xt78sf2m9105 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78sf2m9105/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-11-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 1985 1985 1985-11-21 2020 true xt78sf2m9105 section xt78sf2m9105 W

yd. XC. p... 3‘ Estobtishod 1394 University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since t97t Thursday, November 2t. l985 . ' '

._W '
, l . Rea an Gorbachev '
u -e , it: I. s . . ., . .0 :
. -~.~ n set Jomt ceremony
‘1 - " ‘ J "kl-5 .’ -:h‘, ‘ 4. "H '.' ,pl
\c ‘ ,. 1. . ,
. ‘ " z ‘ 4"" p I f o o o , .. .-
. ' or media briefing <
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‘ ‘ :5 .‘ ’ 0 x.‘ 0.. g a ‘ 3 J p: I .0 ":"v'p.
' * h . _ .0 'l (in \ \ 4. ‘A ' Z . .___—_— " .E ' 1’: “I h-l’, :'_
’\ “e 0. : :a ' i l;..l.'.‘0l'00‘il»'00':i "H . . “ “i ~
‘ _ K1 \.o fix . . . ' For Gorbachev a reaction ' .- 1. .’ "3" .;
if / ' ,0 / ‘ -15“ .'. {é GENEVA President Meagan ‘° ”9"" ' °°""“°"" “hm" ’ , .. 5"{3 5, '.
f" t 4 . 4' 53' N“ 5 ,3 and Soviet leader Mikhail tiorba wmnt'OO Page 5 ._,q: “.5.
"J .l .» )§ i 0 chcv concluded their extraordinarily * ‘ . '. ' 1_ ".}v ;
. \ ‘ I- , *fi \ p: a personal summit yesterday claim . ‘H , d '1 ._ l ‘ _ .10 2'" :l": i‘ -
Mr : ‘t i‘ ,5 0 . ‘ , ing "broad areas of agreement ‘ but M “I: ”1“”than 1” ‘5 I: J‘IZIAVI‘Jh ‘.I Ij :‘ '.~I"l"r_ ’17;
’g " ‘ .i I;' $1. 0‘. f1, providing no details on whether the :ihllmllr “'4‘ ""“‘ " h" “""" t', j. . .-i-' -." 4:41",
' A ‘ ' s? ‘ fit '03". superpowers had iesolved an} (N h 'l '. '3- 1’." f.
x [I . . g. . . ' ~ " niaiorissues . ., . . .1 . .7- "
l V” .. . ‘ 3- ~‘1 j § ne “Tho news it a, good that were 5 with him?"“fl’f'hhff'hi 17‘7”“ I .,i ~ '._ 0-;
' "s. “s. 1 _, 0‘ __ g n}; going to hold it for tomorrow] Hea :‘h‘(::h:.’r ”Q: ‘11!" ‘1'”, 1...: V . f ' ‘f '. i . Ii}
. ' “ V.g:h§h ” .; . . g? gan teased reporters after the for gm" with link" Ij'v‘j'“, .1. I; ~‘ .v
. _‘ ‘. , ' ’ " ‘ . *..‘t. " ‘ é mal talks had ended A joint fate blackout \.. l 1 "high. 0. I" l . l t I‘ ~_ ff ".
f :0-0 . _‘ . ‘. ~ 1' ‘ . well ceremony was hastily 4" . . . h" “d ’ I: " ‘ . "“““ ”“" .5 . -. ~ 1
. 0 t8 ‘ .. _"{ \I. ‘1 » ' " 1 if ,1 .4 \(‘thlllt‘dfOFlhh morning (“1" \m‘r “mm“ “""”" 1 ~ , ' 1’ I;
‘ -—-0. ' J 5 . j" 5" .~ ‘4- .-\ l' 5 source indicated that there \peakes promised ., my.» 3‘ It"; 2‘ ‘ '. .’
V. . ‘ ' .- ' .: .I :‘i‘ '8 I? would be a jOlnt statement to pro lowing the kt‘it'lfilil'i'v wt 3.» n I, -; : . ' t" 0' .-’ . ‘, ' I'i
. " it ,_ . h " . VidP impetus on arms control tiii‘ ileneta tirv.i- t.i ii- leis'l‘ .,v- “i t 5 . . . 7" I
_ » 0 .9 . that the leaders would issue no spe :' would be chair 'i r-t-w mm ‘ 0. ' ‘ "
.. ' J , I.“ c" I edit: gu1delines to help negotiators whether "he \‘ll'Lin ' 0 wt. ; e0: i .\ ‘51.”.
V ' l break the current impasse v-revi .l\ ‘~\.'\"'l‘\- g ,: .' " ‘ z . '
“NDMWMI‘VMN : Gorbachev said only i hope , _ . , . '. .
MlISCIC man I iht't‘t‘ Will be. ' when asked if an} rhfl TIM" h‘“: “11",“)? “ i y" "i . - ‘3 i ‘3
I _ . . l _ioiiit agreements would lit-signed Hh‘h‘l "T “WW” 1 I; '- l‘
Bill Stewart, a biology senior, OVOIds the drop in the temperoe Seoton Center has a weight room that is open to Hutu-M. qii. I l .\ State Department negotiator "”””“ “h “with" ‘ L"“"il"2"' ‘Hl I. . . . ‘
ture outside by working out at Seoton Center yesterday. The 4 pm l Raymond Benson. said the two \lll(‘I\ “hm”! h‘hhhhh "'V'l 1‘ """" .4. I... ‘ ' ‘~' ‘ -_ ,.t
l had approved cultural exchange pt'tr hhw . . r. . . : l» ' i ‘
l .___ ________-_________.____*0-__l ‘.l>lOn.\ that call for exchange of em thmfedhtzlfxrl,‘ ”(f huh)“: Q: 0' . ‘ i f‘
tents *rf'orming arts groiiis. t-xhi- ‘. “ ' " ""“"” ‘V' l" ‘ . - . "' ‘.
. . bitionsp‘and sports tennis The would “Ail“uml l". "hh'hm 'hh ”““: _j' .f . . . '.3 Q.
oncer O ene l campus ra 10 cause Official who spoke on condition of hr’ “I'm" \h‘lh “phhh'h "’1'" I‘m.“ : A
anonymity said the agreement H“ hhld hhhhhr h‘hi‘hhh """ "“”“ t ‘ ' . .’ "
woultitxesignedttxlay chet would '.iKe iiiieslliir» ye“. , : ‘1 ._ ‘~
By SEAN ANDERSON featuring six local bands All pro- Ington. the group the concert is get ti campus radio station with a Reagan's chief adviser on arms 50‘1“!“ ‘hhhhhh ."“r"’"hh"‘ “"““: .-" ' 'I' ’. ‘ .I .'
Staff Writer ceeds from the event will go toward hens-fitting more open format than the one cure control. Paul Nitze. was among exr hl’ld d ”W“ ("interencc artw ‘: c . .. _ ‘ .
helping to finance an independent She said members 0, the Student rently offered at \\'Bh\ (it"s radio pert: who continued discussions fol “i“‘lh‘mfi hMli’h‘lt‘tt . " ' _

