xt78w950hh77 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78w950hh77/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1901 journals kaes_bulletins_095 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.95. text Bulletin n.95. 1901 1901 2014 true xt78w950hh77 section xt78w950hh77 , KENTUCKY
State COIIege 0t Kentucky  
M  I
_ 131.  

 _ §. KENT [J CKY - »
    ‘ . . . S . I
  flgr1cult ur2.l Experiment lation.
l * i
_ THOS. TODD, Shelbyville, Ky. A
  7 T. NOBLE LINDSEY, Frankfort, Ky. _. 
E D. F. FRAZEE, Lexington, Ky. ‘
J. K. PATTERSON, President of the College.
M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Secretary.
F .
l r M. A. SCOVELL, Director and Chemist.
2 A. M. P T R, _
E E } Chemists.
`_ H. GARMAN, Entoniologist and Botanist.
2 ` C. W. MATHEXVS, Horticulturist.
i J. N. HARPER, Agriculturist.
} Ass’t Chemists.
{ i L. O. BEATTY,
i R. M. ALLEN, Clerk, Food Divisio11.
{ . J. D. TURNER, Secretary to the Director.
]. O. LABACH, Chemist, Food Division. ‘
GEO. ROBERTS, Ass’t Chemist. I
E · T. L. RICHMOND, y A t t E t 1 _t IB *
P s ’ U t ` _
i ( MISS M. L. DIDLAKEL j s s o n orno ogis ant o anist  
.   Address of the Station—LEXINGTON, KY. N-
4 ` Morice, *
N The Bulletins of the Station will be mailed t`ree'_ to any citizen oi Ken-
tucky who sends his name and address to the Station for that purpose. ;
_ Correspondents will please notify the Director of changes in' their· post- °
I _ oflice address, or of any failure to receive the bulletins.  i
132  it

 ` l
1 Bulletin No. 95.  
Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. _ _.r. °
Number if Bmzzzis. There were 268 different brands of .
i commercial fertilizers registered from january 1, to May 1, ·
IQOI. Of these different brands, 159 were complete fertili-
zers, or fertilizers containing all three of the essential ingredi-
.· ents, namely; phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash; gg, were _
Q acid phosphates, or superphosphates; 6 containeda mixture ice;
of acid phosphate and nitrogen compounds only; gg acid phos-
phate and potash salts only; and 35 were classed as bones or g,
  Samples C0//cried cmd Amzg/zcr/. Three hundred and forty  
six samples were collected by deputy inspectors, or were sent
by farmers from various parts of the state; 281 samples were , A
{ those sent in by firms as official samples; of these samples, 438 iwé
were analyzed by the Station. _
° Rem/is offbc Amzbxszav. The results of the analyses show
that of the 43,8 samples analyzed, 83, representing 71 brands
~ i and go firms, fell so far below the guaranteed analyses in phos-
_1 phoric acid, nitrogen or potash, or any two, or all three of .
  these ingredients, that the dificiencies could not be accounted.

 [  _   l .· A   ZT- _
i   V , 134 BZ!/]€!Z·7l ./V0. 95.  i
  Q for by variations in sa1npli11g or analysis. It is probable that  ‘
 ,   in most cases, variations can be accou11ted for by hurried or  _
,   careless mixing at tl1e factories, or gross mistakes in shipping `
l I one brand for another, but in one or two instances, tl1e results .
1 show a desire on the part of the manufacturer to guarantee a  [
! higher percentage of the essential ingredients than the goods A
  7 contain.  
The great majority of the manufacturers, however, have  i
furnished in 11lOSt instances, fertilizers fully upto guarantee. .
The following table gives tl1e names of all manufacturers _
legally selling fertilizers in tl1e State this year up to May 1,
j and the number of samples analyzed of each f:1I“11l’5 fertilizers .·
  taken from various places i11 tl1e State or furnished by the ` ·
l manufacturers.
1 1 The table also shows in how many of these samples there
  , was a serious deficiency of either phosphoric acid, nitrogen or
  potash, and i11 how many tl1e percentages of these constituents
· are such as to be considered acceptable, from tl1e poi11t of
, y. view of thebuyer, either because they equal or exceed the per-
= i_ centage guaranteed by tl1e manufacturer, or because a slight
. deficiency in one constituent is, in tl1e Director’s judgement,
l   4 fully made up by an excess in one or both ofthe others. Under
A the heading "Relative Value Per Ton," is sl1ow11 in how many ‘
X instances tl1e " estimated value per ton" calculated from our '
_   I analysis, equals or exceeds tl1e value calculated from the .
°   11l8.ll1lf`2lCl.l1I'€l'iS minimum guaranteed analysis, a11d in l1ow A
? j many it is too low, reasonable allowance having been 111ade ,
`. `_ for unavoidable variations. This table should be carefully
studied. lt concisely reviews each firm, sho’.ving how the I,
T samples of fertilizers taken from various places i11 the State
compare witl1 what was guaranteed. In order, however, to
I , _ see the an1ou11t of variations fro111 tl1e guaranteed analyses, ‘°
· tl1is table should be studied in CO1lll€CllOl1 witl1 the table of .
. , results of analyses, which follows tl1is introduction. This V
· table CHI] be easily referred to, as tl1e names of the firms are  ·
‘ arranged in alphabetical order. `R

