xt78w950k791 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78w950k791/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-03-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 1991 1991 1991-03-27 2020 true xt78w950k791 section xt78w950k791 Vote today in SGA elections



This is the second part 0/ a three-
day series.

Senior Staff Writer

In an effort to encourage the Mr
ing of more black faculty, the Uni-
versity has given more than
$500,000 in the last two years to
depanments for minority profes-
sors‘ first-year salaries.

Since the special fund in the bud-
get of the UK Office of the Presi-
dent was established in 1988-89,
$515,000 has been spent on the in-
centive program, said Mary Burg,
assistant to the chancellor for the
Lexington Campus. Around
$200,000 has been set aside for
new minority faculty’s first-year
salaries for next year, said Joan
McCauley, assistant vice president
for planning and budget.

Money the departments save
through the fund may be spent on

Senior Staff Writer

In an effort to combat low mi-
nority enrollment in The Graduate
School, UK has implemented a na-
tionwide recruiting program.

The program’s goal is to build
closer relationships between UK
and historically black colleges and
universities (HBCUs) that choose


UK programs
recruit, retain
black faculty

Walking the tightrope

other necessities.

The program is just one of many
examples of the concerted initia-
tive UK is taking to recruit and re-
tain minority faculty. In a signifi-
cant movement nationwide,
colleges are taking similar action
to diversify their campuses.

Already UK is showing the
fruits of that effort, with the hiring
of 10 new black faculty last year,
an increase of 55 percent.

See FACULTY, Back page

to participate, said Daniel Reedy,
dean of The Graduate School.

Historically black schools “have
held a long-standing tradition of
sending their students on to gradu-
ate and professional school — it’s
a way to break social and econom-
ic barriers," Reedy said.

UK is trying to build a relation-
ship with faculty members at the
schools so it can recruit graduate

J. John Harris III was appointed dean of the UK College of Education last summer. Harris, who came from Cleveland State

is the first black to serve as dean of a UK college.

students more directly, he said.

There are 97 black students in
UK‘s graduate program out of a to-
tal enrollment of 4,500. This figure
represents 3.4 percent of the gradu-
ate school’s population, Reedy

Nationwide, blacks account for 6
percent of the total graduate school

Although UK’s figure is consid—

erably lower than the national aver-
age, Reedy said it is a 14 percent
increase over fall 1989 enrollment.
Reedy said the increase was a di-
rect result of UK’s new recmiting

The numbers, however, are still
too low in all academic areas —
including UK undergraduates and
faculty, Reedy said.

There are 772 black students en-

Graduate School promotes minority enrollment

rolled at UK this semester, com-
pared with 22,600 non-black stu-
dents, the majority of which are

As of the fall 1990 semester,
there were 1,606 full—time faculty
at UK. Only 28 are black. making
up 1.7 percent of the full—time fa-
culty at UK.

Reedy, who serves on a national
task force for graduate schools. at-

. ,, 6-,- _


tributes UK's low black enrollment
to the rising population of minori—
ties in the United States, including
Hispanics and Asian-Americans.

“We have a rising population of
minority persons who are not be-
coming a pan of higher education
and not being mainstreamed into
the working force," Reedy said.

See STUDENTS, Page 7



Weather expected
to keep turnout low

Staff Writer

The weather is expected to have
an effect on the voter turnout for
Student Government Association
elections, said Greg Watkins, Elec-
tion Board chairman.

“If it’s going to rain ldon’t see
that the turnout will be too good,”
Watkins said.

Bad weather
also could affect
the kind of voter
that comes to the
polls. If it does
rain, as forecast-
ed, “the people
that vote will be
the people who
are the hard sup—
porters of the
candidate," he

Less voters
could also have
an impact on the election results.
“It’s going to be a real close race,”
Watkins said. “If the weather is bad,
there will be less of a turnout and
the margin of victory will be small—

There will be 10 polling places on
main campus and two on the Lex-
ington Community College Cam-
Polling locations were added at
LCC East and the College of Educa-
tion. SGA presidential candidate
Keith Clark is from LCC. Speech
pathology junior Christa Collins,
also running for president, is a Col-
lege of Education senator.

“I think (the new polling places)
would help those particular candi-
dates,“ Watkins said. “But it will
help voter turnout because as soon
as they come out of classes, boom.
there it is."

’ 9 1

Computerized voting machines
will replace older machines and are
expected to speed up the voting pro-
cess because votes will be tallied by
a computer instead of by hand, Wat-
kins said.

