xt78w950k68w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78w950k68w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-11-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 1982 1982 1982-11-01 2020 true xt78w950k68w section xt78w950k68w E
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““3 will“. -
“333 . E3 l it“ 33333 DoblIKAVOl
53 It may be the start of something big,“
a i say the sponsors of the Kappa Alpha
. 1 3 3 a KAYO boxing t0urnament held Satur-
.lllllll "hl'llllllmllllllllll s \lmmm“|“;'“ll'..lmll day See st wy pageS
.' ,' =
Vol. LXXXV, No. 59 Monday, November l, 1982 An Independent 8101.0!" BOWSPGPOI' University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
Mills criticizes opponent' t' ith main contributors
—_______ someone who has some intelligent Mills: No, I do not. I think he rep- Mills: Idon’t know what it is; it's K: President Reagan was en the way he can balance the budget or
By JAMES EDWINHARRIS questions . . . I guess if I have a re- resents some very special interests. probably at least that. I think he's radio this (Saturday) afternoon, and even come near it.
Managing Editor gret ab0ut this race, it's simply be- I think about 90 percent of his probably raised about four (to) his address dealt with. of course, his See MILLS page3
cause there’s not been enough expo- money comes from outside inter- $500,000 and I will have raised about policies and the campaign. He said “
_—_____.____ sure to the issues that divide us, the ests; a lot of it comes from your big $100,000 in this race. his policies are “laying the pound .-
3 3 3 differences of opinion in issues. And defense people, people who have K: How much of it is Democratic work" for economic recovery that is ~ “
3 Democrat Don Mills lS challenging I really do regret that, because I great defense contracts. Party money? already beginning. “ ’- a \-
incuinbent Republican Rep. Larry tlunk this is probably the most im- K: His tie to his Armed Services Mills: 0h, some of it has been. -3 ”a
“309th for the Sixth Congressmnal portant congressional off-year elec- Committee seat. ~ The Democratic Party at the state He said the recession dates to . "-
districtseat. 3 3 tion we’vehadin20-25 years. Mills They're supporting him, and level has been very supportive of Democratic days. to Democratic . ',
Recently, bOth Mills and HOPklns 1 think you’re trying to determine big oil. For example, in 1980, out of me. . . . Beyond that, though, it has policies. and added, “A careful ‘ y, 5
were scheduled to speak at campus which way this country’s going to go 435 congressmen — think about this come from a lot of individuals — StUdy 0f the success 0‘ our existing . . "it; “
forums, but only Mills showed up. in the future, and it’s obvious people —— he was 15th on the list of contifu- $50, $25 contributions . . . So we've policies Will convince you they de- ‘ a: -;_
who are now in the administration, tions from big oil. They contrib ed gotten very few big contributions. serve more than the 13-month trial -
Kernel: Here you are. You were the Reagan people, would like ba- over $25,000 to his campaign that People are supporting me, and the they’ve been given." How do you '
at the the forum Wednesday night sically to turn the clock back. In year. He beat out even congressmen National Education Association, feel about that?
and the one this afternoon.3 Is it a some areas, they’d like to go back — from Oklahoma and Texas; he [tat NOW, which is the National Organi- Mills: 1 think his policies are lay- , ~
situation where (Hopkins) is duck- and I really mean this — as far as out most all of them. He got m re zation of Women. and UAW, the ing the groundwork for a total disas- i
ing you for a_reas3on, or is he follow- the 19th century in some of their money from big oil than those peo- United Auto Workers. they‘ve given ter. He has pushed the tax plan in
ms the candidates blble. where its thoughts .. . And I think my oppo- ple. me money. I have not gotten very 1931, and a budget also that same l .
said. If you dont have to do any- nent likewise would liketodo that. Kzl think I read somewhere that much money from PACs (politcal year that calls for massive increas-
thing, then don tdo it. ? _ K: Do you think Iarry Hopkins is you were behind him 4—to-1 in financ- action committees), but I've gotten as in funding for the military, huge “
Mills: I think hes afraid to face representingthesthDistrict? ing. alot of money from individuals. giveaway tax plans, and there‘s no DON MILLS
s ‘ l .31.“ ““ h
. MONDAY 1 3.. - . - . - - ’- ”t -, 2.1 . Independent
A ,, a a... ,_ 3,” l; a}, backs spending,
. vs a! ‘ £3 ”'1? ' z- ’ . t . -
Dean says "mg "Deep "mat" 3 . 3 3.333, _3 . ,3 3 3 3 ' 3 total reductlon
.. . -. .. 3 )3 y 4.: 1" ' .
,. - . 1 I: , --..1 ~ . . a , . , - of wea onr
NEW YORK — Convicted Watergate conspirator John Dean “2 1' “ 3 . 1 » "“ g) r 0' , g ‘“ “ ' 1"“ 3 p y
says in a new book that Alexander M. Haig Jr. was "Deep “”3 3 f 3‘ . ' p a ; - ‘1
Throat" — the source who gave a Washington Post reporter ““ T" s: . (\‘3. . 7 A, e . _ 1 *1. _—————B 'SCO'I'I' WILHOIT
information on the scandal that led to Presudent Nixons a y- ,. «~33 Reporter
resignation, Time magazine reports. - 3 3 3 r" 21 - ' 3 ‘ '“ w ‘ ..

