xt78pk070q0v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78pk070q0v/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1940 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1940 Vol.11 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, March 1940 Vol.11 No.5 1940 1940 2019 true xt78pk070q0v section xt78pk070q0v my 1939 0 555555 .
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ir at the old? Paducah HOSt To VKVaterlield, Clinton Gazette, Clinton, selfish and mercenary motive, that the .lllllllllll
g 1361‘mitted1 , .y‘ _ loss .of' advertismg occas10ned by the 11E1li11ll ‘ 3
1e old l‘atel‘S mmer Meeting ‘lgommittee’ Vmembers present were prohibition has been so small as to be lllIlII‘ lll :1
l is used, it ., u gunman VVaterfield, lf'resident l’edley, neghgible. l\lot out of that small and 'Elllll ..
)ntrolled by . . . ‘ -. , ICC-Plfffldem Dyche, Secretary Al'COCk, personal consideration does this protest Illilil 1E , f;
.h . Meeting at the Bi own'hotel, Louis— Joe Richardson, Thomas T. Wilson, arise, but out of a genuine and imper- Illll' Ell
. .1 .Is. I) . . . , - . _ . , . r i or:
newspaperl VIEECEAP111 29, the L'thfnprlei’nlntl‘cé Chauncey lioigey, Edwaid .Hamlett, sonal regard tor the public welfare as 1.1511 I; If
,3 the actuall accepted the inVitation o, M u)cai 01 Robeit Elkins, Vernon Richardson, conditloned by private rights. E1E;ll 1'- 15"
0 later, tliel the summer meeting" of the KIIA and Frank Bell, Tyler Munford, Walker If the state, on whatever behest, may l lll ll ,
lte cash pay-5473111 the dates as June h, I.) and 81m hopes Robinson, Vance Armentrout, Fred prohibit price advertising by retailers IZJI1ly l‘l _»
SUbSCI‘lberlsIl of escaping the hot days that have been VVachs, and Victor R. POi‘tniann,'V151t- of liquor, why may it not promulgate ElEl11lE I .
I finally getsl .[he history of pi eVious ladqcah HICC‘L- ors present included Past Presidents similar regulations with respect to the ‘ill “'- . .
subscriptionl 11151 .EOCVLEl G111“ and Ed 1‘13“”11 J1” COL. Forgey, LaMarr Bradley, George retailers of tobacco, cigarettes, clothing, 111 g
I Paducah ISun-l)einocrat, Roy (ll. Evens, Joplin, and Joe Lovett. and groceries? Certain it is that there IIAEI phi
g rate in.E Marfidd: 11110-51de Pedley 111111 Secretary , *— exists among a class of retailers who I'IEEIEl
>ortunitv t‘ii Alcock were appointed as the program Itewlulions {filo/Med Ily The find opposition too keen and too cffi— iIlll El
schedule inf committee. . _ _ I‘PA 1133166111er 61011111111166 cient for them, a sentiment in favor of llEflE Illlv'vlll
open spacei 1,116 committee was 9151111‘116‘1 to ,m The Kentucky State Press Association, general restrictions by WhiCh the PUMEC iE; ll 111l1lii
, possible tel restigate plans 101‘ a VISAIL Ur the 611- by official expression herein set forth, would be kept from learning where it I; E13 1l I1 '
ice contract I, be1~tsville dam. The trip Will in all goes on record in opposition to a recent might get the best bargains. ElIEl IIl;l.IllI
me contrae' l11‘01111b1111)’ be made by ‘1 51160311 1111111 regulation of the State Department of Who would suffer from such regu- l lI lE lI
figures. Alll 111111161 C" . . Health limiting and defining the ad- lations? Newspapers, of course, since 111E1'1lllllill
age shouldl Alresolution condemning certain ad- vertising that may be done by an 011' price is a major element in advertising. lltilllllil,
base figuresl iiiiiiistrative orders that have been made tician, optometrist 01. other eye doctor. But, more important, the public at i'5El EEiIIE
intends toi by state agencies recently that are '(lls- We recognize, 0t- course, that it is the large, which would be shut off from its l51l1 Ell E11
ions slioulrll criminatory‘and ev1dence class legisla— right of the state to erect safeguards main source of information about places E1 1,1 llzil I l
best pricing» tion was discussed and passed. This against betrayal of the public 'trust and to patronize and things to buy. l * E1 l l lI‘
was nothiiigl resolution is printed in another column. injury to the public interest, but surely The Kentucky Press Association, E111 El i1E111;
1151 91 1116 l‘ A 116501191011 5132111151 .1116 P21111111“ blll’ his not within the proper province of “'11059 Papers ‘11“: read by a great 1113‘ lll1-ll E? III1
lrms 1n the passed by the association two years ago any department, 01. of the General As— jority of Kentuckians, look with dis- ‘Ell'llll ill!
