xt78w950k66q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78w950k66q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-02-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 1980 1980 1980-02-22 2020 true xt78w950k66q section xt78w950k66q Vol. LXXII. No. “2 Ker E I University of Kentucky
Friday. February 22. I980 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
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comma to... m" ""W and Cochran was a starter. Nantes. s . 2 ' r "sass. site. t ' - - ~ .,
Sentencing has been scheduled Feb. who was a junior defensive back, has -..,,J .. ,a _ Iii , .- ””325??- r as Mara- , -, ,‘v, ' j _, i ”J
. . . . . - ., -:_,- ii" .. a .;,,.-; -'~.,'-'j.'11-s,-':-.;f::3'33/3- 3-2. , a 1 : ,g;',.w,sggfi V, 3,31..- ' (:3: 4,4,3.
29 for five UK students. including four since been dismissed from the team. .. {ij _ _J .3; ?’ 3")" 152;, 't-a ; : aaede g, J {a ' 1334;;
Wildcat footballteam.ontheft-related one-year sentence for each ofthethree. J, i ; _-' saga; ”a; " wJ,fJ/Jf;;5,‘g‘aJa fate ’Jyé » Jaw/333°)
charges, Junior tackle Craig Miner. indicted 2 . . :c, : ’ . ~. . as, , M,” ‘s' ’s ,3
Mickey Cochran. Paul Bortmck ona feloni'charge oftheftbvunlawtul , . 3' 1:3”:Zad‘ " as éaggfl" .3 3‘4 -' WW3“ »
. . . . . ' . '. ’s «2 2 .. . , : / ":E" ’3‘ 1-”. "" w .2: . .77” 2 a 7" '“.
and Benny Naples each pleaded guilty taking. pleaded gUIlty whenthe charge , , %://J¢ ' .- ’9: _ . . s, a . , at»; ’3' f :3 __-,J- 52ng g , .. ”a“
. . . , z a- ’ '5 ts..- .- , 5 5 ’ ,." --’- a" . a" /,a.. J '. +7332;-
to a felonv charge of theft bv unlawful was reduced to a misdemeanor involv- ok’v/ _, a 1%;1 5 . 3’6; a? g ‘5 My 33:4». y»; J! ,5 J 11/
. ' , ~ ' - . , at . , gfig’t‘am . a 2 2.x gas/gay
taking for stealing football and stereo ing less than SIOO, . gfafipf 3. fife; , . :. ‘ d . - -: I. .v . ;_. we _Jja; J .
eqmpment Dec. 9 from Shiv/ely Sports Susan Bennent. at whose Lexington . 3 J a MV%%33‘ .. ._ - a :: ._ . "as? . J .' ,/~.. iiwyjaf’fieify
Center. the Wildcats training facility. apartment the stolen equipment was ,_ , “J " «$J%%%,a3§é‘” " 33,5 .- 5 a , a,‘ J ‘ f '5’:3'y‘_‘§5_s,.,.;1 4,,‘3‘314/33ZJJ
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Charges of third -degree burglary found. pleaded guxlty when a felony ”a% '- J J mafia, :a, g . . J .. . .' - ._ 1%“ '.‘ J, 3. a gig/Jaw;
against the three were dismissed. charge of knowingly receiving stolen .fiyi Joe, '3“ fl ‘3; ’J c 5 ' ;- ' a i 5,; " I I 3' ‘ , 3% 33:3,?”