Post reporter Bob Woodward has never revealed the ”aka M" W (1 If; I w 3. ———————-———-—. 3333——
identity of the source who gave him information in clandes- W... - 3.. 1 . , 1:35?“ a xiicfibdecllfissofiggglbn: mag;
tine meetings and Dean's claim is circumstantial, the mag— - ' ‘ a a“ m. . y “”5; Don Pratt, a local grocer who
azine said in this week's issue. a” all}; _ ‘ t studied at UK. is running for Con-

Dean's guess on the identity of "Deep Throat" is at least “3 qty, 1.. gressasan independent candidate.
the third one he has made. , ' it 3 .3 ”Q . . i "91"“ _, gm " . y . . .

Time questioned Dean's latest claim in part because of 33 .~ . ' . .: “‘ “. “AW“ 1 1““ . 2“,...“ “ . 3’33 Kernel: Why didnt you attLemptdto
33 . 3 3 _ 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . . 53 - 3. 333‘ 33 3 3 ,3. 3 3 3. 3 _3t3-3333 g 3. . 3 3,, run for Congress through e tra i-

the inherent implauSIbility of the ultra-dignified and in . 1- .. .3333 ,3 3/ «a 3 -- 3 333” 3 ._ - .1” 6 “a "t t” tionaltwo-partysystem'.’
stantly recognizable Haig skulking around WashingtOn ga- fly. ‘ -.’1' - 333g” 'n 3‘ 333?.) ”if: i“, e“ 3 “ ' Pratt: Well, a number of reasons.
rages undetected at 2 a.m." . _ 3 .3, , -1_ .. ,3_ ' .. _ ' 5 ”gag ‘ ‘n 33 1M,” .. _ 3”) fl“ 1;, One would be that I haven‘t had the

”This is the first We heard about it," said Haig, con- ,‘1' 3 g.» 3 3 ' “’1???“ lift- » 1' 1333§t 4' " . 3 _ . 3 if, time to “-1311- AlSO. l3dl3d-n3“t thmk that
tacted at his Bethesda, Md., home Sunday by The Asso- W; 1‘ .5... “ ”to .,.;23. “‘7; "a “5 2i, 1‘ “ _3 , as“? ' .1 it ' “ If I ran (m the prmar315) I would

_ 3 d P ”33, b d d b bl . ll 3. N- 3 3 "-3 t ‘ ,.- a. 3, e W . 3. ~ .- 3 , 3- t1 1 ~t have the chance torun in November
Clo e H r955. S a SUr on pro 0 Y commercla y mo l- 3 1 :33?!” ‘ 3 ‘fié 3 ‘ ‘ 1.338;; 3 .53” ”’11:?“ 31‘ a ' . 3 “ 5 y. ”‘4 '8‘ ’8‘“:- 4%”; ' to Share ideas as far as competition
voted. 3 - 1 .. ca ’1 3 3 .3 3 .53,“- 1 3 1% $331; ‘ .7- - ,3 with Mr. Hopkins or the Libertarian

Woodward. reached at his Washington home Sunday ’9 A, .- e if - "1* “ z. 3 , 3 _ it; , candidate...
evening, declined comment on Dean's supposition. : M - Wt 333:»: “ “ 3 a“. 3 g 1 _3 3333-43 In 2“ K: What) is your main issue in this