19% is going down as the year of studenterun campus radio station. A Government (“smutmn also have station lowing the end of yesterday’s formal . rhh “Thhh'h‘ M‘ “l h“ l’lhdh‘“. ‘ K » 0 l ‘. ' '
the benefit rock concert. Live-Aid $3donation is reqUired. expressed an interest m a will,“ trch said the suliyt-t? lta> been a negotiations it was an indication hh‘“ ““”,‘h “”""“ h‘h’r" “"“" h! . 0 l" '.
helped Africans starving for food . . station ‘ pomt of contention for a long timi- that the. summit s most contentious m hm“ \M" ”WM" “h "h ““"“ W ' _ I ' - 0 .
FarmAid tried to relieve farmers 'The bands performing include Ah Th . i « 0 The idea of more contemporary col issue remained unresolved as the route h' hh‘h'hhh'h dh‘: “ “”"” " ‘ - l ‘ .

0 , . . tive ingredients. Radio (‘af Two e group may apply 1” ”hm“ . ‘ ii ioint iiieetii::.ilt tln‘r(‘\~ ‘ ~ '
stariedformortgagemoney g ll Bod . I e. from other institutions and put on lege rdtlt'i on campus has been leadersad‘iotirnedfordinner . . . ‘ .k _ . » ; .

And. tonight RadioAid hopes to £33m “it: [SELA'TI.’ltte;(l)rd‘svre- other benefits m keep ”MI” operat brought up before About Her} The leaders. sitting with adiisers t if": 'zlhh‘l‘ y’.“‘h""“'r "" ', 7-113: '- . .
help satiate a UK community TheJohnsons ‘ ' e \e ‘ “h and ing three years an attempt is made \Re and their wives before a roaring fire gaihqzz": 'i”"\ ’u‘ if“ ‘ ”4 ””“ ' I. ‘ 0‘
starved for an alternative on its ‘lt s imperative that. we flr\t get ““hl'~h1-"lht”"l’e‘UL‘l‘t“>lUl ”‘- 'ht' llhr'dl‘} went ”"H dh‘l “h .,‘HiI.-‘,nh)l,l.m ”I“ “ hm” “t ‘m' “1 'I ' , .
radiodial. If such a station is established. it public support." l'rcli said ' After p...“ Hi'itclier .‘ member In ’l‘W‘t‘dlhf‘P-‘(W‘rhv li‘lt'tht’rhp‘Wl Y .7th lmm in.” . .,‘I 0 . I 0 ‘. 0 ., r

Today at 6 pm. in the Student would be funded through other orga» thatw'ecan findthe money " “Mi?“ Freedomiigtdn agreed “‘4 The t' 8 source, who spoke till MD .1 ”1:“,0 h. I;\ "It,“ ‘ \W " . ' ' - I ' I' .
(‘enter Ballroom. the Student Activ- mzations, said Kakie lirch, tempo The groups" efforts are only the l ' ‘ ' L condition of anonymity. predicted at \wn ‘ h l .. V «l l "w ' d .

