xt78pk06xb56 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78pk06xb56/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1923-03-28  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1923 1923 1923-03-28 2012 true xt78pk06xb56 section xt78pk06xb56 Y

The Kentucky Kernel


No. 24









Fifty Student! in Mining, Civil,
Mechanical Engineering to
Make Tour.

Tigers to Invade Stoll Field For
Opening Clash Of








Chemistry Students to
Engineers on




' Fifty seniors in mechanical, civil
and mining engineering at the University wiM leave March 29 for the annual inspection trip to large industrial
Junior engineers
citaes in the cast.
will make their trip the middle of
April, the mining students visiting
coal properties in Tennessee, and the
mechanical, electrical and civil engineers going to Cincinnati, Dayton and
.Hamilton, Ohio.
The purpose of the annual trips is
to acquaint students with, practical engineering problems they wilJ face
graduation, and to show them industrial enterprises, factories and
in operation.
Alumni dubs of the university in
cities which the students will visit
have arranged many forms of entertainment for them.
Two special cars, have been
and will be heM for the use of
.the party until the end of the survey,
April 8. In addition to the student
engineers, three senior chemists will
make the trip. Dean F. Paul Anderson, Professor W. E. Freeman, Professor L. S. O'Bannon and Jack Dicker, of the College of Engineering, will
also go.
Itinerary Outlined
The trip will include the following
Friday, March 30 Pittsburg, Pa.;
visit the Westinghouse Electric and
Manufacturing Co.'s plant, Bureau of

af-,t- er



on page 8.)



Second row: Fred Fest.coach;


Sid Wallace.

Ray Sauer, Mollie Rush, Uncas Miller, manager.




The Senior class wih both the Wo- CHAMPIONSHIP WON BY
men's and Men's Student Council and
presidents of the various classes has
adopted a standard ring.
The ring adopted is to be truly a
Kentucky ring, wildcat and seal cuts
Basketwill be on display within a few days Will Hold
ball Trophy Until Next
at the bookstore, with price quotaYear.
tions. The time is limited so be sure
and see them so that you can place
BY your order with one of the Commit- KAPPA SIGMAS IN FINAL.
tee, as soon as notices are posted.

Givens' Martin has returned from a
national convention of Alpha Sigma
Phi Fraternity held at Yale University
as represenative from Alpha Chapter
at the University. He was among the
seventy-fiv- e
members who represented
various colleges in the United States.
Martin visted in Philadelphia and
took part in intiation sorvics at
OHap'ter at Pennsylvania. He also
spent q few days in Washington and
New York.






right: Elmer "Bo" Wallace, Kenneth King, Charles Gibson, Curtis Sauer,
First row, from left to



Pan-Hellen- ic

Both Teams in Last Tilt Show
Good Form and

-- K-

Game Will Determine
Strength of Blue and

The Wildcat nine will open its 1923
season Wednesday afternoon when the
Georgetown Tigers invade the Wildcat lair. As it is the opening game of
the year, the clash will largely determine the strength of the Blue and
White. .Coach Barger announced that
his choices for the battery positions
were Gregg on the mound and Prib-bl- e
behind the plate.
Coach Barger sent his regulars
against the yannigans last Saturday
combining 15 hits
and the varsity
with several errors on the part of the
scrubs, turned in a total of 19 tallies.
The scrubs were on the other hand
able only to put two runs across the
platter. Gregg, True and Van Arsdale
hurled excellent ball for the first team,
allowing the youngsters five hits. Robertson, Fuller and Williams divided
ithe mound work for the yannigans between them and all were hit hard.
The entire squad had been displaying a marked tendency to swat the
horsehide to the far comers of the lot,
and it appears that any pitcher that
faces the Cat tribe this season will
have his hands full trying 'to tame
them. The Cat pitching seems to be
much better than the mound staff of
1922, and with the coming of warm
weather the Cat mentor 'will have
(Continued on page 8.)
'K- -









