xt78pk070t7m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78pk070t7m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-03-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 29, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 29, 1993 1993 1993-03-29 2020 true xt78pk070t7m section xt78pk070t7m  










return to
big crowd


By Lance Williams
Staff Writer

UK basketball fans acted some-
what like postal carriers Saturday
night. Neither drizzle, the cold
nor dark of night could keep them
from welcoming their heroes.

The Wildcats were greeted by
more than 500 fans at Bluegrass
Airport after the team defeated
Florida State to earn UK’s first
trip to the Final Four since 1984.

The Cats arrived back in Lex-
ington from Charlotte, NC, at
about 8:50 pm, but some fans
were there as early as 7:45 pm. to
cheer on the New Orleans-bound

Michele Hampton, of Lexing~
ton, who was there with some
friends from Transylvania Uni-
versity. said she is too young to
remember much about the NCAA
title in 1978 and that now is the
first time people in her age group
have something big to cheer.

“All we have seen is them los-
ing (in the tournament)." Hamp-
ton said.

UK student Alan Boens and
twin sisters Julia Alwes and Mar-
la Alwes were among the earliest
fans to arrive. They got to the
gate about 7:50 pm. to watch for
the Wildcats' plane.

Boens watched the game from
his room in Blanding Ill and said
the mood was “festive" after the

“I thought the walls were about
to cave in." Boens said with a

A gate around the runway was
opened so fans could meet the

But there were so many fans.
some could only watch from be-











Cats take region easi-

ly. Stories, Page 4.


hind a fence. That didn't keep
them out of the celebration, how-

After the players got off the
plane. they mingled with fans who
got through the gate.

Cheers of “We want Todd"
started from the crowd. prompting
the senior walk-on to not only
greet fans who made it through.
but also fans all the way down the
fence as well.

See FANS, Page 3



PETER MOORE/Kernel Staff



TOP: Senior walk-on Todd
Svoboda and freshman
Jared Prickett celebrate their
success in UK’s 106-81
Southeast Regional champi-
onship win over Florida
State. Prickett scored 22 and
Svoboda hit a three at the
buzzer. LEFT: Southpaw
Svoboda signs autographs
after the team returned to
Lexington Saturday night.

6 pm. lottery
at coliseum

Staff, wire reports



Some UK fans may have a more
difficult time reaching the final
Four than the Wildcat basketball
team. Students will have a chance
for tickets at today’s 6 pm. lottery
at Memorial Coliseum. but their
travel picture isn‘t any better than
anyone else‘s.

Each scth)l participating tn the
final Four will receive 3,000 tick-
et booklets to each of the three
games. said (‘inda liriedly. secre-
tary to the director of Division 1
men‘s basketball for the NCAA.

it‘s up to the schools to decide
how to distribute them.

Ticket booklets will not be giv-
en out at the UK lottery. however.
Students will receive vouchers
with which they may pick up their
tickets in New Orleans. UK ticket
director Rodney Stiles said.

The booklets cost $65. and only
one will be allotted per person.
The same person who purchases
the voucher must pick up the tick-
et in New Orleans — with no ex-
ceptions. Stiles said.

Stiles also urged students to be
sure they have accommodations in
New ()rleans before they buy tick-
ets. finding a place to stay. he
said. will be no easy task

Bill IZlount. owner of (‘ommon-
wealth Travel Agency. said no
seats are available aboard com-
mercial flights for New Orleans.
site of this year‘s final low. A
few seats may be available for
flights to Baton Rouge. La. 80
miles west of New Orleans. he

The best chance to get to New
Orleans is a chartered flight
which probably will cost of $600
to $260. Blount said

The ITK Alumni Association
and (‘ommonwealth l'ravel Agen-
cy will offer packages that include
air travel. lodging and tickets be-

See FINAL, Page 3






GPAC endorses Dowdy amid complaints a

Planned secret-ballot vote Changed
without Panhellenic Council approval


By Nicole Heumphreus
Staff Writer


The Greek Political Action Com-
mittee yesterday endorsed business
management senior Lance Dowdy
for Student Government Associa-
tion president.

