xt78pk06xq9m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78pk06xq9m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-11-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1952 1952 1952-11-14 2013 true xt78pk06xq9m section xt78pk06xq9m 3- -







Cleveland Orchestra, Violinist WSSF Is Feature Kyian Editor Declares
Will Perform Saturday Night Of Library Display
In Community Concert Series Ben Liicien Burinaii's Manuscripts SGA Has No Reason
Symphony No.

Also On Exhibition On First Floor





A display featuring
countries aided by the World Student Service Fund and an exhibit of
wor.;s by Een Lucien Burman, Ken
tucky author, are now being shown
on the first floor of the Margaret I.
King Libiary.
The WSSF display is being exhibited in connection with a fund
drive launched on the campus Wed
nesday and continuing through 'Nov.


By Beethoven


Will Be Plaved






Carroll Glenn, American violinist, will appear with the
Cleveland Orchestra under the
direction of George Szell at 8:15
p.m. Saturday in Memorial Coliseum in another of the Community Concert and Lecture








chestra in one season. Now entering
her eight season. Miss Glenn has
made six national concert series
and more than 160 appearances with
major American and European symphony orchestras.
Mr. Siell Conductor Since 1946
Mr. Szell, who was appointed director in 1946, is the fourth conductor of the Cleveland Orchestra, kis
immediate predecessors were Erich
Leinsdorf, who conducted from 1943
to 1946, and Arthur Rodzinski, conductor from 1933 to 1943. The first
conductor was Nikolai Sokoloff, who
led the Orchestra through the first
fifteen years of its history from its
first concert on Dec. 11, 1918, in
Cleveland old Grays Armory, till the
spring of 1933 when the Orchestra
was established in its own permanent home. Severance Hall, which
had been built for it and dedicated
two years before.
The Orchestra was founded by the
Musical Arts Association. Children's
concerts and popular concerts were
given at the beginning. Only two
formal concerts were given the first
In 1941, it added a series of international broadcasts, playing an

Fall Festival Planned
By Block And Bridle
The annual Fall Festival, sponsored by Block and Bridle, animal
husbandry professional society, will
be held next Friday night in the
UK Stock Pavilion. Feature of the
event will be the crowning of the
Festival's king and queen.
The king and queen contest is
sponsored by Alpha Zeta, men's
agriculture honorary, and Phi Up-silOmicron, women's home economics honorary.
Candidates for queen are Jean
Whitworth, Carmen Pigue, Jane
Clark, and Margaret Haynes. King
candidates are Bob Shipp, E. G.
Adams, Glen McCormack, Ray Cor-rel- l,
B. T. Robertson, and Lewis


Students of Prof. Robert A. Long's
classes in livestock management and
animal husbandry will participate
in a livestock judging contest. Each
man will groom and handle a sheep,
hog, and a beef steer, under the direction of ringmaster Henry Meyer.
They will be judged on the basis of
how well the animals are groomed
and handled in the ring.
Judges for the contest will be Mr.
Louis Payne, who will judge handling of hogs, Robert Cocanougher,

of beef cattle, and

Radio Station
Makes Record
Of Discussion
Eric Sevareid, Washington correspondent for the Columbia Broadcasting System, two UK professors,
and a Kentucky Utilities official recorded a roundtable discussion in
the studios of WBKY, UK's FM station, Monday afternoon.
The thirty-minudiscussion on
"The Shape of Things to Come"
was recorded for Louisville's WHAS,
which will carry the program at
10:00 a.m. Sunday. WBKY will present the program at 7:00 pjn. Monday.
The correspondent answered questions put to him by John Reeves, assistant professor of political science
at UK, and Clay Stewart, assistant
to the president of Kentucky Utilities. Moderator for the program
was Elvis Stahr, dr:in of the College of Law.

