xt78w950k565 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78w950k565/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-04-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 05, 1971 1971 1971-04-05 2020 true xt78w950k565 section xt78w950k565 x __ . . . II IJII II. .i'.

H E K E N U C KY ’ I‘ ._..,r"’ 4.. ‘yIIIIII 3‘ J,» _- , . .131 .. . .' .

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Monday, April 5, 1971 University of Kentucky, Lexington Vol. LXI], No. 11.5 ”farigggcgflgggm‘ I .t I' “’I“ ItIiI fIf'I r .I 1
fitter E . h - ‘ amp-v , -‘, ‘ ,w 2
' {3235434. ”$13.13!" ”411%! f, : "flu; I4 .. a «'2: : '- * (- ,i'I, . E.

.“irofiis-fi‘" :3I‘Ij. 3’5. "Twigs, 8W , .- ., 1 -,. «1 «i. / > up: - . ;

. ,It’gII.II_t-I..I,g Iggy-.5111, m5“??? ‘1 (I , . tyI - .. “figm' ..’ II. ..

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" Stl'de " t5» is“ I] “V 9 Sta“ 110“ 0' Cd , t, it" “i 2" g» retestr. . ,.
By JANE D. BROWN Howard, Terry Stephen Looney, Mrs. Nancy Ray \Vug named 4% I . ’ f‘gfi; . ., 22:“ fete; y’aig If: .r I‘ -I I;
Assistant Managing Editor William H- Matthews, Pamela Delta Zeta Woman of the Year :19 h ,1“; .: ”9'59“ is; “3%: 7.7:"... : .I i
In the words of UK President Sue Moreland, Anita Marie by Delta zeta 50mm); {:51 II *3? $-25; . I}?! “113»— ‘ 4;.- 4;?"

' Otis Singletary, the crowd at the Puckett, Carmen Marguerita $100 (Grace Conn Pride Q . x a. '31:, a)?“ 9 s .4... 2,1 3 .

traditional Awards Night Ray, John Squires Reed 11, Award) was given to Mary Gilpin ‘ '. £3 *fi’r I ”I‘m *3. d .N} I“I :4 : 'I-I I:

cermonies was there ,‘to Elizabeth Combs Rehm, James Harrison by Kappa Delta I as, ‘4 ,f‘? I. _ r 2. I. .II . II

recognize those who have Ronald Rogers, David Schwarte, sorority as an outstandingjunior \: , l? c 1 . It; IIII : roe - I_ . t. "1v

involved themselves very heavily Gary Thomas Smith, Pamela woman in scholarship. leadership . ,. I writ. I .1‘ ,Q I .III. I I .2
in the intellectual community.” Stamm, Harry Brand Thompson, and service. ' . . , r Iv .‘ I; “23" I .:._I~*II,II.‘.. . I I

That community appeared to Jr., Jackie W. Wiley, Kathy Tl I P' . L'b B‘ . I . . ‘ IIIII i 1., 233,, ~ ;~ . ’I.~";I I,.~IIIII..II-II I'.
be widespread, as honors were Winchester, Robert Lee I“ fit“? ‘ bus I‘rfi’lmh " . , A . g! oIIII tr .I

~ bestowed Sunday night in the Zimmerman. film“! 33%;”? iitilio Sips: I ,. ~ ‘ .I “I , i .
. I , a a a a oro s x ‘ - i ,- - ‘. '

Grand Ballroom to- persons The senior women 5 honorary, Grri‘insely Rosenbaum as I f “if A i " ‘11 '

ranging m - expertise from Mortar Board, ‘tapped’ their new outstanding independent senior J t ii- f ., :7" § i

' Military 5019““ to Home members. They were selected for woman we ' . f ‘ 71, g Iv ‘- 3
Economics.I . . I their academic achievement, Z t' T' Al 1' , . t d the ‘ I Q‘ ,- a; .W’ ;‘ ‘I'. ' ~ 5» ' t

. Sororities, Panneilenic intellectual curiosity and service. M :3.“ INT If}? piesen CB l: ‘4 W” o g. . _ ~. . . 3 I L .I.. ,g
Council, DepartmentI 0f They are: Ann Barton, Linda Ae. ”Ilia t “WHO 0%.?) .OIOII " , Wt“ “’- '1. ; .- . '1. §
Chemistry, Metropolitan Layman, Meridith Lye, Kay W‘” 0 1 dry "“6“th I ' .. “I " I~ I . "-.I'I.j‘:’I.
Woman’s Club. Associated Winebrenner Elaine Roberts Durham. Sunday was ‘ a new day for a gathering of 500 in the botanical ,, ., ' ,
Women Students, Student Mary Ann ,Reckelhoff, Diane K a y Win e b r e nn e r , gardens as the strains of religious rock music filled the sunny if?" II_ '

- Center Board, and the assorted Lobes, Yolanda Stern Blank, representative of the Panhellenic afternoon air. The happening was the first in a series leading up to . f 5
honorary societies presented Cheri Bowling, Debbie Bridwell, Councrl, announced that Kappa the April 25-28 Billy Graham Crusade. (Kernel photo by ken I .~.
awards and new members. Deborah Christensen, Catherine Continued 0“ Page 8, (‘01- 1 Weaver) ' ~.-I.