“lt will be more convenient for
everyone," said Jason Vandiver, last
year's Election Board president.
“We will find out faster and it will
be a lot more relia-

Election results
will be reported
tomorrow night at
9 in the Student
Center Free
Speech Area, two
hours after the last
poll closes.

“Last year it
took forever and a
day," Vandiver

Speed and accu-
racy are not the
only benefits of the new polling ma-
chines. “These machines are tam-
per-proof," Watkins said. “You
can't misread anything. (Acting)
Dean (of Students David) Stockham
will be here as we count the votes,

Students may vote for candidates
for president, vice president and
senator at large, as well as their par-
ticular college representatives at the
following polling locations:

oBusiness & Economics College:
B & E, Margaret l. King Library,
Donovan and Blazer cafeterias and
Kirwan-Blanding Complex Com-

-Agriculture: Agriculture North.
King Library, Donovan, Blazer and
the Commons.

See ELECTION, Page 7

Ag. North
9:00 - 2:00


Blazer, Commons and
Donovan Cafeteria
4:30 - 7:00
Ans and Sciences
Business & Economics

Business & Economics
10:00 - 3:00
Business & Economics
Human and Environmental Sciences

Law School
10:00 - 3:00

10:00 - 3:00
and 4:30 -7:00

M.I. King Library
9:00 - 7 :00
Allied Health
Arts and Sciences
Business & Economics
Fine Arts
Graduate School
Human and Environmental Sciences
Library Sciences
Social Work

10:00 - 3:00
Allied Health

Student Center
10:00 - 2:00

Lohman endorses Collins

Assistant News Editor

Saying that her three years experi-
ence in student government makes
Christa Collins the most qualified of
the four Student Government Asso-

ciation presidential candidates, cur-
rent SGA president Sean Lohman
endorsed Collins earlier this week.
SGA presidents in the recent past
have worked behind the scenes in

See COLLINS, Page 6

Shaw focuses talk
on Creason, war

Senior Staff Writer

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
would have avoided making crucial
mistakes by talking to legendary
Kentucky journalist Joe Creason.
Cable News Network anchor Ber-
nard Shaw said last night.

Delivering the 14th annual Joe
Creason lecture on campus, Shaw
covered many topics ~ but cen-
tered his speech on Creason, a pop-
ular writer for the Louisvrlle Couri-
cr-Journal until his death in 1974 —
and the gulf crisxs.

“Metaphorically, I say to you la—
dies and gentlemen Saddam Husse-
in's gravest mistake was havmg
never met, having never talked wrth
Joe Creason," Shaw said to a crowd
of more than l,500 people at the
Otis A. Singletary Center for the

Shaw talked about how Hussein
could have learned about the will of
the American people by talking and
walking with Creason (who Shaw
called “Dr. Nuance") in a small

“A few minutes with Dr. Nuance
and Saddam would have learned the
ways of American polich and
American journalism,“ Shaw said.
“If he (Hussein) had received truth-
ful information about the people of
the United States, the people and
the president, he would have known
better than to stay and fight."

Shaw said that Creason could
have explained to Hussein not to
take dissent as a sign of weakness.

He said one of Hussein‘s prob-
lems was nearly all of his informa-
tion of the West was second hand
and the men around him were afraid
to tell him when he was wrong.

Shaw also talked about what the


opening moments of the war were
like in Baghdad.

“l turned to look out the window
of room No. 906," Shaw said.
“Ann-aircraft batteries opened up
and started spraying the black sky us
if a hand were painting light flashes.
yellows, reds, greens, and oranges
on this black canvas. Tracers arched
skyward and disappeared, huming
themselves out."

Shaw, who was in Baghdad on

See SHAW, Page 6

A campuswide East-
er service will be
held in the Small

Student CenterBall-
room at 7:30 pm.

Call Beth Maxedom

at 268-2913 for more


Bat Cats
win in 9th


, Viewpoint ..................... 2
Diversions. ..................... 4
. Sports. ........................... 8
Classifieds ........................ 9


 3 - Kontueky Kernel, Wednesday, March 27, 1901







The following candidates for Student Government Association Senate
submitted 50-word statements on why they wanted to be elected an
SGA senator to the SGA office. Here is a reprint of their statements.





Amy Adams

Student Government Association
is an organization that is meant to
effectively represent the student
body. I feel that it is important to
get involved and make a difference
and a strong mark in something you
believe strongly in. My ticket can
provide a fresh approach to the is-
sues penaining to the student body,
and in return help lead SGA in a
new direction.