Following a noon debate among
the four SGA presidential candi-
dates at Memorial Hall yesterday,
GPAC delegates discussed the pro-
ceedings and took a voice vote. in
which Dowdy received a majority.

However. there is some contro-

versy over whether GPAC‘s vote
was fair.

in the past. GPAC votes have
been conducted through secret bal-

This year, however. Robert War-
rington, lnterfratemity Council rep-
resentative for Pi Kappa Alpha so-
cial fraternity. proposed the switch
to a voice vote.

IFC passed the motion to change
the voting format. but the Parthel-
lenic Council never voted on the is-

In fact, one of the delegates told
GPAC chairwoman Talya Roberts
that Panhellenic should have voted
on the new format before it was

Another delegate did not find out
that GPAC would be voting by
voice vote until arriving at the de-

Roberts said all GPAC delegates
were made aware of the voice vote
at the first GPAC meeting March

Ohio man to be arraigned
in alleged campus assault


By Dale Greer
Executive Editor

An Urbana. Ohio. man is sched-
uled for arraignment in Fayette Dis-
dict Court this morning on charges
dent at a campus fraternity house
this weekend.

Scott Ratliff. 22. was arrested by
UK police yesterday and charged


with attempted rape and second.
degree assault. UK spokesman
Ralph Derickson said.

Ratliff and the alleged victim ap-
parently had been attending a party
Sunday morning at the Alpha Gam-
ma Rho social fraternity house. 701
Woodland Ave.

Dcrickson said there was no indi-
cation that the two knew each other

See OHIO. Page 3


Student Bar Associa-
tion endorses Dowdy.
Story, Page 3.

She said no written information
about the voting format was given
to delegates.

There also was no systematic
way to ensure that all delegates
knew of the change in format. For
example. new delegates only
teamed of the voice-vote method if
the delegates they were replacing
informed them.

Robens said the voice vote may
have put pressure on delegates be-
cause they had to vote in front of
the GPAC committee.

“Some of the votes may have
been different if it had been by se-
cret ballot instead of by voice
vote." Roberts said.

Roberts would not say last night
whether GPAC would throw out the
endorsement of Dowdy and conduct
a new ballot.


Panty sunny today; W' *
70. Partly cloudy tonight: low
around 45. Mostly sunny
tomorrow; high in the low 703.


Sports ................................. .....4
Diversions.................................. 9
Classifieds H



GPAC vote totals for each presi-
dential ticket were not available to
the public.

Roberts said the committee par-
ticularly was impressed by Dow
dy‘s character.

“He seemed to have a broad
range of interests, and he was very
enthusiastic." Roberts said.

The committee also noted that the
experience and knowledge of Dow-
dy’s running mate. Amber Leigh.
made the ticket stand out.

“Just the way they started their
campaign late and built it to this
level shows how well they'd work
together irt SGA.“ GPAC co-
chairman 'l'odd Fischer said.

(iPAt‘ is made up of two repre-
sentatives from each campus social
fratcnrity turd sorority.

SGA elections are Wednesday
and Thursday.

News Editor Tyrone Benson also
gathered infommrion for this storv.


bout vote


PETER MOORE/Kernel Staff

Candidates for Student Government Association president take
part in yesterday's GPAC debate at Memorial Hall.

Registration begins Wednesday


By Erica Patterson
Staff Writer


Advance registration for the 1903
summer sessions and the fall semes-
tcr begins Wednesday.

One of the problems students of-
ten face is that some class sections
fill up quickly. said Susan Skees.
administrative assistant in the Col-
lege of Agriculture.

Therefore. students should meet
with their academic advisers in

soon as possible to plan class
schedules and options. said Randall
Dahl. University registrar.