 2 M
L Cammcroial Ferz‘z'!z'zers. 135
Y   0a£°lJ °\~*|°\°1¤l*l°\°IOI;l°lO
· ‘·¤£·  
2   ‘*>l¤¤ 2 ¤|=:»‘~`[—`¤»|.¤\2¤ -2 222*22 WH
 _ $4 in ’l€E’_§§_V `ON "`__ "` i   "T '"‘ .
 2 ; "“OT 2 "|’°|°'”|°}°°`°I°`°);4H,;
 2    3*~—j·—‘ ~..
O '(l L20 i*'D\©`©\<>lliO\¢Q :0`:1 wl.-2 `
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:..2 LY
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. "" bu '0[CE . .J _ :2 5 L M _ A ___ Q V —>
Z -22 Q»»» 2   2i’\“l¤\°\°l··\*\¤l=1 1  
 `   `·“0TI 1Orlv-*|O1r-<`»-1IOjCz`r-<*';rl;`,y¥;  
9;% <><>.L;x  
l E·4`€_‘<¤1A-1g?iD%€;;(%;N>iii\2\·—¢`:}?1`¤r¤\¢I-vl71|;i}¤·<};:  
2 ` ‘1>¤Z·<1¤   ; |Q ]Y]Y; Z2 Q Q"QT 2; i' Q I  
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  ` O ?6T6`2$l24S 215|= 218; X
2 EH 2€g;§y22|2I§|8e|g2; 22
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  z 4-g\O  26 ’2§\%\%r»  
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2   2* 2 2 m °Z *6 ¤   ’¤ L2
 2 2z GIG 22 SIE ‘¤ 24* 9 E A
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 2 2c an ba 2 2 m :¤ 5 »< S U
,2 4: < •-· ~: 2, 0 ···· »-· ¤
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· 22é’?i`<;§,s3`g"¤ 2\2£`9£l§
  H 111 Ai ·E Q ¤ 0 m 0 si zi Q u

 Q     E  ‘M<>q Bmdm N0- 95.
, TJ“,_  Olo `
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Commercial Ferldizers. 137
N Y-1w-1ut>|»—<|©1»—<00:~1¤.*¤'<$‘\Q® -
CN   »-< M x-· ’ij '1;m‘U g J
· .¤ gf wgla »`°’l¤> z :.2 L. Q ¤A° .
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. ga:|E‘·3 ;|g·6ig¤*»»·;l§\:°%z8
»-·-< . r ""

