xt78sf2m6z38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78sf2m6z38/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1951-10-12  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1951 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1951 1951 1951-10-12 2013 true xt78sf2m6z38 section xt78sf2m6z38 The Kentucky Kernel


Rogers, Hammerstein Music
Featured In First Concert


ft; i'i is" includes numbers from such
roadway success as "South Pacific."
O..l:ihoma." "Allegro," "State Fair,"

"Carousel." and "The King and I.Crane Caldcr. who has arranged
and conducted all Rodgers and Hammerstein symphonic programs touring the country since 1948, will direct tonight's production.
A concert orchestra, and chorus
of 14, and four soloists are included
in the company of "Rodgers and
Hammerstein Nights."
Four Soloists Will Appear
Leigh Allen .soprano from the
New York cast of "South Pacific";
Carol Jones, mezzo-soprafrom the
Robert Shaw Chorale; Earl William, tenor from the New York cast
of "Court in' Time"; and Andrew
Carney, baritone from the New York
cast of "Kiss Me Kate" are the

The program will be divided into
two parts. The first part will include the overture to "Allegro"; "It's
A Grand Night for Singing" and "It
Might as Well Be Spring." from
"State Fair"; "Suite" from "Oklahoma"; and "June Is Bustin' Out
All Over," "If I Loved You," "When
I Marry Mr. Snow." "Youll Never
Walk Alone," and "Soliloquy," from
After the intermission, the group
will present "March of Siamese
Children," "I Whistle a Happy
Tune," and "Hello, Young Lovers,"
from "The King and I"; "A Wonderful Guy." "Younger Than Springtime," "There Is Nothin' Like a
Dame." "Bali HaV and "Some Enchanted Evening," from "South Pacific"; and "Oh, What a Beautiful
Morning," "Surrey With The Fringe
on Top," "Out of My Dreams,"
"People Will Say We're In Love,"
and "Oklahoma," from "Oklahoma."




Pianist Scheduled Thursday
who will play Thursday

night, made his debut as a pianist
when he was eight years old. At
that time, he played two concertos
in London's Queen's Hall. When he
was nine, he was invited to play
before the British Royal Family in
Buckingham Palace.
The son of a London East End
tailor, Solomon first came to the
United States in 1926 for a concert
tour. He returned in 1939 for the
New' York World's Fair, where he
played the first world performance
of the Arthur Bliss Piano Concerto, at the request of the composer, who travelled from England
to hear it.
Solomon was awarded the Order
of Commander of the British Empire
during World War II for his many
charity concerts, and for his entertainment of British troops.
Performed Near Firing Line
At times he performed within a
mile of the firing line in France and
Germany. Besides his work with the
Forces, he continued his career and
was an air raid warden in his home
In 1946, Solomon toured India and

Mozart's Sonata Will Be Played
The second group will consist of
three movements of Mozart's "Sonata
in D major, K. 576," and the third
group will include five movements
from "Sonata in F minor. Opus 5,"
by Brahms.
After the intermission. Solomon
' will
play four compositions by
Chopin. They are "Ballade in A
Flat Major. Opus 47," "Two Etudes,"
"Nocturne in D flat major, Opus 27,
No. 2," and "Polonaise in A Flat
Major, Opus 53."
Students will be admitted to both
concerts upon presentation of their
student identification cards.
The concerts are sponsored jointly by the University, The Lexington
Public Forum, and The Central Kentucky Community Concert

Rhodes' Tests
To Be Held
In December







Gardner, President Bob Smith, and
Bill Wilson, in conference with
Comptroller Frank D. Peterson, was
presented to the SGA for approval.
The budget called for $5350 in ex- penditures, a cut of $150 from last
President Smith explained to the
group that the SGA receives 50
cents from each student each se- mester, and since the enrollment

