xt78sf2m927t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78sf2m927t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-04-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 09, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 09, 2001 2001 2001-04-09 2020 true xt78sf2m927t section xt78sf2m927t LEFT OF CENTER


How to
make a fool
of yourself

I recently had the
pleasure this past
Saturday of riding in
my friend's dad's
Chrysler Sebring
convertible and let
me tell you how nice
it was. It had a great
sound system, nice
leather interior, and
did I mention that it
was a convertible.
OK, I'm a poor guy
who doesn’t have the
luxury of riding in
such nice
automobiles so this
was a trip for me. It's
sad but these types
of luxuries are what
push me to succeed.
Like I was saying
though, I'm not used
to this sort of
activity, but I learned
some major faux pas
that should be
avoided next time,
given that my friend
ever lets me ride in
there again.

First of all, convertible
owners and drivers
get really offended if
you tell them to
lower or raise the
roof while the car is
going 60 mph. They
are so protective of
their cars.

Having no roof over your
head eliminates the
privacy that one
would have in a
normal car. | suggest
dancing in the
backseat only if you
have some skills.

Even though you see
people do it on
television and in
movies all the time,
jumping in and out of
the car without using
the door really
makes owners upset.

With reference to the
previous one,
jumping out of the
car involves landing
on your feet in a
graceful movement,
not falling out
headfirst while
hanging on to the

When you're in a classy
car and you pull up
next to another
classy car, that Grey
Poupon joke is no
longer amusing.

The strong wind that
rushes by you while
riding in a
convertible is a main
factor when choosing
a prank to pull.
Stealing someone's
hat and holding it
high above you is not
a smart joke unless
you have a burly grip
or you can afford to
but them a new one.

You shouldn't
interrogate the
driver on how they
were able to afford
such a nice vehicle
and suggest illegal
gambling or drug
dealing, especially
not while being
pulled over by a
police officer.

-Jonathan Ray

THE '411'


7.8 5.5

Can you believe the
weather we've been
having? Beautiful!
Kent 1161; y

VOL 11106 ISSUE 11133


News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write:

April 9, 2001



Tiger wins

Woods comes
out v1cto1‘1ous
in Masters 13m

http: “11.111111111111111 7


Party violations confuse students

What's that? Students say they are not sure what constitutes
a violation; Police say they are stressing courtesy to the public

8y_ lie—11y Sweger

Music pumps. students drink on the
porch and cars litter the overcrowded

The scene is a typical Saturday nigltt
party. and also what signals the police to
take notice. Students are accustomed to
many of the parties being broken up by lo-
cal police. but many do not know why or
what they could be in violation of.

Many students have countless stories

from their college days at UK regarding
run-ins with the police. Sarah Mudd. a com-
munications senior. had an encounter with
the Lexington police that is still very vivid
in her mind.

Over a year ago. police followed Mudd
and several other girls walking to a party on
Waller Avenue. At the party the same group
of girls were taken by several police officers
to the station for public intoxication
charges. Mudd said she had an empty cup in

her hand. but she was not intoxicated nor

was she told why she was taken away from

the party.

Mudd was offended that site was fol
lowed to the paity and that she and fun
friends wet e the only ones appto. 11' bed by
pollce at the party 1111 identslikethis Mudd
said. ate what give students a bad attitude
toward the police. Nothing was explained.
and in Mudd‘s opinion. only certain people
are approached

These experiences are what make stu
dents skeptical of police. making it impor
tant that students are aware of their rights
in such situations.

()fiicer Mike Parker has been with the
Lexington Police for 17 years. He said police

take notice of a scene with large numbers of

people standing outside holding cttps and
being loud.
Parker said police cannot come into



one‘s home uninvited unless there is sufti
cicnt cause such as smelling 111:11'1_1111'1111'1.o1'
thinking there is underage drinking occur
ring. lf allowed 111. [ltiili‘t' are able to ask for
identification to Verify age (it'llt'l'iill). po
lice 1111* not alloweo 11H ntet u about [X 1 1111s
sion. 11 not allowed 111. 11111111‘1 '1n wait out
side th1 tiont 11nd hick (hulls l’aikei also
said that usually only a citation is written
for the first otlcnse of underage drinking.
“Believe 1111'. otiicers would rather be
taking other calls. It's (party calls) are very
draining on our resources." Parker said
()verall. Parker said he enjoys working
the ['K area and generally finds students co-
operative. Parker also noted that the depart
ment is trying to stress the importance of
courtesy. thinking that a little will go a
long way with students and the public.

