xt78w950k73h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78w950k73h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-03-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1986 1986 1986-03-26 2020 true xt78w950k73h section xt78w950k73h ‘ n
. ————_________________________________—__————————————
m “Wilt, No. 97 'Estobtlshod 1894 University at Kentucky, Lexington. Kontucky Indopgndgm gm I971 Wednesday, March 26, ,9“ _
ByINQRMAN BLACK dispute over Libya's claim to sover- its surface-to-surface missiles had standing orders that declared below Libya's so-called "line of ships operating in the truth" ’l‘hree . I" I . ii "
__I‘______.I AssomatedPress eigntyoverthehulf of Sidra. againstaLibyanvessel. any Libyan plane or boat ap- death“ before the scheduled dead- surface ships remained inside the f . .2 ‘
~ . . US. officials said the attacks. proaching them to have hostile in line of A rill I if b t it - .. .. -~s ., l‘ 1 out ' ' '~ * .-
. At first, esterda m0 . th _ _ . p gu . u it (dltltl [U iainei
WASHINGTON — U'S' .Jets and Pentagon's cyhief swiestSISagid th: which occurred during the pre-dawn tentions. Secretary of State George Shultl. sideit tothe north , . ‘2 ' '
. warships destroyed tw0I Libyan pIa- renewed attacks came in retaliation hours yesterday. Tripoli time — or "We have been given ample cvi- said the Mediterranean exercise. in other developments. Pentagon 7 ~ ' 1'
~ trol boats and damaged a radar mis- against Libyan missile attacks late Monday night Eastern Standard dence of hostile Libyan intentions which began Saturday night. would sources said the l' S armada was ‘ - 5. "
She She yesterday. and the Penta- aimed unsuccessfully at U S planes TimeI v were justified to protect . . . and we will defend ourselves." continue as planned But Defense being closely shadowed by six Soviet ~-f " i '. ‘ ‘- .'
4 80h declared the renewedIAmeIricIan Later. the administration said there American sailors and ships from at- declared Pentagon spokesman Rob- Secretary (‘aspar W. Weinberger combat ships and that the flagship _‘ ’. '. ,I . f
awhh aIttefense against hOShle lh‘ had been no new fire from the Li- tack by a country that had already ert Sims. referring to Libya‘s launch and Sims both suggested that the of the Soviet flotilla remained in , " '. ; -"
h‘hlionsi 9"?" though "0 hostile bvans. demonstrated“hostileintentions.” of ground—to-aii' missiles against commander of the 6th Fleet. Vice port in Tripoli. passing along intelli- ,
fireprovokedtt. . ' The attacks came even though the USpianes on Monday, Adm. Frank Kelso. could decide to gence information Sims would not ,1
Il'orI a second straight day, the One of the patrol boats was sunk Libyan boats and missile installation There were conflicting reports. endthe exercise before Aprill provide a pronto count on the Soviet ,' r -' ’ fa: .u‘
Navy 5 0th Fleet opened fire on Col. by the cruiser \orktowIn. marking did not fire on American forces. But meantime, as to whether the t'nited The t‘nited States has three air- ships. although he indicated at least ‘ '2' 1" t f . .".I,v
Moammar Khadafys forces in the the first time a Navy ship had used US. officials said the battle force States might end its maneuvers craft carriers and 27 other combat iournerenearthe\essels :- '1': h (:1
'- ‘3 ‘54:" '2‘
C .1 OK 1. £13."; If"). 2'
’ - ‘ .
., . . to admit athletes
. “I g-‘.. i iv. I_III. ”I“
“i \ . ‘ , - ,{Mi
\. . .- . . New standards enable some students v .- .
‘N 1 fl 0 x ' ' ' . , i .- "a
\ Q ~- . to bypass selective admISSlOHS rule . ‘ . . ",I . . a;
\ l ,1 .. , _ .-~
\ i - ’ A. B.‘ (‘\'.\"l‘llIl.\.\.PALUIUIU l'niversity Registrar lianitall 1).th ‘, . L i ' . ’ I _
f \ '“‘ 1 , ASNSlahl 39"“ Editor said prospective students who tall in II I” -. .
