xt78sf2m8v8k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78sf2m8v8k/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1988-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 1988 text GLSO News, December 1988 1988 1988-12 2019 true xt78sf2m8v8k section xt78sf2m8v8k Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
II I II .. ,
Our public awareness program funded by Louisville, but that's a hard drive. You
the Chicago Resource Center has brought know, it is terribly lonely for a mother too,
generally positive feedback. Gays and especially in a small town."
lesbians have personally expressed
appreciation for our high visibility. Most Gays and lesbians always exchange
respondents to the newspaper advertising have stories about how their families react to "the
asked for information about GLSO, a few have news," but how many realize their parents are
been predictably hostile, and one included a suffering with similar societal difficulties? Let
donation. The "Letters to the Editor" have us know if you have family or friends
yet to show the backlash we anticipated from interested in a local chapter of PFLAG. We
our fundamentalist friends, although one took may have identified a need we can help fill.
the time to photocopy the first chapter of And now, a different perspective with original
Paul's Letter to the Romans and highlight the spelling intact:
supposedly relevant verses.
We thought you would appreciate seeing "Can't you look at the gay community and see
excepts from two different responses: that as a whole its a cancer sore on society.
The gay community is the worst of problemed
III was touched to see your ad in the Herald groups that tries to force itself into the
[Lexington Herald-Leader]. Without going into mainstream, as if you would feel better if we
a lot of writing, may I please ask for any felt bad. Wake up and see with open eyes.
information you have available to families of The rise of homosexuality preceeds the fall of
gays. We have attended PFLAG meetings in a society."
Ever wonder if you'll make it through pleasurable. For those of you who have a
the holidays at home? Whatever you situation wonderful holiday season come with tips and
might be, come ready to share and learn how stories of those wonderful experiences.
to survive the holidays and even make them Should be fun. Join us.
Lexington's Rainbow Bowlers hosted its bowlers gathered at Great Moments for
first bowling tournament last month. It was a dancing, fun and prizes.
great time for everyone who participated. Many bowlers, as well as Joyland Lanes,
About 100 bowlers from Indiana, Ohio and have asked for a Spring Tournament. Both
Kentucky converged on Joyland Lanes. Joyland and the league were quite pleased with
The Lexington team placed in the top the turnout.
10. Dan and Keith finished 8th; Bill and A big thanks to Chuck, Dale, .lon,
Keith came in fifth; Jon and David finished Shelby, Kenneth, Chris, Keith, Bill and
second. A duo from Louisville won the first everyone else for making it a super
prize of $100. After the tournament, the tournament.

