xt78w950gq8m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78w950gq8m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1922-06-sep19. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1922-06-sep19. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1922-06-sep19. 1922 1922-06-sep19. 2011 true xt78w950gq8m section xt78w950gq8m 

    Minutes of the Regularly Quarterly ,Ieelaing of the Board
cf Trustees, University of Kentucky, for Tuesday, Sejtember
19, 1922.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Xentucky met
regular Quarterly se!,ion in the Presront s office at the ,L Trli
varsity on 7uesday, Se'ember 19, 1'22, at 11:30 a. m.   The
following members were preseat: ;,r. Colvikn, .Zr. xarna, M.r.
Hornsby, Senator Froman, i. r. Gordon, Judge Stoll, 141r. ','Wells, iT.
Turner, 1,1r. ;Mc-Nee, and ;"Er. Grady.  The following persons were
also Dresent: Frank I. IL1cVey, President of the University, and
Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Board.

     (1) Ap3,rovl of Minutes.   The following resolution with
respect to t-he minutes of the Board of Trustees and of the Execu-
tive Commrn.ittee wreS of 23rled attnd unp-aniimously a&o-ted : T.h11Eereas at
a meeting of the Board of Trustees held on June 13, 1922, and at
a meeting of the Executive Committee held on July 14, 1922, at
both of which meetings there .;as not a quorum p-.Dresent, and at
which certain business i.as :erformed subject to the approval of
the Board at a subsequent meeting, novw therefore be it resolved
that the actions of the Board et the meating- mentioned and the
actions o-f- the hxecutive ComTimittee at the mee-cing mentioned are
hereby ap;proved and ratified as the actions of the Board.   The
minutes of these meetings were ap.pproved as pDublished.

     (2) Report of the President.   President 1GcVey then pre-
sented a. brief report to the B70oard, which was as follows:

          "Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees: I shall
     make only a brief report covering a. few 9 of the hap-
     penings at the University since the last meeting of
     the Board, and mentioning 2, fe'w~- o-7 the imr-ioortant
     mattGers faCinl the 'Lniriersity.

          "t() Additions to the Staff.   In June the Uni_
     versity staff was a-'1irly complete for the coming
     year.  TDuring the summar a number of resignations
     took place which necessitated the selecting of peo-
     ple to fill those positions writhout full authority
     from the noUra.   Two of those ijerso-0i ware in the
     Department of Voca.tiowe.1 Teacher Training, and later
     I shall -present to you recommendations for -Dersons
     to Lill thair places.   M^.r. B. R. Barringer and itiss
     Campball of that Department have resigned.    Mriss
     Campbell reoigns to accept a position _vwith the Fed-
     eral Bcard -Y'or Vocational Education.



      "(b) Student Attendance.   The Registrar hands
 me a statement of the probable attendance during
 the coming yeear.  He. estimates that re shall bhve
 about seven hundred freshmen.   This points to a
 total enrollment of about 1,800 in regular session
 and of about 3,000 during the ;atir.

      "(c) I-Iousing Conaitions.  lie have rooms for
 856 men outside on the dormitory and the fraternity
 houses, making provisions for about 1,100 in all.
 Last year there Were about 900 men in regular ses-
 sion, so that allowing for the usual percentage of
 increase we shall be able to take care of the hous-
 ing situation for man.   For the women, the situa-
 tion is different ziad less satisfactory.  We have
 rented two houses on South Limeastone Street, that
 will hold about foxyty girls.  This year we expect
 in the neighborhood of 600 girls.   Wle have made pro-
 visions for more girls to room in town.   The Dean
 of Women has made arrangements with a number of room-
 ing houses to take girls exclusively and to be re-
 sponsible nor them.   A nulmiber can be placed in the
 sorority houses under quasi-supervision of the Uni-
 versity.   Pat-terson hall will accommodate about 125
 students and Smith Hall about forty students.   This
 makes provision For about two hundred students in
 Universit-y dormitories with about four hundred in
 sorority houses and in boarding houses in the city.
 The facilities, horever, are very limited, and the
 University could no doubt have increased considera-
 bly the enrollment of12 women students had it been in
 a position to offer any encouragement in the way of
 housing conditions.

