xt78pk070s1j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78pk070s1j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-11-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1979 1979 1979-11-15 2020 true xt78pk070s1j section xt78pk070s1j m
\ol. |.\\ll. s... 05 Ker e] Culver-"y of Kentucky
l'hursdai. Notemher '5. W7" an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
_ ‘—
.':-’ 2 4, :,':'/.-..- " 3a.;- '
we . 0n campus today and Friday
«oi/“:2: r" ’ * "2’? ' I I
fl” i "a . .4oW it I
oi . .2" . ' ”‘ -
I; . . 1 B) Jr“ POSSkTT \iolence and sentenced to a prison
a” . ‘2’ ‘2 t itp\ ram term oi at least a yea r,
V~ L ' ; ’4‘ _ 21).; i , .. ., Wilson said Iranian students will be
,f . __ p _ y/ f _' ”5;;Ww . i 4’, .l he I36 Iranian students attending asked to present their passports. l-94
“$5353"? \ .”' , ' _ H l K will be required to meet with l'.S. iorms (iorms showing their date oi
g??? ' . . ._y . . . ':' . lriimigration a rid Naturali/ation arrisal in the l'nited States). eiidence
:/ gig-io- '- __. g . .. m ”if; . " Sersiec oiiicials on campus today and Hi their current address and a
71., .”4géy/ L. I. totiiniorrow to prose they are in this statement irom the l‘nisersity saying
_ v country legally. . they are lull-time students in good
4 1' :. lhe inquiry into Iranians attending academic standing.
/ I ' _ Kentucky‘s colleges is part oi .Ioe Burch. dean oi students. said
' «=-../ President ('arter‘s order to deport students who haye \iolated the terms
% 4‘? .y 35 Iranian students who are \iolating oi their entry \isas and are not in
i i o/yww/ ”‘C'r ““"5 "“‘5‘ . "WP” “mm" “W“ b” “Uh-W ‘0
. » ' . ,éév/o/ffl/Wi/W’ ’ ileum compiled hi the stats deportation,
é ' g? ix’xo’ (‘ "l H' vh- hi '"i i 'h) . Ho "d th' t' i do I ' b' "
. " - Mao/”2%” ““”“ ““ 'h ‘r u“ “ n * ‘“ ‘ 5‘“. d “‘3 3..“ L“ t“ J“ I“
y " ;/{;¢%/§flfl%7?%fl . that 484 humans are enrolled. at deportation would iirst be asked to
/,/;/»§///:///:oef keritueky‘s eight state unisersities depart ioluntaril). ii the student
r :51; CZ; .--. 5/ UK. the l'niiersity oi l.ouis\ille.and appealed their decision. otiicials
‘ ””"W/ . ”t A l 4' ”é -. it i-'isterii KCitlliL‘k\ Western Kentucky would b ' r' d' ' ' " ‘
. / fl .. __ ._.._.. . / . _ . . _. g cgin eportation proceedings.
. 4W .. . fl o/fit’ I .. . 1/ _ . ._ \orthern Kentuucky. M orehead li there is no appeal. the
l , i=3; . 0’ rag/é ’ ' ii: State. Mutirray State and Kentuck) immigration Judge will set a date by
  W/ " " ' ' i i 4,»; 4’ State iinisersities.) which the student must lease the
. ,~ . . .. .,,". .- i “’/4*’ Doug \Vilson. director oi the country usually no more than 30
_ . _ . Human Relations (‘enter and days later. lhe l‘nited States paysior
. .. international Student Aiiairs ()iiice. the deportation ii the student can‘t
5;? .. 3:.:;f§yfj§.:::r:.:5i.i.‘ 5 H .. said there are seteral ways a student ai'i'ord it.
i .. ,' i ' i 5‘z':.:"i:"55‘§:'iiii'i"ii’ ””312."33".}.5"33:: ': » i ‘ ' could \iolate terms of his or her \isa: Burch. howeser. said students
Its t. \R\ i \\I)i its kernel Staff withdrawing irom school; seldom leaie \oluntarily and usually
Closeup holding a job without permission; appeal their cases a process that be
taking less than a itill course load says “can take months to complete."