 , . wai   -——
i · I 138 Bulletin N0. 95.  ,
  » ' p . It is evident from the preceding table that while most of the
  fertilizers examined ran above the minimum guarantee, yet  
·   a thorough and careful inspection seems essential. It is hoped `
2   that farmers will generally take advantage of Section 8 of the  _
A fertilizer law, and when they purchase fertilizers, at least in { 
' quantity, that they will take a sample in accordance with Sec-  `
5 A tion 8 and send it to tl1e Station for free analysis. `
l Esse¢zz'z`aZs in Takzbzg ez Sample. 1. Take it at the ‘
time of purchase, and if possible in the presence of agent or  
seller. 2. Take a sample from not less than two bags, and I
from one additional bag for every ten purchased; mix these `
I samples carefully and take at least a pint of this mixed sam- ·
i . A ple, put it into a fruit jar, seal, box and express to M. A. Sco-
  ’ vell, Director, Lexington, Ky. 3,. Take the sample in the
Z presence of at least one witness, and have the witness sign the
  required certificate. 4. The certificate for free analysis to be ,
  ~ sent by mm'! and should be in accordance with the law as
i given in Section S.
Q If tl1e sample is taken in accordance with the above direc-
{   tions it may be sent by express and the charges will be paid i
V   by the Station.
l E Farm q" Cw·/gfazfc. A good form of certificate is tl1e fol- I
i I lowing, and blank certificates will be sent free to any farmer  
j requesting the same.
  t ................ . . ..,...... 190 j
I - M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Lexington, Ky.: ·
I __ This is to certify that I am not a dealer in, or agent for the i
sale of any fertilizer, and that the fertilizer, a sample of which  K
I have sent by express to you for free analysis was purchased  -°
I i ` by me .... . ................. . ...... IQO for my own use  
i i A and not for sale.  ‘
` · I further certify that the sample was taken at the time of
i purchase from at least ro per cent. of the sacks or other pack- a
ages comprising the whole lot purchased, and that it was taken  ‘
as provided in Section 8 of tl1e fertilizer law, in the following

 ‘ i
 · C072z71z.ercz'aZ Fcr!zY2`zcrs. 139 i
described manner, to wit: .`............,...............,.
It  Upon receipt of the analysis from you, I agree to furnish ,\
you with a tag taken from one of the sacks sampled, the name -»
and address of the firm or agent of whom the fertilizer was 4
, t purchased, and the amount purchased.  
V (Signature) ........,.V..4..,... . . . 1_
(P. O. Address) ,........ . .,....r....,. I . »
Signature of \Vitnesses: Q
? Should, however, any farmer desire to take a sample and  
T not have a blank certificate at hand, he may write one in full
? ‘ like the form above given, or take the sample in presence of
5 seller and witness and so mark it that he can identify it sub- _
sequently in a certificate, and send it at once to the Experi-
‘ ment Station with the request that the station furnish form of
l certihcate, sucl1 certificate to be filled out upon receipt cover- _
ing the sample and properly signed by sender and witnesses
- ‘ and sent by return mail to the Station.
r · Scrffwz [)}'0’ZlI-tZ]I.}I_g'_/0I' [Gry A72¢z@/sr`;. The section of the
Fertilzer Law, providing for the taking of samples for free ` `_ r
—· . . ‘*l*
. analysis 1S as follows:
SEC. 8. Any person not a dealer in, or agent for the sale V
of any fertilizer who may purchase any commercial fertilizer  A
3 in this State for his own use and not for sale, may take a sam- gary
I ple of the same for analysis, which analysis shall be made by  
_ the said Experiment Station free of charge. Such sample for
E free analysis shall be taken by the purchaser in presence of (
Y1 the erson com ian * or a ent sellin the fertilizer from at least L.
_ v i ) g _ _ 2,,,
1 · ten (10) per cent. of the sacks or other packages comprising ‘~
e the whole lot purchased, and shall be thoroughly mixed and .
. at least one pound of the material after mixing must be put
In » into a jar or can, securely sealed and marked in such a way as
’  , to surely identify the sample and show by whom it was sent,'
L- ` without giving the name of the fertilizer or the person from
:1 . whom it was purchased, and must be forwarded to the Director `
g ' of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington,

