xt78kp7tqp0m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78kp7tqp0m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-10-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 2008 2008 2008-10-29 2020 true xt78kp7tqp0m section xt78kp7tqp0m (35690?r 07% a 008

2008-09 HOOPS PREVIEW I KliN'l‘l'CKY KliRNlil.
\\ inlixiasiiti‘. ()(i’l'UlH-ZR 1., ; .wa Slit f‘l'lt)_\‘ .\


Meeks., Patterson ready to take onncrship oftcam

By Bobby Reagan


Miles Simon celebrating with Lute Olson in 1997. Matt-en _’ ' 1. i _‘ .
Clczn'cs‘ hobbled ankle at the RCA Dome in 2000. Juan Dixon i ’ i » i Let!
jumping on top ot‘ l,onn} Baxter in 2003. ‘ ' l M ‘

When leadership is tliscusscd in basketball. the image ot‘ an
athletic. gil‘tcd senior is tl\lltlll_\ a solid rcl‘crcncc. Kansas \\ on last
year‘s national championship on the legs ot‘ its seniors and inn—
iors. North (‘nrolina is considered the front—runner tor the 200‘)
NCAA title lict‘auw ot~ senior T3lcr‘ Hunshrough and a Veteran

Howcx'cr. this year's UK men‘s basketball team is tlit'tcrcnt. f ’ “ ‘ . i ' i fUMATTHtWSAND
_ ". » ‘ l EUIO.‘ HESh


Rat“: Leaders on page A2

Basketball rosters,
player breakdowns

After an injury-
plagued junior
year, guard
Carly Ormerod
is facing a
new position
and new role
as team leader

Michael Porter
is one of four
UK players
looking to
share time at
point guard
this season

I Fans sound off
with tributes to Bill

I Interactive
slideshow of UK
men's and women's


 PAGE A2 | Wednesday, October ‘19, 2008

Point guard battle could be
season-long test for Gillispie


jpenninqtonmy kernelcom

Billy Gillispie rrtay have
completed his college educa-
tion in 1983, but UK's head
coach still faces crucial ex-
ams today
like he did
at Texas

T h e
first ques—
tion on
2 00 8 - t) 9
e x a m :
W h r c h
player will
open the
season as
the startrrrg
p o i n t

l- a s t
y e a r .
ttrmed pri-
marily to
s e n i o r
Ramel Bradley and sopho-
more Derrick Jasper to lead
the team from the point.
Since then. Bradley graduatv
ed and Jasper transferred to


want to do whatever the tearii
needs. rebounding. playing
defense, however I can help
the team."

Another veteran Gillispie
is considering to run the point
is Porter. In his pre\ious two
years at UK. Porter‘s ori-
court contributions have been
subpar: He has 5| assists
compared to or rrrrnov ers for
his career. How es er. Gillispre
has taken notice ot Porter‘s
demeanor leading tip to the
new season.

"His approach has im-
proved. He was like everyone
else last year. he didn‘t really
know what to expect."
Gillispie said. “I probably
wanted more for him last
year than he wanted for him—
self. I think he grew and ma—
tured into that thought
process later iii the season. I
think he made his mind tip
that he is a good erroirgh
player to play at this level. He
has worked extremely hard
this summer. He‘s showing a
great deal of leadership."

Meeks and Porter will be
competing for the job with
two newcomers in Galloway
and Liggins. Galloway. a jun—
ior-college transfer. is a fresh

face to Cats fans. but he has
major college experience. He
spent his freshman season at
Southern California and his
sophomore year at a junior
college. the College of South—
ern Idaho. where he finished
founh iii the nation in assists.

Although the road to Lex—
ington has been long and
winding. Galloway thinks
each stop along the way has
helped him prepare to corn
pete for a starting job.

“I got to play' at Kansas
and a couple other big
schools so being in that envi-
ronrncnr really helped me
know what that is like." Gal-
loway said "Being at ajunror‘
college really helped me to
work on parts of my game
that are going to make me a
much better play er "

Just like Galloway. Lig-
glns is new to (iillispic‘s
squad. btit his path to the
Bluegrass is a bit different.
Liggins attended Findlay (‘ol-
lcge Prep School in Hender-
son, Nev.. and was a highly
touted recruit who chose UK
over Memphis. Illinois and
Kansas. Even though Liggins
is the only contender in the
point guard battle with no

college experience. he has an
idea of what Gillis‘pie wants
from his point guard.