Head football coach Fran Curci property was similarly reduced to a J35 " ._.; ,JgJa v " 5 J:- js , ,' ‘ a“? ' JJ/ ,‘a:.-.,;-;,,,J”3 ”5‘
. -, ,_;;>;.-,,-,J, , 2., 331.3253. _,. . .3. 23:73,, 5:4; 5:3 . . : 5.J,J-,;,,a-. .. ._ 3:... J.‘ -. J . J J ‘31 . . {‘4’ J ‘35?" Fiji/ail W/ -
refused to comment on the effect their misdetties'anor~ ’ as J a ' ~ . " . ‘. . t . a? a sea”? fi’“ ' -
. . .. a", .. .- ~ .. ~ 2 ‘i . “at” . a” ‘asiw ‘3 A“;
trial and sentencmg could have on Six-month sentences were recom- 3J1; . J 2 _ . . 3 ,v J ' -. J {a} J Jaaw
UK‘s fall lineup, C urcialso declinedto mended for Miller and Bennett. W ,45 H W I; " ., , a, 3 g . 3' . ,‘EI' i! J“ ’V I: 3‘ t H 33.32%
comment when asked if the football Cochran and Bortnick were my “aw? say 2 g ' ,3. 2 .J :33" J 3 g. " 3's ' '.' , ”
. players would be allowed to play this dropped from Kentucky sspringtrain— I f . m aa- - a: ,_ 1%» MJJJJJa ,_ ,t‘ ‘ , J, . fogfi gig . . 2?" _.,;.;,
fall if they received probated ing roster. although Sports Informa- ' ' 1 . . i " ,,,«agy as} i, 3 ' a" e4 3 '. £3 mu; ., a at
, sentences. , 3 tion Direct-or Russell Rice hdld' they 3; a , We; ,JJJJW!‘ J3 m.” , ‘1 . g; gag, . J;
(ochran and Bortnick were fresh- would beeligible to playfootballtnthe J, .. - = e t j ' ' ”far $3 "".‘,’7' _ _, .-" W. _ *- J .. f . .::.
mantacklesonthe I979 Wildcatsquad fall. Miller remained on the roster. a J J Jr . . - _ , ~ = L w m . ‘ ., WMfi,,wm
V419“ J 3; . . iv “ - “Us, ‘ Ma. ’ ,_ J ' x J“ . , a
I I 4-1 s. J , ,_ .3 J, “ -»_ J, , .=. , . 2.31.5»? 1;» ' s. ' . '.,.5;a.,», .. o :J. ‘ .. . ‘ ‘2
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. ' V “_ ._H,,,,'::‘,J . 3’ *"<::::;:/,, . . fasfiai, '- .l , 1 $5,, 3" h, a.“ 95-4 .. A, a , aJ / J
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I .. .j' fl/zs . ,.; ,i J. ,JJJJJ 25*", , , {a9}? 3a,. ”“3““ '.' W .‘ ,"":"'";‘ . 1., . , 31,. _ . ,JJ 4,33 .
WI 0 0 en ouse "3' ’3 ’ /JJJ%J “My?" ’ “an as . for”; '1‘ “3&2 ' ,. «1,1, I‘ _JJ. “’7- , E}. J 4, ,
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33......"WM’ant’e/i‘yaaagnsayats wane. “Mam fi’wwwiéra ' ' ' “ “awn-ac; ”" - . ' - .. , ,
, fa; t. e:. '.'?" “fa-2am? ”5"” e ”“Ja 2. say, a. " "" .‘ "'- W‘ . 3“ . ’ . .
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a4, ' 3 ‘ ”3 . 3 V 3- ?"ma3g5’* . A? ‘.~ .73: . 7 ._ . ”flit; 5 a’ -5 i: 2;”: - 3
By Bil-'- WARD Other companies which will have a ' ‘ . ' ’ ' was-first “Vi“‘flw‘ ' ', {air-a." . . . .
. l , ' ' . . . i 5' _ 3 it '1 I '/ ’3 »" wr- ‘3 l t ,.
