xt78w950gp4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78w950gp4q/data/mets.xml Pendleton, J. M. (James Madison) 1811-1891. 1891.  books b92-137-29328393 English Baptist Book Concern, : Louisville, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Pendleton, J. M. (James Madison) 1811-1891. Baptists Clergy Biography. Reminiscences of a long life  / by J.M. Pendleton. text Reminiscences of a long life  / by J.M. Pendleton. 1891 1891. 2002 true xt78w950gp4q section xt78w950gp4q 

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       OF A LONG LIfE.

       BY cJ. M. PENDLETON.

"But call to remembrance the former days." -Hebrews x: 52.



Entered according to Act of Congress in the year x8gi, by
In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.



  This volume is dedicated to his children by their
loving father,                THE AuTHoR.

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                   CHAPTER I.
Ancestry - Charles Thompson - Henry Pendleton - My
   Father a Pupil of Andrew Broaddus-Marries Frances
   J. Thompson-Removes to Kentucky-War with En-
                  CHAPTER II.
Childhood and Boyhood-Going to School-School House-
   Going to Mill-Taking Medicine-Fond of Play-Bash-
                 CHAPTER III.
Religious Impressions and Conversion-My Baptism.

                  CHAPTER IV.
Licensed to Preach-Taught School for Some Months.

                  CHAPTER V.
Settlement at Hopkinsville and Ordination-Sickness-
   Baptist State Convention.
                 CHAPTER VI.
Removal to Bowling Green, Kentucky-General Associa-
   tion-Proposal of Marriage.
                 CHAPTER VII.
My Father's Death - My Marriage - Richard Garnett -
   Robert Stockton-Jacob Locke-Birth of a Daughter.
                CHAPTER VIII.
Death of President Giddings-Revival-J. L. Burrows-
   Birth of a Son-Second Daughter-T. G. Keen Becomes
   Pastor at Hopkinsville-Visit to Philadelphia-Canal
   Travel-Triennial Convention.


                   CHAPTER IX.
Objects of Interest in Philadelphia-Independence Hall-
    Girard College-Fair Mount-Laurel Hill Cemetery,
    Etc.-Mr. Clay Nominated for the Presidency-Distress-
    ing Stage Ride from Chambersburg to Pittsburg-Down
    the Ohio to Louisville-Thence Home by Steamer Gen-
    eral Warren.
                   CHAPTER X.
Mr. Polk's Election-Texas Annexed-War with Mexico-
    Treaty of Peace-The Question of Emancipation in
    Kentucky-John L. Waller-Western Baptist Review.

                   CHAPTER XI.
Meeting at Green River Church, Ohio County-Removal to
   Russellville-Birth of Our Third Daughter-Return to
   Bowling Green-Revival Under the Preaching of J. R.
   Graves-Birth and Marriage of Our Second Son.

                  CHAPTER XII.
Removal to Murfreesboro, Tennessee -Union University-
   Theological Department-President Eaton and Wife-
   Tennessee Baptist and Southern Baptist Review-
   Charge of Anti-Slavery Sentiments Brought Against
   Me-A Little Discussion with Alexander Campbell.

                  CHAPTER XIII.
The Civil War-The States' Rights Doctrine-The Position
   of the United States-The Overthrow of Slavery God's
   Work-Slavery in Kentucky and Tennessee.

                  CHAPTER XIV.
Leaving Murfreesboro-Exposed to Danger in Going into
   Kentucky-Settlement as Pastor at Hamilton, Ohio-
   Death of My Mother-Desire to Go West-The End of
   the Wai -Mr. Lincoln's Assassination.
                  CHAPTER XV.
Removal to Upland, Pennsylvania-The Crozer Family-
   The Theological Seminary-Meeting-House Enlarged-
   Great Revival.




                  CHAPTER XVI.
Baptist Publication Society-Ministers' Conference-Fifty
   Years in the Ministry-Authorship-Death of Presi-
   dent Garfield and ex-President Grant.

                 CHAPTER XVII.
Mrs. John P. Crozer's Death-Resignation of Pastorate-
   Last Sermon-Winter of 1883-84 in Nashville, Tenn.-
   Wife's Blindness.

                 CHAPTER XVIII.
Austin, Texas-State House-Monterey-Jubilee of General
   Association of Kentucky-Golden Wedding.

                 CHAPTER XIX.
Return to Upland-Anniversaries at Washington-American
   Baptist Education Society-Mr. Cleveland's Reception-
   Wayland Seminary-Columbian University-Visit to
   Dr. Osgood-Bible Class of My Son-Death of Mrs. S.
   A. Crozer-Conclusion.
                  CHAPTER XX.
Last Illness-Death-Funeral and Memorial Services.