“Waiting until the last minute is
not very helpful." Dahl said. espe-
cially in light of recent University
budget cuts that have reduced the
number of class offerings.

"There continues to be some gen-
eral tightness with the availability
of courses." he said.

Priority for advance registration
begins with graduate students and
seniors. but students will be able to



register anytime after their designat-
ed times. said Lisa Collins. assistant
registrar of registration.

To advance register. currently en-
rolled students must meet with their
academic advisers and pick up reg-
istration permits from their college
dean's offices. Collins said.

Students in the College of Arts
and Sciences should report to their
departmental offices. Non-degree.

s9. REGISTER, Page a







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[llIIJII‘Jl I‘ln't‘lllllj‘y

[N‘II‘llt] wvvrils must have all ilIIOIdeIOfl to SAB rum“ .iill IWr‘r'K , Ilt'l 1.1 put-In .IIl-ril


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Monday 11/29

‘ \ ~ . TICKETS ON SALE” Tickets for
the Next Stage Series are on
sale at TicketMaster; general pub-
lic. students. faculty and adminis-
\ tration; call 257-8427

- Exhibit: College of Agriculture
Faculty Show; Free; Student Cen-
ter Rasdall Gallery; 11am-5pm.
M-F; call 257-8867; thru 4/16

. Exhibit: ‘The African American
Church from Slavery to Freedom‘;
Free: King Library Main Lobby:
10am-10pm, Sun-Fri; Sam-8pm.
Sat; call 257-3593; thru 3/30

- Sculpture Exhibition: by Gary
Bibbs; Art on Main Gallery at the
Community Bank. Lexington

- Exhibit: 'Function on Func-
tion,‘by Steve Davis-Rosenbaum;
Headley-Whitney Museum; call
255-6653; thru 4/25

- Exhibit: “Transntion '93,‘ by 53 KY
Artists and Craftspeople: Head-
Iey-Whitney Museum; call 255-
6653; thru 4/25

- Exhibition: Connie Sullivan.
‘Light Environments’: UK Art Mu-
seum. Rose and Euclid Avenue;
call 257-5716: thru 5/9

. Exhibition: “RSVP. A Decade
of Docent Favorites‘; UK Art Mu-
seum; thru Summer 1993

- Exhibit: Sherra Gillan-Murphy,
Albuquerque NM' Paintings and
Collages: free; Reynolds Building,
Barnhart Gallery; M-F. 9am-4pm;
call 257—8154; thru 3/31

- Exhibit: Juried Undergraduate
Exhibition; free; Reynolds Build-
ing. Barnhart Gallery; M-F. 9am-
4pm; call 257-8154; thru 3/31

0 Exhibition: 'Popular Passions',
-~\7 » Harlequin Romance Cover Paint-
ings: UK Art Museum; thru 4-7

1 Tuesday 3/30

- SAB Movie: MW);
(USA): free: Student Center Cen-
tre Theater: 8pm: call 257-8867

0 UK Wind Ensemble: Free; SCFA
Concert Hall; 8pm; call 257-4929

Wednesday 3/31

- SAB Movie: 43mm: $2: Stu-
dent Center Worsham Theater;
8pm: call 257-8867

. UK Percussion Ensemble: Con-
temporary and jazz music by fea—
tured composer Dave Samuels of
Spyro Gyra: Free; SCFA Concert
Hall: 8pm: call 257-4929

. Fiction Reading: Rosellen Brown
presenting: Free and open to the
public; President's Room of the
SCFA; 8pm

Thursday 4/1

- SAB Movie: Jennifer 8; $2; Stu-
dent Center Worsham Theater:
8pm; call 257-8867

- April Fool's Day Concert: UK

. Vorce and Choral Faculty and Stu-
dents: Free: SCFA Recital Hall:
12noon: call 257-4929

