xt78sf2m911r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78sf2m911r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-02-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1987 1987 1987-02-13 2020 true xt78sf2m911r section xt78sf2m911r  

Vol. XCI, No. 97

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

lndependentsince 1971

Friday, February 13. 1987



Editor‘s note' This is thefinal
article in a three-part series
focusing on minorities. Today's
article deals with the status of
minority affairs divisions at
universities across the state.

Staff Writer

inority affairs officials at
colleges and universities
throughout Kentucky say

they have made progress in
expanding their operations.

But insufficient funding,
inadequate high school counseling
and apathetic students have
hindered their efforts, they say.

In order for the departments to
grow. they must receive consistent
funding and attention, state minority
affairs officials said.

“The initiative the state has taken
in the last four years is in the right
direction in terms of how much is
spent and where," said Jerry Gore,



Blacks at UK


director of minority student affairs
at Morehead State University.
However, “money is always a
problem, " said Gore, who counsels a
minority student population of 168.

Mike Elam, director of minority
student affairs at Eastern Kentucky
University, agreed. "I think that the
state is spending a lot of money on
this issue."

But “you can never have too much
money.” he said. "There is a lot of
money that is owed to the minority
students in this state."

Minority students have been
denied scholarships in the past
because they were competing with

non-minority students, Gore said.
Until recently, scholarships
designated solely for minority
students didn't exist.

Many of the state colleges and
universities consider UK fortunate
to have a black cultural center. UK
has financial resources that aren't
available at other higher education
facilities, said W. Neal Simpson,
minority student counselor at
Northern Kentucky University.

With 760 minority students at
EKU, a cultural center is a “definite
need." Elam said. “I wish we could
have (one i. A cultural center helps
to build that self-image and

Shirley Malone, director of
scholastic activities for minority
students at Western Kentucky
University, said she thinks a
cultural center “would be good for
our community. "

But Western doesn't have the
funds available for that type of
project, she said.

“The state could spend a little
more" on minority affairs, Malone
said. There are 860 minority
students at Western.

Northern's program also suffers
from insufficient funding, Simpson

At Northern, Simpson is the
minority student affairs department.
There are no other staff members in
his department.

“When something goes wrong,“ he
said, “the students come to me."

Simpson doesn‘t even have his
own secretary. He shares one with
another office.

”Northern can do much more than
it is doing," Simpson said. “More
needs to be done, but whether it gets
done is a different story."


Still, Simpson isn't bitter about the

State minority services improve, officials say

Percentage of black enrollment at
Kentucky's state universities.





Information compiled by: Thomas J. Sullivan





situation he faces. “That's reality at
certain sectors; you just learn to
deal with it,“

Gore sympathizes with Simpson‘s
predicament. He‘s been in the same

“Last year, I was the
department," he said

But the Morehead department
recently hired a minority student


recruiter and three graduate
assistants. Gore said.

Morehead also has a home on
\cc ()IH( |»\l N. l’tiuc ti








I I‘\

Bachelor No 3. John Tranter, hugs Bachelor No. 1, David Theil


Staff Writer

In the true spirit of Valentine‘s
Day. the Student Activities Board
joined four happy couples in Me-
morial Hall last night.

Jim Lange, host of the original
Dating Game. would have been

The bachelors and bachelo-
rettes were told to arrive be-
tween ? and 7:30 pm. They
herded us into separate dressing
rooms in the basement and told
us to stay put. Many of us waited
there for more than two hours.

We looked like a group of ex—

gllldonl ACflVlVeS Board presents...



after losmg a date with Kim Fortier in last night‘s Dating

pectant fathers pacing the walls
of a waiting room. We knew they
were going to call our names, but
not when,

Being a contestant on the Dat-
ing Game had one bachelor wor-
ried for weeks.

”At first I worried — what if I
don't get picked?“ said John Bal-
lard. “Then I worried — my God,
what if I do get picked? Then I
figured what the hell, I'm gonna
have fun anyway."

And fun was what the SAB had
in mind for the entire evening.