Jack Heller, handling of sheep.
A winner will be chosen for his
handling of each of the three
classes. The winner of these three
winners will receive a rotating
Faculty members of the Agriculture College will take part in a
corn husking contest.
Clubs and fraternities of the College of Agriculture will have display booths explaining their activities. These booths will be judged by
Mrs. Anne Clemmons, instructor in
home economics. The winner will
receive a bronze plaque.
Among organizations hav:r. booths
at the festival are the
Horticulture Club, Agronomy Club,
Poultry Club, and the Home Economics Club.
Livestock judging teams will be
chosen to attend the International
Exposition in Chicago
Nov. 29. These teams will be presented during the festival.
In addition to the other festivities tl.ere will be a drawing for several door prizes such as a ham and
dressed chicken and another for the
grand prize, a grand champion
Any profits realized from the
Festival will be used toward scholar- ships in the College of Agriculture.
Tickets, selling at fifty cents each,
may be purchased from Ward Crowe,
Van Nutt, and Ed Fuchs, officers
of Block and Bridle.
4-- H

hour's program each week over
more than 200 stations in the
United States, Canada, Central and
South America.
Orchestra On Tour For 33 Years
The Orchestra has toured since
its first season. In 33 years, it has
played 1,311 concerts on tour in 25
states, Canada, and Cu(ia. It has
added 22 Sunday afternoon 'Twilight' Concerts in Cleveland.
popular concerts have also been
given in the Cleveland Public Auditorium. The summer "Pops" are
given from June to August under
the direction of Rudolph Ringwall,
associate conductor.
Dr. Ringwall also conducts the
"Twilight" concerts and the Children's Concerts. The music appreciation work in the public schools of
Cleveland is based on the music
played at the children's and young
people's concerts. Last year 60,000
students attended the series in
During its thirty week season, the
Cleveland Orchestra gives as many
as 150 concerts, an average of five
concerts a week. During a recent
spring tour, the Orchestra played 21
concerts in 13 days.


Speaker Says
America Has
Grim Future
America faces a grim future was
the belief expressed by CBS news
commentator, Eric Sevareid, to 2,500
persons attending a Community
Concert and Lecture Series program
at Memorial Coliseum Monday
Sevareid, a Washii.rton correspondent for the Columbia Broadcasting System, said this dark future will require all the faith and
patience the American people can
muster. He explained the outlook
for peace would not suddenly
brifhten, nor will it necessarily
No fundamental or drastic change
in domestic or foreign policies by
the Eisenhower administration was
predicted by Sevareid. The foreign
policy of containment will still be
pursued, he said. Sevareid pictured
Eisenhower as a man unfamiliar
with the intricacies of government,
but who 'must face them.

and to bring teachers and students
together to establish international
understanding as a basis for mutual
Pictures, artwork, and household
articles from countries benefitted
by the WSSF are shown in the library display. Korea, Thailand, the
Philippines, Germany, India, Indonesia. Turkey, Norway, Canada,
Iran, Pakistan, and Greece are nations represented in the exhibit.
Chart Shows WSSF Expenses
The student fund display includes
a chart showing where WSSF money
goes and why the money is needed.
Several foreign students at UK, un
der the direction of Emma Bell
Barnhill, campus publicity chairman
for the WSSF, arranged the

To Criticize Yearbook

Books, hand manuscripts, and original typescripts of Mr. Burman's
works are shown in the second library display.
Mr. Burman presented a lecture




Thursday afternoon at the Fine Arts
Building before a class in imaginative writing, accompanied by his
wife and illustrator, Alice Caddy
Burman. The program, presided
over by A. B. Guthrie, was also attended by several members of the

The purpose of the WSSF is to
provide material aid to students in
foreign countries, to encourage sharing of knowledge gained in attempts
to resolve basic university problems,




chestra gave a concert last
ber as a part of the same series.
Helen Traubel, Metropolitan Opera
soprano, appeared with the Orchestra at that time.
Saturday's program will include
"Overture to Benvenuto Cellini" by
Berlioz, "Symphony No. 5 in C
Minor" by Beethoven, and
"Concerto for Violin and
Orchestra" with Carroll Gleen as
Soloist Makes Longest V. S. Tour
Miss Glenn, returning from her
fourth European tour in as many
years, is currently making her longest American tour, both as recitalist,
and as soloist with principal symphonies. Her tour began last month
in Cheyenne, Wyo., and will be concluded in April when she will be
soloist with the Symphony Orchestra in Birmingham, Ala.
The violinist began her violin
studies at the age of four, with her
mother as her first instructor. At
the age of 11, she became the youngest student ever accepted by the
Juilliard School of Music in New
Miss Glenn is the only winner of
all four major music awards offered
in open competition in the United
States by the Naumburg Foundation,
the Town Hall Endowment, the National Federation of Music Clubs,
and the Schubert Memorial.
In her first season as a concert
artist, she substituted for Fritz
Kreisler. She played five solo appearances with the Philadelphia Or- -