The annual competition for
Rhodes Scholarships will be held hi
all the states in December 1951. t
These scholarships, authorized under the will of the South African
diamond millionaire, Cecil Rhodes,
will be awarded to a certain number
of American college students on the
basis of superior ability in both
scholastic and extracurricular fields.
Valued now at 500 pounds sterling,
these scholarships are available for
use at Oxford University starting in
October 1952.
Students who qualify under the
GI Bill may expect the same benefits at Oxford as they received at an
American university.
An appointment to a Rhodes
Scholarship lasts for two years, with
a possible third year made available
to those whose records and plans of
study make such an award available.
To be eligible, a candidate must be
a male citizen of the United States

THIS TROPHY, beinc admired by Jarke Cottom, Marcia
and Patricia Alves, will be given to the "Queen of the Roaring
Twenti-s- "
at the Sigma Chi Derby tomorrow afternoon. The girls
are contestants for the trophy.

Th"ta; Donnie MacKay and Marion
McGuire, Zeta Tau Alpha; Barbara
Leet and Earbara Musser. Alpha
Delta Pi; Betty Ann Thomason and
Jane Mainous, Delta Delta Delta;
Willa Sue Florence and Mary Ellen

and unmarried, between the ages of
19 and 25 on October 1, 1952, and
have completed at least his sophomore year by the time of his application. In addition, he must receive
an official endorsement of his college or university.
A candidate may apply either in
the state in which he resides or in
the state in which he has received
at least two years of his college education before applying.
Applications must be in the hands
of the state committee not later than
Nov. 3. Final selections by district
committees will be made on Dec. 15.
Copies of the Memorandum of
Regulations, application blanks, and
other information may be obtained
at the office of Dean M. M. White,
Room 128, McVey Hall.

Three University students will
have an opportunity to attend the
N.Y. Herald Tribune Forum to be
held Oct. 22, 23, and 24. at the Waldorf-Astoria
Hotel in New York
Word has been received of the
meeting, and three student invitations will be issued from the Office
of the Dean of Women. Any student
interested in making the trip should
contact Dean Sarah B. Holmes for
further details.
The Forum will focus on bridging
the gap between today's scientific
developments and application of
ethical standards. The range will be
from a consideration of
what standard of integrity we may
fairly expect of politicians and government officials, to discussion of
the personal adjustments each student must make in the face of increasing mobilization and military
Each student will be required to second group.
pay his own way, but reservations
For his third group. Mr. Holloway
may be obtained without charge will sing Massenet's aria. "Vision
Fugitive," from "Hcrodiade."
from the Dean of Women.

speech and drama clinic will
conducted on the University
campus Monday and Tuesday. The
clinic is sponsored by the Department of University Extension, Department of English, and Kentucky
Speech Teachers Association.
Highlights of the program include
a dinner and talk at 6 p.m. on Monday in the football room of the Student Union Building and a dramatic interpretation at 8:15 p.m. in
the Guignol Theatre.
Mr. Boyd Martin, drama editor
of the Courier-Journand director
of the Little Theatre at the University of Louisville, will be the after-dinnspeaker at the dinner in the
SUB. The dinner reservations, which
are $1.25 each, may be obtained by
calling the Department of University Extension.
The dramatic interpretation will
be given by Dr. Gladys L. Borchers,
professor of speech and education
at the University of Wisconsin.
Immediately following the program, a reception will be given in
honor of Dr. Borchers and Prof.
Martin in the music lounge of the
Fine Arts Building. Those attending the Speech and Drama Clinic
are invited to the reception.
The complete program for the
clinic may be obtained at the office
of the University Extension Service
in the basement of Frazee Hall. All
events on the program are free except the dinner.