. "A / " the delayed consideration pool tor .' _ I‘ _
i I ~\ “ If the L‘nl‘VerSlt." Senate agrees. acceptance Will not be forced to I. .I
‘v 4”; I. \ . scholarship athletes may be ad- compete with the stUtlt‘flt-uttllclc\ . '7 ' .' f .
5).; j, ; mitted to ['K even if they don't meet because the athletes \\!ll not be ' - . . I‘ -
. the selective admissions require- placedinthat pool . ‘ ' \~
l k‘ I ', ments William Lyons. a political science ,' I '
" .' ,g ' " l The Senate Council yesterday 8p» professor. raised the argument that 7 ' " . i
. v‘ ’7’, .. _ . .. I I, ~ proved a change in athletic admis- two standards are being created by ‘ ' . '. "
”VI. A -) .. ‘ ‘I E‘ I. Mons. which was prompted b\‘ a prO- this separateadmissions policy ' . ~ '_
. Q i ‘ . . 9053] made h)’ [K 5 AdmiSSiOhS and Enid “’aldhart. a communications ‘ '1 I
1 m . ':I. / ' Academic Standards Committee. professor and a member of the acar ‘ ' ‘ l ,, I ..
. a“? : , 3; I1” ‘ . r ‘ ‘ . t'nder the current rule. which eX» demics and athletics subcommittee. ‘ » .
f h if .' . ; {Wig} N2" ~ pires at the end of this academic said §h9 origihiill.‘ dfli‘et‘ii “‘i‘h hi> ' '. ‘ i
I ~ ' c " l " .. . year. student—athletes who do not critIiCism. but after studying the sit- - i .
q l i‘ » . " meet standards for UK‘s automatic “atIOhI realized that ‘ht‘ MU? - ~ ‘ ' I
I g .0 . ? ti: acceptance must meet NCAA and couldntbeavoided ' '
i' ' . ‘ Southeastern (‘onference academic “We ithe subcoinmittie were ' ‘ - . . , ‘
iI ' .- . :‘I‘n: requirements wanting to be fair to athletes and . .
I , ; .v z . _ . .- fair to the student body. litii realized :
1' " _ . ‘:- 3:" The proposed rule L5 designed to there is a different-cf \‘t'aldhart .4 :7 - ' .
~ . ; I‘ ;. address the admission standards for said u ’. .
i , _ ' i . ' the student-athletes who don‘t meet .. I .. r, - ‘ '
\ . . f .s- 7. . -. . “fl . ‘ the automatic acceptance require- h “'1‘ I‘Wh “h." U‘hh‘h‘r h”?- ' . ’
I ‘5;.:2II“_L ,, fi :8 “a ‘ E . . . iiients of a 25 high school grade she said. there has to be a differ 4 ’ -
“~\_ . _\§ . z I; point average and l50n the ACT ence Everyone else docsii t have to . ' .
. 5 E " ' e ' toethelirie “ ’ - ' . ' _'
. , , '1 j - The change would allow athletes . . . . . , . '
' ’ é .. 4- w‘ . . . . Robeit Altenkirch. chairman of ,
t .5 m be automatically admitted h they the mechanical engineering dcpart- ' I ' . .
. . a» meet the M‘AA standards and not ment said ”en the 1‘“,le _ . ,
mcxsuumn KernelStoH L'K's selective admissions require- adopted selective admissions lii‘il: _ ,. . .
Net gal“ 215?: Silonghrorgguillgmgfiit Eh): ess puts students in different catego " " II, t
. _ I . freshman eligibility will be accepted ries . . ' I ,.-I
Rick Thompson, on economics graduate student, puts up a day. Thompson and his partner said they purchased the net under the exceptions rule rather ”Athletes are one such category . , . » I
net at the outdoor courts next to the Seoton Center yester- because all the nets at the courts were worn cut. than the rank-order pool. sccuit \(‘ll . Page 3 . ‘r l ' - . .
I}- '1' . I O .' . . A.
M*A*S*H star to give campus lecture "* " t I "S'hOhS '
“” -. _ . ' .2 .~ I-_._.'.