  tp  {.2 M:   ;
'*· ‘ 140 Bulleiivz N0. 95. ,
L, . · - i
  t ` . Ky. The purchaser shall also send with the sample a certificate
, ,6 signed by himself and witness, or by two witnesses, stating
 `   that the sender has purchased the fertilizer for his own use
  and not for sale, and that the sample was taken in the man-
 _ ?‘ ner prescribed in this section. Provided, however, that if .
 _ the person, company or agent shall refuse to witness the tak-
  ing of the sample, then the sample may be taken at the time
, A of the purchase in the manner already described in the pres-
Q ence of two witnesses who shall certify to the manner of tak-
ing the sample. The purchaser shall preserve the official label
from one of the bags or other packages sampled to be sent to ·
the Director after having received the report of analysis of
the sample, and at the same time he shall furnish to the Di-
I rector the name and address of the Erm of whom the fertilizer
. ‘ was purchased and the amount purchased; and any person
E having sent a sample for free analysis, under the provisions of
? V this section, who shall, after having received the report of
L analysis of the same, refuse to furnish the required informa-
i E tion, shall thereafter forfeit the privilege of free analysis of
i i fertilizers under this section. But if any sample shall have
i been submitted for free analysis without all the requirements
· of this section having been complied with, the Director shall ‘
_` inquire into the case and may accept the sample for free analy-
{ i sis if he believes that it is a fair sample of the fertilizer as it
` Q was delivered to the purchaser.
  I/Qzlzzes L/Earl.-—In calculating the relative value per ton, the V
" i following values have been used;
Soluble and reverted phosphoric acid in mixed fer-
N, tilizers ...,................................. 6c per lb. .
.   Soluble and reverted phosphoric acid in plain acid
. 311Cl uncidulated phosphates ...... . ...,........ gc per lb. »
E E Insoluble phosphoric acid in mixed fertilizers ..... 2C per lb.
`, Insoluble phosphoric acid in plain acid phos- _
` phates ........,..............,....... . ..... Nothing.
N Phosphoric acid in fine bone ................... 4C per lb.
Phosphoric acid in medium bone ................ gc per lb.
I V _ Fine bone is all that passes through a sieve with meshes one- ’
_ · twenty·iifth inch square. Medium bone passes through a p
, sieve with meshes one-sixth inch square, but does not include
. line bone.
* Nitrogen in all fertilizers ...... . ........ . ....... ISC per lb. `
Potash in all fertilizers, from sulphate ........... 6c per lb.  
Potash in all fertilizers, from muriate ........... 5c per lb. _

 ` 1
Commercial Fertz`Zzhe7*:. 141 ?
T The term "Potash from muriate" does not indicate neces-
' sarily that the manufacturers used muriate of potash in fur-
i nishing the potash; they may have used sulphate of potash, or
  other salts of potash, but in all fertilizers where the term i
i · "P0tash from Muriate" is used there is enough chlorine pres-
2 ent to combine with the potash, either from salt in the tankage S141$>¥i2éQQ·..2l. 12 ·1———1’““‘S1" é ·   ·‘ `
‘ ZZ *·' 9: . *1 :1 1 5
‘ ¤ ·¢ ` ‘ s ” 'E ~ ` ’·° E
1:5éQ 2 3 $:11 g1 1.-@@21.2 `§11$‘7.`1§E
.: ¤»·· ,2 " -~ 5 A ' 351:*: :*7. `E2 .,.*7
11-177 Eg 5 E `E C> S .2 :¤15·§I 531-2** ·:é  
r- ·-· E Q) 1* Z1 O "" 3"Y11 =-· A L-· S 1 U I5
Q C. an ¤ <¤ I ,:1 1 1-· l Z uq 1::. ZA vi 2. 0; 1
  1   1 1 1
_ _ ` 3.72 0.911 9.63 $3.72 7522 “   p
6.003.001 9 00 1 1 /0.00 9 00 L
1 1  
_ 1 S 219 11.04 0.43 10.931.131 1.02 14.50 7523 17
_ I 10.00 2.11 12.11 .0,81 0.11h1 0.S9 16.34 8203  
6.00 2,00 3.00 1 /0.00 10.82 1 .001 1.00 /.;.06  
1 1 I 1  
__ 1 8 15 0.861 9.01 0.94 1.141 2.90 16.42 7524 (J
__ 0 08 1.-161 10.54 0.55 0.0712.84 15.07 *204
6.00 2.00 S 00  l0.00 0..;/ 0._§()`l.5O /.00 /.;.33
.. 1 3 92 0.1101 9.52 1.01 1.231 4,02 13.79 7525
6.002.00 802 1/0,00 0.82/.0013.00 1.00 lf 06 _
.. ‘ 8.158 10.68 9.3611.021.24 4.16 18.74 7526
  10.06 12.02 12.08 10.71 0.92 3.25 18.41 8205 1
6.00 2.00 8.00 1 IO 00 0.32 1 .0013 .00 1 00 1;*.06 »
__ .17.61 3.11 1 1 120 72 1.63 1.98 20.85 7527
1   12000 [.652.00 /693
  1 1014 11.701 10.03 2.74131.33 1.96 23.0617640  
7.002.00 900 1/ 00 2./713.002.00 21 OI Z J 
  _ 1 1087 2.19 13.06 1.11 1.35 0.80 18 05 176-11  
  1 10.10 2.35 1245 1.05}.271,20 17.41 3206  
7.003.00 /0 00 [/00 0.82] 00/.00 /5.86 ;
1 { Lg
  1 9.47 0.41 9.88 1.03125 I.98 16.9917642 4
  1 8.63 1.83 10 46 1.2611 .5312.53 17.4018207
5.0013.00 8 00 10.00 0.8211.00 4.00 16 861 '
  15.40 0.82 16.22 15.4017643
__ 14.82 2.30 17.12 14.8213208
·— IO 004.00 [.].00 /5 UO I4 001
  _ 1 10.91 0.68 1159 1.96 2.33 19.2417644 1
.. 1 10.80 3.13 13.93 2.02 2.45 20.27 18109
· 7.003.00 [0.00 [!.OO [.652.00  