Senior (lien \\ hite. a topical majorin humanities. looks closely at Ronny has called his exhibit “l .S. ('heap ('uts/‘lhird “orld Prize." featuring 0,» not being in good academic Burch said that as tar as he knows. a
Hutt's art exhibit in the Student (‘enter‘s Rasdall (Saller) Tuesday. Hutt assorted woodcanings. standing; student can continue his education
being coniicted ot a crime oi ('ontinued 0n pagel
oday "is k hrt fbl k d h I I' is
l campus l B) V. "m p00] [5 discourages potential applicants \ iultill quota goals ioi minority hiring. ago."said Baugh. "perhapsas manyas 'lhc l'nisersit‘y.‘ oi course. doesn‘t
i lllERi “H l- Bi " RH H’lit)\ l slaii \siiie: qualiiied black student does not want lhesc quota goals he set periodically 50 percent " iorce blacks to sit in that room. Hines
todajo ai H“ P n‘. :it the ism \‘ii‘1""l . t n 5.3.; not. . “L « it .i... ,otisii my in motto: it sit. that” m;- the {simidont oi ihir cumptis‘ Black said But the separation oi black and
”MN 1‘" W L” ”“me "i m” \C‘HK I ()nh i I oi the 430 students enrolled said. composition oi the work ioree. hesaid Student l nion. howeser. warned that white students is as real as ii ['K did.
(”ml “mph“: \MML . , . m the (ollege oi Medicine ar‘e black. , . _. Recruiting minority law students sticccssiul recruiting oi black he said.
i l“; "L [th ILLLPI‘L‘HLH‘M: L .k o\n e\en smaller percentage oi the ”“ch not getting them. LhL‘ L‘Hd' has also been diiiicult. according to undergraduate sttidentswilltaketime. llines has requested that the
csingtoiicaiiipiisiaciaro r.itr..bc.s.>:.i.d , ‘ ‘ . , ~ "-\ good blaek uppllc‘tilll is going ttigo . “ ll l' h l x 1‘ . _ -i I) h‘ H _ , ‘\ . d S“ ‘ s linincrsity remm ‘ lh . . .
m. “N 1. Wm mt. ( ”WWW“ {mum iatiiity is black. . ‘ _ _ 1‘ H | _ l)|. ‘ i iani .anas. w it reprcscntu. .iriat an ”its. an rtsan .cienec. ‘ _ t. e partition
MW”; \\ in" “Wm“ lf‘ ““mL to 110‘ Lm“ ”I ““1. the (oiiege oi law admissions oiiice senior. said he belieies man) blacks separating the room ironi the rest oi
I lliost‘ iioiii iesingion are Ratiiiona \ietoi (taincs. head oi l'K‘s “mm“ ”WWI? L‘Tl‘ black LuldcmL at the iiir'trm. think I K .5 a racist school, the caieteria. but has received no .
Hens. Pltilossiil oi iiisioi} «tiltitlllcgtti: oi smmmm- Action ()i'iicc. said that is (iaines said low riiirribcrs ulst) hm w ”11 hi ‘M m lli‘ l t h“ _ interactions between blacks and response.
/ ”is “WW‘ l’H‘t‘rdm- «"‘lm l (Iobhi- because there aren’t enough qtialiiied creates a problem in hiring black idi‘ L h". L ‘ LL .LVP‘L l i L whites at the l‘niscrsity hate ‘Hines added. howeser. the
chairman oi the ilc’ptit'itiit‘ill oi iam,i~. black applicants quudgm oriaciilts medical {mum members. ““ l‘“" "”l‘ ““0011: “mm“ “”li traditionally been restricted. he said. l‘m‘s‘Nl.‘ administration is “making
““1”“ "l9” 1mm“ plillchL‘” ‘lli Positions at the med school. He said a studs he conducted iotind ”Nd hmmz“ I‘ll“ “ML. attending law He ‘iild prospectite students get lhl‘ progress through letting black
”“Khmk‘lm “mm“ P Wll‘m” (iaines wasoneoi se\eral l'rii\crsit\ the re are o ril\ l 23 blac k ‘L‘hm’l may MW increased the impression when \isiting [ht ‘Ch‘ml students haic input into hi)“
“ll“ '1 m“ n “I ll”, L. H (1le ”HULL administrators who participated in the ophthalmologists in ihc l'nited States dropout “mi ml mL‘LL‘ ”1mm“? "l or example." Hines said. “ll”: recruitment programs are run...
