xt78pk070t86 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78pk070t86/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-12-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1993 1993 1993-12-03 2020 true xt78pk070t86 section xt78pk070t86 3 Dental





Kentucky Kernel


By Tammy Gay
Senior Staff Writer


While UK’s College of Dentistry
is preparing for more than $2 mil-
lion in renovations. the debate rages
over how much longer the doors of
the school may remain open.

The College of Dentistry will
start renovating its facilities on Dec.
14, and the work will be completed
by the time students retum to their
clinics on Jan. 16.

“It will be the most modern
teaching unit (of dentistry) in the
United States." said David Nash.

dean of the college.

The renovations are a $2 million
value. but through discounts. the
college will pay only $1.25 million.

But the question of closing one of
the dental schools in the state, ei-
ther at UK or the University of
Louisville, has come before the
Council on Higher Education peri-
odically over the past decade. said
James Miller. the chairman of the
Governor's Higher Education Re-
view and a member of Council on
Higher Education.

The question was raised again
last month by a member of the Gov-

ernor’s Higher Education Review.
The board will send its recommen-
dation to Gov. Brereton Jones on
Dec. 21. He then will decide wheth-
er the suggestion will go to the leg-
islature or the CHE.

The debate began recently when
Kentucky Cabinet Secretary Kevin
Hable said U of L's dental school
should be the only one in the state.

Those words set off a discussion
between UK and U of I. officials
about the validity of each school
and the reasons for keeping each

MiUer said he does not believe

Kentucky should have two dental


“It reflects UK‘s confidence on
what they believe the outcome wiu
be." Miller said of UK’s renovating

its school.

Nash said he does not believe

UK‘s school will be closed.

“(The renovations are) just a con-
tinuation of what we had planned to
do at this point in time for 18

months.” Nash said.

“If we were to change our opera-

tions based on speculations,


would never be able to do any-




Cats get ready for rd heat

No.1 UK heads

to meet Hoosiers
in Indianapolis


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


Even though UK knows the
Butler did it. the Cats don't think
tomorrow‘s game against Indiana
will be any less ofa mystery.

The Wildcats (2-0) are ranked
No. I in the nation. while the No.
21 Hoosiers were shocked in their
opener Saturday by Butler 75-71.

But Cats coach Rick Pitino ex-
pects tomorrow‘s 3:45 pm. game
at the Hoosier Dome to be a hard-
fought battle decided by a few
points —— in other words. a typical
UK~IU clash.

The two rivals have split their
four meetings since 1989. with
UK winning the past two. Neither
team has won by more than three
points in that span. and the com-
bined score for all four games is
as tight as Bobby Knight's red
sweater — 310 to 310.

“It is always going to be a very
close ballgame. I believe, because
of the way the two teams prepare
for each other." Pitino said.

IU may have the upper hand
this year in the preparation depart-
ment. The Hoosiers haven't
played since Saturday. while the
Cats had a Wednesday date with
Tennessee Tech (3 115-77 UK

“They've had a week to pre-
pare. and anytime you give any
good coach a week to prepare
they‘re going to be ready for
you." Pitino said.

And despite Saturday’s upset,
Indiana might have been served
well by Butler.

“I kind of wish they would have
beaten Butler because they‘re go-
ing to come out and be ready to
annihilate us." sophomore forward
Rodrick Rhodes said.

“They're going to play like a
bunch of starving dogs.” Pitino
said. “We've got to match that in-
tensity level."

Both teams will be hard pressed
to match the intensity level of last
season‘s game. With nearly a per-




No. 21 Indiana (0-1)
No. 1 Kentucky (2-0)


Bob Knight (517- 165)
Rick Pitino (97- 31)

Tomorrow, 3:45 pm EST


The Hoosier Dome
Indianapolis, Ind.

on the air
Radio: 590 AM

about the series

IU leads 19-17
Last meeting 1993




feet red-and-blue split between the
20.000 fans at Louisville’s Free-
dom Hall. the third-ranked Cats
held off the fourth-ranked Hoosi-
ers 81-78 in a game where every
shot seemed tantamount.

Asked what he remembered
about that game, Rhodes replied:
“Calbert Cheaney." And why not?
The Hoosier forward was spectac-
ular. scoring 29 points. tying him
for game-high honors with IU‘s
Matt Nover and UK's Travis Ford
and Jamal Mashbum.

