xt78w950k43v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78w950k43v/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1991 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Where're the Winners, Kentucky Press Association 1991 Fall Contest Winners text Where're the Winners, Kentucky Press Association 1991 Fall Contest Winners 1991 1991 2019 true xt78w950k43v section xt78w950k43v , fl 1/1 w ’ n W
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Kentucky Press Association .
‘: 1991 F H C t tWi W '
a on es nners
3 ‘ ‘f = (with comments by judges from the Mississippi Press Association) ‘. 1:

 . % E
Page 2, KPA Fall 1991 Contest 5: ,
CWWWW’RW51 , , 5 . . . . i-
11:11:"r:;::.;_;-;s:: S“, i M ti A i (:1 A” Re's/ T”'C"Y News '" Cumber'and/ l
.’/a1..ca...a..11:1,3,1: app n ee n 3a n took top honors for Best Column-Variety, if,- E
i??? : We hope you have decided to meander into thickness was just right, it would be put into Weekly Class I- Here's a sample. 7?}. l
E‘xéim‘w the wonderland of yesteryear at the Swappin’ containers dip by dip. ": i

. gags»; ee y ' Meetin’. You will be aware of many of the Every bit of this molasses knowledge and BEST BUSlNESS/AGRlBUSlNESS STORY l.
UVME :1. ,-;-;...;,_-;,_ traditional skills of the mountain homesteads cane work makes Mr. Patterson the number . First Place R M l , . 2
P533 [-51}‘5}1"}§}‘}E;~; when you mosey by the booths. Little tables one candidate for the office of president of the ' M‘ i
give» 1,551 here and there will be spread with food, even World Wide Organization of Fair to Middlin' 1 BATH COUNTY NE WS'OUTLOOK .5" i5 ’
§§.\5 1 breads and cakes containing apples, nuts and Mountain Molasses Stirrers. He’s a charter 3 W9” detailed exam/nation Of an agnbusrness CNS/S. 5‘ E
E525 ‘ molasses. member of the WWOOFMMMS (pronounced ; Second Place - Kelley Warnick, E
:11 No doubt, your child will grab you by the Woof-ems). having learned it a" from 8 fm- ‘ GALLATIN COUNTY NEWS 1‘ /
1 Etiiiiitg'é‘sr- 32-54:: €315.15?;;;:..1::='3:iia¥z.;-?1..-: hand and will trngetyouto buyatreat. Then fatheralsonamed Mr- 1111111111. Themolas- ' Interest/n trend sto ‘ i
E 3:5 .555’555515‘5‘f1‘ you can findalovely,grassy spottositupon the see booth is truly one place where you and g I)’. 1 E
Kg 515-:‘555213 '3‘}: j.“,.:5?'E:'-}5/1,,}'3:5‘57.3575555}: 5:,55'E‘i-5i1:f.§;5§' ground and watch the people while you eat. your child can taste a part of the history of E

WM‘“‘"”*‘ ‘7 T“ “WK“; 5 ""5‘5A55"”5 The best part IS the people. The artisans mountain farmers. BEST GENERAL NEWS ElCTURE I E
BEST EDlTORlAL who display their handicrafts mayjust inspire In the late afternoon, people begin to trickle First Place - Mark Chandler, . E
First Place _ Kelle Warnick, you to-take yourhobby more seriously. You are back to the parking lot. They hold little MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS E
61/11r/~c'ovti/t~?w.s , - insists-“’1 111...... hissed:z::::¥.:::.:::.°::l'1::::::
A 990d lime ’0 edllor’a/lze ’5 before blg problems You’ll be glad the mountain chefs cooked the tion of a long ago day when things moved a Second Place ' K—lL—-—e"‘5‘ warn'th ‘ ’ l
arrive. Keep after zoning; it makes a dilference if good things to eat. You can be one ofthe hun- little slower. GALLATIN COUNTY NEWS ” E
you 're growing rapidly. mvisitqrs who Ilikebothink Right place, right time well composed. _ t
‘ Second Place- Rita Mitchell FULTON LEADER lick the" fin- $5: Z. -.'/‘_J-: «- that 0- 11- Third Place -Joe lmel, MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS 1 i
saw," . l l b fu d 'lh gen; and ask for (gs ’ ~=-.--.. TQ- Dodgsonwould " / E
9 money IS no 0 9 can 59 Wt economy mom You .1." “,1 , p157: E r. N r have enjoyed
of government and you made that clear. might inquire, ": " "' 4;.ka .f', '=<‘ . . bringing 8 BEST SPOT NEWS PICTURE E