The Outstandlng Student Cooper, Mary Anne Bachmann’ ,f.- . .
Awards, sponsored by Ithe Betty Anne Driver, Monica 9 5 0 E ’g-

. SpeCial events Committee or me Elaine Estes, Carol Diane Galet, e S 11 S 0 E S l n ()0 0 ut (f; . .‘ ’. I.I: I
Student Center Board. were Mary Harrison Cilpin, Glen ’ e’ ’ a ,{IIg'
’ given to Chris Perry (outstanding Hughes Harvey, Elenor Hedges, /‘ ,I’:' ‘Igl .'
””31" m academicIaffairs), Steve Helen Jones, Sharon Stone, By WENDY L. WRIGHT feel like I’m alive poking up here and there 1!! Elie . ‘
Bright (outstanding male in Linda Bartlett Weddle, and Jane Kernel Staff Writer like I’m alive. . . grass saying “You have a lot tv- -.‘ -I -‘ . I.- II
89;:iianciegstsfififirii)’ {113312351 Delano Brown. One of the surest signs at UK God is real. " live ~ Jesus has a lot to giro“ II}.
nonacademic affairs) The The Outstanding Foreign that spring is at least 0“ its Iway Jackie Moore, singer with the Mid ”HUW 11 ”100 “WW?” II: I"
awards according to the Woman Student was Shikha IS the impromptu rock festivals Last Trump, went even further is "He not afraid. ',: i
instructions for nominations, AsItIfiana. I . t f th G illiilsttiiri: place every year about 3559557;th theI 1ITIhP3ICIt 0f thls [haw nt't’rirmm " ,‘
' “ ‘ e recrpien 0 e wen - spiri ua revo u ion. — , '-
were given Withom regard to 11 M ' 1 A (1 Sunday afternoon saw the M' M k f-t h) . Several persons told the crowd 2 q »»
academic performance race sex A en emoria war , . . 155 oore 5P0 e 0 t t Pd” , ., . I II I . .. a; ,
length of hair political ideology presented by Alpha Gamma Alpha Delta Pi lawn hosting one Of the Gospel that talks about that Iwhen you attept Jexux. i :.- AI ..III .
- 1 -’- h ’ Delta sorority in honor of a for the second “me this year, Jesus’ triumphal entry into what you gel“ 1m“- ““95““ i L-' 1".
nationa origin, or any 0t er ‘ ' - ‘ ' and l‘"ll m‘anmtt mm 1 ll‘ -*~ -'
. - former member, was Satyra bUt over In the Botanical Jerusalem, jUSl before His ‘* L 3 0 -’ ’ l ,. " -‘ -
such factor which has often . h . . . “You mm ll'dV" . m~ III I
times prevented outstanding Summerour. Gardens, spectators at anot er CTUCIhXIOh- I, ‘ .t P" ‘ . '
. . . . .. stud e nts fro m being Becky JO Schneider was rock festivalI seemed to have “Well, Jesus is going to make a church all your lite. and ma} bIc ." ,fI
recognized.” named outstanding woman in more on thIell' mlnds than the tI‘l U m p h a] C n t ry into you IgOt tUTITlLI‘Ll ()fl. BUlI Hat \ I ,‘l , I .: ,"I ,I.
1 1 - the field of Creative Arts by Shh and musrc. Lexington,” she said. ”hgl‘m thd‘ 5 ””1 163“} ‘, Iii;

New y eected members of Phi . . . , II . Th‘ w.” w \I th> I ‘t (l I .t. I. I. .
Beta Kappa were named. They Alpha Xi Delta Sorority. ItIIOORCd 111“ any other 100k Oh happy any . K L H d- It .1” 3 d It ,I
are' Michael Robert Averdick Th 0 t d' Bl' d St d t festival—groups 0f people seated Oh happy day series planned to build up to l“? .I- : .

' ‘ ’ e us an ”.lg m u en on the grass on blankets, little When ngs was/10d Billy Graham Crusade. WlllLll r ,.
Ramona M. Barnes, Samuel award was given by Delta . - ‘ -” ‘k‘ l ., , 4' W98 .I . '. 1., II ; I
G B A d . kids running around and older ()1, when he washed wr ta L PtlLL Apri _. _ n. ,'

eorge rown, n rew Gamma Sorority to Norbert ones Climbing "€95, PEOPK‘ When It’sus washed Memorial ('oliscuni and Stoli ‘2. .' '~ ,

Cammack, Sarah W. Cease. Keissler. grooving on the music H taslicdnzi ti‘muuui .. Field '1".
. , I . er > . ’I‘. I ' .
Peggy Ward Corn,IAnne Ayres Kappa Alpah Theta Sorority But from the crowd came Newspapers were circulating Speaker tor the rail} “as - .
Davis, Elizabeth Michele Duffy, announced that the JessreI M. shouts of “Hallelujah!“ and among the crowd thCh spoke Ralph Bell. 0,- 1?“, Bill} “mild“. 9". I
Cllfford R?y Duvall’ Anne Clark Award WOUId be retalned HArne“, brothel-l", and the of u n]()ven]cnt In ('uthr-nia /\SSOL'lLliltln. BLli illld lllk‘ x'rtl\\\l *h'fil', .I'I .-
Carter Fowter, Jan Grogan, by MaryILu Traugott, who featured groups sang of what called “The 165ng People." that “all ni_\ lllL‘. I thought that , -
Charlotte Allen Haggard, Sandra graduates in May and has been they called ”a spiritual which look magi/me leaturetl one ”1mg would 511;“: NC l‘k‘dtL. :".". . I
Lynn Helton, Patricia Hedley the recipient Since 1967. r v lution ,. . _ _ .‘ ‘ 0 . , . . II,
II . . ,; ..» _. ,I, . e 0 - in its l'eb. . issue Signs “er ('ontinued (m Page is. (til. 4 I t“ '.
.v * I I354. . . ,I ".’ g: - W.‘ VI: ”[)(Y()[’[C fornlulatt, .SU III.I)lI \. . .I IfI
._ many theories ‘ IL", ‘I.‘I
w ' ‘ Try to find what '5 real, T I» -. I 3 . I L i
, A ., but listen, hearmc rus 883 may ( 9‘ I( () I" I‘Z' ‘:
~ . :2 ‘ b. -’ Theories still aren’t fuels V o‘I‘ '. '
‘W .. q, ' I» Sometimes we treat . I .' .~ ,
- . , ,. o m be a on (3 me 8 u Sit N ‘
it ‘ ‘1 gr I" I The groups The Last Trump. ./ " . i {I .
in ,, WhiCh several yearsIago played The question of whether the forum for issnt-x on th; {.illil‘ I} .- "
I I W II . . the Catacombs Coffeehouse on University will continue m as WC“ I” prondtng II tlalif» IIIIIIII,IIII, I
. , of M111 and Maxwell, and ”16 $40.000-a-year subsidy of The means ol (Ullllllllllltlli11H". tor ile , 5 . I
* ”a -. Mamet!” (“Jesus 15 Commg ’ Kentucky Kernel may hc acted Univ-emu wmmumu. f‘, -
I, “v Of ICincmnattwsaid they were UPON at TUCSdflY'S mt‘t‘ling of At least two trustees. l’arix . ',
r;:,_,»=.-:I«-:= i :f I.I J”?- . talking about “the revolution ”10 Board Of TTUSICCS. editor 1058 Alverson. Wllt‘ Prlllh : _ ~.