A legendary day for baseball fans

day line

12 noon- Legends
tailgate party

3 pm- Gates open,
ticket holders can
do a self'guided
tour of the stadium.
A popular, modem-
day baseball will be
showing on the
Jumbotron. Other
activities outside
the stadium will
included the famous

By Lamin Swann

Play ball!


Team Preview

Swing batter: Legends start a new
chapter in Lexington’s baseball history

At 7:05 pm. tonight. the home plate umpire will yell these two
words. and begin a new chapter in baseball history as the Lexing-
ton Legends open up their home game against the Hagerstown

it is a chapter that has taken years of work froin Legends
President Alan Stein and the Lexington Professional Baseball

The Legends practiced in Lexington for the first time
last Monday night. after returning from spring training

Clydesdales, a
climbing wail and a
virtual reality base-
ball exhibit.

5130 pm: Lexlran
begins a Legends
fan shuttle from the
Kmart on New Circle
Road near North

camp in Kissimmee. Fla.

The ballclub used the UK baseball
team's Cliff Hagan Field. Monday and
Tuesday night for practice. The new
Legends stadium. located on North
Broadway. is going through the final
preparations for tonight‘s inaugural
home opener.

The team practiced Wednesday
night at Transylvania University's


Lexington Legends
Hagerstown Suns
7:05 pm. tonight



A11 the rage


the (‘harleston

Roundtrip tickets
cost $1 per person.

before heading to Charleston.
for the season opener

game series through Sunday.

6 p.m.- On-field fes-
tivities will begin
including ceremonial
first pitches. Also
scheduled is a fly-
over featuring leg-
endary aircraft and
Zl-gun salute. A
news release said a
nationally known
recording group will
sing the National
Anthem. the identi-
ty of the group was
not disclosed.

7:05 pm: Play ball!


\‘iewing practices last week.
ballclul) has a promising crop of new players from every as-
pect. the catchers to the fielders.

()n the roster. the Legends have their major league affil-
Houston Astros No. 1 draft picks from the last two
League drafts. outfielder Michael Rosamond and
pitcher Bobby Stiehl.

Rosamond. the Astros first pick in 1999 played college
baseball at Ole Miss. A right-handed batter. he was on the
roster for the Kissimmee Cobras. a Single A team in the
Florida State League last season. Rosamond's team last sea-
son won the Florida State League 5 championship

In 2000. Rosamond played in 129 games and 1 tiiples
which he led fiist in the Kissimmee club and led second
wit116001uns. 16 home iuns. 60 RBI and walks.

At the Legends first practice last Monday. the outfielder

Alley (‘ats for a four


Radio: WG'AI
1300/ TV: WG-36

Top: J.J. Cannon,
manager for the Leg-
ends. instructs mem-
bers of the team on
how to steal bases.

Right: Lexington
legends players run
drills during a practice
at Cliff Hagan Stadium
last week.

11le TOIECEK | 9110101011011

See BALL on 2



Defense hits offense hard

mm | morocmron

Sophomore wide receiver Ind Pyatt made a reception to Saturday' s
intrasguad scrimmage at the flutter training Center.

By" Steve Jones

The UK football team's high-powered offense. which
has broken countless school records over the past four
years. appeais to have met its match this spring.

The defense was the winner of the team‘s first in-
trasquad spring scrimmage Saturday at the Nutter
Training Center. according to UK coaches.

After playing even for the first three weeks of drills.
UK head coach Guy Morriss said the defense has clearly
played better over the last two workouts

“1 don‘t think our offense has showed up the last
couple of days." Morriss said. “The defense has really
been turning the heat up on them.“

The Cat offense was plagued Saturday by dropped
passes. Morriss attributed the play of the offense to a
lack of mental focus.

“Concentration. watching the ball in and tucking it
away," Morriss said. explaining what his receivets had to
do to make completions. “(The receivers) have just been
very casual about their practice habits the last two days."

On eight of the nine series between the first and sec-
ond units of the team. the defense held the offense

An iiyard touchdown run by sophomore back (‘had
Scott was the main ofiense‘s only trip to the endzone.