Cheancy and Mashbum are now
in the NBA. while Nover used up
his eligibility. Ford is the lone re-
turning star from last year‘s quar—

“Each team has lost a great
player." Ford said. “It's going to
be a dog fight, especially in the
Hoosier Dome. And it's always a
close game.“

This year's Hoosiers are led by

See CATS, Back Page

UK sophomore Walter McCarty will return to his home state
tomorrow as the No. 1 Cats meet No. 2‘. Indiana.

Fans should take new route
to avoid construction delays


Staff report


UK basketball fans who are
planning to travel over the river
and through the woods to India—
napolis for the game against the
Indiana Hoosiers tomorrow may
have take to a different route than
they planned ~ unless they want
to slowed by construction.

Some of the northbound lanes
of the Kennedy Bridge on [-65 are
scheduled for repairs on Saturday
and Sunday from 7 am. to 7 pm.
each day.



On Saturday. the right line will
be closed for the repair. leaving
the left and center lanes open.

On Sunday. only the left lane

According to the Indiana De-
partment of Transportation. mo-
torists traveling northbound on I-
65 should use an alternate route.
such as the [-64 Sherman Minton
Bridge. to avoid lengthy delays.

For more infmmation. contact
the Indiana Department of Trans-
portation at (317) 232-5115.





Mllor moo

Campus Robert

has big dreams. WM
better appreciate WWI;
can. Editorial. Page Q. ‘

WEATHER: "’1 ' ‘
-C|oudy today with showers‘ ‘j;
likely. especially during the 7
early altemoon; high in the
mid-50s. 4
MM tonight with a 90 percent -~
chance of rain; low in the if: .
lower 50$. "
oCloudy tomorrow with an
percent chance of Show“

{a ’
high in the mid- SOs. » “$9, a:



INDEX: _ _. _
Sports ...............
Diversions ..... "'



Viewpoint ...... 'i '


umodnuuh. ea .5 a

Gun sales boom as people
rush to avoid five-day wait


By Mlka Racht
Associated Press


CONCORD. N.H. — Gun sales
are booming at some gun shops
around the country as people nish
to avoid the five-day waiting peri-
od and brxkground check required
by the Brady bill. gun shop owners

“We've experienced a tremen-
dous increase. The interest is 200
percent greater." said Bill Perkins.
manager of Davis (‘enter Shooting
Sports in Louisville. Ky.

“I sold more Black Talon ammu-
nition in the last two weeks than
since they brought it out."

Black Talon is among the ammu-
nition that would be harmed.

“People are afraid. They don‘t


want their name on papers that go
to the government. Big Brother al-
ready knows too much.

”Ihey don‘t want these guns
traced to them because they're
afraid the government will eventu-
ally use this to take the guns
away." Perkins said.

President (‘linton signed the Bra—
dy bill on Tuesday. and it takes ef-
fect in 90 days.

“It‘s the principle of the thing."
said Alan W. Marcotte of Man-
chester. who was picking out a
handgun with his father at Riley's
Sport Shop in Hooksett on Tues-

“We want to enjoy the freedom
and right before the govemmcnt
takes them away from us."

His father. Alan H. Marcotte. 60.
has owned guns since he was 12.


. ., ‘17:: .V-..(.-c ,..

and said he planned to buy another

handgun eventually. “bin I
wouldn‘t be here today if the bill
had not passed.“

Riley salesman Ron Hakim said
it was obvious the Brady bill and
the crime bill moving through Con-
gress increased sales

“There’s some panic buying go-
ing on." he said. “There‘s no doubt
about it.“

John Marker. owner of the Black
Hills Trading Post in Rapid City.
SD. said he hasn‘t noticed much
of an increase in handgun sales. but
said assault weapons have been
“tremendously in demand."

He said he has been selling about
35 a week since the Senate voted to
ban the weapons as part of the
crime bill.

See GUNS. Back Page

school to get $2 million face-lift

Nash said two features that no
other scth has will be included in
the new facilities.

Separate work units will contain
parts that will enable the college to
add instruments used to prepare
teeth for fillings and polishings.

The other feature is a built—in
light system. which will allow the
students to photo—polymerize bio-
materials. a process by which mate—
rials are hardened instantly by light.

Before. the materials hardened by
themselves. which limited the time
a dentist could work with them.

Nash also said the 60 clinical of-



Friday, December 3,1993

frees on the second floor will be
renovated for the first time in 20

The renovations will include new
tiles. blinds. dental furniture.

chairs. stools. lights and equipment.