. Volunteer Training Session:
Headley-Whitney Museum; 9am:
call 255-6653

Friday 40

- SAB Movie: mm: $2; Stu-
dent Center Wcrsham Theater;
8pm; call 257-8867

- Gallery Series: Musuc tor Clari-
nets. with Ron Monsen and Ann
Bingham; Free: UK Library Peal
Gallery: 12ncon: call 257-4929

Saturday 4n

- SAB Movie: 4201111211: $2: Stu-
dent Center Worsham Theater;
8pm; call 257-8867

0 Collegium Musrcum: Early Op-
era in Concen, Scenes from
Montrverdi‘s 1642 opera
W; Free:
SCFA Recital Hall; 8pm; call 257-

' any .4 .-

Sunday 4/4

- SAB Movie: Jennifer E: $2: Stu-
dent Center Worsham Theater;
5pm; call 257-8867

0 Lexington Communtiy Orches-
tra: Johnathan Roller. conductor
and Alan Hersh. pianist; Free;
SCFA Concert Hall; 3pm; call














Tuesday 3/30

- Intramurals Entry Deadline: Golf
Doubles. Entries must be turned
into rocm145 Seaton Center by
4pm. $16. call 257-6584

Wednesday 3/31

. lntramurals: Swimming and Div-
ing Meet; Lancaster Aquatic Cen-
ter; call 257-6584

Coming Soon!

April 10, 1993 - Indonesian Cultu-
ral Night; Free with UK ID; 5-7pm -
Art Exhibition, 7-9pm - Entertain-
ment; Seay Auditorium; Agricultu-
ral Science Center North; tickets
available at Room 101 Bradley
Hall; call 257-1655










Monday 3/29

- Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es: 8:30pm; Alumni Gym Lott; call

Tuesday 3/30

. Bible Study: Black Campus Minis-
try. Bible Study (Weekly meetings);
tree; 7pm; Student Center, Room
205; call 254-1811

- Meeting: UK Cycling Club - All are
Welcome': 8pm: Seaton Center,
room 212: call 277-5252

- Dancing 'Dance the Night Away -
Swing Lessons‘: $5 per semester;
7pm-begmners. 8pm—
intermediates; Barker Hall, Dance
Studio; call 277-0664

Wednesday 3/31

- Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es; 8:30pm; Alumni Gym Loft; call

- Meeting: Encounter (Religious):
Student Center. Room 359; 7pm:
call 276-2362

- Contemplative Prayer / Meditation
Practice: 5pm; St Augustine's
Chapel. call 254-3726

0 Holy Communion; 5:30pm; St. Au-
gustine's Chapel; call 254-3726

- Canterbury Club - Supper and
Fellowship; 6:30pm; St. Augus-
tine's Chapel; call 254—3726


Thursday 4/1

. Meeting: CN2 - ‘Catholic New-
man Center Night'; Newman Cen-
ter. 320 Rose Lane; 7:30-8:30pm;
call 255-8566

Friday 4/2

0 Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es: 6:30pm; Alumni Gym Loft; call

Saturday 4/3

- Mass: Catholic Mass; 320 Rose
Lane. Newman Center; 6pm; call

Sunday 4/4

0 Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es; 1pm: Alumni Gym Lott; call

- Mass: Catholic Mass; 320 Rose
Lane, Newman Center; 9:00am,
11:303m; 5.00pm, 8:30pm; call

- Holy Communion; 1023mm.
5:30pm. St. Augustine's Chapel;
call 254-3726



-qflvrw-u- . a «J I.



March 15:

oThird-degree burglary; 210 Re-
ynolds Building; items not listed re-
moved; David J. Mahoney Jr., com-

-Theft by unlawful taking, less
than $300 (misdemeanor); second-
floor Intensive Care Unit, UK Hos-
pital; items not listed removed; UK
Hospital, complainant.

March 16:

-Theft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; UK Hospital; coat re-
moved; Stacey L. Whitt. complai-

March 17:

-Theft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; Seaton Center; items not
listed removed; Marshawn Cowan,

March 18:

-Third-degree sexual abuse; Boyd
Hall. The Kentucky Kernel does not
publish the names of victims of sex-
ual abuse or assault.

