xt78w950hg9v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78w950hg9v/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1994 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 70, No. 2, December, Fall 1994 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 70, No. 2, December, Fall 1994 1994 1994 2014 true xt78w950hg9v section xt78w950hg9v I
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US ISSN 0016-2116
Table of Contents
Beyond the Mountains — Deanna Severance 1
Notes from the School - Kate McHugh 4
Courier News - Barb Gibson 6
Field Notes - Susie Hudgins 10 ‘
Beth Hadley — New Board Member — Barb Gibson 13
Focus on Frontier School of Midwifery — Barb Gibson 14 .
FNS Employees — Barb Gibson 17
Miscellaneous — Barb Gibson 18
Mary Breckinridge Festival - Barb Gibson 21
ln Memoriam — Barb Gibson 24
In Honor Of- Barb Gibson 25
In Memoriam Contribution Cards 26
Urgent Needs - Barb Gibson inside back cover
Cover: Graduation of CNEP classes 3,4 and 5 during October, 1994.
Photo by.· Gabrielle Beasley ,
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin .
USISSNO016-2116 _
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.  
Wendover, Kentucky 41775 1
Subscription Price S 5.00 a Year for Donors
Subscription Price $10,00 a Year for Institutions
Editor's Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775
VOLUME 70 NUMBER 2 December 1, 1994 Fall 1994 ·
Second-class postage paid at Wendover, KY 41775 and at additional mailing offices. ~
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, KY 41775. i
Copyright Frontier Nursing Service. lnc.1994/All Rights Reserved

  Beyond the Mountains
  This is the sixth fall I have lived in the mountains of
{   Eastem Kentucky. Truly, the foliage was the most beautiful I have
  I seen. As Dr. Anne Wasson and I would drive to and from the
I I mountains we frequently commented on the loveliness of the
— season. The mountains were inspiring, causing me to think of a
j quote by Louisa May Alcott "Far away there in the sunshine are
I my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and
  see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they
I lead."
I I June 5 the Philadelphia Committee hosted a FNS fund
* I raiser in conjunction with the Radnor Hunt. Many thanks to Mary
I   Hodge, chairman, for all the work which went into this important
I event. I wish to personally thank the committee members; Miss
“ I Kip Kelso Boden, Mrs. Thor Brehmer, Mrs. Nicholas Chimicles,
» Mrs. James Cohen, Jr., Mrs. Spencer Ervin, Mrs. Robert Gawthrop,
  Jr., Mrs. William R. Hagner, Mrs. John G. Harkins, Jr., Mrs.
William J. Helm, Jr., Mrs. Edward B. Hodge, Mrs. J. Cranston
I I Hodupp, Mrs. Gary A. Hom, Mrs. E. Norton Hunt, Mrs. George
B. Kneass, Mrs. Joseph C. Kohn, Mrs. Suzanne K. Lammers, Mrs.
i E. Townsend Moore, Mrs. Joseph P. Moore III, Mrs. Daniel F.
Russell, Mrs. John Sommer, Mrs. Ernest R. von Starch, Mrs.
I Alexandria Lammers, Mrs. AlidaHarkins and Mrs. Robert Arnold
= who is a honorary member.
  The entertainment by the Orpheseus Club was the high-
  light of the evening! Kate McHugh, CNEP director; Penny Arm-
  } strong, CNEP clinical director, and husband Rick; as well as
  Elizabeth Parr, CNEP student advisor, joined our wonderful
§ I Philadelphia area friends! CNEP has an associate office in the
  Philadelphia suburb of Conshohocken, and this was a grand
  opportunity to discuss with our sponsors and supporters the
  marvelous expansion of the Frontier School of Midwifery and
  Family Nursing. Much fun was had by all.