One reason for the new equip-
ment is to safeguard against the
transmission of the AIDS virus.

“With the HIV epidemic. we‘ve
had to make significant modifica-
tions in all health care to accommo—
date." Nash said.

“Today we are very. very careful
that we practice universal precau-

Surgeons calls hanguns
cause of street Violence


By Heather Reister
Staff Writer


Each day, 65 people are killed
with 9 mm handguns. and one in six
of these victims is a child younger
than 6. said a national advocate for
gun control and violence preven-

“This country does not have a
problem with the long-rifle or the
shotgun." C. William Schwab said.
“The problem in America’s streets
are the handguns."

Schwab‘s speech. titled “Vio-
lence: America’s Uncivil War.“
was part of the Trauma/Emergency
Symposium. sponsored by the UK
Hospital. in the Radisson Plaza Ho-

Schwab is the chief surgeon in
the division of traumatology and
surgical critical care at the Hospital
of the University of Pennsylvania.
He is nationally recognized for his
efforts in preventing violence and is
an advocate of gun control.

In Kentucky in 1991. 247 homi—
cides occurred. Seventy-three per-
cent of these cases were attributed
to handguns. Schwab said.

“No one is immune to this prob-
Iem.” he said. “It is a uniquely
American problem,“

Schwab said handguns are being
sold illegally out of houses and the
trunks of cars. and he warned the
group that black market gun sales
should be more of a concern to state
lawmakers than legal sales.

Schwab also argued that strict
state handgun laws are not effective
if bordering states are lax in their
laws. He cited a case in Philadel-
phia in which a man who had once
been institutionalized went to Vir-
ginia to buy a handgun because he

knew he would not be able to pur—
chase one in Philadelphia.

Because of Virginia's thendru
handgun laws, he was able to pur-
chase a gun and used it in Philadel-
phia to kill some insurance execu-
tives at ‘whom he was angry.
Schwab said.

Virginia recently has tightened its
rein on gun control.

As a trauma surgeon. Schwab
said. he sees bullet wounds con—
stantly. Ilandguns allow more
rounds to be fired more easily.
causing greater injury. New bullets
also have been designed to expand
more quickly. damaging soft tissue
more severely. he said.

“The fact of the matter is that you
and l are paying for this." Schwab

Because of a lack of health insu-
rance. about 86 percent of these gun
shot injuries are paid for by taxpay-
ers. he said.

“This is a young man's epidemic.
and it’s taking out the future of
America" Schwab said. “(iun man—
ufacturers need to be accountable."

Poverty and drugs are factors that
need to be looked at as well as the
effects of the media on people's at-
titudes about violence. Schwab

“I think our media is now much
more willing to push it in our face."
he said.

Schwab said the Brady gun con-
trol bill that was signed into law
Tuesday is too weak to be effective.
but it is a start. The law places a
five-day waiting period on gun pur-
chases to allow time for customer

background checks.
“It is a sign that the American
public really wants something

See TRAUMA. Back Page






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UK’s national title
hopes start at home

By Steve McSorloy
Assistant Sports Editor

Before the season started, Fran Ralston~Flory asked her thh-ranked UK
volleyball team what its goal for the season was. The response: Getting to
the Final Four and winning a national championship.

Sunday at 2 pm. in Memorial Coliseum the Wildcats (29-3) will begin
moving toward that goal as they play Duke in the second round of the
NCAA volleyball tournament.

The Blue Devils defeated Louisville Wednesday night three games to
none in the opening round to advance to the second—round match against

“This team is ready for the NCAAs,“ UK head coach Ralston~Flory said.
“Our focus is we are going to win and we are not going to let anyone get in
our way."

Duke (29-2). the ACC's regular season and tottmatnent champion, is a
very deceptive opponent for the Wildcats. It does not hit the ball hard, does
not have a great deal of overall team speed and is relatively small in size.

But, what it does not have in athletic ability, it more than makes up for
with extremely smart play, which has resulted in a 24-match winning

“They are a very high percentage team," Ralston-Flory said. “They do
not make a lot of errors, so they do not give you a lot of points. If you’re
going to beat Duke, you‘re going to beat Duke. Duke is not going to lose to

Expect the Blue Devils to try to set their middles on quick sets as much
as possible throughout the match. Their strength is in the middle, with 6-
foot-2 Jen Rohrig and 5—foot-I 1 Adrian Nichol. The two combined for 18
kills and 10 blocks in the victory over Louisville.

