xt78w950gr0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78w950gr0g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1971-10-nov15. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1971-10-nov15. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1971-10-nov15. 1971 1971-10-nov15. 2011 true xt78w950gr0g section xt78w950gr0g 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustrees, University of
Kentucky. Monday, November 15, 1971

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in special
session at 2:00 p. m. (Eastern Standard Time) on Monday, November 15, 1971,
on the campus of the Jefferson Community College of the University of Kentucky
with the following members present: Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mrs. Rexford S.
Blazer, former Governor Albert B. Chandler, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr.
Eugene Goss, Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Mr. James H. Pence, and Mr. Floyd H.
Wright: non-voting faculty members, Professors Paul G. Sears and Paul
Oberst, and non-voting student member Mr. Scott Wendelsdorf. Absent from
the meeting were: Governor Louie B. Nunn, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, Mr. J.
Robert Miller, Mr. George W. Griffin, Jr. , Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. Jesse
M. Alverson, and Mr. Thomas P. Bell. The University administration was
represented by: President Otis A. Singletary, Vice Presidents Glenwood L.
Creech, Lewis W. Cochran, Robert G. Zumwinkle, Stanley Wall, Lawrence E.
Forgy and Peter P. Bosomworth; Dr. John Smith, Director of the Jefferson
Community College; Dr. Donald B. Clapp, Director of Budget; and Mr. John C.
Darsie, Legal Counsel. Representatives of the various news media were also
in attendance.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Clay, presiding in the absence of Governor Nunn called the meeting
to order at 2:35 p. m. The invocation was pronounced by Mr. Clay. The
Secretary reported a quorum present, and the meeting was declared officially
open for the conduct of business at 2:45 p. m.

       B. Recognition of Jefferson Community College Personnel

       Mr. Clay and President Singletary both expressed thanks to Dr. John
Smith, Director of the Jefferson Community College, for hosting the meeting of
the Board. President Singletary then introduced Dr. Smith and asked him to
introduce the members of the Jefferson Community College Advisory Board and
the college personnel who were present.

       C. President's Report to the Trustees

       President Singletary indicated he would be glad to answer any questions
relative to his monthly report to the Trustees, copies of which were in their
folders. There being no questions, Mr. Clay accepted the report with thanks
and it was ordered filed.



       L). Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       President Singletary called attention to the recommended changes in
titles for personnel in the Community College System, pointing out that these
changes would give them ranks equivalent to those of personnel on the
Lexington campus. In addition, he called attention to the persons recommend-
ed for retirement and commented on the number of years of service to the
University in each case.

       There being no questions relative to the itenms in PR 2, on motion by
Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed without dissent, PR 2 was
approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the
meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       Note was taken of the retirement of Mr. Harvey G. Hodges and appreci-
ation expressed for his effective service during 22 years as Manager of Ticket
Sales for the Athletic Association.

       President Singletary recommended that Mr. Thomas D. Duncan be
named Director of University Information Services. He pointed out that the
recommendation involved not only the appointment of Mr. Duncan but a change
in the name of the Department of Public Relations to University Information
Services, which is more descriptive of the functions of the department.

       On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr. Wright, and passed,
PR 3 was approved as a Nvhole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes
of the meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

       Mr. Wright suggested that a resolution of appreciation be drafted to be
sent to all those whose retirements had been approved. This suggestion met
wvith the approval of all present and Mr. Clay appointed Mr. Wright and Mr.
Cooper to draft the resolution.

       F. 1971-72 Budget Revisions (PR 4)

       The recommendations relative to budget revisions being of a routine
nature and there being no questions, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by
NIr. Wright, and all present voting "aye", the 1971-72 budget revisions as
recommended in PR 4 were authorized and approved. (See PR 4 at the end of
the Minutes. )


- 3-

       G. Policy Statement on Community Colleges Adopted (PR 5)

       Dr. Singletary pointed out that the proposed Policy Statement on
Commnlunity Colleges was a revision of one adopted in January 1964 and spelled
out the administrative structure which would integrate the community colleges
into a Systenm and would define their roles in relation to the remainder of the