  3  Iv   I .'   i
;   · 144 Bulletin N0. 95.
I " I
. Er,
, ¤ E FACTURER AND NAME From Whom Obtained.
{ V .*3 2 or BRAND. ‘
= FB
Amer. Agr. Chem. C0., Clev.
Dryer Wks.
7645 Ohio Seed Maker with Potash   Manufacturer   . . ...................
. 7646 Horsehead Phos hate ............... Manufacturer ....,.....................
  ` American Ag. Chem. Co., New
· York.
Q 7647 Gr0u11d Bone ........................... Manufacturer   .. ................. .
. 8210 Bassett & Stone, Leitchiield .......
i .
7 The Armour Fertilizer Works,
l Chicago III.
` 7653 Bone Meal ............................. .. Manufacturer ................. . ..... .
Q 8214 1. K. Miller, Burdick ................ ‘
• .
[ ~
7654 Raw Bone Meal ....................... Manufacturer ..... . ...................
Q 8215 1). M. Brakefield, Adairville .......
· 7655 Grain Grower .................... . ..... Manufacturer .....................  
1 .
E, ‘ . .
· { 7656 Annnoniated Bone with Potash .. Manufacturer ..........................
_· 7784 Chas. ]. Fischer, Pewee Valley-,
. _ 7657 Tobacco Grower . .........   ........ Manufacturer ..........................
8216 D. M. Braketield, Adairville ....... ·
7658 Bone, Blood Se Potash ............... Manufacturer .....   ................
8217 Bassett & Stone, Leitchiield ....... , 
I _ I
i 7659 Star Phosphate .... . ................... Manufacturer ........................ . ‘
` 8218 I. K. Miller, Burdick ......   .......
6 7660 \Vhite Burley & Black Tobacco,. Manufacturer ..........................  
7661 Phosphate and Potash ........ . ...... Manufacturer   .......................  