“Coach wants you to
think like him and that takes
a lot," Liggins said. “Being
the point guard is a hard posi—
tion in basketball. You have
to think about feeding the
ball to the post. cut through
and pushing the ball every
time I get the rebound. Coach
wants the ball pushed every
time and that's what I‘m
good at, that's the way I
played in high school. I have
good people around me to
help push the ball down the

Gillispie has made it clear
that whomever he chooses as
the starter will have to prove
himself in practice before he
is rewarded with playing
time. No matter which play-
ers he chooses to carry the
load. Gillispie will have to
wait until theend of the sea»
son to see how he did on his

“I think we're goriig to
have a good mix of options."
Gillispie said. “There are a
ton of questions. but I'm ex-
cited because of their ap-
proach and their attitude."





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the University of Nevada-Las
Vegas. Gillispie may ulti-
mately choose to till the void
with an experienced player.
an inexperienced player or a
committee of veterans and
newcomers. No matter what.
Gillispie feels good about his

“I like the guys that we
have." Gillispie said, “I like
the talent that some guys pOs-
sess. We‘ve talked about
maybe having Jodie Meeks
out there a little bit. We've
also talked about DeAndre
Liggins maybe a lot. Kevin
Galloway maybe a lot. and
Michael Porter maybe a lot."

Of those Gillispie named.
Meeks may be the most fa»-
miliar veteran to Cats fans.
After a Freshman All-Amerr
can season in 2006—07.
Meeks missed 20 games in
his sophomore year due to in-
jury. Whether he plays point
guard. shooting guard or any—
thing else. Meeks says he is
healthy and ready to go.

“If the team needs me to
do it. I‘ll play point guard. If
coach asks me to do it. I
will.~~ Meeks said. “I am will—
ing to be the guy to take the
shot. but I am a team guy. I


Junior Michael Porter defends a Texas Southern player last year in Rupp Arena Porter is battling with
juniors Jodie Meeks and Kevin Galloway, and imshman DeAndre tuggins for time at point guard



Continued from page At

With only one senior on the Joust»)
squad, UK head coach Billy Gillispre
will turn to sophomore forward Patrick
Patterson and junior guard Jodie Mceks
to be the faces of leadership lor the

“Patrick and lodic have talked to
each other about leading this team."
Gillispie said. “They're understanding
the responsibility of leadership is not
when things are jtist going good or bad.
but it‘s a 34-hour job."

Gillispie said Patterson has taken .i
leadership role on from the moment he
stepped onto UKR campus. excelling at
it even as a freshman.

“Patrick was a great leader as a
freshman. even if he was overshadowed
by (Joe Crawford and Rarncl Bradley l."
Gillispie said. “He's not a good leader.
he's a great leader."

But part of being a great leader
could be shouldering an even larger
scoring load. Patterson will have to pick
up the scoring load left by Bradley and

Patterson showed he had the ability
to last year. scoring lb 4 points per

game. But will he be able to overcome
last season‘s ankle injury and the likely
dotiblc- and triple—Icarus he‘ll face after
a successful freshman tampaign‘.’
Gillispie thinks he'll be able to due to
Patterson's desire and hardworking attr»

Along with Patterson. Mccks will be
called to be a major scorer this year
During his time at UK. .\Iceks has
shown flashes of being a prolific scorer.
notching two Zl *DOIIII games last year
Howey er. after being injured and miss
mg nearly the whole letITI—tlx season.
there are questions whether Meeks can
handle the scoring pressures he‘ll be
asked to take over.