‘- 4"“, , £3" . 1 . lh‘" occurs.whe“.,1csus “0m“ At the last board mt‘étintz. a the Wildcat. and on»: A. B. ~' ..- .‘ j; ..

i . at. i 35 at", H , I. if; tntoa personslife. proposal ‘0 end the U'chrSi‘.‘ Chandler are in favor of i i'. -
V ' . 7 . 3‘” a“ . ”gig? “This is Wha,’ ”1 laugh subsidy “’35 Shhmlth ‘0 d discontinuing the Kernel‘s ' f. ' t .

. of" » a? is,“ III “.1 andI whatllchryIfor trustee subcommittee by subsidy. Chandler. Mt” t’, . . .

' ' IQ, . § ES}? This is whaItllII 111'? representatives of the Student announcmg his cundidgu‘} tor - . . .i

i g. , MI “ . Ii.’ and whatlll die [0’ Coalition, a conservative student governor last week. denounced t“ I

i «.35. " ‘Q 'n xi 5- This [“15 "Md" "’8 group. the Kernel. saying “t he I , ‘ > I.‘ ‘-

' , If x i .. ' I i i Over tht‘ 135‘ fCW Wt‘t‘kfi. newspaper‘s filthy. of course ,llltl ‘ ._ . . . -' - .
,3“ . " ' 1% “ ’7' ' mnmnm.-~,---- editors of W Kemethuw his" ought to he amnion." ‘ ' .
r .. .., " h mVUth’d “1 thfik‘US-‘Kms Wllh Alvcrson said the Kernel ”tum ‘ . . ’
, ya: i .I I H "II ‘x’ ' liniversity Officials ()VCT ihC 20 0“ garnpug and ruigt‘ iilk‘lr ‘I .
t I ' ‘ -' i . edth9r POSSlhilltlt‘S 0f becoming an advertismg rates. Why should the I. - I
- , -- . High today so. low tonight mid 9nd?“ "I dc "t In WWW. ti Pig. ‘ ”“1 W '~“ ~‘- . ’
, ., ‘30‘s, high tomorrow mid ‘40’s. “m"“a‘h' “"3 ”‘d‘ntu'mng m“ P”b"5h”‘3‘ ”“ , W". W -. . a.
”fig, . E W; Forecast: periods of rain to the Journalism Department as reference “'35 '0 ”1° “The! 5 ”5° .
T " "‘ ' [5“. 31341:»: H possibly mixed with snow an educational experience for of four letter words and what he .
Two recipients seemed to be all smiles after receiving special honors tonight and tomorrow. the StUdt‘ntS working on the termed other obscene overtones. .
at Sunday’s annual Awards Night ceremonies. Bekki Jo Schneider, Precipitation probabilities: 30 staff. I Prank Cools, editor-in-chief of -_
left, was named the Alpha Chi Delta Outstanding Girl in the Field of percent today, 60 percent The Kernel editors have also the Kernel, pomted out that the I ‘
Creative Arts, and Rom Roberts was named Outstanding Female tonight and tomorrow. maintained that the Kernel University presently regulates
Student in the area of Academic Affairs. (Kernel photo by David serves even a broader the amount of advertismg the
Robertson) W--m~~ educational role as a day-today Continued on Page 3. Col. 1
. »I III
‘fi- \