Members of Senior Class to Make
Tour of Large Industrial

First Step Taken To Have Boost
The members of the senior class in
One of the most thrilling games of
ers Club Outside of The
AWARD PRIZESTO PAPERS basketball that has been played in the TO U P H 0 LDJHE PUTAT 0 N industrial chemistry at the University
of Kentucky will leave Thursday on


The first big step 'toward organizing the University of Kentucky student body into a booster organization
for the school was, taken Tuesday
morning, when the "Greater
Kentucky" council conducted four mass
meetings which included (the entirfc
student body. Classes were dismissed
for the fourth hour, and the students
were divided into four groups accorddistricts,
ing to the congressional
which ithey represent.
The meeting places were as follows:
Districts 1, 2 and. 3, Dicker hall, ia
charge of W. W. Kirtley, Ryan Rin-- o
and A. L. Atchison; Districts 4 and
5, Little Theatre, C. M. C. Porter and
Paul Ballinger; Distriots 6 and 7, chapel, Charles Mahoney, James Darnell
and Douglas Vest; Districts 8, 9, 10
and 11, Henry Clay law room, Sidney
B. Neal, Charles McDowell and A. J,
Students were urged by the speakers to boost the University and advertise its needs during their Easter
vacation at home, and plans were
methods of im- made for further

The program committee of the Kentucky Press Association met in Prof.
Enoch Grchan's office, at the University of Kentucky and formulated plans
for a newspaper exhibit in connection
with the annual
of the association at Bowling Green,
June 7, 8 and 9, and prizes were
named to be awarded publishers.
The prizes to be offered are as follows:
For the best weekly newspaper, first
prize,. a silver loving cup; second prize,
$30; third prize, $20; fourth prize $15.
For the best country daiily newspaper, first prize, silver loving cup; second prize, $20. For the best single
copy of any newspaper selected by its
publisher, $15.
The prize money will be made up
from the following contributions: Professor Grehan, $50; Desha Breckinand Louisridge, $50; Courier-Journa- l.
ville Times, $100, and G. B. Senff, $10.

University gymnasium 'this year was
played Monday night when the Alpha
Sigma Phi quintet defeated the Kappa Sigma team 17 to 13. This victory gives the Sigs the championship
Basketball Tournament.
The Kappa Sigs made the first goal
in the first three minutes of play, then
Wallace threw two fouls which tied
the score. Three minutes before the
end of the first half the score stood
6 to 4 in favor of the Alpha Sigs. A
foul was called on them and Hendricks annexed the point for the Kappa Sigs. Just before the end of the
half Campbell threw a goal which
gave the Kappa Sigs a one point lead.
At the start of the second half neither team was able to hit the goal. The
Kappa Sigs again made the first basket which gave them a three-poilead. Soon after the first goal of the
half the Alpha Sigs began to find the
basket and they took the lead by one
point. Up to the last five minutes
each team would take the lead and
then loose it. About four minutes before the end of the game G. Sauer
made a beautiful shot from the mid- -

(Continued on page 6.)

(Continued to Page 8)

(Continued on Page 6)


Best Weekly News Sheet to
ceive Prize at


Mid-Summ- er



an inspection trip which will include
visits to various chemical and electrochemical industries in large manufacturing centers of the east. The cities
The freshman baseball team bids which will be visited are Pittsburg,
Buffalo and Niagara Falls. The trip
fair to achieve as enviable a record as will extend
over a period of about 12
did the frosh gridiron and court teams days.
of this year when they hung up the
Dr. M. H. Bedford, professor of
mark of winning all but one game in physical chemistry at the university,
both sports. When the first call of will accompany the classes to explain
chemical principles applied in importthe year for t'he yeanling diamond arant industries of the present day. Spetists was nude last Thursday, SO ascial attention will be given by the class
piring candidates reported and since
to the chemical engineering problems
then ten or more others have come
of modern times.
out. Among the 60 there seems to be
Dr. Phillip Lee Blumenthal, a grada wealth of material for every posiuate of the University in industrial
chemicals, and alumni member of the
The yearlings will have for their
Alpha Chi Sigma chemical fraternity,
regular practice field the sod diamond
has arranged the details of the itiner
in that part of the athletic field nearary, and will sponsor the class while
est to Rose street, and this lot soon
in Buffalo. At Niagara Falls the posthe scene of great activity. Due ,
will be
sibilities of the
into the bad weather, woirk of leveling
dustries situated there will be studied.
the diamond has been going on veryi
slowly, but soon as the sod has a' The students who will nuke the trip
are: F. B. Jones, of Melber; Ridgley
chance to dry out so that it may be
field will be in fine condirolled, the
Nantz, of Owensboro; John Paul
tion. That probably will not be un- of oLuisville, and Donald Windsor of Texas.
(Continued on page 3.)