I:I Please send me a free introductory
issue of GLSO News and information If you tried to reach us on the
on GLSO. Phoneline within the past month you are
probably as frustrated as we are. In-coming
D I'd like to become a voting Member calls normally are intercepted by computer and
of GLSO, including home delivery forwarded to the home of the volunteer
of the GLSO News and discounts working that shift. For the second time this
at GLSO functions. My Membership year the computer has gone wacky, and this
fee of $10/year is enclosed. time it's an expensive problem.
The timing couldn't be worse! We're
D I don't wish to become a Member but well into our public awareness campaign
Please 560d me the GLSO NEWS each supported by the Chicago Resource Center,
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. but calls have not been getting through. We
hope to have a short term solution implemented
“Jamal—m by the time this issue goes to press. But the
bottom line is, we simply need a new computer
which can cope with modern technology. The
Address:___—___ Phoneline is still operated by one of the first,
and cheapest, personal computers produced.
_ . It has surpassed its life expectancy and the
C'tYI St, 243:“ programming is inadequate to expand the
. service.
Mall to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 11ll71 Obviously we'll be shopping for a new
Lexmgton, KY ”0575 computer and we need your help. Please add
. us to your shopping list by sending GLSO a
tax-deductible contribution for Christmas. We
can solve the Phoneline problem on a short
GLSO News is published monthly by the term basis, but the ultimate answer will cost
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. thousands of dollars. The Phoneline is one of
ld.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services the most important services we provide. A
Organization), Box 111-171, Lexington, KY I40575 holiday gift now can help the Phoneline for
Steve Savage, Editor years to come. Thanks!
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar
Debbie 8 Teresa, Asst Editors for Esmerelda
Additional Contributors: The Advocate,
NGLTF, Dave, AVOL, NWN, Keith, Craig, As many of you know, Interweave and
Angela, Vicki, Kenneth; Typists: Steve, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lexington
Dave, Craig; Equipment: Dave; Typesetting: are hosting the 5th Annual Continental
Matt; Layout: Gerry: Mailing: Dave; Courier: Convocation of Unitarian Universalists for
Kenneth; Folding 8 Stuffing: Mark, Dave, Lesbian and Gay Concerns in February of next
Gerry, Jonathan, Craig. year. As part of the information packet about
Lexington, the Convo' 89 Committee would like
to list businesses which would welcome our
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are 150+ Convo attendees to their restaurants,
those of the authors and do not necessarily shops, bars, etc. If you would like to be
represent those of the Board of Directors. included (and hopefully notice an increase in
Submissions are welcome. All submissions your business the weekend of February
become the property of GLSO and must include 17-19), please contact Craig Clere at 266-8887
the full name and address of the author. or write: Convo '89 Planning Committee, UU
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The Church of Lexington, 3561i Clays Mill Road,
editorial staff reserves the right to alter any Lexington, KY, l#0503 by December 31.
submissions [including advertising) to meet Because the February issue of GLSO
publishing requirements. News will be included in the information
packet, advertising in that issue will reach the
The placement of advertising in GLSO News Convo participants. Thanks for your help in
does not denote a person's sexual orientation making this large gathering of Gays and
nor a business's customer preference. Lesbians in Lexington a success!
2 GLSO December

ANTI-GAY AMENDMENT Kevin Berrill, noted that while the bill stalled
in Congress, acts of anti-gay violence
The first positive federal legislation to continued to shatter the lives of gay men and
address violence against lesbians, gay men, lesbians across the country. Said Berrill,
racial, ethnic and religious minorities, stalled "This bill reflects our call to the federal
in the US Senate because of threats by government to take a firm stand against
Senator Jesse Helms lR-NC) to introduce homophobic violence. We intend to press
sweeping anti-gay amendments. The Hate forward, add more supporting organizations to
Crimes Statistics Act which would require our coalition, and continue the grassroots
federal data collection on crimes motivated by constituent pressure that helped so much this
prejudice against gay people and other year."
minorities, was never brought to the Senate Activists interested in generating
floor despite vigorous lobbying by a coalition support for the Hate Crimes Statistics Act in
of over 50 groups led by the National Gay and the next Congressional session are urged to
Lesbian Task Force (NGLTFI. contact Peri Jude Radecic at NGLTF, 1517 U
Introduced by Rep. John Conyers Street NW, Washington, DC 20009.
(D-MII, the Hate Crimes Statistics Act made
legislative history when it passed the US MURDERERS OF GAYS
House of Representatives in May of 1988. The from Stonewall Union News
bill marked the first time federal legislation
specifically addressing sexual orientation was In Laguna Beach, California, a man who
passed by either house of Congress. Attempts strangled his gay roommate to death was found
to delete the sexual orientation clause were innocent by a jury. It seems the roommate
repeatedly defeated while the bill was in was HIV positive, so the jury decided the
committee and were also defeated on the House killer acted in self-defense.
floor. In Indianapolis, a 17-year old hustler
The Senate version of the bill was stabbed and robbed a prominent attorney.
introduced by Sen. Paul Simon (D-ILI. The The youth's attorney told the jury the victim
Senate bill achieved unanimous approval from ”got what he deserved." The youth was
the Senate Judiciary Committee in August. found innocent of murder, but guilty of
But efforts to bring the bill to the Senate robbing the dead man.
floor crumbled as Helms told Senate Majority But in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a
Leader Robert Byrd (D-WVI that he would 20-year-old man was found guilty of murdering
fight the bill unless anti-gay measures were a gay man, despite defense arguments of
attached. Helms planned to introduce a "homosexual panic." Prosecutors argued that
four-part amendment which stated the the killer went out that night "intending to
following: kill a queer."
And in Selma, Alabama, a jury convicted
ii) The homosexual movement threatens the a 24-year-old man of manslaughter for
strength and the survival of the American strangling a local school teacher, despite
family as the basic unit of society; defense claims that the teacher had "sexually
(2) State laws prohibiting sodomy should be enslaved" his killer.
(3) The federal government should not
provide discrimination protections on the basis GAY AND LESBIAN VETERANS SOUGHT
of "sexual orientation";
(ll) School curricula should not condone Mary Ann Humphrey, a former captain in
homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle in the Army Reserve, is writing a book, IE
American society. Lavender Corps: the Untold Story of the
Military Gay. She would like to contact
NGLTF lobbyist Peri Jude Radecic termed the veterans from Pre-World War II to the present.
amendment "totally offensive and unacceptable. all branches, all ranks, those who lived
We will never tolerate codification of this kind through homosexual purges and those who
of bigotry." Radecic noted that because of received honorable discharges. She
Helms' delaying tactics, the Hate Crimes guarantees the strictest confidence will be
measure must be reintroduced during the next kept. Write to Manuscript Subject, P.0. Box
Congressional session and will have to again 2370, Portland, OR 97208.
pass through committees and the full floor of
December CLSO 3