. . .. . . . . . . . With SAB :m-
Mike Farrell to discuss political act1v1sm, U.S. involvement in Central Amer1ca ~ A . f - -.
ByJAY IBLANTON sored by the Student Government hpAtsvHI but that‘s not all he and El Salvador as part of a human I 0' ,vi ~'Us avallable . ' 7‘}. v' .y
Staff Writer Association. speaks about." rights delegation. ' 3 ‘ . ' ‘ 1' T ', ' ' i.' .
SGA aid $5.500 to brin Farrell to _ , . . . ; ' '. .3 ‘ .p' '.’-
From the “swamp“ at the 4077th campus? g ”Whatlfilselhhrrel: speakts alamt is 13:52:23; gdiitlcliluhhrecernfnthf (a X Frlday last day _ . , i, I .
M‘A’S’H unit to c 11 . , is po i ica invo vemen . 9 ts P“ u e 5 Si 55 e ‘ ~ .' ‘~ UiII
- - o egeIcaImpusIes, Tickets for the lecture W1“ 80 0" chairman of the Committee of Con« ests. He has been owner and opera- ~43 , .~ - - i ‘. ,' ; . 2;.
actor and political actiVist Mike sale tomorrow t the St d for 11C “on - « z ,, tr-
‘ ‘ ' . . a u ent Center cern for Central America. which tor of a natural foods restaurant and app 3. S i , i , I -. I. .,
Farrell has been sharing his ideas of - . , i - i
poiiiicaiinvoivememand activism “Ck“ 0““ and Will be $1 f°r stu- consists of entertainment and broad- is currently producing a board game . " v; .. I.
N h ' :iIfntgséntacItltybIand Staff and $2 for cast personnel who disagree with called“Broadway." - ' ByEVAJJVINKle , "'15":
ext mont Farrell will brin e era P" 1C- r ‘ ' ' ~' ' . . , " . ' ~. I 2'”;
these views to UK. g SGA President John C . 'd the t .S. policiesin the region. . Even though many might consider ‘ StaffVHiltr ", i.-‘"F['I‘ ', .1 :' IIIII
. . . ain sai Farrell also serves as the Ameri- Farrell's lecture to lean a little to ' .= F 'd , ~th l' t l' \I students can . . pi . :I_‘
Farrell, best known for his por— organization had 59“?!“ Farrell be- can spokesman for the group CON- the left. Cain said his presence is. by . {1. ?~‘ “‘ e (”I Ihdn l -h' r kw)” -.« if; I’ ‘11:!
trayal as B.J. on the television se- causeofhis popularity asaspeaker. CERN. a refugee aid and devel- no means. an attempt to balance app: hr exe€:,l\:'dri:in: i:.,lH.1t‘l(,\ ~,"‘l_';r‘." “id-,1:
ries M‘A'S‘H. will speak at 7:30 ”(He is) one of the most popular opment group. And Farrell has things out after the conservative G. ghh'r'émh 0“ ( ‘ u“ ‘ L ‘ :1: 7"“ Ir: Iii, -
pm. April 9 at the Student Center speakers around right now." Cain traveled throughout Central Ameri- Gordon Liddy lecture about three 0; d. nts can 1) [I for I“ offices 129-1" 3."--1_.J.J>‘i.r,§
Grand Ballroom. in a lecture spon- said. “(Hist claim to fame is ca to countries such as Nicaragua weeksago. MIKE FARRELL u e ‘ . ‘lpf ‘ , ‘ ' 'f i7 £11. ."i
except the positions of homecommg , i ._‘ . . ,I
. committee chairperson and one of v ,' ',_i"i_'v II
‘7 Esca In fumes cause the two concert committee chairper- ‘ . I' II' . ‘i ‘
ua 0c e e I sons.whicharefilledforthefall I I; If I‘.I.“I
Resident. vice president. secre ' ' , i-.-
o . . - I
O 0 Q , tary/treasurer. public ielations di- - I .' ‘ . I
V evacuation of Ag N orth m. We .. . . .. .>
g1 es group 1 Slg . positions areavailable - ‘ g . '.