Sam Simon. a magician/come-
dian from Pittsburgh. was the

master of ceremonies for the eve-
ning. Although he succeeded in

Game. Sam Simon. a magician/comedian from

the master of ceremonies.

gaining laughs, he stressed that
he is “a magician whose comedy
comes from his magic," he said.
“I‘m not a comedian."

Many of the bachelors would
have agreed with Simons' job de-
scription, as he raked them over
the coals with cheap shots about
cheap suits.

Soon the time came to go out
on stage.

The questions were difficult.
It‘s hard to think quickly with
eight GOO-watt bulbs shining in
your face. Then there was also
the fact that a crowd of about 200
people were at my feet with the
personality of a lynch mob.

MARK IEIOF/Kemef Staff
Pittsburgh, was

Valentine’s Day comes early with Dating Game

But for the most part, the expe~
rience was entertaining.

Connie Hall chose me, Bachelor
No. 2, to be her date. So in a
week, we‘ll be back in Memorial
Hall for the Modern Jazz Quartet
concert and dimer for two at a
local restaurant.

But Connie and I weren‘t the
only happy couple to win last
night. Jeff Barger chose Dru
Thomas. David Andrew chose
Melisa Kirby. And Kimberly For-
tier chose David Theil Jr.

The group said goodbye with
the Dating Game kiss. The first
one in Memorial Hall, but not the
last. Until next year.





The Wildcats prepare to
face Florida away while the
Lady Kats get ready for the
Gators at home. See
SPORTS. Page 2.

Thrash Can. Lexington's
newest alternative to the
local bar scene. officially
opens this weekend. See




Today and tomorrow .will be
partly cloudy with highs from
the mid 403 to 50. Tonidtt
will be fair with a low round




Miss Kentucky Valentine crowned

Staff Writer

Marlyn Lloyd was crowned 1987
Miss Kentucky Valentine last night
before a full auditorium at the Stu-
dent Center Theater.

“I didn't expect this at all," said
Lloyd, a nursing junior and member
of Delta Gamma sorority. She was
one of 32 candidates who partici-
pated in the contest.

The pageant was sponsored by
UK's Commuter Cats in order to
bring offcampus and oncampus
students together, said Karen Imbo-
den, president of the group.

Lloyd‘s p‘izes include a $60 perm
at Jerome‘s, a UK quilt handmade
by Imboden and an overnight guest
package for two at the Marriott.

“Being in the contest was fun,“
said Lloyd, who is a majorette for
the UK marching band.

“I met a lot of people, and it
wasn‘t like a competition at all,“
she said. “Everybody was so friend-


The contestants were judged on
appearance and poise while model-
ing casual and formal outfits.
Judges also considered each stu-
dent‘s scholastic ability and extra-
curricular activities.

Winners were also selected on the
basis of their responses during an
interview before the contest.

Lloyd, who plans to specialize in
pediatrics after graduation. is inter.
ested in programs that tight teen-
age alcohol and drug abuse.

“I jist want young people to know
that they can avoid peer pressure
and they don't have to get involved
(with drugs) to be accepted." she

Lloyd is also a member of the
Alpha Lambda Delta and Tau Beta
Sigma honoraries.

Melanie Glasscock, a political sci-
ence freshman, won {inst runner-up.
Glasscock will receive 12 Brass A
admission tickets, dinner for two at
Max Ii Erma’s and a gift certificate
from Command Performance.

Glasscock, who was sponsored by
Sigma Chi fraternity, is the feature
twirler for the UK marching band
and a member of Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority.

Susan Bridges, a math education
sophomore, was named second run-
ner-up. Bridges will receive gift cer-
tificates from Fur if: Feathers and
Movie Warehome.

Bridges, a Student Government
Association senator at large.‘was
sponsored by the Student Organiza-
tions Assembly. She is also a lady
Kat cheerleader and a member of

Delta Delta Delta sorority and the‘

Student Development Council.