       Mr. Wenlelsdorf questioned the. elimination of paragraph 1, page 6,
under Admission Requirements of the Community College System which states,
"The University now admits a graduate of any accredited high school in the
State who is a resident of the State. The same structure will be used for
admission to the community colleges". Upon being assured that it was not
the intention of the Board of Trustees to abrogate admission to any high school
graduate, he withdrew his objection and moved that the policy statement be
approved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Wright and all present voted "aye".
(See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes. )

       H. Dean of Nursing Named (PR 6)

       President Singletary recommended the appointment of Dr. Marion E.
McKenna as Dean of the College of Nursing, effective January 1, 1972, stating
that the recommendation carried not only his endorsement but that of the
Medical Center administration. Governor Chandler moved approval of the
recoommendation to name Dr. McKenna as Dean of the College of Nursing, ef-
fective January 1, 1972. His mnotion was seconded by MIrs. Blazer and passed
without dissent. (See PR O at the end of the Minutes.

       Dr. M\cKenna, who was present at the meeting, was introduced to the
Board by Vice President Bosomworth. A welcome was extended to her by the
Chairman on behalf of the entire Board.

       I. Organizational Change in the College of Arts and Sciences (PR 7)

       Being already familiar with the recommendation relative to the organi-
zational change in the College of Arts and Sciences and there being no questions,
on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed, all schools
in the College of Arts and Sciences, except the School of Communications and
the Thomas Hunt Morgan School of Biological Sciences, were abolished, ef-
fective immediately. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.

      J. Organization of Sumrner Session (PR 8)

Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Wright, seconded by Mrs. Blazer,



and passed, the recommendation in PR 8 relative to the organizational pattern
for the Summer Session was approved. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes.

        K. Request for Waiver of Governing Regulations and Interpretation
Thereof (PR 9)

       President Singletary explained that Professor Wasley S. Krogdahl, an
announced candidate for a seat in the United States House of Representatives,
had requested him to place before the Board of Trustees a request for a waiver
of the Governing Regulations requiring leave of absence without pay for the
period of a campaign for office. The University administration has interpreted
the Regulations to require such a leave of absence without pay. Professor
Krogdahl is appealing this decision. Because of the ambiguity of the Governing
Regulations, President Singletary felt that the Board should first clarify its
intent and then make a ruling on Professor Krogdahl's request for a waiver.

       After full discussion, Governor Chandler moved that the Board of
Trustees adopt the following resolution: "The Board of Trustees interprets
the third literal paragraph of Section X-C-7 of the Governing Regulations to
require that a faculty mn-ember who enters a partisan political campaign for a
statewide or federal office must be required to be placed on leave of absence
without pay". His motion was seconded and passed.

       On the basis of the Board's interpretation of the Governing Regulations
as established in the above resolution, on motion duly made, seconded, and
carried, Professor Krogdahl's request for a waiver was denied. (See PR 9 at
the end of the Minutes. )

       L. Amendment to Governing Regulations Ordered (PR 10)

       Mr. Wright moved that the administration prepare an amendment to
Section X-C-7 of the Governing Regulations which would incorporate the
Board's intent as clarified in the resolution just adopted. Mrs. Blazer
seconded his motion and, without dissent, it was so ordered. (See PR 10 at
the end of the Minutes. )

       M. Biennial Budget Request

       President Singletary in his presentation of the 1972-74 biennial budget
request stated that this was one of the leanest budgets in the history of the
University of Kentucky. It calls for an increase of $10. 7 million for the first
year and $7. 8 million for the second year of the biennium. The budget,
prepared according to a state format, is based on projections that the University



enrollment on all campuses will increase by approximately 5 percent each year
of the biennium; it provides for fixed costs, a 5. 2 percent cost-of-living
increase for faculty and staff, for 182 new faculty positions at the Lexington
campus and another 45 new faculty members for the Community College System,
and for a minimum of new or expanded programs. Dr. Singletary emphasized
that in most instances the University's budget requests in the various areas
outlined above were lower than those permitted under the state format.