     "(d) Purchase of Coal.   I am very glad to re-
port that the Committee of the Board apointed some-
time ago has been able to purchase coal for the year
at .4.83 a ton.   A contract was made with the Riley
Coal Codp-,ny.  It tedkes about ;,000 tons to r-nthe
University.   The University requiros 1,300 or 1,400
tons and the dormitories about 600 tons.

     "(a) The Fin-ncial situA in.    The financial
situation is somevthat better than last year.  The
budget of last year was cerried through the entire
year *without any deficit in any of the four divisions.

     "(f) Doctor P    rsoni  Death.   We ware grieved
to learn of the deali of   octor ePatterson, which oc-
curred on August 15.   He leaves his property to the
University.   I have had a conference w-ith ,Tr. C. N.
lkanning3, President of the Security Trust Company, and



learn that his estat-e was aiicut $20OOe0O., mostly in
sovernment  ficurije,    Thira-is at, ?xesent an -in-
come on the os`,.ate ct t11,0   or "12,000 annually.
The will pr .i6e  that, a college of diplomacy shall
be ettablis':& at the University at the end of a
period of abc)zt forty years, when the annual income
shall have  eac  i some  o35,0Oo ay.nixlLy.  There i-
one of the  o.fic.a of the will that will have to
be adjusted-.  Iie is.JrJiLcatem in the will thet the
co-arse of stu~ty to be provfded in the college shiall
be four years aftar the awarding ^f the master's de-
gree.   Ii .-   :.ib e f., a stud.ent to gei- the loa-
tor's degr i--,  r '-ime'sican tiveri~tiss tin ';Arcea-
Years aft3-' -           of ch    c caLaurda'd- aegxe,  
eand for e- iL- o1 four years to ',h impose& would
make sucb   t boz s-z too long.  Ur. Manning tells me
that undoW.b;:, -.  cc urt would ta-ke an a.Ojustment of
such a point. whin tha facts are properly presente&.
The will al'so porois that the librasry ns to go to
the UniveriA.t.   The conditions are: (1 That it
shall remain irn;act.  The suggestion i:s made in the
will that th, hlolfwe be set aside as a khad of lib'ary
and museum anA .-hat tb1a books shall be kapt in th'o
buildig.     2t) He provides a, annual i.co-me of $4,
to chre fo r thee library.

     n(g)                  kat .n , tron Wl.    'i t is
recommendaa that the Board aT)point a comrittee of
thres to go oveD. the will and .   on the various
matters pe'rtaini fg rtro it.  i acc have a communica-
tion from        X-lter L  Patterson w-hc desires to con-
tinuO to ccc(upy the house  nti l the end of the fis-
cS). year aZ1- leest.  CA motion ;as r,.de by 11r. ColJvin,
and SecoUd3i. by Soliator Fromman -,that a committee be
appointed to ea'xpnine ths will of. Doctor Patterson ard
make a repcrt tc the Board..  The motion mws nmonded
by i'- z- oa2. and duly oecoade., that Judge Stoll be
made a menab .f ;t.he comm-tt.e.  The -mendme Ln WEas
carried  a~nd, 1he r@...oras aisc carri.ed,  ereupon
"he chMiira ampoinitet1  Judge Stoll, 1*r. Gordozn, and
lPresidoxit X oVuy Yj

     'h) Lenrori.1 Bldin.      The memorial building
opn aign has been on since 1919, and we are still
aboult oizOQo0 short of the goal.   It has been sug-
gested, that a carannaign for hall a million dollars be
organnised, for the purpose of providing for a Memn-
rial Building anr. for Women't dormitories.   The Urt-
versity of Georgia recentlyvnaertook to proc ura funds.
By turair~g over the ca.mpeign to a oompany of experts
in New Yorf, City, tha. wMore able to raise $1,200,000
for that institution.   I am inclined to think that it
would be well for us to consider the matter here in
Mentucky.   The follovang is the foZm of propoeal which
these People make:



T):,JBT.YJ 'T 3.                    September 16, 1922
      NE'W ylmR__

 President T'rt~nk L. McVey
      University of Kentucky
           Leaington, Kentuacky

 My dear President McVey:

      I herewith enclose a copy of the plan and esti-
 mpte for a half-million dollar campaign. together
 with a sale loontract.