~Third-degree criminal mischief;
Jersey Street near Barry T‘s restau-
rant; tires slashed on police cruiser;

Dieting not always beneficial

On any given day 40 million
Americans are dieting. We plunk
down millions of dollars each year
on diet programs. diet books, pills,
weight loss clinics and the like.
And to what end?

Usually within two years most
are right back where they started
and some are heavier than when
they first began dieting.

For most people, diets don't
work. In fact. some researchers re-
port that only about 5 percent of
diets are successful. Yet. we still do

We compare ourselves to fashion
models of New York -— tall and
thin. The fashion industry and ad-
vertising are busy selling us a pic-
ture of what we could be. They are
buying and selling a fantasy.

For most people, the ideal is un-
reachable. We run, exercise. and
don‘t eat. often to an dangerous ex-
tent. We expend an incredible
amount of energy to lose that “ex-
cess“ 10 to 15 pounds.

Millions of children are worried
about growing up fat. Eighty per-
cent of children l3,l4 and IS years
old have or are dieting! For normal
development and a healthy rcpfO~
ductivc life later on. we know that
girls need to gain fat
And it is difficult to get adequate
iron and calcium on a nun! diet.
Ln-lu‘m dieting liq lad offl-

*«-—D-«o~-n<.-“ > - -


UK Police Department, complai-

~Theft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; Parking Structure 4;
items not listed removed from vehi-
cle; Teresa L. Osborne, complai-

-Theft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; Parking Structure 4;
items not listed removed from vehi-
cle; Tracey Stanhope, complainant.

~Theft by unlawful taking, more
than $300 (felony); Parking Struc-
ture 4; items not listed removed
from vehicle; Billy E. Bowen, com-

-Theft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; H46 UK Hospital; items
not listed; UK, complainant.

March 21:

-Theft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; Parking Structure 4;
items not listed removed from vehi-
cle; John M. McGuire, complainant.

March 22:

olndecent exposure; sidewalk be-
tween Greg Page and Shawneetown
apartments; Pek Suan Yew, com-

'Third-degree criminal mischief;
Hugulet Drive; vehicle damaged;
Jason Wells, complainant.




nutrition. anemia and osteoporosis.

Some research tells us that fat
people don‘t eat more than thin peo-
ple. And to lose weight, they must
eat considerably less than others
and then attempt to maintain what
they've lost.

The “set point" theory helps to
explain how this works. How fat or
thin you are is regulated by chemis-

There is some evidence that,
through the ages, fatness actually
has been selected for. In times of fa-
mine, thin people died quickly.

It has only been the last 70 years
or so that we have been socially se-
lecting for thinness.

According to the theory, when
you go on a diet, your body slows
down. It thinks you might be enter-
ing a famine of sorts and wants you
to survive.

It starts screaming at you to eat
while using up less calories to save
your life. It may even use muscle to
save fat. Then, when the diet is over
your body begins the work of get-
ting you back to your “set" weight

So the diet fails. You fail. You
experience lowered self-esteem and
emotional pain. That‘s the bad

Here‘s the good news. These re-


°Theft by unlawful taking. less
than $300; White Hall Classroom
Building; items not listed removed;
Heath W. Watson, complainant.

'T‘hird-degree criminal mischief;
microwave oven damaged; Agricul-
tural Engineering Building; UK
Vending Service, complainant.

March 23:

-Theft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; Blanding IV bicycle
rack; bicycle removed; Carlos D.
Rueckert, complainant.

-Theft by unlawful taking. less
than $300; Commonwealth Stadium
parking lot; parking tag removed;
Matthew E. DeLacy, complainant.

o'l‘hird-degree criminal mischief;
9 College of Law Building; lockers
damaged; UK. complainant.