» mes Board is sponsoring a concert rary president of Radio Free Les latest in a long line of attempts to sI-. Riiiitin.,i~._»s least one .s'tl"l-'..\t at Hula} s tart um \iti\\ .,_ ~ ' . ' . . i ‘ he
fifiF—f—w—m—fi—— . ~~ .. . . , 0
Smokers 0 cold turk t d F . lCOunCll sets -
ey o ay i .Igg 0.: i .1 .,
' 0 - l . l l 0‘ I l 0‘ . . '
Great American Smokeout promotes awareness of habit ' ‘v- A l 1988 date . -. », -
I l L . i l "
3) 1N1“; GALLOWAY oneethird of all smokers and that 10 and carrots. drink lots of water. tell 6 l l . " l ' , " I'
StaffViriter percent of those who attempted the world that they are quitting for ¥ $ : for Changes .‘ -' ' .I _ ' *
. _ _ were successful for that day the day. exerCise. try the buddy sys- KS '/' . I ~ .- ' " -‘

Fire-breathing maniacs 93“ take a Dr Layten Davis. director of the tem «in case of drowning or doubt- 2} . l ' J ’. . , f. ’Ie'xI.‘
day break 'deYv as part or the Tobacco and Health Research Instiv ingi. and take a deep breath of Q /) \ “l l Inlplenlelllallon 0f " I l H '1'.
(treat American Smokeout _ tute said. "It does help to publictze smokeless air * \ ' l ' i 0 ' .- -. '
1022‘!“ :rlgaehicghognger 5053?; h": the risk factors. but as far as people Nicotine. the psychoactive drug ’A \ 2': I .. g "'I .I I '

. . z. ' re 5 ”h stop ing for the duration. i doubt it found in CI arctic smoke. reaches ’ > 0 . '. :l . ‘i h. "'1 - '
thls nationwide smokeless event. has pmuch effect Most people quit the brain ofg the smoker within six a proposal DOSIponed f I, " ' . I
which goes from midnight to mid smoking because they're motivated seconds of inhalation. twice as fast ' .' I ;’ 0.1.2..
night . . tostop.” as mainline heroin. aceording to l h‘ “‘er” \ \ l'\l “”““ ' ' .‘l I. Rh" - '

According to the SQCIC‘W' the Of these risk factors, lung cancer new cancer sOCiety statistics in“; 59m" “All h m" I f. , ', 4‘ I - ":
smokeout has been a national event has been the most predominant can- "Nicotine addiction is a matter of _t _1 7.: l ,' . . " '1' 1;. ' . .
since 1977. and is held annually the Cerfaused death. for men and re- dependence factor." Davis said “In f r ’7 H. (r so all areas at the tit-hem, i «_ltttii .- I L“ .‘ ' ‘ .“
ThursdaybeforeThanksgtvlng centlIv for women This nationwide the strict sense of addiction it ‘79 .___l “h" l’rhphfll ““"" “’4" ”h" """“ “I . ‘7 ‘ 'l "ll ." i:-

The Student Government Associa- cancer trend for women. which has hasn't been proven Some people 1 "WM“ multaneousty the mimic count-ii . 1‘ ; ' '
tion will have a survival station increased by 1525 percent in a 14. have withdrawal symptoms The teen-age girls He attributes the in» becoming a smokeless utopia in thin voted yesterdin to change t'ie inir f— . ' . . i‘ .’ 2‘
available in the Student Center Year period. is reflected in Kentucky fact that 33 million smokers have "“35“ ‘0 peer WWW” “ml the neal‘lUlUF? hl"'hhhl“h”h'hhhhhh' h'hhl'h‘l'h‘ ‘ . . , ‘1' ' '1
across from the information desk. as well. qunmeansthatitcanbedone.” changing roleofwomeninsociety The fact is people who are aware “All colleges .Mi; h... ii, mun .' ‘ V ._,-_ j .
At this booth. people can get survi- The cancer society reports that 82 There are 54 million smokers in Even though the relative number of the risks will still smoke Davis their requirements 7” :Imw film], ' - ' . ’ 0 .
val kits. facts about smoking. sug- Percent Of all lung Cancer patients America According to a Gallup of adult smokers per capita has de- said this is where research comes said (00mm! ”WNW” WWW“ 3.
arlessgum andencouragement. aresmokers. Youth SUF‘TY» 36 percent Of those creased hm“: 19” the number hf lh» becoming a (1‘19“th "l how [he t‘anon ”This W‘llfll\'t"l‘tt‘lltll'ltt‘ V 0 I' “ r If I l. l