Whether hc answers the questions by
scoring 20 points a game is not ot any
importance to Met-ks. He‘s interested in
only one thing. Winning basketball

"I'm not into stats and all that
stult." Mceks said, “\ big year for mc
personally would be its winning every

(iillispic said the key to Patterson
and \Iccks being stittcssliil leaders is
their ability to know when to talk both
on and oil the court. something Gillispie
prcachcs to his team

"It‘s always important to be talking
in basketball." (irllispic said ~\ou have

to yell otrt different plays and defensive
setups. and that‘s what makes a good

In an cllort to help solidity the team
and strengthen their own leadership abil—
ities. Patterson and Mceks decided to
room together this year. Gillispic said he
may not always know what‘s going on
between the two, brit he sees strides be
irrg made.

“With me and .Iodie ltyrng together.
we can continue to build on our relation—
ship and be the leaders of this team.”
Patterson said. “We also hope the other
i‘etuming guys can step up too and be

Meeks said the choitc ol :‘oortiing
with Patterson was a good decision. be
cause now the two can easily discuss the
team behind closed doors.

"With us being the two leaders of
the team. wc‘rc ablc to discuss at night
what it‘s going to take to get the tcam
through the year." Mceks said

Patterson and .\Iccks are trying to
expand their feeling of hourly to the rest
or their teammates I'r'eshinan forward
I)arrirs Miller said Patterson and .\Iccks
have extended that feeling to llllll.

" l'hc) hay c been like older brothers
to me since day one." Miller said.
"They "ye been thcrc loi me through


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James Ponnirygon

This time last year. things were different.

Both of UK's basketball teams \vere ad-
_iusting to new head coaches. Men‘s coach Bil-
ly Gillispie and women‘s coach Matthew
Mitchell were eager to show their fans what
their teams could do.

Neither (iillispie nor Mitchell realized
how similar their two rosters would compare.
how the teams would fare or even how alike
the teams would be one year down the road.

Last year. the men‘s squad was spearhead-
ed by senior leaders Ramel Bradley and Joe
Crawford. The veteran tandem accounted for
almost 35 points per game last season. but
(.‘iillispie valued their experience just as much
as their output on paper,

“They both showed a tremendous amount
of leadership." Gillispie said. “We will be in
tough situations again and we can draw up
plays. but we have to have guys that are will—
ing to make plays. We will miss the experi-
ence and a lot of different things from Bradley
and Crawford."

While Bradley and Crawford led at Rupp
Arena. two seniors were leading their charge
at Memorial Coliseum: guard Samantha Ma-
honey and center Sarah Elliott. The two veter»
ans were first and second on the team in scor<
trig. which wasn't a surprise to Mitchell.

“Last year we had two scorers that had
been proven scorers over the course of their
careers." Mitchell said. “And so we kind of
had an idea. we kind of tried to build it around

For both squads. the season started with
more of a sputter than a sprint. ln non~confer-
enee play. Gillispie‘s team fell to smaller op-

Mirror image

Both of UK’s basketball coaches addressed similar dilemmas last year

PHOTO BY Etuorr nzss t 51m
Head coach Billy Gillispie reacts to a call during
his first year as head coach at UK Both Gillispie
and UK Hoops” coach Matthew Mitchell struggled
at times

ponents like Gardner-Webb. Houston and San
Diego en route to a 6—7 record. Mitchell‘s
team. faced w ith a brutally tough non—confer—
ence schedule featuring matchups with three
ranked opponents. limped into SEC play with
a 6-H record.

()itce league play began. both teams rc-
versed theii fortunes with strong play. Behind
the play of Bradley. Crawford and an emerg—

Succcssful coaches are the ones that figure out what needs

to get done first.”


-— Billy Gillispie, UK head coach

ing star freshman. forward Patrick Patterson.
the men's team charged forward to a l2~~t
conference record and a first-round bye in the
SEC Toumament.

Mitchell and the women‘s squad needed a
strong SEC record to boost them towards con-
sideration for the NCAA 'l‘ournanient. Just
like the men's team. a freshman star emerged

— forward Victoria Dunlap ., to help estab—
lished leaders Mahoney and lilliott. The team
scored upsets over nationally ranked Auburn
and Georgia on its way to an X!) conference
finish W good enough for fourth place in the
conference and a first—round bye iii the Sl€(‘

Now. (‘iillispie is faced with replacing the
scoring and leadership of Bradley and (‘iaw
ford. Many are looking to Patterson. a presea-
son All—SEC selection Who finished second in
the voting for SEC Preseason Player of the

“Pretty much. coach (illllsple C\pccts inc
and the other returners to be the leaders this
year." Patterson said. "'l‘hat‘s one of the main
things we need to do. espc-
cially with all the
freshmen and transfer

Mitchell is faced
with a similar challenge.
Two of the team‘s seniors.
guard Carly ()rinerod and
center lilcia Roddy. sat out
large chunks of last year
with lingciing iniiiries
With their statiis unclear llllr
til the season starts. Mitchell
is working to see who will pro»
duce for his team in the llpc’iilll'

we- ht!