Third Place - William Mitchell. FULTON LEADER “Would you tell ,. 1 735:}? ' ’//’[5 e! 6 child to our _ First Place - Eric Krosnes, - -i
A voice for reason. me the recipe?" ./ bv ' 5' .5/1'5‘15" -' / S W I? P P i n ' KENTON COUNTY RECORDER 55:5 E
‘ Honorable Mention - Gene Clabes, xhiifiu'iii \. \ ,E #1323“ 5beill; THIS is spot news! 5 i
KENTON COUNTY RECORDER {over’thatsome " , / "0" Wm, chum“ Second Place - Jett Wilder, TRi-CITY NEWS 7 E
of the recipes ‘ P‘,‘ i K . 1- 9 and often Getting Closer to the scene ora longer lens onId 2
BEST SPOT NEWS STORY are just handed . , ' - , wrote things , have helped. - ‘ 35
First Place - Joe Imel, MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS down BHdit’B all - about them Third Place — Lisa Slaflon, MOUNTAIN CITIZEN .. 1E
//111/1111111/1111/1/11teen/1111 i:s:'::::“.i::ht:::3:“;h"12:12:: :2" shits-1:: “ Ute/11111 1/2111111/1/1111111/1/11111 ‘1
with a very good lead. Good quotes, good flow. “fifth”. g" ‘ y q 33' y gs ' E
Second Place ' Sill, CARLISLE MERCURY I once heard a lengthy debate about how g5 s. ,- 1 " , i
. Solid reporting, lots of details, well-written. ' ‘ ' ‘ - 5" j, 53
Third Place - Kelle Warnick, BEST SPORTS STORY E a" ,5 ; ~‘ . . . .5 ~‘ , - , '5 E
GALLA TIN COUNTY NEWS First Place _ Mark Stone, .1 1, V . :1: .j ‘ «2%: . . : . i
—_—____—BEST GENERAE- NEWS STORY Good lead, clear factual account of match. Sharp 3 .. ii; . ;. ' f ' _ 1 -. a" ' 5 E ‘ E
“'5‘ “a“ ' ——J—-——JKe“e Wa'"'° 1 quotes. ..:; : - . 1 - - -- ' ~
GALLAT’N COUNTY NEWS 1 - Second Place - medal. 1 '. ' " ' 1 5* ‘ . -. .: : A,
PUP ”79 GU” Warm ”79 town's doolsfeps MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS f’ * S1111 1 NW
Second Place - M1 Third Place - Hank Bond, CARLISLE MERCURY 1. “5 “ , ‘= g - , ;, ' * .11 - 1; ' ‘ ‘ ’ ii
MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS 1; ' ' 1 11’? .1 1 ‘
Third Place -_.Jeff Wilder. TRl-CITY NEWS ’ ' BEST SPORTS FEATURE i1? ' 1- i1”: 5 i
First Place - Mark xoung, FULTON LEADER , 1 - ‘ ~ ,2 g‘i ’ i _
5 . J—B'ESTF ATURE STORY Second Place - Ronnie Hickman, g? --», 55 ' 5 - 5 ' 55 i
Fll'Sl Place - Rlla Mitchell. FULTON LEADER MOUNTAIN CITIZEN " _', 15: Mrs E .- , ' *5 ‘_ j . :i
lnleresllng Story, W e” l 0/ d Third Place - Ronnie Hickm .155 ".55; ,1??? $1 , >_ . f 5. v . . v , dig-:3: . . E ‘~ ‘ E
Second Place - Mark Chandler. MOUNTAIN CITIZEN 1 g -_ :- 1;; .- . ; 1 " \ag‘fi ' E
“CLEAN COUNTY ”5W5 ":2." " ' . . i
Thlrd Place 'M- BESTPINVESTIGATIVE/ANALYTlCAL STORY if ~ 5'7 -- .. ‘ :1
BATH COUNTY NEWSOUTLOOK First Place - gait Wilder, TRi-CITY NEWS i - 2 _ .. . ' . l
Honorable Mention ' ____,Mark Chandler The obvious winner among very few entries. f 515 * § 5 . .E
- “CLEAN COUNTY NEWS Second Place - Christopher Burns, i , 1 / . . . t.
. . Third Place - aVlCl Hall. , Rik _ ,. . / .
First Place - Kelle Warnick. '"MCL E A N COUNTY NEWS . . .2
Funny or serious, Warnick's columns flow to a BEST S O Y R ES , L". , ;
conclusion that comes too early for this reader. First Place _ B—JJ—S'LE—ichard L Deavers/Doreen Dennis . , . ‘ -. E
sewn" ”a“ 'Mflmg/ CENTRAL CITY TIMES- ARGUS - 1 ;1
M CLEAN COUNTY NEWS Good coverage ofhometown support of Desert * ’ ‘ i 5 i 5
Serious column style works best for Chandler. W ll d _ .1- >61 i
Third Place 5 Min—“1’ geterniloFc’lgie eBriaiinBerue emann/Mark 555B ' 5 - ‘ l 5 . , 5 :5 i
' __qg_ a;
900d m’x 0’ 6° “m"S- Third Place -Amy l orton, FULTON LEADER 3 . . , . 1 _ _ } E
First Place - Ari—Rel; TRI-CITY NE W3 mSTORIE S . I , - ' . 1- ._ 3 . . 5,3 E .
Second Plaggbxwrggzvgg First Place - Clay Warnick/Kelley Warnick/Denny . -. - j . ' ' 5 . '5 ., . . - 9 l "3 E
”’9’KMAN . . Warnick/Holly Koons, GALLATIN COUNTY NEWS ; 1. ' - ; - . ' , 1 g ‘ E. -.