'i s . . Cinema. contemporary affairs, ’ ' _' i .“ ‘
Staffreports said John Walker. associate dean in rforming arts. special activities. I '. _ -
. . . theCollegeof Agriculture pe tl' ht - ., t . l l 'rt‘ .. '
Into world pollthS ' 4 More than we mule w?- ittiggxeria it ' - ' -~
uated from the Agricultural Science Fifteen 990919 were examined and committee chairperson positions " .
' I Center North yesterday afternoon released from L'K Medical Center. also are needed, 3 I .
ByMELlSSAFRYREAR certain conflicts and problems of _ when hydrogen sulfide fumes 9” saidahospital spokeswoman. SAB officials encourage anvone ~ . ‘ .
Contributing Writer that COUNTY 9 tered the hu'ld'hg' . . who is remotely interested in run
“UK students were assigned two ‘v I The fumes escaped 1th the blIiild‘ a why“ {an ning for an office m apply. mm ' '
While many UKI students spent countries from the Caribbean, St. "‘8 While Thomas K9"?- ? hortiCUi‘ «1' ' Ll Mindy Martin. public relations comv .
spring break relaxtng and taming Christopher and Nevis," Coleman ture professor. W85 venting hydro- . mitteechairwoman. .
their bodies in the sunshine state of said. Sen SUlfide through his laboratory “53‘1“? w: "Basically anyone with an interest '
Florida, some chose to spend their . - - h°°d- ’ , I; . in hel in out the t'niversity and
time at our nation‘s Capitol. registleed ahgrfhegomcrhiltritegsescod‘seig- Cary Beach. manager 0‘ the UK UK h” may, l " consquieEtly its students is going to .
Seven" stud”? "0m VK'S ted of a general committee con- 9““ 9:3 “'9 andegccgdem PPM" looks back on to. flat '9' be a good person for the Student Ac ,
“model Organization Of American cemed with “the major political hOh‘ 58' Kemp us t e proper pro» ‘ at Kentucky. For m, m tivities Board,"she said . . ‘
States left March 15 for Washington. issues and peace in central Ameri- cedurIe t° vent the hydrogen s‘hhde‘ m ”9 3 is; " SAB held an information session
D-C- ‘0 participate in a one-week ca" and four other committees con- SHEILA WH‘SON ilktoxtaeflammable gas that smells ' ‘ ' . a.» March 12 to give candidates a
program. said Ken Coleman, direc- cerned with 'uridical economical, ' em “9885‘ - urn: it: chance to learn more aim" the POSI—
tor of the Latin American Studies educational arid administrative may, She said it was difficult to “stop "We tliiiik that when the fumes "I. ”I M . tions and the duties and responsibili-
program. ters Each country was issued a deli thinking like an American" and try reached t.he ah". they were Sheked don't 0" It cw"! 7*“ . 5*? ties “the 0mm
OAS is an organization “reconsti- egate from each committee. to “get into a mind set“ of how the intoIthe air conditioning system . - - mm a. ' w, This year the deadline for apply-
tutionalized in the post World War II . ed Latin Americans think. But it was that 5 our theory Tight "0““ Jack w ' ‘ ‘ .‘ ing for positions was extended, The
era designed to regulate peace-keep- The students were requir .to pay “lots 0f fun." Blanton. Vice chancellor for admin- 'M ' a 3.; "‘15-“? board voted last month to change
» inssocietis.“Coieman said. M. the" mm and hmd‘ Wh'le UK ‘5'”"0" “id'astnifihl- . . . . . .. ' ’ ' " " ’ the selection date from two weeks
.\ UK‘s version. he said, is a simula- paid for transportation expenses and The goal of the program was to Blanton said Physical Plant Dm_ H’ *7“. before spring break to two weeks
\\ tion of the activities held by the or- the$250registration fee. give students Ithe experienceI of sion officials are conducting a fun ‘: after break.