“They try to force the ball into the middle," Ralston-Flory said. “Their
middles don‘t hit the ball. They throw it around, which keeps you off bal-

Ralston—Flory expects seniors Jane Belanger, Ann Hall anti Eunice
Thomas to play big this weekend. Without their strong play, the Wildcats

Cool Cats



3-0 Kats play MSU


Brett Dawson
Staft Writer

The Lady Kats, fresh off their
first road win of the season, re-
turn to Memorial Coliseum to-
morrow night to play host to the
Memphis State Lady Tigers.

The Lady Kats (3-0) won 82-
76 at Detroit Mercy Wednesday
night behind a long-range attack
and senior forward Tedra Ebe-
rhart‘s career-high 26 points.

Eberhan, who also had 10 re-
bounds in the game, set a UK sin-
gle-game record with six three-
pointers, and the Lady Kats set a
team record for most three-point
field goals made as well. connect-
ing on 13 for the game.

Memphis State comes into the
game with a 1-0 record after
knocking off Tennessee Martin
86-74 on Wednesday night. The
Lady Tigers were paced in that
game by forward Keeta Mat-
thews‘ 21 points and guard Kitty
Allen’s 19.

As it did against Detroit-
Mercy, UK will play without
sophomore point guard Christina
Jansen in the starting lineup. UK
head coach Sharon Fanning said
last week that, at best. Jansen
could be ready to play sparingly
against MSU, but that is unlikely.

Jansen is not expected back for
about two weeks.

Freshman Chrissy Robens
started in place of Jansen
Wednesday night, and scored
nine points in only it minutes of
play. Roberts had one assist and
one turnover.

Junior guard Stacey Reed ran
the offense with Robens on the
bench. Reed, who started at point
guard her first two seasons be‘
fore moving to shooting guard
this year, had 12 assists, eight
steals and only three turnovers
while playing a team-high tying
36 minutes.


oThe Lady Kats continued to
struggle from the free-throw line
against DMU. UK got to the
charity stripe only 17 times dur-
ing the game, connecting on just
nine attempts.

-In the preseason, Fanning
promised an up-tempo offense
that would showcase UK’s bal—
ance and depth.

So far, the Lady Kats have de-
livered, with three players aver—
aging double figures in points
(Eberhart, Reed and senior center
Christie Jordan). Eight different
Lady Kats have played at least 10
minutes in a gatne.







-. By Chris Tlpton
ham! ~
Llaitllltlbfddlll 3‘3“ WW"
II u at I AbI-ou!
Midnight Mayhem returns to
Sunday Lexington this weekend after a
Buffet three- week absence. The Cool Cats
A” YOU resutne their 1993-94 schedule with
' ' Bowling
C a n Eat a two-game senes against
Green UntverStty.

11 a.m.-3 p.m. Tonight’s match will be held at
Adults BGU, while tomorrow’s meeting
$6_ 95 will be at the Lexington Ice Center.

Children During their time away from
t ; $1.95 home, the Cool Cats played only
catefing $6900 Singludouble
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meet Bowling Green

Cats' belt.

“That should allow us to be
ranked high nationally, which is
our whole objective,” he said.

One big plus for the Cool Cats is
their return to the friendly confines
of the Lexington lce Center. UK, a
self-appointed home ice squad, is
7-1 at home this season.

“It’s always good to play in front
of our crowd," senior defenseman
Kris Kocan said. “Our last game
was out of town, and we had some
people yelling at us for a change. It
should be fun to have our fans
shouting at them this time."

Summers agreed with Kocan on
that point, saying, “This is a home
crowd team, so the more we play at
home and the more fans we get
really helps this team.”

one game. UK lost a hard-fought
road game to Denison on Nov. 20
in Columbus, Ohio. The hockey
club's record now stands at 7-2 on
the season, 3-1 in the Southern Col-
legiate Hockey Association.

This unusual, split-site series will
wrap up the hockey club’s 1993
schedule. The Cool Cats’ next game
will not be until Jan. 15 against
Tennessee. The ECU matchup is
odd because in most series both
games are played at one of the
teams’ home arenas.

“It makes it tough on us, but the
key to the series will be focus and
wanting to win," head coach Gor-
don Summers said.