Coach Cooper Confident Yearlings Will Keep Record




Page Two



membership of TWENTY, and I
hasten to enquire whereat is the rest
of them not on my roll. R. S. Clayton
cx- - who was with the
Detroit Steel
Company here, has been
transferred to their offices in IndianaBldg. L. F.
polis, 321
Rush '20 and Alex Hall '19 'have left
us, the ilattcr for Lexington.
"Margaret Ford, '21, is now in Dc
troit taking a course in library tra n
ing. At present she is in thcchildrcn's
department, and cvcutualy she will
have served in every department. In
cidcntally, Margaret, being the second
U. K. girl yet discovered in Detroit,
jnakes a welcome addition to the club
here, which is composed mostly o!
men, and giiiccr,s at that. Margaret.
lives at 215 Forest Avenue
17,235 O'Mira
"Lucicn Moore,
avenue, and Hcrtfy D. jjaji,
Woodward Avcnue,r nave recently
arrived in Detroit. .Ball is with the
Ford Company, ;jiiid 1 Mroor.e will ibe

W. Smith (Linda Ptirncll) 917 Main
St., Lawrence, Kans.
The address is


Alumni Notes

Alumni Secretary


Buffalo, April S. Banquet in
honor of visiting senior cngi- nccrs.
New York, April 6. Annual


Cincinnati, April 11. Annual
dinner dance, Gibson Hotel. Ad- dress by President McVcy.
Cleveland, April 12. Dinner
All College night during meeting
of Association of Alumni Secre- tarics.
Somerset, April 13. Postponed
from regular meeting. Address
by President. McVey.
April 14. Annual
dinner-danc- e
and election of of- ficers at Edgewatcr Beach Hotel.
Philadelphia, .April 14. Sec- ond Saturday Regular, evening
April 14. (Second
Saturday Regular), luncheon at
Lafayette Hotel 12:15.
Louisviile, April 20. Annual
tjK. E. A. banquet, Watterson
Birmingham, April 20. Annual
dinner for Juniors.
Saturday Regular) dinner, Dix- icland Inn.

Congressman J. C. Cantrill, Democratic candidate for Governor, will address the Lexington Alumni Club at its
regular luncheon Saturday, April 14,
at the Lafayette Hotel. A special invitation has been extended to members
of the University faculty for the luncheon.
Mr. Cantrill has indicated informally a desire to do great things for the
University if he is elected Governor.
Education has become an outstanding
issue in the present campaign, equaled only by roads.
The 'habit of going to church has
been a vital factor in the progress of
In some, communities
there has been a marked increase, in
others a falling off in attendance.
Strenuous efforts are being made to
bolster up the weak places. Ministers
are preaching sermons that deal with
big, vital every-da- y
problems and are
getting ibeneficial results. Their daily
programs also are being shaped along
these lines.
Impressive evidence of an added
need for alumni to include church-goin- g
among their habits is contained in
a letter received this week from a
member of the Executive Committee
traveling in Western Kentucky. Such
of the University
was made from cue pulpit that the
pastor was corrected then and there
by this alumnu3.
The Alumni Secretary attended a
church meeting recently. A minister
:from another church arose to crit
icise conditions at the University. He
saw the Secretary an official of the
University and the whole course of
his talk changed.
He concluded by
saying he wanted to "see the Univer
sity prosper.
Student Speakers Will Address High
Schools, Alumni and Civic Clubs
Members of the Student Speakers
Bureau are going to four sections of
Kcivtucky during the Easter Holiday,
speaking on various phases of the Uni
versity before high schools, chamber
of commerce, Rotary, Kiwanis and
other civic clubs and alumni clubs.
A ibetter understanding, precedent to
support by the
a more enthusiastic
is the
theory of the
Executive Committee of the Alumni
Association which has encouraged the
Speakers Bureau and .similar organizations in their work to this end.
Sidney B. Neal will speak at Harlan, Piueville, Middlesboro. Barfbsur-vill- e
C. M. Clay
and Williamsburg.
Porter will speak at Bowling Green,
Russcllville, Greenville and Central