This WOUId be a better'columrfi' With a standing head Strong coverage of the controversy over location of “it, 5‘. 5 . , . f g g - .1 5 :,
. and an anchored posrtlon m t e paper. a possible polluter in the area. Questions were - 1 .1. . 1’ 11‘” ' . W l
5 5 dl lh l n l vera 9- ’ x . - ' ' T ‘ . a. l5
BEST SPORTS COLUMN ( REGULAR HEADING) 5351:: n $7,; 0 j 55:13; z :2; 0° 9 “ - - . , «‘1‘ if . :1, 1. st
“'3‘ “a” ' MGM- BATH COUNTY NEWS-OUTLOOK ,1. ,. ' '5 ' 5 “ '55 i 3" .l
. KEN/ONCOUNTYRECORDE/i n11 mace-w 11111111111111.1111 1e : .- ' t
Sewnd Place 'J—Oe lme'1 Simon/Becky Smith, MOUNTAIN CITIZEN 5 9,1 , as; , ., . .- 1 sags .. t
1 .7211. " “is "1:. .,._ . ..
- a i . it ~ . it
, A "10' is just what judges gave the Sports Picture Essay submitted by Mark Stone and , 1/, -f . a"? m ,i‘ s? i
- .. Doreen Dennis, Central City Times-Argus, Weekly/Class I. At right are two-examples. 111" - " “x" 1/I -. - - , 131,1: 5i-
: - I,
. 251' 5 . - ._ fl . . . ”7,... g .. . .. { . ' > . "/1

 V Em. C _V-V—~:~=-f;j~: ‘ .j .' , M' “ "' ‘ 7‘ . " 3 . " .3 ”M”. .7 .. - > . « . > ' ‘- '- 2 7’ ._ n‘ftixz' ’ a
:- ' ' 3 '3
34333 .
V V V . KPA Fall 1991 Contest, Page 3 ,
if 33 3 3 3 V 3 . - ~ i‘-;:*:’*" 3 3 333' 3,)". ' ‘.
2:) ) Classl 3 _. , " , _ ' ,: 3
’ 3 Eric ,M CszefifwsgéVWi e jaws; ’2’ ’ 3t ”5%:3333‘3‘39 3333“” We... .73;
3 Krosnes, g; s we s we -. : ’ - 333 ”3‘3 ‘ . . we ’ ' ”‘3‘“ ~ 3'
3 Km" R‘s‘g‘“ . ' . - 3f .. - . 1 :3” ' 3
V Erlanger’ . ‘3‘,”25” . L e V .2, {“33“, ,. . Vi t £{ttgx’w'e /; . . , 25:. 'f . l
3 ' SPGt W“ est 3% "" . , . ' -, \ s 2
7' 3 this Spot 3%.» 2.: *‘* ‘ users, ”’ . - .
. see . ~ 2 “12%" . x:
, 3 Picture , ‘ m . . g, » W“ :. . ' Y:
.' 3 winner, V ,. ,gg‘t‘” ”I” g 3" _ Egg“ t . 7: 333 -: i .. 3 I”
. - . V 333’: _ . . g VgsVVVV .V ‘2‘ VVVVVVVV . . _ . 3333,4353 l.
: 3- . ,  . ‘ ' = ' ’ ts . . “is s " . * .. , . 2‘ 21
"’ 3V 3 m;s»,‘% $52 §;;3:%§Q$V%v ‘33 :h'téy . fr’vfif § 4 '3 . ~. ,3 ll
VV V V .- V, '. V V 3&3” ”3N VV n5, Q 1,3331, gag 1%? s. WNW . V! ,V V V_
, . “it = v ,. s; ‘
3 , see * 3- ,. e 3.. e . ,
,3 ,, '1 ,, ' .‘ «figvefiéfi‘ésy ' . ' '
' l ' 3 .. , .. . . Wssfiitss , , ‘
:‘l we, wfiwwé . ‘ '- ' ' 3 "i *3
\i 3 $3333§§Wwf§3§t§§§§ 33w ’ wfi‘éxg’sku3 “3“:er32wfliwm fixt 3
V V . - GALLATIN cOUNryNEws ' i.
3 . I I Obviously the best in this category. .3.‘
3_ _ r wnlng aver s lsas er SecondPlace-Mflflcm, ‘3 JV.