Amy Adams is a candidate for
senator at large.


Through my past and present
leadership positions in the organiza-
tions I am involved with, I feel I
have gained considerable knowl-
edge of the needs of the university
and its students. With this experi-
ence I will help further the needs of
the individual students. As a ticket
of Ramanathan. Pepper, Bates, Nor~
ton and Vandiver, we have 12 com-
bined years of college experience,
which will provide a new direction
for Student Government.

Jeremy Bates is a candidate for
senator at large.


I am seeking the position of Col—
lege of Agriculture senator to pro-
vide a strong voice in campus issues
nd to foster relations between the
college and the University.

As a result of my concerns for the
College of Agriculture‘s prosperity
1 will strive to acquire a more prom-
inent place for the college in the
University of community.

Richard Chalfant is a candidate
for College of Agriculture senator.


As Lexington Community Col-
lege senator candidate, I would like
to represent all student alike.

Some of my concems are With
finding, safe, fair parking, monitor—
ing the new mandatory student
(health) insurance law and working
to make a drug-free campus.

I will always be available to stu~
dent concerns. “Equal representa-
tion" for all students is and will al-
ways remain my first priority.

Duane D. Crowe is a candidate
for Lexington Community College


The College of Engineering was
founded many years ago on the
principle of advancing technology
and academic achievement.

Not only the structure of this col-
lege changed, but also its commit-
ment. A commitment that will con-~
tinue to grow in a new direction. As
a senator, I will be responsive to-
wards this development and work
for progress and change.

Misha Rene’e Goetz is a candi-
date for College of Engineering

Don’t forget to vote in the Student Gove; :

Association elections today (tr-tome;


The success of an organization
lies within the enthusiasm and ded-
ication of the people within that or-

Likewise, the representative of a
large number of people must also
exemplify those traits.

I am seeking the office of Col-
lege of Ans & Sciences senator,
because I have had great success
and enjoyment from past involve-
ment within student government

Also. I am very excited about
SGA’s future, and I would like to a
part of it.

Cynthia Isbell is a candidate for
College of Arts & Sciences senator.


My experience as chairman of
the Student Government Associa-
tion Campus Health and Safety
Committee gives tne a unique per-
spective on campus safety prob-

By managing the Student Escort
program. I have developed a cam-
pus safety survey in order to pin-
point problem areas.

This is just one reason Cranston,
Porter, Batsel, Jaeger, Elhenicky
means “experience and diversity in

Roger Batsel is a candidate for
senator at large


I am deeply concerned about the
needs of students in the College of
Education. it is my goal to provide
students with a representative who
will work endlessly at providing
them with a voice that will be heard
in not only student government but
in the University community as

My intention is to work closely
with education students and the ad-
ministration of the college to im-
prove communications between the
two in hopes of establishing a solid
relationship and let their concerns
be my concerns.

I offer three years of experience,
my dedication to the students and
my sincere interest in being a sound
voice for the students.

As College of Education senator I
will be diligent and responsive to
student needs.

Derby Newman is a candidate for
College ofEducation senator.


Somewhere along the line of
SGA, senators have forgotten that
they represent the students.

This is why I want to become a
voice for the College of Arts & Sci-
ences in the Student Government
Association Senate, as well as the
University Senate and be as accom-
modating as possible to their wants
and needs.

Kevin Park is a candidate for
College ofArts & Sciences senator.


As a freshman senator, I take a
keen interest in student concems. I
understand the problems associated
with class registration and will work
to develop a program that would en-
able students to register by phone
with direct access to the computers.
This is one reason why the ticket of
Cranston, Porter, Batsel, Jaeger and
Elhenicky means “experience and
diversity in action."

Jill Cranston is a candidate for
Senator at Large.


I have decided to run for College
of Business & Economics senator
for a number of reasons. but, main-
ly, to get involved. I feel that the
best way I can get involved, not
only in SGA but also with faculty
and administration, is by running
for this office.

James Stover is a candidate for
College of Business & Economics


It is said that there is strength in
numbers. I believe that the same ap-
plies to experience. As a student for
the past four years, I have seen
many problems arise and l have my
own ideas for their solution. Now is
the time for the “Strong" choice.

Stephen L. Strong is a candidate
for College of Communication sena-


Being a transfer student to the
University, I bring with me a vast
assortment of ideas. At my school I
was active in student government
and bring that experience with me
to help create new and fresh ideas at
UK. One goal I have is to help bet-
ter integrate personal computers in
the communication curriculum. If
chosen, I will try to better represent
the College of Communications in
the UK community.