      I have hesitated to set any definite time for an
 intensive effort.   This is not practical until we
 find out just how much organization work has already
 been done.   I em very much afraid that it might be
 difficult to complete your Three Hundred Thousand
 Dollar fund by Christmas bat in this I might be mis-

      Our method of procedure is as follows:

      first, wa send our publicity people to the field
and they gather all the data and information necessary
for publicity.

     At ,about the same time we send our first organi.
zation  man rnd two weeks after the Director arrives
one of the men who is to work arnong the bit give-s
will npperr and. visit the nrominent cities but it takes
two or three months to do this work ind. to get the
first lef:ilet ready and to crer-te any kind of senti-
mant necessary for a real campvign.

     We find it is very easy to start a campaign but
very hard to finish some of them.   We would rather be
r. little bit slow in starting .nd strong at the finish
and I a.m sure you agree with me in this. therefore,
it seems to me tha-t it would be best to plan to com-
plete your casmppign by Commencement 1923.

     There -re, of course, mrny questions tha.t will
-be asked by members of your committee who are not
familiar with the f'act that we have handled more than
twenty college cmprigns txA with such successes last
yenr as the University/ of Georgia, Wells College,
Williams, St. Stphon's, and the million dollar cam-
paign for the Near Bast Colleges, which resulted in
raising $, 100,000.   All of these campnigns were a



    success.   We 'know that there is no firm with a record
    anything like this.   Under separate co-ver, I -m serd-
    ing you some literature.

         Mr. Loc:rwood ha.s repoorted enthusiastically over
     Your proposition -and we a-wait vdth interest the de-
     cision of your Board.

                              Respectfully yours

                        (Signed) George 0. Tamblyn

 BY THE FI RT 0F T A ,,B T - ADBR 01, 17 E AST 42ND STOR FB E,
                     NEW YOXE FEW YOR.

                     GENERAL STATI2EDNT


     The firm of Tevmblyn and Brown is composeda of Mr. George
Olver Trmblyn t nd Mr. John Crosby Brow.n.  The firm rnd staff
h-7e rnised more thpn thirty million dolTprs bt n. totnl cost
of less than Live per ceiat.


     Associated 7ith Mressrs. Tamblyn grnd Brosvn are twenty
college men and fift leen college women engaged for twelve
months of the ,year in ra-.ising money for colleges.  These
persons have accumulatted av twealth of nterial, a'nd because
of their experience they are able to rwork in a dignified end
effective mpnner w;ith college men end wmomen and to assist
a college to present an effective appeal to the public.

     Note: Mo other firm doing similar worX in the
            country has a permanently engaged staff
            of this size arA this experience.   The
            fact that tbese persons a-re permanently
            engaged reduces t4h cost to tie college,
            thereby lowering the final cost of the

     National Headquarters may be provided in t1m offices of
Tamblyn axxl Brown or at Lexington, Kentucky.   A secretary
may be kept continuously in charge, and facilities may be
irovided for such conferences as may be necessary upon the
part of the Executive Committee and chaairrmen.




     We understand that:

     A campaign for $300,Q00 was started in September 1919
1Mcv.u as the Xentucky Memorial Building Campaign.

     This campaign was revived again in A-ril of this year
and towarid it $185,000 has been ledged, .10000 of which
has come from the alumni and $lo000 from the students and

     That in the second campaign ap;?roxirr2tely 8500.,000
is needed to complete the Mlemor isl Cam-naign and to build
one or more dormitories and a gymnasium for women and that
the University ,would lilk-e the balance needed for the
Memorial Buildirg raised by January lst and the entire
amount. by Commencement 1923.

     Preparatory work -sill begin within two wi!eeks of the
signing of the contract and the intensive campaign wi11
be ran as soon as the organization work7 can be completed
-no st such time as seem.s mo-t 49Ctiv   to the comnittee
ezi6. 'Iaiablyn aiid 3xcown.


     It is the custom o-f Tamblyn and Brown to have the
tr-nstees appoint a National Chairman and an Executive Com-
mittee to whom is given full authority for the direction
of t1e campaign and to whom Tamblyn and Brown shall submit
for approval all mawtters of publicity and. policy.