V 13 NEWS mm, ArVound 2 Wm M o n d a y V :0. 3"“ I knew that 1 mm hold it The second photo in this essay made it a winner. :
3 J pangs in Calhoun Vim, comparing tBt'omeVEVtEin: school cushion, went to gnhl they‘gfs the main shut off, " Third Place -Mark Stongmomen DEBBIE 3;
' 3 antes rowning to t e Dut h b um ° 3 835 in a T8 'ator in th rownmg - 3
, 3, who stuck his finger in the dcyke 33 Elrln'ldressing room. a F‘ 10 . t l SEZIRAL CITY TIMES'ARGUS '-
: save his town. " turned the valve 'ust “1° or _ mmu 98 star. concertshots; wish di ' ‘
~. 3 333%:an didn't stick his finger; fiXtdetaBntigVVfan inch when it: {ill 05,33 25:3?an €23,331 h° 3333333“ lath? creative Splay had been more 3
. ‘ in a y ut he did clam his h ds. sai to us. "I had to clam both ncemen "3"“ ° 5‘ °° - 3 ' I 3 3
3 around a leaking gas line so preveiii: a hands 0V" “19 pipe because f could W1 1: d W 33
- _. serious explosion in Calhoun School hear “19 8" coming Ont 0" 9|. PiP°-" h 1 son go wot and evacuated - I ' j
“Monday. W, .1... m, s:slt.°t'.§::,'::d°"“s“€‘fm"t F"S*P'a°°-szue '
.. . n no t: L'
t Wrist:settlement;a MethammtsAL‘l‘; "sedenmtgusfisw "‘ GMLATINCOUNTYNEWS . “l
3 V School Principal Bug’s“ wflm 11;: Vtho room, wing; is um: for drum ’ , A fun shot. Good expression on kid. 3
. » 3 (Browning) kept the situation under amwgtnkiiiraist I couldn't let 3“ BROWNING. 939° 2 Second Place 'MQL 33'.
_ 3‘ . L13 Good kiddie shot. Makes you want to go outside 33'
V ___. V . . and enjoy the weather. '
3 First Place for Spot News Story, Weekly Class I, went to Joe lmel, McLean County News, Calhoun. Part of hlS Thlrd place . We 9
3 ‘ story IS above. Kelley Wamlck, Gallatin County News, Warsaw, was at the head of his class for Best Column, EDMONTON HERALD-NEWS '7
. , ; - Weekly Class I, sampled below. _ H°n°rab|° Mention - W. i
l . ., ’
3 Y . » . v 2 ’3,
., . e " _ l
g , Surglng taxes have Amos readyto Jump -, :3
’3’ . hisskinwasmeltingswaybeesusepollutimhadeatm themoneywssgoingmfeedthsdisedvantsgedand Iniedtocmvincehimthstthrwghmegwegetbew ’1
3 - T1115 8: That holesintheatmowhete. . .. . mtthecountry." . T _, madsnd'iveombenerschoolstoedtwwyotmm 'e
13 V Oncthewassoupsetaboutthepombtlttyofbemg LtoldAmosthuwssstillmmdtlmtueswetoone sndbettcmnnicipslservieestomakelifeeuiz.fle 1
3 - By Kelley Wamick 'W'W by some WV“ from the power plmls. be reason our cmmtry is as grates itis. ~' . would not limo. . ' i
) 3‘ . 3 Editor , decided to west ear plugs atVall tunes. He wore the ‘fBut look at how things have classed,” demmded W'sfine,"Amsexclahned.“bntwheteisitgoing ?
.2 /V pmtectVtonuntthheresdsnsmcle Wthh satdeat'plugs Amos."WhenIfirststat-tedw0tkingfoesliving.theyssid to stop? What happens when taxpayas like the run '
3 - 35) candnveyoutnsenebecausetheyshutofl‘vttalaix youworbdthefimsixweeksot‘theyeorjmtfm oanpleclyomofmomflwmthewlueoomnytlm -.
l. \\ 3’s,— ‘ passagestothebrstn. . . VgovemntenLTenyestsastheysaidyouy/akedmttil jmtgoouofbminesssndfsllspm‘t . ,
.3 V@;V_,.,, So,youcansee.Amosalwasthasplentyonhtsmmd. Am! every yeertopsy them man. 'I‘htsyesrthey IIndmmmfamyfitmdeulknewtlnowmg ,
:l /- V:- ' However,seldomhadlseenhtmasagttatedmhewm estimatedtatevetypennyyoueunfmmlmmnlune. hitnselfovathe Markhnd Data was no solution. I g3
i "W _ . . lmtweekanNanmllmeVkedfotanexplamnm. gossinsomeweytopsytaxes." . ' somedtomumweeaseoutmiesdtewsywe V
. DametVtVnghtsswellJustdnvedowntotheMm-klmd It'sthwedarntaxesfsatdAmosfl'mafiaidtbeyV Ttyingmchnngefllembjeculbld Amosthaths uanWimncmtpleofbiscigmmdscddbea. 2-
3 , an WE’WVW meMlelfidy watetofthe atefimllygomgtodnventeunder.” .mldn’ldomytl’tingallnfllnxuanyway.$o,lsuggested "Mmldbsvebeensgmdtdulastweehbml g 1
i, WMVG. sold Amos from [us kitchen table last VAntoshtawsthatmereesmgtaxuhavebemswayof dnthe putthewhole thingoutofhismindbet‘aehegot Mfiflmen'theotdemosnidfmameweeund l ,‘5;
V 3 I hav: ms- friend bef In f ltfesmceFDR institutedtheincome tax system oven-50 m ulcer. . VV . . . Geagepmhdeeidedheneededmemteyfiedecided 3:
r, a] _ b' V H0986! ON- _afl.AmosV yestsasmleooldntfigmeoutwhyallofasuddenhe “Wattannnute Mmdmgsmgemngevm togetttwtthaVsttbstamtaltsxmetesseonbea-qtd . '5,
V ways“ llmm- §8Pend8mostofhtsfmeutne wasteedytotlnpwmthetowel. : worse.“Bestdesthefedmltaxes.mwotn-stateandloesl tobweoJ'mafiatdwecan’tevenat’t’ordtoput’ttrdnnk f
'3 readmoVVegagndfle mfomtatton heeonsumes. bothers him. “'I‘hmksbouttt," hedemanded. "When I wasaymmg taxes ate escalating. What Gouge Bush down get, the our eases away snymote.” V ' E
l Me , Y e was W°flfl°d 10“" 81383109”!!! from boy. the total taxes my dad patd weren'tsll that bad. boysinankfmwillandthatleevessllot’ushunganto Mthcigatsandbeaoutofthequemmthetewssonly _ : Vt
.3 XtVtVaowouldfmdtheRtonndesndmakeabee-hne abouttenpeteentofouronnnal ineomeruwou. My dry." . . mtfingtheflippedaconttoseewhowouldjumpV x. .