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                CHAPTER I.
  My information concerning my ancestors goes
back no farther than to my grandfathers, who were
natives of Virginia and of English descent. They
were worthy citizens and honorable men, on whose
characters there rests no blemish. My maternal
grandfather was Charles Thompson, who had a
number of children, the most prominent of whom
was William M. Thompson, who, for some years,
filled official positions, at Washington, under the
Government of the United States. He was the
father of Hon. Richard W. Thompson, for many
years a member of Congress from Indiana, and
Secretary of the Navy under the Presidency of Mr.
Hayes. He is now an old man and the most con-
spicuous member of the Thompson family. In his
palmy days he was a captivating orator and a special
friend of Hon. Henry Clay.



   My paternal grandfather was Henry Pendleton,
whose name is mentioned in connection with an im-
portant meeting of the freeholders of Culpeper
County, Virginia. I quote as follows:

   "At a meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants
of the County of Culpeper, in Virginia, assembled at the
Court House of the said county, on Thursday, the 7th of
July, 1774, to consider of the most effective method to pre-
serve the rights and liberties of America."     
"Resolved, That importing slaves and convict servants is
injurious to this colony, as it obstructs the population of it
with freemen and useful manufacturers; and that we will
not buy any such slave or convict servant hereafter to be
imported.      HENRY PENDLETON, EsQ., Moderator. '

  I make this extract, second-hand, from i" the first
volume, 4th Series of American Archives, published
by order of Congress. " It shows that there was in
Virginia, in 1774, a decided anti-slavery feeling and
a purpose to oppose the policy of the British Gov-
ernment in the matter referred to. It is to the
credit of my grandfather that he presided over the
Culpeper meeting and gave his influence in con-
demnation of the wrong and in approval of the
  My grandfather afterward became a soldier in the
Revolutionary War, and I have before me a letter
written by him, dated "Oct. 2, 1780, Guilford,
North Carolina." The beginning of the letter is in
these words: "I My ever Dear and Loving Wife,"
showing that the spirit of the soldier did not inter-
fere with the affection of the husband. He expresses
his gratitude to God that while others had fallen he



My Father a Pupil of Andrew Broaddus.

had been preserved, and he says to his wife, "1I
hope the Lord has heard your prayers for me. "
This is a suitable recognition of dependence on
God, and there is something beautiful in the thought
that while the husband was fighting in the cause of
liberty the wife was at home, not only caring for
small children, but praying for the success of that
cause and the safe return of her husband. Many
wives in times of war have done the same thing,
and we shall never know our full indebtedness to
their prayers. At what time my grandfather re-
turned to his home I am not able to say, but it was
an occasion of great joy to himself and family. He
then devoted his attention to the pursuits of agricul-
ture during the remainder of his life, and died an
honest farmer and a devout Christian. His posterity
need not blush in thinking of his name, but should
strive to be like him in his patriotism and in his
piety. When such men die ea'rth suffers loss, but
they are infinitely better off.  They are "taken
from the evil to come " and enter into the blessed-
ness of "the dead who die in the Lord."
  My grandfather had four children, one daughter,
Mary, and three sons, Benjamin, Henry and John,
the last of whom was my father. While his brothers
devoted themselves to the occupation of farmers, he
had literary aspirations and resolved to acquire an
education. He became a pupil of the celebrated

   As the letter to which I have referred is signed Henry Pendleton,
Jr., and the signature to the Culpeper meeting has not this distinc-
tion, It Is possible that it was my great grandfather who presided at
this meeting. It cannot certainly be known.




Andrew Broaddus, of Caroline County, Va. Mr.
B. was a popular teacher and the most distinguished
pulpit orator of his time. His eloquence was often
charming and irresistible. His sermons were long
remembered by his hearers and regarded as precious
  My father ever felt his indebtedness to Mr. Broad-
dus for the assistance he received from him in his
educational pursuits. He learned from him to ap-
preciate knowledge more highly than ever before
and became a respectable scholar for that day,
though education was not then what it is now. His
intelligence gained at school and from diligent read-
ing in subsequent years gave him an influence far
greater than that of most of his associates. This
influence is no doubt felt by his posterity and has
had a beneficial effect on their destiny.
  After leaving the Academy of Mr. Broaddus my
father taught school for some years, and in teaching
others added to his stores of knowledge. Tuition
fees were then meager, but by rigid economy he
saved some money every year, which he invested
as judiciously as possible. He Ioked to that period
in the future when his expenses would be necessarily
increased; for he had decided that it was not best
for " man to be alone."
  It was while my father was teaching that lie be-
came acquainted with Miss Frances J. Thompson
and was enamored of her charms. She was an
orphan and was living in the family of relatives.
She had a bright, active mind, but her education