Sophomore quarterback Jared Lorenzen. who com-
pleted four of eight passes for 27 yards. also felt the de»


in spring scrimmage

fetise is putting his unit in their place
"We're used to doing whatever we want."

Loren zen
said. “The defensive intensity is unlwlievable.”

Defensive coordinator .iohn (ioodner was pleased
with the effoit ofhis squad.

“Win it you‘ve got to do in spring training is get bet-
11.11 Goodnei said. lthink that's what we did this week."

Goodnet said he was happy the defense outper-
formed the offense Saturday. but it was just one spring
scrimmage and should not be overly emphasized.

"in spring training. it goes l11'1ck1'1ndforth." (‘1oodner
said. "One day the offense has a great day. The next day
the defense has a great day,"

The team played after learning last week that tight
end Bobby Blizzard has left the team. Tight end was
thought to be the (‘ats‘ deepest area. but Blizzard‘s de
pamire and an injury to All-SEC junior Derek Smith has
left a void this spring on offensive coordinator Brent
l’ease‘s squad

“There's opjmitunities for guys to step 11p. and no
one has stepped up," Pease said.

(‘lad in black jerseys. the defense controlled Satur
day's scrimmage oy er the white jerseys of the offense.
and the head coach was adamant that the defense will be
a force this season.

“The standards been raised. and I think the black
shirts are the ones raising it." Morriss said. “We don‘t
just come out here and kick our defense around





APRIL 9. 2001 I W m





The Low-down

I think,
I am...I

Administration affirms position
WASHINGTON ~ The Bush administration
stood firm Saturday by its earlier statements that
it regretted the collision of a Chinese fighter
plarie anti a US. spy plane. A (‘hinese leader re-
newed Beijing‘s demand for an apology. Amid the
public standoff. negotiations between the two
countries for the release ot‘the 24 US. crew mem-
bers continued behind the scenes at week after the
incident. Also. US. diplomats met for a third time
with the Americans on China's Hainan island

Helicopter carrying team crashes

HANOI. \‘ietnam A helicopter carrying a
team searching for Americans missing in action
from the Vietnam War crashed into a mountain
Saturday. killing at least 16 people. including sev-
en Americans. There were conflicting reports
about the number of casualties. Vietnamese offi-
cials said there were 20 people on board and that
all of them died in the crash. But a Pentagon
spokesman in Washington. lit. (‘mdr Terry
Sutherland. said 16 were killed. including seven
Americans and nine Vietnamese.

NASA’s spacecraft racing toward Mars

Odyssey spacecraft took oil on a six-month. 286
million-mile journey to the Red Planet on Satur-
day. accompanied by prayers from scientists
seeking redemption after backeto-back failures.
"Excited. elated. relieved. all at the same time.
It’s been a year of sleepless nights." NASA‘s
Mars program director. Scott Hubbard. said fol-
lowing liftoff. Ed Weiler. head of NASA's space
science program. called the latemorning launch
"absolutely fantastic.” But he cautioned: "It's
only a first step.”

HISPBI‘IICS I'ISIIIQ as a Minority qroup
WASHINGTON 7~ The census finding that
Hispanics now rival blacks as the nation's lead
ing minority group offers blacks a potential ale
liance with a powerful partner on issues such as
fair housing and racial profiling. Both sides
agree that on the national level. the lines of com
munication between advocacy groups will grow
stronger in the future. The census showed there
were 35.3 million Hispanics in 2000 anti between
33.9 million and 35.1 million non~Hispanic blacks.

Royals battle to limit indiscretions

LONDON It's not been a good week for
Queen Elizabeth II or "the old dear." as it
seems the wife of her youngest son. Prince Ed-
ward. rather flippantly referred to her. Britons.
more accustomed to calling the queen “Her
Majesty." are agog at reports the Countess of
Wessex. the former Sophie Rhys-Jones. used
such an (werfamiliar term for her royal mother
inlaw in what she thought was a business con

Steve Martin -
actor, best-sell-
lno author,
singer and
Awards host -
has added yet
another title to
his resume: art
exhibitor. Mar-
tin kicked off
the first show
of his private
collection of
modern and
art Friday at
the Bellaqio
hotel and casino
on the Las
Vegas Strip.

