc commercial at age 3!
”l advlibbcd. "Yoti shake it all
up till it's crunchy and ready
to cut.” the IMU model. I5
has said. She went on to star
in 2000's Dr. ScUss' How the
Grinch §tolc Christmas.

Blake Lively

Thc 'I‘ar/Hina California.
iiati\c. -I. has stardom in her
blood: Hcr paicnts and tour
siblings are all actors (bro Ja-
son playcd Rusty in European
Vacationli. Still. Lively
claims she had no Hollywood
aspirations. "I was very nor-
mal in high school." she tells


Leighton Meester

According to E! Nch.
Mcestcr's mom. Connie. is
writing a memoir about giv-
ing birth to her daughter in a
Texas prison while scrving
time (or dealing pot. The star.
who gucstcd on Entourage.
has -only nice things to say
about the woman who raised
her. "When I was II. I real—
ized acting is what I wanted
to do.‘ Mccstcr. 22. told Us
"I had an amazing mother
who cncouragcd me. but
there was no pressure."

<5" 2008 Tribune Media SerVices
All rights reserved




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September 15,
Page A}


Whitney Waters
Features Editor

Phone 2571915
wwaters©lrykernel corn


WoodSongs reaches milestone broadcast

By Kristin Shin-rd
features kykernal.com

Not only is the Bluegrass State
known for its horses. fried chicken and
basketball. but it’s also known for its

down-home musrc.

The nationally broadcasted "Wood-
Songs Old-Time Radio Hour“ will per—
fonn its 500th show Monday night at the

Kentucky Theatre.

“It is a live audience, global. multi-
media celebration of Bluegrass music,“
said Michael Johnathon. executive pro-
ducer. writer and host of “Woodsongs

Old-Time Radio Hour."

Originally broadcasted in a small
studio for about 1.5 people. the show
gradually moved to a larger studio and
then to the Central Library theater down—
town. After filling the theater for 57 con-
secutive weeks. the Kentucky Theatre

offered “WoodSongs” a bigger venue to

play. said Johnathon.
Today. "WoodSongs"

and on the lntemet.

Johnathon drew inspiration from
watching “Austin City Limits" and
“Prairie Home Companion." but he
wanted his music to be more grassroots

and directed to the audience

After 499 broadcasts. Johnathon said
the show has becotne more fun. and the
artists who perform have become more


Folk music icon Richie Havens will
be the special guest star for the com—
memorative episode. Havens opened the
Woodstock Festival in 1969. and his im—
provised version of "Motherless Child."
an American spiritual. was featured in
the Woodstock film and became an in—
temational hit. according to the Wood
Songs Web site. “It‘s really a big honor
that someone like Richie would make
his way here." Johnathon said.

In October. WoodSongs will make
history again when it premieres as a
weekly broadcast in movie theaters.

Clearview Cinemas. a subsidiary of
Cablevision Systems Corporation. owns

show live in front of about 400 people
every Monday night. About two—thirds
of the audience attends every week.
Johnathon said. "You don‘t have fans.
you have friends." Johnathon said.

The show is also televised nationally
on PBS television stations and streamed
across the airways on nearly 500 radio
affiliates. XM satellite radio. podcasts

52 movie theaters with 258 screens in
the New York metropolitan area. accord-
ing to their Web site. The owner of
Clearview Cinemas. who watches the
podcast edition of WoodSongs to and
front work. contacted Johnathon about
airing the show. A “pioneering effort."
Johnathon said it will be a “combination
of a hometown concert and the Wood—


Songs broadcast



WRFL music director Ainsley Wag-
orter said UK students should be proud
and supportive of bluegrass music.

“Pan of being at college at UK is
learning about your city and your state
even if you are not from here." said
Wagoner. a sophomore interior design
major. “Bluegrass music is part of Ken—

WRFL hosts two bluegrass music
shows. “Blue Yodel #9" and “Hard Trav-
elin’ Review." which both air on Satur-

Johnathon urged students who are
interested in multimedia or enteitain—
merit to volunteer to be a "WoodSongs"
crewmember. “This community has giv»
en birth to something amazing because it
is all volunteer run.“ Johnathon said.

Doors to the Kentucky Theatre open
at 6:15 pm. Audience members must be

seated by 6:45 and must remain seated

until 8:15. Tickets for this special black-
tie event are $30 in advance. Attendees
will receive a free CD. “The Best of
WoodSongs Volume Three." before it is
released to radio stations. Pre—show mu-


Michael Johnathon at a broadcast of
"WoodSongs" in the Kentucky Theatre

sic will be provided by the Hippy Chick

Admission to regular episodes is SS
for students with a valid student ID. and
SH) for general admission.



By Kristin Stifl

Most education has be»
come confined to classrooms
and important literature has
been dedicated to syllabi. but
not any longer.