The Board of Govemors met in Lexington in June and at  
Wendover in September. I am always impressed with the signifi- t
cant amount of time the leadership of the Board gives to the  
Frontier Nursing Service. Due to summer vacation schedules the  
final report of the strategic planning committee has been delayed i
until the December meeting. v`
The Audit Committee of the Board of Govemors met with I
representatives from Ernst & Young to discuss the 1994 audit
which was published in the last Quarterly Bulletin. This was a very .
significant audit for the FNS. For the first time in the history of the I
Service, the operating line, before foundation transfers, was in the L
black. _
The Louisville Committee held the annual FNS luncheon  
at the Louisville Boat Club on September 14. Betty Christie and  
her committee did afantastic job of organizing the day. The Boston l
Committee raised funds to produce an updated FNS video. This  
was shown for the first time at the Louisville Luncheon. The i
reviews were excellent. We will be loaning this for meetings and l
selling it to individuals. Please contact Barb Gibson at Wendover I
for more information.
During the Louisville Luncheon, one of our dear sponsors
commented on how long it had been since she had been to
Wendover. Others said they had never been. So, a support arose to
rent a van and drive into the mountains during the fall foliage. This
we did on October 14. Joy and Walter Bennett, Ruth Devine and L
Helena Mink really enjoyed their visit to Wendover. This may
become an annual event. Certainly Barb Gibson and I would love
to have more of our friends visit Wendover. `
Thanks to the generosity of Board member John Foley and
the Louisville Committee, we are rebuilding the rail fence which _
originally surrounded Wendover. Mrs. Breckinridge's home, "The
Big House", a national historic landmark, is truly a place of peace l
and beauty.  g

  The Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing
  continues to successfully graduate nurse-midwives and to admit
  _ new students. In August and September, 88 students came from
  beyond the mountains to attend the opening "Midwifery Bound"
  session. Currently 363 students are enrolled in CNEP and 184 have
_· graduated. This distance learning program is extremely success-
{ ful. The Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing re-
, ceived a grant from the Office of Rural Health, and one portion of
, the grant money is to be used to explore recreating the Family
  Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Program. Much hard work has been
j done by Kate McHugh and Nancy Fishwick regarding a survey of
, our graduates, many of whom are dual licensed as FNPs and
Q certified nurse—midwives. Due to my great interest in the resurrec-
i tion of the FNP program, I attended a distance leaming and
Q telemedicine conference in New Orleans October 24 through the
E 26. There is a great amount of work going on across the country in
[ this area. I will keep you updated on the progress of the FNP
i Chairman of the Board, Miss Jane Leigh Powell, has been
a life long resident of Long Island, New York. As of December 2,
1994, Leigh will have a new address in Chesapeake City, Mary-
 _ land. Leigh has been anticipating a move for several years. All of
us at Wendover wish her much happiness in her new rural home,
bam and all!
V When I travel, friends of the FNS always ask me about the
~ health of Miss Kate Ireland. Kate made a successful recovery from
. the cancer of l99l. The radiation therapy, however, destroyed
bone in her hip and this summer she underwent hip replacement
‘i surgery. The recovery was progressing nicely when the femur
 % broke at the lower pin insertion point and Kate had to once again
 ` have surgery! She is doing well. Her spirits are great. Have a
 ·. wonderful holiday season! -Deanna Severance

Notes from the School  
New Pathway to CNEP- Kate McHugh  
Something very new is happening for nurses interested in  '
becoming student nurse-midwives in the Community-Based Nurse §
Midwifery Program! {_
For a number of years the administration and staff of  
CNEP have been frustrated by the phone calls we get from nurses  
with associate degrees in nursing. About 20% of our phone  
inquiries each year come from registered nurses who have not yet l
finished a baccalaureate degree. Nationally, about 52% of all  
graduating registered nurses have an associate's degree. Comple-  
tion of the baccalaureate can be a frustrating experience for many  
registered nurses. Travel to a central campus combined with work  
and family life becomes a nearly insurmountable barrier — espe-  
cially in rural areas. This barrier keeps many talented nurses out of  
nurse-midwifery in the l990's. l
For some time, discussions about this barrier have oc- !
curred between Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing i
and our affiliated school, Case Western Reserve University.
This fall, the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at
Case Westem agreed to design a distance learning program for
nurses seeking to complete their baccalaureate degree in nursing
(BSN). Most of these students are interested in finishing their BSN
and then attending the CNEP program for their nurse-midwifery.
From CNEP, these graduate nurse-midwives could return to Case
Westem for their master's degree in nursing.
We advertised this new option by mail last month and the
response has been overwhelming! Over 100 phone calls have been
received already. The letter describing this new option seems to __
have been passed with great enthusiasm from one nurse to another  ._
leading to multiple calls from many hospitals! I
Most of the calls came from extremely experienced  
women‘s healthcare nurses in small towns and rural areas. The `
happy voices on the other end of the phone speak of their joy at —. 