Shawn Smith of WKYT-TV an-
nounced the contestants dirirg the
modeling sessions

Jutues for the contest were Anne
Noffsinger and Cindy Immrd, both
Lexington Community College tac-
ulty members; Wanda Adams of
UK‘s Student Organizations Center;
and Steve Schmledeknocht of Re-
flections photography services.

Foreign TA policy
reviewed by council

Assistant News Editor

The University Senate (‘ouncil
yesterday issued a recommendation
to the administration that would pre»
vent students from reviewing "clas-
sified“ information about prosper-r
tive international teaching

It also put on hold the proposal for
a twoday break immediately pre-
ceding finals week until more infor-
mation could be obtained. The pro-
posal was sponsored by Cyndi
Weaver, Student Government Asso
ciation arts and sciences senator.

The council's recommendation
wants to limit students' involvement
in the screening and evaluating of
international teaching assistants.
Students would only be able to hear
the graduate students speak to de-
termine whether they w0uld be com-

Among the information that would
be considered “classified" would be
students’ scores on the Test of En-
glish as a Foreign Language and the
Test of Spoken English.

If the proposed policy is approved
by President Otis A. Singletary. all
teaching assistants whose native

\cc POI it \ . l’ugc A

Attorney general speaks
of elderly victims’ rights

Staff Writer

Kentucky Attorney General Daiid
Armstrong believes the rights of
crime victims have gone unnoticed
for far too long.

But through two recent programs
his department has helped institute.
Kentucky‘s victims are “fighting
back." he said yesterday,

Armstrong spoke to about 80 se»
nior citizens of the Lexington com-
munity yesterday in 230 Student
Center on “Rights of the Victim.“

The talk was part of the Council
on Aging‘s Donovan Forum program
for students 65 and older,

“The main segment this criminal
justice system has forgotten has
been the victims' rights." Arm—
strong said. “In Kentucky. victims“
rights are not going to be ignored."

'IVvo reasons for this change are
the two programs his office has
helped to create, Armstrong said.
One is the Right-to-Know legislation
passed in Frankfort last year and
the other is the new Older Kentucki-
an Advocacy Division.

The Right-to—me program gives
crime victims certain rights “they
didn't have before this.“ Armstrong

Under the provision, victims have
the right to know when their assail~
ant's case comes before the court.
And if any property is stolen, it is


returned to victims; if it cannot be,
restitution is paid by the assailant.

Victims are also allowed to submit
a statement to the judge describing
the impact the crime had on them.

If the assailant is convicted, vic-
tims are notified of the parole date
and are allowed to issue a statement
saying how they feel on the possibili-
ty of parole for the criminal.

The program was instituted after
Armstrong attended nine hearings

\cc RIGHTS. Page ii

M.“ ”hm/Km ”I

First runner-up Melanie Glasscock (left). a political science fresh-
man, congratulates Marlyn ond (right), the 1987 Miss Kentucky

Valentine. last night.


 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday, Fobwary 13, 1987

Cats hope to continue conference streak

Contributing Writer

Eddie Sutton believes lightning
can strike twice.

And he's hoping it will happen to-
morrow against the Florida Gators.

The Wildcats defeated Florida 67-
62 at Rupp Arena in the first meet-
ing of the two teams this season But
a late-game surge by the Gators.
who are now ranked No, 2 in the
Southeastern Conference. taught the

“We had a great game against
them here. but we let them come
back on us in the second half," said
junior forward Richard Madison.
"Coach Sutton just told us not to
relax and keep the same intensity
level the entire game

"It's gomg to be a battle down

The Gators, 19-6 and 11-3 in the
SEC, are led by the outstanding pe-
rimeter play of guards Andrew
Moten and Vernon Maxwell.

Maxwell, a 6~foot4 junior. tops the
Gators‘ scoring with a 22.5 game av-
erage. Moten, a 6-foot senior. follows
his partner with 16.3 points per


Time: 1:05 p.m.
Mace: O'Connell Corner

Opponent: Horton ie-e. monument:

TlcketStstusz‘Sdtlout , , ,.



