xt78w950k768 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78w950k768/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-04-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 1989 1989 1989-04-17 2020 true xt78w950k768 section xt78w950k768  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCll. No. 148

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky


Independent since 1 971

Monday. April 17, 1989 I


UK will concede 3 violations, newspaper says

Associated Press

UK will concede to the NCAA that a
package sent to the father of a recruit last
year left the school‘s basketball office with
$1,000 inside, the Lexington Herald-Leader
reported yesterday.

But the University says the evidence is
inconclusive as to whether then-assistant
coach Dwane Casey placed the money in-
side, a source told the newspaper.

UK officials will meet with NCAA en-
forcement staff members Saturday for a
hearing on 18 allegations of wrongdoing
lodged against the school's basketball pro-

The NCAA‘s judicial body, the Commit
tee on Infractions. is expected to make a
judgment and possibly impose sanctions
sometime next month.

The investigation began last year when
an Emery Air Freight package sent to
Claud Mills. father of then-recruit Chris
Mills. popped open in transit. Emery work-
ers said $1.000 was in the package. which
was sent by Casey.

Casey denied sending the money and the
Millses denied receiving it.

The newspaper's source said the NCAA
contends Casey placed the money in the
package. as stated in the first allegation
against the program. But the University,
the newspaper said. takes the position that

Officials ask
for changes
in stadiums

Associated Press

SHEFFIELD. England 7 Lawmakers
yesterday demanded changes in stadium
designs. including a ban on anti-riot
fences. after a mad rush at a soccer match
trapped thousands of fans behind one of
the steel barriers. At least 94 people died.

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher vis-
ited Hillsborough stadium and promised a
public inquiiy into Saturday‘s disaster.
which turned a soccer cup semifinal into a

Then she visited hospitalized survivors
and listened to their accounts of Britain‘s
worst sports disaster.

An investigation was expected to focus
on allegations that some fans entered the
soldout stadium, which has a capacity of
54.000. without tickets or with forged tick-
ets. and why so many were still outside as
the match began.

Pratt said the casualty toll stood at 94
dead and 170 injured. Many victims were
teen-agers and children. because the cheap
standing—roombnly section is favored by
young fans.

Seventyone people were hospitalized.
many in extremely critical condition.

evidence regarding
Casey and the source
of the money is incon-

Still. the NCAA and
the University will
agree on at least two
other serious viola~
tions. according to the
newspaper‘s source.

Both parties agree
that academic fraud
was committed when
Eric Manuel took a
college entrance
exam at Lexington
Lafayette High
School. source

In Allegation No. 10,
the NCAA charges
Manuel with copying

Chris Mills.

his ACT.





No. 1: An envelop containing
$1,000 was sent from the UK
basketball office to the father of

No. 10: Eric Manuel cheated on

No. 11: Manuel. Sean Sutton
provided NCAA investigators
with false and misleading infor--

NCAA Allegations

Agreed to be true

Considered unfounded

and (K. the source
said. and will not
be part of Satur
day‘s proceedings
The allegations
considered defunct





No. 2: Former assistant coach
Dwane Casey offered Sean Hig-
gins money and a car to attend

No. 3: Casey made improper
contact with Higgins during the
recruiting process. .
No.4: Bill Chupil took UK pros—
pect Lawrence Funderburke on
a trip to Lexington to tour UK.

. No 2 ('asm
offered prosper"
Sean Higgins
cars and a monthh
payment of about
$300 as :in llltillt't‘
ment to play


V!) l Hist".
had an lll‘ipl‘tipt‘"
contact \i'itli Hit:
giiis during the "t'
cruiting lll‘tit't'“
and that (use;

0 . -
soucefissoctabd Press shot llztSkf‘l‘- ‘.\.‘”‘.





answers from another
student who sat next
to him. The NCAA cited a comparison of
answer sheets that it said showed that 2))
of 219 responses were identical,

The source told the newspaper that both
sides also agree on Allegation No. it.
which charges Manuel. Sean Sutton and
Casey with providing false and misleading
information to NCAA investigators about
how the two players were transported to

KERNEL CRAPMCS Elizabeth C Moore

the test site referred to in Allegation \‘o

Sutton. a point guard for the Wildcats. is
the son of former UK coach Eddie Sutton.
who resigned last month after four years

Three other allegations have been
Judged to be unfounded by both the NCAA


front of his fraternity house.


A FRESH COAT: Billy Frye. a member of Sigma Nu

3‘ amen WILLIAMSON/Kernel Staff
fraternity. paints the




- No 4 llaski"
ball talent scout Rill t‘hupil of “"l‘li'lll‘dl‘
()hio. improperly took pi‘ospee' l..‘l'.2l‘t’.’1t“
Funderburke on a trip to lfi‘thtL'Jtitt v 'M-
summer of 1987 to tour t K \-
pil was named in four other .illegat'o't-: i»
improperly acting as .i (K reprexrvntute u
in recruiting Funderliurke

In none of the other i:
the NCAA enforcement \tatt

campus i "i:


fl‘tl 'he

versitj. agree the charge we toinpleteh
unfounded the source si'llli

.\ll(’l' pi'elirninarx lllf‘f'lil|fl\ inst lliftllill
to iilst'tl\,\ the lit .illi-ga'ion» Hill‘t’h
sillii t: ‘StM' ~»illllll‘i£tl‘;. .mi.!d lit' prepar‘i-tj
ti‘. ‘tu \( \\ mttm't eineri' vat? 'ietiiri- ‘hi-

Hr '. who helped lead the school! tn
'i'r'iiul ~e'.es'ig;itioit mt the liu\k("hdii pro
gram .tYl'i later \(‘l‘u-ti as Cillf'lJl‘. athletics
\(ll’i the uiiniixii'f.
i'iit‘ftiiii 'hi- pliV'ltlf‘p' he"! of. ”to t“:-

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" - \‘I'VVI‘,

Fraternity given
social probation
by dean’s office

8) ll \Rllll‘i'l‘T llFVllRl’N
Staff Writer
Sigma i'hi it‘llt‘l'llll‘. has New ;. ll'
maiided ti}. ’ltt‘ 'ié‘ii." of students iitiice W
its involvement
Tau Della fraternity house on '\l:it" i- it
Sigma ('hi‘s l)(‘ll£llllt‘\ illl'illllt‘ ~i~.- ~ii~iiw
ston from all social .ictix'i'iex illf‘llli‘l‘ 'w
fall semester holding a v‘llftll’l‘l‘ -i
which all ti‘aterriih riteiizhers null w
quired to attend. and
Delis for damage done to their house

Delta Tau llelta also
according to Associate limit
VlClOl‘ Hazard. litil 'lieii‘ iiiiiii\liiwii-iii wit
be decided within the next you. .imx .iii-r .
mpf‘llnfl\t'itlttlieileatiot ~tiideiih mire

Sigma (‘hi learned of 2k
Thursday after a meeting .'.'llt new
Students Doug Wilson tssisiiiiit il".ll‘ ii
Students Michael l’alin illlti lla/iird

"Dr Wilson. Dean Palm and l t-iiiiwii‘w

1!! .ii: ‘llt'ttlt’fli .i' "l" *4-"i

I‘i‘tltti‘lll‘r‘llil "i"

cull 'ie pi-iiiili 1..»