     Tamblyn and Brown realize that in no sense does the
University t-turn over the direction of its camrpaign tocout-
siders" and seek no publicity whatsoever in connection with
it.   The name of the firm does not aPpear upon any liter-
ature.   The names of the secretaries ,resent at the con-
ferences ore not given to the papers.


     The usual campaign organization consists of the follow-
ing chairmen and committees.   The duties of evch are briefly

     1. National Chairman - with the usual duties.

     II. Executive Committee - of five or seven persons
charged vrith the responsibility, by the trustees, for running



the campaign and through whom Tamblyn andc Brown work4  Thr
speed and accuracy, as vwell as to conserve the time of the
members of the-Executive Committee, it is divided into
sub-committees, as follows:

     A. Organization - A Chairman to selalt and to persunda
the strongest men to serve as chairmen wherever needed.

     B. S2ECIAL G7ITS - A Chairman to associate with himself
four others to com-ose a Committee of Special Gifts. This
Committee Forks through the city chairmen in securing a
local chairman in every city organization who will look after
large gifts.   By a large giver is meant a person who may
be ap-?roachea for a gift of one thousand dollars or more.

     C. PT__ICIY - A Chairman is selected to whom is re-
ferred all leaflets and other publicity copy before sending
to the printer0   Tamblyn and Brown prepare all publicity,
blxt publish nothing that has not received the 0. X. of the
chairman.   The chairman should associate with him two other
nm.embes no wh. mne o  41y^ three M7  lP-1-.s be on.-ibl9
and, if possible, two members of the committee should be
located in New-.ork Citya

     D. SPEAXIRS - A Chairman to associate ,ith him two
others who shell provide speakers from the University, the
Board of Truastees and other friends of the University to
speak at the conferences and dinners in connection with the

     Note: - In tbia au}oction it should be stated that
Tamblyn and Brown make all arrangements f or the speakers,
provide the audience, and give to the committee the approxim.te
number who are to attend so that the relative importance of
each speaking engagement may be determined and the proper
man sent.

     E. STUDEI'T BODY - A Chairman to have charge of the cam-
paign among the students and who, in association with two
others, shall take advantage of all athletic and other uni-
versity events for Publicity and be charged with the response
bility of tactfully presenting the campaign to the student

      . IZTERCMLASS RIVALR  - A   Chairman to select from each
class its most prominent member in order to promote class
rivalry.   While the class is not the money raising unit,
advantage of the class spirit should be taken so as to en-
courage every member of each class to make suitable contribution,


8 *

     Letter.- for these L:' LA  ?i:sctars are prepared by Tamblyn
and Brovm and other methods submitted by them to stimulate
i ivalrye

     The unique contribution of Tamblyn and Brown is in the
effectiveness with which they organize the alumni. Wherever
there are three or more alumni ampaign committees are organized.
In cities where there are ten orlmore alumni the working unit
of five is presarved by the selection of one captain for each
five persons so that with twenty-five alumni in a city the-re
are a chairman and five captains with five teams composed of
five persons each.   To complete this organization of the
alumni a series of organization conferences are held,


     National Conference     attended by the chairman and the
N~ational Executive Committee and the eight divisional chairmen,

     Note: The country is divided into eight di-isions.and
each divisional chairman is held responsible for his territory
and appoints the district chairmen in his division.

     2. Divisional Conferences - attended by the divisional
chairmen and the National Chairman - or one person selected
by him from the Executive Committee to serve in his place -
and the director furnished by Tamblyn and Brown.    The
..entucky alumnus speaks on "WHY 1aE NEED HALF A MILLION DOMILARS"
Gnr the Tamblyn and Brown director on "HOW WE Al& GOING TO

     3. District Conferences attended by the divisional chair-
man, the district chairman and the city chairman, always
selected by the district chairman.

     Note: In every community where there are three or more
alumni a chairmen is selected by the district chairman.

     4. Cit9' Conferences attended by the captains and mem-
bers of the Cuty Executive Committee since sech city organiza-
tion is almost an exact duplicate of the National Committee;
thet is to say, it contains chairmen for publicity, organiza-
tion, speakers and special gifts.

