xt78pk06xb9j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78pk06xb9j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Ky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1959-1960 The University of Kentucky catalogs contains bound volumes dating from 1865 through 2007. After 2007 course catalogs ceased to be printed and became available online only. course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Volume 27 (1959-1960) text Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Volume 27 (1959-1960) 1959 1959-1960 2012 true xt78pk06xb9j section xt78pk06xb9j _ Buumsm cm THE I
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University of Kentucky
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The University of Kentucky, a state-supported institution, is located at
Lexington, an urban community of over 100,000 population. The Board of
Trustees includes the Governor, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and
the Commissioner of Agriculture, ex officio, and twelve members appointed by
the Govemor, three of whom are alumni of the University. The University is
one of a number of institutions known as land-grant colleges, which were
established by the Morrill Act of 1862, and which have continued to receive
federal assistance under provisions of this and subsequent laws relating to
the teaching of agriculture and the mechanic arts and the provision of agri-
cultural experiment stations and extension services in agriculture and home
The University of Kentucky began as a part of Kentucky University under
a cooperative plan authorized by the legislature in 1865. The purpose of this
plan was to unite sectarian and public education under one organization. This
experiment was tried for a number of years. In the meantime. the federal ftmds
authorized under the Morrill Act were used to develop agriculture and mechanic
arts in Kentucky University. In 1878, when the people of Kentucky decided to
establish a state institution of higher leaming, the College of Agriculture and
Mechanic Arts was separated from Kentucky University and reestablished on
land given by the City of Lexington and the County of Fayette. Thirty years
later the legislature changed the name of the institution to the State University
of Kentucky, and gave it additional financial support. In 1916 the name was
again changed, this time to the present title, and additional maintenance was
arranged by legislative act.
The major function of the University is that of instruction. For the per-
formance of this ftmction it is organized into the College of Arts and Sciences,
the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, the College of Engineering,
the College of Law, the College of Education, the College of Commerce, the
College of Pharmacy, the College of Medicine, the College of Nursing, the
College of Dentistry, the Graduate School, and Extended Programs.
In addition to giving instruction to its student body, the University con-
tributes to the welfare of the state through research, experimentation, and pub-
lic service. While all departments make important contributions along these
lines, certain divisions and bureaus have been established specifically for these
purposes. Included in this group are the Experiment Station and the Extension
Division of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, the Bureau of
Business Research, the Bureau of Government Research, the Bureau of School
Service, the University and Educational Archives, the University Placement
Service, the Radio Studios, the Home Study Program, the Extension
Class Program, the Evening Class Program, the University Centers, Com-
munity Services, the Audio Visual Services, the Department of Public Relations,
the Engineering Experiment Station, the Child Guidance Service, the Indusuial
Psychological Service, the Social Research Consultation Service, the Medical
Center to include the University Hospital and related services, the Bureau of
Community Service, and Workshops and Conferences.
The University of Kentucky is a member of the Southem Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools and the Kentucky Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools. It is accredited in its respective colleges or departments by
the Association of American Law Schools, the American Bar Association, the
American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business, the American Associa-

tion of Schools and Departments of Joumalism, the American Library Associa-
tion, the Association of Research Libraries, the National Association of Schools
of Music, the Engineer’s Council for Professional Development, the American
Chemical Society, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, the
American Council on Pharmaceutical Education, the American Association of
Colleges for Teacher Education, and the National University Extension Associa-
tion. The University’s Department of Social Work is a constituent member of
the Council on Social Work Education.
Students are admitted to the University of Kentucky as freshmen, as stu-
dents with advanced standing from other institutions, as graduate students, as
special students, as non-degree students, and as auditors. Admission to certain
colleges is governed by special regulations.
Applications for admission to the University should be made to the Uni-
versity Registrar on forms furnished by the Registrar's Oihce. In order for the
application to be considered these forms must be received in the Registrar’s
Oifice at least 30 days prior to the opening of the term in which the student
desires to enroll. In addition to the application form, oiiicial transcripts of high
school credits and of work done in other colleges or rmiversities should be sub-
mitted before the dates given above. All admissions, including those to the
professional schools and the Graduate School, must be passed on by the
Registrafs Oflice.
Applications for re-admission must be filed by former students who have
been registered elsewhere since registration at the University of Kentucky.
Applications for re-admission must also be filed by former students who have
not been registered at the University during the previous two consecutive
semesters except that this shall not apply to students who enroll only in con-
secutive summer terms.
Applications for re-admission must be supported by transcripts of all college
work attempted elsewhere.
Admission to the Freshman Class
Admission to the University does not necessarily qualify a student for ad-
mission to a particular college. In every case the student must meet the ad-
mission requirements of the college in which he is to enroll.
Resident students
It is the policy of the University to admit, with due regard for the
prudent use of the public funds with which it has been entrusted, all who
appear likely to benefit from a college education. The University expects only
that applicants will have made a conscientious preparation for and show at
least a minimal ability to do college work. Accordingly any applicant who is
a graduate of an accredited high school will be admitted on certificate, provided:
1. that he has at least iifteen units of acceptable high school work and
the recommendation of his high school principal, and
2. that he submit the results of a University classification test to the
oflice of the Dean of Admissions. If he scores below the 25th percentile,
he must come to the campus, accompanied, if he is under 21, by a parent
or guardian, for an interview with the Dean of Admissions or his designate,
unless special arrangements are made.