Hooperman. ABC Network, on —
Wednesday nights. Joseph Gian is Officer Dear Editor: Although I don't live in your
Rick Silardi, an openly gay man on the San state, I have been contacting your state
Francisco police force. lawmakers concerning passing laws prohibiting

As the World Turns. CBS Network, discrimination towards AIDS/HIV+ persons. l
weekday afternoons. Brian Starcher plays the also asked for their assistance in allocating
gay fashion designer, Hank Eliot. more funds for AIDS research.

HeartBeat. ABC Network, will be a I am hoping that your publication will
midseason replacement in January. Among the help to continue my work on the state level.
people who work in a women's clinic, Gail Obviously my work may help people vote in
Strickland plays Marilyn McGrath, a gay the future for those who support the above
woman and a practitioner. causes by identifying our supporters. Letters

thirtysomething. ABC Network, on to these lawmakers from their constituents will
Tuesday evenings, the new season starts make a big statement. I have enclosed copies
December 6. The show is adding a gay male of the letters I received from your lawmakers.
character named Russell, who does not have I contacted Gov. Wilkinson; his legislative
AIDS. Russell will be a friend of Melissa liaison's response is enclosed. I contacted
(Melanie Mayron), through her photography. your U.S. Senators and Representatives and

Dynasty. ABC Network, on Thursday out of your 2 Senators and 7 Representatives,
nights. Jack Coleman will not return to play no Senators and one Representative
Steven Carrington this season. responded. Of your state legislators, two of

Midnight Caller. NBC Network, on your 38 state Senators responded. Perhaps
Tuesday nights. The main character is a cop- by printing some of these letters with a plea
turned-radio-talk-show-host in San Francisco. to your readers to also write letters, we can
One episode will deal with a friend who has all benefit. I have only one request - that my
been exposed to the AIDS virus by a name and address not appear in any of your
promiscuous bisexual male who has been publications. I could lose my job if my HIV
cruising night spots, knowingly infecting male status were known.
and female pickups. Through unity we can all be helped!