I ‘ l was changed to some detaii and reiter- ssembly itself, to tell a business or 1110‘ trust on any effort to benefit a compara- I lllll E lllll l
Eiirlelclle ETCZI 11:1: '_ l> t P 11) l S "4t "Al‘ 'k fessional man how much he may ad— 11“? [61111 ‘11 the expense ‘11 1119 many. 11 llllll lllII1 .
the priiitcdl werleezleient 16': Lllfial'jil idetllet :ng t)ut)he vertise, and how he may advertise, on 11111 1,1,“. category. 015‘ 5.1;?9111 and (115‘ llll II | Ell
3d the ISOSt-l in‘Ne“: York . la; . )ss )c i D mg, m the absence of these restrictions, 1q11101-1?11C6 21(Velt151ng falls. Unjust, Illi’ll il 5,11El :
me that 2111-. . in June. Wt” WOtk .agttmstthe gene.m.l welfare. un( einocratc and unWise'in Ithe partic- lI-lsili; I lIiIlIl .
present any“ A committee to discuss matters rel- The limitation, in the opinion of the “1211‘ instance 111?” 1310111111110“ 5615 31 ‘Ellll : lIIll .
when (ml atire to the sesqtli-ceiiteiiiiizil celebra— Press Assoc1ation, is simply a manifes— precedent 111‘“ might-very W911 lead to IE1? ll 1E1 1
)uveix—Ntfwt 11011 01 Kentucky's statehood was se- tation of an increasing tendency on the Rig-91:11“? and “11111111511311"0 1081111“ l E11 Ill-ll .i
/ l lected to wait on Governor Johnson for part of government to attempt reform “”115 3116“”? 311 types 01 newspaper E_1l§I'E.l‘llllll
ltlllrlhcr information. This committee by bureaucratic and legislative fiat. As advertismg, P111111C11Y’ news, sports, and Elly Ell‘ EllElE l
_ I is composed of Fred VVachs, Lexington such, it is unwise, presumptuous and “11101131 comment. ' El‘El EEE , .11lE i
‘Herald-Leader, chairman, Thomas R. futile. 111112111)“ S111“? 1110 passage ”1 HOMO E1: 11 Elllll
I:l:i¢l)gl16121: ' Eiihtllerwood, 1114?:1flngmn ldel‘zilcl, Barry In the course of years, wewould point 113151 2:1? (the 11119011 119111: 111ml“ Ipraclice ll1 llll l lllllII
annivei‘sal‘l’l JOUiS‘ 11111111) P113115 161; L‘:1115Vl 19 (,jollllel- out, the standard of advertismg has im- (tlce), , 1C 10811 a 1911 i1 (“101,15 Y 1‘11“ 951 ll:I ill li' 1Elll1 ”
crica. It is I Dvdllxa: lle:(.e,nt..1,EdILyE Yme—pmsrdent proved greatly. That improvement has i onty icashin elvei acvancsc in '1ts liElE lEl'51 11ll1 .
: the stamp , ’ ‘1111 ‘eC1e1‘11Y Alcoclx. . . - come about through the voltiiitai")i ac- §l1l1l110ll 11a1T1£1yIt1211113111CC a Yé11151ng Il’ili El Elll ‘
)licitV cam-E fAn extended report of the activmes tion ol busmess and profeSsional men :10“ (31‘: I110Vl/1il11“ mam nuclei“ 01 Illlllll III ll ‘1
the iiiipOF‘I l) the legislattve committee during the and the newspapers themselves, which fi‘1l1 111?“? 11 1 “1ll11m111n 111‘11 .1111S ll, l: liEEEE1I }
in iodai" eglhlfltlve sess1on ol 1940 was made by annually reject a great deal of copy that ‘61 )Y aw, tiere “‘1“ 11,6 110_ 16‘1“)“ ‘IllIl EEE1EE1EEEE1 y,
., . I53 I Chairman Harry VVaterfield. W. Judd would have been accepted in other 101‘ a departmental 1169112111011 aimed at EE'E Ell ‘l 111E11l1 I
In) 1100‘ . ,,i Wyatt infornmt'on l't ‘ Far C‘ed’t re the same result, 11,111 El E1E111 1 '
111C “"1111" Eta . 7- c 1 e-U-m’ m 1 .1 1mm Forth , "e . 5 . , E ii 115V1l1‘5il111‘1l‘11’
licitv (natal iiinnshatum, Louisvrlle,_ was elected By any standard, that voluntary cor- _ , est 1 5110111” W} respect u. y re~ I'll 111l1111l .