 ‘J u'l‘lll‘ kl~‘\’l‘l (‘|\\' Klil{\'l’.l.. \loiidai. April 5. l97l __ , ”m l
i “A C [I ' ° '
’V ) If ‘ ‘ I l' I
ll ( , rum .5 00135 (arm ’ rm,
. ‘ .’
By The Associated Press (Lille) was interviewed b) i‘tltllt’ih "l WNW” WlllL‘h news erne s
It. William 1. (“alley .ll'. says correspondent Peter Range. spokesmen Siiltl llSlk‘tl 10.000
. thit whil' awaitin' ”mt he Time said. ust before he was names. llic amount of the cash ) _ '
. . ‘ ‘ t“ » . . . ~‘, . . . , ~ ,m w. .H ,-..1 at From .41 reports
developed a tear ot d} ing touiid guilty last Monday of t~ 451 L 15k 03“ '.
. . accidentally because the world murdering at least 32 civilians at A ILolumbus American LCglO“ . I, . .
. . . would tliiitk he “copped out." My Lai. lie was later sentenced official said donations processed (‘HlCAGO»—Cliinoe’s Adamant JamesI3/2-yearfold English
' Time magazine reported Sunday. to my; imprisonment. by Legion posts across the Springer Spaniel owned by a chnigton, ky., veterinarian. W0“
' ' “Sometimes, like in airports, I “It I got killed in my car on country have climbed to best-in-show Sunday at the 31st annual InternationalIDog
. ' can feel everybody staring at the way to Atlanta, everyone $15,000 for Culley,wh0 has said Show. The winner, a liver-and-white-colored spanielIWith a
. me u (‘alley was quoted as would think (Jalley copped out," he still owes considerable legal diamond-shaped mark on his back, picked up 1115 25th
A - saying. “I have stages of feeling the magazine quotes Calley as {665. beIst-in-showIin one yearIof campaigning. He is owned by
' ' paranoid. The psychological having said. A rally in support of Calley Milton E. Prickett, an equine pathologist at the Univers1ty of I
, ' ' testing showed 1 was paranoid, Calley, who is being kept was held Sunday at COIUmbUS, Kentucky. i
. but, hell, there are people trying under guard at his Ft. Benning, GEL, adjacent to Ft. Benning. t .
. < ‘0 kill "19-” (1a., apartment while awaiting Retired Brig. Gen. Telford SAIGON-North Vietnamese troops laid siege to a South 2
' . . , appeal, was (“10th ‘15 sat/malls Taylor,t WhOI twasI (mtg Of bthe Vietnamese artillery base perched on a mountain Sunday, but
" ‘1 I . .I . ’ a was sorry anybody had to d” prOSLClJ ors Ti t e uren erg were repulsed, military sources reported. They said 287 enemy
‘ , ‘ 0t 19] ( d] "‘3 at My Lab “sorry I ever had to war crimes "1315 after World War soldiers were killed during a five-hour battle at Fire Base 6, in
I ‘ ' ) . km a 501m” 1.“ Vietnam. , ll, 581d the Calley Yerd‘“ was the central highlands close to the Laotian border, raismg North I
i . i I ['05] (l 9 Ill 1" My La" I made one Of _3 too harsh, although h_ls acquittal Vietnamese losses in five days of bitter fighting to more than
. thousand mistakes I made in would have been “a disaster." 1 800.
. . . discriminate l Vietnam. 1 was just as wrong “Did the jurors disbelieve or V
I . ‘ s t i going to Vietnam as to My Lai. choose to disregard the WASHINGTON (APFThe newly appointed foreign minister \
‘ - FLORENCE Pa. (AP) The “BlltIl ll be very PFOUd t0 113W vIolumiInous testimony that of Nationalist China said Sunday he will not rely solely on the ,I
~, . mother of Marine Pvt. Michael been m the Ufsf, IArmy and (.alleyI S platoon had been United States in his effort to keep Taiwan‘s U.N. seat and its 8,
‘ I J Schwartz. convicted of murdering toughtIat My L31 n lt WOW-“11““ ordereo or encouraged by what Security Council membership. (‘how Shit—Kai plans to leave at a
i ll Vietnamese civilians said “(Md “m what war 15' ,thf‘y had observed m Vietnam (I0 once for Formosa to shape his strategy for the struggle which
V . - 5 h n d a \ h k. r Mi, h w a s The c ase has brought behave “5 ”Id“! laylor said 1“ may come to a head when the UN. Assembly meets next fall.
discriminated against bv Wldt’si‘rk‘i’d PUP“C SUPPO“ for L116 Milgtl'r'll‘tt‘. Of d‘d they The Nationalist foreign minister said if Peking attains its
' tin-chip,” \'i\on hum”: he clemency tor the 37'year—old hold 1h? ]1eutenant ””39““ka objectives in the United Nations then it will seek to become
I , spent 14 months in one,” “mic lieutenant and l’ft‘s‘idvnl Nixon l”? ”W 5”“ "”I‘l slioIrItIcomingsoi the leader of a third bloc of nations opposed to both the
i ' lt William 1 (xiiim 1.. W h announced Saturday he will h 1* I 5‘ ” l‘ch’IO rs. 1 aylor United States and the Soviet Union.
',: 'I , li‘lc'asctl ltirlll \liic‘txatlc slinl'll) rc\1e‘\\ HM LISL All” ”Milli!” £0 .tl .kg) it] ,iHStlLlHlsltuélonl . . , .. . . . . . , .
' . _ ' ,mbi inc citll’ilc‘lltlll. lil‘t‘k‘iil.‘ 411‘ CXlthSts‘d, 1’ ””I‘ul l "Nd ‘ L 11L Sitcom SA.\TlA(}(). ( liile llie lL‘lllSl coalition of Marxist President