. '- 3 .2 1 ” 1 1- ““ '1 “ “ » , campaign.
" _ u ‘1" “fit“ "‘ ’4' 3g. 3 k. 3.. ft? ' y . "3’, ' «3’. «1.. 3" ‘ ' Pratt: Solely the choice. We really
Halloween tl’leS abound “ 3 i .. ' d", ’3 £- "“‘§ 3, / \. ' ‘11::- int 3 ‘ haven‘t been able to expand on the
‘2’ y 3 ,3 3‘3 ,._ . 2.1%.?" 31%., ' 31' “ , - ‘ 3 ”No-g, issues and there is a number I have
Sixteen children were taken to hospitals and some hallu- ““ 3V ‘“ , {1 a“ “ my}. . as “ u" '“ Prmmplfi on and lam) very much
. . . w. y _ .3 , ._ -1 We 3. ~_ __ 3 1 :3 interested in. The enwronment, en-
cmated after eating drug-laced candy from a kindergarten ’W 3...; was 4w. . . 3, ‘3 g» "" a. ergy you know what is the cost of
party, and other kids bit into pins and needles on a Hollow- 0/ 5' 1 “ “,1 yam?“ a? “ “ =~ , . . y ' “ “ “figs...” “. energy? What is“ the direction of en-
een weekend that cloaked real peril in the trappings of 1- \ : ' “ 3"“ ' ‘ J3- “ “ “J“ ““ erg intermsofinflation‘?
or i - . . . . y 3
make-believe. y . x , 3 3 ”as“ '1' A ‘1‘ k Defense spending — who's3the
An elderly Iowa man was killed by a masked man who 3 . it» 3 I a... s. ’ 3 f 1' .- ... benefiCiary 0’“ defense spending.
howed u at his door demandin ”trick or treat " and a ” .3. we“ t 1 . ' “mfi - '51. “ “ . .- ‘ ' And why not go m ‘3 different direc-
5 P . 3 9 . 3 3 ' . .- '- 3,: 1. ,S‘ 3 ' ‘ 3 ._- 3 r .. a 3 "t f ‘ tion of defense spending?
young woman in Milwaukee was seriously inlured while try- 5' . 4-. “its“ ““ ‘1 . "is: of ‘ -3.3._..11-“3 . 13$ _ 3, K: As you know, Kentucky has
in to elude a prankster in a ski mask spra ing shaving i . ‘1“??- ““ "“7, ' .. M. one of the largest coal reserves in
cream Ii: a. s r " «a '1 1 . “t 1 ' : . , . ’ . "1 the nation and in the world. Do you
2.2.. .. a». s " 3 - ‘ t ‘ ~‘ ' '° favor reducing environmental stan
I b h‘ , l' k J h W'll‘ ‘d “ “"?" " 1 . z. 1 .. '“‘1“s...*- ‘
h ln Co um us, 0 l0 po ice spo esman o n i iams 5m 33 3 3 P a, 3 ,3 , . 33333,...” “343% dank in lieu of coal production and
IS department had received more than two dozen reports ‘ fly, 1 .33? ~. ,3. 1 ~51. 3t: exploitation”
of "needles, nails, pins and razors" in candy. He said that '1“ 3 3 . “33; 4‘5‘ 33333333; .3 , , '. .. f3: 33} Pratt:No.Absolutelv not!
was no "no more than usual" for Halloween, but each re- 3 ‘ 1* ,1; $33”! .3 .3 5" l '“ 3 “ That is the difference between my-
port was being checked. “x. y at 3 ”z. '“ «$ A ‘1 33 t. ,_1‘% *3 self and the Democratic Party. One

Cleveland Police Detective James Mooty said the trick-2.15} I... 1 . 3 x 9“ them answers to the coal 1.“?th

-1 1:9. 3, in eastern Kentucky, and its the
or-treat turn0ut was less than 20 percent of normal - .. Qt Democratic Party which controls
throughout the city. He said a number of stores reported ““ ’“Q ‘ ’3 that. And 1 don‘t want to answer to
very low candy soles, and one large discount store reduced t- 3 ”3,03 “:3 33. “ them or anyone 9159 that might liter-
Prices by half yesterday morning. g “ S “h “ “ A“ ally 0°"th my vote because 0f P01

33 .1 .‘ 3i 3 '1‘} litical partisanship. . .
.2 Q £s3 t?“ K: As far as your stand on educa-
' ' - e 1' 1“ tion, do you support additional cuts
Personal income rises nationally m me Gumameed smdem Man

i . .- k Program?