Wmm‘cnb'l _’”M >‘rt‘lL-‘lk R I\:'m‘] Student (cntet Board's | unch Bag “Ii \ o U Lcan get a black LmdLmL had inrospeetiiei students walk past Hines continued. “We hopeto make
‘1“lllLi:’d:Ltiili‘iltiliilirily(lililillilltlkiilbiilltlhs:iilit't l orum on aiiirmatis e action ophthalmologist." (iairies said. “he is Dr .lessie l Baiigh iroiii the l K llk‘ room across irom the grille in the recruitment ioli blacks) more realistic.
is Paul l) “mid: .osoeiaie protessoi ot )s‘sterda}, so unique. you can bet he'll get a good (iiadiiate School said that school has Student (enter and 566 blacks eating l-or example. ‘1 5 WWW." WillISUC ‘0
lriglisii .ii i’adiicaii t oiniiiiiiia) t'iillege l)r Rose t'rtinip. a r‘eprescntatise salary " made mam irn pi ti\ enieriis in only in that room. where they Choose spend money on recruitment filmsthat
the awards \Hll be pri'sijiiit'd ‘\Di1ll_, llLll‘il the ( ollege oi Medicine‘s (iairies said that although 1 K's attracting mirror it} students. 10 ~11. Sometimes a prospectise show a l0! 0i black Studentsdressed up
|‘).\Ii i admissions oiiice. said thelow number salaries may not be as high as tiioseat particulailx women "\\e hate marry \lllsls‘nl “Ill £18k me. ‘Why does [K m “if” and gowns. ”16W JUN! aren't
oi black students in the college other iini\ersities. it actiiely seeks to more women students than ii\e sears riiake you all sit in that room‘.“ " that many.“
rwo 'rrzr s -\(;i Briti'rrirrts Peter StrudWICk has 1 ; ' . e . ’ 5'
A(( l SH) oi murdering their mother L LL 9 .‘v'1 YO ut want ‘
this week wc~i ordered tester/din in I ” 8‘ ‘3‘)
llopkirisnlie to undergo pssthiatric _ _‘ ' j; ’
L'\oiill.li.tiitill\ iw lhst'ici (ouri liidgc no feet but he doesn t ._ ‘\a v . I
i tom 1 . sattsfactton
\icliorialil ‘ the “do boxs ‘ a '_ . . . _
transiericd iio'i: t"; kl.lt\i‘iilli ’ hiirit'it I h I h. d - i a- I *
.lail to tizet liiid:."'n\ lreaiiricni Scinws I I | i . .. g
('cntcr iii liillis‘».ilc' ihi.-\ will bel at t at S OW I Own ; mm“ - on the JOb
esamined lllt'L 'o' iii iiais. \1t l‘a‘naidl - 5;. .. a...“ I
said to “stir PAGE “When I was i3. i worked \Hilt " .3 t. '
‘\“‘l“"‘l" ‘ ““‘l ”i“ “5”,“ “mm““1 t“, s:.ai wort-i liillll'cd war \eierans. People in a lot ' *" * StUdy says .
the sla\iiie oi their mother. \lis liiida ' . , . :.
, » worse shape than I was. lhat , ‘ :-*.=-.::...:...:~:=Eo"'
lee llaliiriiati under questioning Polo" [,1 'r S 7 “H ‘k’ m m” ‘ he in ‘ .3 _ i, .. v ll ’h ‘l ‘d ‘ )4 d .. > . _....: .w :~»::-~-~.g:;:;>;;.;.-;_-.-."_: ,
said theincident.:riwhicli Mrs Hallimari L L “UL L rtr ret m L 9er “.1“ “(i '\ .L pe mL FL d ttist. 3' , ._ = . B 303 (OCHRANE
mm“, M MN Mm WNW “M‘nd‘I miles a day. nearly 2000 miles a year. Strudwick said aiter speaking at the * ' i. on. f .. - g , Ms\ y ‘ ~
. . .. . . . He entered his iirst race. a mere three (‘ommittee oi |0l basketball boosters -- “W“ E? ‘ I?“ 3°" "" 5”” “m” ‘
a and iiiil’iiL-tiils stab wounds. oci iirrcii ir‘- .. . w
mt {mm H, w Awnmmv my A omit. itiilL‘s, in NM. He ran his iirst banquet ltiesdas at the Lexington _‘ » f .- , H . . - -
dmiiiiill oi Haiti". 5 iiiaraihori. the Palos Verdcs in l%9.at Hyatt Regency. " i , “ . . .. ' Students entering college rank 10b ‘
; liit‘ 11_L’L‘ til ‘9 _.\ 1c“ )‘L‘ili’S latcp 8““thle _‘ _._o\\\ I ‘ ‘ ., i” “'I. satisiaction higher than money and .
world | snou- ohon ho has hoooh than ronoohd oho ion point in i... rho. so have when WW8 .