Sean M. Sympson is a candidate
for College of Communications sen-


The College of Fine Ans needs a
strong representative to voice their
opinions to the administration, fa-
culty and Student Senate. To be a
representative of this group. indeed,
takes a great deal of responsibility.
Due to past leadership responsibili-
ties, I feel, with enthusiasm and an
open mind, I am the person that can
meet these needs.

(‘andy Smith is a candidate for
College of Fine Arts senator.

Jay In gle

All college senators not only
serve on the student senate, but also
on the University Senate as the only
student voice in this faculty domi-
nated body.

I would like to take students' ide-
as to both of these governing bodies
and make sure that UK remains an
institution for students.

Jay Ingle is a candidate for Col-
lege of Arts & Sciences senator.

Anne Jae ger

My experience as a Special Edu—
cation major and my involvement in
SCEC, SGA Handicapped Concerns
Committee and the Student Devel-
opment Council has strengthened
my commitment toward handi-
capped student service improve-
ment These are to make (1) handi-
capped sports seating equally and
easily available, and (2) campus
buildings more accessible. This is
one reason why —Cranston, Porter,
Batsel, Jaeger and Elhenicky means
“experience and diversity in ac-

Anne Jaeger is a candidate for
Senator at Large.

Stephen Keller

I desire the position of Senator at
Large because I have the ability to
create positive changes in the lives
of students in the University com-
munity. An admirable senator is one
who is sensitive to all viewpoints
from all students; thus having a
keen student awareness. From my
involvement with student govem-
ment since last August, I have de-
veloped Such an awareness. Re-
member, with Stephen Keller as
your senator, you will have no emp-
ty promises.

Stephen C. Keller II is a candi-
date for Senator at Large.


The office of UK Student Gov-
ernment Association senator is one
of great responsibility. I am seeking
the office of SGA senator because I
am responsible and I want to make
some good changes happen in the
UK SGA. When elected I plan to
work toward reaching out to the stu-
dents to let them know SGA is here
for them.

David McDowell is a candidate
for Senator at Large.


Dedication to students is the best
quality a senator can have. Working
to improve the things that count to
you! Two projects I plan to pursue
are the extension of student billings
hours and terminals during the first
three weeks of school, and to regain
the students privilege to receive le-
gitimate excuses for health care.
These are just two more reasons
why Cranston, Porter, Batsel, Jeager
and Elhenicky means “experience
and diversity in action.“

Christopher A. Porter is a candi-
date for Senator at Large.

Ashley Norton

1 plan to bring new ideas and
goals into our stagnate student gov-

I also feel that through unbiased
student representation, change will
occur for the good in SGA.

As a ticket of Ramanathan. Pep-
per. Bates and Vandiver, we have
12 combined years of college expe-
rience, which will provide a new di-
rection for student government.

Ashley Norton is a candidate for
Senator at Large.

Evelyn Pepper

I strive to motivate the student
body, drive the Student Government
Association to its fullest potential,
and implement change in a positive
effective manner.

I believe these ideas will strength-
en SGA and, in turn, the student
body. As a ticket of Ramanathan,
Pepper, Bates, Norton and Vandiv-
er, we have 12 combined years of
college experience which will pro-
vide a new direction for student

Evelyn Pepper is a candidate for
Senator at Large.

Allen Putman

Having served as an SGA Senator
for the past three years I have a
sound understanding of the Senate
and in these CHANGING TIMES
Student Government needs experi-
enced leaders such as Putman,
Beasley. Davenport, Mussler and

If re-elected, I pledge to be a ded-
icated and concerned student repre-
sentative with the experience to
make necessary changes.

Allen Putman is a candidate for
Senator at Large.

Chris Mussler

Throughout the past two years I
have served SGA as a senator. I feel
that l have been an effective and vi-
able of the senate and I look for-
ward to serving a third term with
great anticipation and hope.

For these are changing times
which need effective leadership like
that of Putnam, Beasley, Davenport,
Mussler and Boyd.

Chris Mussler is a candidate for
Senator at Large

Joey Smith

I am excited about my decision to
run for student government Senator
at Large. My ticket and I will work
diligently to represent our fellow
students. I am not satisfied with the
way SGA has been run in the past.
and will do everything possible to
make sure SGA is headed in a new

Joey Smith is a candidate for Sen-
ator at Large.