Reporter exhibits at the event include HEWIII I a, “my”: VAN HOOK/Kernel Sufi
Packard. Alcoa. Texas Instruments. S'gn up i
. What do eggsa self-propelled crane Corning Glass. Union Carbide. Ash-
. . , and nu'cleat products have m land OIL SquafreFl). and the “much While the basketball team proceeds on their mission to win an SEC cham- (right)take a breather atop ladders while constructing the Sign whichliststhe '
cor1nlr‘non,“ II b . f h C II Department 0 .riergy. pionship title. preparation is already underway for the 1980 football season. fall game schedule. PPD worker Phil Tackett (center) carries the top halfof
ey .w' at ca part 0 I e 0 ege Tuesday and Thursday leayette Physical Plant Division workers Les Tussy (left) and Donald Van Hook the football billboard.
- of Engineerings open house. held . , '- . . ’ '
, , (ountv high school students toured
from 9 am. to 3 pm. tommorrow in ‘ ‘y I i
, . . , the college from 9 am. to - pm. and
J Anderson Hall. I K engineering stu- ,- -
. they will returntomorrow forthe open .
- dents and faculty members have con- '_ .. -
, . .- . house. Warren Walton.assoaate dean
structed exhibits which include a - . - - I I
( workin model J! J] . ll ofengineering. said he thinks the open
v v .. r: .. .. 0 wow e en a ca re 0 r a n ma ppe - »
.( 5-“ ems. d ”an?“ e ec- decide if they are interested in an engi-
. tron microscope showing the neerin care-er , . J
. ’ microstructure of materials and aeoal "l hg k . h. ,J , By JUDY JONES the nature ofthe handicap poscsaspe- needed dental care. ist. Persons With cerebral palsy have
- / gasifier. ! m {it‘helpsayoungdper‘soyn geta Reporter cial problem for them. especially if And. the co-operative program difficulty swallowing. which results in -
The fifteen student engineering conicepto “ atengineers 0' alton they have not previously worked with appears to be working smoothly, At a buildup of plaque. They also tend to .
, groups participating in the event have MITh h' h h l 3 d l] 0f America‘s 220 million people. 15 handicapped patients. the Universny ofNev‘ada.whereasim- grind their teeth. -
, also constructed displays showing the e" Lg 5'3 '00 5‘: ents Wlh com- percentare physicallyor mentally han— “Historically. dental students ilar program was instituted. a survey Drugs used to control epilepsy tend
' . use of lasers in communications and gete “It C0 eg‘e :1 C9" m; e egg- dicapped. ()fthose l5 percent. almost received no exposure to the handi— was conducted ofdentalschoolalumni to cause excessive tissue growth ofthe
‘ . the separation of toxic metals from 23p cAt)n(;est, w 1;, ”egisnszt dim-ii: all have inadequate dental care. capped before going into practice." whow‘orkcd withthe handicapped and gums. And. wheelchair patients must .
. water. In addition to a demonstration l Ithn “53)," ' d ‘ .‘ '[ud “’.‘“ _de according to a report by the American said Dr. Jose Lucente. director ofSpe- those who had not. Ofthe dentalgrad- use a hydraulic lift to be raised up and
of how trailer hitches can work loose gace the eggzsdnfprotectiiv‘c ENC“ :31] Dental Association. cial Patient Care at th‘s Dental uates who had not worked with handi- into the dental chair.
. . on rough roads and cause accidents. dmp Filnbi eet l? t “e oor. 3 “Basically there are two problems." School. The problem is one of educa- capped students. 90 percent indicated Th oblems 01"“an m a J e
. other prolects include a solar heat- “mm c wen“ M i mush“. said Dr. J. Boone Sutherlanda local tion. Lucente said; because dentists they would not treat handicapped . 3’3 p , p
, and Judges Will record the devices -. . . ~, - .- . . . - - - , - , - - , - , , cial report by the Robert Vlood John-
/ powered corn dryer, acentrifugeanda J . ht . d th‘ d l‘ h d , dentist who speCialiIesin handicapped have no experience working With han- patients in their practice. However. 90 F d' J. m are some of the
‘ ' battery-powered automobile. “lg an 3 spec 0 ‘ e ropping dental care. “The handicapped are dicapped patients they are sometimes percent of the graduates exposed to “in! lounda i(| 'J dents at UK are
Eleven industrial companies will 5m 9153' unaware thatdentists and facilities are reluctant to treat them. the special program said they would i), .5 acJe: 6?; oviircome ’3
" UP displays Orr/\rtdcrson Hall‘s second The device which best keeps the egg available. Luccnte directs a special facility lor treat the handicapped. eing r tnet .
