xt78pk070n5p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78pk070n5p/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1992-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 1992 text GLSO News, January 1992 1992 1992-01 2019 true xt78pk070n5p section xt78pk070n5p Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at$5 per Year
szmc'roN GAY/LBSBIAN snvrcn oawxzuxon, v.0. BOX 11471, mum-mu, x: 40575

The Fairness Amendment to Louisville human ri hts ordinance, that
would prohibit city-wide discrimination on tfie basis of sexual
orientation failed to get out of committee at the Dec. 23 meeting of the
city's Board of Aldermen. The amendment was the focus of a six week
lobbying effort by those who supported and opposed it.

Supporters of the measure say that if the ordinance were brought to a
vote it would probably result in a tie vote and therefore not pass.
Their are two newly elected members of the board, one is considered to
oppose the amendment and the other is thought to support it.

Support for the measure grew
following the unanimous endorse- RESEARCH ON TWINS SUGGEST
ment of the amendment by the GENETICLINKTOBEINGGAY
Louisville and Jefferson County
Human Relations Committee in
August. A study of twins done at

During the fall supporters of Northwestern University suggest
the measure met with all twelve that being gay has a genetic or
aldermen to argue for its passage biological basis, questioning the
and blanketed the communit with arguments that same—sex orienta-
buttons, pamphlets and T-sxiirts. tion results from maladjustment or
An extensive letter—writing and moral defect.
phone-call campaign to the Board "We found 52 percent of
of Aldermen was also undertaken. identical twins brother of gay

The Board adopted a hate crimes men were also gay, compared Wit
ordinance in early November. This 22 percent of fraternal twins,
was seen as a good omen for the compared with 11 percent of
passage of the addition of a genetically unrelated (adoptive)
sexual orientation clause to the brothers," said co-author J.
city's anti—discrimination law. Michael Bailey, professor of

The amendment was introduced at psychology.
the board's November 12 meeting, "which is exactly the kind of
with seven aldermen as cosponsors. pattern you would want to see if

The board held five public something genetic were going on,"
hearing during December. Many he said.
citizens appeared at the hearing In August of last year
to speak for and against the researchers in California reported
proposed ordinance. At the Dec. 5 identifying brain cell cluster
meeting citizen testimony lasted traits that indicate being gay
for five and one—half hours. could have a biological trigger.

Opposition to the measure seems The Northwestern University
to have weakened the support of of study, published in December,
west Louisville Alterman Paul examined 56 identical twins, 54
Bather for the amendment. Seven fraternal twins and 57 adoptive
votes are needed to pass the law; brothers.
at present supporters of the Identical twins are genetic
measure count only six aldermen clones, they develop from a single
who will vote for it. egg that split Continued on page 7

Charlton Heston want TV dating
ews show contestants tested for AIDS -
Actor _Charlton Heston suggested in
Published monthly by the Lexington jan Opinion Piece in the NOV-, 13
. _ _, , issue of the Los Angeles Times
Gay/Lesbian Semces Orgmlzahon, that the men and women who appear
- on the ribald TV date-and-tell
P.0. Box 11471,Lexmgton, KY 40575 show "Studs" should be tested for
HIV. "Since the show is predicated
Chuck Smith. editor on two young men taking three
- - oung women to bed and then
Craig Clere. premdent. 6130 Board discussing it," he wrote, "surely
the roducer should rovide all
Malling: lee. Folding and stuffing: Lee. partigipants with a frge AIDS test
Laurie. Mark. Steve. and lilly. as part Of the casting process.
Michigan city begins domestic
partner registration. —— Sally
Johnson and Nona McKenna became
The Bsmerelda's Parlourcolumn the first couple to register under
Vlth news and viewpoints 0f the Ann Arbor, Mich. newly enacted
interest to _lesbians 1“ the domestic partners ordinance. The
Bluegrass 15 produced by Law allows gay and unmarried
Esmeralda Collective. heterosexual couples to register
—_ their relationship. Ann Arbor is
the first Michigan city to enact
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News such a law.
are those of the authors and don't
necessarily represent those of the GLSO student with AIDS want professor
Board of Directors. Submissions are fired. __ A Los Angeles City
welcome. All submissions become the College student, W. Wayne Karr,
property of GLSO and must indicate full who has AIDS, asked the school's
name and Iddreu 0f the author- The administration to fire political
staff reserves the right to edit science professor Don J. Wilson
lubmiuions and ads to meet publishing because the teacher expressed fear
requirements, as well as the right to in before a class that he might
reject any submission. Placement of contract AIDS by touching Karr's
advertising in the GLSO News does not papers,
denote a person's sexual orientation nor
abusinsss's customer preference. . Klan Show up at AIDS vigil -—
Eight robed Ku Klux Klan members
came uninvited at a small candle—
light vigil commemorating World
AIDS Day, December 1, in Lakeland,
HELP NEEDED IN EDITING GLSO News Fla. . They argued with some
people, claiming AIDS was "God's
The GLSO News needs people who punishment for homosexuality."
will help write and edit the They left without incident after
newsletter. If you are interested trying to pass out anti-gay
and can spend three or four hours pamphlets.
a month, please contact us. A new
editor for the newsletter will be Condom ads come to network TV. -—
needed starting in May. For more The Fox network aired TV first
information, call Chuck Smith at condom ads on network TV during
253—0061. Herman,s Head on Nov. 17.
2 - GLSO/January

