xt78pk06xb6s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78pk06xb6s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-07-18  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 18, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 18, 1930 1930 1930-07-18 2012 true xt78pk06xb6s section xt78pk06xb6s Best Copy Available



INFORMATION ON Kendrick Forfeits
Finals Title, Medal
In Tennis Singles


Seats for Alabama-Kentuck- y
Contest to Be

$2.50 and $3.00

Night Game With Sewanee,
October 4, to Start at
7:30 I. M.
Information nbout the football
schedule and the application for
tickets to the athletic contests this
fall has been sent out by the athletic department to stadium subscribers, patrons and alumni of the
The prices for admission to the
games follow: October 4, Sewanee
(night game), reserved seats $2,
box seats $2.50; October 11, Mary-vlll- e,
reserved seats $1.50, box seats
$2; October 18, Washington
tee, reserved seats $2.50, box seats
25, Virginia, reserved
$3; October
seats $2.50, box seats $3; November
1, Alabama (home coming), reserved seats $2.50 and $3, box seats
$3.50; November 15, V. M. I. (Dad's
Day), reserved seats $2.50, box seats
$3. Prices for tickets to the two
games away from home will be, November 8, Duke at Durham, N. 0.,
reserved seats $2; November 27,
Tennessee at Knoxvllle, reserved
seats $3.
The Sewanee game, our only
night game, will start at 7:30 p. m.;
the Maryvllle, Washington &p. Lee,
and Virginia games at 2:30
and the Alabama and V. M. I.
2 p. m., central standard
games at
All correspondence must be addressed to "Manager Football Ticket
Sales, University of Kentucky, LexVerbal or phone orders
will not be accepted, but applications should be made out on the
proper forms, which will be mailed
to all who desire to purchase tickets. Orders for the games away
from home will be filled and mailed
immediately upon receipt of the
tickets from the officials of the institution where the game is to be
played, and will reach the purchaser at least a week before the game.


The most common alibi about the
campus that students have been giving for the past four weeks for not
studying has at last been eliminated. Mother Nature, after indulging
in a most extensive spree, and getting all hot about it, has at last
cooled oft and given the genus homo
an opportunity to live in an environment in which he finds his
most natural optima. Regular prayer services should be in order as an
expression of our gratitude.

"When Berean meets Bercan" Its
. . well no one is quite as able to
say as Robert Harlowe, a Bcrea tennis star, was unable to find his
teammate and ranking No. 1 player
on the Mountaineer team, Mr. Sam
Kendrlcks. Rather than go Into the
finals pitted against Harlowe, Sam
forfeited the title and a gold medal,
In order that Bob could share part
of the glory that Kendrick had won
In the Woodlatid Park tournament
last week when the Frencnourg
rnnmiptepr was returned the victor.
No finals were played because of
the above plot.
Harlowe deserved to go the finals
because of his victory over R. Y.
Cravens, conqueror of Earl King
Senff, 1931 varsity captain-elethe University. The last ray of hope
college boy to win iaaea
for a local
with the defeat of Kaplan who had
showed wonderful ability to reach
However, Senff
the semi-final- s.
came through true to form winning
the doubles paired with Steely.
They defeated Lawson and cravens
The results of
of the singles
the quarter-final- s
were as follows:
Cravens defeated Gregg.
Bob Harlowe defeated P. H. Ran
Sam Kendrick defeated Dunlgan.
Kaplan defeated Lawson.
of the doubles
In the semi-fina- ls
Senff and Steely defeated the Berea
racquet wielders, Kendrick and Har
Cravens ana lawson won
their way to the finals defeating
the Randalls.
In the old game of "hoss-shoe- ,"
at which Sam Tuttle seems to be
right, the winner of the
match will pit his skill
this afternoon.
Matches for the tennis title are
played opposite McVey hall and new
courts have been erected east of the
gymnasium, where the horse-sho- e
crown Is at stake. Three awards
for first, second and third places
will be made and according to Mr.
Sid Robinson, they will be standard
intramural medals.