inclined I” o HSSOCiate membership in the asso- rection is much to be preferred to bu- questlthat the iegulation be rescmded. llnlll11l1ll .
lustrV‘. Yc' Claton, reaucratic 01, legislative ultimatum. And tor these reasons we. hope that the I'I' Ell E llllll :
goods are 1! It was decided that 311 questions from It is the considered opinion of the “"110 henceforth W111 avord €111 attempts ll Ill llE'IellifI "4
stimcr W? l state editors relating to legal procedure Kentucky PreSs Association that the 10 1631112116 any typetof 9101116111 01 news- I lll E EE1l1' .
)klets. 1110'? on matters pertaining to the state laws regulation of the State Department of Palm” ”110111611 P111111C51110115r as 1116 press 1l lEll1l 1H! l
use perliap." I and llltel‘pretive rulings should be re- Revenue prohibiting price quotations 1" ll“ f1111y 11711611 {111501111613’ spared from ll". llgl 1III‘I
Enters to be i lel‘l‘ed to the legislative committee for in liquor advertising is a dangerous in- an) £01m Of coerCion or control. ltallllllv 5
3r wordsI 3 answer. and action. Accordingly, such vasion of individual rights. —_____—_ lull lll l III‘El "
ves need tel 11011.66 Is duly given that such questions In opposing that regulation, the as« There is a whale of a lot of diller- ll; ll 11l11 '
f their ow" 101‘ Information an legal matters should sociation 'wants to set forth first of all, ence between the buying mood of peo- I ll: ,‘El 1jEEl11‘l E
. be sent directly to Chairman Harry L. since it may be accused of a purely ple today as compared with a year ago. 1El EllE 11E1l .
III iaitr :i
If, 13:11.1 Eliilll i? llEl l
ési'liiii llEEi’5111"
l 3 U1"

 . .. .. ' ' ' I I I March, 1940
. .~.:.::' " I «1.1" . . I
, 1 1‘ :12. ‘ THE KENI - - ‘
I ‘I‘ IE III III: ~11, his business Is trawling 1
. I _I. ‘_ II IIII1 Page Four 1 l 1;ch Lhat LiOIlS ConLCll“ .L, 1
I I1 II XI? I51, ,. 1(“11 0 I16 I - ~ ' ' ‘ (hrk‘ ' ,. ' II
II IIII to some IInderIaI 1‘ 11ginstance, 15 OI (11" m EIIC .1: u) on these (1111185' A knowlz
._ ‘11 15:1 the tourist (1011211, 0 Lire Columunit)“ L ice filming them may change. the 1
‘1 111.11 [11.1.1 he rect benefit to [he an. _ ting is the edge (.‘(IIIC- which you are travehng~ ,
I I II ‘I III II .‘ ~ )ent 101' 1)]‘111 -_ (IiI‘CCU‘m 1n I - ble loss to a'I‘f I
4 I II II F‘ 11 I11- I r 5* 88 IThC (101131 SI . . , IIHUHILY‘ . :. r1 c01181dUa ( 1
. , .1 -z' 11.1 - 2’ . 1011) Con , 1- b1 [10111 ‘
. 1. 1. ..11 . » » 1111 in \ . . pow Y . ma be able1