: 3 man: mghttohtsfatmfl’henextdayhewasconvtnoed fumlydtdn'tegmmindpayingthqtyheesusewefigmed TalkingtoAmoswasevengetfing'mesbitdeptessed; « first, i g * . i; ; f ' ' “ ' . . 3. * .‘ 3 '_ , 5 ~

 Page 4, KPA Fall 1991 Contest . 3i .
5' l 1 Weekly 3 5 . ‘ ,. . . i. “ e 'i
Flrst Place - Kelley Warnlck, . " ‘ 5 _ . " 5'1“" 5 .‘ ' ‘_ . ’55?" 5 l
GAL“ TIN COUNTY NEWS * . ~' ,J ,5 ' ” . ' 'v t5,” Tl
Clear/ymebesr. - ' WW l
; Second Place - Tom Osborne. 5j r * I. ‘ 5W ” f
BATH COUNTY NEWS-OUTLOOK ‘ ' ‘ , . ~ V" . ' . . ' ‘ . . , 5 - "-5. .'
Good theme; would have been nice to show the 5 ’ ' ~- ' ‘ 5 5, ’ ' ‘3‘” 5 , I 33‘
finished product. ' ”M 1.3.: ,5 '55 5 - 1
Third Place - Vlfilllgm Mitchell, FULTON LEADER 5 "Z ” '1 it” 5’ 5w, 5.1 i
_s Great beginning that fades into the newsprint. I 1 .55 5% 593,5 e . ,;l
. ‘ . _ - . . ,5 ' 55M , s, ’ 5 fl
~ BEST SPORTS PICTURE “r 5 ' a : 5";; 5W a , ,5 l
3 _ First Place - Joe lmel, MCLEAN COUNTY NEws , :5 . 3 :- "‘ a . *5?
,' Good action, comical picture. Captures an unusual _ , , y 3" , __ . ’0” 35 ii WT. - . i‘i
GALLATIN COUNTY NEws : . 5%; ‘ . // i
_: You can almost see what will happen next. Good '5, g 1; a ' _- 5 -_ .‘ W , f ' ' ‘ l i
‘3 Third Place— Eric Krosnes, *5; . “5m, ' 5 it .-i
~: KENTON COUNTY RECORDER 5 ’ ‘ 3. . 5.55 ’ 2.2-; it; " l
E Honorable Mention - m, 5:7 or“ 5 ,5 5 , 5 ,, , , 5i ///// , 3;
CENTRAL CITY TIMES-Aneus 'W x , . ~ 5, a " 555% ~ 1
5 ' " ,. @5555 / , .; ‘ .1, W cm: ‘ .1 ' 5,” ' 5, 5 i ,, ,55W5fi // -; ' <
i BEST SPORTS PICT. U__RE_ESSAY . W . ,5, 3W flirt; 55M ' $5555 - “'9
9 “'5‘ “a” ' WW ' ‘hii‘t‘tW i , e. 1: e M / .5
‘ Variety of pictures played well. , " 2 *4 5 5 '1 ' ' fl?
‘ «,“i 5‘ at" t , 53% 3 5M 3
.. Second Place - J. o_e_|me|, , “We?” at“??? %€5 .
3 MCLEAN COUNTY NEws .’ 5 “a Jet r; , ”j ' >
; Strong lead, action photo carries this one. 55 i “M 2st,; 5 . 555 .
5 Third Place - Doreen Dennis. , , 555% _ . ‘ 5; “5.55% -' ”W i
3 555,555,; .5 ,j '2 5,,5 555,, _'.-/,.:u55'5.=-'”' ’4 7’57, 3
3 CENTRAL CITY TIMES-ARGUS 5:55 ’53:: :3: 5 WM» 5, . .5
' When he captured thIsmtngung , . - A} 55"" W, .5 s .