UK Chess Club
Meels Weekly

Gentry, Alpha Xi Delta; Virginia
Davis and Betty Martin, Kap- pa Kappa Gamma; Ann Smith
and Marcia McDaniel, Kappa Delta;
and Flossie Reddle and Maureen
The University Chess Club now
Taylor, Delta Zeta.
meets at the YMCA Building, 239 E.
High Street. The meetings are heldi
each Thursday evening from 7 to 10.
and on Saturdays from 1 to 5 p.m.
Any chess player or student interested in learning the game is invited to visit the club and participate in its activities. Townspeople
The third group will consist of and faculty members are also wel"Lamento," by Duparc; "Le Mirroir," come.
by Ferarri; and "Marins DTslande,"
Many activities have been planned
by Fourdrain.
for the coming year. The club is
American Folk Songs, arranged sponsoring a national chess master
by Copeland. will comprise the final to play an exhibition and be availgroup.
Songs included are "The able for consultation on individual
Boatmen's Dance," "The Dodger," problems. Later in the year there
"Longtime Ago," "Simple Gifts," and will be a club championship tournament.
"I Bought Me A Cat."
The Chess Club Is headed at presThe other programs include Gordon Kinney, cellist, and the Univer- ent by Fred Payne, who is the state
sity Chamber Music Group, Nov. 4; champion chess player. The
is Dr. Dudley Roberts of
Virginia Lutz, soprano. Nov. 18;
University Symphony Orchestra, the Psychology Department. George
Nathaniel Patch, soloist, Dec. 9; Roberts, professor of agronomy, is
University Choristers, Christmas the secretary and treasurer.
The Chess Club has been organprogram, Dec. 16; Kenneth Wright,
violinist, and the University Cham- ized for about six years and now has
ber Music Group. Feb. 10; Aimo a membership of 15.
Kiviniemi, tenor, Feb. 17.

Exams To Be Given
In French, Spanish

Valkenburg To Lecture
On Russia, U.S. Conflict

Men's Glee Club To Sing
Men's Glee Club, March 16;. Women's Glee Club, March 30; University Concert Band, April 6; UniverDr. Herman Spivey, dean of the
sity Chorus, Orchestra, and Choris- Graduate school, has announced that
ters, April 20; and Nathaniel Patch, the French and Spanish reading
pianist. April 27.
exams will be held all day today.
All the musicales will be held in Those taking the exams are to reMemorial Hall, except the April 6 port to room 301. Miller Hall.
The next exnms will be Riven
and April 20 performances, which
will be in the Coliseum.
Saturday, Jan. 5.

Guest Speaker Is
Clark University
Graduate Director
Dr. Samuel Van Valkenburg. director of the Graduate school of
geography, Clark University, Worcester, Mass., will speak on the conflict between Russia and the United
States in a series of lectures beginning at 11 a.m. Monday in the Guignol theater.
Dr. Valkenburg will speak three
times in giving a geographic and
geopolitical interpretation of the
present world situation. His talks
are scheduled at 11 a.m. on Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday in the
Guignol theater. He will also hold
an informal discussion at noon

luncheon in room 205, SUB, on Monday.
The title of his Monday talk is
"The Red Circle." On Tuesday he
will discuss "World Inventory" in
which Point Four will be indirectly
included. Dr. Valkenburg will close
his series with an illustrated lecture
on "West of the Iron Curtain" on
Besides his duties with the Worcester. Mass. school. Dr. Valkenburg
is chairman of the International
Committee for an Inventory of
World Land Use. He is also directing
various programs for the Quartermasters Corps, U.S. Army. He is
closely associated with the activities
of the State department and the
UN. An accomplished linguist, he
visits Europe each year to gain a
first hand knowledge of world affairs.

Foreign Affairs Program
Given By Government
The Department of State has announced its fourth Foreign Affairs
Intern Program. The program is designed to give outstanding college
seniors and graduate students work
experience and training for a career
in the field of foreign affairs.
In order to be eligible, students
must file an application to take the
U.S. Civil Service Commision Junior
Management Assistant examination
before Nov. 13. Then the student
should advise the college nominating
board that he is interested in being
considered as a nominee.
The UK nominating board consists of Drs. Amry Vandenbosch,
Joseph H. Schwendeman. Irwin T.
Sanders, Thomas D. Clark, and
Lucian Carter. Their duty is to
select those candidates worthy of
the program. A student must De approved by the committee and pass

the examination to be considered
for the Foreign Affairs Intern Program.
Studies in the fields of international relations, political science,
economics, business administration,
public affairs, and related fields will
be of value.
The training program includes
nine months of specialized instruction at the Foreign Service Institute,
observational assignments, work assignments within the State Department, preparation of special reports,
and periodic seminars and conferences.