; identifying a path that would lead to the baccalaureate and on to
1 Under the leadership of Dean Joyce Fitzpatrick and Asso-
E ciate Deans Hogan and Novotny, the BSN—completion program
  will start in January 1995. Students taking a full course of study
1 will travel to Cleveland twice for on-campus intensive courses.
j Other courses will be taken at home using a variety of distance
  learning techniques. Students could be finished with their BSNs
  by early 1996.
  Students interested in becoming nurse-midwives are ap-
i plying now to Frontier School and the CNEP program for provi-
i sional acceptance. Full acceptance will be granted after the comple-
  tion of the BSN. Students could start their nurse—midwifery
  training by spring of 1996.
l This unique program is once again a measure of the
  creative working relationship between the Frontier School of
l Midwifery and Family Nursing and the Francis Payne Bolton
l School of Nursing. Our unique relationship has led, once again, to
l a mutually beneficial sulution to a vexing problem.

Courier News  
Jennifer Shade from Houston, Texas, was the first of the i
Fall group to arrive after Labor Day weekend. She is a graduate of l
Rice University in Houston. She has been teaching school since {
graduating and spent a lot of time tutoring some elderly people  
along with working at one of the elementary schools and going on i_
Home Health rounds during her stay here.  
Katharine (Kit) Aldrich just graduated from high school l
at Milton Academy. She is from Barrytown, New York, and heard ;
of us through former couriers, Evie Chandler and Sarah Bacon. [
Kit is interested in the care of infants and had the chance to shadow l
a midwife among other routine things during her stay here.  
Julia Swanson, Farmington, Minnesota, graduated from l
the University of Minnesota and is in the process of applying to l
medical schools. She heard of us through Dr. Ellen Ordway,  
courier in the l940’s, who is now a professor of biology at the {
University of Minnesota. Julia observed surgery, worked in the
elementary schools, shadowed doctors and nurse practitioners and
went on home health visits.
Julia Cross came to us from Chapel Hill, North Carolina,
and knows former couriers, Nyasha Spears, Gretchen Lanweir
and Stacie Zellman. Her father has worked with former FNS staff,
Dr. Tim Carey and Dr. Peter Morris. Julia graduated from Grinnell
College in Iowa and is interested in medicine. She had the
opportunity to shadow midwife Betsy MacMillan while here. ·
(Thanks Betsy, for allowing the couriers to follow you).
Allison Ballew also from Chapel Hill, North Carolina ·
heard of us through Stacie Zellman. Allison graduated from the  `
University of North Carolina and is interested in public health. She »
went on home health visits, worked at an elementary school, ._
tutored and shadowed doctors and nurse practitioners. `
A special thanks to this group of couriers who were so flexible  at
and willing to spend a lot of their time working on some large  ,
"out of the ordinary" projects while they were here.

i One ofthe more special projects for couriers is to spend time with
3 home bound people who need help with errands or need someone
T to talk to.
· Edith Wooton, former employee of the Frontier Nursing
i Service, is one of those people. After working at FNS for approxi-
1 mately 20 years, Edith was diagnosed as being legally blind.
  Needless to say, for Edith this was very discouraging news. She
g had been the sole provider of her family for many years.
  Edith's children are very caring of her but there are times
l when they can't be with her. When a receptionist from Home
L Health called and asked if we had a courier who could spend time
l with Edith, I said yes. Since then, couriers have been going during
  the week and helping Edith with her bills, running errands for her
  and just talking with her. This means so much to her. She becomes
  attached to them and is so appreciative of their help. Jennifer Shade
  was the latest courier to spend time with Edith and found it a very
i rewarding experience. -Barb Gibson
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Allison Ballew, Julia Cross, Kit Aldrich, Jennyer Shade and !
Julia Swanson.
Former Courier News
We said good—bye to Michael Todd who stayed longer
than he had planned in order to assist me with orientation of the
new Fall group of couriers. He spent an extra three weeks with us
and took over the role of "lead" courier helping with schedules,
and looking out for the new arrivals. Thank you, Michael! We miss
I heard from Lisa Cobb, courier during September 1993.
She is buried in the books at Tufts University for now and is
thinking of joining the Peace Corps when she graduates next
Spring. She sees and talks to Matthew Cushing, Terri Crimmins V
and Amanda Olivo, all couriers during September 1993.
Claire McManus, courier during January 1994, wrote "
from Vermont where she went back to sheepherding and attending
lamb births. She said Katy Shandley and Megan Delaney, both  
couriers in her group, are planning to visit her soon.
Nikki Douglas, courier of July 1993, attends Hampshire I
College. She misses the rolling green hills of Kentucky and wants
to come back and visit someday. I hope you can, Nikki!