\\ sanitation. The ”WP has been The Office 0‘ international pro- -Why “5 so difficultIfor organize: investigation 5° “something like that i . . I. The date was changed because the
\ meeting forsix years. grams and the Latin American Stud- "ms ‘0 d?“ “”h‘ p°hh°al chnh'Ch'f won't happen 888m" 19", “a. “3 ‘ ' ‘r' (Ia selection process had “been too
‘ ’l‘hepurposeof participating in the ies program co—sponsored the PT“ angrto 8w: thfimc Iexperienge if!“ IH9 said he thought this was the _ m ad m »" “d ushed" in past years. said David
annual event was to allow students gram. gidlcthsepiatuilrgits ageerhlielrsnail . be first time such an incident occurred In *0 * ”f“ F .. Nickell, SAB vice president. The ex-
the opportunity to “consider resolu- Sheila Wilson. a political science doing .. ng y at thehghiiildihS- hi" “, 91-6? Iii tension gives candidates three extra
tions of certain problems of Ameri- junior, was UK's head delegate. Wil- ' The campus police. campus safety W. . is - . % weeks in their campaigns. .
ca,“hesaid. I son said the program “gave sin. The University of Louisville. East- unit and the local fire department W .__ ,_ .. _ § Students interested in awiyins {0"
Students were sampled at country dents in greater understanding of the em Kentucky University and Bet-ea were called to the building immedi- m wlfi q N’“ one of the positiom can pick up an
torepreoent andacommittee to par- problems and conflicts in Latin College were other Kentucky institu- ately and the building was evac- a. . . ’ ‘ 33‘ application in the SAB office. 204
ticipate in and then tried to molve American countries." tions participatingintheprogram. noted from about 3:30 to 5:30 pm. . .. _ Nd Student Center.

 2-Km7KERNELmy, M20, 1*
Student Activities Board
‘ - ' ' Presents
UK home economists hOpe event Will reduce misconceptions about college
8) fBl-I'rll LAWSUN _——'——_‘_ " " " [A lot lft‘ bewza t Special]? Local Lecture 50".!
Sta fWriter it ~ , - ma es. mig in lml o wa ,
There are many misconceptions about the mm our college... McMahon said. 12:15.1 .30
The College or Home Economics college . . . we’re much more dynamic than The Career Expo makes it easier for Old Student Center Theatre
Will get some exposure today and to- l . . . ,, the students to get information on MCI‘CI’I 26
morrow at its second annual (‘areer peOp C glVC [15 credit fOl'. l'K‘s program,she added.
‘ ‘ Expo. Ginger MCMahon' “'l‘h ' m n misconce tions n
' Students. faculty and college ad- Home economics senior about ea; affine; y we‘re [inuch “UPDATE ON LEXINGTON
ministrators from all departments more dynamic than people give us Donald Webb& Dudley Webb
2f than“ P‘;‘;:°"(‘.‘I“.mgml’egofld:n: _ _ credltfot‘. McMahon said. Webb Companies
[than (:20 ame qtfc‘btions slim n1: cidcd. about the Home Economics Economics program and available
‘ '5 '~ is ‘ " i ‘ "t ';\'h ‘11 ‘ I\'h ti. . . ' .
. might have. said (linger McMahon. pltlgi‘ln‘l \lL la onsiit _ioboppoitunities. '\lc la onsiit V .. The “Caree; HExpo.Esponsol'ecistby Bring Your Lunch
1 a home economics 59mm: l‘hc laxpo will give more exposure "I think our college is one of L l\ s lht‘ (0 889 0 ome . conomics u- FREE ADMISSlON
1 1 . to the college by providing bro- best-kept secrels1” said Sarah dent Advisory Councrl, Will be held
~ “tlur MN pul‘ptN‘ ls l” fiiut‘dlt‘ churcs. career sheets and a small Henry. assistant dean of the (‘ollege this morning from 8:45 to 2 pm. and Don’t Miss u!
all students. especially the unde» \lltle carousel about l'K's Home Of Home Economics. tomorrow from9:l§a.m. t02p.m.
' I ' 20 11'
Q“ i 1 ~
. , . 0C 0““ oil I Reagan gives Honduras 33 m1 ion
V ' . l . C ' c ‘ ; ct - It) it. lull: \l-Il.s‘t)\ gency which exists in Honduras." itar)‘ forces “they will go nowhere .. ' ' - - 0 . - o n . - o .' ' '.
. . ~ ontinu d from his lllL - Associated Press Speakes said. near the beam)" of themvasmn.“ . . . f “ . ' .