20.000 miles in training and actual “When i was 2] years old. ldidn‘t LL“??? Q§W~ according to a recent memiy 0f .
‘\ 3‘1 RUVi F”? ”101 \H tilting think i was a man. I was llHng in a i r Ml?h.'ga“ SlUd-‘i’ . . i
fiat ”\H) .n least-l“ inlays:s Nil‘ i’etci' Striidwick has no icet. boarding house in California. 1 had .. ’ ~ " " f“ Fitz: " .3?- ’ 3" “"5 marks a Sign‘tilCdnl Shm ,m ,'
iiili'éiii pilloXII.“ii‘fCIt'::'.'3.d(i"fii.i“ "(in the do a the I’nhh \ordos roaih hh hohom. smoking and " ... 99‘ ’ ‘ . "fmluldcsz 53%: m" 5:76"?ng a. l’l‘. 3
\Wm M“. “mm“, mmmi I” my \iarathon. i started last. ran last all drinking and mooching money." he . o ’ . \y o - “3.3.0 ogist.w ospecta ”mm usrness .
. qu‘m. Hm “(UH-Rm. “mini,” the way. and iinished dead last Dead. said. His landlady told him to pack - “ g 3' a fill." , . . '
Khiimcittp the “Mum" [OMHHUVMH \ntl lilsl Bill l iinished." Strudwick up and lCilVC. HQ said he hccantc \cl’y ‘ . A '. - Pl“) yea“ ago,e\cn 20 yéars‘that. '
Md“ Mum “._th and ,Wimmng - ' says in the introduction to his book. depressed. trying to imagine he wasn't . - ‘ ‘ . , . . same sunrey would have shownmoney .
"ii is piissthlt‘ viii-iieaih-ioa \\iilL“(L‘t".i (ome Run With Me. alise. that he didn‘t exist. N'TP'R 3"“ DWICK and prestige to be the goals. Shepard :
Loon.“ said \ioliamtiiCtl \ii shim/i Sirudwick was born in (icrmany in “But I couldn‘t escape entirely espcrienced In years earlier. Strudwick began training harder. said. "JOb fulfillment was notan issue ..
lL‘dtiiLtl in telephone ‘iiitii \it-osia I910 ln I929. his mother had something strange was goingon in my “Aiter tiiiilttlfl 01 01" spiral l running i‘urthcr. hurting more. then. . . , e - .
~ (”ML contracted rubella ((icr'mari measles). head." Striidwick said. “i was tip Will/Cd ”l.‘ WW“ “1“ itidanger.arid l N” .“W hang in there, even if The study involved ["000 hlgh
\ w liili.‘ lloiisc oiiaiai saiii \cstei.=;~..t. ”dz;f§mw . I
. ‘ ' . ‘ ‘ - -. . . . ..'.‘-Z'-. ,' . ‘ ‘ .: .5;- :‘ | ‘
. study which can lead. as pomted out by law school for work is moncylew studentswould opt to work in .- -— — ‘ . . WM :II‘t . .3“ t ngl’L‘fUllERle’ -.
professors Gerald Johnston and John Rogers. to a order to get both iob experience and connectioiiinl . F "{ /': ' Io“? >3 THEWORPLWR’
“deterioration in the quality ofclassroom learning for this student finds his school work suffers became of ll. / ' a} ”JV . f I, . SHIN
. . . . . ‘ / . / S ‘ .::' “”5... -
all students imolyed." However. ll this is the case. then maybe the law // ’ W! ‘ .~, . ,I';;";§§‘E:':':'5:.-:I::;. i 1 1t
. . - . -‘ . ) i ‘ the Ulll‘flVlll' Wilsons why " ' . / ‘= '. .‘aiiriii'imil"? "l 9
And professionalschools.such as law.olten heayilv “hm” ‘hwld h‘nd” H - E L _ - a- ¢ i... \ - . :‘ Dtteggtgfilhg
t. . , ~ - . . T students would rather work then prepare for class. -:§::.-. :Liig'iifst' ‘ql— q to : . ~: ENE 5E 1 i
rely on discussion and partimpation from students. . . . . . ‘ f ». ""lll'“ W. . llllTH ONE FLACJH t t
- . .- Mavbe students lack of motivation and preparation - ‘. ,/ 'tl ' ’ i, _ t i
who in turn must be properly and extensively . - . . . . . _ . ll - sin, i :~' GHETANI “ .