. polled began smoking between the Cigarettes “bed per year has Slt‘éidt risks can be reduced for people who i ' - .- .' " ' '-

The office mam!!!" ‘0? the Lex- Th counter the urge to smoke. the ages of 13 and 14. and about one I." increased lh “’81 Cigarette US? choose to smoke Louis Swift, chairman of the .sw.:t - “ -.'
ington Cancer Soctety said the 1985 sOCiety recommends that smokers: fourth of teenage Americans reachedits peak a‘h’l(’3h'll'°h "ll 15 important 10 l00k a? this Committee which drew up 'he pro ' I ' 'I ' ‘z ‘7
goal is for one out of every" five shelve their Cigarettes. ashtrays. smoke. People who continue to smoke are issue from an international stand. p058; HM the Commit“. deem“! ’ . ' .'
smokers to quit for the day. it is es- and‘matches. Sit in a non-smoking ‘ . smoking more and the population pomt because worldwide smoking that postponing the implementation ' 0 ~ .
timated that in 1984. the smokeout section of a restaurant. munch on DaVis said the only segment of 50- growth widens the per capita graph. has increased by 2 percent Sm“. last date would be worthwhile if It meant _ 0 ' ‘
generated an attempt to qu1t from endless supplies of sugarless gum Ciety that has increased 15 that of Realistically. America is far from yearj‘iiavis said implementing everything at once . ‘ I. » . - i _ -
D . . . . "in general we tee] to get on it as . ' f I, ' .

onor 0 give iouma ism sc oo roa cast news equipment 000.
Swift said. but he added that i' . . '
w be bett r in tin e nt the . ‘ - ‘ ‘ -
3) BRAPCOOPER have had for years. said Edmund Lambeth said the donation of the provide. but given the current re. me or other members 0f the tac- whglg proposale rather hhiihein bits ’ ' 1‘ '
StaffWrtter Lambeth. director of the School of new equipment Will enrich the sources. l cin‘t provide the current ulty.“ Dick said. "They will have and pieces - . '
. . . Journalism. broadcast course and "will lay the level of service that iournalism feels the capability to edit for the first . . .. , . 0. . . ' - ’ ’

Thanks [0 a donation-of aUd'O‘hlm "This will be a significant dona- foundation for other forms of radio. they need." he said time " 5w” \[rh‘h’eh Ih‘h ”.10 Ih‘ ntut k} ' , .
equipment, StUdehtS Will be able to tion that will bolster the school‘s ef< TV and news instruction." Ult'k is very excited about the _ h'gh “hm! ”Emma” d8» ”f mhh I ' ' -
gain-hands-on experience l" broad- fort to teach broadcast news report- The t.'niversity has film equip- equipments till'lVi'll Duc- to arrive “"hhh‘m ‘" "““" shh‘hh h" ”“““ “‘"h "f h: lhhh '. V.
cast journalism for the hrSl time. ing and writing."Lambeth said. ment that is accessible to students. around Thanksgiving. the donation ______., lhwerhh} reqh‘rhmhm“ “eh ‘h ad- ' ‘ '

Arelatweofioumhsm instructor UK currently offers only one but With the donation. students will "will be the first step to one day vance “tappl-‘mg‘E““’”““"_ I K
DaV‘d DICK has 98’9“ ‘0 8W9 the broadcast news writing course. with not have to leave the journalism haying a Ibmadcast newsroom run INSIDE The [”h'emh‘ N‘h‘hh 1“ 9‘99”“ ' .
5°th 0‘ Journalism two color cam- out film equipment. building to use it. by students at the l‘iiixersity of Ken- to vote 0h the proposal 3‘ "5 ““"”" ' -
eras. two color monitors. three .Vl' Harvey said the equipment. esti- Video equipment provided by the lUth‘."h¢‘-\&H'l her meeting
deocassette recorders and lighting mated at a value of 325.000 based on l'K Department of Instructional Re- “Trying to teach advanced writing UK laid: m Tameka Tana hwlh ha'd h" mmmhh“ lh‘hk“
equipments , 197577 prices. Will be appraised by sources is at least 15 years old. said for broadcast without a camera is and Sonia Hm are no in double: that instead 0f arguing on the senate .

