xt78sf2m965v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78sf2m965v/data/mets.xml Central Conference of American Rabbis Society of American Cantors 1897 1 close score (218 pages), 19 cm. Call Number: M2144 .U5566 1897 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C scores (documents for music) M2144 .U5566 1897 English Central Conference of American Rabbis Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox collection Jewish hymns Union Hymnal, 1897 text Union Hymnal, 1897 1897 1897 2023 true xt78sf2m965v section xt78sf2m965v - fi‘nwrwgpv ,


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2.3;: ErLéfilx






(561 A, 13:31


Copyright, 1897
The Central Conference of American Rabbis



I. PRAISE ................ . .............. 9— Ig ........ 3— 2.1
II. DEVOTION ............................ 20- 38 ............ 22— 41
III. SUPI’LICATION ......................... 3g- 63 ........ . 42— 66
IV. CONFIDENCE AND TRUST ................. 64— 68 ........ . ()7— 71'
V. THANKSGIVING .................... . . .I 69— 73 ............ 2— 76
VI. MEDITATION ........................... 74— 84 ............ 77— 89

VII. SABBATH AND FESTIVALS ................ 85—108 ............ 90—117
VIII. VARIOUS OCCASIONS ..................... 109—117 ............ 118—127

A. HEBREW HYMNS AND RESPONSES ............. I- 20 ............ 128447
B. HYMNS FOR THE SABBATH SCHOOL ........... I— 12 ............ 148—168
C. ANTHEM TEXTS ........................... I-Ioo ............ 169-205

Table Of Contents.


Press of Wm. C. Popper & 00., N Y.



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310.1. 311121119, 3111 Soul.

J" Con spirito.








g——— a A. 1 J 4 n a W

J: _:_ :lr _ 4:2,: jj:!‘i‘ :3: 1:1;714: 3:3: ,

—“ 7t “g:§:;:;:;:g: 3—0—fi-7— :31: :d’T’d—v::: :g:::__§_:

A-wake, my soul! a-wake, my tongue! My God aC—cepts the grate-ful song?




Let all my in-ward pow’rsre—cord, The truth and good—mess of the Lord.

I P 1




I Awake, my soul I awake, my tongue!
My God accepts the grateful song;
Let all my inward powers record,
The truth and goodness of the Lord.


His mercy with unchanging rays
Forever shines, While time decays:
And children’s children shall record,
The truth and goodness of the Lord.

3 While all His works His power proclaim,
Let all the livingr bless His name,
And let my heart, my life, my tongue,
Attend and join the blissful song.


 Qénh in ilature}
(PSALM xix.)

mf A minute.

e spacious fir - ma — ment on high With all the blue e - the—realsky,

And Spangled heav'ns, a shin-ing frame,Theirgreat O — rig - i - nal proclaim,

.:1=s s_iij: _Ffi+sfl+_;hfi1i1::_a

1 In

—l —_—l: ~e~d—1fi __ . —. __
Fsi {FrsyijJ4 F:1:: FT

Th' un—wea-ried sun,from day to day, Doth his cre — a- torspo“ 'rdis—play;

And pub-lish - es to ev— ’ry land The work of an almight - y
"r l

I The spacious firmament on high
With all the blue ethereal sky,
And Spangled heav,e11s a shining frame,
Their great Original proclaim.
Th’ unwearied sun, from day to day,
Doth his creators power display ,
And publishes to every land
The work of an almighty hand.




(1th in Naturt.

2 - 3
Soon as the evening shades prevail, What though in solemn silence all
The moon takes up the wondrous tale ; Moved round this dark terrestrial ball :
And nightly to the listening earth What though no voice nor real sound

Repeats the story of her birth. [burn, Amidst their radiant orb be found;
\Vhilst all the stars which round her In reason’s ear they all rejoice,
And all the planets in their turn, And utter forth a glorious voice :
Confirm the tidings as they roll, For ever singing as they shine—
And spread the truth from pole to pole. “The hand that made us is divine."

510. 3. 69 figmise flge 180m.






I. Opraise the



Lord,and thou, my soul, For ev - er bless His name,





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—0- ~53- -a- q

l |

His won- d'rous love,while life shall last, My con-stunt praiseshall claim.



I O praise the Lord. and Thou, my soul,
Forever bless His name,
His wondrous love, while life shall last ;
My constant praise shall claim.
2 On princes, on the sons of men,
Let none for aid rely ;
They cannot help, they turn to dust,
And all their counsels die.
3 Then happy He, who Jacob’s God
For His protector takes ;
Who still with well-placed hope, the Lord
His constant refuge makes.
4 The Lord who made both heaven and earth,
And all that they contain,
Will never fail in steadfast truth,
Nor make His promise vain.




3:10.11. 33mm: 11312 Em. 7' I

Moderato. ‘




I. Praise the Lord! ye heavensa-dore Him,Praise Him, an - gels in the height;


Sun and moon re- joice be — fore Him; Praise Him all ye stars of light!