Robert L. Porter, who is traveling
with the University Glee Club, will
speak at Hopkinsvillc,
Henderson, Owensboro and Louisville.
John L. Hays will speak at Paducah,
Hickman, Mayficld and Wickliffe
Ballots for the annual election of
officers of the Alumni Association will
be sent to all members in die next few
days. For the members of the alumni
clubs ballots will ibe mailed to the Sec
retary for distribution.






cx-2- 4,





Dinner-Danc- e



April' 11.


Alumni Cltib,., which

!)- -




incut, of onc'of the newspapers."'' f
;'''j'The expected arrival
'to enter 'thC'American .Blower organi
zation here, wjl.makil?Sx Kerituoky
tli.f' KniWift'f 'iTtn'!orm
what meo(ingis we have jn, Dixieland
inevejy month
with so kmaayt American' ,B jjo wctfs cn
hand.", There ;are , about 25 known
Ketituckians here eiigible for the
club.' Watch i(or a" 100 per cent club,
some time soon':" Charles E. Planck.
'19 Secretary;.

tucky, will 'tiold its annual "dinner
dance at the Hotel ) Gibson on the
evening oif April 11. Prjesidcrit McVey
will be the guest of honor.
The number of- alumni in and near
the Queen City has beett increasing,
rapidly in the last few months.. The
club there is one of" the mosteffective
in the state, especially in .getting the
support of members of tthe General As
sembly ifor the University.
are Mrs. Clara Matti Studef, president; Ed. Hundley,
is with the
Fred H. Towery
Adcle Slade, secretary,
and H. W.
Griefe, treasurer.
Warner P, Sayers, Birk Loose Leaf Tobacco Warehouse
past president of 'the club, is chairman Co., Owensboro, Ky. Address 727 W.
Ninth Street.
of the legislative committee.
The marriage of Eunice Vivian Tal- Undergraduates held mass meetings bcrt
and Howard Johnson
Tuesday by congressional districts to was solemnized in Lexington, Tues
plan their work in the "Greater Ken day, March 20. The romance began
tucky" campaign, especially for the while both were students at the Uni
work they will be able to do during versity two years ago. The 'bride has
the Easter holiday.
been teaching at Corinth, Ky. Mr
Johnson is connected with his father
Birmingham Makes Call.
in the lumber business at Hazard and
Annual dinner in honor of Junior Jackson. After a wedding trip East
Class in Mining and Metalurgical En- thev will make their home at Jackson,
gineer, April 20th, at 7 p. m. Alumni Ky
and former students who expect to
Another one added to the active
attend, notify E. J. Ko'hn, secretary, membership list the past week is Rob
box 35, Ensley, Ala., or telephone ert Garrett
assistant postmaster
at Nicholasville, Ky.
has recently
Walter G. Trice
I am wonbeen appointed county agent of Allen
dering if all of
county, Scottsville, Ky.
you understand
W. B. Woodward ex- - is county
the work the
agent of McCreary county, address
officers of the
Whitley City, Ky.
Alumni Association are doing
the ideals they
J. Ray Duncan remained at Mechanare striving for
ical Hall as instructor in Electrical
or shall I say
Engineer until the World War. He
WE? for this
in the
served as a
m) e a n s
Navy, the latter part of the service,
former student
as an instructor at Annapolis. Since
and friend of.
Mrs. Nell H. Turner his discharge he has been with the
the University.
Inc.. 296 Madison
"It is not simply an effort to provide Avenue., New York City. He is class