. .. ' for class is a reflection of the class and not his outside ;; ,- I. / . .. a ,' . .
prepared for class. 3.; t f . t . . ft) (3 .. / it t t
C -‘ u ntlv sime rofessional schools have a work. Ygét'il ' ill i ' ' ' SOLVEprClAL t -
Ionseq 6. -f L p ” .‘ .‘ Besides. working while going to school. even iii a \ ‘ .KLL' l l‘lt‘ill ,tt WM" \Ulll’l ‘
policv monitoring the amount of outside work . .. .- , . . . . I )it‘. t" ‘ . . ,., [Imp REFRNNQCF l
' . . . high pressured situation often found in professional . _ ,. . f.- ._ l t
students can do. Such is the case with the l, K law _ I. . . ‘7 ,_ WW» . .. :7. I; 7,..=\ CAHEW I
S h 1 schools. can help to alleviate tension by serving as an .ETT: #2:; "with 5-,; g. I-._ ¥** l
C 00' . I . II outlet. It can also. in a Protestant ethical way. build . , I ;,‘~1:§§ on I :55 ‘ . 75-7. 1
The present policy at the school prohibits first-year moral character. “Killim‘ff‘tfimfl i: 'tylflll‘lllll lhl'fl'h i'llt'lh’li . .. . . » I
‘ ‘i ' . W, ,. . f.._.“” '. Ir, . l
tth §tUdeht5 from part-time employment ‘15 “t“ d5 Witness Berea (ollege. where students must work ‘ ’ ’ ‘ " l
hmtttngsecondandthird-yearstudentstoamaXimum while going to school. Juanita Kreps. former l'.S. - " A /" x l
of 15 ho . . k , . . , WWI: T‘LlR’ELU VF < I l
urs per wee . Secretary of ( ommerce. graduated from this school. .i‘l THE Lotlflhlktlbll‘ \I llgh f - ER”, . “w.“ i
' Although the policy is rarely enforced. some Students who don‘t work may also be hurt by the . i CHARl‘EIM‘l’l l‘llAN EAthf'ThA LEAD ofl‘gmtst‘thtt“ Z l
_, professors at the school are calling for more stringent schedule changes simply because they are paying for l OUR R q PENN dbicls' Lé‘llzfiéb/OM II‘ t‘; .‘ m \T ' t
. . A. . . . . 1 , ' ' t E . y -. .‘--- ‘93. II, 1.... \ \ t
measures to assure the policy s use. Included tn these something which doesnt really inyolye them. ‘ I Faggpt’tht—SA £0.11”: :1ngth EBCIXE’ fowé \\ ‘l I! i
measures '5 a proposal to defer instead 0t Maybe the best thing for the law school to do l IND? E" l“ th‘Wt‘ :01 ,‘HIED ‘I .41.”; A h\\\\“ ‘/, . .
. . - _ . , ”It _, >1 *1... y I, ' \ ,. «a t; .I
accommodate part-timework by'schedultngclassesat when considering implementation of the proposed I l $10.3 Mar fi‘w 4‘19“”. ,vi , 1;; 4; BEPIOL}! Q: w—itg III, 34: .- s. ,- ll .