TV Coverage: Live on SEC-TV W~Wbfisnn “27% '



And after seeing Maxwell pour in
26 points and Moten chip in nine at
Rupp Arena. the Wildcats learned
firsthand who they would have to
shut down to sweep Florida this sea-

“They have two of the best guards
in the league, and they‘re not just
onedimensional," said junior guard
Ed Davender. “But they can be con-

Florida‘s threat underneath is 7-
foot-2 freshman center Dwayne
Schintzius, who was held to seven
points in his first meeting with UK.

According to junior center Rob
Lock, Schintzius’ height in the mid-
dle w combined with Florida’s

guard play — makes the Gators a
hard team to defend. ‘

“Florida is an explosive ballclub,
and they can really hit you quickly,"
Lock said. “We will just have to be
consistent, patient and keep our
composure throughout the game."

And as if the constant pressure
provided by Florida's balanced
team isn’t enough, UK will also have
to worry about the Gator fans.

“i’ve had some interesting mail
about what the Gators are going to
do to the Cats," Sutton said. “And
there‘s no doubt that Florida is in
the top three in crowd partici-

Taking the crowd out of the game

is one of the things Sutton hopes his
club can do early. But he's not going
to change his game plan to do it.

“i think it will be very, very im-
portant to get ahead of them early
. . . but we‘re going with the same
plan," he said.

That plan will be based on solid
defense, rebounding and keeping the
Gators and their 70 percent shooting
average from the free-throw line.

Sutton said he hopes to keep the
scoring as low as possible, but he’s
just going to sit back and see what

“If it gets in the 805, we’re in trou-
ble," he said. “But nothing worries
me about this ballclub anymore. "

But it seems Florida is giving Sut-
ton some headaches even before the
Wildcats get to Gainesville.

The Gators recently informed the’

UK squad that because a speaker is
scheduled to talk in O’Connell Ceno
ter Friday, the Cats will not be able
to work out before the game.

“It seems ironic," Madison said,
noting that the Gators have sched-
uled practice before the speaker ar-
rives. “We’re just going to practice
here before we leave."

NBA players support drug crackdown

Associated Press

Larry Bird of the Boston Celtics.
although a strong supporter of the
NBA's antidrug policy, says the
league will never be free of drugs.

“There are always some guys you
can't control. but if yOu can help a
few, it‘s worth it,“ Bird said. “But
believing there can be a drug-free
league is just naive. ”

It is Bird's belief that despite the
NBA‘s anti-drug policy, there are
probably some players who are so
drug dependent that no amount of
education or penalties will help

On Jan. 13, Mitchell Wiggins and
Lewis Lloyd, both of the Houston
Rockets. were permanently sus—
pended by the NBA for cocaine use.
Michael Bay Richardson and John
Drew had received similar penalties
ayear earlier.

Bird said he was not sorry to see
Wiggins and Lloyd go because. in
his opinion, they betrayed other
NBA players.

“The league needed something
like this to happen because it woke
people up," Bird said. “It was too
bad for the guys it happened to. but
they didn‘t care about our league. "


“There are always some guys you can’t control,
but if you can help a few, it’s worth it. But
believing there can be a drug-free league is just


Larry Bird,
Boston Celtics forward

But Bird, like other players, be-
lieves the league’s campaign to
combat drug abuse is helping — to a

“The drug situation may be better
than a few years ago, but it‘s still a
problem because drugs are so prev-
alent in society," said Detroit's
Isiah Thomas, one of the spokesmen
for the league’s “Don't Foul Out"
education program. “It‘s not just a
problem for athletes; it's even a
problem in the White House."

“There’s a percentage of every
section and segment of life that
takes drugs. and we (in basketball)
have our percentage, too," Dallas‘
Mark Aguirre said. “I think it’s a
lower percentage than what‘s publi-
cized, but we‘re nationally known
and we get publicity when we fal-

Aguirre said the widely held belief
that athletes are more vulnerable to
drug abuse because they are well
paid isamyth,

“Money is not really an issue,”
Aguirre said. ”If you’re a user,
you'll get drugs if you have $20 or

Several players — John Lucas.
Walter Davis, Quintin Bailey and
Chris Washburn — have been given
NBA-sponsored treatment for com‘
ing forward and admitting their
drug problems.