~Theft by unlawful taking, less =
than $300; 750 Rose St.; clothing
removed; Carol Blankenship, com-

March 24:

“Third-degree criminal mischief;
Margaret 1. King Library South bi-
cycle rack; items not listed re-
moved; Joseph W. Heagen, com-

set point and achieve a healthy. de- '
sirable weight. By reducing your fat
intake and increasing aerobic exer-
cise you actually may be telling ‘
your fat cells to get smaller.

By exercising regularly you not
only burn up fat and gain muscle
while you exercise, but you may
continue burning fat 24 hours a day.

If you take in less “energy" (calo- ‘
ties) and put out more “energy" (ex-
ercising) you weigh less.

The basic, important effect of ex-
ercising and eating less is that it re-
duces the amount of fat the body
wants to carry.

No matter what theory you be-
lieve, we know it is important to ex-
ercise and limit fat intake. 80 jog.
swim, dance or take a brisk walk.

Reduce total dietary fat to less
than 30 percent of calories, reduce .
saturated fat to less than 10 percent
of calories, and reduce cholesterol
to less than 100 mg for every 1.000
calories consumed.

And most of all, don‘t be sold a
self-concept Whatever size you:
healthy, is just this. .

Lira Srofir is assistant dean of
studenufor health er‘Iucarion.

_....—_.....__ -.._ _ -. . .........















Continued from Page 1

undeclared and pie-pharmacy stu-
dents should report to 257 Patterson
Office Tower.

Collins said students should
make sure they have no “stops" on
their records that would prevent
them from registering.

Stops result from violations like
unpaid library fines, delinquent

Wildcat Calling Cad bills and ur-
paid puking tickets.

Students enrolled in the colleges
of Arts and Sciences. Business and
Economics, Communications and
Education advance register on the
POT mezzanine. All other students
register at their college sites.

Registration sites will open
March 30-April 13. Monday-
'lbursday. from 8:30 am. to 12:15
pm. and 1:306:15 pm.

The cenual site at POT mezza-
nine also will be open 9 am. to
noon this Saturday for evening/

Bar group backing
Dowdy for president


By Carollne Shlvoly
Staff Writer


The Student Bar Association en-
dorsed Lance Dowdy on Friday for
student body president.

The endorsement came two days
after the group held a forum for
candidates. but Student Bar Associ-
ation president Greg Metzger said
the candidates‘ performances in the
fonnn did not form “the basis for
our endorsement."

“It was their platforms and the
feedback we got from students" that
influenced SBA's executive council
the most, Metzger said.

“(Dowdy) is very qualified for
the position," Metzger said. “He is
the person who would put forth the
best representation for the law

school and students in graduate pro-

Dowdy said the endorsement will
show people that he and Leigh are
serious candidates.

“This legitimizes us as candi-
dates," Dowdy said. “We came out
late. and people have questioned
our experience and our character.
This shows that we're really seri-



Metzger said Dowdy is the best
candidate to ensure passage of pro-
posed SBA initiatives like the stu-
dent-run pro bono legal assistance
program. a graduate student organi-
zation and a uniform copy card sys-
tem in all UK libraries.

“He will be the most effective in
putting them forward and making
them a reality," Metzger said.


Continued from Page 1

prior to the party. The woman dates
a member of the fraternity, Derick-
son said. and Ratliff was a guest of
another member of the fraternity.

Just prior to the alleged assault,
the woman entered one of the fra-
ternity house's bedrooms, where
she was alone, Derickson said. Rat-
liff then entered room at about 4
am. and allegedly assaulted her.

“The initial investigation indi-
cates she was in the room (alone) at
first. and he asked for entrance and
she refused." Derickson said. “He
came in anyway. The door was un-


Derickson said the alleged attack
was interrupted by “at least two per-
sons — including (the woman's)

Derickson said he did not know
how, or if, the two were alerted to
the alleged assault

Ratliff, who is not a UK student,
was detained until police arrived,
Derickson said. He was expected to
spend last night in the Lexington-
Fayette Urban County Detention
Center, a jail clerk said.