Brothers. Showtime cable movie channel, Thank you for listening to my request.
on Friday and Wednesday evenings. This A Friend in Virginia
sitcom is about three brothers, one of whom is
gay. Paul Regina plays the gay brother, Cliff EDITOR'S NOTE: The writer enclosed the
Waters; Philip Charles MacKenzie plays Cliff's reply he received from U.S. Congressman
friend, Donald Maltby. William Natcher, and state Senators Huff

Check it Out. USA Cable Network; (London) and Stuart (Prospect). We print the
weekday afternoons. This show is a sitcom response from Thomas Dorman, Governor
about the employees of Cobb's Supermarket. Wilkinson's Legislative Liaison:

Aaron Schwartz plays Leslie, the gay employee
who runs the deli. "Let me assure you that the legislators
MOVIE NEWS of Kentucky are very aware of the issue and

Torch Song Trilogy. Harvey Fierstein's are doing as much as they can to provide
Tony Award winning play has been made into relief to a baffled and 'frightened public.
a two hour movie to be released December “I. Recently, the Kentucky General Assembly
The film will star Fierstein, Brian Kerwin, allocated money specifically for the purpose of
Matthew Broderick, and Anne Bancroft. AIDS education. Also, research continues at

Burn This. Director Herb Ross has cast the University of Kentucky. Please know that
Scott Glenn in the lead role as Pale. The gay the issue remains on our minds as we consider
character in the film is Larry, one of Pale's the lives of people affected by the dreaded
roommates and an advertising executive. The disease.“
movie is based on Lanford William's Broadway
play of the same title. The soothing words about UK are intriguing.

Bent. This 1979 Broadway play about We believe the implication of clinical research
homosexuals in Nazi concentration camps is at UK is inaccurate, but UK does have a large
going to be made into a movie. Richard Gere federal grant to figure out how to educate
will star in it, as he did in the Broadway health care workers. Also, we've heard
version. Production has not yet been rumors that UK has been referring their AIDS
scheduled. patients to Cincinnati for health care.

4 GLSO December

Unlike some TV preachers, we don't threaten to close our doors every week
if you don't send us money. We get by on very little and we do a lot.
* We publish Lexington's monthly community newsletter.
* We answer the Phoneh’ne (231-0335), from 8:00-11:00 pm
each Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, offering community
information and referrals, or just someone to listen.
* We conduct monthly meetings for gays and lesbians.
* We sponsor the Esmerelda Collective and its various
* We support Interweave, AIDS Volunteers of Lexington,
Dignity/Lexington, and the HIV+, ARC, AIDS Support Group.
* We sponsor a Speakers Bureau.
* We conduct social events for gay men and lesbians,
including the Rainbow Bowling League, Cards 8: Games,
Volleyball, Potlucks and other activities.
If we can do all this on a little cash and a lot of volunteer hours, imagine
what we could do with your help. Fundraisers of the Religious Right make
millions scaring people with how well-financed and tightly organized "those
homosexuals" are. We'd like to give them the chance to be correct about
something for a change.
LEXINGTON GAY 3 LESBIAN Yes! I'd like to support the work of
SERVICES ORGANIZATION GLSO with a contribution of: (Please
circle one)
P.0. Box 11u71 $10 $20 $50 $100 $
Lexington, KY 110575
Gayline: (606) 231-0335
(8-11 pm, Wed. thru Fri.) City St Zip



,’ by Angela

' l 1d ’ P
.,, /' smere a 5 81‘10 I‘ Do you love lesbian erotica? Are you
5". the kind of woman who feels compelled to read
$13 the "good parts" of books like "Curious Wine“
j’ \ over and over again? If you are then you
“y undoubtably have noticed the lack of good
‘ lesbian erotica available to us. I'm not
‘ ‘ speaking of novels which indulge in a timid

Greetings "Gentle Reader", and Happy love scene every one hundred pages or so.
Holidays to you. Can you believe it's that I'm speaking of books DEDICATED to erotica.
time of year again? If you're like me, you're If this is what you've been yearning for, then
still paying off last year's Christmas Shopping have I got two books for you!