Prof. Victor R. Portmann, of
Journalism Department,
to Award Prizes




Trip to Cumberland Falls
and Formal Banquet


M. E. Ligon in Charge of
New Training School, Elementary Division Directed
by Mrs. May Duncan


Prof. Enoch Grehan, head of the
journalism department, and Prof.
Victor R. Portmann left yesterday
to attend the sixty-fir- st
meeting of the Kentucky Press Association, held in Somerset, which
continue through tomorrow
Saturday morning Professor Port
mann will award the cups and cash
prizes in the five newspaper contests held every year in the state.
Prizes are given for the best editorial page, the best front page, the
newspaper, the best
Kentucky newspaper, and one
goes to the paper which has
been of the most service to Its community. Professor Grehan started
the awarding of some of these prizes
a number of years ago, and has donated many of them.
Herndon J. Evans, president of
the association, a graduate of the
University, now editor of the Pine-vil- le
Sun, called Jhe meeting to order Thursday morning, and Judge
John Cooper, of Somerset, welcomed the delegates. Most of the day
was spent in the registration of
members of the association.
Today the party will motor to
Cumberland falls, after a round-tabl- e
discussion of publishers' probTonight the formal banquet
will be held, with dancing following.
The new Beecher hotel is the headquarters for the meeting. Speakers
at the banquet will be "Dusty" Milof Willer, noted
mington, Ohio, and former governor, Edwin P. Morrow, of Washington. D. C.
After the awarding of prizes tomorrow morning, an address will be
made by Lieut. Governor James
Breathitt, Jr., and a report of the
committee on resolutions will be
heard. A golf tournament ind a
bridge party tomorrow afternoon
complete tlje Pjasprthe meet-

Work on the two University
buildings now under construction is
progressing rapidly. The new training school building in Scovllle park
is nearing completion, and the new
library now has two stories completed and a third being worked on.
Dry weather has been favorable to
the construction work on the buildings.
The new training school, which
covers a
site, will be under
the supervision of Prof. M. E. Ligon,
now principal of the University
high school, and the elementary division will be under the direction of
Mrs. Mary K. Duncan, a graduate
of the University and of Columbia
University, who for the past year
has been assistant professor of elementary education at the University.
The building is in three divisions,
the central part, or college departwings, which house
Ninety-eigh- t
Applicants Go to ment, and two and' high school deelementary
Frankfdrt to Take Tests for the
partments. It contains a stage and
State Law Practice; Twenty auditorium, a library, a cafeteria,
Included for Reexamination laboratories and classrooms, all located on two floors.
The site for the school was made
Eight University applicants
possible by a gift of the city of
practice law took the bar examinaLexington to the University, and Partition Separates Room in
tions at Frankfort Wednesday and the building itself made possible by
Two Units For Use of
Thursday. Of the total of 98 ap- a donation of $150,000 from the genMachinery
plicants, 78 took the examinations eral board of education of New
20 were re- York City.
for the first time, and
Abiding by the rule that "the
show must go on." The Kernel is
examined by the state board.
being put out under difficulties this
of examinMembers of the board
The repairs and alterations
ers are J. D. Mocquot, Paducah;
made In the press rooms and the
Lexington, and
CHICAGO The "honor system" news room of the paper's offices In
Pelham Johnston,
Judge C. C. Turner, of Frankfort. for the University of Chicago is McVey hall have been started, and
Included in the number of appli- something to be forgotten here.
are expected to be finished by the
sign- middle of next week.
The system, whereby co-ecants were the following University students: Annamay Hollinger, ed out when they departed on
The new Kelley Automatic Press
Robert Odear, William Bush Gess, "dates"and tabulated the hour when will be Installed within the next
Stanley Powell, Eldred E. Adams, they returned, has now given way two weeks.
The first Job to be
Thomas Theobald, H. H. Harned, to an official timekeeper.
printed on It will probably be the
and William Buckles. Charles Held-ric- k,
1930 "K" book, published by the Y.
a former student at the Uni- CHINESE AND BULGAR
C. A. and Y. W. C. A. of the
versity, who was graduated in June
at Harvard University, also took the
A partition will separate the old
BOSTON Victoria W. Tsakova,
bar examination.
room Into two sections, half
Results of the examination will of Sofia, Bulgaria, and Lois M. news left for the news force, and
not be made known for over a Twang, of Foochow, China, a grad- the remaining part added to the
month. Out of the 18 successful uate of the Hwa Nan College, were press room. Work on the
winners of two of the seven Studley
applicants who passed the examinathe University annual, will
tion in May, seven were University scholarships in Boston University's be started in the fall, and the new
school of religious education.
machinery was ordered to meet the
increased demand for Job printing
and such special work as "Letters,"
the Kentuckian, the University Directory, and Kentucky Alumnus.