Marries France8 J. Thomnpson.

was imperfect, for she labored under the disadvan-
tages of orphanage. These disadvantages, however,
did not eclipse her excellences of character, and
her amiable qualities strongly attracted the admira-
tion of her suitor.  Admiration ripened into love
and proposals of marriage were made. Judging
from some things in a diary kept by my father at
the time, I may say that he was greatly troubled
with doubt and fear as to the acceptance of his offer.
The question he had submitted to her was, "Will
you marry me " and when the time for the answer
came, he said, " Is your response favorable or not"
She timidly, and with a throbbing heart, replied,
" Favorable. " He was thrown into such ecstasy that
lie wrote in his diary the word "FAVORABLE"
in glowing capitals. It was, as subsequent years
indicated, favorable for him and for her.
  In "I the course of human events," John Pendle-
ton and Frances J. Thompson were united in
marriage in the year 1806. They were very happy
in their new relation, and hope painted the future in
roseate colors. It is a significant fact that marriage
was instituted in Eden before the Fall. It was
therefore, in the judgment of God, essential to the
perfection of human blessedness ere sin cursed the
earth. He said, "It is not good that the man
should be alone: I will make a help meet for him. "
Man was alone among animals of beauteous form
and birds of brightest plumage and sweetest voice.
Alone amid thornless flowers and richest fruits,
shady bowers and limpid waters! Yes, alone, and




why I Because woman was not there. There was
a vacuum which neither the inanimate nor the ani-
mate creation could fill. There was a want to be

     "Still slowly passed the melancholy day,
     And still the stranger wist not where to stray-
     The world was sad I the garden was a wild!
     And man the hermit sighed -till woman smiled.

  Conjugal bliss was no doubt enjoyed in its highest
perfection by Adam and Eve in their state of inno-
cence; but their descendants may well rejoice that
while it was diminished it was not destroyed by the
Fall. There has been much domestic happiness in
all the centuries, and still conjugal joy cheers the
family circle and brightens the world.
  The marriage union between my father and mother
was a happy one in its beginning, and so it con-
tinned for many years till sundered by the hand of
death. Each was specially concerned for the com-
fort of the other, and this is the best recipe for
happiness in married life.
  Why my father abandoned teaching after his
marriage, I do not know, but he engaged in mer-
cantile pursuits. He rented what was then known,
and, I am told, is still known, as "Twyman's
Store," in Spottsylvania County, Va. He bought
his goods in Baltimore and Philadelphia, and I have
the impression that he sometimes rode to those cities
on horseback. There were few traveling facilities



Remove8 to Kentucky.

in those days, and the present generation does not
sufficiently appreciate its advantages.
   My father's success as a merchant was encourag-
ing, but after a few years he sold his stock of goods,
and decided to seek his fortune in what was then
the new State of Kentucky. By this time (1812)
there were three children around the hearth-stone,
and their presence no doubt suggested the necessity
of providing better for his family than he could do
in Virginia. He and my mother consulted on the
subject, deliberated long, but finally concluded it
was best to seek a new home. They had many sad
thoughts about leaving their native State. They
loved Virginia, considered the best place to be born,
and wished it could be the best place in which to
live and die. It was painful to leave their many
friends and the graves of their ancestors.

       " Breathes there a man with soul so dead
       That never to himself hath said,
       This is my own, my native land"

  When I remember that my parents left the land
of their birth, encountered the perils of what was
then called the " wilderness " on their way to Ken-
tucky, suffered the inconveniences and hardships of
a sort of pioneer life - all this that their children
might enjoy better advantages than they had en-
joyed - no language can express the grateful
admiration I feel for them. If it is unmanly for the
heart to palpitate with emotion, then I am unmanly,
and make no apology for it, but rather glory in it.