._ - — moment, :Mark Chandler,,McLeanr a.) 5 . > 4' ”“5 , a . 5 ' m5 . 56?: ,g , K;
i County News, Calhoun, also ’5 5;; “ x ' ' . , 555% 55355; , ”X . 4w
.. captured First Place, General ' "k . it ‘ a ~ . ' l
HOW you gonna keep ‘em down on the farm '
r aft r th t 100 ll 1 ' * ' l
5 . . . e ey ge . a ga on or milk that cost them $1.30 to produce it
“ -~ "Youdon’thavetobevery smart Agriculture and Small Business numberofBathCountyfarmershave Q i
3 flow that you cannot sell raw Committee, saidhe might advocate been very active in this organiza- o 5 i 7 l
.. at $1.00 a gallon when it costs a 10-eent tax on every half gallon of tion. H 1 ft f
. you $1.30 to produce it, one Bath milk sold at the retail price in Ken- Members plan to take their cause enson p les era 0 The Old pro 1
County dairy farmer said last week. tucky Revenue from the tax would directly to the people at the end of ’ i.
That is the plight of Kentucky’s be distributed to Kentucky dairy this month when they win demon- - RUSS M812, 3
‘ 4,000 dairyfarmers, who have seen farmers to offset their losses. strateinmalls and shopping centers broom makln be “11 Bath County i
. farm prices for milk decline 40% Withoutsomereliet‘ forthestate's for higher prices for their products. i
since January 1990, while at the 4,000 farmers, Crupper said, con- "Wewillbedemonstratingith . NeWS‘OUllOOK 3
same time the price for consumers surners could end up paying much Sterling and 1 e to et some - - 5' 5
- hasn’t fallen 2%. more for dairy products and a lot of people to Lexinhgpton," sgid Larry y 1S gran at er megsvrlle, l
“Morale is so low that people are dairy farmers will be out of busi- Swartz, president of the CFA. “We ' was mp ”l
. saying they can’tmakeit," said State ness. If it came to the point where . are bin to lose a third to half the . . . ' .l_
. Rep. Clay Cmppfl’ DD“ Ridge, memkaouldmmbesmmdm “It; £85m“ in this We if M Ely aura/incite" These gain are just a_ few of'the Winner for V\ - ‘3
who owns a company that ships from other dairy-producing states, keeps up for 18 months." ews Itor ones he - es ea-Ch year to a variety Busmess/Agn- i
milk from farms to dairy pmces- the retail prices would be much ' - b ' - 0f locations telllng young and 91d business I
' sors.“l’ve been haulingmilkfor 34 greater. When the dairy farmers ring Hmchard Henson wantstomakea about broom makln. g and making 3
yearsandthisistheworstl'veseen.” Another option would be to ap- the“ cows and heifers '0 grocery clean sweep 0‘ ms 1m? he's just the sales. at the same tin-'8' He h.” been Story, Weekly i ’
‘ The income of dairy farmers pointamilkmarketingboard which stores and shopping mall parking man to do 11:. The thlrd generation in five states smce Aprll. One C . 3
plunged more than 20% in the fall worddworlrmsslstxenmck’y darry' 1°“ “‘ 5”ka “‘1 a.“ “”55 “3° “PW.“ maker would certainly have weekend m May, he left home early '393 I, With 1.
when increasedmilkproductionand interests. Several legislators are U'S” slgns 0"" the hufflpens wrll mind-K 0‘ tools f.“ the 1°!" . one Thu” d y and drove to smm‘ the Story at far '
an excess supply of cheese caused a considering forming the board dur- ’“d’ "W° want to 51m" “P m I” Family mmtmn' mm” and ant” Tenn" m a Show’ the" to Nashvflle ‘
’ severe dmp in the federal formula ing the 1992 session of the General milk cows, not Big Macs." ques all have great meaning to him f". a S°h°°1 exhibition and finally to left Rita t
that determines their prices. How- Assembly. One processor said the bottom Egrtzs ”lemma“ m“ be has :fmceton, In?" f" a two'day show MllChell'S .5}
ever, the declinehas had little effect UnitingdairyfarmersinKentucky line of many dairies had been. . con “6 a craft begun b." are returnlng 11.0"“! Sunday mght F S ,
on the retail price of milk. So it is and working for changes has been squeezed because of the popularity figmdfimer' the late Rollie and PRCk to teaching M0,? day mom- eature tory ,
pretty obvioussomeoneismakinga the Community Farm Alliance, of low-fat milk products. Dairies father R0?“ cg, 12nd Emu“ by h” mind vifastltmhlg trip, :19 said: that won her a 5 .3
5 handsome profit on milk but it isn’t which has been effective in getting say it costs moreto remove fat from ton ’ e e 0“ enson of Ben- b ’ . e t ought 0 making First Place , l
the farmer who_is producing it. the attention of state legislators and milk than the companies are paid Hanson has broadcasted his broom triggrleSsiiiiiilguzfisa 22331;:08351 with: W kl 0| 1 i
Cnrpper, chairman of the House Congress on their problems. A for byproducts made from fat. mg with a sign in the from ya rd cool breeze blowing while they ee y 355 l
_ 5 ~ of his home on Ky. 94, just west of leisurely twist and tie and knot, Hen- Ir '5 at left- . i
.r.-.>:-:-:~:-:»:-:-:«:-:«;5:-:-:-:<-:~*-;-:-:~:~;-:»:~:-:-:-:-.~:v;;:-:-:-:~:-:-;-;-:-:-:-:-:-:-:~:~:-:v:-:-:-:-:-:~:~:~:~:-:-:~:-.\'~:-;~:rr-:-:-:<«:-:-:~:-:~:-.~, gayce' But’ mm days the message son can set the record Straight “It’s She's at the I E
'8 spreading 81m quicker than he hard "0W1” said and We“ that he i .