The “Iliad." an epic poem
written by Homer. will come
to life as students. faculty.
staff arid the community he-
come rhapsodists. Just as
Greeks did thousands of
years ago. people will take
turns reading sections of the
“Iliad" and read the entire
works in public.

Robert Rabel. thc dtrcctor
of the Games Center wants to
bring the "Iliad" alive.

“The ‘lliad‘ is intended to
he performed." Rabel said.
“It almost never gets done
that way."

The reasoning behind the
performance was a lilCL‘llki'
nism to teach. Rabel said. He
wanted to bring learning out-
side of the classroom. so he
started with the work he liked
the best a the "Iliad.”

' wwwuxrenulcsmpiiecrttmena cAMPus cALEnnAB

to the (W . i .r' smrir K. i.

The (amput (amriria' \ [Wilda-"‘3

”Solar Car
Team Meeting,
7:00 PM, DV
En ineering
ur din
, unkhouser)
“UK Trap and
Skeet Practice,
blue rass
Spo sman

lm~wtwuw “fig—‘w‘v ~. »...

Group learning and dis~
cussion are important to find
the underlying truth. Rabel
said. No one knows this bet-
ter than Eldon Quick who
read the "Iliad" last Monday
in the Worsliam Theater in
the Student Center.

Qutck. a retired actor. be-
gan to lime a hard time with
memorization. so he picked
up "Iliad" because it was
challenging and began nicm—
ot'i/ing, he said

lie stancd performing the
“lliad” because he i‘cali/cd it
read like lines in a play. He
wanted to bring those cltai'au
Icrs alnc

“Wlicrewr I perform.
what l want to bring to my
audience I\ .in appreciation of
Homer as it great storyteller
who first dclycd in his stories
into. “what is the nature of
man“ “ Quick said. “I want
them to see the poem. not as
some boring old artifact from
history. but as a living action
adventure talc from a time
long ago and far away."

Both Rabel and Quick

Career Fair Clues.
12:00 PM,
Raymond Bid,
Room 112

Honors Program
Student Council
Meeting, 7:30 PM,
Student Center 231
-Pre|aw: KY Law
Schools Info Panel,

4:00 PM. 209 Main

-UK Trap and Skeet
Practice, 7:00 PM,

Sportsman League

Rhapsodists to bring the 'lliad’ to life

want to bring an appreciation
to Homer. Appreciation can
only come from bringing the
story alive.

"Believe me. knowledge
of what has come before.
greatly enhances one‘s appre-
ciation and understanding of
what one experiences." Quick

Rabel hopes people will
be inspired to read the poem
to learn about life. He said
performing the "Iliad" is
more beneficial to learning

“It is not always good to
be lectured to." Rabel said.

The “lliad” is oral tradi-
[Itllldl poetiy that was passed
down and changed over time.
and some people believe that
Homer did not write the
poem. Rabel said.

"Some think Homer isn‘t
a person. but it is the Greek
people themselyes." Rabel

Jenna Brashcar. a music
junior and Gaines fellow. said
the works of Homer are con—
sidered the basis for our West-

-Business Career
Fair, 10:00 AM, UK
Student Center

-UK Trap and Skeet
Practice, 7:00 PM,
Sportsman League
~Comedy Caravan,

8:00 PM, UK
Student Center
Cats Den

~Vine Book Club

Meetin , 6:00 PM,

-Fellowship of

Christian Athletes,
8:00 PM, Room 211
of the Student

em tradition. and it would be a
special opportunity to examine
the work iii a manner of how it
was originally presented.

"Although it is a nerve—
wracking undertaking for me
personally. I think events
such as this one can be excel-
lent experiences for panici—
pants. both readers and the
audience." Brashear said. “1
hope that sortie of the student
body will come and listen.
c\cn if it‘s just fora minute
or two."

The pcrtormance of the
"lliad" is Monday from 9
am. until midnight. It will bc
held on the lawn of the Sin»
gletary Center near the nonh—
wcst entrance. In case of rain
the reading will be moved to
the President's Room of the
Singlctary Center.

Rabel recommends cont-
iiig by at ll pm. until mid-
night when the performance
will conclude. The most pow~
crful message comes at the
end when the reading and na-
ture are in harmony. he said.

'm lt‘JrFP'V" I! At "‘vo’th‘c't Roori‘e'ml Strident O’qi and UK {1mm ”in simmer "“Ol'V‘di on ‘or FREE o"’i'\e (7N5 WE.” ”Vi/OR ‘ri "w Vt‘rl‘u’id' "ri'mii' o" \ ‘ir ain‘t it t .-

-VANITY, Fashion

Show, 7:00 PM,
Cats Den, UK
Student Center

-UK Trap and

Skeet Practice,
7:00 PM.

Campus Cruasde

for Christ, 7:30
PM, Center
Theatre in the
Student Center


PM, Briggs

PHOTOS av Ion 0mm
Folk singer Michael Johnathon, center, at taping ol the "WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour "






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-UK Trap and
Practice, 7:00
Lea ue
€30 PM.