  Rosie Perera, courier during April 1994, wrote from
  Northampton, MA. Her summer consisted of working in a pizza
{_ place, taking an intensive lifeguard training class, being lazy,
having barbecues and going swimming.
E Allison Voehl, courier during March 1994, is buried in
I books at Dartmouth Medical School. She says the first year is
  tough but she loves it and likes living in Lebanon, New Hampshire.
l Amanda Olivo, courier during September 1993, wrote
l to say she spent the summer working part time at a child care center
  and taking some college classes. She said she has definitely
Q decided to become a midwife (thanks to her FNS experience). She
{ plans to attend college in the Fall .
  Katie Huffling, courier during November 1993, is living
  in Gainesville, Florida and attending the University of Florida. She
i plans to attend nursing school next Fall and is pursuing nurse
{ midwifery as a career.
  Jessica Rice, courier, June 1994, spent the summer
sleeping late, reading and eating wonderful home cooked meals
until August 29th when she went back to school.
Sarah Bacon, courier, September 1993, finally got
around to writing. She worked in Washington, DC last summer in
a gallery in the visual resources department, making exchanges
with galleries across the world. She also wrote, interviewed and
researched for a consumer's almanac. She visited Italy and de-
scribed it as being like another world.
Dan Eldridge, courier, February 1994, visited Paraguay
after leaving FNS. Now he says he is wandering the streets trying
to decide what to do with his life. He thinks he may move to
 - Boston. He recently had a great visit with Rosie Perera in
,. Northampton, MA.
—Barb Gibson

Field Notes
Once again, a lovely Kentucky fall with warm days, cool
evenings and lots of beautiful weather. Wendover has been buzz- _
ing with tours, ovemight guests and special functions. Within a
few days of the new couriers arriving, we had the September B oard
meeting. Cassie produced her usual wonderful meals, the couriers L
clicked and we all had a great time. Two weeks later we gave the
Midwifery Bound CNEP students a gala meal and in the beginning
of October the newest graduates came for dinner with all their
Our most obvious and largest maintenance project was T
having the Garden House painted. The job was contracted out but T
our men were kept busy taking out air conditioners, repairing p
storm windows and replacing screening. The building looks so T
pristine. Now we plan to paint the workshop and garage when time i
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The Garden House  

We expected to have a respite and be able to work on the
routine winter preparations, but that was not to be. On the first
really cool moming it was decided to fire up the old coal boiler in
i the Garden House. As the men got it up to steam, a large crack
appeared and water poured out. A fast shut down followed and
. once it was cool, a repair made. Well the same thing happened the
next day only the crack was appreciably larger. Three times and the
old boiler was put to sleep. It was actually dismantled and taken to
the junk yard. (We were paid for the metal but certainly not what
the old work horse was worth to us!) A cement pad was built, a gas
tank installed and the new gas boiler delivered. Soon we expect the
installer to hook it all together. Everyone has been understanding
in the Garden House. The offices have been cold and the couriers
have had to put up with cold bedrooms in the mornings but no one
has complained.
Next we discovered the heat pump downstairs in the Big
_ House had also decided to call it quits. Lunch has been a bit chilly
but soon the new duct work will be completed and the new pump
  J. G. Morgan Retires from FNS
November l lth proved to be a very bittersweet day when
J. G. Morgan, Wendover's maintenance foreman, retired. Every-
j one was sad that the day had arrived, though delighted for him.
*. The weekday momings just won't be quite the same for
me. From the first day I was on the job as Manager, J. G. and I have
met for coffee in the Big House kitchen at 6:30 a.m. We settled our
· employee supervision relationship that day. J. G. nicely told me to
  just let him know what I wanted done. In my typical New England
iQ way I said "back up three spaces". His eyebrows raised and I said
"J. G. , you know Wendover and how it should be. I don't know or
  pretend to know. So, you tell me what should be done." This has
. worked beautifully for the past four years. I give J . G. all the credit
for the way Wendover now looks, so neat and proud on the
_ mountainside.