DICk'S ““55 uncle. Audio (tray an independent repairman of film Paul beVeque. director of lnstruc- like trying to learn how to type with- play this man, but are um cm "0.0" over much courses "“3?" re- ‘
Harvey. 72: of Jackson. Miss. will equipment to determine the exact tional Resources. outatypewi-itcr ranked. For detain. 3“ SPORTS. qutrments and which do not. senate
donate equipment other universities value. “There are some sery'ices we can “Students will now be critiqued by M1 members should he aware that

I mechanisms for arguing for or

Bl h. . . . 1": mm“' f“ :2: aga’igst any particmla: courses are
' I int governing reg 3 ions.

ue-c ipper shuns Wildcats, picks Wolverines 0...... 000...... mm, .0 0.00000. 0 00000000

Mr: Carat.” “. “‘9‘“ ‘0 would oversee the implementation of

ROMULUS. Mich. tAPl — Terry miles west of Detroit and only about player in the nation. averaged 26 much on his mind He talked about 3"“ 'erhfimh 0' “a; lhe rhthhemems
Mills one of the most sought-after 15 miles from the Ann Arbor cam- points a game as a junior last sea- Mills at great length during \tichi- "Em ' 3“ Eh'd Waldhart. a communications

. ' . . ‘ - . - . - - ‘ "3- . 'd although she has
high school basketball players in the pm. He is the nephew of John Long. son. He averaged 12 rebounds. 3 4 gan s media day earlier this month ' professor. s‘h
country, said yesterday he will at- a guard for the Detroit Pistons of assists and seven blocked shots per “Terry is an outstanding basket- heard hm" disagreement from {3°
tend the University of Michigan next tbeNational Basketball Association. game. ball player." l-‘rieder said. “We “hy 0"" the pnhc‘hh'h 0f the propo-
year. Long visited ii Wolverines' prac- Mills made his announcement at a never promise a young man he can 5“" She has heard concern about the

“It‘s the “‘86! day of my life" tice mion last _week at Crisler news conference. but Frieder was come right in here and start as a , 9W iohmrhhfi’ in?) :3“;

Mills said at an afternoon news con- Arena. He said Mills, who had nar- not on hand to enjoy it. Frieder and freshman. but we certainly think ' ’ hfiFafll‘ceb n‘ghlts congiomli‘tgtee .. she
ference. an] do what Coach Frieder rowed his chmca to Michigan and theNWolvenms left Tuesday for Ha- Terry has a chance to be a very. 70.! i .0 m“! I“ a ‘ 'de y’ y- l '
wants me to. If he want: me to re- Kentucky. had asked him to observe wall where they will‘open the season very fine basketball player in our la b h i Q- A 7' ll. saw." m L cos a political science
bound I'll do it If he wants me to practice and talk With Michigan Friday against Yirgima Tech in the program" 6* ds!‘ Ir.” ' '3 Y. ‘ . ‘ .

'. ’ .. coach Bill Frieder. ChammadeClassic tournament. I . fineflh.~ . ‘, - protssor. said powble questions
”0'9. 1 lldothntJoo. ‘ Mills was the second high school .* W“ .a about the committee concern the di-

Mllls. IG-ll forward. I8! senior It Mills. considered by many scout~ Before he left. however. Frieder recruit to commit to Michigan dur- . *» +~ -* , rector and distribution of committee
Romulus High School. about an in; services to be the No. l prep made it clear that Mills was very ingthepastweek. “ 0 - ‘ - membership.