' floor, with exhibitsincluding business intact will win the contest. Winnersin “For the physically handicapped. the handicapped which was estab- “General dentists don‘t feelcomfor- While treating the handicapped is
machines and computers from IBM. a the high school and college divisions it's the same old thing immobilityis lished three years ago by the Robert table with handicapped patients." said not as lucrative asotheraspects ofden-
. giant self-propelled crane from FMC will receive $40 prizes. a problem. there are still architectural Wood Johnson Foundation. a Dr. Sutherland. “but we‘re working to istry. Sutherland said he finds the ,
and nuclear products from Exxon, Model bridges made of balsa wood barriers."he said. “The physically han— national organization dedicated to change that."Progressin handicapped work rewarding. “'I reating the handi~ - ‘
Between 9 a.m. and 3 pm, at the will be placed in testing machines at dicapped have really had a hard time. improving dental care. The facility denistry depends onamutualprogram capped is the rewarding part of my
Wenner-Gren Laboratory‘s open noon and loaded to their maximum butourstatehastaken measurestocir- uses the concept of co~operative den- of education. both for new dentists practice." he said. "The longer you
‘ house. there will beademonstration of weight capacity. Priies of$40each will cumvent these problems," tistry; dental students get experience and for handicapped patients. work with them. the more you look ' '
the effects of electrical stimulation or be given tothethreecontestants whose Some dentists are unwilling to take working with the handicapped and the Certain types of disabilities pose pastthe handicap and seethe person as-
‘ biological material. bridges hold the most weight. the handicapped as patients because handicapped receive desperately special problems for the general dent— he (or she) is."
said. acknowledging that no legislation can be perfect. now on the executive counctl, Frederick ()‘Neal. president of Ford Executive Vice President William 0. Bourke called
local “It Is a lack of vision to look at this as a tax increase.“ he Associatcd A010” and Artists Of America. the term“aninaccurate description“evenas FTCotfictalssaid '
J , said. “It is a tax reapportionment,“ "It is a little bit late and does not constituteaserious convic- the agreement means that Ford no longer will maintain secret
THE ATTORNEY FOR A LEXINGTON mortgage iion toward women or blacks.“()'Neal told reporters. adding warranties
banking firm has filed a lawsun against three present and MOST KENTH‘KY Bl'SlNNESSES would be prohi- that more seats should have been set aside for minorities.
‘ former Kentucky Housing Corp. staff members. charging bited from forcmg their employees to take lie detector tests 5 J , J J world
libel. slander and interference with contractual rights. under a bill approved yesterday by a House committee. “‘OODWATERP (“PH”) OVER me “‘P“ "I 0V6"
The case stems from KHC‘s attempt to seize the 7 million The Business Organizations and Professions Committee loaded dams. and, broke. through levees “Stud“ across REPRESENTATIVES 0F SIX OPEC members opened a
low-interest loan portfolio of Samuel T. Issac and Assocrates. voted 9-7 to approve the bill. sponsored by Rep. Aubrey Wil~ Southern California sending thousands “f people fleeing the strategy session yesterday with Venemclan Energy Minister
Inc. The sutt was filed by attorney Teresa Issac, who also is the Iaims. [H.ouisville, dcsc" ”59” "3""? of, Palm Springs and inundaling 8 hotel Humberto Calderon Berti predicting calm will return to world
daughter of company president Samuel T. Issac. llnder provisions of the bill. employers other than banks. and. Showmg district ,”‘ S?" ”"89 _ , otl markets by June.