     General Note: By these conferences the necessity for
raising the half million dollars is impressed upon the alumni
and the organization gradually developed by the National
Chairman. The district chairmen are appointed by the divisional
chairmen, the city chairmen by the district chairmen and the
city chairmen select the captains and the captains the workers.
It is necessary to have from two to three months for this pre-
2arat ion.


     "'he most distinctive contribution made by Tar-bltn and
:  m to collgeg cam)a~igniwg has been stated before as the
w -s'.trvanass by vwhich they organize tbe clumni.

     This organization is possible very largely because an
indiv7idual cquota is giWn to each s.umnus.  With the assign-
ment of an indinidual Quota comes the assignment of a specific
task and therefor- an immediate objective in organization is
fc und.

     Therelore, in college campaigning Tamblyn end Brown
take the amount oF rnlnev needed and. divide it by the total
number of former stur- ents (IT'.ormer students'" include both
aluwni and thos3 who attended college for only a year or two
but did not remain to graduate) and the result o- this divi-
sion of the goal by the number of forner students is the
inadividual quota.

     The pro-oosition is then made to every college alumnus
to GET or GIVEl this individual quota; emphasis is placed upon
the fact that the resronsibility for raising the money is
equally divrided, that the mnn or vwman who cannot give but
Who will work is placed -upon the same footing as the man or
voman who can give Generously but perhaps cannot work.

     In such school ccx mpaigns as the indivi dual quota has
been tried out, it has been well received aSnd results hate
been gratifying.   A distinctive gain so far as the public
is concerned lies in the fact that the alumni and not the
public are asked to do the rmrr.   The public also takes
very kindly to the suggestion that the money is going to be
raised by a large number of small gifts rather than a. few
large gifts.

     Mention might also be mede of the fact that the. average
alunnus can think in terms of 3-0-5, 3-3-3, or so-me such
number, - the sum wzrhich he is to raise personally.  Ee can
also think of the amount which his town or city is asked to
raise which, of course, is always 3-0-5, or the amount Lgreed
upon, times the number of former students living in tbe town
or city.   Thus, if the number is 3-0-5 and there are ten
former students living in the tovm or city, tha guota for the
town is tUhl    thousald aid. fifty doll:ars.  ZVe P,;   in the
ttmn can think of this sum of money, of how it is to be
raised, and will ba glad to Imnow tbt if every other town dOas
es well +he -hole amount nseded -ill be raised.   Of course;
the district and divisionml quotas are reached in the same
mannor as the city quotas, name-ly, multinlying the number of
former students by the amount of monoy a-skeed of each.
Experience sho-ws there are persons who will not raise their
individual quotas.   These are taken care of by the large gifts
and by persons who will volunteer to take another one's share,



     Tamblyn and Brown have reduced the amount of publicity
usually gotten out in campaigns and believe that under
ordinary circumstances emphasis should be placed on five link"

     1. The campaign leaflet showing the need for the money
with suggestions as to how it will be raised and how spent.

     2. A special contribution leaflet - Every college makes
on unique contribution to the educational life of the country;
Colgate's contribution to this is the production of teachers.
Therefore, a special leaflet will be gotten out emphasizing
the special contribution of the University of Kentucky.

     3. An illustrated booklet to bring the University very
near the aluwA.Di who have not returned  erhaps since graduation
and to those who are far away and will need to have their
memories refreshed.

     4. The alumni series - By a series of six or seven
bulletins, wd.iled every seven days, the campaign is sold to
the alumni with special emphasis upon the individual quota
and how one may raise an individual quota.   The last bulletin
is devoted to the endowment dinner.

     5. Newspapers - Newspaper advertising is not encouraged
but every attempt is rrde to write up all news relating t6 the
University and the campaign in such attractive style that it
Will be taken bF the pc.3s~sG  The conferences furnished con-
siderable news in our :brmer campaigns and were wall written
un,?  A nev:spasper ePert from Ta-mblyn and Brown visits
personally those newspalpers most interested and the campaign
is sold to them by personal conferences,


     All preparation, including the conferences end the pub-
licity, naturally culminates in an intensive period when the
actual appeal for gifts is made.   This period begins with
an endowment dinner, - the slogan for which in the Universi ty
of Kentucky "iuld be "Every Kentucky man and voman seated at
a camseOign dinner in his or her home town".  More than fifty
per cent ox thp. alumni rmay be gathered if these dinners are
pro Parly wClorkeo. ua.  It is impossible to ever jt all Ken-
tucky men and Mmen to dine together at one place at one time,
but it is possible to get a very large number to dine together
in their home towns and to think of one problem, namely:
"How may the money be raised?"