My name is Kalpana Shanmug-
ham and I am chemistry freshman
(pm-medicine) major. I am seeking
the position of Senator at Large in
order to ensure that the interests of
students of all backgrounds are rep-
resented equally within the SGA
Senate. 1 will accomplish this goal
by promoting student involvement
in student government through stu-
dent awareness.

Kalpana Shanmugham is a candi-
date for Senator at Large.


I strongly feel that I could appro-
priately and effectively represent
the student body. If I were granted
the position of Senator, there is an
infinite number of actions which
would benefit UK students. With
the enthusiasm and new direction
approach of our ticket, this Univer-
sity could reach its full potential.

Kary VanArsdale is a candidate
for Senator at large.


By becoming a senator in student
government I hope to expand on
ideas that I tried to implement as an
executive director. I plan to work
closely with the administration and
increase campus unity and represen-

As a ticket of Ramanathan, Pep-
per, Bates, Norton and Vandiver,
we have 12 combined years of col—
lege experience which will provide
a new direction for student govem-

Jason Vandiver is a candidate for
Senator at Large.

Arvind Ramanathan

As a freshman at UK, I feel that I
can make a decisive impact on the
future of this institution by gaining
knowledge in student government
and its workings. This, in turn.
would better serve my fellow stu-
dents in the issues that they are con-
cerned with. As a ticket of Ramana-
than. Bates. Pepper. Norton and
Vandiver, we have 12 years of com-

bined college experience, which
will provide a new direction for stu-
dent government. lt's time to bring
new leaders into Student Govem-
ment Association now and for the

Arvind Ramanathan is a candi-
date for Senator at Large.

E '1 TE R S

Davenport hard worker

I would like to ask the student
body to consider Lea Ann Daven-
port and her running mates when
going to the polls this week.

After just two years at UK. Dav-
enport has complied one of the most
impressive resumes on campus.

She has spent two years repre-
senting her fellow students as a sen-
ator and has served on four commit-
tees. chairing one of them.
Davenport has also been very active
with her social sorority.

She has served on numerous com.
mittees and has been rewarded by
her peers for her efforts.

In addition to her extra-curricular
activities, Davenport has been able
to compile an exceptional scholastic
record that few students can match.

Bit I am not suggesting that you
vote for Davenport strictly on her
past performance.

Rather I suggest that you vote for
her strong work ethic, her openness
to new ideas and opinions and her
dedication to the student body and
the campus.

Ashby T. Corum is president of
Beta Gamma Sigma fraternity.




 Kentucky Komol, Wednesday, March 27, 1991 - 3

Students should be a part of the Crosbie—Sparks administration


By Scott Damron


“Would you buy it again?" is a
question often asked of consumers.

As a student. would you buy it
again? What I mean by “it” is the
University of Kentucky — your ed-
ucation, social involvement, living
conditions, and experiences.

The reason I pose this question is
that students are consumers of the
University of Kentucky, and within
the answer to this inquiry lies great-
er truths which need be uncovered.

Through the answer we could be—
gin to decipher areas of improve-
ment for the University and discov—
er whether the alumni who leave
our halls are loyal alumni, sensitive
to the University's needs and inter-

Would you give $35 for a book to
the library upon graduation or
$350,000 in future years?

This question is of crucial impor—

A component of the purchasing


process in which we involve our-
selves as students at the University
of Kentucky is labeled “the Student
Government Association."

In March of each year, we hear
the SGA presidential candidates re-


verberate the messages of change
and improvement.
“I will make it better for you,” the
candidates promise.
“Vote for me.“ Sometimes
among the chatter of the candidates,

Crosbie-Sparks campaign full of


By Jay Ingle


I believe, as much as anyone, in a
fair and positive campaign for Stu-
dent Government Association elec-
tions, but one presidential ticket has
overstepped the bounds of honesty
and integrity in its campaign.

I cannot imagine being more of-
fended by a student campaign’s bla—
tant misrepresentation and hypocri-
sy after watching Scott Crosbie and
Keith Sparks vie for the top two
SGA offices.

The two are running a very nega-
tive campaign, stressing an anti-
establishment approach. Their cam-
paign seems to be a campaign
against SGA President Sean Loh-
man, rather than one that proves
that they are more qualified candi-
dates than Christa Collins, Keith

Clark or Byl Hensley.

Clark and Sparks ask students to
look at what SGA has done over the
last two years, a question which re-
lates in no direct way to any of the

Collins and Clark have both
served as SGA senators, but neither
has had the opportunity or position
to influence the organization in a
role such as president. Crosbie and
Sparks have merely used the fad of
criticizing Lohman as a tool for
popularity. These two need to step
back and realize who their competi-
tion really is.