Work Is Started
Kernel News

The chief bugaboo confronting
those with scholastic
right now is the menace that we
call 'final exams." Even in the
regular session when there is a favorable temperature for reviews the
situation is bad enough. But in
this good old summer itme, when
even the elements are against one,
the situation is worse. Our
who told us that summer
school was very much of a pipe
have discreetly withdrawn to distant places else we should be temptGREELEY, Colo. The school, the help youth with his confused thinked to eliminate a few of the most
church, the home, the radio, the ing."
Dr. Frasier, in his condemnation
theater, the press, were the objects of the modern system of training,
The opening of the new Beecher of a verbal shellacking by Dr. Geo. declared the world is so rapidly
hotel in Somerset this week saw
of Colorado
of W. Frasier, president baccalaureate changing that there can be no rerepresentation
College, in a
turn to "the good old times."
University students down for the Teachers
"Youth confused, bewildered, cydance. The music was furnished by address here.
In his condemnation of those nicalis turned loose on the mad
Jordan Embry, so there was more
Dr. world with no background, no trainimportant
than a usual attraction. The chief most
scene of attraction for dancing has Frasier declared they not only were ing that will help him understand
been Joyland and since the recent making a miserable failure in prop- its religious, social, business, industrial, cultural, and recreational
opening of Sunset Inn some num- attempts to mould youth and
bers have found their way out there. erly equip them for life's struggle, problems," Dr. Frasier declared.
atagainst progress
Painting a gloomy panorama, Dr.
but were pulling
Any place Is apparently more
Frasier cited certain Isolated intractive than staying at home dur- with all their strength.
stances where institutions are doing
ing these evenings when the moon
Flaying the educational institushines down in all Its roseate glory. tion, Dr. Frasier declared that edu- their parts, and continued:
cators find cooperation neither from
"As educators we must know that
An innovation of recent date that their own nor other institutions and the problem is largely our own. We
atthat most of them are pulling In must rethink into the problems of
has attracted no inconsiderable
tention Is the organization of a the wrong direction, if pulling at all. education. We must check each
"Cooler and Shorter Rompers Club."
"The home," Dr. Fraser charged, portion of our curricula to see that
After the fashion of students at "is a vanishing institution. Its in- we are helping solve the present day
each problems."
Amherst and other institutions, fluence is growing slighter
several students of the University year.
Listing what he termed a conenough to disport
have been bold
"Thousands of our churches are crete curricula ,Dr. Frasier stated
themselves in public dressed in the pulling back with all their strength. It would take two or three generavery comfortable, but yet somewhat
everything that is mod- tions to get it to work in the schools
new, "shorts." About the campus it They damn
scientific, and cannot see because of the "terrible inertia of
Is undoubted that there is ample ern and
These churches the system."
life as a whole.
Justification for such dress. Man cannot help youth solve their prob
"For instance," he said, "the reas
is not only more comfortable during
on that high scnoois teacn "ine
has shapely legs
more Merchant of Venice' instead of
"The radio disseminates
can 'Journey's End,' this year is that the
At the approaching end of the trash each day than education
.teachers have their notebooks all
present summer term one is quite possibly counteract.
our modern shows are worked out for the Shakespeare
"Many of
prone to wonder what the characwill so full of common dirt that the 'drama.
ter of the next summer term
gets a warped
"I use this Illustration because
be. After several weeks of endeavor growing boy or girl
Ideal of life, homo and law. We 'The Merchant of Venice' stirs up
we have been able to meet the maami row would bo better off without them, - hatred, while 'Journey's End' is an
jority of the students
"The press in general is a detrl- attempt to get us out of our war
when we are no more than barely
a social menace
ncqualnted they are departing and mcnt and not a help to modern- mlndedness. One Is great
inertia and
new ones will take their places. We youth in seeing through this confu- and the other is a
constant 'playing up of satisfaction with their stationary
must be optimistic. Llka the com- slon. The
old colored minister, crime, scandal, court details of love, mentality, professors won't learn
ment of the
"Things will Just have to get better. banditry, sex irregularities, and all and then teach something they
the rest of the filth of life, does not haven't learned in college."
They can't get worse I"