 ¥ 1
1 11
Cammercial Fertilizers. 145
  Potash. Ti _ `
 ·· . *  " L4.
gi 1.112¤ @,.5%% 2:521%
· -.·· ‘ · "‘ .-· g ... "’
.§s"z§%·:1§ E .. g1=:¤E:...&‘·§¤—g¤· x.
1 1* Em 2 §1"§ 3 L3 215.EaE E? ®§‘·=Z  
E .5 .2 D4 <¤ .5 1-1 1m ¤~ rw/> ¤< $1; ‘ 1
_ 8.37 2.49 10.8611.7112.081|.661 $17.83 7645. 11 ·‘`-  
` 6.002.00 8.00 IO 00 1].6512.00 2.00 17.35  
8.96 5.69 14.651 1 8.96 7646 .  
° 7.003.00 10.00 12.00 1 10.00
1 17
16.89 5.63 22.52 2.3012.79 23.79 17647  
` 14.40 3.82 I8.22 2.4512.97 21.16 18210
" 20 0012.1/73.00 19.411
1 1 1 1
1   '
24.17 2.39 26.5612.4813.01 ` 28.21 17653
` 1 20.10 5.03 25.1313.1813.86 128.64 8214
" 21,l.OO1.?..]71j`.UO 12/.Sf  .
. 1 1 1 . 1 .
· 17.75 7.61 25.36 13.9814.83 130.71 17654
  16.28 9.56   25.84 138114.631 1301918215
1 22.00 ~_j’.7I14._501  2.;.33*
_ _ 10.2210.65 10.8712.0212.4511.38 1.10121.28 7655
` · 6. 002.00 8.00  10.00 11.65 2.002.001 17.35  ’ gv.
__ . · 7.4910.79 8.2812.81 3.41 .361 1.03 20.3417656
__ ` 7.72 2.76 10.481204 2.481.86 118.34 7784
4.002.00 6.00 8.OO1.?.4f_§.0() 2.00 17.Sl  .
1 •
  10.06 0.60 10.6611.571.91`1.22 4.35 1 23.46 7657  
  · 9.00 0.70 9.70 .2.26 2.741 5.43124.38 8216  
. 6.00 2.00 8.00 10.00 11.6512001 5.00 121.35 ‘
  10.16 0.32 10.4814.0414.901 7.53 33.48 7658 1 é
  9.60 1.24 10.8414.475.431|OO 4.92 32.33 8217 *1%
' 6.002.09 8.00 10.00 14.125.001 7.00 31.16 `
_ _ · 16.8110.84 17.65     16 81 7659 ·
  _ 15.44 12.67 18.11 1 15.44 8218
I 10.00 4.00 14.00 1 ]6.00   /,1.00 1
  *  10.09 3.28 13 37 3.2713.971 4.25 28.3317660
_ 6.00 2.00 8.00 [O.OO12.88~3.5O1 4.00 23.841 ·
   1 112.13 0_42 12.551 1 11.361 1.10 17.41 17661
  6.004.00 [0.00 12.00 12.00 /4.80 · '

 1   146 Bu//clivz [V0. 95.
s   '
s * .
E 1¤AcTURE1< AND NABIPZ From Whom Obtained.
’ _§ 2 on BRAND.
E . E
x ’Q_.M-,2 Mika). M. .D.D .-M2..Yi- WM ..(__
é I g
1The Armour Fertilizer Works,§
7662; Wheat, Corn and Oats S >ecial...` Manufacturer .................. . .....
_ l i .
778=>1 1 Chas. J. Fischer, Pewee Valley
1 ,
z 1Peter Backer & Son, Troy, |nd.l
1 785l; Grower No. 2 .......................... 1 Manufacturer. .........................
i 1   1
a 7352% Grower No. 7 .. .......................   Manufacturer ......... . ....... . .......
I ‘  
l — 7853l Grower No. 9 ........................... 1 Manufacturer ........... . ..............
l A lGeo. S. Bartlett, successor to.
l l Cinti. Des. C0., Cinti., O. l
77291 Indian Brand Tob. & I’ot’to Fert` Manufacturer .............. . ..........
` 81411 1 Benj. Mylor, Gex .................
{ I l =
773(li Indian Brand Gilead Phosphate,. Manufacturer ........... . ..............
` 8251 '1`onie Beutler, Burlington .........
773]) Indian Brand Ohio Valley Phos.1 l\Ianufacturer.. . ........... .. . .... .
1 82521 15. E. Foxworthy & Co., Mt.
  ' 1 * Carmel ........... . ....................
‘· 1Bowker Fertilizer Co., Boston-l
1 . 1 New York Cincinnati. 4
_ * 76681 Bowker’s Fish Guano .............. Manufacturer ........... . ..............
.. 7669 Bowker’s Ilarvest Bone ........... Manufacturer ........... . ..............
7670 Bowker’s Bone Meal ................. Mauufacturera ....   ..............
76711 Bowker‘s Soluble Bone ........ . ..... 1 Manufacturer ..........................
, 1 l
76721 Bowker’s Dissolved Bone ........... Manufacturer .................... . ..... ·~
76731 Bowker’s Dis. Bone with Potash Manufacturer,. ...................... .