periods which would deliberately interlere with times policy would be to first review classroom structure lll gfixfiwg,” ~“- Mr, M : " "F‘Ehhtt‘t" u 3 ' c) 1" l l
students could work. and response from all students. notiust the ones who . l 4% ‘ 35th"? ’ . 5. '. l (r A II h‘..,_.lf ll 3
This is unfair. both to students who choose and work. Quite possibly. the necessary changes lie much lIi i ’~“ who??? l' . ' JU I ‘ ”j. . I ll 1
often must work and to students who don‘t work. deeperthaniust forbidding siiidentsthe right to work. i i ... t , "' .. i ,’ ”III fi/i A f . : l -
M“ 35? Afloat; Keith???” . _- ( ,, ‘4 . I , ' , 5;. .1 . /,.., i _
ti ~ , ~ i ‘ V ,’r i [i T . ‘
' l em nTRENtvraml’w: gljtfittttfit, f\, l i ‘
.. ‘HEWKEMDWFGRU t,« m ‘ i. .’ l ‘
at as e“ . , w y, , t
Iii . [at H A . : ‘ J y
) t ( . ~\ 5 . ’
l fill/MC" ‘3.”3: ti u [/1 a: l l
Take Chances Lifers belie\e that all human beings the present government in lran, But lL ‘ fl . § “mt" \ I i: ll 3
This is a letter in response to Steve are equal; that we u/[hayedignity and there are many others who are l i i l ,— ‘ . WU . ;u:.it..st»t..natmtet .T‘l'i It i
Weingarten‘s column on the lonely value: that al/human beings whether appalled by citricnt events in Iran. l , l "3% gm f i with“ ll 3 -‘
male and female seeking companion- they are labeled teenagers. senior Iranian students sire no different than t ‘ it‘ll , «a? . (gig ‘ 50A? “in”. l 7
ship; citizens. children. college students. other students. lhereloi'e. they should ti ' mull.-- —I / y . . filb l J m i 1 l l
Mr.I Weingarten has done no less fetuses. orinfants.are stilldeserying of rccciw the same respect. rights and il i »~“""”“""l""=;;”, ’ ‘ Vflfll III t‘~_:_- "‘. 4. . 9
than giyethetrue meaningoftheword equal protection under the law. lhus lrlendship accorded to all at this t' L: / -~ LOWE? i "I”; fill {t l“ i i
“gentleman." A woman wants a gentle Pro-Liters hold that no one shouid kill l'niyersity. ll W’ 9-" *9 iijgflf‘iéf-N ~ ' . l. .i )lll‘m Fillfl' J" l
man because he‘samanthat is attuned another human being except in self— ill;\- _.__., ._ A-.. - h‘“ ‘ ,_ d l i i
to her needs and desires. Being one of defense. Mark (lavitt H" T 7 “'32; __— 7 7 W “ml—AT ._ i —‘ Hf.--) i
the men Mr. Weingarten describes in Believers in abortion deny equal Political Science graduate student I
his article. I look for more thaniust a protection under the law to certain . I
sexual encounter. lm looking for a classes of human beings. . lhis Cance| game I I - i ’»
woman who cares about me as a discrimination does not stop at Slmpl} O u m n lst a "S to ma e I e ,
Person. killing human beings before birth. It I“ ttc’h‘th‘c t“ th" lt’ttt‘t‘ ““ttt'h ht
As Mr. Weingarten mentions. sex is has been extended to the deaths of hhtthh‘m ”'9‘“ KCht Pattmh hhd ‘. ‘
also an integral part of the relationship (according to HEW estimates) 12.700 tthh Q hm“ l't‘lli'fdlhélth'i hil‘kt‘thilll I I ' .
between two people. For one fleeting infants a year who sur\i\e the game-linals “mm“ 1 would l'l‘c “t wor or Im no Vlce versa h l
momenta man and woman are linked attempted abortion and come into the whim” it “”httmh th‘” “"“ld be 'h th" I f l
together as one entity. sharing each world kicking and crying like any “best interests of the team. the classes. _ _ y . _ . .