buildings, equipment and instructional
secretary and his address is 312 Mt.
force sufficient to take care of the dProspect Ave.. Newark, N. J.
emandall these are only a means to
H. F. McKenney has been appointthe end. We are building for a highGrant County,
er and truer democracy, lasting peace, ed County Agent,
real Americanism. The greatest dem- address Williamsitown, Ky.
William S. Taylor, who has been
ocracy ever taught was by the humble Nazarenc, and on that the consti- Assistant, Tcadhers Bureau, State Detution of the United States is founded. partment of Education, Pennsylvania,
We have the finest building material with headquarters at Harrisburg. is
in the whole world the youth of now an instructor in Teachers' ColKentucky. It is our privilege to help lege, Columbia University, New York
in this building not merely with City. On Fobruary 3, 1923, he mar
money but by thinking, talking and ried Miss Helen J. Dodge. They repraying for Kentucky. That is the side at 435 West U9th Street, New
task. Shall we 'Carry On?' " N. H. York City.
T. assistant to the Alumni Secretary.
George C. Lewis, cla'ss secretary for
Mrs. Turner handles everything that goes through the Alumni '13, is president of the Philadelphia
Alumni Club. His engineering exoffice.)
perience has been varied since graduation. Since 1920 he has been with
Send in More News.
the Solar Engineering Corporation, of
All alumni readers of the Kernel
which he is president and general
you are associate editors are requestmanager. He should be addressed care
ed to send news for his page, using
this company, 200 North 15th St.,
the attached "supplement" sheet for of
Philadelphia, Pa.
the purpose. This should be mailed
A good record is that of John W.
Class secretaries arc invited to Porter, who is a chemist with fhe
make announcements about their re- American Steel Foundries at Granite
City, III., his connection with this
unions in June.
company commencing
He resides at 2007
after graduating.
Fair Avenue, St. Louis.
Roscoe C. Preston, who received
his A. B. in '13 and LL. B. in '14, is
practicing law at Williamson, W. V.a.
He is a member of the firm' of Dam- Try For 100 Percent.
"I see in the bulletin that our club rou and Preston, the most successful
Mr. Damron
here in Dynamic Detroit has a poss lawyers of 'that city.

Stationery Dept., Telegraph Printing
Co., Harrisburg, Pa.
George H. Schaber, of whom we
had lost all record, is principal of the
High School, Williainstown, Ky.
Nancy Webb Inncs is teaching in
the Lincoln School, Lexington, Ky.
In 1921, on account of her splendid
work in a memorial drive for the
Lexington Alumni Club, she was voted an honorary
membership in the
Alumni Association by the executive
committee of that body. She is president of the Lexington Alumnae Club.
Her address is 407 S. Mill St.



,,Bfiise''of, theemoriga

Un&ait, Wf


4t;'$ ar

of the


at? the
Kentucky' ard9 fari the
th- - University
nw'ytryiM: lift up

hafMjjea dayg. of my

Russell A. Hunt, class secretary, is
teaching high school in Millersburg,
Ky. His wife was formerl yMiriam
Horine '17. They are living at M.'M.
'I. Barracks, Millersburg", Ky.
Mrs. Horace Pool, formerly Mary
Elizabeth Walker, is living at 475 W.
Second St., Lexington, Ky.
Mrs. George McKcc, formerly Laura
Lee Jameson-- , of Cynthiana, is living
in Pineville, Ky.