Named as defendcnts were F l.ynn l.uallcn, former dircc- sayings and loans. and law enforcement agenctes could not New '3'“ ”0'“ the S'x‘h'"asc“°5 “f Pac'f'c “0”“; overthc Calderon spoke at a news conference at the Venezuelan
tor of KHC. staff counsel A. Wallace Grafton Jr.. and require employees or prospective employees to submit to pol- past ”'"c days. Wh'd‘ have I‘ll ‘3‘ 1935‘ 3' P909" dead and Embassy before the start of a two-day meeting of the long-
‘ Dorothy Willaims. KHC‘s director ofsingle family programs. ygraph examinations damage ‘" ‘3“ hundreds 0’ milli’ons ofdollars.alsothreatened term strategy committee of the Organization of Petroleum
The complaint filed in Franklin Circuit Court alleges the And ifemployersdiscriminateagainstaworker who refuses dams ”1 Arimna, Idaho and'tstah. , Exporting Countries. The session was held behind closed
. three publicly charged in December that the Lexington firm to take the test. the employee may collect double damages, A seventh 5‘0”“ was “9"de 3‘" the 9035‘ last "'8” doors and under tight security at a London hotel
violated KHC and federal mortgage banking guidelines. _ “I: haven‘t even had “'2‘ to “8“" 0‘“ how many “493”: The conference was expected to take up a recommendation
nation miles 0' desert are affected. saidaspokcsmanforthe Califor- by OPEC technicians for regular quarterly or semiannual
state 9'3 Department Of Forestry The waters coming 0‘“ 30“ price hikes pegged to currency market fluctuations. economic
THE MALE-DOMINATED AFL-(‘IO agreed yesterday '85“ growth rates and inflation.
GOV. JOHN Y. BROWN JR. disclosed his state income to set aside strongly held tradition and name at least one FORD MOTOR CO.agreed yesterday to notify customers The system would replacethe past year‘s leapfrogging price
_ tax revision package yesterday. saying it would reduce or woman toa top leadership positionfor the firsttimeinthe 99- about potential problems they otherwise might not know hikesthat began inthe wakeofaseven-week Iranian oilindus-
eliminate taxes for 900000 Kentuckians and keep state year history of American trade union federations. about untilthcircars break down.thc Federal Trade CommIS- try shutdown during that country‘s revolution.
revenue about the same. AFl.-ClO President I ane Kirkland announced the federa- sion said. _ 3
Brown said about 45 million in taxes would be transtcrtcd tinn‘s all-male exctiitiw Ustint-i1 would set .mdr- (“ti oi ll\ 35 RC officials said the consentagreement signed by Ford tsa weather
to apprmtimately 200,(X)0 taxpayers in the upper brackets. seats fora woman and a minority representative as vacancies mayor break in an auto industry practice of maintaining .
Brown outlined his long-awaited legislative proposal at,a occur. “secret warranties" to cover manufacturing defects. THERE WILL BE LINGERING showers this morning.
3 news conference, at which state revenue officials and some leg- Several council members are expected to retire this year. The automobile industry maintains there are no secret war- becoming partly cloudy this afternoon. The high today Wlll be
“33me 3'50 were present. The move. which was initiated and promoted by Kirkland. rantits because car dealers are notified about the extra war- around 60. It will be partly cloudy and cooler tonight with the
’ “This is the best plan that can be presented,“ the governor was criticized as being inadequate by the only black member ranty protection. lows in the upper 30s.

kiliior III ( hie! Mutt Green Kiln Aubrey Than“ ('hrlt John (‘hy CI!) Landon
Jay l-ouutt lob ('ochnnc knieriuinnieni Mirror spur/i [gr/um Dim-w! a] tho‘mpln
(Ivy Willis 4\.\Ullult‘ ktlritirt Poul Mann
Managing hit/or (’indy McGee Suit Turban In... Rkkerd David “‘1'“
1"“ Rudd "W-W’" 4t.ti.iiimi Spout Editor Photo Manager
Steve Massey Lin Domrd ( ti/ii liliitm lt'riieriainnieni hliiiir
- o o
l l I l l _ ‘ r . c .