YWCA. YMCA. Newman
Cosmopolitan Club, Wesley
Foundation, Baptist Student Union,
Westminster Fellowship, and Canthe
terbury Club are



This will mark the second
of the Cleveland
chestra at the University. The







Burman Born In Covington
Mr. Burman, a native of Coving-

ton, has designated the UK library
as the official repository .for his
manuscripts, many of which are
shown in the current display.
In 1939 Mr. Burman received the
Southern Author's Prize. In 1945 he
won the Thomas Jefferson Memorial
The final typescripts of Mr.
books "Everywhere I Roam,"
"Blow for a Landing," "Children of
Noah," and "Rooster2 Crows for a
Day" are exhibited in the display.
Manuscripts of articles Mr. Burman
wrote for the Saturday Review of
Literature are also shown.

The approach of parity between
the United Nations and Red forces
in Europe is now reducing the
chances of war, John Scott, Time
magazine foreign correspondent,
said Monday in a talk to political
science students.
"The Communist three to two
majority does not warrant aggressive action in Europe," Mr. Scott
said. Scott, who has spent most of
the last twenty years in Russia, de
clared that such an action would
draw heavily on Russian manpower.
France is worried about the growing strength of Germany, the correspondent said. Visionalizing the
invasion of France in 1939 by Germany and the possible plundering
of France by Russia, France has
waveringly stated that she thinks
Germany should be strong enough
to withhold a possible Russian attack and still be too weak to invade
France, he said.
Germany is an important clog in
plan, an attempt
to unify the countries of Europe
against aggression. Mr. Scott emphasized that the question of yesterday was, "Do we need a strong Germany?" Today the question has
changed to, "Do we want a strong
Germany on our side or theirs?"
"Out of the rubble of World War
II 200,000 buildings have been replaced in Berlin," Scott said. "What
accounts for the restoration of Berlin and the revitalization of Germany? The reason is simple . . .
Germans love to work. They are
not working in hopes of a World
War III, but for a Germany that
will inspire other European nations
to admire and even to love Germany. Germany will meet a Russian attack if it comes," he added.
Preceding his talk to political science students, Mr. Scott told journalism students that the foreign
policy of Russia is adolescent in
character. This vast country, which



Blazer Lecturer


Correspondent Sees
Less Chance Of War

Final Room Judging
Scheduled Monday

suddenly found itself as a world
power in 1945, and a comparatively
recent emergent from the dark ages,
was compared by Scott to a barbarian first learning and being
boisterous about his knowledge,
thinking the rest of the world inferior fc him.

Delivers Talk
In Washington

Ten UK representatives attended
a sectional session of a meeting of
Colthe Association of Land-Graleges and Universities held this week
in Washington, D. C.
Levi J. Horlacher, associate dean
of the College of Agriculture and
Home Economics, spoke Monday on
"Trends in Agriculture Enrollment."
The talk was delivered before the
resident teaching section of the association's Division of Agriculture.
Other representatives from UK
who attended the meeting were Dr.
M. M. White, dean of the Arts and
Science College: Daniel V. Terrell,
dean of the Engineering College;
Dr. Frank J. Welch, dean of the
Agriculture College; Dr. Herman
dean of the Graduate
School; Dr. W. P. Garrigus, associate director of the Experiment
Station; T. R. Bryant, associate director of agriculture extension; Miss
Myrtle Weldon, home demonstration
leader; Dr. Statie Erikson, head of
the Home Economics Department;
Dr. F. E. Hull, head of the Animal
Pathology Department;
and Dr.
Thomas P. Copper, dean emeritus
of the Agriculture and Home Economics College.