     The expenses of this dinner are always taken out of the
campaign budget.   No appeals for funds are made the opening
z-ight. Th3 meeting is for information and insnirat on.
The prospect cards are al11  iven out.  It is distinctly
a workers' meeting with banquet features omitted.

R & 0 ms

     In rptional Ca,-.migns it is better to hare the period
of solioitation ccver three or four weeks.   Therefore,
relorts are arranged for Tuesdays and Fridays and the pro-
gress of the entire campaign is reported to each chairman
for the information of his workers.  The importance of these
resorts cannot be over estimated.


     T'e f'Firm of Zambl~n and Browm does not care to be iden-
tified with any campaign for a Million Dollars where the
total expense is more than five per cent of the amount sought,
but it is impossible to raise Half - Million on the same
scale.  However, they have studied v~ith interest the Uni-
versity of Zentucky appeal and believe that the Hall Million
may be raised with a tight increase over the five per cent.
They have, therefore, drala a plan and estimate involving a
maximum outlay of 030,000.

     Postage, printing, railroad. fares, hotel, luncheons,
conferences, and all other expenses not included in Section TI

i nti~

          Three special leaflets similar to the
          Williams (illustrated), contribution
          leaflet and "What a Half Million Dollars
          Will Do" and cards with facts for workers..$3,00o

          Alumni Serios - mailed to evary alumnus.... . 1,000

          Mliscellaneous -
              other printing, letterheads, pledge
              cards, envelopes, reports, etc..........1,000


         for mnailing the six numbers of the Alumni
         Series, the illustrated booklet, letters,
         campaign mnterial, ,arcel post, etc ..   .1........ ,000



.. ultigra-hing and Mimeographing ..................... $  200.

Tastini and AMdressina ........................-          300.

Travel (Hotel expenses, railroad fares) ..       ..    2,000.

Dinners, luncheons .....................       .        2,000.

Local Headquarters ................................... 2,000.


          Newspaper photography, stationery, tele-
          grams, telephone, petty cash .400.

Fmergencv Expense Fund..                                2600
                              Total of Section I ....$15,500

     Fee of Tamblyn and. Brown for direction of the campaign,
salaries of the campaigners, publicity men and women, stenog-
raphers and other associates employed for the campaign.

     Fee of Tamblyn and Brown for planning, directing
and assuming the responsibility for the campaign, in-
cluding the personal services of 1M1r. Tamblyn in cam-
paign direction and of Mir. Brovm in publicity, and of
all others not listed belowr.......................     8,000

     Salary of the associate director personally re-
sponsible to Tamblyn and Brown for carrying out the
plan of the campaign ................................   3,000

     Publicity direction, preparation of leaflets,
newspaper work and all other publicity mentioned in
the plan. ..........................................    1,500

     Stenographic and clerical services including
one secretary for the entire neriod, six typists for
seven weeks preceding the intensive drive, and one
mail clerk ......................................       2.000
                              Total for Section II    $Pl4,500

Note 1. No charge is made for office manager, for headquarters
        for the campaign, or for the telephone (except for
        long dis'tance calls).

Note 2. It is understood that if this plan and estimate is ac-
        cepted, the expenses under Section II, $14,500, will be
exactly as suggested but the various items under Section I may
be either a trifle more or less although the grand total of
:o315,500 will not be exceeded.  We promise not to incur any
bills beyond the estimate and if we do, we will stand the loss.
We shall finish under the $15,500 if consistent with the dignity
and success of the drive.