       Commending President Singletary and Dr. Donald Clapp, Director of the
Budget, for the excellent budget presented for approval, Governor Chandler
moved that the biennial budget request for 1972-74 be approved for transmission
to the Council on Public Higher Education for further transmission to the
Governor through the Department of Finance. His motion was seconded by Mrs.
Blazer and passed with all present voting "aye'.

       N. Interim Financial Reports (FCR la and lb)

       Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Pence, seconded by Mr. Cooper,
and passed without dissent, the financial report covering the period ending
August 31, 1971 and the report covering the period ending September 30, 1971
were accepted and ordered filed. (See FCR la and lb at the end of the Minutes.

       0. Audits for the University of Kentucky for 1970-71 Accepted (FCR 2)

       On motion by Mrs. Clark, seconded by Governor Chandler, and all
present voting "aye', the University of Kentucky Summary Financial Report
1970-71, University of Kentucky Detailed Financial Report dated June 30, 1971,
University of Kentucky Housing and Dining System Financial Report June 30,
1971, Purchasing Letter 1970-71, and Cash Reconciliation June 30, 1971 as
submitted by the firmn, Peat, Marwick, Mitchel & Company were accepted and
ordered filed. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       P. Resolution Authorizing the Filing of an Application with the State
Property and Buildings Commission of the Commonwealth of Kentucky for
such Commission to Authorize $9, 000, 000 of Revenue Bonds and in Antici-
pation of the Issuance Thereof Authorize $9, 000, 000 of Notes to Finance a
New Stadium, Parking Areas to be Used in Connection Therewith and Other
Necessary Appurtenances, Authorizing the Execution of a Lease Between
the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky and Such Commission
of Such Properties, Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with the
University of Kentucky Athletic Association and Authorizing the Execution
and Delivery of a Deed of the Properties on Which such Facilities are to be
Located to Such Commission.



       Mr. Forgy explained that in connection with the financing of a new
stadiullm, parking areas to be used in connection therewith and other necessary
appUrtenances the State Property and Buildings Commission of the Common-
wealth of Kentucky had already adopted on Novembnber 11, 1971, a resolution
authorizing the issuance of $9. 000, 00G of revenue bonds and in anticipation of
the issuance of such bonds the issue, sale and delivery of $9, 000, 000 of notes,
all subject to the Board of Trustees making a formal application to the Com-
mission that the Commission proceed with the necessary steps in such
financing. After the matter had been discussed, Mr. Chandler introduced,
caused to be read and moved the immediate adoption of a resolution entitled:


a true copy of which was presented to the meeting at which such resolution
was proposed and a true copy of which is attached to these Minutes. The
motion for the adoption of said resolution was seconded by Mr. Pence.

Prior to the vote on the motion, Mr. Wendelsdorf requested that it be made
a matter of record that he felt that now is not the timne to engage in such a
project. Following this discussion, the Vice Chairman put the question, and
upon call of the roll, the vote was recorded as follows:

Voting "Aye": Mr. Clay, Mrs. Blazer, Mr. Chandler, Mr. Cooper, Mr.
Goss, Mrs. Clark, Mr. Pence and Mr. Wright.

Voting "Nay": None.

      Q. Report on Inv stnmients (ICR 1)

On motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded, and passed, the report on



investments for the quarter ended September 30, 1971 was accepted and
ordered filed. (See ICR I at the end of the Minutes. )

      R. Meeting Adjourned

      There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p. m.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                            Secretary, Board of Trustees

(PRs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, FCRs la, lb, 2, and 3 with Resolution,
and ICR 1 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting. )



                         November 15, 1971


     A rating of excellent for progress has been given the Graduate
School in a report released by the U.S. Office of Education, National
Defense Education Act. NDEA, which regularly surveys graduate pro-
grams to assure proper training of students receiving three-year NDEA
Graduate Fellowships, ranked the University highest, or excellent, in
the area of "recent progress in the expansion and strengthening of
doctoral programs." The Graduate School was given an overall score
of good--the second highest rating on a five-point scale--by the sur-
veyors. NDEA officials said the University graduate program could
make a great contribution to the needs of its geographical region.
Dr. William H. Dennen, acting dean of the Graduate School, said he
was extremely pleased with the NDEA rating, pointing out that this
was an outside group coming into the University and evaluating the
overall program.  "We have no idea who the individuals were that sur-
veyed the campus," he continued. "Each department which has developed
a graduate program was visited." rhis year, the U.S. Commissioner of
Education allocated 18 new NDEA graduate fellowships Lo the University
and approved 36 doctoral degree programs where these fellowships may
be used. Fifteen of the 36 programs have been added to the curriculum
since 1966.