 a P can no longer keep our heads
smerelcla 5 81-10 1' buried in the sand to avoid facing
A , that fact. our lives are at stake!

R, Obviously, whether or not to

"_‘ practice safe sex is a personal

,5 decision. Over the next few

. " months, we will try to provide you

with the information you will need

Safer Sex for Lesbians to make your decision an informed
. _ one. Using the two articles

By Debbie Currie mentioned above as a framework, we

So what about safe sex for will discuss the various risk
lesbians? Is it something that we groups and preventative measures,
really need to be concerned with? as well as other aspects of safe
After all aren't we supposed to sex and the AIDS activism movement
be, by far the group at lowest that we think might be of interest
risk of contracting AIDS? The to you.
chosen people, as it were? The
fact is that being the lowest risk
group is far from being immune, as AFRICAN-AMERICAN LESBIAN
many of us seem to believe we are. WINS SEATTLE CITY ELECTION

How many lesbians who Sherry Harris defeated a
practice safe sex do you know 24-year incumbent Sam Smith to
personally, or for that matter, become the first openly—lesbian
even give a significant amount of African American woman elected to
thought to whether or not they public office. Harris out polled
should? Smith 96,055 to 48,697 in a

Ironically, two no less fierce run—off election.
divergent dpublications than On Our The landslide victor£ startled
Backs an Off Our Backs have even Harris. She attri uted her
helped to bring the topic safe sex victory to the high turnout of
for lesbians into the spotlight in voters from Seattle's gay and
recent issues. Both ublications lesbian precincts and the
devoted a substantiaf amount of financial support from the Gay and
space to a topic that to date has Lesbian Victory Fund's national
received for too little attention. donor network.

In November 1991 off our
Backs, a commentary entitled "Does
Lesbian Sex Transmit AIDS? Get
Real!" approaches the topic from a KOWALSKI'S LESBIAN LOVER
strong political angle, examining NAMEDAS HER GUARDIAN
the role of lesbians in the AIDS
activism movement and, somewhat
surprisingly to me, comes right The Minnesota Court of appeals
out and says that "lesbian sex named Karan Thompson as tbe
sure looks like safe sex" (keep in guardian of her paralyzed lover
mind that this is a commentary) . Sharon Kowalski.

The article in On Our Backs The dispute over guardianship
(July/August 1991), which is quite has been in the courts for years.
lengthy and very informative, "A Kowalski was paralyzed in an auto
Decade of Denial: Lesbians and accident. Her parents refused to
HIV." Its author makes it clear allow Thompson to see her, even
that she believes that we are most though Kowalski expressed the
definitely at risk, and that we desire to see her lover.

GLSO/January - 3

 The key to HIV
Prevention is
Spread Facts,
not HIV.
For more information, call your
local health department or the
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
4 - GLSO/January


Governor Lawton Chiles of Florida has committed himself to a revision
of Florida's civil rights laws during the 1992 legislative session. His
draft law does not include sexual orientation. However, he has said he

will sign the law if it includes sexual orientation. Likewise,
legislators believe the law will pass with sexual orientation if Chiles
specifically supports this by
including it in his draft.