For 64 minutes. llls' head coach Billy

(iillispic fielded questions from a circus of

media at UK's basketball media day.

He took questions about the point guard
situation. talked about the
leadership of Patrick l’at-
terson and Jodie Mecks.
and spoke about the losses
of Ran‘icl Bradley and Joe
(‘raw lord. He answered
_ttist about e\ cry question
imaginable regarding the
state of the UK basketball






ERIC Yet. when l)eWaync
LINDSEY Peevy. associate athletic
Kernel director of [K mediate

columnist latior‘is. ended the hour-

long session with the mc~

dia. (iillispie. positioned
front and center in a room full of reporters
from every corner of the state. turned to
l’eevy‘ with art uncanny conilort and said he
would answer more questions if any reporters
wanted to stick around

Mun qiiestions.‘ y

Oh. how a lew‘ years and it coach
change everything.

If you ttlare to) look back to the lobby
Smith era. things weren‘t always quite like
they were at this year‘s media day. Smith
would answer whatever was asked. but llicic
was a general feeling of distaste toward the
media. To him. the media was a reflection of
the UK fan base. the most intense. passionate
and Ngh-pressured fans in all of college
sports, When the fans weren‘t happy
which. despite ll) straight winning seasons.
they weren't most of the time ~ the media lct
Tubby time it.

They questioned his style of coaching. the
offense he ran and the recruits he was bring
ing in. Tubby. in tum. froze up during the lat~
ter years of his tenure and became a distant
shadow of the coach who helped the Cats cut
down the nets in 1998.

And who could blame him'.’ Tubby. by all
accounts. was an excellent coach and an e\eri
better man, But after winning an NCAA title
in [998. Tubby faced unrealistic and impossi-
ble expectations that he couldn‘t meet. Hc. as
almost any other coach in the nation. couldn't
face and deal with lllL pressure and scrutiny
that comes with UK basketball.

Billy (iillispie can.

He's only been on the job for 18 months.
but he‘s been anything and everything this
program wanted and needed. He is. after all. a
rock star like we’ve never seen. He is the anti

UK Athletic Director Mitch Barnhart
wouldn’t quite phrase it that way. but Barn.
hart would agree that there‘s something spe~
cial about the way (iillis‘pie has handled the
job since ~ruining the program in April 2007.

“I think that people find their rhythm in
what they want to do in a rob and how they
approach it." Bamhan said. “I think Billy has
clearly found his rhythm in what he does and
how he does his work and what it means to be
at the University of Kentucky."

Now that (lillispie has had a year under
his belt. we‘ll find out what he‘s truly made

Fans get their answer
in the form of Gillispie

of [K fans have had a taste of what he cart
do. so they‘ll expect national titles in a hurry.
He'll no longer be pardoned with the first.
year honeymoon period he was granted last
year when his stumbled to a or? start.

Yet. (lillispic is taking it all in stride. lies
as easygoing as he's c\ er been since arriy ing
at UK. lles cmbraced l.t“(lllg!l0ll as his
hometown. become a local superstar and said
and done all the right things so far.

l)iii'ii.g all that he‘s battled tough losses
to (}.iitlzir.-rr\\'enb and San Diego. loiight off
rumors of his nightlife. and faced criticism
about his I'Ck‘ltllllllg tactics and moyingi Big
Blue Madnes‘. .-\II the while. (lillispie citi—
braced the e\pectations and pressure that
come w itli being the head basketball coach of
the most \ isible program iii the nation.