Jay-Z is ready
to return the
verbal jabs that
have been
levied at him
lately. Accord-
ing to Jay's
longtime friend
and business
partner, Damon
Dash, "Some
cats got him
mad, and I can't
hold him back."
The Grammy
Award-winner is
work-inq on a
new album that
he hopes to put
out in August.





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orner of Rose and Euclid)

versation with a wealthy sheik. The sheik turned
out to be an undercover reporter from the tabloid
NeWs of the World. armed with a video camera.

Owensboro man dies from head trauma

OWENSBORO. Ky. An Owensboro man
died frotn head injuries he received at the Ken-
neth Coleman Generating Plant near Lewisport.

Jerry Lee Phillips. 48. died at ()wensboro
Mercy Health System at 1:10 p.m. CDT Friday,
Daviess County Coroner Bob Howe said.

The accident inside the plant occurred at
about 8:30 am. when a boiler or high pressure
line erupted. Howe said. According to the report
by Deputy (‘oroner Mike Postlewaite, Phillips
fell 0 to 8 feet. The cause of death was head trau-
ma. Howe said.

The (‘oleman plant is operated by Western
Kentucky Energy. Community relations repre-
sentative Jennifer Headdy said Phillips was a se-
nior painter insulator. Phillips had worked at
the Coleman plant for more than 20 years. Heati-
dy said.

Company announces layoffs

LEXING'I‘ON. Ky. Three American Greet-
ings plants in Kentucky have been pegged for
layoffs in a company-wide restructuring plan.

At least 450 employees at the company‘s Shel-
byyille. (‘orbin and Berea plants will lose their
jobs. the company said in a statement.

.»\merican Greetings did not disclose plans
for its operations in l)anville. Bardstown and

The number of layoffs includes:

100 employees at a center in Shelbyville
where orders are filled and distributed.

1.30 to 210 of the 500 to 800 workers at a
plant in Corbin. which manufactures greeting
cards, gift wrap and party goods.

220 employees at a plant in Berea. where
candles are made.

American Greetings is expected to cut 1.500
workers nationwide. or 1:; percent of its work-
force. to achieve a pre-tax savings of $90 million
by the 2003 fiscal year.

Babysitter asks for early release

LEXINGTON. Ky. Karen Murphy. the
baby sitter who left an infant to die in a parked
car in 1999. is asking that a judge reconsider her
request for early release from prison.

Fayette (‘ircuit .ludge Sheila Isaac denied a
similar request last week. but Murphy‘s attot=
ney. .1. Ross Stinctorf. is now asking that she
hear arguments about the issue.

In October. Murphy was sentenced to serve 13
years. But Stinetorf wrote that sincejurors found
her guilty but mentally ill of seconddegree
manslaughter in the death of ll-month-old Bryan
Puckett and lesser crimes against her own chil-
dren. they clearly expected her to receive treat-
ment for her mental disorders.

Murphy. who suffers from a seizure disorder
and dissociative episodes. shopped at a consign-
ment shop off Richmond Road in July 1999. leav-
ing Bryan and her own son in her parked car.
Bryan died of heat exposure. and her son almost
died. Without early release. Murphy will be eligi-
ble for parole in about two years.

Compiled from wire reports.

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Continued from page 1

said he is ready for the new

“I‘m the same guy as last
year. its going to be fun.“
Rosamond said. “I hope to
pick up from where I was
last season.“

The other top draft pick
in the Legends clubhouse
right-handed pitcher Bobby
Stiehl. was the Astros' No. 1
pick in 2000. picked 27th in
the June draft. In 2000. for
the Single A Auburn (N.Y.)
Doubledays. Stiehl struck
out 19 batters in 9.2 innings

Stiehl said he is excited
about the fans and playing
in the Legends‘ new

“Seeing everyone out.

I've never played in a ball-
park this big."the New Or-
leans native said. The Dou-
bledays stadium capacity is
only 2.800 where the Legends
stadium has seating of 6,014.

Legends manager. J.J.
Cannon said the ballclub has
talent all along the roster.

"Our pitchers are very
strong.“ Cannon said.
"We‘re. strong in every posi—
tion." Cannon spent 20 years
in the Toronto Blue Jays or-
ganization as a player. coach
and manager.

The ballclub lost its first
game 2-1 Thursday. but after
a rainout Friday the Legends
swept the Alley Cats 20-7 and
6-1 in a doubleheader. Sun-
day. the Legends won 9-1 in

Right-handed pitcher
Nick Roberts, a seventh
round draft pick in 1999, is
scheduled to start for the
Legends tonight.