 2~ KENTUCK YKERNEL My, Novombu21, 1905
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
. : ' , . . a
. . - . \ x . ‘0 ~ ‘ . .
’ T k °H h d ‘ ”‘ Y k ’Mattin I IS
. 3‘)\‘\1\IV vI . ._.
UK s a agi- a n uo , . . .. an S g y
- \_ ~ . x x, x. .\ \ ..'- ,' sin A 23?“ ' . R K \ \ \ {\v I" ‘
‘4 Ij‘ 1. .‘ ' ‘1 i J a ‘1 Li ’ : “.»"« 4"“ \ \x ‘14“.
C x". ‘ ,‘\ x \ . _ *. ‘. . , . ‘ 1 ' ' X“; \si Zr". . » ,
. ' .. x 7a.“ "i .. . . a I_ "RAVI”; ““
. 11-0 but still unranked . -. , «A .. AL S p 3y er 0 year
. . .,. . ' . . ‘\I"1’xv"‘ .~
' . , v . , I 1v. A. . . . ‘1» L‘ Q: , .1. .
' H) Kltlsl‘ttl'lIl-ilt Ill SKI-II.I Takagi is no stranger to college ’. . '. . ,. ‘2 ,. t . ., II~\:\IIIiI-I~I 1 I .
. . I. Sititfuritt-i doubles. as she qualified for the . » . ‘.’ . . " 3A, it (‘1ij ‘U ' ' NEW YORK IAP) -. First base- runs as the Yankees finished second
‘ ‘ NVAA 135‘ spring With former team< , ‘7‘“. ‘. ' . . ‘ ~ . (I - 'Q-j‘x \\ 1 ' . I . man Don Mattingly of the New York in the AL East behind Toronto, He
‘ . l'K tennis pIaIwrs l‘aiiiaka Takagi mate. Lee Mt‘UUire She said MC- _I If I tI “. ’3 . ‘ ' ”fin ' . , ’ .II‘». Iii.“ , ‘ “1 ‘ . Yankees, who led the major leagues led the major leagues with 48 dou-
. A . - and Sonia ilahn are playing like a GUire was an excellent partner. but ‘3‘“ . . . III1., . , _. ‘ “‘:*_.K7~;I‘.II . with 145 runs batted in this year. bles.
' . . tuiinworttw! sht‘thmkS Hahn 158 WWW"? ‘~ ‘. x? ' at 2391...";‘1, was named the American League's His 370 total bases and 86 extra
, . '. . The top tloutvles team for l'K. 'l‘a “Lee was up and down all the I I- . ' _ -' . I J .1 MVP yesterday by the Baseball base hits also led the AL and his .995
' I . . kagi and Hahn .ire unranked among time." she said “When she was up. I " 'I " .. ‘ ' 53x5);- IgI' ' T ' Writers Association of America. fielding percentage was the best in
, . the nation .\ top :5 doubles teams on she would reall) play well. but there -I .)"-:(s;‘:.” . V -( \ - Mattingly received 23 first-place the leagueat his position.
. _. - tht‘ththlltt‘mllh‘” “"9 “mes “he“ 5“" dldn‘l P13." .“ 3-.XLCQ - 7 votes and five seconds for a total of Mattingly was second in the
I . 'A . ' ' 53» the l‘.\ti totalled to do some well at all Sonia stays the same all . . «4 "KEY.“ ' fl. “ 367 points in balloting by a zit-writer league with a .567Islugging Percenl‘
.1 -- lhllli.‘ .iltiilil that Itnl weekend as the time and shes easier to play “IN“ I‘ \ panel age and second With 66 multiple-hit
.' ‘ - lh('\ Alii‘ '3:t‘.:‘ lllll'tl tournament of with “ I \ Third baseman George Brett of games. His 211 hits. second best in
I ' . .' the. {all the prestigious Rolex Hahn. though mil) a freshman. :3: ~- l the Kansas (‘ity Royals finished sec- the AL. made him the first Yankees‘
I . , h . " l'l‘t'\ Hewitt III IWIWI‘ has a W 0t Ali‘l'lllfi‘ e-“P"“‘3"(‘° and ‘M f ond with five firsts. 20 seconds and player to have consecutive 200hit
" ' ' t‘tianzpmitshps in \\1IL\IUIi'S~iIHU >ht‘ Values it 5‘93“} partner like Ta- . 13;”1 . . by“ .a three thirds for 27-: points. seasons since Joe DiMaggio in
~ . , . x. kagi .‘ ” ‘ ' ‘ " ‘W‘W‘t‘r‘rzfi‘ ‘ Mattingly batted .324 with 35 home 1936-37.
. ' ' 1‘ it“; .. sophomore from Fukuo» "I‘ve had a lot of partners who on W... M... M. 4. t . .w..,,.....wa.w.u._....-
" . . . 'I .' ‘ kti Japan till-.1 Ilahn. a freshman one da} pla) great and on another ' , . '
' .I' , ': ' ‘ from I .ll'l‘itllltti tia qualified for a the) can't hit a ball on the court."
"If 1’ . . , bet-ii: til the National Indoor she said “We work well together be m.” SIDELINES
‘ I I iv t‘lianipio'whys :ii Houston. Texas cause we can adjust our games to II I . I
‘ ' ‘. ill tutti-uni} \Hllt tllt'll‘ \lt‘ltll') last each other Her temperament is 13’ From Stalfand AP Reports
‘t' “t’t‘m'l‘u‘. about the same as mine and I don't
—. . . 'I films; ”in: Hunt: are undefeated think we've ever not gotten along on . , ,
. _‘ -. m... in; my.» h». :1... record and thecourt " _ W . Wildcats hold season‘s first open practice
~: '5 " . t'oat-h \lzse I‘afritk said the duo Their success has not come by ' ”w
.‘ " . ’ ' ' \Hll ttece' stronger :n thetuture overpowering opponents. as Takagi The [K basketball team “III have the first 0f a SCFICS‘ Of
. I' -. '. The} rt on.) com; to get bet- and Hahn are tar from being ph}'Sl- hI' I ‘t' I I tod' . 't \1 II I ial C )l' m Wild-
'. ' I. . ' ter he my. The more the} plat) cal powerhouses Am a result. they I wmmnx monIt -\ Open PM“ he fl" d ‘ e Kr ( iseu ‘
.‘ . , ‘ together th. ll'llt‘l‘ they will get. rel} more on their powerful returns In {all doubles competition UK tennis player Sonia Hahn (above) cats coach Eddie Sutton said.
- ' . .. and 'ne Twit" ~""T?l)t‘?llmh the} will of series and QUICKDPSS and Tomoko Tokogi ore H~O but are still unronked nationally. . , 3 ~. _. .
‘ ' . tdL‘t‘ 151‘» so: :2; ml! make them "They return serve so well that . The doors will open at - pm. and fans will ham a
. ' ' " ‘ . ‘ woritr'artier- they can hurt the Other teams with done so well. Hahn credits mental in Houston and make the NCAA- chancc to watch the Lady hats team practice until the men
. .I 7 . ’l‘l‘tt‘“ ye .. “A. t-aptihle pair and their returns ‘ Patrick said toughness and stability After the college season. Takagi and take the floor at 3 pm. The practice ”Non will last until
, ‘ '. . < . l n. ...}‘i- t:..-~. t't' fitting to pull off Takagi said she and Hahn have “We never try shots that we know Hahn expect to play a great deal of about <:‘t()p.m.
‘ ‘ f some -t-.:‘.; in: Alli} llll> spring.’ great speed and quickness and their we can‘tmake."she said I doubles inItheIsummer on the LSTA ' -
' ' I » ' . he A... . consistenm is a reason they have Both want to make a good showing Sattelite Circun.
~ . - $2 50 ALL SHOWS
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A is, E _jrilri
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‘ ° ’ C bl ff ' k
ristmas aro - a e o ermgs wea - -
' t ' ht " as month draws to close ~ ' 7
premieres 0111 ‘ * ‘ ' '
:1 .
g a) WESLEY MILLER “Tfj_""'_"’"‘_""*“ "’Irj ’ _ '.
. . . StaffWritr F ‘ r
I?) I‘llelH-H I" themselves. “hat is 1t about V e i. c I .
btaffVlriter (‘hristmas that makes us want to re- ;_ i “- you are seeking a good ”In“. . r -r' ,_ .
evaluateourselves" ' . ’ ‘ . ' r '. ‘