The law was drafted with the WOMENAREATRISKFORAIDS
help of various state-wide civil
rights groups including the The fastest growing group being
Florida Task Force (FTFf), a state- stricken with AIDS isn't gay men,
wide gay and lesbian 10 by. Three isn't IV drug users, isn't
of these groups FTF, the National African-Americans -- it is women,
Organization for Women, and the experts say. And the risk of AIDS
Anti—Defamation League of B'Nai for women has been largely i nored
Brith, have agreed t at they will by the federal government ang AIDS
not support the law unless sexual agencies generally until very
orientation is added. recently.

The Broward County legislative Although the federal government
delegation (the second largest in is gradually recognizing the
the state) has likewise committed threat AIDS cposes for women, many
itself to the inclusion of sexual activists an researches fear it
orientation in the bill. may be too little, too late.

At the end of 1991 AIDS was the

fifth leading cause of death among

CALIFORNIA APPEALS COURT SUGGEST women ages 15 to 44 in the United
ANTI-GAY LAWS ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL States. The disease is already
the number one killer of African-

In a preliminary ruling, the American women in New York and New
state Court of Appeal has found Jersey. Even more frightening, by
that the voter initiative in the year 2000, the number of women
Riverside, California that removed infected with HIV is now expected
protection for gays and lesbians to equal the number of men
from the city's ordinance on infected.
anti—discrimination is a violation As the nation enters the second
of the constitutional guarantees decade of the epidemic, we are
of equal protection under the law. only now beginning to see the

The initiative backed by impact of the epidemic on women.
fundamentalists and conservative "Ten years into the epidemic, we
passed earlier this year and know virtual nothing about women
specifically removes sexual and AIDS," says Dr. Paula Schuman,
orientation from the civil rights an infectious diseases specialist
ordinance, prohibits the city from at the School of Medicine at
enacting any legislation concern- Detroit's Wayne State University.
ing sexual orientation without In the U. S. 20,309 women have
prior voter approval, and repealed been reported with AIDS since the
anti—discrimination protections Centers for Disease Control in
for people with AIDS. Atlanta began collecting data on

The preliminary ruling did not the epidemic in 1981. More
overturn the initiative, but the disturbing, the number of newly
court advised lavgvers what legal reported case of AIDS amongl women
issues they shoul be prepared to rose by 13 percent during t e past
argue and suggest the initiative year, for men the increase was
wi .1 face an uphill battle before only 3 percent. Minority women are
the court. 73 percent of the infected women.

GLSO/January - 5

The University of Kentucky's The group's final activity for
reorganized gay, lesbian,and the semester was a festive
bisexual student organization, Christmas pot luck dinner at The
GLUE, ended the fall semester with Pampered Chef cafe on Dec. 15.
a flurry of events and plans for a The first meeting of the spring
full schedule in the spring. The semester is on Jan. 16, at 7:30
organization met regularly in p.m. Plans for electing officers
November and December. for 1992 will be made at the
Thanks to the coordination meeting.
efforts of Tom Murphy, the group Meetings are scheduled on the
sponsored a successful protest first and third Thursdays for the
rally against the anti—gay, views spring semester. They regularly
of Kentucky Kernel columnist Alan meet in room 228 in the New
cornett. Students from GLUE also Student Center. Social, political,
traveled to Centre College and to and educational actiVities are
Elizabethtown Community College to planned.
support gay students at those The GLUE office is in Office
colleges, who were presenting 29, Room 106, student Center.
sexual orientation seminars.
. 606/233-7266