Dr. Frasier Says Education Methods
Today Confuse Instead of Teach


Radio Feature to Be
Broadcast July 23

Honorary Society
Nine new members were taken
Into Phi Delta Kappa, national
honorary education fraternity for
men, represented at the University
by Alpha Nu chapter, July 12. The
Initiation was held at the Education
building, and was In charge of the
Paul D. Gard. It
was followed with a dinner at the
Phoenix hotel.
The Initiates Included Prof. Ezra
Gillls, W. E. Burton, Weller Ray
Gary, L. L. Rudolph, P. H. Neb- lett, Durbln C. Kemper, O. C. Kln- tner, W. P. Shadoan, and H. P.
Gray. Alpha Nu chapter was installed at the University in April,
and has become prominent
among the organizations
of the
campus. Its membership is now iu,
and there are many chapters in tne
other Kentucky colleges and




18, 19.10




Speakers at the dinner, which was
given In honor of the new members,
were Dr. Frank L. McVey, president
of the University; Prof. McHenry
Rhoads, of the College of Education, and Dr. Cloyd McAllister. Dr.
J. T. C. Noe gave an entertaining
recitation of selections from his own
original poetry, and several musical
selections were played during the
evening. Mr. Gard was In charge
of the dinner, and presided as toast-mastfor the occasion. ApproxiVisual Education Program to mately 75 members and their guests
Continue Throughout Sec- attended the banquet.


ond Semester, According to
Announcement Made
A series of five more motion pictures are to be shown in Memorial
hall during the second semester of

the Summer Session, it has been
announced by the Extension department of the College of Education.
One picture will be shown each
week at 7:30 o'clock on Wednesday
nights. The first will be given
July 23, and will be on the subject
"The Last Days of Pompeii." The
other pictures will be "Chronicles
of America," a series of photoplays
of Interest to Kentuckians, and they
include "Daniel Boone," "The Fron
tier Woman," "Dixie," and "Vin- cennes."
All students who register for the
second, term will receive free- - parses
to the entire series. Faculty members are also entitled to tickets.
Any townspeople who are Interested
In attending these pictures may obtain tickets at the College of Edu
cation or University extension head
The last of the series for the first
term was shown Wednesday evening, "The Life of Julius Caesar,"
and Dr. T. T. Jones, of the Romance
was the
Language department,
speaker, giving an observing and interesting talk concerning the subject. These pictures are offered to
the students of the summer school
to show the advantages of visual
education usage in the class rooms,
and are of especial value to high
school teachers and principals.
Dean Thomas Cooper and Prof.
E. J. Kinney, of the College of Agriculture, spoke at the picnic given
yesterday by the Fayette County
Farmers' Union, which was held at
the water works plant on the Richmond road. Approximately 250 attended the affair. A. E. Fickler, of
Chicago, representing the National
Farmers' Union, made an address on
cooperative marketing.