If I forget those to whom I owe so much, may " my
right hand forget her cunning, my tongue cleave to
the roof of my mouth," and my name be blotted
from the recollections of men.
  It was but a short time before my father and
mother left Virginia that they made a public profes-
sion of their faith in Christ and were baptized by
Elder Zachary Billingsley. They had been led to
see their lost condition as sinners against God, they
repented of their sins, trusted for salvation in the
Lord Jesus, and openly espoused his cause.
  My father sometimes doubted his acceptance with
God, but my mother was not troubled with doubts.
She could say, III know whom I have believed, and
am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I
have committed to Him against that day." Her
Christian confidence and cheerfulness had much to
do with her usefulness in the cause of God. She
was an unspeakable blessing to her husband and to
her children.
  As already stated, my parents before their re-
moval from Virginia, had three children, two
daughters, Mary and Frances, and one son, and I
was the son, born at " Twyman's Store, " November
20, 1811. It was during Mr. Madison's Presidency,
and as my father greatly admired him as a states-
man I was named for him. Whether the name has
been of any advantage to me I am not able to say,
but probably not, as there is not much in a name.
After their removal to Kentucky there were born to



War With England.

my parents seven children, namely: John, Caroline,
Juliet, William, Waller, Emily, and Cyrus.
  It was during Mr. Madison's first term that the
encroachments of England on American rights be-
came too flagrant to be borne, and Congress, under
the leadership of Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun,
declared war.  The British government claimed
what was called " the right of search "-the right
to search American vessels on the high seas, to see
if British subjects were on board; and, it is said,
that American seamen were sometimes " impressed. "
This was regarded an indignity to which American
self-respect and honor could not submit. War was
waged for two years, from 1812 to 1814, when, on
December 24th, a treaty of peace was concluded at
Ghent. There were no telegraphs and steamships
then, and it required a long time to receive news
from the other side of the Atlantic. It therefore
so happened that General Jackson fought his cele-
brated battle in New Orleans, January 8, 1815,
lfter the treaty of peace was made. Men are, in
some respects, very much like children. This is
seen in connection with the war under consideration.
England claimed " the right of search;" we denied
it, and the issue was joined. After two years' fight-
ing peace was agreed upon, but the question which
brought on the war was ignored in the treaty of
peace. England did not relinquish the right she
claimed, and the United States did not insist that
she should. This was like children's play. " The
pen is mightier than the sword." In the corre-




spondence connected with the treaty of Washington,
negotiated in 1842 by Lord Ashburton and Daniel
Webster, the latter so exposed "the right of
search " theory that British statesmen have said that
it can be plausibly advocated no longer. The mat-
ter stood thus: England claimed the right to exer-
cise jurisdiction over her subjects. The United States
acquiesced, but said the jurisdiction could not extend
beyond British territory. England, however, in-
sisted that the high seas were embraced in her
jurisdiction. Webster said no, but that the high
seas are the property of all nations, and " the flag
of a vessel is the protection of the crew." England
does not, of course, in time of peace, claim the
right to invade the territory of the United States in
pursuit of her subjects. The existence of an extra-
dition treaty shows this; but every part of the high
seas covered by vessels floating the United States'
flag is, for the time being, as nmuch the territory of
the United States as is the soil of any State in the
Union. It follows, therefore, that as England has
no right to invade our permanent territory on the
land, she has no right to invade our protempore ter-
ritory on the sea. This is the way I argue the case,
not pretending to give Mr. Webster's argument, for
I have not seen the Ashburton treaty for more than
forty years.
  England must have modified her views in regard
to "the right of search," and hence, in the be-
ginning of the late civil war, when the Captain of
a United States' vessel took from a British ship



War With England.

Messrs. Mason and Slidell, agents of the Southern
Confederacy, it was regarded by the British govern-
ment as a flagrant outrage on its dignity. The
release of the two captured gentlemen was at once
called for, and a suitable apology demanded. That
is to say, England wished the United States to
apologize for doing what she had often done without
making any apology. Secretary Seward, supreme
in diplomatic skill, was equal to the occasion. He
said, in substance, that in accordance with the Eng-
lish doctrine of "4the right of search," Messrs.
Mason and Slidell had been taken from a British
ship, and in accordance with the American doctrine
they would be surrendered.
  This may be thought a digression, and so it is,
but it has been suggested by my reference to the
war with England during Mr. Madison's Presidency.
Then, too, as I am writing for my children and
grandchildren, I have attempted to place in small
compass facts with which they could not become
acquainted without examining many pages of history.