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Travis Hubbard
Sportsdaily Editor
Phone: 257-1915 I Email: Iemetsportstetyahootom





By Melanie Curtslnoer

The UK women's tennis team may want to
rethink this year‘s slogan.

Coming into focus'.’

How about....Home Sweet Home?

Coming off of two straight road losses to No.
3 Georgia and No. 23 South Carolina. the No. 24
Cats (11-8. 5-5 SEC) bounced past the Auburn
Tigers (3-13. 0-8 SEC) Saturday at the Hilary J.
Boone Tennis Center. UK has lost only one
match all year at home.

UK‘s doubles teams continued their strong
play. as the No. 1 duo of Brooke Skeen and Lau-
ren Rookledge (No. 19 in the country) and No. 2
seeds Carolina Mayorga and Sarah Witten (No.
23) both won easily by a scores of 84%. securing
the first point ofthe match for the Cats

In singles play. the wind was not even fast
enough to keep up with the team, Even with
gusts blowing over 30 mph at some points in the
afternoon. it didn't seem to bother Mayorga and
her teammates.

“The wind today was very strong." Mayorga
said. "But we worked through it. It was strong all
week in practice. so I think it really helped me."

Mayorga. the No. 1 seed for the Cats and No.
52 singles player in the nation. battled strong all

Sports?" i ,

GymKats close season


Tennis Cats defeat
Auburn, end slump

Better: UK's women's tennis team returned home and defeated
Auburn 6-1 after consecutive road losses to ranked opponents

day and finished off Auburn's Carolina Maurer
in straight sets, 6-1. 6-2.

"I think I was aggressive the whole match."
Mayorga said. “It really had an impact on (Mattr-
er‘s) game."

Rookledge. a junior. and sophomore Jill
Buckley also won singles matches in straight
sets for the Cats.

Skeen and Witten. however. each needed
three sets to come away with a win.

Witten. coming off of back-to-back upsets of
ranked singles opponents. battled from behind to
take the win from Auburn's Katia Illarionova.
After losing the first set 3-6. Witten took the last 2
grueling sets 6-1. 6-4.

Skeen. the lone senior on the Cats‘ squad.
won the first and third sets against Carolina
Ramirez to notch another point to UK's (711 victo»
ry over the Tigers.

With the post season in less than two weeks.
Mayorga felt the team needed this win to gain
momentum heading down the stretch.

"Today‘s match was very important." May-
orga said. "With this win. it will really help us
feel more comfortable heading into the SEC

ITK next travels to Columbus. Ohio to face
the No. 27 ()hio State Buckeyes on Wednesday at
2:30 pm.

-ixl.5()() meter relay team of
sophomores Hunter Spencer.
.Iohn Morgan. Thomas Morgan
and freshman Justin Amason
with a time of 15:16.71).

[1K travels to Knoxville.
Tenn. for the Sea Rays Relays
on April 1214.2(101.


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Campus Calendar


Matching its best NCAA Re~
gional Championships finish in
school history and defeating
two higher ranked teams. the
UK gymnastics squad claimed
fourth place with a team total of
195.150 at the Central Region
Championships on Saturday at
the University of Alabama.

UK (10-17) topped No. 20
Kent State (192.675) and No. 21
Ohio State (194.925). No. 4 A1-
abama claimed the title fril-
lowed by No. 9 Arizona State
and No. 16 Minnesota.

"Finishing only eight-
tenths of a point from qualify-
ing is tremendous progress for
this team." UK coach Leah I.it-
tle said. “We competed really
well. but just came short and
took a couple of steps on

In the all-around competi-
tion. Aronda I’rimault finished
a stellar freshman season with
a 39.075 for seventh place. near-
ly earning a spot at nationals.

Track Cats finish strong
AUSTIN. Texas The UK
track and field team gave a
strong finish on Saturday. at
the Texas Relays at the Mike A.

Myers Stadium and Soccer
Field in Austin. Texas.
(In the women's side.

sophomore Simidele Adeagbo
topped her best triple jump
mark of ~ll~()ii.()() with an NCAA
provisional qualifying mark of
«12-0350 and a seventh place fins
ish. Freshman Caitlin Phillips
finished 16th in the 1.:')()() meters
with a time of4:47.87.