- ' B’ll swim 1,, ‘i a w ,c ("illev ‘ne'inwhile ,‘Iicm the ignomiInious. ””d ah" ambigurIt)‘ Salvador Allende held slighlty less than 50 percent of the vote
I . .c.it . _l. \i.i* \ i._. L k . .e‘, ”.H.” II‘i'Jc. ;.. ._. ,. . .. T. - v
' - mic-axed l :ida‘u rims. ll.‘\‘ ti-i; iipt‘ninu [no more than l.‘ ”Vi ‘1 9“" ““W‘ ‘“ l‘“ in (hiles municipal elections as returns poured in Sunday ‘1
' l‘iillm’ilii‘iillfl \,li. \ni: l’t'lsiit‘i riftiiitiiciieis llls \cc‘r‘t‘larv said ”951le““"lw'd‘. . night- Wilh 746.033 Vets-s wmrtrd. Petitilur Units Militiim m
-- i Where he wtrurlck‘d it sent-slice he received over the wcikend. ll [WWW-Y 1:, “I“ be “Id on candidates. including ('ommunists and Socialists. had 4‘).l7 j”
. 1 reduced in =iiititarv authorities 9 1 H . .. . J “Id“? 11 . .or ““0“” and percent of the total. (‘hilezin election officials said. An b1.
1 I ' from htc to one \ c it tl‘siuieetl “mi ‘U‘ H m” “in” Lake “Huh” H I (it_\ ””50”“ ”1“” estimated three million votes were cast. l'
. ' “I III h III - ‘ ' " ‘3 (in. l-la.. arrived at it. Benning ( alley has been made a 7 ,
'I‘I" ‘ '5 ”1‘ ‘“' , with a cash gift for (lillev and scapegoat?
. . M) son was discriminated ‘ ' ‘ N C
- against.” said Helen Sa'hwar/ iii a ' ( . o . 9'
~ F
.. ‘ tele'i‘ionc intervicw. bccaiisc A ’ d 1 111’ ‘k I t 73 ll ) O l]]( loateg
' ,i i . W Michael spent l4 months in " "‘ me!!/ ”we: 1» as S t a 8 , ‘v I
w, ‘ . :‘riwn he‘ll new: regain, f r A ,_ 1 . . ~ 0 i . ‘2 D
. a i 0 total wri l rawa \ ' ‘ l' ‘ l i ll “l' S
‘. . President \i\on helped ('allc\. » 1X()]] (1 ]e(l( 0 A [lb ‘16 s 10
. , _ . . . .. ‘ .- lit
' but he didnt hel'i ltl\ son. she w. ‘ \‘(" )\ .. > , i‘\\' .- . .. » , . , . ‘ ~
, . IIIIII ' - . A?!” 'R 7, (All A "II withdrawal of all troops by tht PRl\'(‘li'l'();\'. \..l. (M), “h. over lxenncdy and 40 to 30 SI 3ft
. sait. (00Pcf—( hutch dlllLllLllllklll will end of the W.” . ) , , l I i , i A_
. l - Scliw'ir/ however siiil “l "k l’ ‘ 'l‘i t \ t "t‘ l' t‘ , ' ‘. '. 13”“ ('UHNP l0” ”4115“” PULL!” lm'm‘nc-V' i .
. . . . I. t . as resitci . l,\()ll o st a ( a c (ooper and ( hurch appeared II l L. , .. --. 'l‘li‘ I i'l ,I I .1 ll I p. 'l‘vt t.
r' . . doni tcel b'idl\ ( illc\ ]\ ,m h - tit‘l w 1h lr \"l h ‘ll 1‘ s‘ . , . retort tiat litsidciit .\i.\on k lU MM H M lulu-t 3 D
- t , ‘ ‘ -‘ ‘ ~ ‘ ’1 ‘ J l S“ H ‘ *1 on the .\B(, television-radio l ‘1 , 42‘ wt) .. , h~jl , l \. [r , , t‘ 12] ’ sit
~ U l l WW and lit“ th‘SL‘H't'S forces from Vietnam. its authors 0 7H. “l . ,. . d \ . ., m“ 5 ‘ ~ “’ ~‘ ”1““ margin k L .‘ IL“ 0. H .m ‘0 Ln .M M-
‘ - ' ." ci'et}bod,\¥ respect. Latte} was said Sundav. ,rt‘gram ”i!” an : ”Mu“. 0v” Sen. l'dmund 8' MH‘MU‘ nominees despite hm popularity ’. I
~ ’ ,. ordered to do what he did. I Sens John Sherman ('oohei (hurch said it would be [)-.\laine. the frontrunnei'torthe dWP “01”“ 50 1““?th ”I“ i 3,]
' '. : believe the President had to step R-K\' ind Prank (‘hureh‘ H“ P OSSIMC ‘0 {10‘ ”W l 9 7 2 Democratic party 10‘3“?” 511W" 1‘9 “Wk ()lllt‘c- ‘
~ I -. I ”I and helpt‘allev, l)—ld"ihl» iutliors of earlier llatiield-Metiovern amendment presidential nomination, (ompaied to a year ago. the g:
' I ' . . “I an, , ”It, t* p . l- t , , U ‘ ‘ i _ I . . . . through both houses ot _ . figures show all three Democrats en
, , . , .. . .s . l . a L. kalL tn .initndnit nts limiting US (‘onrress 1 he 5 h I vey. taken m have lll'lth gains Fa
. \‘X‘m knew that many l‘k‘UPlL’ inVolveincnt in lndocliiiia. said E _ midfliturgh, says the President 1 c, b i‘ , I , t",
- . were 11.31th hm th‘ in .. sur' would rivr \in n , (Tooper said the amendment , . . . . n ”K South 3 “-5141” region. G
. I I I I. . L Lit. t g t . i) it . . l S I . (. , II 1101 Olil) has improved his the PU“ shows lllc‘ Pl't‘s‘ltl *nt ll'ts 1,2
‘ ' ”H I can. I m £30m? down negotiating tool to obtain release mol"~”“l ‘3 r “m- morgt . . d , . M Qtr, 1 f ‘ . ‘ ‘~ 3?.
. . . e . . I ) . d M k 0 stan ing owr . Li..kic, rut .1 considerable [amt mm, on hi
, , there to see the man (allei or Ambngun priSoners (4' war McGovern, l)-S.l ., an 1 ar .. .~ ,- I -. .. II « . cat. wc. the FY
._ . . - , t .. . , I, Indlnldllltd his had our Sin. thr“ _, .1 . . 1 , _- -l, l' ,_
' ' ~ _ , iiti\\1l\l\ nL‘xf weekend I wint .md "whatever CM, he could llatlield. R-()re.. neither solws , . ,- . LL suia ors dllt a siiiiiary
- Ii .. . . . . c t . . , . l1dward M. lxenned}. l) Mass. . l' , , .. , , , . . .w
. - ‘ ' ‘ to x’pc'dk to him.“ get .. the problem of LS. POW s nor and lliibert ll lluniphrev “it t margin our Alabama (.ov. fur
'I Mrs. Scliwar/ said iit‘l son . Both senators were doubtful a p proachesII the problem 01 D—Minn two other leading; (reorge “3“qu a POSSINC gr:
. , wasn‘t released because he was ’l ' b it tl ,. ) ' *d ending all lighting 1“ Vietnam. A . .. » - . third-party candidate. Nixon. "
g ‘- I. . . Jr 01 1» P F 01 0 5k , , .. . l . U . , S ( ,. candidates tor their part) s llumih _. , d W111” d' ,1 *d m
‘ . private. not a lieutenant like McGovern-Hailield amendment B) dul‘m’hg I“ «mud ““5 nomination tl ‘ I“) fm “ ‘1“ ”1“ le.\'
‘ ' ' , . , y' ' i , 1 ~ ‘ s ‘ ' 1) V \ £ . i t ' ‘
I . , (alley aimed at coiigressionally ordered “l“ Withdraw d“ ”OOPS' ( 00er , , (t 0 ‘ .Hmit “will" m ”IL 20:
, , . said. their amendment would let ln mid-January. the (ialliip l ’68 presidential election. m,
‘ Nixon “ili‘ve otliei countries the Poll showed Nixon and Muskie ()UlSldC Illt‘ Smith. the races if“;
'i . , assurance they can assist in a virtually tied for voter UFO ClOSCY- le‘ figures show slit:
.. H . settlement" of the Indochina preference while the President Muskie trailing the President by ""”
I - ' , means conflict. had a margin of 46 to 38 percent only one percent. 43 to 44.
. I , , I‘,
.a..,;.-.a-z....~~s-.a.- , D o 6 9 l
. , , ' Ll"ll
. , ra t resrste rs granted sanctuary . n
, ‘ (on
i , . I 4‘ a . diri
"'- . I - . more NEW llAVLIN. (onn. (ApleA Three veterans—dressed in arrest any deserters or draft I";
- group Ol HNUWHF veterans W85 their uniforms—from a group of resisters. it}?
. -. - grantedISunday the use of Yale about 100 members of the “There can be no violence;the -'t
, . 4 UmVCYSIlty S Battell Chapel as a Vietnam Veterans Against the sanctuary is for the resisters or raw
SymbOIIC SflnCtuary for draft War stood up in the midst of the deserters to give voice to their
, r .. . an ICSIStCrS and deserters. crowded Palm Sunday service to conscience.” Coffin said.
. _ » . formally ask for the use of the The veterans camped out
,, I. . . chapel as a sanctuary for a week. Saturday night at the site of an
. I . . BICYCLE RACES 8x A former Marine Corps historic sanctuary here as part of
. , HAMBURGERS STEAKS SEAF DEBUTANTE STAKES sergeant, Jack Smith of West their campaign to have Congress
I _ _ GODS A til 11 Hartford, read their petition: convene public hearings on '
‘ ‘ ”0'“; CENTER “We who have seen thousands alleged war crimes in Southeast ._
_ . of people mindlessly slaughtered Asia. -
. I . in the name of their freedom. .-
. . —-—-——___—._ ask sanctuary for those who no 4 ° °
. . a Q
; . SPRING SPE IAL T , K , longer will lend themselves to a gnpll I’lSllS
( iiL EN'IUCKY KERNEL conflict which perverts the . "‘
_ I The Kentucky Kernel, Univers't i in ~j -g ,‘ v' . i ° 4
I I Station. Universrty of Kentucky. Lelx35 l f , k RIL ( l ”K” lulu“ d Slat? (I 1’0
Offer Good fhru May 10”! hniuze Kptndturl‘tkyx' 40506. Searémd (4:55 nation. ,
'. .i . mxmgton. entuc . » i i - . - .
“11:12:? ‘21:: mm-St twig” during "3’0 S AlltI ltltttilIttIrs (Iii the group, l' RA ,\ k l‘ 0R 1‘ ( \p) Vice
. -" f‘xrep io.i .-. d , ; I... win.
—— ~— _ "_- COUPON —— _ — ..__ periods. and once (lilringyfliznsugfig llll l S “l i lt‘k l'kLtHktl llft‘xl'clk‘lll Agnew '5 c\l‘CVlV‘l '0 ‘
I I . r" ‘1 comm, honorable discharges. He added spend three ihhh- I K‘ t 'k
- ”MM“! by 1h" “mm 0‘ Smdm‘ lll‘ll their role durinr tl ‘ "*l\ l * ' 5 n in m y
._ | $1 35 value Good only at Perkins Pancake I l’t}?ll('illli>n<, UK poet 0””... Box 4986. i , t» it. \IVLL Honda) tihr tut, “Mn.“ to
' . s'nv:«iiiv:--~..~ 1.. .
, House—729 South Limestone mhh‘ih'pd ‘,,,m:;m,,h',?:,la:'thygfipr‘mfl ”l “ImmJI'l I“ ll“ “I'M“! '5 l" legislators and meetings with
S-A-V-E Le‘i'W'O", Ken'WkY “"{T‘ 1915' i 7 provide “ torum l‘” ll” d““~‘”‘~'"\ (iov l ouie B Niiii'i
’ I dvt-rtising published h r i ‘ ' - , . ‘ id. . . .l i I, ' ’ ' ' .
I I | tended to help the rr-ado-ro £u§.lsAlr?y (Ind tlfdll ft Slstkr" . I ll L‘ \ lL‘k‘ l’ft‘SltlL‘lll lS
, {also or misleading advertising should A SWORC-‘lnun h” ”l“ (”UPCl Si‘llt‘tllll 'l l ’ i "
DELUXE HAMBURGER WITH be reported to The Editors , , - M o .ll’ertc .it the
. ‘ COllilt‘ll qrantez. the request. The (H q l \ . , . - ,
SUBSCRKPTION RATES W‘ll’ I . .. air o , irpoit .it 10.1) .i.ni.
. FRENCH FRIES, COLE SLAW AND ( p393}; ‘Kfiflllgf’fio RLV‘ 1 “film 51.0““ (”“m ll l‘ST and proceed to the state 4
DRINK—ALL FOR ONLY KERNEL TELEPHONES the QnIVUMly LlNPlaln. Capitol, where he is to addressa
Editor. Managing Editor 257-1755 emphaSized that lhl‘ sanctuary meeting of legislators and state '
OFFER GOOD WITH COUPON THRU MAY E‘l'i‘iififfnffi‘;,Efiimg'mm 25747“, WOUld be symbolic because there and public officials lle will leave .
L '0"! J Advertising. Business. Circula- would be no resistance ll federal the state after lunch ‘ l l ,
.————_——- _—_——— hon... 258-4646 ‘ WIt‘ llL
. marshals entered the chapel to governor.