The anti-drug program, an—
nounced jointly in October 1983 by
the NBA Players Association and
then-Commissioner Larry O’Brien,
gives players two chances to come
forward for treatment of illegal drug

The first time a player is treated,

he is given his full salary during the
time of rehabilitation; the second
time, he is suspended without pay;
and the third time, he can be banned
indefinitely from the NBA, with the
possibility of reinstatement in two

This policy, NBA players agreed
during interviews at the All-Star
Game, is acting as a deterrent and
they are pleased that the league
took a stand against drugs.

“Four guys had their careers
killed and players know now that
they have to be careful," said
Akeem Olajuwon. who had been a
teammate of Wiggins and Lloyd on
the Rockets.

“The drug problem is not as bad
as it was earlier," Denver’s Alex
English said. “Guys are more aware
of the consequences. Wiggins and
Lloyd were an example to every-

“The drug situation is going to get
better,” Magic Johnson of the Los
Angeles Lakers said. “Not letting
guys play is a serious step. Other
sports leagues talk about it, but
don’t do enough about it. In the
NBA, guys realize that if they get
caught, it‘s over. "

Tennis team dominates TCU in home opener

Staff reports

The 13th-ranked UK women's ten-
nis team beat 25th-ranked Texas
Christian yesterday at the Hilary J .
Boone Indoor Tennis Center to im-
prove to 4-0 on the season.

UK captured five of the six singles
matches and one of the three dou-
bles for the 6-3 win.

The Wildcats were led by Sonia


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Hahn. who defeated TCU‘s Rene
Simpson. 64, 6-1, at the No. 1 singles

Tamaka Takagi, playing at the
No. 2 singles spot, beat 'I‘CU’s Tere-
sa Dobson. 4-6, 7-5, 6—2.

Beckwith Archer captured the No.
3 singles match for UK with a 76, 4-
6, 6-4 win over Rhona Howett.

UK‘s Chris Karges won the No. 4
singles match over Mamie Ochoa, 3-

6, (H, 64, and Helene LaBeller won
the No. 6 singles for UK with a 26,
s1, 6—2 victory over Melanie Breed.

Texas Christian’s only singles win
was at the No. 5 spot, where Margot
Vandervelden beat UK’s Caroline
Knudten, 2-6, 6-2, 64.

The UK doubles team of Hahn and
Takagi defeated Texas Christian’s
Howett and Vandervelden, 6—3, 6-3,
for the only UK doubles victory.


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The Kentucky Kornol is published on class days during the academic year
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Fran Stewart

Scott Ward

Jay Blanton

Brad Cooper
Cynthia A. Polormo
Andy Dumstorf

Erik Reece

Wes Miller

Sean Anderson
Alan Lessig

Paula Anderson
Linda Collins
Rhonda O'Nan



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266-1 1 72


The Wildcats take on thh-ranked
Southern Methodist Monday at

UK coach Sue Rudd said the rank-
ing is misleading, however.

“They have two girls in the top 50,
Jennifer Satrock (ranked 22nd in the
nation) and Jean Marie Sterling
(4lst in the country)," she said. “It
will be a real battle. We really need
good crowd support to pull it out.”


Staff Writer

The lady Kats hope to continue
their uphill climb this weekend.

Following an 89-80 triumph
over Alabama Saturday night,
UK raised its season record to 12-
9 and 2-5 in the Southeastern Con-

But, more importantly, it gave
the Kats’ confidence level a des-
perately needed boost.

“The wtn was definitely a big
boost for us," said senior guard
Sandy Harding following the win.

But after being idle for a week,
the big question is whether UK
can maintain its momentum to-
morrow night. That’s when the
Kats entertain the Florida Lady
Gators in a game at 7:30.

Lady Kat coach Terry Hall,
however, questions whether her
team has had any momentum all
season long.

“I don’t think we have had a
high or low point all season
long," she said.