Bill limiting powero leutenant - t-_,.___-—_;——_—~ . .
l 1 ‘ ‘ "l e .
. I 'i ““8 . coMPLAtN ~.
* . l 5 PLACE '~
‘l 1'0 with .
‘ QOVGI' nor COU 8 0p p W8!“ ungry . h griukgm ., . . C ,i .
y l \ _ ‘ WW ,t .
. We might have to put up with the lhelma Stoyalls goyernor before taking on certain powers as acting ‘ l 1:: l' . l , . y y , "
. . ' or. t T " »
again. goyern . ‘ . ’ w, lht’ I it .t. «,4 l . i
. On Wednesday. a bill to linttt the lieutenant goyer- l he lieutenant goyernor would be able to act in the l 1’ ) fi‘ l t.! . ‘
nor‘s powers when the goyernor ts out ol state was goyernor's place only'ifthe governor‘s absence wereto Ht .’ t k ’. v... _ t ”A ‘ - l ‘
reiected by the Senate State (ioternnteitt ('ommtttee. render him temporarily incapable ol'performing some I l ‘l! ‘g «a ‘ I'm", 4 ‘ l l
' ' . ._ , . H - . . t, ‘ 9-?“—-—-——==_.=7L‘= ~ V _
' lhe bill‘s sponsor. Rep. Bill \\ etnberg. D-Hmdman goytrnmtntal d“ during an emergency. . jl‘i' I. \rg if — ‘ — --=:S\h———t a :2" ,_t _._ r
' said. “I thirtk it‘s dead for the llegrslatnel session"as While current It. (ioy. Martha Layne (‘ollins t“ .l ‘i ., . llmlri i . ‘
' » the committee toted J-Zagainst It. tht’UE’h '1 had been apparently does not object to the measure. Joe P; i‘ \\ — _ ‘ K . ' n l t . ' ‘ l
‘. passed earlier this month by the House 70-27. l’rather does. 1 , | \
y c 7 .- . - l3...__..___,_ .__..___.._.._.c.._fl‘
. . ~; . ’ - aidthe measurewas promp- , . . '3'“ "9-?” . .,_‘ —- -
- H“ \Nmmd I m“ . _ . .. ll-d ‘ l’rather, a Democrat from Vine (iroye, reasoned , a. ‘ ““8 fl ’4“ l ‘i ’ '
ted mainly by a special legislattyt session ea c in y ,. . . . ‘ .. d h' r-i \ ‘ ‘t q 1/, ‘ l '
- - - ' . _ , - , h‘ I hm that the statute defining the states stcon ig its i t \ r, r ]
I‘lxx by then-ll (toy Ihclma Stoyall w tn .u t ._ y _ ,.. _ . 'h Id b‘ , ll PLACQ ‘lt ‘
-. l" . ml 0' mc ‘mc office is clear—cut as it now stands. and s ou not L ‘ l l ., it: i t l E ii i
( arro l “A“ . changed to something harder to interpret. ' . l ' l slim... ,,‘ i l y t
.. when callcd to “plain her actions. Stoyall was . . ‘ i ‘. .5" | l
, mmed to say such thoughtlul and professional- ht” cant the legislators “mill." [’4‘5 a new statute l, l i J -. 'fi‘ 1 l e. 1' “ _
.| ,1 . sounding statcttlctllslls"t . nahsm. "“9""! 0 entuc 3- .eungton. y. 400‘” editor's opinion. hate special credentials. experience. the alleged ”in“ of the Shah are p , . John Foster Dulles wasdickcring with
. . ' tot legit] rotlstms. t-ontrihiitors must present al Is ll) training or other qualifications to address a particular fait accompli andithe moving finger negative India and Pakistan, as i recall. the
,' .1 . belote the [\t’nlt'l ‘\lll be able to accept the material subiect. haying writ moves on. Damn people Rgat-(yrd.American:g lead story dcolt
- ' . _________________—_—._.._. who demand an cw {or an wet Nor . With some aspect of that relationship. ,
' ' willall oftheir tears combined-with all the train scooped "p Boston‘s Suddenly this man blurted out in '
I " Glory Of paStlme of our tears wash out a word 01 it nor dregs. many of whom had spilled out Boston lrish Democratic indignation:
- . . . . restore a single decapitated head. nor 0' barrooms. home. I would “at": “1 hat stupid f-—--g DUHCS! .