‘ - . . Sli \ie “role rules for that Nicaragua‘s Marxist-led Sandinis- The president‘s action came as the _ _ _ , o.
- _ ' 1 . 1 cutegury' ncsnid wasmxurnx .. President Rea» ta government. however. called the Senate prepared to consider his re- I . . --I
. _' ‘ . _ t ndt r \'(‘.\\ t't'glildlltlns. stir gun paw $20 million in emergency border crossing report "one more lie quest. already rejected by the I '. .. . I
1' . ‘ '1 dent-athletes must lime a mini tlilllial'} a5515tance to Honduras yes- by the Reagan administration." House, for $100 million in aid to the I .. . . e . . . . m .' I
_ . ; 1 ~ -' 1. , . Will“ .»\("I‘ American (‘ollege terday and agreed to the use of [is Administration officials described (‘ontras opposing the Nicaraguan I ' ' 0. . .t t ' . o ' I
~ ‘ ," 1 Tcslr score of 13 and a minimum helicopter pilots in response to an in- the Nicaraguan military move as government. I e. .e I
. '. "r . v grade point average of 2 0 In a cursion by troops of the Marxist-led the largest 0f more than 10” Sandi- Speakes said that on Monday I ' e . . . o ‘ I
.1 .; i - , core of ll academic courses for gm ernment of neighboring Nicara~ nista border crossing into Honduras night. Honduran President Jose Az- I I
' ~‘ _ ', ‘1 .1 - l'l‘t’Shmant’llgibliil} guu since the Nicaraguan rebels began cona Hoyo “requested urgent US. 1 .
' » ‘ 7 . . ' - ll student-athletes do not meet A1 mam as l 300 Nicaraguan using that country as a base of oper- military assistance to include assis- I The Bes‘ P‘zza In Town, "ones“ :
" 1 - ,1‘ j , these requirements. they cannot mg» hadlcrossedfithe border into ations more than fouryears ago tance in airlifting-Honduran troops I I
' t . ‘ ‘ participate during the freshman ”0mm.“ “th House spokesman White House Chief of Staff Donald as necessary." . ' I .
7 1. . . year and lose that year of eligibi- larrx Spc'ikes said The Honduran Regan. after meeting with Republi— He said the requested aid also in- I I hurSda NI ht I
‘ ' " . lily. J . ‘. ‘ ‘ .A ~» ' - 1, can Senate leaders. said transporta- cluded other assistance “in order to I I
. . gmeinment confirmed the incursion , 1 . . .1 . . I
' ' ' 14’.“ Mather. an agriculture 'ill(l 'aidithadre( . . ~ .- lion assistance will be supplied by repel this and future Sandinista at— l
. . , e t s iuested L .5. did. 1 1 , _ . 1 .. I
' economics professor and chair 1 1 1 1.5. helicopters and pilots. He said tacks. | . .
‘ man of the C(ilttltllllt‘t‘_ said about .. Weak“ 5‘1”“ [-5- personnel are they are in Honduras already as Reagan notified key members of I aGattI NI ht I
1 . 54 percent of the recruited ath- not i" be introduced ”"0 combat part of an on-going military cxcer- Congress of his decision early yes- I l
. . Ietes meet l'Kk automatic ad- “mammh cise. “Operation Big Pine '86." terday morning and signed the for- I , I
. - 1 _ mission standards, --The use of the president‘s author» Regan said that while they will be mal transfer of funds shortly before I 5 _ 8 m // f f, I
. . ity responds to the unforeseen emer— used in support of the Honduran mil- noon. his spokesman said. I p' t 1/,/”’ it . I
‘ / .. . ,
K , . ' ,, // .. - I.
’ . I _ I / I
, . WEDNESDAY NIGHT :11 x. 1.1. :1».in . j l
_ _ w , ,1 s: . , , '
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' '—.‘—. .
. Ky's Most Talked About Singles’ Bar and wed S FfOI‘I‘I Now On :3; «1 t4" . ‘iv h ‘ 3“ I i [II V )‘f’. I
' ' .'l'n.\ “J ' : Li‘. ‘4' ’i E: ' \ ’y / ‘ I
' ' WOMEN °' 80's is “ “ “ " " i - i . S .