John B. Wolf
Will Lecture
On Tuesday
Prof. John B. Wolf of the University of Minnesota's Department
of History will deliver the second
Blazer lecture of the year at 8 p.m.
next Tuesday in the Guignol theater
of the Fine Arts building.
"War as a Factor in the Emergence of the Western State" will be
the topic of Prof. Wolf's address.
According to the UK history faculty,
Prof. Wolf is one of the outstanding
young men in the country in the
field of European history.
One of the Minnesota historian's
hooks, "The Emergence of the Great
Powers," is included in the celebrated "Rise of Modern Europe"
series, published by Harper and
Brothers. Among his other books
are "France, 1815 to the Present."
At present Prof. Wolf is at work
on a detailed biography of Louis
XIV, and he spent last year in Paris
on a research Fulbright Fellowship,
gathering material for the biography.
',' ' Three members of the University
Department of History have studied
under Prof. Wolf and have described
him as being a "magnetic speaker,
endowed with enthusiasm and energy."
The lecture series, offered annually to UK students and Lexington townspeople, is made possible by
a fund established by Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Blazer of Ashland. The next
lecture will be given on Dec. 16 by
Dr. Rupert Vance. He will discuss
"Problems of the New South."

Comptroller Attends
Business Conference
UK Comptroller Frank D. Peterson is attending a conference of the
National Educational Buyers Association in Auburn, Ala. today.
Saturday he will attend a meeting of the Southern Association of
College and University Business officers. Mr. Peterson, president of
the association, will conduct a meeting of the group's executive committee.
He attended a conference on "The
Cost of Higher Education," Tuesday
and Wednesday in Washington,
D. C, where he was called by the
U. S. Office of Education.

Final judging in the annual House
President's Council room contest will
be Monday. Trophies will be given
for the best individual dorm and
sorority house room as well as for
the best overall dormitory and sorority house.


ing Monday by Bromley, although
the warrants have not been served.
County-patrrecords show that
Mason was shot on "some street in
Chevy Chase." The report quoted the
youth as saying he had gone to a
house to play "trick or treat" and
when he went back to the street,
someone fil ed a shot that struck him
in the heel.
Another patrol report showed that
officers received a disturbance call
to the Mock residence at 10 a.m. that
night. Officers talked with Mrs.
Mock and "advised her it was a warrant case."
Patrolmen reported she complained that "vandals" had poured motor
oil on her front porch.

The amount SGA appropriated thu; year to the Kentuckian,
UK yearbook, is insignificant compared with the total budget of
the annual, Fred Bradley, editor of the Kyian, told Student Government Association members at a call meeting Monday night.
SGA called the special meeting to discuss the financial operations of the Kentuckian and to clear up other policies of the


FOR THE TITLE "MISS CHRISTMAS SEAL" are pictured above. Standing from left to
Boyd Hall; Joyce Moseiey, Theta; M:iry Brut'e Gaflin. Lydia Brown
House; Ann Wise, Hamilton House; Miini Nollau, DZ; Sharon Ki liardson, Jewell Hall; Mary Ann Milcy.
left to right.
ADI'i; Alice Howard, Alpha XI; Tat MobUy, ZTA; Norma Hotter, Alpha Gam. Seatt-Mary Evelyn I'ollitte, Tri Delt, and Betsy Maury, Kappa. Candidates not in the photograph are Barbara
Kington, tiii O; Kalliy Jackson, KD; Doris Cooper, 1'liiSS; and Joanne Montgomery, Pat Hall.