WASHINGTON —- Americans“ personal income rose l.7 ' ‘ Pratt: Well, in reference to the
percent in the April-June quarter, although residents of ~ 3 whole attitude of both the adminis-
Kentucky and two other states did not share in the gain, 3 tra“t/0il‘3$ fl“; tthseu ““lnvlvflizltgunfigdfrbhnel
the Commerce Department reported yesterday. 3. n the “fezerai levglp “I would say that

Total non-farm income rose faster than inflation, which M“ the administrators will have to look
. . 1.0. VleSI/Kemel Stall .
increased 0.9 percent during the three months, as meo- F '| 3 at where the money ‘5 wasted. and
sured by Commerce‘s implicit price deflator for personal a cover-up l that's the primary objection 0“ the
conSumption spending. The price deflator is an alternative Autumn brings cold weather and lots of leaves. And kids and leaves mix naturall . es eciall l taxpayer. ~ - -

. _ 3 3 3 3 3 3 Y P Y They dont want the waste we see
to the Consumer Price |ndex for measuring inflation. when the weather is not so cold, such as yesterday when Jamie Goms raked a pile of leaves over l in the admmislration and the lack of

The non-farm income gain in the spring quarter was her friend Julie Hanley. Both live on Leader Avenue. 5
nearly twice the increase of 0.9 percent in the January- ' "—“—‘———_"’_'M—”—-—_fl———l seerean,puge3
March period. I I I

Pollsters differ on outcome of liquor sales issue
tana, Kentucky and West Virginia, reflecting in port de-

Clmes '" m'mng '“ those 5'0'95- the 'eP0” 5°ld- rants that seat 100 or more and de- Jean Ann Smith-Vater, a pollster cent favored allowing limited Sun~
By MARCEL BL'SH rive at least ha1f their income from for the committee, said the results day liquor sales in Lexington restau-
Reporter food sales. And setting the odds on of her work show both sides running rants. andeercent opposed them.
this race is not simply a matter of nose-lo-nose. She added, however, Still another poll, this one of Lex-
\ / ._w!__y_ ..3_.._-. , consultingThe Racing Form. that the people against it "really ington Chamber of Commerce mem-
The finish will be tomorrow, when were against it." bers. showed they favored passage
’ The following is an analysis and voters cast their ballots in a referen- Cone was far from smug in his of the statute by a ratio of 4:1. said
may reflect the writer's opinions. It dumonthe hotly debated issue. predictionontheissue's outcome. Ed Houllhan. executive director of
WEATHER is the last in a series on Sunday li- All indications point to a close “I think it‘s going to be close.“ he the busmess group.
quor sales. race. A leader in the pro-sale cam— said. “I'm hopeful we‘re going to .
paign said last week that UK stu- prevail. but as far as an outright
ln thoroughbred racing, a variety dents may provide the swing votes prediction. the only one I‘ve got is Voter turnout ts likely to be the
. of factors influence the performance that spur the issue to victory. that it's going tobeclose." decisive factor in the race.
of each entry: the jockey. the "If those students turn out and go Local businessman Ralph l‘oldi- Studies of voters‘ behavior have
Partly cloudy and warm today with a hlgh in the horse's trainer. the weather and the to the polls. lthink they will proba- ron. who orgamzed the telephone shown business-oriented individuals
mid to upper 10., competition. bly support us unanimously." said poll. would reveal no statistics about are more likely to vote than lower-
lnerooeln cloudiness ,0". ht lth In estimating the race‘s outcome. Timothy Cone. head of the Commit- responses, only saying he is income working people. The cham-
, a. ‘5...“ of th'undoretorms and: '03:." "‘3'. :0 P:"'?: gamblers consider these factors. tee for Economic Progress. "Any- “pleased by the results.‘ ber's poll indicates that most busi-
50s ow o in along with records of prevmus per- way.we hope they will." An Oct 14 WKYT Viewer poll re- nessmen favor wet Sundays.
° formance, as they compile the oddS. And a telephone survey by a youp vealed more concrete results Pro- But many people who oppose Sun-
Mostly cloudy tomorrow with a chance of showers This season‘s most lucrative race. for passage of the Sunday sales gramming coordinator Chuck Ham day liquor sales are motivated by
and a hlgh In the low to mld103. however, involves not horses but the issue has found mixed reactions said that of about 1.700 responses to strong personal, moral and religous
issue of whether to allow Sunday from Lexmgton citizens. members the computer-run survey. which the convictions
_.__A____-__ _,__w, “We- __,... _. _,.fi . . .__ _ sales of liquor in Lexington restau- of the groupsaid. station admits is unscientifit‘. 56 per See Liquon, pogeJ

do... IO... M “I Pole. Idle. Illl I. M Jr. May Mom ("Mo ”Illicit Ion Von Mod Owls Aet- ‘«
WW “Nor-alum» AlliltontArtsEditor Aumoniswmsduov SpoclolProioctlAlsllmM Chief mower-elm Copy Desk ch-ol 5‘
ave epub lean gains been wor h cos 3. .»