With the completion of these program assignments, the trainee will
to a division
be transferred
within the department.
start at $3100 to $3825 for entrance
level positions.



Holloway To Be Featured
In First Sunday Musicale
Baritone Earl Holloway will be
featured in the first Sunday Musicale of the year, at 4 p.m. in Memorial Hall. Mrs. Holloway will be
his accompanist.
Twelve programs, featuring faculty and student music groups from
the University Music Department,
will be presented this year. Music
will include vocal and instrumental
recitals, chamber music concerts,
and orchestra programs.
All programs are open to the public without charge.
Mr. Holloway. instructor in the
UK Music Department, studied this
summer under Bernard Taylor of
the Julliard School of Music.
Song by Lully Included
The first group of Sunday's musicale will include Recitative and Air
from Cadmus and Herimone." by
Lully: "Chanson a Danser," an Old
French song; and "Since From My
Dear." and "Man is For Woman
Made." both by Purcell.
"Ich Grolle Nicht" and
by Schumann; "Vcrschwie-gen- e
Liebe," by Wolf; and "Zueg-nung- ,"
by Strauss will make up the

Speech Clinic
To Be Held
Next Week


All seniors who expect to complete their requirements for graduation at the close of the first or
second semester or the summer
term are requested to make application for degrees today or Saturday.
This applies also to graduate students who expect to complete their
requirements for graduate degrees.
All applications should be filed in
Room 16 of the Administration
As the commencement lists are
made from these cards, it is very
important to file an application at
this time.
Candidates for the bachelor's degree will be charged a graduation
fee of $9.00. This will cover the
rental of cap and gown, diploma
fee, The Kentuckian, and other
necessary expenses. Candidates for
advanced degrees, other than the
doctorate, will be charged a fee of
$20.00, which will cover the above,
with the exception of The Kentuckian, and in addition to the cost
of the hood to be presented the
candidate. The fee for the doctorate is $25.00. Graduation fees are
payable not later than the fourth
day preceding commencement.

Sigma Nu, KD's Lead
With ODK Tag Sales
ODK tag sales proceeds from the
Mississippi state game are to be
turned in at 7 p.m. Monday in Room
127 of the SUB. Tags can also be
picked up at that time for the Villa-nov- a

Jack Ballantine, ODK spokesman,
announced that Sigma Nu leads the
fraternity division in Tag Sales.
Kappa Delta is the leader for the
sororities. Second place for the men
goes to Lambda Chi with the Phi
Delts running third. For the women, Chi Omega is second and Alpha Delta Pi are third.
Trophies are given to the winners
and runners up in each division.
This year the winners will also be
allowed a voice in choosing the ODK
project for the vear.

UK Livestock Judging Team
Participates At Ohio State
Rooms Available

At Scott Street
There are some vacancies available in the Scott Street barracks.
Anyone interested in obtaining a
room should apply at the office of
the Dean of Men in the Administration Building.

Suky Striving
To Improve
Card Section
Suky has announced that the card
of the
section show at the half-tim- e
games will henceforth be synchronized with a minimum of oral commands. From now on the leader will
use the public address system only
to announce the number of the next
When he raises the card in his
hand it will be the signal for the
members of the card section to raise
their cards. When he lowers his card
it is the signal for the cards to be
Dave Bere, president of Suky,


The Kciituckkin and the
face cuts in their appropriations from the Student Government Association unless the two
publications can show cause why their budget appropriations
should remain the same. The decision was made at Monday night's
meeting on a motion by Jess Gardner, a member of the SGA
Budget Committee.
A proposed budget, drawn up by this year is lower than in past years,