The alleged victim was taken to
UK Hospital where she was treated
for unspecified injuries and re-
leased, Derickson said.

Derickson did not release the
woman‘s name, even though it is
public record. The Kentucky Kernel
does not publish the names of vic-
tims of sexual assault.


weekend students. gramme and ex-
tended-campus students.

Students advance registering for
the 1993 fall semester are also eligi-
ble to register for the Four-Week
and Eight-Week summer sessions at
the same time. Summer school reg-
isuation worksheets and the sum-
mer Schedule of Classes are availa-
ble in college deans’ offices.

There is no confirmation fee for
either summer session. but students
must pay a $50 confirmation fee for
the fall semester by Aug. 4 to avoid
late charges.

Registration by telephone will be
implemented in the tall, but Collins
said students may be able to add or
W courses by Phone during the

“We're hoping it will work and
enough people can use it so we
don't have long lines in August,"
she said.

Information on advance registra-
tion is available on UK's Prime
computer system and in the Fall
1993 Schedule of Classes.



Continued from Page 1

“This is awesome," said Todd
Svoboda. as he made his way
down the line to high-five the
group of fans that flocked to talk

Fans at the gate were speaking
of a mission that this year's UK
team has seemingly undertaken.
Larry Sutherland, of Lawrence-
burg, who attended last year's
UK-Duke game in Philadelphia.
said he thinks last year's loss has
made the team more determined
to win the championship.

“To this day it still hurts. Eve-
ryone knew we had it, and they
just took it away from it," Suther-
land said. “This one is for last
year's seniors. That is part of the
mission that they are on."

Sutherland said he spent 12
hours on the phone trying to get
tickets to the game in Charlotte.

Fans could not help but remem-
ber last year's squad and how


close they came to making it to
the Final Four.

“Last year‘s was more (spe-
cial) with all of the Kentucky
boys. Travis (Ford) is the home
boy, and we can put (Jared)
Prickett up against any freshman
in the nation.” Mike Watson, of
Lexington. said.

Many said support now was
better than the last time the Wild-
cats won the title in 1978.

“(Fan support) is a lot more
now, ever since Rick Pitino." Su-
therland said.

John Case, chief of public
safety for Bluegrass Airport, said
that there were 3,000 people
waiting for the Wildcats to return
after last year’s game against in
the regional finals. Case said he
is not sure how many to expect if
UK wins the national champion-

“Next week should be about
like last year, but we plan for the
worst,“ Case said.




Kentucky Kernel, Monday. March 29, 1903 - '4

Romances deserve
respect, speaker says


By Nina Davldson
Staff Writer

Romance novels have far more
social importance than their flimsy
pulp reputations suggest. a litera~
ture professor said yesterday.

Janice Radway. a Duke Universi-
ty literature instructor and author of
“Reading the Romance: Women.
Patriarchy and Popular Literature."
said the genre of romance writing
“has been dismissed as silly. senti-
mental, obscene, sexist and patriar-

But she defended the writing
style during a speech at the UK Art
Museum. calling it “a principle site
for the struggle over feminine iden-
tity and sexuality."

Radway cited the popularity of
romance novels to back up her
claim that romance is an important
genre of literature. Today. 45 per-
cent of all mass-market paperbacks
are romances.

She also gave a brief history of
the romance genre, noting that ro-
mances in the 19503 and ‘603 were
written from an entirely female
point of view. In the ’705 and ‘805,
however, they began to be written
from the point of view of both fe-
male and male characters.

Readers of romances often identi-
fy with the heroine, but they also
identify across gender boundaries,
Radway said. This allows the reader
to experience different roles. she

Romance novels. Radway said,

have changed with the changing
times and the rise of feminism. In-
stead of a passive feminine sexuali-
ty espoused in early romance nov-
els. now “the hero. too, can be
overpowered — by an actively sex-
ual woman."