risht, are Brtly Hart, representing


tures in the annual. You are acting
biggity when you limit the annual
to the senior class."
Bradley replied, "This year's Kentuckian will be a student annual because it will have more pictures in
it. To put pictures of the freshman,
sophomore, and junior clases in the
annual would cost about six to eight
thousand more dollars. Where can
we get that much money?"
Bradley said each class used to appropriate money to the annual each
year. When SGA was formed it took
over these appropriations and paid
them, he said.
"At one tune, SGA gave us $1,000,"
Bradley said. "Now it has been cut
Enrollment Causes Budget Cut
"The reason the budget has been
cut," Henry Neel answered, "is that
the student enrollment has gone
down, and we had to cut it."
In answer to Holleman 's question,
Anne Downing, business manager of
the Kentuckian, said there are four
paying jobs on the yearbook's staff.
Their total salary is $775, she said.
"I see your stand, and we are glad
to have a chance to talk about it."
the business manager told Assembly
members. "We just resent it because
we work on the annual about 20
hours a week. We had to come back
to school this semester and get last
year's annual out.
printing doesnt go
"If the off-sover," she continued, well go back
to the old style. Some people don't
want to try anything new."
Pat Moore said it should be put in
the paper that the Kentuckian
wants to get everything cleared op
and to encourage people to buy
more annuals.
"The Kentuckian will be out two
weeks before school is out," Bradley
Directory Committee Praised
Dean Albert D. Kir wan told the
Assembly that the student directory
committee should be complimented
for the speed with which they got
the directory out. Kirwan said this
is the earliest date he knows of that
the directory has been distributed.
George Lawson. president of SGA,
said a new secretary will be elected
at the next meeting to replace the
former secretary, Zoe Parker. James
Kostas was elected by the Assembly
as a representative of the College

Bradley explained that SGA appropriated $375 this year for the
Kentuckian, but estimated expenditures for the yearbook total $18,200.
He pointed out that each student
pays approximately six cents apiece
to the annual.
Before questioning began, Paul
Holleman said the meeting was
called not to criticize the yearbook
but to ask questions and to clear up
a few misunderstandings. He asked
Bradley about increase in prices.
"The price of the annual will remain $5 this year," Bradley said.
"As an example of the increase in
prices, eight years ago printers received 70 cents an hour. They now
receive $2.10 an hour. It casts $49 a
page to be printed, and we charge
only $35 for a page."
The editor said the only way the
Kentuckian can make money is by
reselling annuals which seniors do
not pick up.
Kyian To Is Off-SBradley told Assembly members
that the Kyian will be printed by
method, a new style of
the off-sprinting. He explained that formerly printers arranged pictures and
copy on the page, but under the offset method, the Kentuckian staff
printwill do all this work. Off-sing is cheaper but means more work
for the staff he said.
Pete Carter asked the yearbook
editor why group pictures were being used this year instead of individual shots and why junior pictures have been eliminated from the
"When individual pictures are
used," Bradley said, "you see the
same picture of a person in the annual three to five times. We do all
the work except printing, and we
wouldn't have time to mount all individual pictures.
"It's a senior annual designed for
seniors. Why should we have junior
pictures in it?" Bradley asked.
Few Juniors Buy Annuals
Bradley said about 630 persons
bought annuals last year outside the
senior class. Not over a hundred
juniors bought annuals last year, he
One Assembly member said he attended a small college that put out
a college annual for all students.
"Persons might go to college one
or two years and then quit," he said.
"They would like to see their pic







of Law.

Pep Rally Set Prior
To Tennessee Game
constitution committee, read the
suggested revisions made by his
committee. Among the revisions the
committee suggested were enlarging
Suky's membership, taking in
each semester, and putting the
activities on a point system. These
revisions must be discussed and approved by the Suky circle before
they are written in.

for the Kentucky WildA send-o- ff
cats, prior to their departure for the
Tennessee game, will be held at 7:30
a.m. next Friday in front of Memorial Coliseum, Carol Milkey, pep
rally chairman, announced this
week following a Suky meeting.
The team will leave the Coliseum
at 7:45 a.m. for Knoxville where
they will play the Tennessee Volunteers on Saturday. Bernie Shively.
head of the athletic ' department,
said it would "pep the team up if
the students were present for the

Professor Is Charged
With Shooting Youth
Clifton O. Mock, associate profes- sor of engineering drawing, was ar-- !
rested Monday on two charges re- -j
suiting from the wounding of an 18boy Halloween night.
year-ol- d
The UK professor was charged
with malicious shooting and f lour- ishing a deadly weapon in warrants
sworn to by Richard Mason, a rela-- !
tive of Glen Mason, who was wound
ed in the heel by a gunshot Oct. 30.
The cases were called Monday in
Magistrate Frank Bromley's court
and were continued to yesterday.
Four John Doe warrants have
been obtained by Prof. Mock. Two
of them charge breach of peace, and
two damaging private
They have been scheduled for hear