It is predicted that tomorrow’s elections Only historians at some future date can at- ‘ 9 .
will bring major losses for the Republican tempt to answer these questions with any de- “E- 5 55:: WE RE DOlNG A SEA—€47 ‘
Party. Democrats, some experts say, stand gree of objectivity or accuracy. But. it is :,OB—---WHA1’?-—UH~W/5 CHARI: BEHIND Mfi?
to gain 40 seats in the House, a clear majori- clear that the improvement in economic sta- OH NOTHI "G. /MWR5M i Y. ..
ty of govemorships and, perhaps, a shot at tistics on which Reagan rests his case'has / "
regaining control of the Senate. been won at great cost. Unemployment is at “\V'V’“

. . . ' ' ' - ' ’r’ ’3‘; ,, ::;—- ages
This comes despite the fact that in the 13 itsdhi‘ghest le‘fl axing}: xfaYarmwgfndé 535.555.,3.\.5\-<5 £25.53 ‘
months since President Reagan’s economic an ozens ° ‘7 p g . z ‘ "75.§:3;;:?\\‘\\3 V??? l
- - - have been cut With the bad. Whether the lm- ,— \ fags \45 .
plan has been in place, inflation has dropped . e§ \- 55,, _. \\ \w ; ~
- - provements recorded on paper Will lead to :\\‘\ to; :3\\.\\ \t i
to 4.8 percent so far this year, interest rates . . . . . \ ; OF 2.3.2..\\ \ - \\\: 01‘
are down to about 12 percent federal spend- improvements m real life '5 still debatable. . ' , 6 §i§$§ \\\\\\l N ‘
ing as a portion of the gross national product It is up to the voters tomorrovh to decide 9" c656 ‘3T7~‘3§’~ "\ §\ §- “be!“
. ' 5.,,.- 5 . \
has declined from 17 to 6 percent and taxes “abet?!“ that 3m" has been wort the price 5" 5 $ ’ ‘ ”\‘\\\_ \_ \.\\ P“ ‘ ‘
have been cut for the first time since the area ypai ‘ TMe ‘ R \\‘q ,cl‘r fl 5.-
‘t \ ~\§ \. 9"
early 19605. O a“ ‘\ ';::j.~\§\ - 'g ‘1

3938311. urging VOtel‘S t0 “PROF? the Re- On the same subject, or at least one very \NFLK“ its: §€§§I§~i 1 . .f—I
pubhcan cause, says these statistics prove closely related 6-: $32: 33%? “‘95‘ g;

- . . . . . . \ 3‘ ‘o- g - Mp;
his profgrarlhs are working and should be To citizens who have observed only the l W 43’ fig —. W ;;
givena urt or trial. local elections, this would seem a dull race. ’70 .55“ ,;' ;:\a\:\\\ 3

His apologists, who see serious Republican On a rather light ballot, Larry Hopkins is an W?» 3:31;; ’,t\§\‘
losses .as an ineVitabillty, point to similar obvious shoe-in and the Sunday liquor issue (an? l§§§§ ®
losses in 1958 and 1974. Both were years, as has spawned more hot air than productive & “I \ d
this year, when Republicans controlled the debate. GDP ‘
White House and national crises confronted But to assume it is not important to vote "siltfifij E
the voting public: the economy and Water- would, as always,bea grievous error. W5”, / -
gate, respectively. They say history must re- The number of voters is almost as impor- MM y
peat Itself- tant as how they vote. A large turnout shows “FPSRR‘I . 13:25

But has a true historic trend been estab- elected representatives they are under_the / / 34° 7;“

lished'? Or is it merely a phenomenon attrib- scrutiny of a concerned public and reminds - / / t it!

utable to a coincidence of voter disapproval them that they are accountable for their ac- Q i".

of Republican policies and actions? Are the tions. . if“
grievances currently expressed about the So _vote tomorrow — just to keep your ‘ " :5:
Republican programs real or contrived? hand in.