Junior-Lieutena- nt

Johns-ManwH- le

Betwixt Us


j.Mri .Siyejrtt


and Sales

IJafiagerjof'jie F, D..Lay$ence
pne df;,Cincinnai,rrt69t prom-

Elec-Cy.Jv- ii

inent yotmgf'business ,inerir'.beingj.con-tipptp- d
w!tK nearlv all iffe1 nronrressivc
civic ' enterprises, n He fis a' past ex- president oi ine uiuv.ersHj wi
Alumni Club and president of
the Cincinnati Fall 'Festival Assoc'a- tion. ' -

rvtu-tuck- y,

for several
has been in Williamson
years and two yeans ago was joined
by Mr. Preston, on account of increased practice.
C. "Bob" Dabncy received
'his B. S. in '14 and. accepted an Indus-


trial Fellowship at the University, receiving his M. S. in Ind. Chem. in 1916.
He then entered the employ of the
Miller Rubber Company. In 1918 and
'19 he was in the War Service Division, Nela Park National Lamp Works,
at Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1920 he
with the Miller
has been Chemist
Rubber Company at Akron Ohio. May
31, 1921, he married Mary Elizabeth
Curie, of Cynthiana, Ky. They are
living at 73 Rhodes Ave. He is class
Hal Famsworth Bryant is Agricultural Statistician, U. S. Bureau of
Crop Estimates, his district comprising West Virginia, a part of Kentucky
and Virginia. He has headquarters at
309 Federal Bldg., Charleston. W. Va.

Chas. E. Planck, Detroit
is class secretary.
See Detroit Notes.
Under an attractive .photograph of
Miss Paritz in the Times-Stais the
following paragraph: "Miss Rebekah
Paritz, 419 Rockdale Avenue, is expected to be the only woman attorney
in the class to take the examination
April 3 for admission to practice in
the United States courts. Miss Paritz,
who is assistant librarian in the law library at the court house, is a graduate
of the Law College, University of
Kentucky. She was admitted to practice law in that State and later in the
state of Ohio, following an examination at Columbus. She was the youngest law student ever graduated from
the University of Kentucky. Her
home formerly was in Lexington."




Grover Creech is purchasing agent
of the Creech Coal Co., Twila, Ky. He
is a class secretary and should be addressed at Pinev'ille, Ky.
Edw. S. Dabney is pracfing law, 709
Security Trust Bldg., Lexington, Ky.
He is secretary-treasurof the Lexington Alumni Club.
C. P. Mabry, who is president of
the Fulton County Alumni Club, is
practicing law at Hickman, Ky.
Margaret E. McClure, who is reporter on the Lexington Herald, is
secretary-treasurof the Lexington
Alumnae Club, address 217 North Upper Street.
Mrs. Charles Puryear,
of the Edith Williams, is living at Mart-wicC. W. Bailey is secretary
Ky., Muhlenburg Country.
class of '15. Since the World War he
has been connected with the Veterans
Bureau, Division of Rehabilitation.
"Phillip Edwards holds first place
Denton, Bldg.. 7th and Race Streets,
in the student body at Yak, having an
Cincinnati, Ohio.
average for the past semester of A
"The enclosed check is
natory. Will you change my address plus, which is rarely attained by Yale
to read Continental Hotel, Pineville, students. Mr. Edwards won his scholSince his dis- arship from the University of KenKy." W. H. Noel.
charge from service during the World tucky last year on his general average
War, Mr. Noel was first assistant in- of "A." The above item appeared in
spector of mines for Kentucky and is the Owensboro Messenger: Mr. Ednow with the Associated Casualties wards is in Owensboro boy and a forCo.. at Pineville. His brother, H. L. mer student of the University, gradNoel, who also received his B. S. de- uating in 1922 Magna Cum Laude. He
gree in Mining Engineering in '15 retained a general average of "A"
is designing engineer win the Hillman throughout his four years as student
Coa'l & Coke Company, Pittsburgh. in the Agricultural College. He is a
member of Alpha Gamma Rho fraPcnna.
Address 12 Sheffield Hall,
E. H. Darnaby who was Assistant ternity.
County Agent, LaRue County, is now Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
"I am sending you my check for two
County Agent, Trimble County, addollars for membership in the Alumni
dress Bedford, Ky.
J. R. "Rufe" Watkins was with the Association and for the Kernel."
Tola R. R. Co. in Hondusas from '15 Rofhwell Woodward, with General
to '17. He continued in railway work Motors Research Corporation, Daye
with thc C. & O. for a short time after ton, Ohio. Address 238 South
returning to this country, then went
"Will you put my Kernel on the
into the lumber business. Since 1920
right track. Mail the Kerne) to me at
he has been research engineer, Laboratory. Chicago Mill & Lumber Co., 1646 Beechwood avenue, Louisville,
address as
226 West Randolph St. He received Ky., instead of business
I wJM look you up the
his M. C. E. degree in 1919. He s sec formerlyy.
retary of the Chicago Alumni Club. next time I get to the metropolis of
Address 5314 Winrhrop Ave.. Chicago. the Bluegrass and right glad I will be
to see you. Best regards to the felIII.
lows and to Miss Margie." Jack