”He knew the competitoc piece of it.”
Barnhart said of (iillispie's transition "What
he couldn‘t experience until he went through
with it w .is the total. all—cncompassing plat-
form that the head basketball coach has in the
state of Kentucky and nationally. lllllll
yoii'\c gone through that. you just can‘t e\~
plant it ”

What got him through last season was his
passion tor the game 'l‘hiit. more than any-
thing. is what stuck out in llaiiiliar‘fl mind
when he hired him a ycai and a halt ago, He
has a relentless work ethic unlike anything
l'l‘; has seen. before. and that passion is what
liieled him through the tough times early on
last season.

“l ncwr saw that w atei front day one to
now Barnhart said “His demeanor has :il~
ways been a passionate one. and I don‘t think
that‘s es er changed."

That‘s c\attly why (iillispie can't fail.

He understands what the [K l‘iasketball
tradition is all about and that's winning tia~
tioiial championships It isn't so much that
Tubby didn't get lliat. but Gillispic might just
be cra/y enough to believe. like the fans. that
UK should and could win it all every single
season. It's .i perfect. screwed up marriage.
The fans waiit greatness. and they _]llsl might
get it from (iillispie,

“Successful coaches are the ones that lig‘
tire out what needs to be done first." (iillispie
said. "'l‘hey put their heads down. go to work
and try to get those things done We are going
to try to handle those tasks and enjoy every
single day of it. That's the only thing I know
how to do."

And that’s the only thing he can do,
There's really no telling what UK will do be»
hind the new reign of Patterson and Mecks.
The (‘ats could crumble without the leader-
ship of (‘rawford and Bradley. But if (iillispie
continues to embrace the lofty expectations
and face the adversity that comes with UK
basketball. there's no way he won't wrn ~ he's
too relentless and too passionate not to.

“He has done a remarkable job. early on
here." Barnhart said. “Now we just have to
find our way through the season. gather some
wins and take those next steps for our pro-
gram where we want it to go in getting us
back to the Final Fours and national champi-
onships that we all desire."

Eric Lindsey is u journalism .ir'ni'or. E-
mail r'lr'nd.\‘ey'@ ky'kerm’l .t 'nm.



Wednesday. October 29, 2008 | PM! Al

ing campaign.

"We‘re trying to get some of the un-
know its to come out and see what they can
do. Last year. we felt like we had a lot more
insight to what the team could do." Mitchell
said. "It‘s sort of the opposite from last year."

Now. Gillispie and Mitchell are still at the
helm — that much is the same. But with so
many \ariables. (iillispie anticipates things
w ill continue to be different.

"Successful coaches are the ones that fig—
ure out what needs to get done first." Gillispie
said. "They put their heads down. go to work
and tiy' to get those things done. We are going
to try to handle those tasks and enjoy every
single day of it. That's the only thing I know
how to do.“








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 PAGE A4 | Wednesday, October 29, 2008









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PERRY ST “"80"

Hometown: Lafayette, La. HoishttWoioht: 6'9"/207 lbs.

When Patrick Patterson wont down morthoondoflutsouon,8tmnoon -

Hometown: Norcross, Ga. Height/Weight 6'4"]208 lbs.

Masks spent his sophomore soaeon bogged down by injuries. Despite only
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By Bobby Rgagan
breagan@kykerne| com

Most boys in Kentucky —
from Paducah to Pikeville i
grow up dreaming of being
the next Tony [)elk or the next
Cameron Mills. Only a .releet
few have enough talent to
[earl their high school barker-
ball team. Even fewer have
the talent to play college has—
ketball, much less at the top
level. Those who do are usu-
ally targeted by top—tier pro-
grams, like UK, with scholar-
ship offers.

However. there are the
few that become part of UK 's‘
tradition (mother way. They
simply walk on. Thir is the (li—
ary ofMark Krebs. u Hulk-on
ofa different .rort.

Krebs had the chance to
be a Divison l player out of
high school He was a prolific
scorer for Newport Central
Catholic in Newport. Ky.
where he averaged l0 points
per game while garnering
All—State honors his senior
year. He had the likes of
American University in
Washington D.(‘.. as well as
other midsmaior schools call-
ing his number.