. Student has seven reasons M'II . f

why‘ Sunday sales should fail I 8 fl he b sue, CA lame 0’ Congress *5

As the time draws near for us to " If voters of Kentucky’s sixth Con- issues, while distorting his records Hopkins voted against the resolu- Social Security funding crisis, one 7
exercise our privileges to vote con- greasional district hold the Republi- on others. tion, which supported the bilateral can best summarize Hopkins’ under- .
ceming whether to legalize Sunday can incumbent, Larry Hopkins, ac- In a district with a four-to-one ad- freeze on nuclear weapons. Don standing of the complexities of to if:
liquor sales in Lexington restau- countable for his record in office, vantage of registered Democrats Mills supports that resolution. day’s issues: “I don’t want to be is;
rants, I would like to present seven GUEST Don Mills will certainly win tomor- over Republicans, Hopkins finch it Second, Hopkins said that the na- hard and cold, but we just aren‘t jg.»
reasons for voting against this issue. row’s election. This session, Hopkins necessary to solicit nearly $500,000 lion's economy is recovering and dying fast enough."

1. Visitors dictating our commu~ has supported the Reagan adminis- to be reelected to an office that only that Reaganomics is still essentially Don Mills offers a clear alterna-
nity.standards — The main reason _ tration on key votes involving the pays $0,000 per year. Using propa- sound. But jist this week, we live to Hopkins’ callous and inept is?
that alcohol on Sunday is being pro- .~ . economy, but now he is tryingtodis- ganda devices such as direct mail learned the federal government’s tenure. As editor of the Lexington .!
posed "is to attract convention busi- lance himself from the failures of targeted to certain grams of voters, budget deficit, which was fueled by Herald for 11 years, Mills confronted Lg
ness. Giving visiting conventions Reaganomies. Hopkins is able to be all things to all ludicrous increases in Defense De- hundreds of critical issues on a daily .
what they supposedly want is the In an attempt to confuse the elec- voters. . partment appropriations, is a tragic basis. If we elect Don Mills tomor-
wrong motive for Changing the stan- Administration, added that more torate he supposedly represents in Look at Hopkins’ record on two iS- irony of Reaganomics. row, we will have a congressman
dal‘dS Of our COInmunitY’S life. HOW than half Of all traffic accidents are Congress. Hopkins sends every resi- sues. During the campaign, Hopkins Hopkins also knows the decline in who confronts the issues and faces
about the consideration of those who linkedtodrinking. _ dent of the district a newsletter has said he supports the reduction of interest rates is closely related to the people he representsas well.
supply the major portion of taxes? in Nashville, Tenn, “Sunday is a from his office -— six times a year at nuclear arms, hoping to confuse vot- the 10 percent unemployment rate. Brad Sturgeon is a public adminis-

2. Convention business has grown big day for us as far as DUI (driv- the public’s expense — promoting ers about his vote against the Ken- Using his own quote from The Cou- tration graduate student and former 2’.
tremendously without liquor sales on ins under the influence of alcohol) is his incumbency and evading some hotly-Hatfield resolution last August. rier-Journal, May 23, regarding the Mills campaign official. .;;
Sunday — The city of Lexington saw concerned." said Police Captain . .
a 171 percent increase in the number Charles Campbell. John McFadden, Ca t d f t d I t
of conventions in 1981, according to Lexington Police Chief, also cites mpus urns a . ea ear owar p0 I ’08 :i . ~
James Alexander. executive direc- the reasons of drunkenness, more 1.1,
tor of the Lexington Convention and crime. and more killer accidents for While talking to Ken Ashby, Liber- thinC- I will show “9- I’m just pre- raitk on opponents' campaign post- decisions, it is safe to assume that' ;
TOW'SFBureau- 09110?“ general 53'” 0“ SundaYS~ tarian candidate for the 6th District sumingtheywant me there. ers. central Kentucky will not rep- 1.

3- Liquor 5315 .09 Sunday are “0 (Lexmgton Leader, March 8. .193”- seat, a mundane matter came up in “Maybe they didn’t know my Semiweekly meetings of the two resented by a minor party candidate #4
guarantee to». additional conventions 5. Alcohol has created major prob- the 4 P-m- interview. The question number." organizations drawing hundreds of or independent through January jct
- ,S°".“~‘ cm“ say sunday 54"” “ms 1" °“’ State _ ““1“ °“° mm was simple. designed to provide in- The audience of 40 did see Ashby those eager to work in their first 1985. .
dont r ing up that much convention clay help? The Kentuoky “c9“ formation that would not appear in the next day, as well as Don Pratt, campaigns and the grizzled veterans Ashby said he ran for office to
business. 1" 901mb“ Oil‘o‘ Sunday Council ”amt” that alcoholism the story that week. Actually it an Indepaident candidate. lncum- seeking support for future student publicize his party’s views. And 5,,”
d’mks.’ “aren t a .b’g deal, 531d Tom and 81°01”! obit“ ' ' ' °°5t.K°nt“°k" wasn'taquestion. . . bent Republican Larry Hopkins and government elections and state col- those stances are distinctive: aboli-
Mannix. mar keting director 0‘ the ans ‘70 "“11”" annually m 1953 of . - ' Democrat Don Mills sent represen- legiate political organizations’ activ- tion of federal foreign aid programs, .. 5}
Greater Columbus Convention and production, health care, accidents, 2- " ‘ tatives ities. total opposition to draft registration f
Visitors Bureau. crime, fire loss and social program a ’ ‘ Oh how some have tried to publi- , , . and conscription, an end to laws ““3