"Some time ago I received a letter
in regard, to stationery sale, 20 per
cent of the sale going to the alumni
fund. I would like to order some
more of 'this stationery, so please send
me the address.
Best wishes for the
University of Kentucky.
Mrs. Guy


ONE YEAR 12.00.
Herbert Graham,



Gorman, Pearl McCormick, Gcorgcnc
Kiik, Louise Council, Anna Louise
Connor, Helen Arthur, Dorothy Blatz,
Elizabeth Williams, Mary Elizabeth
Luxon, Minnie Benton Peterson, Julia
Willis, Mary May, Frances Halbcrt,
Anncllc Kellcy, Elizabeth Wheeler,
dicky, entertained beautifully Satur- Kitty Conroy, Edna Gordon, Alice
day with their formal dance at the Cherry, Alma Hutchcns, Anne Mary
Risen, Esther Fcrtig, Irene McNamara
Phoenix hotel.
The ballroom was decorated with Margaret Lavin, Emla Woods and
palms, ferns and the prettiest light- Louise Carson.
ing effects with fraternity emblems in
Tau Beta Pi Annual Dance.
electric light designs, spot lights and
The Alpha of Kentucky, Tau Beta
flood lights prismcd in rainbow colors.
There were lovely favors of Chinese Pi of the University of Kentucky,
dance in honor of their pledges,
feather fans for the girls.
The .hostesses were the active chap- tcrtained Friday evening wrtlh the an- It was in the ballroom of the Phoeter, Elizabeth Allen, Flo Armcntrout,
Betty Barbour, Louise Burks, Mar- nix Hotel and one of the most delightgaret Chcnault, Emily Conley, Mary ful affairs of the year.
The ballroom was decorated with
Louise Covington, Par.thenia Davis,
Frances Green, Elizabeth Glascock, an electric illumination in the design
Antoinette Harrison, Virginia Harri- of the fraternity emblem, a bridge
son, Mary Graham Haymaker, Anne bent, and the lights of the crystal
Hickman, Ellen Hughes, Elizabeth chandeliers in colored globes.
Jackson, JeanncWc Lamport, Marcia
The Tau Beta Pi is the 'honor enLampert, Kathleen Lowry, Dorothy gineering fraternity of the university
Lewis, Elizabeth Land, Mary Marshall and the new men each year are chosMcMeekin, Marie Louise Middteton, en by their class standing.
Mildred Morris, Elanor Morse, CaroThe hosts were:
line Nicholas,
Active Members Messrs. A. F.
Frances Ripy, Ida Kcnney Risque, Arnold, W. P. Ballenger, J. E. Burks,
Rachellc Shacklette, Anne Shropshire, L. C. Davidson, W. T. Downing, F. J.
Sarah Katherine Snook, Fannie Sum- Murphy, G. R. Page, S. H. Ridgoway,
mers Tarlton, Joeline Webb, Leslie H. L. Royden, R. W. Sauer, J. L.
Worthington, Frances Whitfield, Em- Shouse, M. T. Skndmore, H. L. Strauss,
ma Lee Young.
Byron Williams.
Pledges Marie Whitfield LIucile
They were assisted by the faculty
members, Dean F. Paul Anderson,
They were assisted by a number of Prof. William Edwin Freeman, Porf.
the alumnae and the chaperones: J. R. Johnson, Prof. Lester S. O'Ban-noPresident McVey, Dean and Mrs.
Prof. C. S. Crouse, Prof. E. A.
Boyd, Dean and Mrs. Melcher, Dean Bureau, Proif. L. E. Nolleau.
Frances Jewell, Prof, and Mrs
The chaperones were Dr. F. L.
Prof, and Mrs. West, Prof, and
Dean and Mrs. F. Paul Anderosn,
Mrs. Lampert, Prof, and Mrs. Davis,
Prof, and Mrs. Grehan, Prof, and Mrs.
(Continued on Page 6)
Zemibrod, Prof, and Mrs. Dantzler,
Prof, and Mrs. Tuthill, Prof. Carol
Sax, Col. and Mrs. Freeman, Major
(Continued from first page.)
and Mrs. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. James
Combs, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Justice, Mr.
after the spring holidays which beand Mrs. Silas Mason, Mr. and Mrs. til
gin Thursday morning.
Duncan Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Until the holidays begin, only the
Smith, Miss Marjorie McLaughlin,
frosh pitchers and catchers will be
Mrs. Eugenia Young, Mrs. Dan
out, but they will work out every day
Miss Dora Berkeley, Miss
Varsity squad. Thus it will
Crane, Miss Margaret Coffin, with the
be possible to get them in good condiMiss Mary Bryan.
tion to start work in earnest when
The programs were pretty booklets April 2 rolls around.
with the fraternity emblem embossed
Several of the hurlers and receivers
on the front cover. Fruit punch was were out Friday and Monday and
served during the dancing hours.
some of them look pretty good. Coach
Many of the guests were from out-o- f Cooper is very enthusiastic and says
town, and all tlhe men's fraternities that he believes he has some embryof the University of Kentucky, Tran- onic Walter Johnsons and Christy
sylvania College, Centre College of Mathewsons to work with. Among the
Danville, were invited, also representa- most likely looking pitchers arc Turtives from each of the other girls' fra- key Hughes, Vossmeyar,
Creech and J. T. Riffe, while G.
included: Katherine Hughes, Sauer and Derrick are the
The guests
Goodsight, Virginia
Owsley, Ruth best looking catchers.