In the men's high jump.
sophomore Matthew Smother-
tnon finished in fifth place with
a mark of 6-09.00. which topperl
his season best <)f6-()8.()i). Senior
Andrew \‘anderVS'agen also had
a mark of 6-09.01) and a sixth
place finish in the event.

Jeff Chakouian also gave a
new season best and NCAA pro-
visional qualifying mark in the
shot put event with a mark of
60-0250 in a sixth place finish.
Also finishing sixth was the

UK golfers place fifth

The [K men‘s golf team
jumped five spots to finish tied
for fiftlrplace at the Marshall
Invitational Golf Tournament
on Saturday at Huntington‘s
(‘iuyan (lolf& Country Club in
Huntington. W.\'a.

Senior Ryan Wilson gave
the Cats top performance of the
spring to finish in a tie for sec-
ond place. Wilson's three round
total of 211 fell just short of
()hio State's Mike Austin who
finished the tournament with a
208. Fellow senior Wes Furnish
also came up big for the Cats
with a 212 that was good
enough to put him in a tie for

()ther Cats in action includ-
ed senior Pat Kelley with a
score of 227. junior John Beck-
ett with a 226 and sophomore
Andy Dustman with a 229.

The Cats don't tee it up un-
til April 2()-22 at the SEC Chain»
pionships at Sea Island. (la.





April 2 -
The Campus Calendar is produted by the Ollrte ol Student Attrvitres Regrs


‘Proyer it From Campus Crusade Ior Christ 9pm Eprsropol (hurt
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‘AED Shriners Hospital VISIT 645m 0‘ hospital or 6 Iipm behind BS Bldg

"Resurrection Revuval IKnow lie lives‘ UK BIotlr YOttes 70m Stud Ctr (enter

'UK Ailrrdo Club B 9 30pm UK Alumni Gym lolt
'Tertlotrve Tournament Date Ior Ultimate Erribee

'ACIUMeeirng Born 23: Stud (rt
‘GoldonKey tntI Honor Sorrow Mtg 730m 2 'Stud (1'

'Dinner In the Dorms ltrllel levmtt Stud Org e 'Som Blazer (curt 'rito Parole 0mm: Form
'Toble immune Irenth (ortverrotrorr Group 3 69m Blow Boll Private Dining floor“
‘Entoumer Cntr Tor Chmi lpm 230 Stud (it






PRIOR to the MONDAY inlormntion IS to appear at http://www.uhy.edu/Compus Calendar
Call 257-8867 lot more information


April 8. 2001
tered Student Orgs and UK Oepts (on submit information for FREE onlrne ONE WEE

'Alphtt Iomdo Deltn Mtg, Spm (meet 0‘ Ines 1 0

‘Orientotion Ior Internships 8 Shodowrng 2 3pm IOI Stutlrert Bldg
Maximize Your Test Stores Workshop ID ID 500m 201 Erozee HoII


'T N I Meeting. 7 30pm. Baptist Stud Union Chapel

’Eeminrst Allionte Mtg 6‘30 7 30pm I06 Stud Ctr

‘UK Slo and Snowboard Club Mtg. 8pm 24S Stud Ctr

'leltist Stud Union Mtg. 8pm 22B Stud Ctr

'God‘s Anointed Bible Study 730nm II3 Stud (tr

‘Alpho Phi Omega Mtg 730pm 359 Stud Ctr

Alpha Phi Omega Pledge Mtg 6 30pm 359 Stud Ctr

”Unitarian Universalist Brown Bag Lunrh II 300m Stud Ctr Eood Court Corner

'UK RUGBY Prortire 68pm Club Sports held
‘Toe Kwon 00 Club Prortite Hours 630 Born Alumni Gym Iott

'"Resurrertrori Revrvol | Know He LIVES UK Biorlr Vorres
7pm Stud Ctr Center Theatre








’Greerr Mob Mtg 730 pm 106 Stud (tr

'Proyo.’ Arrountdnltty Groom Unlinlt (min Ministries o .iiwr Calvary Baptttt .rrutr‘t
College Mouse

'Dinner and Worship Seryrre Uplmlr (mm Mimxtrrev i 30 6 309m (ntvorr Boptts' (truer
hr 1. Oinraortr Ctr