. 3 undo the untold harm of the reign ofa guessed were ladies of the night. While Just goes to prove that the lowltcst .
. y _ . I ue 8 am 00 80 In medieval. mystical Mohammedan a few nodded offeitherfromweariness among us are possessed of the human
. l priest. ' or in an alcoholic hale. others not conceit that burdens us all. He was
~ ‘ y . entirely overcome by the spirits would convinced in his heart and soul that he
7 .i - 3‘ Jay HAMBl'RG collect stamps. lhey camped out oyer thus. think only of her ability to collect Who COUld h'dVC tOFSCCD ”16 entertain by stnging and occasional knew better than Dulles. I
i. ' - ' - night lorthe right to buy tickets. l‘hey stamps. mischief that would be done in the dancrng. But i was not the only sober .
some. it seems. were born to watch stomped lhelr feet and shouted "hm. Many ductedtheirli\951()chcering wake of what now turns out to be the head aboard. Jay Shidler was an cxcrting player.
' ~ . basketball. Others were created. per- /ahY" when she sttrtled a maryelous lor her stamp collection. lhey‘ dressed ill-considered decision to permit the 'There wasaltttle Old man olindeter- Rememberthe blond kid offour years ‘_
’ W htlps. to collect stamps My friend llls luster Soul lnSIdC hL‘l' collection In blur: like mailtrUCks and threw up Shah [0 enter the United States for minate 88¢. He COUIdn‘I have been age? Seems ‘0 me that a little or [he \
. " in among the latter -—‘—_——- emelopes during the games like 53er ntedical treatment? much more than five feet tall. if that. excitement was lost when he decided
‘ ‘ ’y l-or when she was about eleteri. she mnilbags disgorging their load, Eyen That woeful act by Carter. however Dressed in several. pairs of trousers. or was persuaded - to let his hair
‘ , ‘j_ wished to be the world‘s greatest stamp staff column in the summer. some went to camps to well-intentioned. has brought the one over the other. he wore numerous go natural. Nevertheless. he remained .
. collector Rather than counting 1mm Chg.crs lor her collection. world to the brink of a third World shirts. sweaters and finally a ragged exciting. ifonly slightly lessthanwhen
_ rebounds. she wrote oil lot C\Ullc‘ lhis gnawed at my friend as she felt war. Sort of reminds one ofthe period overcoat far too large forthe tiny man he first set foot on the UK court. ‘
. . , . _».- litters tn the back pages ol Hum ————-— the emphasis of her classmates might of time during which Secretary of beneath but none too large to encom- On the other hand.LaVon Williams
‘ . . Homm tiiit/ (Itl’t/t‘llt And. the watchers increased. llte hate outgrown the significance of her State JOhn Foster DUNE-S. the Kissin- P355 h“ 0(th clothing. This tiny man was “0‘ 3“ CXChihS player. Efficient.