 Commercial Ferz‘z`lizers. 147
Phosphoric Acid. 12 1 Potash. .51 1-:
.52 %° g 17 .2 ig .4 %°§°..‘¤ ..73. EF 3¤
1=’—·1§1 22 3 3 Q3 § 53 1; gf gg gg gg EZ
U > ,.. 5 ·.-7 ; q; H
E4 Ee :3 K?) C4 < LZ I2 1 Z U·1<   1;-lm C4 Q tf)  
1 1 1 1 1  
. 9.11 0.511 9.62 1.11 1.3511.36 1$15.8217662 ,
8 44 2.11110.55 1.65 2.0011.78 17.7017785 ·.   _
4.002.001 7.00 1 9.00 0.82l.001I.00 1 12.661   "'
1 1 i
. 8.58 1.37 9.95 2.222.7013.17 1 20.6817851 Q
4.00 2.00 6.00 1 [0.00 .?,OO2.4j’12._j’O   l7_j’01  
. 8.26 3.05 ` 1Il.3| 3.87 4.7013,31   23.3617852 75
115.00 j’.0013.6412._§0 1 20.501   ‘
.. 12.23 11.28 23.51 4.0414.901 1 28.6717853
120 00 3.003.601 1   2].001
.. 9.56 1.88111.44 S444.181442 26.9617729 `
. 10.47 3.68 14.15 1.70 2,0613.12 22.2518141
1 900 II 00 3.294.00 5001 274171
1 _ ¢
.. 1 967 3.01 12.68 2.963.5911.30 1.551 24.8117730 .
.. 8.72 5.22 13.94 2.9113.53|.26 1 22 5418251
9.00 1].00 2..[73.()O12.00 1 2I.0lE
.. . 7.37 2.71 10.08 2.1212.5711.08 1.52 191817731
  ` 9.41 3.72 13.13 L451,7612.01 1 191418232 1 2:..;
800 ll 00 [.6_§12.0012.00 17.751 `
1 1 ·
1 1 1 -1 1-1  
.. 8.45 3.33 11.78 0.961l.1713.321 17.6·17668 _- 
_ 8 O0 9.00 0,7_j'10.9l~_§.0O [5.2_§1  
. 1 ' i'
.. 9.34 2.56 11.90 1,0311.251.31 1 16.6317669  
900 10 00 0,7511),9111 00 1 /4.451 . _
.. 14.00 6.88 20.88 1.7512.121   1 20.5317670 LA
20.00 1.5011.82 1 1 16501 vé
  1 16.55 1.28117.83 1   1 1 16.5517671 ·
1 14.00 1 [5.00 1 1 1   /.11,001
1 1
  -   10.13 2.97 13.10 1 1 10.1317672
1 I0.00 I!.00   1 ]0.001
    10.04 2.69 12.73 1 11.141 14 2717673 1
_ 1 110,00 II.00 1l.00 l_§’..]0·
_ 1

a · »
_ .  148 Bz¢ZZez'z`n N0. 95. V
I iii
’ E
' B 1=AcTuRER AND NAME From Whom Obtained.
. :2 E
l » Q ¤ 01* BRAND.
i E Z .
2 ' rn '
: ,____. ___,.;..
’ l .
C. S. Brent, Lexington, Ky. i ,
7665 Brent’s Tob. 8.; Potato Grower  Manufacturer . .........................
i i 7666 Brent’s Raw Bone Meal .....,..... i Manufacturer ..........................
Y   7667 Brent’s Grain Grower ...............   Manufacturer ..........................
l » `
. 786:2 Brent’s Tobacco & Hemp Spec...l Manufacturer ........ . ............... .
I l
2 ~ `The Buckeye Phosphate C0., l
g Columbus, O. l
` 7564 Buckeye Special Blood & Pot- l
ash Mixtuie ....... . ..., . .,..   l Manufacturer ..............., . ......... V
· Q Y
i 7565 Buckeye Wheat Maker.. .....     Manufacturer ........ . ................
, l l
i 7 _ 7566i Extra Super Phosphate .............   Manufacturer   ......................
l r
I _ lThe Chicago Fertilizer Co , Chi-   I
5. l Cage, lu. l V
i. l 7543l Mt. Pleasant Phosphate ...........` Manufacturer ................ . ........
, .' 8253% , R. L. Berkhearl, Big Clifty ........
I   1 1
· . 7544i Bone, Blood & Potash .............. ~ Manufacturer .. ..,....................  V
8254; l W. M l\lcCorn1ick, Falls of
--   ‘ Rough ................. . ............. '
, 7545 Potash Special ...... . ..............,... Manufacturer ..........................
[ ` 8255 ` Bruce & Bright, Danville ......... •
l ' R   _
7546% Standard Truck & 'fob. Fert ..... Manufacturer ...,......................
· 8256i D. W. Myers, llorse Cave .... . ....
‘ l T 
754Ti Chicago Bone Meal ..............,. [ Manufacturer ................... . .....  
8257i l Bruce & Bright, Danville ......... *
»_ -`·• > -7 _‘~.4_: V rn