Praise the Lord, for Hehath spo - ken; Worlds His migh — ty voice 0 - beyed;


Laws which nev — er can be bro — ken, For thy guid- ance He hath made. 1
7 I 2
Praise the Lord! ye heavens adore Him, Praise the Lord! for He is glorious ;
Praise Him, angels in the height; Never shall His promise fail; 3
Sun and moon rejoice before Him ; God hath made the good victorious, ‘
Praise Him all ye stars of light ! Sin and wrong shall not prevail.
Praise the Lord, for He hath spoken; Praise ye God in ev’ry nation,
Worlds His mighty voice obeyed; Hosts on high His power proclaim ;
Laws which never can be broken, Heaven and earth and all creation,
For thy guidance He hath made. Praise and magnify His name.





‘ mf Andante moderato.


mm.” 5.”... v -_ . h;


@132 (19112 QSUD.


J \z

God! One Lord! One might - y King!

/“ | l


Ju - dah sing; Trans—mit- ting e’er from sire to




That God,


I One God! One Lord! One mighty King
In unity will Judah sing;
Transmitting e‘er from sire to son
That God, the living God, is One!

2 Thou Sovereign of the Universe
Through ages and all climes diverse,
The Jewish child is taught to praise,
To lisp Thy name, to walk Thy ways.

3 To Thee alone, when life recedes,
The dying Israelite still pleads ;

In One allgracious God and guide
His fleeting spirit7doth confide.



3%. G.



earth with ev - ’ry



f Maestoso.

ten- der mer- cies

@139 Smhmign @ntnor.

( PsALM chv.)


ex - tol Thee, O my King, Thy ho - 1i - ness pro- claim;

voice shall sing, The

of Thy name.
_‘_ o

glo - ry



Im - mor - tal is


bright— 1y shine, Thy pow'r;



















#;3_'—“‘3 j» i: i j il—n—l i q . a u
— —.‘——a— A . , . a. . «1— v - —
§——g’ ‘3 #'”§~:"i“d—d~d’l_i—Ifi§: T";:L:::I:7j_77
4‘ "‘ fit at" bd‘ 1“ '0‘ ‘1" :2: .
Thy love a beam-ing ray di—vine,That lights each pass- ing hour.
-0- -o— 4— -o- l l
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.5_ L__._I____7_: _n:,'_:|:fi:|:p‘:b::p.:fi: :j# ‘


I I will extol Thee, O my King, .

Thy holiness proclaim;

And earth with every voice shall sing,
The glory of Thy name.

Thy tender mercies brightly shine,
Immortal is Thy power :

Thy love a beaming ray divine,
That lights each passing hour.






Gil): gubertign 190mm

2 The memory of Thy goodness still

Shall grateful hearts pervade;

Thy majesty and glory will
Forever be displayed.

The eyes of all shall wait on Thee,
For perfect are Thy ways;

And pious hearts united be,
0, Maker! in Thy praise.

37310. 7. il’ift-Et'nng jamise.

mf Andantz’no J jz



:sk:_:.1_::l “f3: 21‘




In God the ho — 1y, wise and just, From Childhood’stender years,













n l L J L ' IL -_
5- .1' 4—4: :J#—i— 4‘ SF 4* ,, —lg—l~—~7\ —l———I _ _.
——1——a~a— :1 5::a*a ~1: :":,__a:_ :-_:— d:: —:
::1_1—52 ' ' e «A—Owr—gq “é—
—o- ' ' I «9
Have I re— posed with per—fect trust, Mychanging hopes and fears.
_ 11- 'L' -P— -9- -9- 77 ._ -D- p.“ _9
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r I r r


l D v

I In God the holy, wise and just,
From Childhood’s tender years,
Have I reposed with perfect trust,
My changing hopes and fears.

2 From every page that time has turned,
Since that bright season fled,
Some holy lessons have I learned,
Some wholesome moral read.

3 Oh, should my term of life exceed,
Frail man’s allotted days,
Until the last my prayer would plead
For strength, my God to praise.





mf C [we/fed.


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Sing to the Sov —ereign of the skies, To His greatname a — lone


Let wing- edwords of praise a — rise, To the Al—might-y's throne.














f2 \
awe. 11:11 ;1 1-19.13'
jfi—a: :g-j-"qfl i—l—g‘ ’i_!:32:fj#fiffi:l:_fi'i’_fl:
_—- —a——¢——ogox' 7'#r. 4—; 6W — r7Vi—
For He hath giv'n His law of light A ra—diant star to be,
__', LE; __.'1_!t_.__—p_ 11—:— '__..'__ _. _}_4_l_ ‘4‘.— fl ' p
' ‘_ -le»—fi Fflefl— —o#—a~—9w -D* :19———-D——D-:ED: 5: :
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‘ v

To guide Thine er - ring steps a-right, Make it a law for Thee.

I Sing to the Sovereign of the skies,
'10 His great name alone,
Let winged words of praise arise
To the Almighty s throne.
lior He has given His law of light
A radiant star to be;
To guide thine e11i11