xt78w950k30j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78w950k30j/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2007-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 2007 text GLSO News, December 2007 2007 2007-12 2019 true xt78w950k30j section xt78w950k30j l (legend The G LSO NEWS
(A Les tan
" 59""?95 . December 2007
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization
Volume 22 Number 12
WW” 0419'5 9“” Another Note
@ecembev 1 Holiday Concert
AIDS Volunteers, Inc. is committed to Please join Another Note on
providing education, outreach, and December 1 at 8100 Pm for 'T/3 THE
advocacy about HIV and AIDS in Central SEASON! Another Note's annual hOIIdaY
and Eastern Kentucky. AVOL is concert will feature familiar holiday
commemorating World AIDS Day in favorites, fun seasonal tunes, and
several ways. We will be walking in the traditionalsacred carols. _
Lexington Holiday Parade which starts at I Ith'hk the concert W'” have
5:30 on Saturday, Dec. 1. Meet us on somethmg 'for everyone,” says Steve
Mldland Ave (beside the Herald Leader JOhnson, director of the men's QFOUP- "1
Building) where all groups will be lining up hOPe folks VY'" partICIpate In all the greet
for the parade. Wear red so that we will aChV't'eS gomg 0” that day and then 10'“
stand out. We encourage family, friends, usforthe concert." _ _
loved ones and community members to The concert W'" be .held 'h the
bring posters, photographs, and candles sanctuary at Woodland Chrlstlan Church
Kentucky Ave. All proceeds from the
.. concert will go to Moveable Feast. A $12
04" for ‘Life suggested donation will be collected at
Our annualArt for LifeAuction will also the door. eel you holiday season Off in
be held on Dec. 1 at The Red Mile Round style by 133an Another Note 0“
Barn. AVOL will be providing heavy hors December 1 !
devours and an open bar. Starting at 6 pm, _ .
this event consists of both a silent and live We need your finanaal support
auction. We have an exciting lineup of Please Subscribe
artists including the world-renowned
s a
equine artist,Andre Pater. ee P ge 6
Our Honorary Chair for the evening
will be Vice-Mayor Jim Gray. Pleasejoin us sponsor 0f the month
for this fun evening. Tickets are $70 per The HIV / AIDS
perso, and $125 per couple. ' 2
The Imperial Court is supporting the Brand] 0f
AVOL Kids' Christmas Project, which ; Ky Dept. for
provides Christmas presents to children of .
families with a member living with " Publlc Health
HIV/AIDS. Information about their fund- 800 _4zo_7431
raiser on page 2.