Frank Davidson, University
Graduate, Director of Playground Dramatics, Produces

at Woodland

The first of a series of "Park
Follies," which are being sponsored
by the Lexington Civic League,
under the direction of Frank Da
vidson, dramatic director, will open
tonight at the Woodland audito
rium. Mr. Davidson is the author
and director of "Local Color," the
musical comedy given by the Uni
verslty last year.
MThe Park Follies has opened a
new" line, both' interesting and instructive, for children attending the
playgrounds of the city. Each of
the parks will furnish an act for the

The feature act will be a woman-les- s
wedding, with Coach Bernie
Shively as the "blushing bride,"
Connie Gains the groom, and C. A.
Weesner the minister. Rawllngs
Ragland will give the bride away,
and A. L. Henry will be the flower
girl. Eddie Evans will take the
part of the matron of honor, and
"mother" of George
Brandenburg, the baby, will sing
"I Love You Truly."
Some of the other features of the
program will be:
dance, Duncan; take off ,pn a tent
show, Castlewood; impersonations,
Harrison; "Slngln" in the Rain,"
Woodland; magic, Clifton; "Sing
You Sinners." Lincoln; playlet, Harrison; "I've Got Iti," Woodland;
"Just Like In a Storybook," Castlewood, and "I'm In the Market for
You." Clifton. An act entitled, "The
Ladies Aid Society Meeting," will be
given by the women instructors.
The admission is free.
Rawllngs Ragland and Bill Gess
are graduates of the University.
Bernie Shively is a coach of football and track at the University.

Why Not Fingerprints to Identify
Students as They Enter at U. K.?

Registration at a university as
Mendelssohn Program Will Be large as Kentucky includes considerable red tape, almost as detailed
Given in Music Series of
and comprehensive as joining the
University Station
army. The signing of innumerable
program will blue cards, securing the approval of
feature the radiocast from the Uni your dean for the courses to be stuverslty studios of WHAS, Wednes
day night, July 23, at 10 p. m., cen died, and the payment of fees are
tral standard time. The program but the initial steps that must be
will form a sequence in the "Story taken before entering the scholastic
of Our Music" series. Miss Jose field.
phine Fithlan, mezzo-sopraThe greatest thrill, however, is afa member of the stan 01 ine cin forded the new student when he
clnnatl Conservatory of Music, will has his picture taken and it isn't
be the soloist. Four selections from the usual photograph,
with only
The Midsummer Night's Dream, one's face for Identification!
Inone of Mendelssohn s few songs, stead large numerals are written on
and an exerpt from one of his ora- the slate and placed on the chest of
torios constitute the program, which the subject. There beneath the
beaming countenance of the avid
Intermezzo, from Midsummer
is photographed a number
Night's Dream (Mendelssohn) Sa- scholar differentiates him from all
lon Orchestra.
others on the campus, The rogue's
N o c t u r n o, from Midsummer gallery must have pictures someNight's Dream (Mendelssohn) Sa- thing like these, for haven't the
lon Orchestra.
prisoners a number, and haven't we
On the Wings of Song (MendelsphysiogJosephine Fithlan, mezzo-sopran- o. a number to Identify our
nomy, instead of the mere name
All we
Scherzo, from Midsummer Night's worn is the outside world?
an alias I
Salon Or- lack
Dream (Mendelssohn)
We are not questioning the merits
"The Lord Is Mindful of His Own" of this system, but It might be sugfrom St. Paul (Mendelssohn) Jose- gested that modern science has developed a much surer method of
phine Fithlim.
Wedding March, from Midsummer Identification, namely, fingerprints.
Night's Dream (Mendelssohn) Sa- True, this latter method might require an expert to distinguish the
lon Orchestra.
Individuals, but who will look the
same after an arduous ten weeks
1931 covcntlon of the Na
tlonnl Association of Extension Uni spent In the throes of summer
veisltles was secured for Colorado school? How pathetic it will be if
University by Elmore Petersen, dean the plump young thing loses her
of the extension division, who was curves In the long vigil over the
elected president of the association tomes. The harder you study the
more hollow the cheeks, the deepen
for next year.




