xt78kp7tqn8r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78kp7tqn8r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-07-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 26, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 26, 2007 2007 2007-07-26 2020 true xt78kp7tqn8r section xt78kp7tqn8r \V/i’HW KN KIRNEL(()M E}

1 See the “Harry Potter and the Deathly

Rst > \‘ lUW

j Hallows" review




Coke takes over as UK beverage sponsor



See the ('ocal‘ola
contract \yith l'K

By Britney McIntosh

news itk’ykernet coin

Pepsi has reached its eypiration
date at l'K. as (‘oca~(‘o|a iiioyes in to

take mm the slielyes.

As of Aug, l.

yyill remain until the
contract c\pires in ItlIS.

iieyy ly

The contract \\ith ('oca-(‘ola pro»
y ides tor it to haye exclusiye beyerage
rights. rights to the \ending riiachines

(‘oca-(‘ola “ill be
the sole beyerage proy ider for [K and

and beyerage fountains. and adyeitis-
ing rights at athletic eyents. (‘oca~(‘ola
\inI also bring 510.000 annually in
scholarship money and $15,000 in tree
products tor students. according to the
contract between [K and ('m‘at‘ola.
As a hen ot’t‘icial L'K sponsor.
(‘oke “I” pay up to $120001“) oyer
a ten year period in sponsorship tees

to the university.


"We are e\cited about the tiniyerv
sity ‘s neyy relationship \\ith (‘oca~
said UK President Lee Todd. in

a neyys release. “(‘oke has made a seri-
ous commitment to [K itiyesting
in scholarships and \Itltlcnl~spt>lts0f€tl
eycnts that “ill positiyely impact otir
campus community oyer the next scy~
eral years."

Pepsi‘s current contract \\lll1 l'K
ends .luly 31 and the company \yill be
responsible for remoung all ot its
yending machines so (‘oca-(‘ola can
move in. Tyyo hundred lorty yending
machines will be eychanged .‘s0 ot
the new vending machines \inI accept




(in over M li'11:1111.s:li13111'1rt111111i>rlt1rrr1is
_ l

, .

"‘1.‘\ll at .Siirrarierfest at the Artur





Weekend party in the park

Members of the UK and Lexington
communities gathered at the UK Ar—
boretum Sunday to enjoy the Kentucky

Classical Theatre
mert‘est. The

Liquor Barn and ’atsy'

Conservatoryk Sum—
ey'ent. sponsored by
and Lee Todd.

includes performances of Romeo and
Juliet. The (rumble and The firming of

the Shreri‘.

This weekend s le. atuic d play is The
filming of the .S/ireu. Gates open

tonight through Sunday at 7 pm.


preshow begins at 8 and the play will
start at 8:45. Admission is $8 for adults

and $5 for children.

\1; 1i

:11‘ has Hess s11



H111 lassi 194111 a it 111 tefr‘

tbs, Artyyiypfy p .1181" s


Gas leak causes Limestone traffic to be rerouted

(ilenn (‘hair ol I'rolouy

Tral‘tic oit South Limestone
temporarily rerouted yesterday due to a
gas leak near the [K ('handler Hospi-
tal Parking (iarage. according to a
campus-Wide e-mail sent out by l'K

Around H a in. a L‘I‘HSIHHJIUH
contractor struck a gas line while \york-
ing to btiild the intrastructure tor the
neyy hospital. according to the e mail.

lTK hospital and the Kentucky
(‘liitic stayed open tor patients and \ is
itors during the day

The gas line was repaired at 4 pm
yesterday. and Limestone was opened
back up to through trat'tic by (1 pm

\\ llS

Students to apply for parking via
Internet, mail

Students are required to apply for
\.II‘HPUS parking permits tor the 300"~
os‘ school year online or by marl li‘orti
\iig | to Sept 34. according to a news

Walk in \ll‘lflnlk‘r\ “ill be permit
ted until Aug l

Student (I R and K permits are
SZUN tor the year Permit application
cards to apply through the mail are
ayailable at in Parking Structure #(1. at
the P] S satellite UlTlLt‘ located in room
30‘) ot the Kelly Building or on the

First issue free. Subsequent issues 25 com.



hrs! floor ol Parking Structure 17‘
To .ipply online,
\y\\\\.iiky.cdii parking


Cancer foundation names new
president, CEO

Dr Randall Royyland “as recently
named as the ire“ president and chiet
executive ot'ticcr ot the Markey (‘ancer
l‘oundation. according to a neyys re