                      PAYJ2IT OF BIIIMS

     In order to i-nv',ra, t.ris payment of the salaries of the
sons mentioned an. to se ire the dates, it will be necesSar;,
for the University of Left.ucky to make an init ial payment of
$5,000 to apply on fo-out of Section II.    Further rayment'
on account of Sectio- 1 may be made as follows:   Y2,OOO, 2ccce:e
ber 1, 1922; $2,000, January 1, 1923; $1,000, February 1, 1923;
$1,000, March 1, 1923; *$l,0O0, April 1, 1923; and the balance
May 1, 1923.

     Payment for bills 7under Section I is made directly by
T'lamblyn and. Bro7l.  Ivesy two vweeks a f nancial st;temet with
these receipted bills attached is rendered to the University.

     Whereupon a committee was appointed to consi.aer the matter
and make reporz 'to the Executive Commnibtee, and on motion duly
seconded and unarl.mously adoptp6L, the iEmcutive Comr.ittee was
empowered to dispose of the matter.   The coirrrnittee consisted
of Mr. Colvin, I1r. G-rady, and President _c-`Vay.

          "(i) Wo7rk of Tuhblic hIoalth aJbora;tories.  Since
     July 1, the Univesit-y has recCive~i1_ $p'  monthly
     for the conduct of the public helalt' 'h sbooratories.
     The law providoa; t'hat the Univare.ti y haial do, work
     free for the 7ariou:: d er -r me an  c of t- e State.  The
     question arises ars  o whether courft ry or district of-
     ficers are eyrt',el. 11.  er tlh.i il-r.. to ask for its
     benefits.   If so, - will not     p~ possible for us to
     conduct it with the funds available.

     After discuszion, ixZ-a  directed that the matter be re-
ferred to the Atto-ainry Cxoneral for an interpretation of the
&ta ute and. the d G.. 4e.'  of tThe . -  Un i ersity.  A motion was mcL,
and carried indica.,t.rr- that upon receipt of such a&gice from
the Attorney General, the executive authorities of the Uni-
.I'rsity sha'1l a-,` i' tcurdance therewith until the next meet-
ing of the ''oard.

     (3) Re nor-, oa .r_ Bsiness Agent.  The financial report
of the Busin&ass Agen' w'9as rea and incorporated in the minutes.
The report was as Wolilows:



             University of felnt'tcky

Statement oih- Lag dsficit in the General Fund as
                at June 30, 1922

Bank Overdraft ........................       ...
Notes Payable
   Phoenix National Bank and Trust Company
      Overdraft nte.s ..
   Phoenix Nationa.1 Bsnk snd Trust Company
      Peabody Note .
   McI6aughlin notes ..............................
   Mary 0. Eiast - Smith Hall notes ...............
Accounts Payable .................................

Petty Cash .........................
Accounts Receivable
   8tate Tax .......................
   Vocational Education ............
   Government Student Fees.
   Social Hygiene Board ............
   Miscellaneous ...................
Departmental SuDplies ..............
Store Room ...................
Insurance paid in ad7,ance ..........
Cafeteria ...................--.-
Returned checks ..
Memorial Building ................

*Included are the following capi-
tal expenditures and liabtf.t ities
Paid on Mulligan .?i'o-cpar-y ..........
Paid on Smith Hall ....             4
Smith Hall Notes ...................

$ 1,500.00

20,954. 71
  _,4 586.31

' 75,423.zm



   87.675. 75
* 120,707. 20

  9 .j000.00
78 ,326.37



            University of Kentucky

Statement shovring deficit in the General PFud as
               at June 30, 1921

Bank Overdraft ...............................
Notes Payable
   Phoenix and Third National Bank -
      Overdraft Notes ......................
   Phoenix and Third National Bank -
      Peabody Fund ...........................
   Phoenix and Third Trust Compar.y _
      Overdraft Notes ....................
   McLaughlin Notes   .     .................
   Mary C. East - Smith Hall Notes.
   Baldwin Piano Company - Note ..............
Accounts Payable ...........................

Petty Cash .....................
Accounts Receivable
   State Tax ...................
   Vocational Education ........
   Government Students Fees
   Patterson Hall Board ........
   Miscellaneous ...............
State Warrants .................
Cafeteria ..........           .
,Rturned Checks ................
MIemorial Building ..............
Store Room ,....................
Departmental Supplias .........
Insurance paid in advance .....
Special Engineering Eq