Plans to Do Work in Henderson, Crittenden and Trigg
County Sites

Prof. W. S. Webb to Join Dr.
Funkhouser at End of
Second Term
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, dean of
the graduate school, will leave at
the close of this week to expore
prehistoric sites In western Kentucky for the department of an
thropology and archaeology of the
University. Dr. Funkhouser will be
in the field until the opening of the
University in September.
The work will be done largely in
Henderson, Crittenden
and Trieir
counties where various types of pre
historic mounds and ancient village
sites have been reported. It is hop
ed that further evidence may be oban
tained regarding the famous
culture which was discovered In Logan county last summer
and which has attracted nation
wide attention. The Logan county
site yielded the first cremations ever
found in Kentucky and the discovery there of enormous community
crematory pits and charnel houses
filled with burned human bones has
furnished the basis for a recent
monograph on the subject.
The state of Kentucky is rapidly
becoming famous as a repository of
civilizaevidence of
tions and the University archaeologists believe that this state Is richer
in such material than any other
state in the Mississippi Valley.
At the close of the second term of
the Summer Session Dr. Funkhouser
will be Joined in the field by Prof.
W. S. Webb and the two professors
will work together for the rest of
the summer. Professor Webb has
Just returned from a six weeks exploring trip in Wolfe county where
he excavated a large number of
and discovered many
valuable facts regarding the lives
of the ancient peoples who once
these shelters. Among
other interesting finds were skeletons many hundreds, of years old,
and the remains of deer-ski- n
casins and types of flints and pottery not previously known from the
The University is preparing to remodel the old library building into
a museum in which the interesting
material which Professors Funkhouser and Webb have collected in
recent years, will be displayed. This
display will Include stone-gravand skeletons as well as the thouflint knives,
sands of arrow-head- s,
hoes, gorgets, banner-stone- s,
and other artifacts which
have been found in Kentucky.
Professor Funkhouser is particularly interested in the anthropological material and is making a special study of the skulls and other
parts of the skeletons of the prehistoric inhabitants of the state.



Registration Starts Monday
Morning for Second Semester, Under Direction of Dr.
William S. Taylor
The second term of the Summer
Session, under the direction of Dr.
William S. Taylor, dean of the College of Education, will open Monday, with registration in the Administration building at 7:30. Examinations for the current semester will be given tomorrow.
Classes will start Tuesday and
continue until August 22, final examinations being held August 23.
Commencement exercises, the flm
ever to be held by the University
at the close of the Summer See,
slon. will be instituted as a regular
feature of summer school this year.
They are planned for the week-en- d.
following examinations for the second semester.
All records for the Summer Session registration were broken this
year, and the large attendance is
expected to continue through the
coming term.
Practically all the classes, and
some new ones, will be offered to
the students next semester, and
most of the members of the faculty will remain throughout August.
Schedule books, containing information concerning courses, fees, and
dates of Importance may be obtained at the Registrar's office, if applied for at once.
Students will
keep their old post office boxes, but
those registering for the first time
should see about getting their boxes
The Kernel will continue its pub
lication, the last issue making its
appearance August 22. As before,
enough copies will bo printed so