Extravaganza. |'|l review them in the order in which I

I trust everyone is getting into the read them. (It took about two nights . . .)
spirit of the season--or at least trying to. Dreams of the Women Who Loved Sex is a
This time of year can be hard for us, though. collection of erotic literature written by Tee
Some of us are far away from our families and Corinne. The book is composed of three
won't be able to make the trip this year for separate works. The first, "Passion is a
one reason or another; others of us are Forest Fire Between Us" is a first-person
separated emotionally because we are not narrative describing the beginning and
accepted for who we are. This can be a sad metamorphosis of a relationship between two
time for many people. However, please don't women over a two and a half year period. -
forget you have a family here. There is This is a highly sexual relationship and its
always something going on--even during the metamorphosis is expressed largely through
busy holidays! the context of explicit sexual encounters. You

Many of us have adopted our own may see this setting as a reflection of the
"family" of friends with whom we are just as nearly continual sex, as I did, or you may see
close, or closer, as we are with our own blood it simply as one explicit sexual encounter after
relatives. It's times like Christmas that we another. Whichever the case, if you like i
appreciate them most. For those of you just erotica, you will enjoy it.
coming out and feeling somewhat alone for The second work is called "Cream: A
whatever reason, you are not. Participating Suite of 31 Poems". Each poem is written for
in community activities is a good way to start one of the 31 days in a month. Corinne says
building your ties in the Lexington gay and in her introduction that these poems grew out
lesbian community. Come to the December of her " excitement with sexual language."
potluck on the 11th (for more info call She succeeds in utilizing a minimum of words
Esmerelda) - always a warm and friendly to conjure strong sexual images within the
atmosphere (with plenty of good food). And reader's mind.
of course there's the Christmas Coffeehouse on The last work, "Dreams of the Woman
the 16th, complete with two Santas (his and Who Loved Sex", for which the entire
hers), Christmas Carols, and all the other compilation is entitled, is, in Corinne's own
good "Christmasey" things. words, "a multilayered text. which interweaves

Esmerelda always welcomes new people, reality, fantasy, memories, and dreams." And
so there's no need to feel alone. it does so in a very sexy way.

On the lighter side, "Esmerelda's Published by Banned Books, |
Parlour" is particularly titillating this month. recommend Tee Corinne's compilation to any
We have a couple of articles dealing with woman with an erotic, sensual mind. This
Erotica (gaspE). (Notice how we saved this book also includes a bonus! A bibliography of
part till last so you would read the whole other erotic writings by women. The entire
letter without skipping to the Erotica section.) volume is 138 pages.

We hope you enjoy - if anyone has any The second book I am reviewing is
responses to this letter or anything else in entitled The Leading Edge, an anthology of
"Esmerelda's Parlour", please give us a write. lesbian sexual fiction. The most accurate way
We love hearing from you. to describe this book is to call it a collection

We wish everyone a peaceful and happy of fantasies. There is probably something
Christmas--you are in our thoughts. Until here for everyone: scenarios ranging from mild
next month . . . $8M to gentle romance. It is a little bit more