With this strong anti-SGA ap-
proach, it seems quite odd that it
has been vehemently argued that
Keith Sparks has been influential as
SGA's Governmental Affairs chair-

Sure it would have been hard to

Follow your
favorite candidate
in the Kernel.






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step in and organize a powerful lob-
by effort, but Sparks has done noth—
ing. As a committee chair, I can at-
test to the fact that he has not
attended one Executive Branch
meeting all year.

He also claims to have worked
with the Board of Student Body
Presidents, but according to the
minutes, the chairman of that board
and the Kernel reporter responsrble
for covering these meetings, Sparks
has continued his lack of responsi-
bility there by not attending one
meeting. For a candidate so op-
posed to SGA, why does Sparks un-
foundedly claim his role in SGA as

Scott Crosbie also argues that, as
an outsider, he will not be a part of
any “petty office politics.” This
could not be further from the truth.

The nature of his campaign has


Crosbie is someone who truly cares about the issues
the University is facing he is someone who has the
determination and inspiration to struggle with the
University’s problems and emerge victorious.

an individual will distinguish him
or herself as something different.
Someone who should be notes and
listened to.

Scott Crosbie is this candidate.

Those who have had the opportu-
nity to converse with Scott know
that he is a genuine person.

Someone who truly cares about
the issues the University is facing,
but more importantly, he is some-
one who has the determination and
inspiration to struggle with the Uni-
versity’s problems and emerge vic-

His running mate, Keith Sparks,
is of equal caliber.

As the president and vice presi-
dent of student government, great
things are in store for the University
of Kentucky.

Along similar lines the Senate

race has heavy implications on our
purchasing process. Who should we
look to for leadership?

I believe that from a qualified
field of candidates, there are man
individuals worthy to hold Senate

Among this group is Joey Smith,
Kary VanArsdale, David McDow-
ell, and Amy Adams. They are en-
thusiastic to help the University
move in a new direction and assist
the Crosbie-Sparks team. I believe
they should be given serious con-

As a responsible student, take the
time to investigate the issues. Call
the candidates on the phone.

Put them on the spot, and decide
for yourself who is worthy of elec-
tion into the Student Government

’ 91

If the voting line seems a bit
long, picture the Chinese students
who demonstrated so valiantly a
short time ago what freedom is
about, and how badly they wish to
have it.

If you are asked. “Would you buy
it again?"

I hope the answer is a resound-
ing, “Yes, I would. 1 was part of the

Scull Dummn It a firttjycur law

hypocrisy and devoid of content


With this strong anti-SGA approach. it seems quite
odd that it has been vehemently argued that Keith
Sparks has been influential as SGA’s Governmental

Affairs chairman.

already created such conflicts. He
has not only supported senate tick
ets, but has played a primary role in
forming them. Nine of his 25 steer-
ing committee members are running
for Senate seats.

These political ties are forming
the petty politics of next year‘s
SGA, regardless of who is presi‘
dent. 'lhese nine represent eight
greek organizations, and it would
not surprise me if this was more
than just coincidence. What kind of
debt will he owe those people once

When Scott Crosbie was asked.

at the Greek Political Action Com-
mittee debate, what quality estab-
lishes him as best for the job, (‘ross
bte answered, “Initiative."

The only initiative Crosbie seems
to have shown is that of seeking a
title to add to his resume. Last year.
he and Sparks both ran unsuccess-
tally for senator at large. Crosbie
then signed up for an SGA commit-
tee and was placed with Communi-
i\ Affairs, a very active committee.

t‘roshie rivals his running mate
tor lack of work done in SGA last
year. as he has done nothing. If
Scott Crosbie cares enough about

SGA to want to be its leader, It
seems as though he would have
shown stmtc‘ “initiative" by getting
things done behind the scenes.

The other candidates have all
shown initiative -. Collins and
Clark in SGA, and Hensley in SAB

~ but Crosbie has not. It seems
that “initiative" only means some-
thing to (‘rosbie it he can be pfc‘sl-

i ask you now to step back and
analyze what the candidates are
saying. If you feel that Crosbie and
Sparks truly believe tn what they
are saying, then you are quite a loy»
al follower It not. I would like to
thank you for keeping an open mind
and reali/tng the lack of integrity in
their campaign.

.ldV Ingle is (I pnltlrza! \(t'("l.(‘
and philosophy rnphnmmg



It’s Tim


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