'Colloge tibedortom Mtg 830w rIJStud ('r

’Eouestrron Team Mtg Born Ag North Bldg Rm ll

'Drtmoqe loom Mtg 545p") Gorrtgw Bldg 2nd Elooi lonleretle Rn-

'UK Judo (ltd: St 30pm Alann- Gym loft


'Craotrve Writing Group 6 8 309m Writing (it Young library

"llesurromori Bovrvd | Knornr He lives UK Blorl Torres Torn Stud Ctr (enter Ibeotrp
‘Morre Edi-0rd Stmorbortdi SAB Rpm Stud (tr Wombats Theot'e

'Eioyd Colitis erol Bum lino Am Bldg Gurgnot Theatre

'UK Al I 630 B 30pm UK Alumni Gym lolt

'Modrevol ond Renorssonte European Donong 1 9pm 363 Old Stud (tr
'Terttotive Date lot Golf Doubles d Totes Creelr Golf Course






'Amnesry International Born 22B Stud Ctr
'lreshmen torus 7pm Bnpt Stud Union Chapel

Thurs 1 2
‘UK lambda Mtg 730m 231 Stud (tr

'Deyottons rt lunrh 12 Born Boot Stud Unror Multipurpow Room
'Compu’: Crusade lot (hr-st 7309M Stud Ctr Wotthom Theatre
'C'nrrstion Student Eellowsliip Synergy Bpm (SI turner oI Woodland nndColuMbrc

‘UK RUGBY Prortire 680m Club Sportu lreld

'losler Party with Solvotiorr Army Boy 3 8 Girl 5 Club Golden Key IntI Ilooor Sotiety 3 309m
Salvation Army Boy 3 B Girl 3 Club






‘Eond Coll-tit Musirul Born tine Arit Bldg Gutgnoi Theatre

‘Tentotive Date for Golf Doubles i. Totes Creelr Golf Course






'Orientotion Tor Internships 8 Shadowing, 9T00m I S U(l(

'(ulturol Event in Erenth Mtg. 5 6pm Keenelond NoII Basement

'Ioe Kwon Do Club Prortrre Noun 5-6'30pm. Alumni Gym Iolt




'Dept. of Entomology Colloquim 4pm Ag Scienre Ctr North A 7
‘Nolboth and Nalboth "City House Dwelling Choir" 530pm Pente
Noll Rm 209

‘Fond Collins Musirol. Bpm Fine Arts Bldg Gutgnol Theatre

‘Open Gym-Volleyball. Uplinlr Campus Ministries 8pm Calvary

Baptist Cburrh Gym





'Newmon (enter Moss bum


‘Toe Kwon 00 Club Prottrte Hours Ilom I2 30pm Alumni Gym Lott







‘Floyd Collins Musirol 8pm Fine Arts Bldg Gurgnol Theatre






'Newmon Center Moss, 90m. 11 300m. 5pm, and 8.30pm
'Noon Bagel Brunrh, Hillel/Jewish Stud 0rg.. 12:00pm, Monhott
'PIti Sigma Pi Mtg., 7pm. 230 Stud. Ctr.

'Romons Bible Study. 8:30pm. Baptist Stud Union Chapel

‘UK Judo Club. 5-7pm, Alumni Gym loft

‘UK Ailrido Club, I-3prn, UK Alumni Gym Iolt

Church Rec. 8 Ouheoth Ctr.

'8112 University Worship Servite. 8'I2pm Southsrde Church of Christ
'Bible Study: Jesus the One and Only, Uplinlt Campus Ministries 5 7pm. Calvary Baptist Churrh

'Recreotion Nidtt, Uplinlr Campus Ministries. 7pm. Calvary Baptist


8m] 5

on Bagel on Rithmond Rd



Editorial Board

Amanda Ihompson. dialogue co'editor
Jenny Robertson. dialogue co-editor
Amanda York. editor-imchiet

Julie Nelson. managing editor

Candice Jackson. parting shots
Andrew Grossman. asst. news editor
John Vlampler. senior staff writer
Jennifer kasten, at-large member
Alan Slone. at-large member


Mooovc over...


A collision with a cow
knocked a car across
a state highway and
into another car,
killing five people.

the car was headed west
Friday on Colorado
34 when it struck the
cow and then
swerved into the
eastbound lane,
where it hit another