Teresa and Debbie rough with the reader than is Dreams of the
6 GLSO December

 Women Who Loved Sex. More simply sexual can also be an erotic experience. Let your
than erotic. Possibly more concerned with imagination guide your menu. Set the
arousal than deep feelings of love. It is a ambiance with the table, then guarantee the
book which works at getting the job done course of the evening with specially tested
rather than evoking a lot of thought. Still, if sensual recipes like those in the "Cooking in
you're into sex and reading about sex, | the Nude" series of cookbooks. Try taking a
recommend it. The book is published by Lace "wok on the wild side," and you'll probably
Publications and edited by Lady Winston. 211 come up with more than just a ”flirtatious
pages. filletll" For dessert, there are some
The Leading Edge is a recent publication sumptuous, whipped body toppings, available
and fairly easy to find, however, I have heard in flavors like pralines and cream, and peach
that Dreams of the Woman Who Loved Sex is brandy, that don‘t even require refrigeration
hard to lay hands on. Both books may be (IF you have any left over!).
ordered through Sqecial Media or Joseph-Beth There are, of course, many more female
Booksellers if not in stock. erotica products available today than the few
touched upon here. For example, there is a
RISQUE BUSINESS new array of non-threatening stimulators and
vibrators. Vibrators can be an excellent tool
For years now, the very mention of to help a woman get in touch with her body.
female erotica has caused many within the And when she discovers what REALLY feels
lesbian community to cringe. And why not? good, she can then share that knowledge with
The erotica that was available, such as "dirty" her partner. Happy erotic trails!
books and videos, placebos billed as For more information on these products,
. aphrodisiacs, and phallic-shaped, hard plastic contact Risque Business, the new
vibrators hardly conjure up positive erotic lesbian-owned, Lexington based company which
images to most lesbians. carries a full line of female erotica, as well as
Fortunately, those times have passed. novelty gifts and lingerie. Risque Business
With the help of such authors as JoAnn specializes in confidential mail order and home
Loulan, we now know that IT IS O.K. for party sales. Write or call at your
womyn to nurture themselves in all aspects of convenience: Risque Business, 1019 Industry
‘ their lives, including areas of sensual Rd., #54643, Lexington, KY, 40555, 269-4285.
self-awareness. What better way to become For a full-size, color catalog, send $2 to the
attuned to our own eroticism and learn to above address.
unleash our lesbian passion than with the new
female erotica products now readily available.
With this in mind, the following are some —
suggestions for erotic holiday gift-giving.
Since sensuality stems from the senses, December's winner of Esmerelda's Write-Off:
try to use them all. Arouse the woman of
your desires by lavishing yourself (or her) in i know you know
luscious lingerie. Flirtatious daywear as well by Vicki
as alluring nightwear is now available, and it
will not offend most wimmin's "political quicker than thought
correctitude." Once you've caught her eye, the knife slips
you might want to arouse more than just her slicing
interest with a sensual massage. Not your my smallest finger
basic backrub, mind you, but a stirring, oozing red liquid into the
tender, even healing, full-body massage to magic bulb of color
relieve tensions, move energy, and promote a the numbing,
revitalizing, all-over sensual awakening. anticipating pain
Books describing these massage techniques are caution for the evening
readily available. Use natural-based lotions airy blackness
and oils such as the "Act of Love" brands to restricting sight,
avoid "the greasies." For a more fevered the weather of your lips
arousal, try the glycerine-based lotions that breathes
release genuine fiery flames of passion when across my cloudy mind
blown upon. Edible natural-based lotions come and my tears
in several exotic flavors, and also serve as i know you know
lubricants for other intimate sensual uses. i am
Speaking of tastes, a romantic dinner, we are
December GLSO 7

371 S. Limestone, 255-4316
If the search for the perfect Christmas Offers just about everything imaginable:
gifts has been getting you down, perhaps we books, posters, cards, jewelry, buttons,
can lend a hand. Esmerelda has several etc., etc., etc.
favorite shopping spots which are guaranteed 9. TUESDAY MORNING
to provide ample opportunity to find unique Crossroads Plaza, 273-7166
and beautiful (and maybe even affordable) A discount store par excellence! Offers
gifts. The following ten stores are only a Christmas items, toys, crystal,
sampling, however--please don't be offended if housewares, picture frames, and much
your favorite has been left out. If it has, let more, all for at least 50% off the retail
us know, and we'll try to include it next price. Rapid turnover in inventory is a
year. plus.
1. ARTIQUE-JEWELRY 8 GIFT GALLERY The Mall at Lexington Green, 273-9218
Civic Center Shops, 233-177u Artsy shop with a lot of flair. Find
Simply overflowing with the beautiful collectibles, jewelry, crystals, etc.
and the bizarre. Unique hand-made
items, including crystals, jewelry, And finally, if you don't mind a bit of a trip,
sculpture, etc. Great for just looking, don't forget about Crazy Ladies Bookstore,
too! (513) Sill-0198, in Cincinnati. lt's loaded with
2. CHESTNUT STREET GALLERY wonderful books, music, cards, jewelry and
Fayette Mall, 273-7351 more. Definitely worth the trip! For
Chock full of beautiful hand-made directions, call Esmerelda!
pottery, jewelry, etc. Approximately
1/3 are Kentucky-made items.
lI32 Southland Drive, 277-0121! 4 '
A truly special store. Quality jewelry '
and crystals at very reasonable prices.
201 1/2 Woodland Ave., 233-7383
It's probably too late to order I
custom-made jewelry for this year, but ‘
this diminutive shop also has some lovely
pieces on hand. Crystals, also. v
The Mall at Lexington Green, 273-2911 18
What can we sa ? Sim ly one of the '
best bookstoresy ever! p Plenty of Crazy LadleS
comfortable spots to sit and read your
way through your gift-choosing. BOOkStore
Calendars, cards, and prints, also.
6- PIER 1 IMPORTS Books, Music, Gifts
0001 Nicholasville Road, 271-3197
A treasure chest of unusual items from By, For and AbOUt
all over the world. Clothing, jewelry, Women
houseware, etc.
Tates Creek Centre, 271-1010
This may seem an odd choice, perhaps, 4112 Hamilton Ave.
but Esmerelda knows how empty our . . -
wallets seem to get at this time of year, Clncmnau’ OH
and at this store you never spend more 45223
than $10.00 on any one item. Lots of
clothes to choose from, including (513) 5414198
legitimate name label sweaters, shirts,
and pants. .
8 GLSO December