Every Christmas season I will remember one of the best
quiet jokes ever played on me. In 1990 as Christmas approached
J. G. asked if I would like some lights on a tree. Well, that's all part
of the season and the next thing I knew a tree was all lit up where `
the "Cabin" once was. I commented how lovely it looked and that
I had never realized what a pretty shaped pine tree we had there. _
J. G. kept a very straight face and mumbled something. This kept
up for about a week until I took a little closer look and saw the guy
wires holding it up!
Wendover will be forever grateful that J. G. was able to
come back and guide us to making it the way it now is. We know
he'll keep an eye on us as he goes by. It`s been a wonderful four
years for us. J. G., we thank you and wish you the happiest oftimes
for years and years to come. —Susie Hudgins
  v- ° -< » =' _     ;v·‘ if 7   i
Susie Hudgins, J.G. and Deanna Severance  
Wendover Special  
The weekend will include: Rooms for parents and two school age E
children in the Big House on a Friday and Saturday night. A g
country breakfast on Saturday moming, a family dinner Saturday i`
evening and lunch or brunch on Sunday moming. Babysitting i
services can be arranged at a nominal charge. Come join us for a Z
relaxed weekend. Contact Susie Hudgins, 606-672-2318. Q

Meet New Board Member, Beth Hadley
  ij j s , qi R d    j W 
  e»dT’d  I ~ if A A    ` E 
The Frontier Nursing Service Board of Governors is
honored to have Elizabeth (Beth) Hadley, J D MPH, serve as a
member ofthe FNS Board of Governors. Mrs. Hadley joined the
board during April 1994. She has served as a member of the FNS
Washington Committee since 1990 and was a Trustee until her
election to serve as a Board member.
Until recently, Mrs. Hadley was aSenior Policy Fellow
at ANA with responsibility for policy analysis of issues raised
_ by health care reform legislation at both the state and national
levels. Before joining ANA in January of 1994, she worked at the
  U. S. Department of Health and Human Services where she served
  with the Working Group of the White House Task Force on Health
  Care Reform. While at the Depaitment of Health and Human
· Services, Beth worked on Medicare reimbursement issues affect-
; ing health professionals, as well as malpractice and antitrust
T questions and issues affecting the Food and Drug Administration.
` Prior to joining the federal govemment, Mrs. Hadley was
1 an assistant attomey general for the State of Connecticut and
i helped to represent the health agencies and professional licensing
{ boards of that state, including the Connecticut State Board of
  Nursing. She holds a law degree from the University of California
  at Berkeley, a Master's Degree in Public Health from Yale’s School
  of Epidemiology and Public Health, and is a magna cum laude
graduate of Yale College, where she majored in history and was
  elected to Phi Beta Kappa, Welcome, Beth! -Barb Gibson

Focus on the Frontier School of Midwifery
When the midwives Mrs. Breckinridge recruited from England,
chose to return home during the war, Mrs. Breckinridge decided
t0 educate her own midwives. She founded the Frontier School of ’
Midwyfery and Family Nursing in I 939 for that purpose. Today
with its CNEP ( Community—based Nurse Education Program ) it is \
the largest school of midwdery in the nation. The following are
employees at the School 's home base site in Hyden.
Jeanette Woods, Registrar and Office Manager, has been at the
Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing for 18 1/2 years.
She has the amazing ability to remember every student and
faculty member — a walking history book with a great sense of
humor. Jeanette was born and raised in the Upper Pennisula of
Michigan and has been married for 26 years to Amold Woods
(who was delivered by midwife Anna Mae January).
J udy Adams, Executive Secretary, was delivered at home by an
FNS district nurse-midwife. Her three children and two grandchil-
dren were also delivered by FNS midwives but in the hospital. In
fact, her first child was delivered in the old Hyden Hospital by a
student. It was the student`s fourth delivery and the whole class
observed! Judy's friendly voice is the one you most often hear
when you call the School office. Aside from being the executive
secretary, she is responsible for entering all the evaluation data that I
the student sends in at the end of a course. Judy also assists Jeanette
with tracking and entering information for applicants and inquir— i
ies. During Midwifery Bound, she is the CNEP sales clerk for the
"shop till you drop" adventure. I
Debbie Cornett, Academic Resource Coordinator and Librarian, .··¤
is an FNS baby, born in the old Hyden Hospital building. Her l
two daughters were also delivered by FNS midwives. Debbie is 1
responsible for getting copyright clearance for all the articles that  
come with the modules and is the person to notify, that sends out  
the Level 2, 3 and 4 modules. She is the registrar for the Preceptor E