Royyland has \york'ed at the [K
(‘Iiandler‘ Hospital for H) years. is a
protcss'or of surgery in the [K (‘ollege
ol Medicine and ser\ es as the lames [5

Vlarkey (aiicer lound ition
board to support the M iikey (‘aricer
(‘ciiter in this time ot gioyyth opportu
and opportunities on the horiIon while
\yot'king “Nb a wry Strong statt and
board or the Markey (‘ancer Founda—
tion ”

tron has btiilt four facilities
no“ comprise the Markey ('ancer fen»
ter at [K

re C‘ML‘I/t‘ the
and its

“My eoal is to

Royyliind said. iii the ncyys re~
"I look t'oruard to challenges

(b er the past 10 years. the tourida—

and donated them to the


debit cards. and (‘okc \in| add it) to
that number eyery year.

There are no hard feelings with
Pepsi. said Bill Harris. director of pur-
chasing tor ['K.

"Their contract “as up. we could«
n't reneyy it. so it had to be rebid,"
Harris said. “(‘ok’e just had the better

Pepsi. \yhicli has been the official
drink sponsor of ['K for the last five
years. said they understtmd L'K's deci»

See Coke on page 3


future for
Ky. city

By Blair Thomas

Uthomasakykernel com

The tuture ot the Ohio Riser
yyatert‘r’ont in a yyestern Kentucky
to\yn is in the hands ot~ students
trom the [K School ot Architec-
ture and the Southern (‘alitomia In
stitute ot .»\rchitecture tS(.‘l-Arcl in
l.o.s Angelcs

After spending a neck in Heri»
derson. l8 students trom both
schools proposed a protect includ
ing changes to signage and a rede»
\elopnicut plan on the riyertront to
lotal business people. deyelopers
and political leaders on June IS.

The group. led by [K architec~
ltilL' llr‘iiri l‘ariislr and
.lelt‘rey liraba ot S(‘l»;\rc. t’nVl'
sioncd l'utuie changes to the \yatct»
tront e\pcrieiice by creating a na—
ter'lroiit roadyy'ay. deyeloping a my
er \\alk path and increasing
ational interaction on the
Parrish said.

"The project is important to
bringing a younger demographic
and economic benelits to Hender~
said Parrish. a Henderson na-




:\ tinal presentation ot the pro-
ject “ill be presented in Henderson
on \ug._ ‘ .l'airish said

The proposal includes a \\;iter~
tront tacelit't that \\otlld add “alk-
iiig trails. running paths. gardens
and tountairis to parking lots and
areas that currently haye oycr-
groyyn and unkempt landscapes

\Vildlttc conseryatiori. \\t‘llt'i!lil

51111 Henderson 11 '1 :- 3

T ‘thk

By James Pennington
SDt)-'TS@K\/ll.er't8l com

Rra/il seems like an unlikely
place tor No l K athletes to pro\ e

Hut tor .leiina Martin and [2111in
Bernhardt. both members of l'K‘s
track and held ream. Bra/d was the
staging ground ot' one of the most
important eyents ot their athletic

Representing their indiyidual
countries in the Pan American Ju
nior (Tlulllplr‘l‘tSllll‘S that took
place trom July h to X. Bernhardt
and \1artin earned high

Martin. a sophomore sprinter
from Noya Scotia. (‘anada rep
resented her home country in
No events and made strides
both for her team and herself

Martin eamed second place in
the 400~metet dash. shattering both
her personal best and the FR

See Track on page 3


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 PAGEZ | Thursday July 26, 2007

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By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, merit the dirt. s rat
mg 70 as the eaves? day 0 the mist chanting

Aries (March 21
is a 7
clearing out the confusion.
to be worried about appear now

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Today
is a 9 Yoti like to build things that will
last for several generations. That's the kind
of deal yoti could close now. At least go
shopping for one.

Gemini (May 2] - June 2]) Today
is a (r . Sell-discipline is required to mas-
ter a complex siibiect. Keep practicing. ey en
it you don‘t see much progress “We it

(‘ancer (June 22 - July 22)

- April 19) 7 Today
Physical exercise has a way of
Things you itsed
ti) be

, Today is

a 9 , Conditions are excellent for produc-
ing wealth with your imagination. Dust off
that million—dollar idea and start making it

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) Today is a 7

You‘re lucky in love and with travel
now. especially with anAries. There will be
occasional arguments btit nothing to worry
about. Just say you re sorry

\irgo ( \ug. 23- Sept. 22) Today is
a o lurn over that last rock. the one
you‘re really worried abotit. You‘ll find
there‘s no substaitce to one of your oldest
tears. Pretty cool. eh"

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) 7 Today is
a (r Without even reali/iiig what was go—
ing on. you‘ve grown to understand a great
philosophical truth. Life will never be the
satire. and this is good.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) ~ Today is
a If) You‘re doing so well financially. it‘s
a little Iiard to believe To prove it's not a
dream. keep good records

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) , To-
day is a 7 , ()tlrers naturally look to you

for humorous words of wisdom. You‘re
about to come out with another good one.
too. Watch out. world?