According to a survey of ro-
mance writers Radway conducted.
most identify themselves as femi-
nists. Radway said she hopes “aca-
demic feminists can begin to find
common cause with romance writ—
ers and readers."

Radway‘s lecture opened UK Art
Museum’s exhibit of “Popular Pas-
sions," a show featuring 25 original
paintings of best-selling Harlequin
Romance book covers. The acrylics
and oil paintings, by artist Danny
Crouse, are owned by a Lexington
collector. Photographs of models
that Crouse used in his paintings
also are on display.

Radway said that exhibiting the
Harlequin covers in a museum is an
important step toward acknowledg-
ing the legitimacy of commercial
Radway criticized the modernist
an movement as “difficult, complex
and often deliberately obscure."
Popular art, on the other hand, is
“accessible, easily readable and
emotional," she said.

The lecture and an exhibit were
sponsored by Harlequin Enterprises
Limited, Joseph-Beth Booksellers
and the UK Women‘s Studies Pro-
gram. “Popular Passions" runs
through May 9.


Continued from Page 1

ginning Monday morning.

Mary Kemper, travel consultant
at Global Travel, has another option
— driving to New Orleans.

“We don’t have any (airline tick-
ets)," she said. “I’m sorry to say
that bemuse we could have sold a
million of them."

Blount said many UK backers
have long been convinced that the
Wildcats would be heading to the
Final Four.

“I haven't had much sleep trying
to get people down there," he said.


Getting a standby flight is even
less likely and would be quite ex-

If a fan is lucky enough to get a
standby flight, it would cost about
$1,000, Kemper said.

Those who do not already have
rooms reserved can forget about
staying in New Orleans -— and pos-
sibly anywhere near the city. Fans
may have to be content with a long
drive in from places like Baton
Rouge or Pascagoula, Miss.

No rooms were available late last
week in New Orleans or its nearest
suburbs, said Sylvia Bleakley of the
New Orleans regional chamber of

New Orleans is expecting about
60.000 people, said Laura Palermo









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of the Greater New Orleans Tourist
and Convention Commission.

“We‘re going to be a packed city.
It’s going to be hard to move,“ she

Stiles attributed some of the mas-
sive hotel shonages to a jazz festi-
val that also is being held in New
Orleans next weekend.

Tickets for the general public will
be sold at 9 am. Tuesday at Memo-
rial Coliseum.

There are three types of tickets.
with face-value prices of $65. $45
and $30.

The price includes tickets for all
three games —— the two semifinals
Saturday and the championship
Monday night.

The Louisiana Superdome in



New Orleans seats 63.000 basket-
ball fans.

The arena has three levels: the
top. or terrace level; the middle. or
loge level; and the plaza. which is
nearest to the basketball court.

Friday‘s New Orleans Times-
Picayune contained 32 classified
ads for Final Four tickets.

Twenty-two of the ads offered
tickets for sale. but a sampling of
the services selling tickets showed
they would be costly.












By John Kelly
Sports Editor

4 - Kentucky Kernel. Monday. Ihreh 29. 1993

Cats use Prickett fence to oust FSU

UK 106. Florida State 81



where. hidden amidst the offensive
plastering UK has applied to its
NCAA 'l‘oumament foes. is the true
explanation for the ease with which
the Wildcats have dispatched Rider.
Utah. Wake Forest and Florida

UK is going to the Final Four.
and. with each drubbing of a seem-
ingly qualified opponent. the Wild-
cats quickly are establishing them-
.elves as favorites to win a sixth
national championship in basket-

But while the statistic of the
NCAA Tournament dealt with
l'K‘s blitzkrieg offense (UK out-
\L’iilt‘ti opponents out of the gate
with runs of 30-0 against Rider. 27-
S against [tab and 34-8 against
Wake l5oresti. the Wildcats pounce
is attributed greatly to a tenacious.
focused defense.

l'K is allowing its tournament
Appolic‘llls an average of 66 points
per game. holding them to 42 per-
cent l