 Imperial Court Events 8 ACLUfIliequestllilg Hip Inf
u orto 011168th artner one its
Each year the Imperial Court of PP
Kentucky rings in the Christmas season with There is an effort underway to prevent
a special holiday-themed show With the Kentucky public universities such as UK
proceeds benefiting one Of the Court’s and U of Lfrom allowing their employees to
de3ignated charities. The last few years, the include same-sex domestic partners in
ghu'rt ties choasen- totfund tthehAVOL Kids. their health care plans. The American Civil
r_is mas rolec ’ w_ 'e provi Ies Liberties Union is working in support ofthe
aflhztmzzgfjfxfgtsvfilhlmfizfggamltheast public universities' effort's to be inclusive.
tradition, the Court has designated $2,000 to g3effiggugitazklgfinfi:péifagogafitegjip
fund'tl'rels22:13:51:rtCiSiIeilrStgfcf’néoofEndraising www.freedomtomarry.org/stories/page1
. . If you are a gay or lesbian employee of
effort, the Court Will renew the MISS Mary
Christmas Pageant, which has not been held dfioorhgsd: :trtjn23:3085232L32130fi:
since 2000. This festive holiday pageant will ACLU would like to know your story,How
be held on Wednesday, Dec. 19th, at Club ff ted if health benefits
141, with doors opening at 8:30 pm and the WOUId you be? a ec .
Cover is a suggested $5 donation.
Contestants will compete in holiday-themed who electthemtooffice. . .
categories. For contestant packetsand other Anti-gay aCt'V'StS claim that offering
information, contact Empress 26 Lawren benefits to gay couples “dates the
LaMoore lawrenlamoore@insightbb.com. Kentucky marriage amendment Wh'Ch
In November, the female line of the defines marriage as between a man and a
Court continued their Entertainer of the Year woman. The ACLU and most Of ”S 'h the
competition and collected nearly $2,500 GEBT community believethathardworking
from three events. The Court would like to univerSIty employees should be able to
thank the contestants for their hard work and pr OV'de benefits for the" families no matter
the community fortheir continued support of the sex 0f the” partner or the”. marital
the Court’s fundraising efforts status. Since marriage is not available to
Also in November, the Court supported same-sex couples in Kentucky, it is unfairto
Moveable Feast Lexington in itsfirst Mystery deny gay and lesbian people the
Dinner Theatre. The evening was a success Opportunity to provide health coverage for
and the Court was honored to lend a helping theirloved ones.
hand for this grand event. Additionally,
Emperor 26 Brad Shepherd and several .
male members of the Court entertained a “‘33:; “Keep the love you find,
crowd at Club 141 for the annual Emperor’s a”? ”it? Get the lat/e you want!”
Turnabout Show. The crowd enjoyed the new $3; Y
divas as the guys of the court stepped out in a “e
different role forthe evening. Jessica Bollinger LCSW
The Court invites you to stay up-to-date . . .
abouttheir events byvisiting www.myspace. Imago Relat'onSh'p Therap'St
com/imperialcourtofkentucky. Pictures from EMDR Trauma Work
all events are available there as well as Couples, Family, Individual
information regarding the Kentucky Court’s imagoconnection.com 552-6533
Page 2

Community News
I “715th Chalr “Santa In A Sling” Returns
{ Miriam Davidson and Kiya Heartwood The Moonshine Bears of Kentucky
) 0f Wishing Chair have a new CD out: Folk and the Lexington Lyons present the return
I andRo/I, Live inAustin. You can order it on of “Santa In A Sling” on Saturday,
I line where there are also cool t—shirts or December 22, 2003 at Club 141, 141 w_
5 cometo their Lexington ShOW- Vine in Lexington. The festivities will get
- On Saturday, December 1. unden/vayat10PMandrununtil2AM.
I VWshing Chair Will be performing at Raffle chances to explore what Santa
i Natasha's BlStTO, 112 Esplanade in has “inside” foryou are $1 each. Everyone
downtown Lexington. The show Wi” start walks awayawinner. Proceeds will gothe
i at 9 Pm. and there iS a $7 cover charge. favorite charities of both clubs.
5 Reservations are strongly suggested.
r V\fishing Chair has sold out every show - -
. they have had at Natasha.s_ Ca” lexrnglon lvons leather/law Club
' 859-259-275 The Lexington Lyons meet the
‘ second Monday of each month. Join us
‘ WdflSKeflfi/Uky on Nov 10, at the Pride Center, at 7 pm.
_ _ The Lyons are a group of friends who
TransKentucky '5 a SPPPOFL socral, celebrate strength, unity, and diversity
and resource group servrng Lexrngton for those who enjoy the Leather /Levi
and Kentucky.Our mission isto providea Lifestyle. For information visit
safe place fortransgender individuals and htt|;://www.lexl1:ons.or;r.
others who do not fit the standard gender .
norms. At meetings we will support each SisterSound
9th?“ offerrng advrce, resources. and SisterSoundisinrehearsay fortheir
rnsrghts from our own unrque upcoming winter concert in early
experiences. . . February. Watch for information next
Famlly' friends and Isupportrve month. Rehearsals are at 6pm every
communrty members are rnvrted to Sunday at Landsdowne Cumberland
attend to gain understanding of issues Presbyterian Church 333 Redding Rd
concerning gender presentation, identity, For more info Contact Pattie at
and variance. The group meets on the first paowens@excite com or 859 806-0243
Saturday Of each month at 7:30 pm in seewwwgeocities com/sistersound
Lexington. For info and meeting place ' ' '
email TransKentucky@gmail.com
Meetings are free and you may dress OUTSOIII'CQ
howeréer tyo: feel comfortable. Ihe OUTsource is for GLBTQQA students
rans en ”C y peer group 'S no a at U. K. Their mission is to provide an
affirming, safe, and confidential space
- where students can learn more about
GLSO News Deadlme gender identity, human sexuality, and
. related issues. The ho e to make the
Janna"! Articles and News campus more welcgming of GLBTQQA
students. For info contact Susan at:
T0 Mary I”! DBOBMbBI‘ 14' susanmatsubara@yahoo.com.
Page 3