Miss Carson Enterains
Louise Carson entertained a number of her friends with a bridge party
in one of the private dining rooms of
'the Lafayette Hotel Thursday afternoon from 3 until 6 o'clock in honor
of her sisters, Miss Margaret Carson
and Miss Lorraine Carson, of Bowling
The dining room was beautifully
decorated with palms and spring
flowers. After the game a delicious
salad course was served.
The prize, a beautiful hand painted
dorinc, was given to Dorothy Bla-tfor receiving the highest score. The
consolation prize, a book was won by
Irene McNamara.
Those present were: Misses Margaret and Lorraine cars'on, guests of
honor; Louise Carson, Louise Burks,
Polly Doolin, Virginia Shivley, Mary
Helburn, Zula Ferguson, Elma Woods,
Lucy Smith, Kathleen Lowry, Maria
Louise Middleton, Elizaibeth Wheeler,
Lavin, Irene McSnook, Margaret
Namara, Kitty Conroy and Edna Gordon.

Mist Main's Hospitality.
A lovely courtesy to her fraternity
sisters in Alpha Xi Delta was the
luncheon bridge to which Miss Irma
Bain was host Saturday at at her home
on west Third street.
The rooms were decorated witlh pink
sweet ipeas and pink candles in silver
holders, and a delicious luncheon was
served. Miss Bain was assisted in
,by her mother, Mrs. George
A. Bain and iher sisters, Mrs. W. M.
Dunn, and Miss Elizabeth Bain.
The prize for hi