“It‘s more important that Colum- expenditures." . : U) Club cize tomorrow’s election. Daily sto- Morfedmeamng‘gofiftm‘gugi‘gg I: concerning “victimless” crimes 5..}
bus has a central location -— in the Alcohol addiction outnumbers ' _ ASH fies in local media during the last expec - ° a dida f such as drug possession, abortion 3
heart of the midwest (as does Lex- drug addiction 10 to 1. Deaths 112- . o. two weeks have outlined charges the numerous can he te orumsed an dpornogra WY 5.;
ingtoniz. new. inexpensive hotels and lated to alcohol outnumber drug re- and counter charges about candi- abog‘tutlhe. lss‘égdg‘t thJePltigsealhe And what have response have 5;
“0mm” halls ‘35 d0” 1.3“"? ‘am death-533?“: . “of come you’ll be appearins at dates’ views on tobacco subsidies :oposeedy izlahcedibudget aheoo these views received? A Wednesday
ton); strong chapters that Will play 6. Consumption is directly related the forum tomorrow," referring to a and the role of political~action com- P t edi f the nation's un- forum that attracts 40, a student W
host to conventions for their national to availability — An article in the noon forum for the four candidates mittees in shaping the rooeis out- men . rem Sbor electorate that chooses not to study g5
organizations; Ohio State Universi- October 1981 British Medical Jour- mm by the Student Govem- come. . employment pro lem. candidates’ platforms, an ignoring ;‘55
W Which devel°95 ””9”” ‘0‘ “‘1 smm’”“‘.°l’ld°ml°‘°5‘° 4"“ malt Association. it would seem a campus of this According to a Lexington Leader of the first Libertarian candidate in 5‘3
conventions (as Lexington has UK). from two continents and makes “I just read about that in the size would be a We of activity survey last week, Ashby and Pratt the district's history. 55—»

4‘ can.“ be 59m“? PM" a m“ 5°“? °°mm°nsens°°°n°l“‘.‘°“ss . newsmper. and I don’t know Who’s — tie-clad College Republicans and will receive less than 1 percent of Maybe no one knows his number.
sade against drunk drlvmg, and vote First, alcohol consumption is di- sponsoring it, I guess the student only moderately preppy Young the vote. Ignoring a personal disdain .55..
for more alcohol? '7 Over half 0‘ rectly "date", to alcohol-assocmted government,” Ashby replied. ”1 Democrats distributing pamphlets for all pus-election sin-veys became Chris Ash is a journalism senior is;
fatal automobile aCCldentS "W01“? a damage 1" SOCICW- The more alcohol may be hard to get hold of or some- and fliers for their favorites, nightly of their potential to influence voters' and Kernel COPY editor.
drinking driver and Sunday has the that is comumed, the more games: . I .
lowest rate of auto accidents of any the society can expect. Seco y, - M I t d b I, t d bt I ..-.»-
day of the week with alcohol in- cohol consumption is directly re- em or la 8 ape e 8 Gas 0" on r ea I
volved. lated to availability. As alcohol be.