 Slade Andrews Wins The weekend got undenNay with a
reception on Oct. 19 at StarbaseQ
Mr. Kentucky Leather 08 followed by a Meet and Greet featuring the

Slade Andrews of Cincinnati was introduction of the contestants, judges and
chosen Mr. Kentucky Leather 08 before an special guests. The opening ceremony on
overflow crowd at StarbaseQ in Louisville Saturday night included a color guard, a
on October 20_ Slade will represent presentation of club colors, and the singing
Kentucky in the International Mr. Leather ofthe LeatherAnthem by Shelby Reynolds
2008 contest in Chicago, IL, May 2 2 - of Lexington. Great Lakes Bootblack 2007
25. Three other contestants competed for Riley Johnson offered bootblacking.
the title: Russ Coulter of Louisville, named For information contact Larry Stanley,
First Runner—Up; Kevin McGraw of Kentucky Leather Productions, Inc. at 859-
Cincinnati, Second Runner-Up and Chazz 312-38160rL_D.SlaflLeJLQ9@§m
Rogalinski of Louisville

Judges for the Contest were: The Rev. .,

Dan Newman, Mr. Tri-State Leather 2001; , ff“
Christopher Schiefer, Mr. Dixie Bell Leather 4" 2; Slade AlldI'CWS
2007; Mark Austin, Mr. Cell Block 2007; Bill ., g. ’
|\Hllowtardf) IVIIDr. Krentucky Leather 2007; and f???
as er e ora . it ..,,_ ‘

The two-day event was sponsored by $5532 if: 4’; Mr’ KentuCky
Kentucky Leather Productions, Inc., a not- ' , ’ % Leather ()8
for-profit Kentucky corporation and co- ‘ (‘
sponsored by the Louisville Nightwings; the 4, Zak" - .

Louisville Trailblazers; the Lexington ‘
Lyons; and Mark England, Realtor.
SOULFORCB who is still living in Lexington, works for the
national group and maintains a local web

The national Soul Force organization site www.soulforcelexington.org. The local
is growing and doing lots of exciting work group does not meet regularly but if you are
including the recent Seven Nights for interested in the work of Soul Force you can
Equal Rights campaign. Jamie McDaniel stillcontactJamie at 859 230-5625

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Page 4

 3 Sponsor of the Month
n ‘1;
It's Not Over
Remember Those Who Have Passed
.I Celebrate Those L1v1ng
3 .
Prevent The Next Infection
World AIDS Day is December 1". Take a moment to
remember friends who have passed as a result of AIDS. If
you haven't been tested and you have risk factors do
yourself a favor and take the test. Take an honest look at
your life and if you are taking risks of becoming infected
with HIV, make some changes.
The HIV/ AIDS Branch of the Kentucky Department for Public Health
Page 5