  It was in the Autumn of 1812 that my father and
mother left Virginia never to return. With sad
hearts they bade adieu to the scenes of their youth,
parted with friends, and looked for the last time on
the graves of their kindred. Those only who have
had an experience of this sort know how painful it
is to pronounce the word farrewell, break up the
associations of an old home, and seek a new resi-
dence in a distant land. Kentucky was then con-
sidered a distant land, for the point of destination
was seven hundred miles away. There was an in-
tervening "wilderness," so-called, to be passed
through, and it was infested by Indians. The " red
men of the forest" were objects of terror even to
grown persons, and the most effectual way of quiet-
ing the noise made by children was to tell them that
Indians were probably near. Emigrants were often
plundered and some were killed. It may well be
supposed therefore that passing through the I"wil-
derness " excited gloomy apprehensions.
  I do not know how many wagons were provided
by my father for the accommodation of his family,


Childhood arnid Boyhood.

but they were under the general superintendence of
a cousin of his, Robert T. Pendleton, a young man
determined to make Kentucky his home. In after
years he often told of the difficulties of the way and
of the almost impassable roads. I remember hear-
ing it said that it was sometimes necessary to descend
hills so steep that the ordinary locking of wheels
was not sufficient, but that branches of trees were
fastened to the wagons to make their descent safe.
This always impressed me as a strange thing, and it
will so impress all who are familiar with good
  After a wearisome journey the travelers reached
their new home in Christian County, Kentucky.
Their number was nine, and among them were three
young servants - slaves - for nobody then thought
that there was anything wrong in slavery.  My
father had bought a tract of land, three hundred
acres, with an unfinished dwelling house, and his
farming operations engaged his attention for some
years. I was only a year old at the end of the
journey, and the servants gleefully told me after-
ward that I had been knocked down by the wagging
of a dog's tail. They thought it something to
laugh at, and I had no recollection of it.  My
memory goes back no farther than to my sixth year.
That date (1817) is indelibly impressed on me by a
visit of Rev. Andrew Broaddus (already referred to)
to my father. Mr. Broaddus was then considering
the question of removal to Kentucky, and was
elected Principal of an Academy in Hopkinsville.




He, however, decided to remain in Virginia. I re-
member his walking the floor and calling the atten-
tion of my mother to a " shirt" which he said had
been "Ispun and woven and made at home." He
referred with evident pride to the fact. While so-
journing with my father, Mr. Broaddus preached at
the only regular preaching place in the neighbor-
hood. It was then, and I believe is now, called
Salubria Spring. I remember nothing of the ser-
mon, but I distinctly remember that at its close was
sung the old hymn beginning, I" How tedious and
tasteless the hours. " There was but one line in the
hymn that riveted my attention.  It was this,
I"Sweet prospects, sweet birds and sweet flowers."
The " sweet birds " struck my fancy, and if I had
known the language of modern childhood I would
have thought, if I had not said, "splendid."  Mr.
Broaddus came out of the pulpit and passed through
the congregation I" shaking hands "-a thing much
more common then, even in the South, than now.
He shook hands with my mother, but of course he
did not notice so small a child as I. Little did he
think that more than seventy years from that time I
would be writing about the matter, with tearful
'eyes, in thinking that of all who composed that
congregation only two or three are now living. On
all the rest the stroke of mortality has fallen.
  After some years my father resumed his former
vocation of Teacher. The neighbors built a school-
house about a quarter of a mile from his own
residence on his own land. It was one of the typi-



School House.

cal school-houses of that day. It was built of
rough logs, the chinks between which were imper-
fectly filled and daubed with red clay. There were
no windows worthy of the name, but parts of logs
were cut out to let in the light, and panes of glass were
so adjusted as to keep out the cold. The floor was
of dirt and the chimney had a fire-place six feet wide
and four feet deep. The benches were made of
slabs, and these were the outsides of sawed logs.
There were no backs to the benches, and everything
seemed to be so arranged as to keep the feet of
small children from  reaching the floor.  This,
though not so designed, was the refinement of
cruelty. Not less than six hours a day were spent
in school, and during that time the small children
had no support for their backs and feet ! I know
of no epithet that can describe the injustice of this
arrangement, and I say no more about it.
  I think I must have been nine or ten years old
when I first went to school, though I had learned a
little at home. I was required to devote special at-
tention to spelling and reading. Noah Webster's
"; Spelling Book " was used, and when I got as far
as "Baker" I thought my progress considerable,
but when at the end of the book I was able to spell
and define from memory, "Ail, to be troubled,"
and "Ale, malt liquor," I supposed myself very
near the farthest limit of scholarship. The course
of reading embraced Murray's "Introduction to the
English Reader," the "Reader" itself, and then
the "Sequel " to it. No other book was read in