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - .lan. 19) ~ To»
day is an x -— You may actually have more
hidden away than you realize. How long
has it been since you had those things ap-
praised? Now is a good time.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) 4 Today
is a o »—- You and your friends are continu—
nicating well but not about work. You're not
going to meet your quota if you don‘t start
taking care of business.

Pisces (Feb. I9 - March 20) W Today
You can blast right through the
glass ceiling that used to limit your
progress. You‘ve been practicing and saving
tip energy for this moment. Nothing can
stop you now.

is a 9 _.



They re beautiful, successful and rich. What more could a guy ask for? Why
Jennifer Aniston and Cameron Diaz are still looking for Mr Right

Dating is difficult e\ en under the best of
circurtistairces Who would think
looks_ wealth and power would make it
even harder ‘ Ilut for so rrrariy of today s top
female celebs, finding a great guy is harder
than fitting into those si/e I) I Brand ieans
Sure. there are plenty of men out there who
would want to date them. but not many
measure tip both physically and l‘l'ttlc‘sslt)”
ally - after all. there is orily one
(‘looney aitd e\er'yoire knows he s not setr
tling dowir anytime soon



In fact. the bachelor pool is so small that
some of Hollywood's most eligible women
often appear to be during down respeerally
when their rrrale counterparts scctii to enioy
dating younger). How else to eyplairi how
grungy ('isco Adler once landed a beauty
like Mischa Barton ’ ()I' why lindsay l olrarr
and Mary-Kate Olsen would all put up with
the likes of Stavros .\'i;rrchos‘ In rrrany
ways. when a woman becortres so Ilcll and
successful at a young age. there simply
aren‘t that many men who can adapt to her
lifestyle and. at the same time. make her feel
like she's No 1 Below. air evartiiiiation of
the hell that is Hollywood dating

1. Men are intimidated really easily

Sure. guys fantasi/e about dating Ilolly-
wood hotties. biit in reality. their egos ofteir
can't handle it. "Regular guys are made very
anxious lby Alrst starsl.” psychiatrist Dr
Amold (iilberg of the [KIA David (ieffen
School of Medicine tells l's "They feel


there is too math to Iultill.’ When it comes
to successful rttale stars. there's an added el<
ement of competition. Is it just a coinci—
dence that the man‘iages of Reese Wither-
spoon. ll (who split front Ryan Phillippe.
32. last fall). and .Iennifer (iarner. 35 (di~
voiced lroirr Scott I‘oley. 35. in 2003).
ct'tiitibled while the women were in career

”l‘or very successful women it‘s difficult
to Irrid irren that are equals." says Gilbei‘g
l5or Hollywood‘s top earners those competi-
tiye feelings make the dating pool even
smaller While Newsweek reports that 25
percent of women earn nrore than their
spouses. one study states that men are more
likely to choose partners wrtlt less successful
careers for longrterm relatiottships. "I had a
powerful actress as a client who ended up
marrying a very unsuccessful actor only be.
cause the successful actors didn't get along
with her." says NYC-based therapist Dr.
Michael Grove. The reason for the friction'.’
"I think she scared them off." he says. "If
you had taken the lcroes out of her salary. it
would have worked."

But datrtrg down isn't always the answer.
In fact. less-fariious guys sometimes date A-
listers to up their prolile During Dial's l'oiirv»
date fling with magician (‘riss Angel. 38. he
iriissed no opportunity to narnevdrop the ac
tress. (lIis etcwife did sortie tttttllC-tlrtlpplng
of her own by including Dia/ in her divorce
suit.) And would Isaac (‘ohen have ever
been on the cover of l's had he not had a
brief relationship with Britney Spears earlier
this year" "I think every guy wants to be a

celeb here. reality—series vet Brittny
(iastineau. 24. tells L's about I..A.. where
she has been living for two years. adding.
”Fame in airy si/e is very intoxicating."