"- . - '. t’rs‘ttlt‘r L'H'n than hllJC-und~white world‘s largest stamp collecting arena pastime. Soon. she stopped collecting ger ofthe Eisenhower administration. shuffled ”P and down the aisle ofthe quiet. noticed only by “QTCKCCPCVS
. ~ . y , hu‘h.tmlh “m. the FM” muhww “m built. but m“ the crowds me“ in public played by what he called “brinksman- cars hawking the latest edition of the and officials who called an inordinate
. - . . . lored stampsot Irinidad and thetrian— flowed. Wealthy graduates 01 her l-ortunately. though. these were the ship“ Whh the world powers. 305m" Record-American, a tabloid number 0f {WIS 0“ the quiet man It \.
y . y' gular postage marks ot the Stib— grade school gate their allowances to whims of grade schoolers. They were . “gh‘ 0” the press. work under the basket.
. _, t, ’ . \ahara that she recett ed And they sit tn the lower level. A lottery was held small whims and easy' to change. For Speaking of brinksmanship reminds The papers were CIUtCth under one It‘s hard to characterize Kyle Macy
- .i " “th many him“ lor students tickets. and many among as her classmates reached junior high. me of the days when I rode what I like arm Wh'lsl the 9th" clung [0 a 8“th 35 exerting. That doesn‘t ‘19"? do "- 4’
y ' .‘ lnstde her books. each stamp had at her classmates telt cheated. loud was they saw that their extravagance had to call The Last Train to Harvard sack partially hhed Whh treasures he Awesome? Nope. Sam Bow“ ‘5 more i
' '. V. 5 rectangular \ltlt She sllld It was fun [0 their prtytcst and great petition driyes been great, And they laughed nostalgl- Square. Sound like the title for a had gleaned. along the City SITCCIS de- l'ke awesome. NOT “TBS he superfaSt 0f »
. . , - slipthcm ”Nth mode the squares like sprung up across the land. cally‘ at old deyotions to her hobby. novel. mg the daylight hours. At least that is anything else that indicated that he
.‘ t ‘ a wc||~piuccd rump—shot slips inside But her Classmates did notcry‘ outin My triend said thatwhensmallhob- l was working for The Associated What I Presume was in the sack had but'a Single talent. He was all of
. y. - . ._ the rim ltwaslun.too.she said.todis- tain. lhe Princrpal had heard_and Hc btes gain large importance. then we Press in Boston and for years l was becauseyl had seen the little Old man those things wrapped “P 'h an 'htdh'
. a" ._ I. coyer order in her collection. had granted a lirst~come. first-served can remember ottr recreations of old. assigned to a night shift that got offat scavenging along various City streets gence that made him h°th1h8 1‘55 than
' . . lhoiigh she could not redeem the system ofdtstrtbution. lhen.theiryioy They were glorious when we passed I am. But that's when that last train many times: . great! . . "
._I L _ . stitmps tor Ititely blue tiolet seats. still was unrestrained andthey drank much our time in the founding of order. pulled out of Dewey Square in Boston Butone of our little old man's custo- All three Will be greatly missed and
, ,. '.' , E y T she sated them for they caused her to milk in celebration. They were less when ourcampus order for Cambridge and Harvard Square. mers, in addition [0 me.wasapaunchy all three WI“ be fondly remembered. '
., f ' t, wonder about something Perhaps. it But the great attention grew worri- foundered in the glory of pastime, So I had to take a five minute head man With an overly red. bUlbOUS "05C-
‘ _2‘ t" was symmetry Perhaps not. but her . some to her. l-or she who had not des- start and run like hell forthe subway the kmd commonly referred to as a R'IPh 5- '10th ““5"” photo-
‘ . ‘- _ . lame its a collector grew pised grade school had caused her le Hamburg is a Kernel staff writer station agOOd bh’Ck andahalfaway in rummy nose. Only that bulb kept h's graphy “ UK' His column WW"
‘, ,' t . V Soon people were paying to see her classmates to disregard school and. and l'K graduate student. addition 10 being about t“0 stories glasses from Sk‘dd'ng Off. every Fndly.
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