;__ Although the University does not at present require any particular pattern
,1s of high school courses, it strongly recommends the following program:
Lu English, 3 or 4 units
16 Algebra, Plane and Solid Geometry, and Trigonometry, 3%-4 units
9f Social Studies, 2 or S units
1* Foreign Languages, 3 units in one foreign language
9f Science, 2 units
A unit represents the study of any subject for a school year of at least thirty-two
weeks, with five recitation periods a week, each of at least forty-five minutes
in length or the equivalent thereof. One unit is the minimum accepted in any
1- foreign language and one-half unit the minimum in any other subject. (If
is the fifteen total units presented include shop, drawing, typewriting, or any
in other courses which demand no out-of-class preparation, double periods are
j- Unfortunately the word unit, which is useful in suggesting proportions
le and in keeping records, is too likely to become quantitative, rather than qual-
»’s itative, in significance. Therefore, the stress should consciously and constantly
nt be placed upon the proficiency that the high school student has attained in
;h each subject, rather than merely upon the number of credit hours (or amount
J- of time) that he has spent in the subject. The following paragraphs suggest
jc what is meant by proficiency in the various subjects.
16 During three years in high school English, the student should read with
clear insight and comprehension some significant English and American prose
we writers and poets, and should write frequent expository essays of substantial
y_ length, in a style that is both clear and correct. (Note: Effective expository
we writing requires organizing those materials so as to bring out their meanings,
re and presenting the whole essay in conventional grammar, spelling, punctuation,
1- sentence structure, and paragraph structure.)
During two years in high school algebra, the student should learn the
ge language of algebra, and should master the fundamental operations with
algebraic numbers, special products and factoring, algebraic and graphic
solutions of simultaneous linear and quadratic equations in one or two un-
knowns, the use of determinants in solving simultaneous first degree equations
in two or three unknowns, ratio and proportion, arithmetic and geometric
1- progressions, and the algebraic and graphic solutions of inequalities.
1- During one year in plane and solid geometry the high school student
should further his concept of a mathematical system and of the necessity
of postulates upon which such a system is based. The student should be
able to investigate the validity of statements called theorems and should, by
16 the use of a logically compounded indisputable argument brand a statement
*0 as true or false. Materials covered should include elementary constructions
IY properties of the class of geometric figures called polygons, and the concepts
at of locus and three dimensions.
is During three years of social studies, the student should gain understand-
11 ing of some of the most significant developments in the culture of the western
ld world; ideas, tendencies, events, and persons, in their times and places. This
preparation should include some main features of ancient, medieval, modern
European, and American civilizations.
le During three years in one foreign language, the high school student
°’ should read, with clear comprehension of ideas and with understandable pro-
nt nunciation of language, several writings of significant authors in the chosen
8* language.

During two years in science, the high school student should become
acquainted with some ftmdamental principles and methodologies and if pos-
sible, gain laboratory experience in biology, chemistry, or physics.
Students admitted to the University without the above-indicated com-
petencies will probably be unable to complete the requirements for a bach-
elor’s degree in the usual eight semesters.
Non-resident students
Any student who graduates in the lower one-half of his high-school class
may be refused admission. Students who fall in this category may qualify for
admission by passing the University classification examination.
Admission to Advanced Standing
The applicant for admission must present evidence that he is in good
standing in every respect in the institution he last attended. At no time shall
college or university records be disregarded to admit an applicant solely on the
basis of his high school records. He must have maintained a grade point aver-
age of 2.0, or an average of C, in all previous college work. Only credits
earned with a grade of C or higher will be accepted.
Work done at a fully accredited college or university is recognized credit
hour for credit hour. In order to be classified as fully accredited, a college
must be a member of a regional accrediting association. Advanced standing
from an unaccredited college may be obtained by special subject examinations.
Credit hours accepted from junior colleges will be limited to a maximum
of 67.
Written applications for admission with advanced standing should be
submitted to the Hegistrar’s Oflice on forms fumished by that office.
Admission as a Special Student
A student may be admitted as a special student if he does not have a high
school diploma, is at least 21 years of age, and is fully prepared to do the work
A special student may become a candidate for a degree in any under-
graduate college in either of two ways:
1. Satisfying the entrance requirements for admission to the freshman class.
2. Completing in residence sixty-seven credit hours with a grade point
average of at least 2.5 in all work attempted.
. Admission as a Non-Degree Student
Persons who desire University instruction without wishing to become
degree candidates may be admitted as non-degree students. Such students
must present satisfactory evidence that they are prepared to take the work
desired. Before enrolling in a particular course, however, such a student must
obtain the permission of the instructor and the dean of the college.
No one may enroll as a non-degree student in the University for more than
two years except by special permission of the dean of the college in which he is
Non-degree students may become degree students after meeting regular
admission requirements; however, work taken as a non-degree student will
not, in itself, qualify a person for admission as a degree student. Only credit

le earned after a student meets admission requirements will be counted toward a
IS- degree.
n_ Admission cs on Auditor
h- By payment of the required fees any person may be admitted to a class or
classes as an auditor. A student regularly enrolled in any college must apply
to the Dean of the College in which he is registered in order to be an auditor.
Other persons should apply to the Registrar’s Oihce for admission. No credit
SS can be given for a class audited, nor is the student permitted an examination
Of for credit. No instructor is authorized to admit anyone as an auditor to any of
his classes unless the auditor has registered as such.
Admission to Colleges ond The Groduote School
id College of Arts and Sciences. Admission to this college is govemed by
rl] the general admission requirements of the University outlined on the preceding
ie pages.
1‘- College of Agriculture and Home Economics. Admission to this college
ts is governed by the general admission requirements of the University outlined
_ on the preceding pages.
lst College of Engineering. In addition to meeting the general requir