Training Workshop, and works with the Quality Assurance officer
on contracts for clinical sites. She also manages the transportation
for Midwifery Bound among many other things too numerous to
Heather East, Public Relations and Publications Coordinator,
\ delivered her first baby at the Mary Breckinridge Hospital which
led to her becoming a child—bir‘th educator. She also had her second
baby just this month at Mary Breckinridge Hospital. Heather has
the enormous task of putting together the School Directory as
well as updating the catalog and seeing that they get out. She is also
responsible for all course production of modules and is the contact
person for Level 3 for both students and faculty. She sees that the
Midwifery Bound Packet is put together and sent out as well as
tracking travel, dietary and housing needs for students.
Deborah (Debbie) Hoskins, housekeeper, is the daughter of
Virginia Roberts, administrative assistant to Deanna Severance,
CEO and Director of Frontier Nursing Service. Debbie formerly
worked in the admitting department at Mary Breckinridge Hospi-
tal and later worked at the Hyden Manor Nursing Home. CNEP
says, "without Debbie, we would be hungry and without a bed to
sleep in." What more is there to say? Thank heavens for Debbie!
Theresa Caldwell, housekeeper, is a FNS baby bom in the old
A Hyden Hospital. Her two daughters are also FNS babies. Theresa‘s
husband, William Caldwell, works in housekeeping at the Mary
. Breckinridge Hospital. Theresa assists Debbie with housekeep-
ing during all of Midwifery Bound and Level 3. She spends the
T remainder of her time in the offices.

Gabrielle Beasley, Special Projects, started working at the
Frontier Schoolof Midwifery with Jeanette Woods but wandered
away after 10 years. Now she manages the production of the
CNEP newsletter, takes the PR pictures, does some videotaping “
and any other projects that pop up, such as designing the
Midwifery Bound schedule. Gabrielle recently produced a new _
video tape for Frontier Nursing Service called "For Mother and
Child". She did an excellent job! Gabrielle is the daughter of
former director of FNS, Dr. Rogers Beasley. —Barb Gibson
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Jeanette Woods Judy Adams Debbie Cornett
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Heather East Debra Hoskins Theresa Caldwell
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Gabrielle Beasley

FNS Employees
Matrend (Doc) Hacker began working in the maintenance
# department at the Mary Breckinridge Hospital in 1976. He is the
Maintenance Crew Chief at the hospital and is also a licensed
plumber. He works as a plumber and electrician during his spare
` time.
Doc is married to Wanda, EKG specialist at the Mary
Breckinridge Healthcare. They have two sons and one grandson.
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Lucy Lewis began working at FNS during March, 1973.
She was the cook at Mardi Cottage (hired by Molly Lee) and
Haggin Quarters until 1976 when she moved to the dietary
department in the new Mary Breckinridge Hospital.
Lucy has three children: James Lewis, fire instructor at the
Leslie County Fire and Rescue; Linda Craft, supervisor of Hyden
Clinic, Emergency Room and Kate Ireland Women's Center; and
Denise Towers who lives in Califomia. Lucy says she loves and
‘ appreciates her job and is thankful for all FNS has done for her.
—Barb Gibson

Dr. Patience H. White, director of Rheumatology at
Children's National Medical Center in Maryland and member of »
the Frontier Nursing Service Board of Governors, was hon-
ored as the 1994 Health Care Professional of the Year by the
Maryland Govemor's Committee on Employment of People with `
Disabilities. .
Dr. White, a Bethesda resident, was recognized for her H
advocacy efforts in helping adolescents with chronic illnesses and
disabilities to find employment opportunities. In 1986, Dr. White
established the Adolescent Employment Readiness Center (AERC)
at Children‘s Hospital to help adolescents ages 12 to 19 with career
and job counselling and assistance with job placements. AERC I
has become a model program and Dr. White has lectured nation- A
ally and internationally on its effectiveness. j
Dr. Joyce Fitzpatrick, Dean of the Frances Payne Bolton I
School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University in Cleve-  
land, Ohio, and member of the FNS Board of Governors, .
recently was selected by the Institute of Medicine for its Distin- 1
guished Scholar in Residence Program. The program provides .
research support for a prominent nurse leader to assess health  
policy issues of national concem.
Dr. Fitzpatrick was the only nurse selected for this honor
this year. She will spend two days a week throughout the academic
year at the Institute of Medicine in Washington examining ways
to identify and reduce the barriers that impede access to affordable
health care. While in Washington, Dr. Fitzpatrick will meet with
officials from federal agencies and congressional committees, ` 9
attend forums and present her findings in a paper to be published C
by the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Nursing i