     The University has received the National Safety Council's high-
est award for safety achievement for the fourth straight year. In
its annual report the Safety Department notes that the 503 accidents
reported is the lowest ever recorded, although the number includes
123 disabling accidents, an increase over the previous report. The
disabling accidents accounted for 1491 days lost, but five separate
accidents were responsible for 851. Improvement especially was noted
in the Medical Center, where two accidents accounted for 51 of the 86
days lost. Accidents involving sharp pointed objects, primarily needle
punctures, were reduced, but eye accidents increased. A new program
enables employees, as well as students, to buy prescription safety
glasses at substantial reductions. It is noted that 52.6 per cent of
all accidents occurred to employees with less than three years' employ-
ment; well over half of these were to employees with less than one year.
The report states that "the University has compiled an excellent safety
record and can be proud of the progress made in improving safety con-


- 2


     Television as an aid to instruction at the University is rapidly
extending into every classroom building on campus. UKTV currently is
providing 25 to 30 instructional units a week to nearly all of the 14
colleges in the Community College System, plus a catalog of nearly 200
videotaped lectures to the central campus at Lexington. In addition,
a cultural series is made available regularly to the Kentucky Educa-
tional Television Network, which has attained its original goal: total
coverage of the state of Kentucky, making available its programs to
every citizen who owns a TV set. UKTV, in its third year, now is fully
staffed, and its closed-circuit cables have been connected to most of
the major classroom buildings on the campus. When the Medical Center
installation is completed, the system will reach into over 200 class-
rooms which can accommodate over 11,000 potential views simultaneously.
With future cable connections and a mobile unit fitted with broadcast
quality equipment, presentations in Memorial Hall and other large lec-
ture halls on the Lexington campus will be available for immediate
campus distribution, community college distribution, broadcast over the
ETV network or videotape recording for delayed broadcast. Lectures
beamed to campus classrooms include large enrollment classes in poli-
tical science, agriculture and English, and courses in sociology and
engineering mechanics.

     Cultural programs, largely diseminated through the Kentucky ETV
Network, include: "Conversation," a periodic presentation involving
University faculty in informal talks with distinguished visitors to
the area; "Panmed," produced in cooperation with the Medical Center
and the University of Louisville's Schools of Medicine and Dentistry,
and aimed at keeping health professionals informed of developments in
the field; musical programs; drama, and others. UKTV is administered
by the Office of Media Services, directed by Dr. Paul Owen, who also
notes that UKTV provides laboratory facilities for the Department of


     College of Nursing faculty and representatives from the College
of Business and Economics and the Department of Sociology conducted
the first in a series of four conferences on "Management for Nursing
Care," September 27-October 1. The conferences, supported through a
short-term grant from the Division of Nursing, Public Health Service
of HEW, was attended by 50 nurses from Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio and
Georgia. Purpose of the series is to aid supervisors and head nurses
in upgrading their managerial skills. Second in the series is sched-
uled for late November. Directing the first program was Miss Irma
Bolte, director of continuing education for the College of Nursing.
She was assisted by Dr. William Bryan, director of student services for
the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center, and Dr. Loretta Denman, acting
dean, Miss Margaret Doyle, assistant professor, Dr. Eleanor Repp, as-
sistant dean and Dr. Betty Rudnick, professor, of the College of Nursing.
Guest faculty included Dr. E. Grant Youmans, professor of sociology,
and William E. Younk, industrial management specialist of the College
of Business and Economics.