' ”‘e ' ' ' 7" e l
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. ‘- ' - FEMALE DANCE REVIEW 9-1 1 I _ (. 3-" I
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. , . .7 .. _ at” . a: KK"F&-‘Kiel ' ‘ _. “u”. ‘ . ,. ‘ - I
' .. " . I ' e e '
u . ' u e . All the SpaGattI, SpaGattI Sauce 1
.' ' . I . Editor in chief Elizabeth Caros I . . l ;
'1 . -‘ ’ _ '1; I; News Editor Fran Stewart I and Garllc Bread StECks I .
. “2» 1 t: h. , 1‘ 1 ‘ " = " Assistant News Editor Lindo Hendricks I I .1
'3“: " ‘sa. .. ~. a“. ' Assistant News Editor Cynthia A. Palormc- l Y0“ can Eat! I
. » "a732, " V e. . Editorial Edit" A'_e’1‘°"‘?e' cm“ I SpaGatti & Drink Kids 5 it Under 99c '
1 ‘ ' ’ " ‘ ‘1.» f 5P0”; Editor Willie Hiott I
‘7 . .-. . Arts Editor Gary Pierce |
. ' . I “W": ~ ~ 1 . & Special PrOiects Editor Scott Word I 9‘°;g;'g‘:;;°ne 22:22:: :
' ' ' . t d't Kokie Urch | - -
' . . Iii“. ures E ' or H I North Park Shopping Ctr. 233 Versailles Rd. |
, I ate Editor J.D. Von oose ' 255 9603 25‘ 200. I
. ‘ f . 1 . _ Adviser P.0Ulo Anderson I Idle Hour Shopping Ctr. I
7 . , m. - .1 l Advertising Manager Linda Collins I 2“ ‘I 'I7 I
l. ' i “‘3‘; :3 PTOdUC'ionManaaef RhondoO'Non ._--_---------.--1------------'
I ‘ ‘ ‘ »' .' ' ’ l ‘ ‘ - fterentT t I
. , 55W... I . _ h d . ' b 099 Larqe Pizza ”PM?“ °"""" ,
. 1 . RTE ' . The Kentucky Kernel Is published on class dOYS dunng ' e 0‘0 em" Ye‘" I ” (”£46525
,. . - r _ j“; «,3; and weekly during the summer session. 1 ‘ I J I
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Sports Editor
Assnstant Sports Editor
. “4",”
a a year .2, ,. ..
l V ‘ i '
g o , e o ' . | r‘ _ . V 2
Even Without the title, Sutton 5 happy w1th first season ., \
r' : ‘
By HRE'l'rllAlT conference tournament at Rupp national championship in Hupp ‘ ’ .. ," .’ , . 'l . . I ' ,
Staff Writer Arena earlier this month. Arena.“ ‘ " ‘ ”2;, ~I 2 . , . I ' . '
“i guess the most Impl‘t‘ssn't' Sutton said he would spend the . 2. ? “- 3"“ f I I, -. ' . _
Eddie Sutton will celebrate his thing is that we won 21 out of 2:; next several months concentrating ' A , . s 2‘ .

' first anniversary as coach of the games against tough SEC competi- on recruiting and working to find a s 2 ‘. . _
Wildcats on April 2, and what a tion.“ Sutton said. “Those are the replacement for assistant coach V V. A 'I - ,
memorable yearitwas. things that in years to conte i don‘t Leonard Hamilton, who recently I I_ s , . I' '.-I' .. . I',

Sutton came to the Bluegrass talk- think will be repeated. It hasn‘t hap- l00k the head coaching position at - .' _ _, - .' ' .
ing of national championships, say- pened very many times and the Oklahoma State. ,, . ~53, II: . .x,‘ .. ’ I‘ " ' .‘ . -: ' 'I'. 4
ing he was at the best place he could league will continue to get better UK has already received commit- I \ -. _I;5..2’I», I. . ’ ' ‘ ‘i 2 . ~ _ 1' . 3.’
be to reach the pinnacle of college and better.“ ments from two of the state's top 3» . _ . i‘ ". . -'. - ,, ‘
basketball, 5 . _ _ high school players, Rex Chapman 2 , . 2. .» 5-” . , .‘ . I. Lt, -".’.