. . . . . , to toff _tartin th I r . 'h rt - r J .

l‘omght. for the first time in [R Regardless of religions Rodgers Jec‘tmdue at the 51d :f Ifgeifrtwfiv; Is: .. .i I. w .1;_ '
h‘SI‘)r.\'~ the theater department-Will thinks (‘hristmiis is a time that . I you WI“ need to look somewhere : ‘d‘ ".I'
perform the traditional ht’llday makes people want to reassess their ‘ other than your TVset ‘ ' a". as . _ a '_ :J!‘ 'I _ 'I'
drama. “A (‘hristmas (‘ai'olfi‘ before lives and fmd out what they can do _ (A‘ - ‘ en: . .5 N- . 3 . I‘ j . I .. 1., .
3501(‘0UU‘T0WG . tobemore productive ~. ,5 I This week is the textbook example J ’ ’ .. ‘ " .' l-‘r’5 ; :

Adapted from It‘harles‘ “Wkt‘m According to Rodgers the theme a I; \- II of how bonedry a my)“. Emmy“? :I ~. . ..' I: .~ff
classic novel. [Ks stage version of ()l “A (‘hristmas (‘arol” is best ex- " I.’ K ‘1‘ can be at the end of the month ‘1 ': ii "‘-‘ iI"1~-.'I.’ .JI':
the tale W1” be presented 1“ a "10W pressed in a pivotal comment made ,r 3 ' U ~ There is only one premiere lllllr _ s- _ ff; ‘.v 1‘ .‘5 ts‘
elaborate “Ne than an) PWVIOUS by one of the characters. "God bless ‘ ‘;’r at‘ being offered. albeit a good on. .ti'l’l ' ‘ ‘ ;_s "“ £19.34". .I' .”_
production according to department “5 everyone N If the audience will a 1 . a few noteworthy encore attractions “k . K" ""1" 4:. ':‘ 9‘“.
[illltdu'r‘ll‘lntneh “ RtxlgersI : ~~\ give serious thought to “ha! that '2. HBO's latest in its series of made- l A 9“ 'I' 11"}.

dUI “"1 ‘0 (”WWW -‘ means. Rodgers feels the miracle of f bl ,r . . , i f t l ‘i “1%; ., , -. “. -
(‘hristmas (‘arol.“ Rodgers “my“ t‘hristmaswilllit-realized, 4 2 I}... f 1 .- orca e Imgyiesmis Ia Ire llll (’II’i‘lITi I ._ § , [15,1 .'
the stage adaptation and the l)‘t‘lt‘.\ mm a cast of ~33 and an elaborate /,. - - /; ppgrkefieamgfr Fins; ”:(h'ch :’ I .--. .9 l‘ "1:51;; 3.;
{Or lhé’ Plil)'> ”WSW Although It and (omplex set design. Rodgers buts tin; Sunda\ {wtfiffi my}; / '1; ~_ -"f.r'-.‘5"rl'.'-I‘,'~""."."
took him only a month to write the said “A Christmas Carol" is by far . Ward ”Against. All (“ml a: an . __ ‘ ”A“ . 1175.; '3"; ‘
5C“pl- “NRC“ Said hefl‘thought the most complicated production L'K Australian schoolteacher who 'iioi‘fi ”0'0 (oumw “W.“ ”I m“ 13:15: 7 i. ‘
al)t’UlI:h(I’lt”\'iI‘lult’tll-{I‘lglt‘I h h theater has done during his eight ' with mne young students I kidnan‘ PA’H‘» , AP. .-I.I'.fjr’