Continued from page 1
after being fertilized by a single GLSOGayline...............231-0335
sperm. Fraternal twins develop
simultaneously from two separate GLSOBoard(Crai )............ 266-8887 .
eggs fertilized by two senatate GLSO News (Chuc‘ic)............253—0661
Sperm, making. them only as Slmllar GLSO SpeakersBureau(Bill)....266-9175
as non-tWin Slblfi-ngs- GLSOP oneline(Tony).........266-9175
_ Baily and his co-author, _ Dr- GLSO ComingOut Grou (Mary).266-5904
Richard C. Pillard a psychiatry (Stevei)...u... 233-1782
professor at Boston University,
recruited their subjects through RainbowBowlingLe e........ 267-2127
ad in QaY. publications in.ch1cago, Tri-stateGayRodeofigrry)......233-7266
other Midwestern Cltles and NAMES Pro'ect Kentucky (Katie) 223-3855
Southwestern Cltles - Lesbian PotlJuck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233-3925
professor Gregory Carey at the Esmerelda's Parlour (Debbie)....t255-3851
Univers1ty 0f COloradOI, Boulder Front Runners/runningclub (Dan) 254-6850
calls the sum}? very important UKGa /Lesbian Students (feith),266-3934
research. Lexingi'on Men's Chorus (S e1by).231-0090
The nature versus nurture debate (Michael)................233-3709
in sexual orientation has gone on
for years. Bailey field he hopes to Gay/LesbianAA(Dave ..........277-9522
look at how enVironmental factors, Gay/LesbianAl—Anon( obert)....293-0516
such as prenatal conditions, diet,
disease, and social conditions, RELIGIOUS QRQUPS
might have affected the subject in Di 'ty: Catholic (Don)...........299-4458
hlS StUdY - Ingegmty: Episcopal (Kay) . . . . . . . . 277.4384
—_——_— anew/eaves: Unsfigian (Craig . . .). 266-883;
ay ens p1r1 roup eve .233-17
AIDS Informatlon & Semces
The Bar Complex, 224 East Main, 255-1551. Eggficggfglgssggfcehggw-fioo ggggggg
The restaurant, Cate Montparnasse, open from HIV+,ARC AIDS SupportGroups
6 - 11 pm, Saturday 6 pm - 3 0m ALSO (AVOLS....................254-2865
ieatures Johnny Angel Disco, Gilded Gage
Cabaret, and the Living Room Lounge. AnoiémousAIDS Testing
Aiterhours Saturday night from it30 - 3:30 am. Lexington- ayette County. . . . . . . . 288-2437
e1]\‘/Iad1sonCOCunty................. Egg-fig
Crossings, i i 7 North Limestone, 233-7266. essalmne ounty. - - - - - . - - - - - - - -- '
Lexington's mfinsl if" d Cowgoy r239” 15, WoodfordCounty................ 837-4541
Saturda Leat er ni t3r Satur a . rates - -
Th R yi< i thgr h o nyFridape and Louisvflle&Jeffersor_1 County
6 0C , 0 90 e 5 0P1 P9 Y Gay/lesbian Information Lme......589-3316
Saturday, 10 pm to i am.
The Metro, 156 West Main, 254-9881. Shows National Gay/Lesbian Crisisline
every weekend. Aiterhours Friday and (800) 347'4283
Saturday, 1:30 - 4 am.
Joe's Caie & Bar at ileur de iys, 120 South LeXIngton Ga3é%fi%%§‘§ Informatlon
Upper Street, 259-9973. 4 pm - i am,
Monday — Friday, 6 pm - 1, Saturday.
_——__'———‘ GLSO/January ' 7

Contact names and numbers for all
events can be found in the
Directory on the previous page.
The Comp Care Center is located at S P E C I A L E V E N T S
201 Mechanic street in Lexington.
SUN 5 Tri-State Gay Rodeo
Association, 4 p.m.
if E E 1(IL Y E \I E II T S
TUE 7 Gayline meeting, 5:30
SUNDAY Gay/Lesbian AA, 4 p.m., WED 8 NAMES Project Meeting,
Comp Care Center; 7 p.m., Rosenthal Center,
Transylvania University
MONDAY Lesbian Adult Children
of Alcoholics, therapy THU 9 NAMES Project Panel Making
group. 4-5:30, call Workshop, 7 p.m., Quilters
Emily, 281-2100 Square, Regency Road
TUESDAY Gay/Lesbian Al-Anon 7 pm FRI 10 Gay Men's Spiritual Group.
Rainbow Bowling League, 7 - 9 p.m.
8:45 Southland Lanes
SUN 12 Lesbian Potluck, 2 p.m.
WEDNESDAY Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 p.m.,
St. Joseph Hospita , CCI THU 16 GLUE (UK students) meeting
Meeting Room 7:30 p.m., Room 228 New
Student Center
THURSDAY HIV+, ARC, AIDS Support Pride Week Planing Meeting
Group; for info call 255—3851
FRIDAY Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 p.m. FRI 24 Gay Men's Spiritual Group.
205 East Short 7 — 9 p.m.
UK water tower at Alumni GLSO News folding and
Drive stuffing, for info, call
HIV+, ARC, AIDS Support Lee,277—9365
Lexington Gay Information Service CALL 253-0661 OR WRITE
Operates Between 8 — ll p.m. GLSO News P.0. Box 11475
Sunday, Wedenesday, Thursday, LEXINGTON, KY 40575
and Friday evening. DEADLINE IS THE 20th 0? THE MONTH