- 3


     More than 1,700 pharmacists throughout Kentucky this month were
able to begin a continuous education course via closed circuit TV or
video tape programs at 17 locations across the Commonwealth. The
College of Pharmacy has telecast the first of eight two-hour TV semi-
nars on various medical topics. The series will continue through next
May. Programs will be available at community colleges in Maysville,
Ashland, Prestonsburg, Hazard, Cumberland, Somerset, Elizabethtown,
Henderson, Louisville, Hopkinsville and Paducah. Locations at Western
Kentucky State University, Eastern State University, Covington Catho-
lic High School, and on the central campus also will be utilized for
the seminars. The pharmacy college is broadcasting the series over
the University Educational Television network to all locations except
Covington, Louisville and Henderson, where the program will be repro-
duced by video tape. "Today's pharmacists, like other health pro-
fessionals, must keep abreast of many technical advances, as well as
the changing role of practitioners, by continuing their education,"
said Dr. Harry A. Smith, director of the college's continuing educa-
tion program. "The College of Pharmacy is using a statewide program
of education assistance for Kentucky pharmacists to aid them in ful-
filling their responsibility to maintain professional competency,"
added Dr. Smith.

     Program content for the seminars include "Arteriosclerosis and
Therapy," "Diabetes and Therapy," "Childhood Diseases and Pediatrics."
Several physicians in private practice who specialize in the subject
areas and faculty of the Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy will staff
the programs. Each seminar consists of a lecture, question and answer
session, and discussion period. The lecturer will be available to
participants by the use of a telephone connection with each location.
Televised programs on the KET network as part of the PANMED series and
produced by the colleges of the Medical Center also are aimed at
pharmacists. In November, the following subjects will be aired at
11 p.m. (EST): November 10, "National Health and Insurance Plans,"
November 17, "Patient Medication Records System," and November 24,
"The Roles of Pharmacists in Public Health." Another educational
tool being developed by the College of Pharmacy is an audio-cassette
tape library. These mini-seminars or special lecture programs are de-
signed for individual or small group study and include questionnaires
and visual aids.


     Ashland Community College has received funding for the Law En-
forcement Education Program from the U.S. Law Enforcement Assistance
Administration. A grant of $2,500 has been received with a commit-
ment totaling $3,750 for fiscal 1971-72. A local advisory committee
for the program and for the Social Work Technology program has been
established. Lewis Mutters, chief of the Ashland Police Department,
has been elected chairman, and Miss Wanda Joan Franz, a student in the
Social Work Technology program, has been elected secretary.


- 4


     The College of Social Professions has opened a fifth Teaching-
Learning Center, designed for students who seek practical experience.
The new center is devoted to urban concerns, according to director
John Meyers, who added that the idea for the center evolved partly
as a need for a place where students could learn about planned social
change and the development of preventive programs. The new community
base will be in the Rural Affairs Center of the Office of Economic
Opportunity in the Second Street YMCA. Other Teaching-Learning Cen-
ters of the college are the Governmental Services Center, Frankfort,
directed by Miss Betty Kirlin, and three others in Lexington: Center
for Mental Health Agencies, directed by Stanley Blostein, Center for
Agencies Specializing in Family and Children's Services, directed by
Denzel Johnston, and Center for Medical Services, which includes the
Medical Center, directed by Dr. Roy Yarbrough. Dean Ernest F. Witte
pointed out that 48 graduate students who entered the college's first
graduate class last year are in the field during the fall semester,
mostly at the Teaching-Learning Centers. Students studying for a
bachelor's degree are assigned to the centers, and work with the
graduate students several hours each week.


     The director of Laboratory Experiences in the College of Educa-
tion is extending the locale for the final phase of these experiences--
student teaching--to Northern Kentucky and Louisville. Dr. C. Leland
Smith said that Covington and Louisville each have new student teaching
centers. The Covington center, under the full-time direction of Dr.
Warren Corbin, supervises 27 University student teachers in various
public school systems in the area. The Louisville center is headed by
Mrs. Lucy Shine, who supervises 25 education interns and student
teachers. Student teachers in Central Kentucky are supervised by the
staff of 24 coordinators who operate from the central campus. A total
of 325 student teachers have been placed in all the schools during the
current semester. More students are ready for student teaching dur-
ing the spring semester each year, however, than in the fall semester.
The total was 500 last spring, Dr. Smith said. Of the current 325, 90
are at the elementary level. The others teach at the secondary level.
Dr. Smith, and his staff of coordinators who work with the cooperating
or supervising teachers in the various schools, are developing pilot
programs which will place all education students in public school class-
rooms as teacher aides and tutors at the sophomore and junior levels.
A smaller number of education students volunteer for such activities
at the present time.