 Commerczhl Fcrlz`lz`zcrs. 149
 · Phosphoric Acid. 2 as Potash. é
1 6 . 1, 15 A *6; .5 . > 2 11g ‘
246112866  §.812.8
6 Eg gg Q gt; éj .1 Q %".2¤E; ¤g_ Q1. gg
¤¤=1 im Q 5, S3 2 ·°§ .·’£ ii QE @5 Ti & gz \_
··—< Q un :14 <¤ Q 1-1 Z 1*1 IQ mw 94 0 "
` 1 1 1 1  
1 7 82 8.72 11.54 2.8812.882.00 $19.86 7666 :1
'   6.00 3.00 2.473.00 2.00 17.81 " 1T  
1 .
18.80 6.61 1 26.41 136514.431 1 29.96 7666  
1 22.0013.71 4.50 12433  
. . 1 1 .
1 8 42 $.6212.0412 0212461206 19.66 7667 _1..
'   8.00 [0.00 11.6512.002.001  17.35 1
1 12-1
  6.86 0.24 6.60  8.7014.492.40 7 80 29.39 7862
' 1 5 00 14.004.86 10.00 30.00
1 1 1
1   1 : .
1 8.2% 1.981 10.21 10.7010.86 4.87 18.66 7564
" 1 8.00 1 10.8211.004.00 16.06
`   9.92 1.98  11.901 1 1 8.89 17.86 7666  
"   [0.00 Q 1   12.00 14.00 ·
  1 .
1 18.14 2.47 16.61 1 1 18.14 7666
. 1 1
· 1 I.} O0 1 1 1 1 1 I4 OO
· 1 1 1   1 .
    1 1 1 QQ;
. 1 1 8.69 0.981 9.621 1 8.11917618
  1 9 21 242111.631 ' 1 1 9.21182353
1·· 9_gg 1 70 OO 1 1 1 9 Q01  
1 ` 1 1 = 
  10.62 0.819 l1.4S`1.G61?..021 1 2.64 21.11 7644 111;
f 1 7.61 1.781 9.89 `l.2R11_F>513.221 16 90 18254 g'
  S Up 1 [9710 / .2] /.501 2.00 /649 k
8.88 0.741 E1.G21l.(1§.1.251 4.06 19 $11 17646  
  , 1 1 10.91 1.541112.-15111.9211,11U13_63 19.8018255 <
  1 8.00 1 9.0010.82 1 .001 4 00 If 261 _
` 1 1 8.46 1.271 9 7212.71312%.311 4.21 123,95 17546
  · 1 8.86 2.191 ll 114 2.1712 6814.91 1219218256
U. \ 1 8 00 1 Q O0 2../713 .001 4 00 22 2/ 1
° 17.26 6.161 122 41 2.47 8.001 24 31 7547 .
‘‘‘‘ 11 12.36 10.971 128 33 .1,4211.71 20 73 8267
````   120 00 1.65 2.00 16.95

  Y V  _I·i‘ `. L P;
  150 Bullelin N0. 95.
* EC  
2 ?
¤ g FAcTURER AND NAME From Whom Obtained.
1 n Q Z or BRAND.
 z .*2
1 L~__M..;.. ,M.-
I The Chicago Fertilizer C0.
7567 Wheat S ecial .......................... Manufacturer ................... . ......
8258 \V. M. McCormick, Falls of
i Rough ............... . ................
i The Cincinnati Phosphate Co.,
_ Cincinnati, 0.
% 7764 Capital City Superphosphate ...... Manufacturer ..........................
i . 7765 Capital City Wheat Grower ....... Manufacturer ..........................
I 7766 Capital City Grain & Gras