The Wildcats fell three games button bald he “N 5“”?“9 f“ “D of ()wensboro Apollo and Pulaski I, . ' IV .2 ".I'.
short of winning their sixth national prectate the '“é‘gm‘u‘l” ”1 l R has- (‘OUNYS Reggie HBHSOH- The future . 2 2 "I {29.95,
title. but at Sutton's final press lun- ketbalIl 0n the night ofI()ct.IH. when appears bright for UK and Sutton, I ~. 2. ; : III . I I -I_II.III.II All"?
cheon yesterday. he still called the the W"d.°?'s £00k the ”0‘". at “em“ but the success of the 1985-86 season \ *. 2. g I .:' o ’...3,
past _veara".vonderful"season. m.“ IColisIeum at 9"“ ["me WI“, '5 S0methmg Sutton W011" 500" for V ‘\ , ”ft . ."‘.".~”.”";. '31:.
"I‘m disappointed. the Players are gimght m front 0‘ “"00” ”m"! l 1‘ RN. ' lb .. f‘ t "o’ , tII 112,2}.1‘I‘f. 5
disappointed and “‘“f fans aIreIdisap- . I “l have enjoyed this year, first of \‘ .2 __ L- 3“ i} I\".f: .I"T.~,‘i, '~.
pointedI button saitlI of Lle sI sea» We.” m the season. t'K wag m all because it‘s Kentucky and I've t; "5' 7 .. .;IIIsI.2I-;II,5I;I-~.I,:I(II-.I.I:.;
S‘I’"I'°ndmg 1”» I” 1““ last Satur- Loursvnlle for I3 game Wilh Virt’dmil said so many times that to me it is \ “' . " ~“ 7. I ‘If, -’,3‘It":'5t~,l;
dd)‘ _ Military Institute. and went ‘0 the ultimate." Sutton said. "It's the ‘ * 2in 3’ ’2 :3 :SIIv-IIIvy. ImII'I. 3'?
“But when everything settles Lowsvdle's Freedom Hall for a ”title best.“ . ‘ _ .' .‘,I‘.I.,.‘I;._."‘.;;;": 5
down, they will look back and say day workout several hours before "I .. . . . 'h . hi h t \ ?" ‘2 ‘I- ; ,“.'I',~f_.‘-.'I‘.fi
that this probably has to be one of game time. About H.000 people were k sue: ex if} 09‘? hn~ :1 ear ' _. ’ ,5 c. ‘f‘u‘rIf .*~',-‘ "-I‘Is.‘ :‘t
the best years that Kentucky has there thatpractice. mm“. “ en '5 Sta as one .a f H 2:5“..73" i -, 511$
ever en’ ‘. . good ion. and l reallv believe this .I , , ‘. '.‘.. . .I,
j()_\8(l except for the _vear “'I‘h t .1 ‘t bl , _ . 1 Int . , ~ ~. _ . .. _ I. '-'t’ -"‘.
they won the national title tin a d mos ew my "Hm “ team ha‘ given completely and "“5 . QJ ' 7‘1 r‘,: 5‘.
-- .. . . that many people would come out staff has given com letelv." he said. "" ' .- .~. ‘ - .’
19(8). hesaid. . .. .. . p ~ _ .. -‘ .. , . . -. . ..
.. .. . I . . Just to watch, button said. “\ie "And because of that. l have a very ' . , I. .- . II, III ,III
lhe Wildcats finished With an im- drew more people for that than they warm feeling about what we were "K" "“‘m" ' . .' 2‘. I,-'I~2"II..
pressiIveI$24 record. the best record will probably draw for the women's able todo. It'eel good.” Even the loss to LSU coach Dole Brown Saturday COuldn t mar Eddie Sutton's first season at UK -. . ’ 3i: l .
at UK since Joe B. Hall's 1978 team ; - - 'r'f s.
“'ent30~2,Alongthevt'a_\"UKwon _...............................................,- "ft-Is
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