The state Division of Epidemiology The Citizen's Commission on AIDS has
announced that money has been allocated by developed guidelines for use by employers and
the federal government to extend the AZT unions in combating problems surrounding
program for indigent persons. A total of AIDS in the workplace. Educational concerns
$36,000 in new money has been granted to are addressed by the recommendations, as are
Kentucky for the next 11 months. Persons the rights of employees who test HIV-positive.
already enrolled in the program will be notified The commission is circulating the
first and applications for new enrollments will guidelines throughout the country, asking
be accepted after November 1, 1988. institutions, organizations and businesses to
It should be emphasized that applicants endorse their recommendations. GLSO, AVOL
must first be found ineligible for Medicaid and ACT/Lexington have joined the growing
("medical card") before applying for this list of supporters. All three organizations
assistance. Applications for AZT financial have sent the recommendations to President
assistance can be made through local health Roselle at the University of Kentucky, with
departments. the suggestion that the University incorporate
In Fayette County contact: the guidelines in its upcoming personnel poIicy
Julia Karnes, MSW, (606) 252-2371, dealing with UK employees with AIDS.
Lexington-Fayette Co. Health Dept., 650 The following ten points constitute the
Newtown Pike, Lexington, KY 1&0508. guidelines:
Elsewhere in Kentucky contact:
Division of Epidemiology, (502) 560-3018 1. People with AIDS or HIV (Human
or Kentucky AIDS Project, (502) Immunodeficiency Virus) infection are entitled
560-6539, 275 E. Main St., Frankfort, to the same rights and opportunities as people
KY 00671. with other serious or life-threatening illnesses.
For Medicaid applications contact:

Fayette County Residents only: 2. Employment policies must, at a
Patti Silvers, (606) 299-6202, Adult minimum, comply with federal, state, and local
Medical Unit, Dept. of Social Insurance, laws and regulations.

1179 Winburn Drive, Lexington, KY
140511. 3. Employment policies should be based

Outside Fayette County: on scientific and epidemiological evidence that

The nearest Dept. of Social Insurance. people with AIDS or HIV infection do not pose
Please note that persons applying for disability 3 risk of transmission of the virus to
will also automatically be considered for a coworkers through ordinary workplace contact.
medical card. If you have applied for Social
Security disability or SSI, do not apply for a it. The highest levels of management and
medical card separately with 3 Dept. of Social union leadership should unequivocally endorse
Insurance. If you have not applied for nondiscriminatory employment policies and
disability or SSI, you may apply for Medicaid educational programs about AIDS.
through the appropriate agency listed above,
and then apply fo