‘. 1 11%: en . .1 10 211 do ‘ I .. . 101‘ ct . ~._ chuse you Y _ . 1
I H I11 :1 11 1.11 1 K 11105 ,t lzt your local “161 (11.511115 g neat PIOIII‘ b (: (01](litio‘ns ~Mlthh you I
: 1 11 111.: D011 f 1t to remedy 501“ ,' ‘7 1 before taking 111151
. I I II _K ntucky that at - did 1101 know cmsta , V 1
1; ‘1 111.1111». . - he 6 1, 1
. .1 .1 1 1.*I11ca,t10n 0? t. - . '7. 1
. I II I}; 1 III. OfiiCial PIII’E‘eSS Assoclatlon —-—_—_ lll‘cnun) 1
. III .‘ .~1 1.1.1 1 I . I
‘ 3| ;1=I 1I1 ——-———— , . -. 1,2071 15 101“ ——_——" I 1
I II II III I tmann Editor-Publisher Winch Duec 9 . 1 I
. r , . , ' 1, 11'
I II II III III vmtor RI Po BUSINESS HuIdedI [ C'ni Symon/(ten buggcs'lw . I
‘1» 3 .1‘.‘ .1 ‘1 —————_— ‘ on 1 , 1‘ 0' 0 I I; .) ', 1 [5177855 I
II» 1::I‘L‘I1 The Kernel Press: Lexmgt r ‘1 United states Chdmb‘? _ l'st of [.m- (,ulmg 31 1 , I
I..i“I_§I.1|.»‘ Printed on I 16 sde the follo‘Vlng 1‘ suggestions 101. COUHU)’
1 1‘; ‘11 :1- ———-— . _ 1 , ' , . 1) A .. .1 1 - 1
. 5'31 EILJI ..0..i..u.,,. Officers mcicc has (1‘ 11 of busmess men gen chullcfin l 1,1.) yhcmselves and the l
. 3 1 I 11 1.1,...“ Ass II'd nt EddyViII? P181.3111); questions recent) Publishers t0 1C_l ‘ 1' re been sum. 5
e I ”IQ; M. Pedley, PI‘BSI (io’ndon SentmeI—Eciué . 1 y. .' 1 '[dVCI‘UScr 1r“ .
' I i ' I'iinII‘ GracgiinDyche Vice‘Prfi‘é’s Messenger’ Dam CI‘II II (C(Hlnt" nauona < I 1) [inn general man-1 1
- , '. . .. ..~I‘; Russ ’ ' Sec.- -1 u .. - ge '1‘ A . . A 1 .
‘ s 1 .2‘11.’ J. Curtis “Wk 'ttee you keep it Pumh‘Is I ht? manttd by N 1k rith SpeualAgen‘ ,1
. i . . 2') :‘IIEI Executive Comm‘ tte chair- 1- DO ) Lot'll 01: all goods boug - 1 ‘C1‘ of LIIC S. C. Bet "\ 1 (
. ‘ - Gaze 1 - , . .' '1 ‘ I1 '
I II IIIIIII H rry Lee IV‘IIeIIIerng’ (ixiinIIégnfieId. A3233??? III‘II shows I1 know what you save by g: as follows: )"tper '1(I1'€1"[ t
"‘jé' a N’Iuno‘ v .. - courier' _’ D0 ’Ol ’ ‘ ”ll nCWSl K ‘
. a :I .1III. n; Tyler I Lomswfle . rd Ham 2. I _ 1 1 . 111 5C .
I IIIIIII . $2309 figgg‘fogiasgnw TIInneisxicyfidrIggon: 333‘ discounting bills? I 't costs to buy I. Comm y .L (
a II II =IIIE‘I » Toe RIC a . I “vs ' Vex‘nD xingtOn - ‘ VV wt: 1 I I I I <' r S
' ‘1 I . 3 III’I‘ I Columbla Ne I B WachS, Le k press) I) 011 knOW Llhlng- 1 . lCtLers-
~. 1. .1111. left, ate: Fred - - m. Kentuc y ~ b' . 3. 0 y . LIV answel I ~
3 31.111111 ville AdVOCi .- W n, Portma 1. Log Ca any ‘ - r) P101111) / . _ U ctl" and I
1 1! 1 .- 11.15 quJ eadeI' , VIC . . n Cynthlana Robm- IS“ ”,1 w , 1 bIHS £0116 ) .