 G LS O P ' d C t
389 Walter Ave. 859 253=3233 @pen til it» 3 M0 = lFir W = 2 Sat:
lexingion Insight Discussion Group
Lexington Insight will meet for our Every Wednesday Night
regular potluck on the first Friday, Dec. Pride Center 7 to 9
7th at 7 pm at the Pride Center. We will not
meet the third Friday due to the Christmas All A“ Welcome
Holiday. d .
Dana is the coordinator of Insight and GLSO Boar Meet”?
]can. be reached at .859-230-24-28. Call him 771 urs day, D L’ C. 13
or information or if you have ideas for an
insight Out activity. New people are . -
alwayswelcometojoin us. gay Straight alliance
for youth 15 - 20 Every Tuesday
Games Night
After. several months Without a Stonewall _ Saturday, Dec: 29
games night at the Pride Center, a
couple of people have volunteered to Join us for this fun movie that tells an
host the next get together on important part of our history.
Saturday, January 12, at6 pm. Bring P d C
asnackto share. fl L’ enter 7 Pm
*2?" ' the! - :tsf? EL—tvziiti; .« “E
GLSO wishes you Happy Holidays and a )oyFul New Year 3”
Subscriptions he lp us pay Pride Center expenses; 3
and supports our many projecls.
Give a Gift Subscription to a Friend. i
Name : Phone: 1
Address: ;
i Ciy: State: Zip: $1;
's ] $20 -1 year Membership & Newsletter for Individuals or Couples
] I would like the newsletter at this reduced rate: $ ($12 or up] _
' ] I am enclosing an additional contribution of $ "
Please mail to: GLSO News PO Box 1172 Lexington, KY 40588
fl rL .1 if 3’ L“ ig‘
Page 6

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 Bluegrass Fairness we will work just as hard to defeat such
_ legislation in the long 2008 session.
' Bluegrass Fairness 0f ,Centra' On a positive legislative note, Rep.
Ken‘UCKY (BFQK) WOU'd "k9 to Mary Lou Marzian of Louisville has pre—filed
C‘gngrat‘f'ate the W'mers “the “member the hospital designee bill. This bill will allow
6 _ election. We were glad to see pro- anyone over the age of 18 to designate a
fairness candidates including Governor— non-blood person as having the right to visit
Elect Steve Beshear and Attorney him or her in the hospital. Upon passing
General-Elect Jack Conway VOtedf” by a into law, gay people will have the capacity to
landslide. . Bluegrass Fairness Will work designate their partners as having hospital
W'”‘ the W'mer'?‘ and encourége them *9 visitation access. BFCK will fully support
lead Kentucky in a progressrve and fair Marzian's efforts.
mannerforallofltsresrdents. - The Employment Non-Discrimination
We also congratulate Senator Act (ENDA), first proposed in 1974, finally
Ernesto Scorsone for being named t_° clearedamajor hurdle. In an historic move,
Beshear's transntlon team. Scorsone Will the House voted to pass ENDA. The bill
keep fairness for. all in mind as he helps provides employment protections for gay,
Beshear's administration move smoothly lesbian and bisexual people. Although
"“0 Frankfort 90mm out Pub'lca'W is BFCK would like to see the bill go furtherto
93X has certainly "Qt hurt Scorsone-s protect people of the trans community, we
ability to work With fellow democrates in view its passage as a major progressive
government. . _ step forward. We encourage everyone to
' Although a large majority Of thank Rep. Ben Chandlerfor his affirmative
Kentuckians voted for pro-fairness vote. The bill still faces hurdles. It must
candidates, BFCK knows the work-ls "0t pass the Senate and face a possible veto
finished. We expect that anti-fairness from the President. We will continue to
legislators will propose bills that would workfor its complete approval.
knock down domestic partner benefits at . BFCK wishes everyone a fair and
Kentucky's PW"? umversrtles. _ SUP“ flawless holiday season. For the latest in
legislation failed in the last legislative GLBTQQI A 90 to www.bgfair.org.
season, but the threat is ever-existent, so '
e GAY AND Pride Center Office Manager
”a LESBIAN Bill Chandler _
{th :1‘1
SERVICES News Editors
ORGANIZATION Mary Crone - Sarah Phillips
" Publishes the GLSO News Monthly _ .
20. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 maW°'°"°@'“5'9htbb-°°m 4
www.GLSO.org volunteer opportunities available
Want to write an article or more for us? We are looking for
GLBT History — Essays — Advise Column— Opinion Pieces.
Contact Mary at 266-5004 or email above.
Page 8