However. Krebs‘ mother.
TeiTi. was battling breast can
cer and was severely sick at
the time of Krebs' graduation.
With the fear of the worst—
case scenario iii the back of
his mind. Krebs decided to
attend Thomas More College.
a Division lll school in north»
em Kentucky because it was
close to home. Krebs credits
his mother. who has been bat—
tling breast cancer for the last
seven yc us and has gone to
over 30“ chemotherapy treat-
mcnts. for his work ethic,

“My mom is a trooper."
Krebs said “She's great and
is honestly my hero for
everything she has done."

After a handful of games
at Thomas More. Krebs “as
still playing at a high level
and felt he had the potential
to still play at an elite level
Without any prior contact be
fore. Krebs decided to deliver
personal. handwritten letters
to former l’K head coach
Tubby Smith.

“Tubby |ust told me to
Come down and try Krebs
said. “I spent my first two
months at the school not
knowrng if I was on the team.
but Tubby told me he know-s
who I am and that I seemed
to be a good candidate for a
walk-on position."

Despite not having a
guaranteed spot on UK‘s ros-
ter. Krebs decided to transfer
to UK and attempt to walk

of a walk-on

Junior walk-on Mark Krebs contests a shot during the Big Blue Mad-
ness scrimmage on Oct 10 in Rupp Arena After growrng up a life
long Cats tan, Krebs is hiring out his dream of wearing the blue and


on. He said even if he didn't
make the team. JK was a
quality school and he would
love to be a part of the UK
student body.

“If I failed at least I tried
it.” Krebs said. “If l didn‘t
try. i would have regretted it
my whole life."

However. after a handful
of pickup games with the
team and more contact with
Smith. Krebs found he
wouldn't have to worry about
going tip the game he loses
Krebs. a self-proclaiiiied life
long (‘ats fan. made the l'K

It‘s a dream come true."
Krebs said. “Being from
Newport. Kentucky. my
whole life. coming here has
been unbelievable "

Krebs said the dream tru-
ly kicked in the first time he
sat on the bench during l'K's
Bluc~White scrimmage dur~
mg 2006 when there were
23,000 people in the stands It
marked thc first time Krebs
was in Riipp Arena for a

“I was scared and nerv-
ous and Will never forget that
day as long as I live." Krebs

Krebs said he feels no

difference of being a walk-on
player compared to those on
scholarship. Krebs said the
only difference is he pays for
his own schooling.

Entering his third season
as a walk-on. Krebs has no
regrets of leaving guaranteed
playing timc behind at
Thomas More. He credits the
closeness of the teams at [K
for that feeling.

“The guys don‘t treat me
any different." Krebs said.
“You’re a part of a team and
you try your best to make
Kentucky better. yourself bet-
ter and _|ll\l be a good tcaiir

The onetime scoring ma-
chine has adiusted to the role
of working hard in practice
every day and hopes to see a
few minutes throughout the
season on the Rupp Arena
floor l)cspitc the change.
Krebs has never complained
once and his “(37‘ ethic has
been noticed by his team

"He comes in every day
and never has a bad attitude
senior center Jared (‘artcr
said “He doesn‘t worry about
playing time. he ‘iust comes in
and works his butt off every-

Hometown: Huntington, W. Va. Height/Weight: 6'9"/235 lbs.

Last year, Patterson was named SEC Co-Freshman of the Year, despite missing the final

five games of the season after suffering a stress fracture in his left ankle. Patterson spent

his offseuon rohabflitotin his ankle. and he is back to full strength. Patterson finished

vuoood inmowtingfor Pr ’uon Ployoroftiio Ynmnd is expectedto be a vocal
Wilt! M9W”¢WWWW*¢


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‘ Kentucky Kfignel i "
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fill 09'!