Bob Smith
President of SGA

Tomorrow Last Day
File For Degrees

American Students
To Be Awarded
Study At Oxford






Appeals By Publication;
ril T
10 re iiearci luonuay




Three May
Allend Forum
In New York

Trask's orchestra

Profits Provide Scholarships
flavor of the original group by
Profits from the Carnival and initiating the 13 new members on
dance are used for scholarships. Re- May 13.
cipients of the scholarships are
This year's officers are Fred Davis,
Leigh Allen
chosen on the basis of need and president; Henry Maser, vice presi-dent- T
Featured Tonight
Don Richardson, treasurer;
worthiness. Any male student is
and John Brannon, secretary. Facthe Far East, playing for troops
Last year Lances gave two scholar- ulty advisor for the group is Dr.
there, whom he felt had been
ships, one for $400 and one for $300. W. H. Ward, head of the English
Lances was founded in 1902. The
Two compositions by Bach make
up the first group of numbers in
Solomon's program. They are
"Prelude and Fugue in C minor
(Book ID." and "Prelude and Fugue
in G major (Book I."

'Roaring Twenties' To Be Theme
At Second Annual Sigma Chi Derby
"The Roaring Twenties" is the
theme of the Second Annual Sigma
Chi Derby which will be, held tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. at the Intramural Field.
Pledges of the participating sororities will be attired in sweaters
and shorts for the scheduled seven
events. This year's events include
Rum Runners. Babe Ruth vs. Umpire, Lassie Stakes
Big Crash. Roll Out the Barrel,
Charleston, and Queen of the Roaring Twenties.
Judges for "The Roaring Twenties" will be Miss Laura Lyons, Society Editor of the Lexington Leader,
Alvan King of the G. F. Vaughn Tobacco Company, and Capt. W. M.
Hatcher. UK Air Force ROTC.
Last year, Zeta Tau Alpha captured the
by winning the greatest number of
events. This trophy is a challenge
trophy and will be retained by the
sorority winning the Derby three
The queen of the Derby will be
chosen by fitting each candidate
into a silhouetted cutout. The girl
whose proportions are nearest those
of 'the silhouette will be declared
Candidates for queen are Patricia
Ann Alves and Beth Gallivan. Chi
Omega; Carolyn Smith and Jacke
Cot torn. Alpha Gamma Delta; Freda
Jones and Pat Darrah, Kappa Alpha

For Kyian,

will be group originally had 13 members
Friand was known as the Mystic 13. In
day night's Lances Carnival dance. the early 1930's the name was
The dance follows the annual changed to Lances and was expandCarnival held on the intramural ed to its present membership of 20.
In 1941 they started giving scholarThirty fraternities and sororities ships using initiation fees for funds.
v.'ill sponsor booths. Each organizaFirst Carnival Given in 194?
tion will also have a candidate for
The first Carnival was given in
queen. In preceding years the group 1942. Because of the war. the prowhich sold the most ticket)) to their ceeds were given to the Red Cross.
booth was awarded a trophy. As an After the war. Lances again set up
added honor their candidate was the system of giving scholarships to
worthy students.
named Queen of the Carnival.
This year Lances is having out
Junior men are the only students
of town judges to pick the Queen. eligible for membership. Candidates
She will be chosen on the basis of are chosen twice a year
in Depersonality, appearance, and charm, cember and in May. Seven men are
rhe winning girl will be given a taken the first semester and 13
trophy separate from that awarded are chosen the second semester. The
May Initiation retains some of the
to the winning booth.

The Central Kentucky Community Concert and Lecture Series opens
at 8:15 tonight in Memorial Coliseum
with "Rodgers and Hammerstein
Nights." At 8:15 Thursday night.
t!ie scries will feature Solomon, the


SGA May Cut Funds

'he feature attraction at next

Thursday Night

"Ro dgers


Lances Will Feature
Clyde Trash's Band

Solomon To Play




pressed his appreciation for the cooperation of the card section last
week. Bere said, "In order for the
students to actually see what they
are accomplishing, films of the
show will be taken at one of the
forthcoming games," he announced.