. 1 .. . .4 . T. 1111150 1 1. walker _ gone. 1 1 you 0V\C~ . 1011 .11 1 1
1 1":II1‘ Lexmgmn' T‘ nerd Democl‘a ‘ Forges/1 ASh know W13 7 5- R01“ 1
1 ‘ ‘IIH‘ k Bell, Be‘ 1.]. Chauncey. master, 4 DO you k stock? 1
g , :.11111 Fm“ ‘ ille Hem ’ . _ Elkm, La ' '. you til 6 ‘ . 11’. . . 1
'1I .11 son, Paintsgndem. Ruben L 5- HOW 011,311 (10 ) _ ‘ 0f Se11_ 11101111) ) 1 , _ . 1 c0 )1es. 1
, 1 IndeD . k 1t cost 1 1 baking
. I 5::‘3 1am . {‘ 111T: SLOC ‘ .1. 501“ C ' I . , ” 1
I {I I‘I‘13‘1 Honol ary- 1 t've Committee 6. DO YOII 1g I B (211-61111 ill I nulkt-UP' I
' '1; 1.3 Y 3 ‘. a l ‘ ~ ; _ 7 4 i ‘ 1
I It“: LIIIIII fi lq Advocate, 9113111213; in pnce? . ices for de- .). C y k ck your compentm. ‘r
, . 1 r1 . 1.319.. Munford.tl\lggfi$" 51......“ Gazegglzry ward, $7 Do you make 2111011141 7. Dont 110 1' qdvertising Pub. (
' ‘- ~ I .11 v ' ' 7. er 1 1d; - ‘ . ' a - ' , J 1‘66 < ~
. 21 %‘11 Harry Lee “1 . 10,. Hera J )lm Jr., 1 tOCkP 1 LI “mint
. 7 1. .1 . d Lexmg _ m‘ge R. 01 1‘- - .‘ nd (16?“ S b. 1] I
MIL R- UmIeIWOOJIDemOCYaI’ Ge ‘1 William51 some )reClleOn a , " due you? - ' I
1 . 211:1." Paducah SImmmonweaIIhI C801 1 know What IS - ,7 lIclt ’. - ' - 1 llfltmm
, .. ou . ~ 1 fix 1 Y ,, .. noun 01
. 1 snmexset C0 8. D0 Y . mm 0 . . .. (1 wwl
1| IIIII set Journal. Fxhibit committee 9 DO VOU luake (161)}ecla up 9. CU unle 1
‘1‘.:V .1" ,1 (I . I . . A e] . 4- 1..
. I T IIII Newspapel Kentucky Press’ 1211.112331; tur€9 and dellvely CCIIIIPm ur b'mk 21 busmtsS-I L) Your rate card- 1 I
i . . :1! I , portmanm (rm Jon“. 1 . Us, ‘ . , ‘nisl ’0 ‘ ‘ here ‘ . . 1 (1111-1 ‘
. 1 ‘; .I1 gfigflnré'penceg. Eggéucgrfiifort JO‘ggghimIéan; 10. Can You IIII t 01126? II1II Igct 'looal memhants to 16C 1 I
: :11‘13. .‘ . bert 1m ’ , - sburg . . . nt a' ‘ . , “ 1 1
' l 1 w 111‘ Villa: ROBro\Vnmg1 “I‘Iléi?urg Hera‘d» financml “Meme. , 1. as rapidlY I . )er.
. 1 , 14g; . Harold tton Harro » 11 [10118 mtu C 7. 1 vol“ 1)le . 1 1
1 M Miss Jane H“ ‘ 11. ArC CO III: P IIIIIII C bat substitullml '1
1.. 111... , - .. . . 9 om . ‘ .- .- ~ . '1
‘ I “I. -——————_—— HS ZlCCOUnIS 1113:6396 what It 18 COSUng I}; GOI- “Lie-UPII advel‘tlSlng' 1 HICII' I (C
1 11}; .11», D0 VOU now .3; - 1 the IOCEI
I I 1‘I3‘» .. - 12- I . . ~ ustomelfi- ' he closey " :
I I III II51I‘J ”my? on for allowanceS {01 C '1ke up a 14‘ C.IIIIIV:. rmd distributor. _ 1I (.
I 1 I‘W‘IIIV'I MEMBER Iggy y 13 How often do You m< (hunt. 1obbU r t c of advemsed1 11
:1 I I"1I.I ; ..-’ . I N Ivan 21g ' - _ I
. 1 MI . " qccount? r '1 ake 1"“ *7 . . bring 1 .1
. .. .1 _ . , oss ( . ~ 1»- ... t» b 1 .
‘1 111‘II PRES “piofit and I , se 3211.316 accounts ‘ . l0011 advelnseinefl 3' ~tisel" 1.