Thus, the sale of liquor by the comes more available, its There comes a time in everyone’s Memorial Hall pealed. Bells, how just found out it wasarecording. a eat bi ‘oke" 5
drink on Sunday shows little concern consumption and the resulting dam- life when disillusionment strikes. terribly, terribly, well, collegiate! Perhaps nothing else about the goo 0:: tried to sh off these 3;
for the drinking driver problem and 389 in society becomes greater. And when one of those said disillu- Bells playing quaint, quasi-reli- campus was real? monurxr'iyental uestions nag“ I knew
accidental injury and death. Those are the facts. sionments strikes, it’s usually pretty giously inspiring songs. I knew these The leaves? Oh, they seemed real the were thinlli the same thi S §.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving The recent referendum in Floyd darn big. ourroundinga (falling leaves, tweed a minute ago, but so was the peeling It)’ was kind ngf sad losinng th V
has been formed because of the in- County. Ky. will eventually mean It also seems the older you get, jackets, knee socks, bells, et. al.) of bells. The people who were the ima e of coil e as I ha d en .8. ed 1
crease of alcohol related highway more fatalities on the highway and the more time it takes to recover wouldbeetched in my mind forever. ones effecting the scholarly stances it 'Ig‘he broclfigres never mgiloned o.
deaths. The abuse of alcohol contrib- homicides in the home, more sul- from one. _ ”Sounds pretty good for a record- probably weren’t real, either- they ah thin like re-recorded bell)" I -
utes directly to crime and moral cides and violent crimes — theft. mg, eh?" I overheard one man say were probably just freshmeh and guzss “8.5 too lgte to chan e ovel'vt
decay on our community. sexual molestation, spouse and child ' ‘ to another. sophomores acting scholarly. a college that has real be“: 0 '

It is ironic that, in the midst of ablse. . What? What if the lessons being taught Either we et real bells o I‘ I
this epidemic, some would propose 7. Taxpayers fooetdtge bill —dTh: m Shrecogl'dini? weren’t real? transferring 8 ‘ r m
one more day of alcohol sales in our citizens of the Unit fates pal ou , ease anything but that. What if the instruct kn that I .

Clly. Is this a step in the right direc- $616 in losses for every dollar that SALLEE From the looks of the people around what they had been tegrcshinge‘wasn’t have??? irfnzlir'yard or Prmceton
tion? was collected in taxing alcohol in 7 5 me, they were real surprised, too. mm Iwongerfimegha we“ ,,

ln Savannah. Ga. which presently 1980 (figure provided by the Health -—__'—'_ lmagine, if you will, approximately What if this was just a giant y V8 "’3 5‘
has Sunday liquor sales, police say and Human Services Department 0 . 18 people who were just thinking scheme to make student —t t‘ . . .
they had no statistics for drunken the National Institute on Alcohol kngowritbeitstesrelglorilvfhiesalll: .;;“: about the set-me, ideal setting for as we are—think that :9 8,32%? u Barbara Pnsexsauef '3.“ low"?

. . . hm). ‘, . hiyllr “we“ __ and they have . 9 . sm senior an erne e itorial edi.
driving arrests on Sunday, but in Abuse and Alcoho : you might, you can never, ever get mg something. Were we jimt part of to,_

Cincmnati. Ohio. which also has So you can see there are serious that moment of disillusionment out DRABBLE Q) by Kevin F0 on
Sunday sales. police have found that implications involved in a seemingly of your mind 9
Sunday is no day of rest for them. simple issue. Please consider these While 3mm among the falling au- ' .

“For drunken driving arrests. above mentioned statements and turnn leaves watching couples in WM,W.|T$ 50 so 060 KlelM‘l nRsT HQWCMYHBT cuss DELLflHEM ‘loo VicK
Sunday Is nearly as bad: as any vote accordlns t0 Y°uf 00mm“ tweed jacket; and Ming tam won um a: rule A Milli; onlol me also I6 A1 700, 00¢st 51m aunt lo=ool M1 or AT «.230!
other day of the week," said a how tomorrow. about the grounds the atmosphere has KR. IT COLLEGE, To “CK so I'LL Pch 100 J
tenant in the traffic section unit. ' : justshrieked "Collegiate!" amp 511mm MGR? up“ 6130! 5 -- a :17
Raymond Peck. spokesperson for David L. Aspinall is a library sci- Students nodded to professors A RICE! LOGOWEAMW? 5 9 it; :1 l i)
the National Highway Traffic Safety "I“ "MW“ “tit-“nt- imp“ ate apples and men walked E 73’; I WI? 2

. "or u ”4 Journalism lulldln' .. y with sweaters tossed about their '2 f ’ i ;_ l '
Letters Policy ox.t..io.ooo,xy.aosoo.oon. button-downshirts. Q _ a it All; tum II?) (F? J ‘U
Writers must Include their This WIS everything I had ever / ,l ‘3 l I-
People submitting letters to mm", addresses. 9.1m dreamed college wouldbelike. $3 I ; g l. . l .

the Kentucky Kernel should ed- "on..." .M 'w' "I”, «not. This was the kind of day of which .|,L- (I' i " M/ a ‘ - A; 5; l l N. . . ..

dross their common" in“ and Olsatlom or connection with UK. c