The University Livestock Judging
Team gained further experience this
past weekend by participating in a
training contest at Ohio State University. This is the second outing
for the eight members of the team.
This was not an official judging
contest, but part of a round robin
with members of the corn belt
These schools are Ohio
State, Illinois, Michigan State and
Purdue. By these training contests
the teams of the different universi- ties are preparing themselves for
the International Livestock Exposition at Chicago in November.
The first competition for the University team was the Southern Intercollegiate Livestock Judging Contest
at Memphis, Tennessee Sept. 21. 22.
They finished second there among
nine teams.
Besides the round robin contests
the University team will compete in
the Eastern Livestock Judging Contest at Baltimore. Md. early in November. This will be their final
competition before the International
Exposition at Chicago.
The team is now composed of
Henry Meyer. Robert Hall, Tony
Cocanaugher, Neil Bradley. Lynwood
Schrader, Bob Huffman, Herb Brown
and John Wolf.
Of added interest to these boys is
$700 worth of scholarships that go
to the top seven in competition.
Five of these individual $100 scholarships are being donated by the
breeding associations' of the state
and two of them by the Block and
Bridle Club of the University.
The winners of thee scholarships
will be announced later.

the SGA funds were correspondingly
Shows $850 Deficit
Only $4500 will be incoming from
students this year. Smith said, and
the remaining $850 deficit will have
to be taken from a reserve fund
built up from the unused balance
from former years,
Gardner introduced his motion
after pointing out that the various
appropriations should be reduced in
proportion to the reduction in in- come.

"I think it is a shame for the
SGA to be saddled with a budget
that was originated for a larger student body than we have now."
Gardner said.
"Our budget for this school year is
inadequate in both funds for social
activities and also miscellaneous
funds, from which many worthwhile
activities have been aided,
Freshman Orientation Lowered
If any money is taken from the
appropriaKentuckian and
tions, Gardner said, it should be
added to the other funds.
The Freshman Orientation fund
was cut from a proposed $200 to
$150 on a motion by Joe Shoepf.
This fund is used to pay for the
dance during Orientation Week.
Other items on the budget were
approved by the SGA. They include $1300 to the Student Directory.
$450 to the House Presidents' Council, $1750 to the Student Government
secretary. $300 to the social fund,
and $250 to miscellaneous funds.
The miscellaneous funds were
originally set at $200 in the proposed
budget, but the $50 cut from the
Freshman Orientation Fund , was
added to this amount.
Bere Says Cut Would Hurt Plans
Dave Bere, Kentuckian business
manager, told a Kernel reporter this
week the proposed cut would greatly
damage the Kentuckian's plans.
"We're trying to make a better
Kentuckian this year," Bere said.
"We are already hampered by lack
of funds, and if the SOA cuts our
appropriations the Kentuckian will
Bere said the Kentuckian now
basis, and
operates on a
any cut in funds would necessarily
mean a cut in the quality of the
"We are planning at present to
add more color to this year's Kentuckian, and to put a better cover
on it." Bere added. "A great university like ours should be represented by a great yearbook. But we
can't operate.without funds."
Dr. Croft Out of Town
Dr. Lysle Croft, head of the University Personnel Service, which directs the publication of the
was out of town and could not be
Lreached for comment.
Representatives from the Kenhave been
tuckian and the
invited to appear at the next SGA
meeting to air their side of the




The SGA also moved to sponsor
dance alter
another campus-wid- e
the Kentucky-Tennesse- e
game. A local band will be booked
(or the dance, according to President Smith, and the Tennessee student body will probably be invited
(Continued on Page 4

Chi Delta Phi
Sets Deadline

For Entries
Marilyn Jody, president of Chi
Delta Phi, honorary literary organization for women, has announced
that all manuscripts which are to be
considered for the tapping of new
members be turned in by Oct. 18.
Any piece of creative writing, including poems, short stories, plays,
or essays, will be acceptable. Manuscripts may be turned in to any of
the members or to Dean Haselden in
the Dean of Women's office.
A deadline of Feb. 15 has been set
for entries in the annual Chi Delta
Phi short story contest. This contest
is open to any student on the campus, including boys. The award will
be made at either the Stars In The
Night program or Honors Day, depending on the winner.
The members urge that all manuscripts to be considered for publication in Vague, the literary magazine
edited annually by Chi Delta Phi, be
turned in as soon as possible. Vague
has been published annually by Chi
Delta Phi for the past six years.