 _ -.___-_-_-_-_..._,-,, -.. ._. .- llll M \ it t M M R \lt \1.....r .. \tirti '. um i 1 ‘2‘ng

— l l ' ' ,
C 9 ,._ .. V . . , . V V . V.

E 3 II( C i'Bf't‘lVf‘S V’Oti" 0 (“OH H (‘IH‘P '- ' '
S A \"l l \‘iU. ('hile the coalition. \\ll!kl! l‘v \ller1tieXL'..;:.;, i.‘ ..i _' ‘i ~r . . ,. Vo'V W. ".-
tr\l’t Marxist President Salvador dominated by Socialrsh and mouths rrr ; ow." r. r ' . ‘ ' ‘ . I .giV..- u
Allende‘s leitist coalition (“orrrrrrtrrrists. in the Sx‘trti'rrrlrr’r 1hr.- l‘iri'ltidl t'iiii .. .iit.iir; ..i. ,. \3 , f - .; . , -VV :oV .V .' -
appeared early today to have presidential election. conducted .r \1V~_' rtrrti, durum to. ...rr' \ , ' l : . . ' . * ‘_ ,- lVV-Vi
won an important victory in The two main opposition callltntttlll. Jimmy tor so t‘i-‘trdtl (y... p.73. ., . , .- g. V. r ~ ; 5. ~ » - '_ .,. _ . .
nationwide municiral elections. iarties. the ('hr'istiarr Derrrocrats oi the vote which ;t_ aid xii-aid tl.-- Hui: _. 1" . w; ;‘ ._... _ . . ~ - . ‘. r .'
I l . . ' ‘ . , - ’ .'
With nearly halt“ the ballots and the Nationalists. and the give Allende a trrrrrer rrLrndate ii. ( mpg“ [ti-”3,,” .i .; :1 ; ‘Vii, ; - .- - . - aV - . .‘
from Sunday‘s voting counted, srrraller Democratic Radical tr'anstorm (lrrle :rrto .r *itrc‘taihl stow ‘;.'.i:‘ s. . iglls. i 1:11. ;-r may : ‘ . -' .VV'

‘ candidates oi~ Allende‘s Popular party. had 846,778 votes. state. trio.iti.;r..ii;_-r\ a: l'uerr» \i- No, r Nu,» NW! ., _ _o A, N. . . . V V. f'- 3.5, .
Unity coalition for council seats The rest oi“ the votes were Alleride‘s Socialist parry ;tl\t= riot) mg“, \ um . t g”) t-g. ‘.1 - 1 . . - ' - .VV.-V,V 2' V-.
in 380 rrrunieipalities had blank. void or cast for splinter gained strength wit‘rrn the Interior l rr.i-erse.r.-r.irj. l’.tt‘..L‘. Bu“ \ t :4 > . ' ' I '1'." -.v*
received 871,724 votes, or 48.45 party candidates. coalition. lrs candidates wort \t-iggar i. .t ( o::.rr:;i:irsr .ctf _ «mgr! :_ r. .r. z. or . . ' ".3 _V 'V' . “I. .3
percent of the total. The elections gave (“‘llllL‘thl 385.257 votes to 302.070 tor Siieliilsis were .llit‘xic'zl, \ i'lk'l .. .r or > : ‘_ VV . Vn VV.