"l at to iie anr ea “II t e years m [hedppm-mwm . I! . . . -. > r . _i x. .. 't.’ ,i .
story for a while." said Rodgers. ' --ir it a reai coituixmwd (“my . Mb) tour mdsked men _,_____. __ w..~-_______ .‘ IC- =“Zj at
who began writing his adaptation at he 531d 55‘“ but one member of the . I'- '43 7,7. '; ‘j
the first of August and was “mm“, faculty is working on the produc» . ,. Most of this film. which was it RE-FLICK‘TIONS II 5-2;. .I
by thetime classes started mm " I; ”’0le b) Australian dtx‘umt‘llhtt'lut ",- I

When deciding on an angle for hts Because l‘K‘s "A ('hristmas' Q Arch Nicholson. chronicles \lar‘f s _ $.15 :II I
W“ "WSW“ 0f the popular (‘arol" “‘1” be presented 19 times. it i m _., , . escape from her captors and my “in“ 1" K ‘ "l" V ' :- arcing ghw‘r -, r “5“?
(‘hristiiias tale. Rodgers referred to “-111 open tonight despite the fact _ M‘j‘". subsequent efforts to proter: 'hv Ill . .uir-v New 'trr,‘ war I’~ . f '. '3‘}: ‘t‘.
many previous productions of the that thoughts of the holiday season 211,, WI RF»; children during their flight lttr'riuglr 'Iw' rat-t t! \rr .2 ’he ‘\“",,.". I —I \“T‘
913." ”1’ det'ldt‘d ‘0 more 3W3.“ from may not be prevalent in the minds . I" ',,,. the Australianoutback 5"" ' " ' " . ’-' ' ‘ ‘ ”‘9” . -‘ I“
the "children‘s play" aspect and in» ()frnosts‘udpnts t . is; '3‘» ’d’ ”‘78. '. .j _._
stead focUs on adding a new depth to ” Filmed on location ”h‘lf'l‘t's- “wt 3 ‘ '31“? " “" ‘3‘ *' "’U' . "i '. { “ZN-1".
the characters an approach he . Rodgers 581d the (13195 are 591 up provides lots of suspense and “aid Pit“! “Id-’- --‘-§-’ ;- '- n " ' V4 and Q. . ‘ i ‘-I_.‘I'
felt “as missing in other presenta- m order [0 meet 3 demanding pro- gives a good performance t" “ ‘! Wm.“ “H 'fi‘l ". l "I 'he " ‘ :g I,
trons (liiction schedule while avoiding the I young woman forced to get tough "‘“fl ":3“ " ‘ '-’- r ' i. "riiirs .;:. fin. - ,

"In a lot of productions. only hazards of inflicting an extra work» ngu' when confronted with a lllt‘ arid "1“?” ' ‘i" f . d5 . 7 '. ‘
5”va 599mg to have depth ‘ind load on students during finals week - «WW; I death struggle "W” “1"“ ‘ 3- * - ' -‘ w be -_. ‘l‘fj‘
sometimes even he didn't have $3 WWI .r. 711‘ .-_ " .3 z ' TV I' . -. ;. .I . .~ 5.
enough." Rodgers said "l .. . ‘ , . i 1; For another half hour of suspense ""“I'J ‘ L" "3 3“ " “‘T "‘ “5 .~ ‘1 1" ; 3.“ '-.

In getting away from this melt» II” IIrtlrtIrIirn lot I A christmus 'I ”M“ "1' tune in again to HBO on Tuvsda} rnr 5mm“ ”1"7m‘K" '. .V. f . .;

drama genre. Rodgers feels he has (”YI'“ "H“ W W ”I ’ ‘m p "1 "’r a“ ' ‘ r ’ ' "I“ the 1111“?St installment 1“ "Th" ”5'“? 1m. Wu .H . v. . c 1 0 I x ‘ .. '
uncovered much or what Dickens ”M“"“Vm”'rmrmmw‘ r hiker‘ series Clary Ruse} 'Silwr ir‘lllzn ., ~ \ . , .I in; ~ . . ‘
“'35 Ut‘lglniill} ”I‘m,“ to r913} ‘0 hl‘ I-l‘rt pltix itlIi' continue nighth ‘ a Bullet"! and Geraldine Page slai‘ ll‘: “up” ‘I I”. .EMII. ”a . I III“. " I , > ' \. \1
readers "I \«anted to investigate through .\'m‘ 34 and again on Not WGOI). a chilling little gem about a Iiész'II. In .\"1 '1 "ed- 1 I. ‘4 , v~ . . 5
the c