2. Hollywood breeds narcissism

The riiale ego isn't the only problem. Ac-
cordriig to a study published last year by
L'SC professors Drew Pinsky and S. Mark
Young (w ho administered a test to hundreds
of stars). narcissism is common « wow. sur-
prise? - among celebrities. In addition to
craving attention. narcissists have inflated
senses of self and lack empathy — not ideal
characteristics iii a mate. "It is a personality
trait that usually revolves around emptiness
and substance abuse." says Pinsky. Even if
narcissism isn't at fatilt. the value of com-
promise diminishes in a town where the
most minor celebs are showered with free—
bies. privilege and elevated status. In other
words. stars are constantly told they are spe-
cial. So if two stars collide. they clash over
who is the center of attention. The solution‘.’
l:llltl a less visible mate (is it any wonder
that Julia Roberts went from Benjamin Bratt
to cameraman Danny Moder?) But most
stars feel they deserve to date other stars.
And therein lies the problem. last picture it
as a Itrgh school clique (as Dial recently de»
scribed it) where no one can date outside the
popular crowd.


' 'ltttt‘l‘i‘ t-- .,i ii. \l ‘



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11111111111111.11111111;).1111- ‘1

school 11111111 1111' the 1‘11‘111 111111
11 111111‘ 111 5| 1)1

111 111‘1 111111‘1' 1‘11‘111 th1‘
1.11111171111‘11‘1' 1‘1‘111) Muitm r1111
her leg in 51.2 seconds. helping
1111‘ (‘1111111111111 11‘11111 111 111111111
1111111: 111111 1111 1111‘1'.1ll 111111‘ 111
‘1 311‘ 85

Her pcr111r11111n1'1‘ 111 the P1111
.‘\1111‘1‘1c11n .11111111r ('humpli
11ns111ps 11111111111) 11111k1‘s Mzmin
the fastest sprtnter In school his-

“lt 1111-11ns .1 1111 111 1111‘ bc~
cause K1‘111111'l11 1s11h1g school.”
sht‘ said 1111 111‘1 111‘11 41111»1111‘tcr
1111sh r1‘1‘11111. “B11111: 111111: 111 h11111
111111 record is 11‘r1 h111111r11h11‘."

l'K sprinhng 111111‘11 lirm
Tucker 1s 11‘1'1 plc1111‘11 111111 1111‘
results 1111111 Month‘s 11111.

"11111111111134 1111111‘ together

1111 Bra/111." 111‘ s11111. "'1‘111.‘ sue
11‘» 11 [1‘11 111‘1‘11s 11311 11111 11111111‘
her 11 lot hungricr. 11111.“

Martin‘s l'K 11‘111111111111‘
11160 11111111‘ 11 strong.y 1111p111‘t 111
1111‘ 1‘1111111pi1111s111p. In Bra/ll.
s11pl11111111r1‘ 11111111'1‘1 Bernhardt
represented 1111‘ 1'11111‘11 States
111111 pl11cc‘1l 111111111 111 the 1111111~
1111‘1‘ 11111111; 1111111111111; .11 173—

A truck 11lhl1‘t1‘

111111 1‘11'111


Contmuod1101111111111? ‘1


“11 1111s 11 3111111 partnership.
111‘ 11ppr1‘1‘11111‘11 1111‘ business. 111111
111111 it‘s over." s11111 Sarah
Friend. Pepsi‘s 811111111 Repre-
s1‘11111111‘1‘. “There 1111‘ 1111 1111111

The (‘11111~(‘11|‘.1 (111111111111
said 1111‘} 111111‘ 11 posittw 11111—
1111111 111r 1111‘ contract

"Students c1111 111111 1‘111111
their 1‘111111‘111‘ (11111111111 111‘11‘17
ages on campus.” M1111 Ahxon


F11111‘r1111il‘1 P17111191- ‘1

npunsion. urban gr11111h and 1111111 1111‘111111 c1111~
1111111111111 1111‘ 1111 concerns 111 the project. 1’11rr1sh


1111‘ 111111. proposes 1‘1‘11111111111‘ 111:111‘111s such 11s
111111‘1'11‘11111 l111t1‘1s .11111 111111111111 1111111g1‘1111‘ 111111s111111
11111111‘ 1‘111‘1111‘1s 111 1111111 s111h1‘1111s 1111 1111‘ 11111111
1‘11111sl1 111 1111‘ same 111121.