But if there is a time in the sea-
son to have a “high point," it

With the toughest part of their
schedule behind them, the Lady
Kats have six games remaining
after tomorrow night.

Senior center Debbie Miller be-
lieves this is the time for the
Lady Kats to make their run into

“I think everybody on the team
is feeling confident that we can
win the next six games,” she

If the Kats are to sweep the
next seven games. they will have
to somehow correct the problem
that has plagued them all season
long — inconsistency.

Finding an answer to that di-
lemma has not come easy to the

In Saturday’s game against A]-
abama, the Lady Kats led by 20
points in the second half before
they fell apart, allowing Alabama
to cut the comfortable lead to

Miller said she cannot explain
why the Kats have been badgered
so much by inconsistency during
the season, but she said the prob-


Kats take on Florida,
looking for win to spur
late-season comeback


“I think everybody on
the team is feeling
confident that we can
win the next six
games. "
Debbie Miller,

Lady Kat center


lem is more of an “individual“
situation than anything else.

“We just need to work on play-
ing from the opening tipoff," she
said. “Each player has to pre-
pare themselves in a different
way and take some time out be-
fore the game to think."

Another problem the Kats have
had this season has been finding
someone to fill the forward posi-
tion opposite Bebe Croley.

Freshman Shannon Freeman
began the season as the other for-
ward, but midway through the
season, she was replaced by
sophomore Pam Shrum.

However. neither player has
been able to come through for
Hall. In Saturday’s game the two
combined for only six points in 39

minutes of action.
Tomorrow night, Hall said she

doesn’t expect to make any
changes at the post, as Shrum
will get the starting nod.

Carol Higgingbottom’s Lady
Gators are two games below the
.500 mark at 10—12 overall, and
are winless in the conference
with an 0-7 mark.

Although Florida is not having
a banner year, Hall feels the
Lady Gators need to be ap-
proached with caution.

“I don’t think they‘re playing
real well at this point,” Hall said.
“But they have beaten us the last
four years and that scares me."

Florida is led by its backcourt
tandem of Susan Stoddard and
Janna Bragg. Thejmo guards are
combining for 25 pomts a contest.

“They play real well,” Miller
said. “We definitely can't take
them (Bragg and Stoddard) too



UK tickets available Sunday

Staff reports

Tickets for Kentucky’s three re-
maining home basketball games will
be available to students Sunday at
Memorial Coliseum.

Students with a validated ID and
activity card can pick up tickets be-

tween noon and 4 p.m. Sunday and
from 9 am. until 4 p.m. Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday.

Guest tickets will go on sale for $6

The three games are Vanderbilt
(Feb. 18), Ole Miss (Feb. 28) and
Oklahoma (Mar. 1).



The Kentucky Kernel















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The Bearded Scale — 500 Euclid Ave Tonight. Bad Guys will play from 9 pm.
to 1 am. Tomorrow. Repeat Option wrll play from 9 pm. to 1 am. $2 cover
both nights

The Brass A Saloon —- 2909 Richmond Road Tonight and tomorrow. Scheem-
or will play from 9 pm. to 1 am. 33 cover

Braedlngs —- 509 w Main St. Tonight and tomorrow, The Metro Blues All-Stars
will play from 9pm to 1 am. $3 cover

Bugatti’s - 815 Euclid Ave, Tonight and tomorrow. The Trendells (Motown) will
play from 9pm. to 1 am. $5 cover.

Great Scott’s Depot —— 684 S, Broadway Tonight, Fancy Pants and 9 lb. Ham~
mer will play from 9 pm. to 1 a m Tomorrow Third Heaven and Happy Death
will play from 9pm, to 1 am.