     More than 225 scientists who specialize in the chemistry of tobacco
participated in the 25th Tobacco Chemists Research Conference hosted by
the University in Louisville early this fall.    The conferees came from
all over the world for the three-day meeting, according to Dr. Robert B.
Griffith, director of the Tobacco and Health Research Institute.


- 5


     An individualized approach is being used for Freshman Orientation
classes at Henderson Community College, under the direction of James E.
Long, coordinator of guidance. First initiated in the fall of 1970,
with sophomore student leaders guiding small groups (8 to 12 freshmen)
through a 16-week program, each of several small groups meetsonce a
week with the primary goals as follows: promoting communication more
effectively between peers and faculty; satisfying a sense of belonging;
developing an understanding of college rules, student handbook, and
college catalog; acquainting students with college facilities; helping
students formulate college majors and vocational plans; assisting stu-
dents in understanding their abilities and limitations; making students
aware of their value systems, and establishing and achieving immediate
and long-range goals that utilize personal strengths and values. Stu-
dent reaction to the program has been favorable.


     The transportation industry was instrumental in getting the as-
sociate degree program in transportation at the Lexington Technical
Institute developed. An Interstate Commerce Law course was added this
semester and will be followed next semester with a course in "Practices
and Procedures Before the Interstate Commerce Commission." With the
addition of the two courses, the program now covers a wide range of
transportation subjects. The Central Kentucky Traffic Club, Lexington,
has established a Scholarship Fund, and monies from the fund are being
made available to students pursuing a transportation major.


     Somerset Community College and Somerset Area Vocational School
have Jointly appointed a Regional Citizens Advisory Committee on Oc-
cupational Education. Members represent educational institutions,
state and federal agencies, industry, and labor. Purpose of the com-
mittee is to provide a communications link between occupational educa-
tion and the public. Quarterly meetings are scheduled, and agenda items
will be determined by members of the committee.

     More than 55 rehabilitation counselors from West Kentucky are re-
ceiving training in prosthetics and orthatics at Elizabethtown Community
College. The ten-week program includes topics on amputation, motor dis-
abilities, and spinal orthatics. The program is a cooperative effort
of the college, the College of Medicine, College of Medicine Rehabili-
tation Center, Louisville, the Bluegrass Artificial Limb Company, and
the State Department of Education.

     The second cycle of Operation College PREP, offered by Fort Camp-
bell Military Installation and Hopkinsville Community College, began
September 27. Courses of remedial math, reading and English are offer-
ed on post to military personnel on active duty on released time. The
program is funded by the Veterans Administration. The college planned,
implemented, and coordinates the program.


- 6


     The University hosted the National Commission on Marihuana and
Drug Abuse recently. as the Commission continued its series of in-
formal hearings on the use of drugs on the nation's university and
high school campuses. The 13-member commission--including nine public
members and four Congressional members--is chaired by Raymond P.
Shafer, former Pennsylvania governor. Members of the Commission at
the University hearings were Kentucky Representative Tim Lee Carter,
Chairman Shafer, Dr. John A. Howard, president of Rockford College,
Rockford, Illinois, and president of the American Association of
Independent College and University Presidents, and Commission Exe-
cutive Director Michael Sonnenreich. All students in the Lexington
area were invited to attend the hearing and participate in discussions.
Format for the hearings as established by the Commission divided the
program into two major sessions. The morning session, from 10 a.m. to
noon, was open to the public and members of the news media. The after-
noon session was designed to take testimony in private and was closed
to the public.


     Debaters from approximately 30 colleges and universities in 17
states participated in the University's annual invitational debate
tournament October 8-9. The title of the local tournament has been
officially changed to the "Henry Clay Debates," and the top award was
volumes of the "Henry Clay Papers," published by the University Press
of Kentucky. The