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g @2007 UBS financial Services Inc. All Rights Reserved, Member SIPC. Page 9

 GLSO Newsletter Calendar To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 W.
3 s. we, 333, Visit us on the web at: www.GLSO.org \
Sunda Manda . ._ . Wednesda 'I'hursda Frida Saturday
. , w rl AIDSA "
Our Thanks to ThlS Month 3 Newsletter Sponsor ° " WWW . .
4p Walk with AVOL in parade Weekly Achvihes:
The HNI AIDS Branch of the eeevoeeeerre
7:30 TransKy - CFP Mondays:
- 8p Another Note Concer 8 -
. . . pm - Goy/ Lesbion AA
Kenkay Dept' for Publlc Health $22,321.29 Cha'r@ 6 Discussion/Specker[Co/I for
_. , , _. _ _ , . , , , , —,—— Location) 278-7103
1030 a St. Mychal's 7p GSA (call for place EggLechiscussion 7p Lexington Insight Center Open 10a-2p Tuesdays:
11a uu Church 266-5904) P ,,W P°t"-"°k"’c 7pm — Gory StroightAlIionce)
6:00p SisterSound Rehearsal ,4, N'fi’qj’
Happy W633, e Wednesdays:
Hanukah ”’2' 7pm - GLSO Discussion Group
gplfiay/LFSb'gZ/gg‘m4 8pm - Gov/Lesbian AA
a or ace -
. .. . . , .. .p .. . (Co/l for Location] 278-7103
10330 a St' Mychal's 7p Lexington Lyons-PC 7p GSA (call for place 7P GLSO DiSCUSSiO" Newsletter Dead-line Center Open 10a-2p Fridays:
11a UU Church 266-5904) Group-PC . :2. 3,?3 8 G /L b. AA
6:00p Imperial Court éfigrfii? 5/" pm ‘ CY es I0”
Mtg.PC 0.?“ e ‘e’ 5W —"~”‘——3 ~ [Call for Location] 278-7103
6p SisterSound Rehearsal fl _ ‘~i .‘_ ,5
\ e .122?” ,L't' ’5?" Saturdays:
tints a?) 7:30p GLSO Board Mtg.
, ,, jii. : ,3 5. _. _ 3-, . , . , ,, I, Sundays:
10.30 a St Mychal's 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion Center Open 10a-2p 10:00 om - 00 Church Worship
11a 00 Church 266-5904) G'°“P'PC _ _ Services.
6:00p SisterSound Rehearsal w 8p Gay/Lesbian AA 10p Moonshrne Bears & Lex 10: 30 -, St. Mychol The M ortyr.
De“ ~ e Call for place 948-3434 Lyons presents Santa in a .
t y- i 8:30p ICK presents Miss Sling @ Club 141 épm ‘ S'STeISOUPd ReheerSO' @
21';- ”2235‘ Mary Christmas pageant @ Landsdowne Presby. Church.
Club 141
If; L " f " ' ' f ' ' ' 6pm - The Imperial Court
1030 St M [1.13 . “flaw“ 7p GLSO Discussion
3 a - YC a" "' F3, Grou -PC
11a UU Church iXXV {‘3 ’W‘ p _
6:00p Imperial Court ‘3' av ’18 3W3
Mtg.PC Q ewiflj‘g
6p SisterSound Rehearsal e" 3” 1;:- I “-e» ”'3’
, , ~‘; 8p Gay/Lesbian AA
W ‘4- 'W‘“ Call for place 948-3434
Monthly Adiviiies: More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or
Mondays: 7pm _ Lexington Lyons [2nd Mon.) Thursday: 7:30pm _ GLSO Board Mtg (2nd Thurs.) i email the groupto confirm the date and time, please see the directory for phone listings.
Friday: 7pm ' Lexmgton Insrght (1St Fn') Sa‘l'urday: 7‘30? ' Trons Kentucky (1 ST SOT.) ; Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated- CFP
continued on page 16
Page 10 Page 11