King's Arm Pub —— 102 W, High St Tonight and tomorrow. Liberty Road will
play from 9pm. tot a in $1 cover

Library —— 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight and tomorrow. Thumper and the Plaid
Rabbits will play from 9 pm, to 1 a in $3 50 cover $1 50 well drinks from 8
to 10 pm. 95 cent draft beer all night

Two Keys ~ 333 S Limestone St Tonight Rebel Without a Cause will play


from 9 pm. to 1 am Tomorrow. Two Small Bodies Will play from 9 pm. to 1



An American Tall — Rated 6. (Movies on Main winiqht at 7 45 Tomorrow and
Sunday at 1 45, 3:45. 7 45 )

Black Widow —- Rated R, (South Park
night and tomorrow only at 1 1 30 i
The Bedroom Window - Rated R
tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 ‘50 )
Crimes of the Heart — Rated PG-13 (Lexington Mall 1 15 3 20. 5:20. 7:30,
9:35 and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 30 j

Critical Condition Rated R (North Park 1 25 3 25.
tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 50 )

Dead of Winter —— Rated R. (Fayette Mall: 130 3 35.
tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 35 l

From the Hip -— Rated PG. (North Park 12 4:3 5
night and tomorrow only at midnight, Also at Crossroads 1
9:45 and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 40 l

The Golden Child -— Rated PG~13 (North Pant. 1 (0. 3 05. 5 25 730, 9:35
and tonight and tomorrow only at 11 35 Also si'iowing at South Park 1:25,
3:40, 5:30, 7.55. 9 55 and tonight and tomorrow Only at 11 4O )

To Kill a Mockingbird ~ (At the Worsham 100:3 tunicht and tomorrow 1

Legal Eagles-PG—13 (At the Worsham 7 50 tCnigM andtornorrow.)

Light of Day —— Rated PG-13. (North Park 1, 3 $0. 5 20, 7 45. 9'50 and
tonight and tomorrow only at 11 55. Also at CTOSSTORGS, 1.10. 3:20, 5:30.
7:45. 9:45 and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 30 )

Mannequin ~— Rated PG. (North Park 1 30 3 25 5 25. 7 30. 9 30 and to-

1 20, 3 (35, 5 25, 7,35. 9.30 and to
(Turtland Mall ‘., 3. 5 20, 7 35. 9:50 and
5 25 7.55. 9:55 and
5 35. 7:40, 9:45 and

5 20. 7 40. 9.50 and to
310, 5:20, 7:35.


KENTUCKY KENNEL, Friday. February 13. 1967 - 3

Erik Reece

Wee Miller

A\\i\.r!l-' A,. la .


Local bar scene gets atypical alternative
with opening of subcultural Thrash Can

Staff Writer

here's a new bar in town, and
the locals are in for a culture

At 117 Limestone, next to the
Zebra Lounge and across from the
'l‘urf, lies a shocking hot pink
structure known as the Thrash Can.

White paintings of skeletons,
cartoon-like faces and what looks
like a dancing dead head contrast
with the black walls and the pink

And 19505-style yellow and orange
booths add character.

But manager of the Thrash Can,
Suzy McCauley, is the real

Just under 5-foot4 and usually
wearing 3-inch spikes —- which are

_ just slightly thinner than her pool-

stick legs ~ McCauley is creator,
assembler and instigator of the
Thrash Can.

“We wanted to have a typical bar
with dance bands until we met
Suzy.“ said Julie Kader, who along
with her husband, Mike, owns the

Julie Kader. a Transylvania
University graduate, said she never
would have thought to open the
unusual kind of bar, complete with
slamdance bands, that McCauley

ut Kader said she likes what

McCauley has done and

thinks the Thrash Can is
going to succeed.

Builders, painters and bartenders
have been working on a voluntary
basis. They‘ve dealt with leaky
pipes. electrical problems and
smashed windows — without heat
and pay - to make the Thrash Can
a reality.

And it has been a reality since last
Friday, when the doors were opened
to the public for the first time.

Curious passers-by strolled in off
Limestone to play a game of pool
and listen to the jukebox, since there
was no band,

But opening night at the Thrash
Can was really no different than the
week preceding it.

Bill Foley wandered in one night
to serenade McCauley and her
volunteers with his repertoire of
“sad and lonely“ songs. It was the

'1 i i"


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It’i‘ill‘fl ifi‘Wofl'm

Suzy McCauley is the creator, assembler, instiga-