Wednesday. October 29, 2008 I PAGEAS





DAlllV enurnen 5""0"

Hometmm: Leuiavillelieldtri's' .
Orniarod, who hen-airmail almost mlnalvalya _ kg ,.
«mitt-rm a. . -



Hometown: Winter Haven, Fla. Height 5'5"
Smith was named Up the All-Southeastern Conference Fresh-
man Team last year altar avera 'ng 9.4 points and 5.5 ra-


Hemetewn: Nashville Height 6'1”

After leading the team in rebounds and starting all 33 games as a

freshman, Dunlap will be expected to make an even greater in;
pact in the peat during her {ephemera pampaign Dunlap. who

the in" mm m 7 " indicates player is ineligible

. for the 2008-09 season due to

NCAA transfer rules






Same faces,

different places

By 8W Jones


Old and new. Those
aren‘t two words that usually
mix. but they may have to for
the UK women's basketball
team to succeed in the 2008—
09 season.

How well the players re—
act to their new positions. old
injuries and the potential for

drive Cats

cruciate ligament and tom
meniscus suffered in Febru-
ary. Smith. who took over the
point guard position after
senior Carly Ormerod went
down with turf toe. will now
likely share a backcourt with
Ormerod. Despite the new
situation. Smith feels that she
and Ormerod will work well

“I think we're both there

a more up—tempo offense will together." Smith said. "I def?
likely dictate the outcome of initely learned a lot my

the upcoming season. UK
head coach Matthew Mitchell
knows that the biggest ques—
tions facing the team are
nothing new.

“As we go into the sea-
son. we have a collection of

freshman year from her. She
was a junior and I definitely
looked up to her and tried to
just learn things from her
game see what shew was do-




. ~ The Simm‘anel’ut Pli’)’ 0’ The new Motorola Krave exclusnelv from Wilson Finis-~21
players that i think are talent~ Smith and Ormerod. it they ’
ed. but are going to have ‘0 both stay healthy. should give lle ST You ll 5, raw: 3b illp pimple Wm mUSt y mi :13.ij f.

play in roles that they have
not necessarily played in be»
fore." Mitchell said.

A year after finishing 17‘

. . . m ,1»; ~ ,’ .» as i -s y
'6 and fourth in the SOUIh‘ he more athletic. but also felt “95‘ li‘p slfi” mil 5 L (72W 935018 .0 szlt ll
eastern Conference. the team that UK will rely on their , , _

said goodbye to a number of trademark defense and re- America 5 Most ' Wireless Network.

productive seniors. including
Samantha Mahoiiey. Sarah
Elliott and (‘helsea ('hown~
ing. With no high school re~
crtiits and only one transfer
eligible to play. junior post
player Jackie Sanders. a set
of familiar faces will deter—
mine whether or not the Cats
will finish better than sev-
enth in the SEC. the position
the Cats are ex-
pected to finish.
according to the
SEC media.

For the team
to defy those
meager expecta—
tions and return

"This year we
know what to
expect from him
and what to

the Cats the ability to spread
the offense and run the court.
Mitchell acknowledged that
the team has the potential to


"I think we have a possi-~
bility. if eteryone stays
healthy. to definitely he a
quicker team and more ath—
letic team. Does that translate
into us being a better team?
We‘ll still have to find that
out." Mitchell said. “But oh-
\'ioiisly. with the change in
personnel. 1 think that we can
do some differ—
ent things and
play a little bit
more up—tempo."

in spite of all
these questions.
Mitchell doesn‘t
see this season as


navrgazion and more All with an interactiie t Wit tit: "lesni‘:



to the NCAA a rehiiildin've r.
Tournament for expect flow In fact. he dig
the first time OUfSElVGS. quick to point 1
since 2006. a out that UK isn‘t
pair of gifted VicroniA DUNLAP the only team

sophomores will
need to take the
next step. Soph—
omore forward
Dunlap and


, guard Amber Smith were

both named to the All—SEC
Freshman Team and both
will likely become featured
players this season.

Dunlap. the team‘s leading
rebounder last year and top re—
tuming scorer. may he the

UK rnnhnmore forward

that will have to
overcome adver—
sity this year.
“There's more uncer—
tainty surrounding this SEC
season than any i can re’
member being involved in."
Mitchell said. “lt's a great
year of opportunity. l‘ni
confident the players are go-
ing to understand where that
opportunity is and I want to
encourage them to go out

Take your entertainment to go.






team‘s top post perfomier this and do everything they can ‘

year. One year after Mitchell to Win it."

an'ived at UK. Dunlap can al— The players have even i