 The Positive View those norms.” One lesbian expressed her
. sense of freedom as i do not feel that I am
By Dl’. Sherry and PFOf. Skippy bound by any rules or regulations in a
Part 11: Exploring sexuality re'at'°“Sh'P-” , _ .
d I t. h. Another lesbian elaborated a Similar
an re a Ions lpS point, “There are no gender limitations on
A f f d f anything - we do what we do best and what
d corisequenctet-o ree fm. rom we like to do. For example, I'm very
giguzrsergizstefnzenctt: Ifgrrlzoge Og'cmvgfi feminine and my partner is more masculine.
and lesbians is a feeling of being frEt/eer to Howevert I'm physically stronger and I don't
explore different expressions of their mind getting dirty. Soldot he heavierwork.
sexuality and different constructions of it's greatto not have to fallinto somety's pre-
intim t r l t' h' defined categories based on appearance.”
l3 e (eta ions 'p: I ll Creating relational scripts that are free
I b' ree 02'" gen er rto es mayfa 0:" from gendered prescriptions allows for
:ns gar: :1” viraiguge: :smofre reeyi flexibility within roles and may even help
beaag/iors and relaytfonshoi ssewLiltah prepare gay men and lesbians for later life.
a rtners Freedom from hetefosexual The concept of gender role flexibility for
relationship scripts allows for the older gay men and lesbians is a strength
creation ofnewrelationsh' no which allows for greater adaptation to the
One a man sumrrligd .trms. ,, demands of aging and greater flexibility in
freedom gtoy explore [sexulaliltp] afhaat relationship roles as we grow older (Berger
comes with being 0 enl a ,, Xnother &Kelly, 1986; Friend, 1987, 1990). Gender
a man stated “BeFin {nga )ski rt h nonconforming behavior is therefore a
gifflerent feel to it thangwestern anat:e: positive aspect that allows individuals to
am not talking about dra er se gust 58 “have a wider repertoire of available coping
bein naked has its 03/2 feel. Most tools and responses at their disposal as
straight men can't gothere ,, ' they age” (Ritter &Terndrup, 2002, p. 141).
Another gay man lwrote “Our How has being LGBTQ freed you to
relationship was 'unconventional' to start :égtoarfit y?ourHssxluiitliattyeangutheoggriggofit
with which has given us the opportunity t' y. | . .y .g 9
to work on it with a lot of freedom creaing you-r- re ationship scripts. What
[including] more sexual freedom'” while are the pOSItive things you We learned
another offered There is considerable about sexuality and relationships that you
freedom for) a gay couple to think heterosexuals could benefitfrom?
communicate, negotiate, and establish k For more information about our
theirown rules andtraditions." wor ’ 9.0 to www_________g.Pristesearch.or ' 'Dr.
A lesbian participant shared that ,, Sherry is Sherry Rostosky, PhD, Assomate
Being a lesbian is positive because. it Professorofpounseling Psychology atUK.
provides the opportunity to create a lot of me' Skippy '3 Ellen Riggle, PhD’ Professor
therules oflife andrelationships. lthas 3f Ithnder‘ and W°men.s Studies and
a freedom to create new types of o itical SCIence atUK. This article is based
relationships ,, on: Riggle, Whitman, Olson, Rostosky, &
Anotherlesbian wrote a built—in Strong (2007) The Positive Aspects Of
separation from societal mainstream BeingaLesbian orGay Man.
[sexual] norms, which frees me
somewhat from having to conform to
Page 12