the school. In due time Arithmetic, as far as the
-Rule of Three,"   Geography and Grammar"
were studied, but not thoroughly. My studies were
often interrupted, for, when necessity required, I
had to work on the farm. I, too, was the "I mill
boy." I remember well that about three bushels of
corn were put into a bag, the bag thrown dcross the
back of a horse, and I lifted on the horse. The
"I mill" was four miles distant and I sometimes
thought I had a hard time of it. If I had only
known that Henry Clay was called the " Mill Boy
of the Slashes, " it would have seemed quite respect-
able to go to mill. When the mill stream failed, as
it did in the Summer, it was necessary to go to more
distant mills on larger streams. Then my father
would send his wagon, and his servant " Ben " was
the driver, while I went along. I remember how
Ben cracked his whip, and I thought if I ever be-
came a man, the height of my ambition would be
reached if I could drive a wagon and crack a whip.
I saw nothing beyond this.
  I had very few difficulties with my fellow-students,
though some of them were irritable, and so was I.
My temper was bad in my boyhood, and when mad,
the appearance of my face, as I once happened to
see it in a glasa, was frightful. It was sometimes
necessary for my father to whip me, though I believe
he never did so in the school. I richly deserved
every whipping I ever received. I remember well
my last whipping, when I was thirteen years of age.
It happened one day that my father wished to avoid




the necessity of teaching in the afternoon, and he pro-
tracted the forenoon session rather unreasonably, as
it seemed to me. When we went home I was mad
and hungry, and when my mother asked, "Why
are you so late  " I replied, " Because father was
so bad." It was an outrageous thing for me to say,
and justice human and divine demanded my pun-
ishment. I was whipped and for the last time, but
it might have been better for me if I had received
a few subsequent chastisements.
  I was a very bashful boy. In company I was
greatly embarrassed and was almost startled at the
sound of my own voice. I can remember when I
would go out of my way rather than meet a person to
whom I would have to speak. No one will ever
know how much I suffered from foolish embarrass-
ment, and it was a long time before I recovered
from it. When I first gained courage to ask a
neighbor about the health of his family I thought
the achievement wonderful, and reflected on it with
satisfaction for some days. I was much afraid of
thunder and lightning, so that when there was a
storm at night I would get out of my bed and go
into the room where my parents were asleep, and
there I would remain till the storm was over.
Meanwhile I would pray for divine protection, but
when the thunder and lightning ceased I thought no
longer of my dependence on God. I see now how
inconsistent and wicked I was in the days of my
  My children may feel interested in knowing that




there is a section of country about six miles long
and three miles wide, embracing parts of Christian
and Todd County, in which Jefferson Davis, Roger
Q. Mills, J. B. Moody, and myself spent some of
our childhood years. How different has been our
destiny! All the world knows about Mr. Davis
and Mr. Mills has been for years and is now (1890)
a member of Congress from the State of Texas.
For almost sixty years I have been preaching the
gospel of Christ, and I to-day "thank God who
counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry."
Mr. Moody is also a preacher.
  In looking back to my boyhood, I think of spells
of sickness I sometimes had. There was no doctor
in less than ten miles, and my mother administered
medicine. The two prominent remedies then were
", Tartar Emetic " and "Calomel. " They were both
nauseous, especially the former.  It required an
effort to swallow it, and I had to take it in several
portions, draughts of warm water intervening, and
0! how offensive it all was ! The object was to
produce vomiting, and this followed every portion
of the medicine I took. My mother held my head
as I threw up the green bile, and when she thought
my stomach in a proper condition she gave me a
little chicken soup, which was highly exhilarating.
Afterward came warm water with toasted bread in
it to allay my thirst. However much I suffered
from fever, I was lectured as to the danger of taking
a swallow of cold water, and was told of a boy who
brought on his Ideath by drinking cold water."



Fond of Play, Fun, and Frolic.

No one then thought it possible for cold water to
come into beneficial antagonism with the hottest
fever, but blood-letting was the resort. I am glad
that many changes, in the practice of medicine, have
taken place since the days of my boyhood.
   My children have sometimes expressed the opin-
ion that I, like Adam, was never a boy. This is a
mistake. I was a boy fond of play and fun and
frolic, with sufficient perception of the ludicrous to
call forth many a laugh. I always appreciated and
enjoyed a good joke, even if it was at my own ex-
pense. I was usually cheerful, but sometimes had
melancholy hours.  I thought but little of the
future and enjoyed the present. I did not neglect
my studies at school, but anticipated with pleasure
what was called "playtime."  It was delightful to
sport and romp with my fellows, a