Funds Appropriated
Termed Insignificant


Students To Vote
In 'Seal' Contest


Suky members decided not to have
a pep rally for the Clemson game.
Shively explained that he thought
Suky members should concentrate
on the Tennessee game. He said the
Clemson game would not arouse
enough spirit. A Suky member said
a pep rally that wasn't a success
would be a "let down after the big
success of the homecoming rally."
Suky has chartered a bus to go to
the Tennessee game in a group. The
bus will leave early Saturday morning and return immediately after
the game. Neal Asher reported the
bus had been chartered and would
accommodate 37 students.
A member suggested that Suky
charter buses for all students wishing to attend the Tennesse game.
President Angel Levas said it was
too late for such a plan this year.
Levas added that he thought the
idea should be kept in mind for
future games.
Marjorie King and Neal Asher
were elected Suky representatives to
be present at all cheerleader practice sessions.
Bob Schnotter, chairman of the


The "Miss Christmas Seal" con- -i
test for 1952 will begin Monday
when students receive Christmas
seals in the mail. Sixteen contest
ants have been nominated by residence halls and sororities for the
contest, sponsored by the Lexington-Fayet- te
County Tuberculosis Association.
Each sheet of seals purchased, at
one dollar per sheet, entitles the student to one vote. Money for the
seals and the ballot should be mailed to the Tuberculosis Association.
Voting in the "Miss Christmas
Seal" contest is restricted to the student body. Students not receiving
seals by man may obtain them from
the contestants or from the
The contest will end Dec. 18.
The winner will be presented with a
loving cup. Last year's winner was
Joan Martin, Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Students' contributions to the campaign last year amounted to $1,089.




Friday, November 14.



The Frying Pan

Forgotten Campaign Planks

Our Dorni Rules
Are Confusing
To Trench Girl

Would Give SGA Some Work
Now that the Student Government Association
has "investigated the Kyian. we wonder if the Assembly will get down to business and start working
on some of the campaign promises that were tossed
around so freely last spring.
Students still pay high prices for second, third,
Ixxiks and then sell them back to
and fourth-han- d
privately-owne- d
bookstores for peanuts. There has
been no attempt to bring order out of the chaos of
versions of the SGA constituthe five
tion. No motion has leen introduced to establish a
placement bureau for students who
All these planks were advanced by the United
Students the party that won a majority of Assembly seats. If and when SGA decides to act on
these, there are other projects the organization
could take up to keep busy. Things like getting the
semi-offici- al


library to stay open until 10:30 p.m., seeing that
University wages for student lalor are raised to a
decent level, and putting in an improved telephone
system in the men's dorms and barracks.
When they get all this done, Assembly members
holicould see about shortening the
day and adding the extra days to the Thanksgiving
and Easter vacations. That would give students
who live more than 100 miles from Lexington a
chance to go home and return before classes begin.
Potentially SGA could le a powerful organization
a responsible group that could work for the betterment of the University and the welfare of the
students. This potential will never be realized, however, as long as Assembly members meet once every
other week for a casual social hour.


mid-semest- er

It's All So Simple
Activities Fees
Won't Be Changed
Because Of Ban
At the risk of also being lalxled a tool of the administration, we're forced to report to Six Disillusioned Snorts Fans that there will le no rebate
on student activities tickets, nor will there be any
reduction in the fee charge for next semester.
The situation, as it was explained to us, is something like this:
Each student pays a lump sum tuition and fees
into the kitty every semester when he registers.
This money is less tlian half the amount needed to
operate the University, so the State Legislature appropriates another big bundle of loot from tax
money. A portion of the total UK budget is put
into a special fund that gets spread around to a
multitude of offices the library, the health service,
the Kernel, SGA, the Community Concert and Lecture Series and athletics, just to name a few.
Whenever the operating cost for one of these offices is lowered, as we assume will Ix the case this
year for athletics, the extra money goes to one or
more of the other offices that is particularly hard up.
'You can't buck the situation. In fact, it looks like
there wpuldn't even be any justification for trying
to buck it. Right or wrong, the University makes
no promises about what type of entertainment or
"functions" will le presented when it takes your
money for a student activities ticket. We've complained in the past that it's unfair to force students
to buy tickets for "functions" that they may not
want or be able to go to. but we seem to be a voice
crying in the wilderness.
At any rate, don't feel too badly alxxit the money
that you thought was going for basketball. Even if
it were refunded, it'd only Ix? a dollar or two
hardly enough to buy a substitute for the entertainment offered by a dozen or so basketball games.