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Page 13

 The Imperial Court of KY presents...
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Page 14

 Same Sex Married Debate data, many people are finding positive,
active ways to cope With these
The effects on GLBTQ People challenges_
GLBTQ people engage in positive

In May/June and November Of 2,006' conversations about and become more
Dr. Sherry Rostosky and Dr. Ellen Riggle active around GLBT rights issues. People
conducted a study_related to the debate find social support from friends, family
over marriage rights for same-sex and the community. And people recognize
couples. .Over- 2500, .lnleldualS and talk about their feelings, which can
partncnpated including partICIpants from 48 help alleviate stress.
states (and lD.C.). They have finished an More research is needed to help
initialanalySIsofthe data: _ identify the positive as well as the

They believe the. findings from the negativeeffects ofthecurrent political and
data suggestthefollowmg: social climate in the US. For more
A' Havmg ,8 marriage ban amendmenton information about our findings, or to
the ballot increases political partICIpation access a copy of the complete paper, go
and voting by GLB citizens in a state. to www.Pristesearch.org.
B. Having a marriage ban amendment on
the ballot increases exposure to both
positive and negative messages about GLSO Sponsors
GLB issues in that state.
C. Havingamarriage ban amendment on It is time to schedule GLSO
the ballot increases the level of active Newsletter monthly sponsors for 2008‘
coping efforts by GLB individuals in that The basic Newsletter Sponsorship of$250
state. includes a full page ad and a listing on the
D. Passing a marriage ban amendment is front page in the month you sponsor, 12
associated with less positive affect and monthly listings on the sponsorship page,
increased negative affect for GLB reduced costforadditional ads purchased,
. . . . and priority given to news stories during
IndIVIduals In that state. the year
E' Passing a marriage ban amendment in All months with the exception ofJune
a state results in higher levels of stress and are currently available Choice of months
depression for GLB individualsinthat state will be offered on a first come first served
F' Passmg a marriage ban amendment basis. Aform will be mailed out to current
may suppress future voting. by GLB advertisers. You can also call Bill or Mary
C.'t'ze”5 '“ that State '“ S°me atthePrideCenter(253-3233).i
Circumstances. . We are always in need of

The researchers believe that these sponsorships above the basic level. For
9399“? are temporary. Given the lack Of more information call or email Mary (266-
sngnificant differences on these measures 5904 or ma crone@insi htbb.com] to
:flgfgmeitat::dwft]at2: Ezrtr'afij d b:: negotiate benefits that would work best for
amendment passed prior to 2006, they you.Poss:ble benefitsmclude.
suggest that the effects noted above may AdditionalAds Inthe newsletter
be relatively short—term . Ad on the middle page, or back page

However. this does not negate the Ad on ourWeb page
reality of the effects. Three-fourths of the Name on sign at Pride Center
sample (75%) believe that marriage ban Name on Pride Month Bannerand on
amendments have "a major impact" on the publications advertising Pride Month
lives of same—sex couples. Based on the .
Page 15

 Scott Ackermam Real Estate Serwce WIth
= nlssun's KELLER
I i! :5 ‘
. Enrausunsm
MOblle: 859 338-8483 [B
n . lemon
Fax: 859 269-0065 Servmg Lexmgton &
E-mail: Ackermanteam@aol.com All of Central Kentucky Q
Call me With all your Real Estate Needs
figmmmewwmfimaemmw ,- I I
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5% \ : EMAIL: , I, :1 '2; , ‘ “ 1 I - i
“"2 , . u; ' , . ~ I . ~. 3 {7.}
Egfl . . (I . . , , 3, _ V E?
Member, Kentucky Bar Association; Fayette County Bar Association;
; Louisville Bar Association: American Bar Association,
5 Section on Family Law & Committee on Alternative Families. &
355% National Lesbian 8. Gay Law Association. E
Page 16