I I’I‘IIITIS’ 1, 1 TUCKY 14. Int0 how HMHY ‘_ 1 brands 1n mention of adVCl 1
1 1. 111*; Ix ION ' , ens-es divided? . . . them to 1110 a I g
If: I I ‘41I‘ {HM SSOCIAT are your EXP I I b sinGSS in VVthh 1118 1'
'I I I ‘III IIIIII' A 0 JANUARY' ”‘9 16 Do vou Own the II‘ I and agent. 1 . f rm'lti‘m ab()ut Dape’ 1 S
" 5 I1I§|_ I‘III‘.1 oRGANIZE " I - p ‘ QUJ) Y 1110 I I I
I I I II III you do bUSIIIeSSI .. ~ent therefor? III I. I.Iu(1 111211"I<€ts. )er. 1 I
'. 1 5 31113111 _——*—— 16 DO you chargC 1 “my Lerrlth “ . 154611 your Pal
I} I ' ‘II‘I ' 1. ~ ‘6 your Own “ ,. Don’t sell gOOC 1 e
1 ‘ a 1 11:1» - ,5... Dollm‘ 17 Do you chug 1/- 1 1
31 t1; T] » P)‘l71.,l' 'c ' . _ ~ . 1
1. 1 u, . ~ . ~ ”r
1‘? i111" III1 1 Mar that 15 Spent 101 as an CxPE’nISC , ‘ interesL ()Il DIODCY —_—— . C
.3 I "I‘ III III Who get-3 the (-0 1' lisposition of the 18. D0 you Ch‘ugc ' led On Fair Board 1
f_‘ 1 . II I;»;' . . 311515 0 ( - ,' , A )707771/ I .. )I
1 ( .1. 111. puntmg? An ‘3‘ inting shows that invested? 1e )ercentage of Elkm // ,1 k 1 Lancastu, 1 I
I r I“ III1 dollar spent I01 pr 1 11 is Paid 101‘ 19 DO you know I] I Robert L. “Bob El III (1 111(13111 i
.-‘_‘1 1'-1 ,— ) ~ent 0 ' p ‘ . . ' RECOT ‘ . t
" I‘ I‘ III IIIII more than N PEI" c t home to benefit expenses 10 sales. . 1-1ce Could you former PUbh‘Ihel OIIhe KPLX execum'e I
1 . 1.1 1.1: _ d remalns a - . nd .- , fire wok p < 1 . _ 16.. at the y - 151' )
. 111 1, , 1 an . -1 thlel a 0 II. a , , statG- .. -1 mom) .. . 1 mm
c I 11. -,.; 1a 0 1 the baker, the c 0 - b okS g’lVC a complete honol <11) giving Conglatu a l 1]
1 t 7. er ~. your 0 n is rec) - ~1CII'
1 c , 1 1‘. thL butC1 ’ . - .. 6. 110m ) mnlLLCC: ‘ -. - 301nm
I I I I III every line 0i retail (Illald with [110 local ment of all aCCOUnIS? CTIhis many friends on 111§‘¢II)II21]I1‘ IJOHHIL II
4. 1 : 1. .:‘1‘ . en e( _ . . ' ~ - not 0' 1 .. , smte 1'
I1 I I I1 3 The (101131 expter V'llue to the com A [W of these qllestlom mlghLl, h on the newly 064th t 1
=~‘ i 11. 1T1. , -. rrca' ‘ _» . - 6 ~ )11 IS ’ . on.
I“ 1: ‘1 I11 iI: 1)]‘lhlel 15 of g 11 I, spent tOI IDEII A 61‘1“), t0 newspapm 1 I) GOVCIIDOI Johns III 1
1 1 1 11g. . , thC do a . “111 gm < . 1116 )ub- Y 1.
.I t. l I - LI 11111111”, than <11 1 b 10% 01: [119111 w111.] _ ‘ t
1" 1 . + z - . J '11 - ' ‘ .11'1 —_ .
, o . , g’ ., ~ - (:18 “I . - thln S- . . - de t]
I f I I III IIII Chandls? 1 merchant who buys 131m} Iisher who knows 5111 of Ibisether igt be - 1 1)e installatlons IIIIIIIheI n
‘ . 1 I} In'; 1 ca 1 . '[1 lS . ~ 1- w 16‘ . 1 mo y ‘ - . 'n
.1 t . .1 I 11,, 'lhe 0 . Ommunl ) . . 119 buslnesm Rucn