� best uopy Available




The Kentucky Kernel
University of Kentucky
Entered at the Pott Office at Lexington.
as second class matter under
the Act el March 3. 1879.

Business Mgr.
Acting Editor
Bill Don Crote
News Editor
Dohman Cokdell
Tom Va.onv....Acting M'g'ng Ed.
Editorial Staff
ltnr- - Donl V n o rr fantnrA aH i t sr To rr WTVlit
rmiln Pnmnkoll tmintt
ley, assistant managing editor; Jean Grant, assistant news editor; Bill
Podlusku, cartoonist: Fred Augsburg, photographer; Beatrice Van Horn,
Martha Tarpley, Mary Ellen Hogue, William Welch, news desk; Dolly
Sullivent, exchange editor.
Sports Staff
Chuck Tilley, editor; Bill Podkulski, Marvin Poer, Stanley Portmann, Don
Armstrong, Earl Cox, Larry Myer, reporters.
Business Staff
Ronnie Butler and Neal Asher, advertising solicitors; Susie Swayze, circulation manager.

Box Mansfield




O Big Blue

















UK Fans Show Pep

But At Wrong Time

Student's Wife Says UK Band Unnoticed
At Saturday's Game With Georgia Tech
Dear Editor:
A note of profound sympathy t
the MarcniiiK iuo ana warre
Lutz, whose hard work and tirele
efforts for marching perfection
went unnoticed in Saturd lay's game
For the benefit of tho.-fickie attention was centered on the
-card tricks" at the half, your bani
executed some brilliant and novt
nianueuvers to the tune of new anc
beautiful arransenients, while las
present .sponsor in what should have
been an impressive scene if anyone
had bothered to watch.
The card entertainment was dif- ferent and clever, but hardly worthy
of sacrificing the artistry of the

band. Perhaps at the next game
the stunts could be switched to
compete with the National Anthem.
I have no
Just one more thing
Coach Bryant may feel that he has himself a team now; that connection with the band. I am
fans will no longer refer to it as "ours", but we can t agree with just a student wife.
Music Lover.
him. However, after the conduct of the UK rooters at last Saturday's game it wouldn't surprise us if the team refused to claim
the fans.
A certain amount of disagreement with the officials is to be
expected, especially when one team is penalized more than a

hundred yards, but when it Incomes necessary for the state
police to escort the referees from the field we are inclined to
that the fans have gone a little too far.
Kentucky fans, never noted for their sportsmanship, certainly
did little to improve their standings Saturday. Evidently the outburst at the close of the game was meant in some way to show
their support of the Wildcats, for we seriously doubt that more
than a handful actually felt that the officials had made any intentionally bad calls. If this was the case, the fans made a mistake.
Just as spectators cannot respect a team that plays in an unsportsmanlike manner, so can a team have little respect for fans
who refuse to play the role of loser without blaming the defeat

Individually Packaged
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inexperienced team, and as such are certain to make mistakes
and receive penalties. Cheering during the game might do the
team some good, but not amount of booing after the final whistle
can help anyone concerned.

Sign Those Letters, Please
This week the Kernel received two letters that could not be
printed because they were not signed. If the writers will send us
their names we will be glad to print the letters in the next issue.
The Kernel w itholds names on request, but does not print unsigned letters. Letters pro or con on any subject of student interest are alwavs welcomed.



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hilling ut bquirrel
Angers Observers

Tlicy're the choice
of tlu expert, thee

Dear Editor:
Last wee's we two saw a terrib:e
thing occur on the campus. Some
bovi Kilied a squi:rel with a rock.
This w.s not diilicult for them, because the nearly tame squirrels living on the campus have learned to
trust the students. And too. this



jht formers.






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it w '



kernes 'Vxor- -you.

'V !l-.- 'r



5rt uourse.T