other totally. For a heartbeat all time other infant. rather than stillborn. tht‘ Eritdt“- and tht‘ him" lh“ college .‘Cith‘ it” fCPt‘tt’d 1” h“ people “‘1‘“ htc t0” ‘Cr't’u‘h' ith)“ the can be fun after college. I. for l
and thought stops. and )ou are aware Additionallv. The Wall.S'ireerjouriiu/ t thh‘c that tht‘ t'hl‘t‘mt.‘ tht' he“ .‘t'ah‘ 0t ”ht‘.‘ 1”“ people “1k? certain things in life one. intend to make it 50' “in take a i
only of another human being hat5 reported that awoman “anCl’ilCd olliclals \tmply cancel thc bil‘lst‘lbltll With my graduation a mcrc month SCI‘IUUSl} llllu‘ dCCpl} hL‘ld bCllL‘lS or determined attitude [0 kCCp meeting :
becoming a part of _\'OU for a brief a federal iUdgCShlp becauuse Sht.‘ “11S game, ayyayI Id lung 10 unhcgilatingly my personal InlCTCSINl but In liilyL‘ new and interesting people and an -
instant. Pro-Lifesand HEW also reports that According to l' niy ersity that the above statement is true (so eyerything in life seriously is a sure unwavering resolve to continue doing :-
M.‘ idea Ola woman correlates with students are denied admission tosome ”gtthtth‘hb- Chthl‘llb ttfgimll'dlltlns are far). I know I am not alone with m_\ “mle an unhappy life. my own thing and make life work for '
Mr. Weingarten‘s quite a bit. A medical schools becauscthey are l’ro- forbidden to schedule any aClnilics feelings. My conversations with other After college. we are supposed to melratherthan me working forit)but :
woman is someone who can cry with Life, ' during finals week. It is the height of €011ch students. both \Cniors and tt‘kt' 0“" place In tht‘ SWOUS- dOE-cat- I‘m gonna do it. . l l
."0u when _\0u cry and laugh with you Thus abortion‘s backers deny not ”On." thttt the tihl‘CNI.‘ hi“ underclassmen. have revealed “ht” mtg real world and scrounge h" that Bl" before that time comes. I :
when you laugh. Someone to hold you only the civil rights ofpre-born hiiman ”Cht'dttlt‘d h htt‘t‘t‘thtt” 11"th during ”69th“ to be almost a uniyersal ”Uth esteemed mark “t “we“ the six- suppose there s 5"” graduate SChOOI to ’5.
when you feel pain so intense vouwish beings but also those of born persons that ttmt‘ Pcrhtd- MW Wh‘ldt‘r tht‘ ‘t't-V few people 3” t‘mkthg forward t” figure income. What a ”OCR! IOOk forward ‘0‘ ‘l
You could die. A woman is someoneto who speak out in their defense. it is not basketball hul-‘Cl" “m ”r" students. leaving COHCgC‘ . .
tell your darkest secrets to as well as surprising. therefore. that inacountry Hts-t are rchired I” take hm‘h' hm“ Wh-t ,ShOUId ”m be m", MI” “1" Steve . 3‘, i
your happiest moments. She is an where Pro-Lifers can be denied this is an institute of higher learning college is only supposed to beIa 45 . IM.‘ column 0" meeting people lg t"
e‘lual partner in a relationship: CQualit)‘ of employment and one “Wmthmk”macadcmm“mild year preparatory period for MC: ”5 W9”? anen l-‘fm- I) Stthtated SOIme lhtereSt'hg 5 i
rCSpected and admired as well as education. that the SCB ~13,th Bag take priority over athletics. supposed to be a means to an end and 9 responses. Jeanne Marinaro (Nov. 9) ii, .I
looked to for comfort and advice. Forum" will den) equal time to l’ro- I ha‘“ h‘tth‘htl t‘e’ttth‘t htthk‘ith‘th‘ I not aneInd m M“: So “hi doso many *——'—- suggests that youIIquys fnd girls who 2"
Mr. Weingarten stresses the fact Lifers to speak in defense ofdignity of am a loyal [is fan However. I haven of us new life after college as being financial security is nice and money want to find the “ght PETS?" keep .:
that approaching a woman isn‘t all human beings. ' sense of priorities and [K \s. |[' it at downhill‘.’ can btiy many pleasurable things. but SCBTCh'hg and dOht let any rejections »
always easy. He states manv men the bottom of the list on Dec. l5. Part of the reason college have you eyer noticed that wealthy get you down.
won‘t use the direct approach for fear T.M. Powell So Dr. Singletary. (‘oach Hall. and ' graduation is viewed with trepidation people often seem to have fewer The writer ofanotherletter wonders '2 j
of rejection. This is a fear that can be ‘69 UK graduate Mr. (‘liff Hagan. are you willing to by many students in the fact that. as human sensitivities than less wealthy Wh)’ “womenIgo OUt mm 80“”35 and i: l
overcome by gaining Confidence in Lexington, Ky. fight for education as fiercely as you one ofmy friends mentioned.collegeis people'.) To most people. happiness is then complain when they get the” ‘ l
oneself and the situation involved. fight for the \(AA championship? an acceleration of life. Name the the most important thing in life. bananas squeezed? He ”33°F“ that t,
‘ RCJCCthh ISh‘t fun. b“! you can learn Actions of few activity and interest. and it exists on a Everyone has their own ideas about PCOPIC Will take any kind 0f
to accept it ina positiye way Leslie A. Adams college campus in abundance and what will make them happy. but i relationshipratherthannoneatall. He -.