Credit for putting out what is probably the earliest edition of the Student Directory goes to Jane
Truitt, Charles Negely, and John Robertson, mem-Ixt- s
of the SGA committee in charge of the project,
the University Stenographic Bureau, and the Kernel
Print Shop.
It's nice, for a change, to have addresses and
phone numbers for the first semester printed before the second semester rolls around.

Survey Shows Cost
Of Cutting Classes
Is Painfully High
One of the nation's foremost daily newspapers
recently completed a survey that should make college students feel pretty satisfied with their lot.
The average college graduate earns better than
$5,000 a year, the survey found. This is just about
82,500 above the average annual earnings of the
graduate. Figuring hunger is stronger
than laziness, most of us will work about 35 years.
All this means the sheepskin is worth something
like SS7,500 extra in terms of
Naturally' these figures should be taken with a
grain of salt, perhaps even two or three j They refer only to averages. Not figured in is the shrewd
lad who graduates from high school, gets his "career" witlilhe army over with, and then goes into
business as a TV repairman. Certainly in that
racket or any other where the tariff is all the trade
will lx'ar plus just a smidge more to keep 'em
boy is going to do all
screaming, our
right. In fact, the earnings of the average school
teacher, sociologist, or journalist would appear
downright ridiculous alongside the loot hauled in
by such modern Horatio Algers.
On the whole though, us college boys, say the
figures, w ill do all right for ourselves. There's just
one hitch. Again going into the realm of the
one finds that each classroom period is
worth something over $40. Think of it, $40! What
a price to pay for missing just one 8 o'clock!


non-colleg- e,

gods-statis- tics

'Yes sir, Sam, going to college does have its advantages,

Kentucky's Future Promises
To Be As Dark As Her Past
Student attendance at Eric Sevareid's lecture
Monday night showed once again .why Kentucky
is left at the post every time the 4S states line up
for comparison. It also showed vfhy Kentucky is
likely to remain far behind the' field far a good
many years to come.
Traditionally we pin any hopes for the future on
the coming generation. The oldsters have usually
done what they could and the world constantly
hungers for new blood, 'new ideas and vigor. College students, lx'cause they presumably at least
brush against the facts and philosophies that can
make a better world, are generally considered more
valuable than other groups as a potential supply
pool for the ranks of leadership.
Evidently the students at UK aren't interested in
becoming leaders. Monday night afforded merely
one example of the constant effort of students on
this campus to ignore anything that might force
them to use their minds, might induce them to put


aside childish joys and pleasures and assume the
mature mentality that is necessary in an adult world.
It's doubtful that Mr. Sevareid could be compared with any of history's really great thinkers.
But here was a man who has seen at first hand the
causes, effects, and results of wars and depressions.
A man who has interviewed the leading statesmen
of our age, who has reported the major political,
economic, and social events of the past decade or
two. Surely, he had something to say that might
have proved helpful to a group of people who will
have to tackle a confusing world made all the more
hectic by the mistakes and transgressions of their
As long as the "leaders" being turned out by the
University of Kentucky maintain their careful ignorance of anything more mentally complex than the
proper way to act at an afternoon tea, we doubt
that Kentucky will make any stretch drive toward

Jewell Hall regulations are a little confusing
when you come from a school where the only dorm
rules are to be in by 1:30 a.m. and not to go in the
boys' side of the building.
Julia van Gelder, a tiny French brunette with
Dresden doll features, says she is finding