\x\_.35;,3.:+:c.;l3.:.;.:.;.-.3.3.;._.-.-.;.:.:,;,:.;.:,5\-.«.:.-.:r:-:-:~:»-,;.:.:-:»:»:.:.:~:>~>:o\: can fathom That is due in part to his has run marathons and 10K raga Fulton Leader_ ll
\‘ travels as a working exhibitor at and “neverbeenas exhausted"ashe . -.t
3555:; angrfll EX! Egllgngg large craftshows and festivals. is after a day of broom making. C1 1
5 And, he’sbeen invitedtoa premier ”Running” a marathon is a piece of 3 5 ‘
. GALLA TIN COUNTY NEWS \ event fit the end otJune in Blue Spr- cake after making brooms 10.12 ’3
ings. 0., a suburb of Kansas City. hours a day. It's pretty hard on you ., at
_ M CLEAN COUNTY NEWS Henson will be performing, showing physically." He cited as an ample, ‘
_ . 5 CENTRAL CITY TIMES-ARGUS his craft andspinning atew tales, at a recent weekend at [and Between !
Missouri Town 1855. whichis similar the Lakes at the Four Rivers Folk ,
’ ' :§§§E§§§§§§E§5EEI,_= ’ - ‘
Weekly EstIII County sc 3o| system We... ,
:1 t 1 . - ‘ ‘ . ' Second PIace-Cnaeaenmaac
1 j d tl ' th b k 1: WWW FrronrrE '-
1 r1 < : I a SS I I 1‘14, I r e c y I n e a n a cc 0 u n This story certainly must have had lots of commu—
1 :4 “4,111 . nity interest. Facts well stated. ‘l
" i.3:::1:3:1:1:1:i:?:2:113‘,fil'v‘ " -..’s;:a‘ . I
«.7, 777.1. With 26 percent of students staying home Monday, ThirdPlace-Tenexsies SPRINGFIELD su~ 3 1:.
“ local SChOOlS lose $6,000 In attendance funding s / ch sroa
1 eke/e4 ———-—-—- ————'———‘-____‘__ South Naeslementaimhi. First Place - MW 1
.. 1 M““““‘" "‘“"""“”'““““‘l‘“M” T By ALLEN BLAIR had 42 percent of its studen- GEORGETOWN GRAPHIC .
- amt winer , .. ,, : absent, Kiser said. . . ' :'
3 '11 BEST EDITORIAL —-——-———-——___—_.__.._ 2, 73’" Thehighschoolsawaboutfm A deaf cm wmnef- Thorough alld ”Nb’ased 1,1
3‘1 F'rstPlac -J hmDEN PRESS EstfllCountyfelttheefTectaof 7 .2 times the normal number reporting. You covered all the fronts. Excel/anti! -
i l e M’ . . . Monday’spredictedearthquake, 1‘» ’ ' ; .2 ' absences, with around 180 str Second Place _ Jim Reflgmmon BFEWfl -
3 1 It takes courage to take on religion, espeCIa/ly when but not in a way most people ‘24 ,2 1. dents not in class. GEORGETOWN GR A PHIC i
’ it comes to money. loommend you on a job well WW“ {1013”- , . a 3‘. r . Some educators speculat: , , 1?
ill done 13,31.de hp 81‘ entts kept 31118111 . ’ Elf-1'23 2‘ ' that some parents chose to kee Third Place ' m {1‘
.- ' c i en ome rom so 00 - 2’4 " their h‘ldr h th th 5
~ 1 , Second Place ' .BJIm—nBfl‘fl, Monday, resultingin adramatic .3: ’ 2. have :hém rltlile :clllxlgolliusegs thli CITIZEN VOICE & TIMES
_ 3 GEORGETOWN GRAPHIC dcgop 1;: :uhndingsior the Estill . . 3-. 1, . ’ hailietocrosatheKentuckyRiVl ;
,4, - - . un 5 oo sy em. 3 3 ' . .. , l” at rvine. ' ‘ » l-
: 1 yer/14 good 15b: / certainly hope the superintendent ,thstusfightmun d $6,000 33 3 3 3. 33 1,31 Accordingto local principal
4’1 09 your a Vlce- in ADA (average daily atten- - _. 11f, 3 _ “52 those students who disregards ’ 3
3 Thlrd Place - Jerlene Rose, CLAY CITY TIMES glance) mothey, “ lsaid Jim K13ng ' ' the prediction and chose to got . "
.1 ' ' ' ' ' 'rector o pupi personne or ; .13]- " - schoolesusualo M da f
W...   . W, a
i ‘ ‘ School systems get their oper— 1 , _ 1 , . doe . ' ' C5 1.