In conclusion. I don‘t really know . The present American crisis in Iran Psychology junior within easy reach. Dates. scouting for don‘t think true happiness can be further suggeststhat women who want It
how t0 bridge the gap separating is producmg unfoundedIsentiments potential spouses. good times with bought. It has to be earned. serious relationships might try .
potential companions. but my advice toward and misconceptions about G. Stephen Hall friends. and sitting around 21 Remember. Howard Hughes died a 'dehhfylhg themselves by wearing a ‘
would be to take a few chances, lTIantan students in the l'nited States. Business Administration freshman dormitory until five in the morning most unhappy man. “dead Cthkeh around their hCCkS."
Somcwhfle out there isawoman who I.\ot allIlrantanIstudents are involved discussing life are popular activities l.ifeis really justagame;a partythat Al5°~ he recommends l'h JCSt) that
wants to meta true man. And ladies. in political affairs. In fact many with Alice (1 Stewart that make college life the fun it is. always ends with death. lhc someone give a mixer at WhtCh
believe me. there are men on this whom I m acquainted abhor violence Business Administration senior After leaving school. new friends are reali/ation of the inevitability ofdeath eyeryone wears a Elhht nametag W'th ‘ .
campus who want to meet a real insurrection. and insanity sanctioned less easy to meet and potential is discomfitting. butthis rcalizatiion is hisor herlikesand d'ShkCShSthOh't- t
woman. one that truly CBTC‘ about .by the revolutionary government, Letters Olic husbands and wiyes are harder to useful in stimulating peopletolivelife “halt.“ another “mt“ accuses me "r.
them. There are a number of Iranians who p y come by. This isone reasonforthe vast to the fullest. Do you realize that most hf “tt'hg 01" 0" an ocean voyage to l:
left lran because their religious faith Letters. opinions and commen- numberofengagementsand marriages of us only have around 60 more years find the perfect treasure.armed mm a g
Mitchell Kelly brandedthem as enemies oflslamand taries must be typed and triple- among college students. Students are left to Inc? Do you reallv want to harpoon (W'th WhI'Ch l “felled the § .
Undecided freshman thus they were Isubject to the spaced. and must include the worried that college graduation will spend the rest of your youth (after h00k'5h nerd. the JockheIad. and the '3 -
persecution of religious minorities writer‘s signature. address and result in less contact with other young college) in pursuit of financial security easy lay )and accompanied by meek 3
Equal time which runs rampant under the present phone number. L'K students should people. "this fear ot- holation is \ery for ."f’tlf Old age‘.’ Not me. buddy. followers. 1 really enjoyed your letter. l
. Last week the SCB “Br Ba leadership. These people came to the include their year and major and real and very reasonable. However. lherearetoomanyotherthingslwant Homer. (You did write The Odyssey. .‘
Forum” discussed aborti 0:" IgI LS. seekingyusttce and freedom.and University employees should list one of my 27-year.old friends has IOdowith my life whilel‘m stillyoung didnt you?). but I really don‘t see i
f advocates of child-deathobn. it)" 0h) yet they are being unlUSlly associated their position and department. mentioned that his low lift‘ has like have fun. myself as tFad'thB a band 0t followers :'
. . spoke The Forum or HIV]: ‘ZrthIOh by the media and our political leaders The Kernel may condense or Improved since he graduated. As he lhisdoesn't mean lendorsea life of to the CIUS'IVC GOIdCh Treasurc.I Sorry
I~ that since she did notg lan fo 3”? With those Ilranian students who reject contributions. and frequent puts it. many women are concerned total hedonism. but Ill work to live. to disappoint you, ht" I admit here '
I.I meeting tobeaone-sidedprcgntgt' e express anti-American sentiments writers may be limited. Editors about not being married after they not Inc to work. If along the way I that It" simply a mere mortal who '5 '-
. 3 by pro-abonionistst she had «GAO: Some prominent Americans are men reserve the right to edit for correct graduate from college. so they make it manage to get rich. fine. but I'll be trying to hIhd the answers to some 0t ~
, ~ 'v not to grant equal time for Pro I: calling for theI deportation of all spelling. grammar and clarity. and much easier for guys to meet them by damned if H] be damned if I'll enter ht“ questio