Visa: tam; »‘ess oiii tar. use: semis; an.
mt. she/v 3.3K west:

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257-8867 ’rv We

"’o'T‘itt i)!‘

-UK Trap and Skeet
Practice, 7:00 PM,
Sportsman League
PM, Briggs Theatre


-UK Trap and Skeet '
Practice, 7:00 PM, '
. Bluegrass
Sportsman League L
FESTIVAL, 7:30 ‘
PM. Briggs Theatre .




 PAGE A4 | Monday, SeptemberlS, 2008


Speaker: Refugee admissions a complex process

President's proposed limit for
refugees entering the United States
for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1


' Near East/South Asia
I East Asia
I Latin American/ Caribbean
I Europe/ Central Asia

By Jill Lester

The United States‘ process for han-
dling refugees from across the globe
came a little closer to UK with a speech
by one of the nation's top officials on the

Terry L. Rusch, director of the State
Department's Refugee Admissions pro-
gram since 1989. spoke about US.
refugee policy and programs in the audi-
torium of the WT. Young Library Friday
moming. '

In her speech. Rusch described a
refugee admissions process that has mul-
tiple steps involving Congress. the presi~
dent and her office in the State Depart-
ment, among others.

“It‘s not like we wave a wand over
10,000 Bhutanese and say. ‘Come on
in.m she said.

Every year. Refugee Admissions, the
president and Congress work together to
detemrine exactly how many people from
specific countries or continents will be al-
lowed into the United States. she said.

For example, for the 2009 fiscal year
beginning Oct. 1. President Bush has pro-
posed a ceiling of 80.000 refugees, with:
37.000 from the Near East and South
Asia; 19,000 from East Asia; 12,000
from Africa; 4,500 from Latin America
and the Caribbean: and 2.500 from Eu—
rope and Central Asia.

One focus of Refugee Admissions in
recent years has been Iraqi refugees.
Rusch said. More than 12.000 Iraqi

refugees have been admitted for the fiscal
year ending this month ~— about 20 per-
cent of the total refugees the US. will ad-
mit worldwide for the year.

While many Iraqis came before the
War in Iraq began in 2003. the invasion
has added to the US. efforts to relocate
refugees, Rusch said.

“If the US. hadn‘t invaded Iraq, I
don‘t think we would‘ve been under this
pressure to resettle." she said.

In addition to Iraqis. Rusch focused
on Kosovars and Bhutanese in her Friday
speech. All three groups represent differ-
ent ways the US. has admitted refugees
to the US. she said.

The Kosovo refugee program in the
late 1990s represented an example of an
emergency situation. where an ethnic
group needed immediate evacuation and
several other nations were overwhelmed
with other refugee populations. she said.

Bhutan's refugee program in the
l990s was a time when a refugee popula—
tion awaited an uncertain future in Nepal.
she said.

"There was an entire population
growing up in these camps." she said.
“So I came back and rattled some cages."

Hearing about refugee programs in
Nepal. the country of her birth. was “aca-
demic and personal." said Christie
Shrestha. a first-year doctoral student.

“I liked hearing from someone who's
in the program. actually in the process.“
said Shrestha. who left Nepal at 12. “This
is neat."

Undeclared sophomore Andy Norris

Terry L. Rusch director of the State Depart—
ment's Refugee Admissions program spoke
about U S. refugee policy on Friday

came to Rusch‘s lecture Friday to earn
extra credit for a class. However. he said
the lecture proved to be an interesting
way to Team about a slice of the United
States' population.

"You see a lot of people from other
countries get here. but you never think
about how they get here." Norris said.
“So it was interesting to see how the
process works."



Continued from page At


“There weren‘t many places to move to." said
Sprouse. who said he had been in talks with Main
Street Live representatives for about two months.
“We were lucky to be able to make a deal with

The new location for The Dame. at 367 E. Main
St.. will occupy the Club Level and the AlA Concert
Level. on the right side of Main Street Live.

It will have its own entrance labeled as “The
Dame," said Main Street Live manager Jim Noll. Be-
tween 800 and 900 people will fit in the two connect-
ed spaces The Dame will occupy. he said.

The Dame will still be 21 and over. and have live
music. Noll said. However. in its new location. The
Dame will have access to Main Street Live‘s kitchen.
Also. if you go to The Dame you will probably be
able to get into Main Street Live with no additional
cover charge. he said.

The new venue will still have that “Dame" feel.
Sprouse said. They plan to redesign the new location
with the old Dame décor. he said. The. staff who
worked at the previous venue will also be retuming.
Sprouse said even those who moved away are mov-
ing back to Lexington to work at the new location.

“Lexington definitely needs a music venue of our
size." Sprouse said. “I'm just glad we‘re going to be
doing it again."

Journalism senior Pete Nolan attended shows at
The Dame many times before it closed. He hopes
the old Dame environment will encompass their
new location.

“As for the location of old venue. they could have