 ' e lglOllS an pll‘ltll ' esources
Sunday Worshlp 10:30
Saturday Evenlng Prayer 5 pm
f . 1350 Eastland Dr. #5
ST. MVChCll The Martyr You are invited to our worship
‘services every Sunday at 10:30 with Rev
stmychalthemartymrg Ken Waibel performing mass. We are
St. Mychal will have Mass every located at 1350 Eastland Dr., Suite #5, off
Sunday of December at 10:30 am for Winchesteer.
Advent. Our Christmas Service will be at St. Mychal is a member ofthe Orthodox
7300 Pm Christmas Eve. Pleasejoin US- Catholic Church of America, a national
The mission of St. Mychal the Martyr denomination that is gay supportive. We
Parish is to provide a church that perform blessings of gay unions,welcome
welcomes all people in all their divorced people, and ordain women into
uniqueness and giftedness. We are a the orders ofDeacon, Priest and Bishop.
liturgical church whose worship is filled The Orthodox Catholic Church is one of
with ritual and whose heart is filled with about three dozen offshoots of the Roman
joy and hope. Catholic Church.
Couples Union
Counseling Ceremonies
Rev. Kenneth Walbel
Professional Spiritual Dlrectlon
Ecumenical * Holistic * Inclusive
Page 17

 Integrity {7‘16} Unitarian Universalist
\ .

The local Integrity group has been \k’fl ChurCh Of Lexmgton
revitalized. We invite you toaChristmas The Unitarian Universalist Church
party on Sunday, Decembergfrom5to8 community is a diverse group of individuals
pm at St: Marthas Ep'SCOPaI Church.. with beliefs that cover the spectrum of liberal
Brifng a dish to share. :0”. can get mor e religioustheology. Wewelcome you to visit by
ma: :Iiitcenrit 0; orgyrcaiiifgbsai/(id attending a worship service or one of our
Cupps at 8599-3936-5691. many adult activrties. We are located at 3564

St. Martha’s is located at 1321 Trent C'aYS M'” Rd- , _ _
Boulevard in Lexington. Our Sunday Worship servuce begins at
Trent Blvd is inside Man O' Warbetween 11 am. every Sunday. In addition to worship,
Tates Creek Rd and Armstrong Mill Rd. there is a Sunday morning Buddhist sitting
Follow Trent about 3 1/2 blocks from practice at 9 am and a Buddhist discussion
Man O' War, and the church will be on group (Sanga) at 9:45 am, both in the Allen
your right. We would love new people to House next to the church. On Sunday, Dec. 9
join US. at 11 am, there will be a holiday service

Integrity is an organization 0f Celebrating Peace. We will havea Christmas
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Eve service at5:30 on Monday, Dec. 24.
Episcopalians and_our straight friends. We have several holiday projects so if
Since our foundm 'n 1974' Integrity has you would like to contribute, bring some warm
been the leading grassroots vorce torthe gloves, hats or gloves for distribution to the
fIEthliislgglFlijasllonC flirts BingreririifrosrmnatiE: Hope Centers. The UU teens are selling Love
contact David Cupps at david@david Thy Neighbor t—shirts (including love thy gay
cupps.com neighbor) to earn money for presents for

AVOL's Kids' Christmas Project.
Jubilee Fellowship On the fourth Wednesday of each month
there IS a book group meeting to discuss
Jubilee Fellowship is meeting at St various approaches to making peace. You do
Mychal the Martyr, located at 1350 not have to read the book to attend. On
Eastland Dr, Suite #5 in Lexington. December 19 at 7 pm, Rev Cynthia Cain will
Eastland Dr. iS Off New Circle Rd one be leading a discussion of Thich Nhat Hanh's
block North of VWnchester Rd. Once on Peace Is Every Step: The path of
Eastland Rd, take your first left. it is Mindfulness in Everyday Li