Summers also talked about his
hopes for solid play this weekend
and two more wins under the Cool






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UK theatre
comedy spoofs
mystery plots



"We wanted to make sure they lect the play requires.
By Mary Whitmer know we are for them as much as “l was so impressed," she said, ”mm“ mm m T" mm“ we“
Sla" Writer we are for SCnlOfS,' Jones said. Another cast member, 18-year no no 1“ 7- no ”° us IAN!) cmmlnl 1'
. . . . Am. _ ”fill—D ‘10 3‘0 5.“ 7‘5 DIS
~ . He also said the production Will old theatre freshman Lon Bell. sees i345 .4332??? ”-113: mhfiemgiar ‘m'm'mmn'm‘
Many "CSthfl complain that be helpful in recruiting and retain- the play as a good experience. no We?” - liaiia‘m" 7‘“ ”° N m‘ogu'u'r’rum‘w
. . .. ' , u , no no: . . .
thei(ri statushonlly affords lhfimlimlgl ing theatre maprs. . . u 3 been a chance to get to m trims“? mags“ N")- m HgZJao
l'CSl 9"“ d rooms an ' t The theatre department is funding know my fellow classmates a lot moms lufz‘s'G") 3.3”” ’09 '3“ E m:flummmm“
Parkmg “‘8’”- the production, and Jones said the better," she said. nit“... ,,7£““'M macaw mggfim gums)", g
“mm "cshma" slams also 3" proceeds will create a much-needed Ben said the play is a good op- “ifliflém‘” imettatam astigmatism, s
.. . t t ' . . - . . . IV ' ' '.
lows students to perform in the UK sophomore theatre scholarship. portunity also because It can be dlf‘ big; (”3'35 17:: {gm-:zuunwam— Li’ifip’a’hfi“ g
"‘CWC department 5 freshman pro- Ken Tonks, a theatre graduate ficult for freshmen to land roles in .3. “m” "linen 125 us no u a
duc'ion ‘ ' ' H . t. , .. . . ‘ . 110310 510 none Moravian-nususmm 1:
. . student, 18 directing this year s pro— other campus productions.

For the first time in I2 years, the
theatre department is presenting the

Auditions were open only to
freshmen and first-year transfers.

This year‘s freshman production
is “The Real Inspector Hound" by
playwright Tom Stoppard.

The theatre department conceived
the idea after seeing the talent of
the freshman theatre majors. said
Russell Jones. acting chairman of
the department.

He said the production will be-
come an annual event.

duction. He said the experience has
been both fun and challenging.

“They've had a lot of energy," he

“They are really excited about be-
ing here and about something being
provided for them."

Carrie Morrison, a 19-year-old

undeclared sophomore, is a member
of the play‘s cast. She said she
hopes people will not equate the ac-
tors’ freshman or fi rst-year trans-
fer status with inexperience.
Morrison said her cast-mates
have done a good job with the dia-

“The Real Inspector Hound" is a
play-within—zi-play spoof of murder

Morrison said the humor of the
play is similar to Monty Python
mayhem. “The intention is for you
to laugh and enjoy it,” she said.

"The Real Inspector Hound" will

Opera star’s powerful voice
to reverberate across campus


Staff report


()pcratic iIair will be in the air to
night when debonair Samuel Ra-
rney performs at X p.m. at the Otis
A. Singlctary Center for the Arts.

A Kansas native, Ramey has trav-

superstars of the opera world."

Ramey has been crowned as the
bass king in the sea of talent flood-
ing the opera world. “He is the cur-
rent reigning bass in the world,"
McCorvey said. “He is a singer that
most teachers use as an example of

unrivaled in its prestige.

“It was almost an indescribable
experience," he said. “It was an
honor and qunc humbling to sing in
Lhc greatest opera house in the

Tickets for Ramey's concert are



,. .m.e.4i..,..-.-...-r a”.

show tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m.
in the Briggs Theater.

Tickets are $4 and are available
at the Otis A. Singletary Center for
the Arts Ticket Oflice.

C all 257-4929 for tickets and
more information.