2 1 sting money from state funds l lhll'Ik that Its lneVllable “Wespentsometimelastwee 4
r 1 based on average a' y atten- that th r M" b n2 h- goi o e earth ak : - - - - 2 l
. - dam figures, said William uake)e 2" CU :81? (109:: “12:13 Enid 3‘13“, eggs; A story, at left, by Allen Blair, Citizen Verde 1.
1 1 BEST SPOT NEWS STORY fiexandg, agipirintendent of 30 prepare Sylu dents ln whrayl Esti1l County High School prit & Times, Irvine, was the judges' pick for l '
2 l . _—"_‘ ecoun so 005. , cipa. , -
31 :_ First Place - Jerlene Rose, CLAY CITY TIMES For each studentthat attends they can do about it. Students received pamphm General News Story, Weekly Class II. gm 1
1 This story reflects enterprise reporting that goes classes,_ the gcbool system _re- —Steve 6am“ aboutsarthguake safety an Rector, Georgetown Graphic, won a FII'Sl
' 1 beyond settling for the minimum facts. is??? Emmi“? ‘10 P” . EGHS‘PI’II‘CIFEI ; :b1‘¢:%%§?$gmgf Place for the Ph°l° below in the category l
. se°°nd Fla” ' Mam. -' Monday, however, 26 percent -—————-'——'—-— the event of an emhquake, 3 of Sports Picture, Weekly Class ll.
s 3 SPRINGFIELD SUN ofthe students enrolled in Estill _ , “I think that it’s inevitable the '
. What a lead! This writer has a way with words that Counilydigl not ittelnd schooliA: and P119» cancellefegfgggl '1’: ‘23“ will begins," Gamtt mi: 0 - 2 =
{ . - ares t, t esc 00 system os causeo massxvep 3 s - " uean oia ' to, ,
i most WOU/d delight to have. around $6,000, based on that dent absenceswhich wouldhurt studlelilts in whatht’llieypersrlilad . 1
3 i Th'rd Place ' Eon—Daley, $10 per day per student estimas . finances. about it.” . il:
l i THOUBLESOME CREEK TIMES till/ll sch I if _ 1 ti: 'b 00mg distr' 1
l ' 2 any 00 D 1018 S B 1‘! - Dun ,reme '1-
s . COHCISQ’ lhorOUgfl! . ute the low attendance rates on result, lost an j, , 4/4 - 1‘.
K I Honorable Mention ‘ M- Monday to panic resulting from money. 'Q 1" ,2 - 3
' 2- .1 , CLAY CITY TiMEs aprediction made by New Mex- - According 2 . .. .-
. WW 236006 [9 a d and Story flow ioo resident Iben Browning that school syste: .3333; ‘2, £147,“ ' *:"*’*ll;. l:
' '1 ' anearthquakewouldooeuralong cancellingcls {(3, 11%;..111; 3 2 ‘ j .
3 the New Madrid Fault in West- 'to. ' if :g 1; 7 1
i _ 2 em Kentuckyonor about Dec.3. “You alway ,3 1 :2;..-‘..:'?3-;-, 4; ,. ' 1,3
,2 Many counties, mostly in the don’t think w ._3‘- 7;. l -. ’i . . l,
. , BEST GENERAL NEWS STORY western region ‘of the state, ered it,” he st :1 3% /’ . 1
: FlrstPlace-Allen Blair, CITIZEN VOICE& TIMES $123111 C1858? 1);) 11th:)?- magma; ’7 l'
l 1 12:19:) Zita?) éjjgrlguariisiloih that most WOUId not, or in order to combat the loss of however, tho: 1 fit ggéé/ 1. 14”” M1 2 . .3 ..,:33_3 . _
1 9 9 earthquake scare. funds from projected absentees. either, he ad: 2 ,1 - / {71411111111 / 4241 ,1, a 4 ,7 ”*4 21
l Headline IS a little busy. Even counties in the eastern The hardes1 1 Z” 51111711144 1: . l 4 "2,;- a / ,. 3" 3 , . 1 ’ 3 3 '24,, ,3 1.
l Second Place —James Mulcahy, Pmmhe “tatersuch “8 Harlan eight “h“h ’Z‘I’V/é/g’ l 4e- l2): I V ll li
awesome-s aw 4c. 2- v
Hike the lead. Ihadto finish reading to see what BEST COLUM VA E F SUBJECTS 4% 7;;,.- 3,, x 44 ~ - 1 I.
‘. Third Place - Nlnie Glasscock, Gives information in a clever/Y entertaining way- ”all 2 ~ .’ l”? , . -,. ml ’
1 SPRINGFIELD SUN Writes with simplicity and clarity. For individuality — j’ 2 4 c1 33 fl 3_
i Good story, interesting lead. Weak headline. an A'PIUS! _, ‘31“,- j . « 3 tr W 1i
. 5 Second Place- -B- Err - - ' an , . , .
1 CITIZEN VOICE& TIMES , , . . r; , , ' 1%,; 1
, Especial/y good at writing humor. / t ,2 1- ' '
1. . W ' Third Place-Jamie Baker-Nantz, $5111 .