the circles under the eyes', and
hence, the greater the deviation
from the likeness taken at the opening of the terjn. Maybe this will
point out a moral: Don't study too
hard, or you may not be able to
receive credits. If you aren't the
same fresh young thing who posed
so blandly for a photograph on registration day.
There are many possibilities to the
photographic idea why not an advertisement, "Before and after taking ten weeks of our summer
school?" Maybe the publicity department will be able to capitalize
this Idea. It might even be developed on the Grow Thin line: Climb
to our third story classes and get
the girlish figure! And why use
Palmollve when you can keep that
school girl complexion by being one?
The newspapers should be glad
that our University pursues this
means of Identification, for what an
aid it would be should any student
suddenly disappear, run away with
the governor's son, or start wearing
can be developed as may be shown
by the following example noted
registration day: One of the younger set, wearing her most charming
sinllo as she posed before tho cam
era. coyly asked, "For what paper
""VL "Xl
and a few extra copies may
are you taKing tnisy
talned. They will be placed in the
hall of the post office,,
All students uho expect to receive degrees la the Summer SesProf. Blaine Shlck, of the
sion must pay their fees at the
Language department, will
lluslucss Ollice by noon Saturleave tomorrow for New York,
day, July 19. The fees are $10 I planning to sail July 25 on the S. S.
for seniors, and $15 for graduate 'Homeric, to spend the summer


� Best Copy


The Kentucky Kernel
Offlclnl Newspaper of the students of the
University of Kentucky
Subscription $1.50 n yenr. Entered nt Lexington
Class man




(Phones Ashland C802,

Mnrgnrct Cundlft
Hazel Baucom
Roy H. Owsley
University 74)
. . Coleman Smith

Associate Editor
Thomas Rllcy
Clarence Barnes
Ed Conboy


land, new equi-

buildings, additional

Tomorrow marks the end of the first semester
of the 1930 Summer Session, but It docs not end
In Its Influence. Accomplishment, achievement,
live on In the hearts and minds of those who
have spent five weeks of study at the University.
Tomorrow will test Just how much you have
attained in class work. However, no matter
what the grades, each one of you will have
something to take home with you. New friendships, new experiences, facts learned from life,
If not from textbooks. After nil, these things
are a great part of college education, and should
not be overlooked In the search for knowledge.
Tomorrow what a golden word, If It brings
achievement, but how often tomorrow never
comcsl The Kernel wishes for you all a profitable tomorrow, and hopes that your stay here
has meant all that you expected of It. To those
of you who will remain for the second semester,
comes the realization that you have reached
the halfway mark, the final goal Is not far off.
And last of all au re voir

pmentsigns of the onward march of the UniTHESE PARTINGS
versity during the past ten years. In a little
"Goodbyes" are In order this week. It's time
over a year we have had Memorial hall, McVey to say "so long" to many of our friends. Some
hall, the new library, the Dairy building, the
new training school building, the famous Johnston Solar laboratory to keep before our eyes
an ever changing, ever growing campus. And
now, with the announcement of the purchase
of a building next to the training school in
Scoville park, to be used for the University
radio studios, a central heating plant and additional offices, comes another swell of pride and
the realization that this astounding growth
means that our State University will be entitled
to more recognition and prominence than ever
The two new units which have been added
to the men's dormitory are an indication of
the Increased attendance, and the further need
in the near future, for more housing facilities
for both men and women. The one produces
the other, more buildings, more students, the
need for more space. And because the officials of the University are doing their utmost
to provide for the students, and under some
difficulties at times, The Kernel feels that the
actual achievement Is worth the more.
With the opening of the new training school
education will start with the nursery and kindergarten, through the grades, high school, and
into the University, giving our institution care
of boys and girls from early childhood to man
and womanhood. Such careful and trained supervision Is worth Inestimable sums to the state,
meaning that good citizens, instead of liabilities, are formed.
There are many great needs outstanding in
the way of buildings and further equipment,
but with the program of progress in the capable
hands which now guide the destinies of the
University, we feel no fear that the future will
bring anything but strength and growth to the

we look forward to seeing in school again next

"Did you hear that old man
since that score of 99 degrees was rolled up
Jones' house burned down last
against us Inst Saturday.
"I ain't a mite surprised. I was
Roanoke Is rejoicing In the possession of new when past there in the evcnln' an'
I saw smoke
floodlights to be installed for fall football. around the eaves, I scz to out all
They're getting to be a requisite of every
place of learning.

that the Mississippi A. and M. anIn their administrative
nounces a big shake-ustaff. Perh