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. ' ‘:"2~Bfiz§fu we}

elcd far from his home state with great singing." $20.12” {he general public. $l8f0’ anal-nut x,
some of the most prestigious opera McCorvey has himself performed 501“” Clllze'ls and 312 f?’ students °” 939°" W / «llama»... m...m,.u,.m «fidfifim‘: 1’
companies in the world. He has per- with the Metropolitan Opera as part “’ld children. 5"“15’” "eke” “150 and tests f - w" «fig-Luna: mam $06.31?” as,” ..
formed at New York City’s Metro- of the chorus in ”Porgy and Bess." W1” be availablefor $6 at 7530 Inn with Cliffs ' ,Ififlm 9'55 fliméfiummm 12mm not!)
politan Opera as well as Italy’s La He said the Metropolitan Opera is Call 257‘2949f0' "JOWGHO'I- ‘ m mmflo'mw ""m 150410650925 mm m
Scala. QU'Ck / ’ m. “Seymfiggofi iii mfitfimmm" m$

. .‘ . . i'“'“" . murmur-item mmn-tvvuunnm,m3w5.1 . “wn'” ,1. . z . ”'3’
“£51216ilihieiiiiryéiséitioixflisihs? i STUDIQ PIJAYERS R°"'°"" 2=2°‘r‘“=3°‘°‘5m'°w: P ”'3"- P5333.”

— resen — M «-

ries. He will sing selections from
George Frederic Handel, Giachino
Ives, Aaron Copeland and Cole

A lecture about Rarney and the ‘

music he will sing will be held at
7:l5 p.m. in the Singletary Center

Recital Hall. The lecture will be
taught by UK professor Everett 3

Maurice Ravel, Charles .



i Novmber 18—21; 26—28; December 3—5. 1993

8:00 p.m.; 2:30 p.m. Sundays
Admission $8, $6 Students

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McCorvey. L W. - _
McCorvey said the concert repre-
sents a unique opportunity to hear a
bass singer. which is the lowest ‘994 BSN
voice on the operatic scale. “Not STUDENTS.
every day do you get to hear a real
bass," he said. “He‘s also one of the
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Kentucky Kernel
Established in 1894
Independent since l97l



Edltorlal Board
Tyrone Beason, Editor in Chief
Chris McDavid, Editorial Editor
Mary Madden, Managing Editor

Dale Greer, Executive Editor
lance Williams, News Editor

Erica Patterson, Assistant News Editor

Brian Bennett, Senior Staff Writer
Meredith Nelson, Columnist
Anne Saint~Aignan, Staff Writer
Jerry Votgt, Editorial Canoomst



Hemenway’s vision

asset to University —
as long as he stays




What‘s that old saying? Always a bridesmaid, never a bride?

Well. the white dress is still in the closet for Robert Hemenway. chan-
cellor for the Lexington Campus. Figuratively speaking, of course.

Hemenway was one of five finalists for the Florida State University
presidential search but found out Monday that FSU law professor Talbot
D‘Alemberte was picked to walk down the aisle.

It was the third unsuccessful search for a university top job in four
years for Henienway, who has been chancellor since 1989. Hemenway
dropped out of searches for posts at the University of Missouri and the

University of Nebraska

It’s seems pretty obvious that Hemenway is looking to move into a
high-profile position. though he might not admit it himself.

" \\ I‘ve said all along, I‘m very happy at Kentucky, and I'm not in a
situation where l have a burning desire to leave." Hemenway said Mon-


Maybe so. but you can bet that when the next major university has an
opening for its president or chancellor, Hemenway's name will at least be


And rightly so. Hemenway is a very capable administrator, a dedicated
individual with a viSion and someone who has excelled in the field of mi-

nonty issues.

But the fact that he‘s been involved in so many searches might hurt his
credibility, especially when he tours campus touting five-year plans like
the Lexington Campus Agenda. Hemenway will lead a university one day
soon. though he might have to settle for a smaller school than he may en-


Now‘s the time to take advantage of Hemenway's talent and vision.

He‘ll catch the bouquet soon.


Robin Osgood


There are times when people
have accused me of being liber-
al. I never believed I could be
liberal because I'm a regiStered

Then the other day I was
talking to an instructor about a
column I had written for the
Kentucky Kernel; a line had to
be changed because it was too

I’m the old lady of the
bunch, and I‘m writing some»
thing that‘s too raw for a col-
lege newspaper?

He replied, “I hate to burst
your bubble, but you are any-
thing but conservative. you are
very liberal."

Mot liberal? Then I started
thinking of what I was involved
in or discussing when accused
of being a liberal. I figure the
things that make me a liberal
may make you one, too, so I'd
like you to compare notes with

If realizing we need to devel-
op altemativc transportation in
this country and get away from