That was a substantial increase voters their first opportunity to the ('ornrrrunists. $.11: . e ta t. I ma cl 1 u c i Irrxerr; =' x " :r , a i ‘ ‘ '. .' ',
0V” ”10 36-3 PCFCCM W0“ [W CXPWSS Wlll” ”10) thought of In the three southernmost \oxeiralwr. .\ller.de has tro/err .wrrmrwfizi ,i' ‘s . . " . V,V VV ,V'V,‘V_Vo . _‘i

_ provinces. Adonis Sepulveda. a prices arid raised wages. l‘t‘tfllli .r N? "v.4“ :l“r . , ; _,. .g 33*»

. If ) ‘ I, f' g l I VV_VV.VVVVV VVV

D “n ‘ w' . .' *-
, \u ne 5 uturc in ( 011- )l AIR FORCE ROTC
(0,,“an from Page 1 (‘oots said he believed a ______V '-,' .V ».V. '. V.V
complete withdrawal oi t V VEV.,VVV '3.V .
Kernel nray receive. “there university financial support l if." x
wouldn‘t be any need for or would sill the Kernel, but said it. l V. .' V' .. ;VV- .V .: ,
subsidy it the university would the support was “phased out” a t - _3','-V w
. t. . - i . j . . ‘ ‘ s . v .- .
allow the kernel to increase In trnancrally independent lserrrel g . V -. .‘
. v . l g .. . V. .i -_ ‘C .
size and thereby take in more could survive on the open . “‘2 .' .. .3
“dwr‘Lm‘il‘““‘"‘““°- “cm‘d- mittkk'i- Arr Force ROTC Offers men and women the ODDortonrt. t:- .~" "2‘
enroll in the Two-Year Air Pyrce ROTC prag'cm ‘ fi. ‘_
-. - ‘ , \' V V
'I‘Oday and 'I‘Omorrow The Unrversrty of Kentucky otters a twowear course that aiim; ._ f
qualified jUt’llOt'S, seniors and graduate students the appartunzr. {gt-"‘79.“, ’-’~.~_-‘
to earn a commission in the United States Air Force. o”? '
TODAY on Tues. Wed. Thurs, from 2-5; 6—9 V. ~V ,' . r .
p.m., or Fri. 2-5 p.m. and Saturday ‘ « - ' ' ’ ‘ - - . '-. ~V
Daily (‘ampus Events. For informa 9 a.m.—2 p.m. The fifbl' Step In QUOlllY|ng for 0nd entering the A” Force ROTC .' » .i ‘1 ' ‘
mm phone 258—4616 Study Series in TI’III Liturgy. The ' ' ' ' , ' . ' . ‘ '-' ; gV' _ -.
1”"? mi"; “5'” Kaéka'sd53ryoo” Re“ wmiam x. Hubbeli, Episcopam is to achieve a passrng grade on the Air Force Officer QUOllfy- V .' ..
fl m. irec e an FGPFO 0C0 y F- on chaplain, conducts. Monday nights. ' ~ ~ - . i ~ '~ .." '
son Welles. Monday. April 5, 6 p.m. 7;30 p.m_, Canterbury Lounge. 472 lng Test (AFOQT) The AFOQT Wlll be OdmlnlSlered on the ‘ ‘ "1 'V ..
and 8:30 p.m. Tickets 51. Sponsored Rose st_ . VV _oV .~ . .3
Egdcigxgnggrgtre“ Zoo. Seats hm‘ The Plunned Porenthood Birflé Cog- fOllOWInQ dates; ' 1" ' .l r ,
' ' trol Clinic is now operating at roa - _. , N a '7 g -, V . ~ - .
TONIORROW way and Second St. Thursday and DATE “Mt PART VVF‘EKE ~ , j . ‘ -. VV .
1 Monday nights from 6-8 p.m. Other T 6 A 17-. 7.00 1000 I B k R 206 5; V '~N~
L‘K Choristcrs and wrnd Ensemble. $13115: aéggrézted under Clinics in the ties” pr. . - . p.m. or er —- oorn _V . , . ~. .- ', .
Concert of contemporary music. 8:15 ' - I . _ . V~ V, _ . V'
p.m. Tues. April 6, Memorial Hall. Lecture notes. Biology 101, PsycngJl- wed" 7 Apr' 71 7'00 10.00 p'm' II Barker Room 206 ' ‘- '. . ' ‘
Free. ogy 210. Anthropology 120. and s- ' . _ . I ;. ,- " ' '; 2, ‘ .
CO ING UP tory 109 tilamilton sections}. Available so"! 10 Apr. 71 900 12-00 5-5." ' Barker "" ROOM 206 '-f V s . L V: i. "

; M “39‘“ 20‘ 5‘.“th cemer'osmnsmed Sat, 10 Apr. '71 1:00- 4:00 p.m. ll Barker — Room 206 " v ‘- J

t by QUEST, a Free University group. > . 1- . . 5 » . o

i Dforlgsr‘vzmtldlge rggggggip £23133; Volunteers Prozrum Newsletter. — "I" if. i i ' " -'

. _ “t ‘ r. 3 ’. 1 ' _ T - : News items for month of April are . t‘.‘ g . .

g ‘3” on: mass. 3mm.moosogdggtoocmoro .. xoooo EOME BENEF'TS 0F AFROTC ARE. 1. $50 per month (tax free) . , ,
10 a.m. Wed., April 7; “Forest-Wild- - - __ ' ' 4 i. - V. 1" '~.' '. - ,

r we RelationshipsV- 2 pm Wed” Apr“ ““3"" Mfi'l'i' Mmhdzgé rim: W or 4 semesters. 2. A class I D deferment until commrssroned. ,. .. ._

‘ 7; “Managing the Forest," 9:30 a.m. fices o the i ings an 0 cc ions 1/ _ . . . . . ', . r ' . V
Thurs, April 8. All lectures in room Department. Comptroller's Division. 3. 36/2 hours free fl