111111111- 111111 1111111

once sh1‘ \1 11s s1\ 11‘111's 11111.
B1‘1'11l1.11111 1111s been .1 patrt 111 1111-
1111‘1'1111s 11‘111'11 1111‘1‘1s. 11111 x1111l 1111‘
1‘1111-1'11‘1111‘111 11111‘1'11.1111111111 111111
111‘11111111 .11 the l’.111 Ann-1111111 Ju
111111'( 11111111111111sh|ps 1111‘.1nl :1 1111
111 her

"1111‘ 11‘11‘1 111 1'11111111‘11111111
1111s 11111 1th) 111111‘11‘111 than .1 1111
1c.1| 1‘11111‘gc 1111‘1‘1.” Bernhardt
\11111. "1111111‘11‘1. 1‘11‘11111111g .11'
1'11111p111111‘11 111111 the 1111‘1‘1 \\;1\
16311111611111, N11“ 111111 1‘11‘1‘17
pcricnt‘cd 1111111 111111 11111 111‘ 11111‘.
1 think I‘ll be better prepared 1111
11111‘1'1111111111111 L‘OlllpL‘llllUll 111 the
1'111111‘1‘ ”

Bernhardt has 1'111‘111‘11 11 11111117
11111111 honors 111 truck 111111111111;
s11 high school .1\1l~.1\1111‘r1c1111
1111;11‘11s. thrcc h1gh school 1111-
111111.11 c'llllliliilfilhllllh .11111 11111
l'S.-\ 1111111111'11.1111pi1111sh1ps

”\ltt“\ 11' lL‘tillt‘\\ T \.1111
111111: R1‘11111l111 K 111111111113;
111.1111 5111 \11111 1 1.1111‘ 1111 1111‘
1111 .111~\11‘r, ,-\111111111g 11111 .1s11 111‘1'
1111111~ she's 1111111; 1111:111‘ 11111
1111) percent."

l)1‘sp|t1‘ 1111 .111‘1‘11111 strong: 11‘
su1111‘, Re1n11l11s 111111 111‘ thtnks
11011111111111 is still 1111111111}: its :1

Bernhardt agrees 111111 111-
111‘11‘s she 1111s 111st gotten .111111s11
1‘11 111 her couches 111111 \\11I'l\(1111\
111 1K.

"I spent this 111st 112111111117

1.1‘111s. senior 1111‘ president 111
11111111‘1 s11l1‘s 111111 1111111111111; 111111
(‘111‘11—(‘11111 M11111 A1111‘r1c11. 111 11
news release.

"“1‘ 11rc‘ pr111111 111 111:1:111111‘
L'K‘s 1111111111 111‘11‘1'11341‘ pr1111111‘1‘.
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Alli. Garza, ithtillr mirror
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Summer wrap
the good,

the bad,

the expensive

A lot Iias happened this sum—
mer. and we‘ve had opinions
about all of it. For our last issue.
this edit board would like to take a
look back at some of the high
points and the low ones.

Thumbs up

I Three programs at L'K's
Chandler Hospital rank in the top
50 across the nation. according to
LS. News and World report.
Those programs , gynecology.
ear. nose and throat. and cancer »—
give us hope that UK hospital will
continue its path to leading the
university to a top-20 ranking.

"There are those doubters of
top-20. but we already are at the
top." said Jay Perman. dean of the
College of Medicine. in a July 19
Kernel article. “These rankings say
to everyone that it can be done.
And if it can be done in gynecolo—
gy. then it can also be done in Eng—
lish and history."

As interesting a comparison as
that is. we agree.

W‘ applaud the efforts of the
Chandler Hospital and oiily wish
for the rest of the university to fol-
low in its shoes. If one department
makes it. why can‘t all of them‘.’

I We‘ve been following Stu»
dent Government‘s search for an
adviser closely. and though the
search certainly hasn't gone as
quickly as anticipated. an adviser
is sure to be a benefit.

The adviser will ultimately
help 50 bring resolutions it passes
to the UK administration and more
easily transition those to the stu»
dent body. The adviser will help
move resolutions that are passed
by the 50 Senate to the campus
administrations that can address
the concems of the legislation and
apply them to I'K.

The adviser will also help tran-
sitions from one year‘s SC to the
next year's administration run

However. the position of
adviser. which pays over a nice
350.000 per year. is not one to
be taken lightly. We hope 50
arid Student Affairs cfioose a
candidate for the position who
ready to the tasks

Thumbs down
I Let‘s face it.

is face

we live in a


country whose citi/ens tend to be
a bit narcissistic. We‘re proud to
be Americans. but we’re not so
proud of some of our behaviors.

Most Americans were proba-
bly more concerned with Paris
Hilton‘s stay in jail or with won—
dering when Lindsay Lohan would
get her next DL’I than the one~year
anniversary of 4.000 IIe/bollah
rockets hitting northern Israel on
July 12.

A year ago. when the conflict
began. American media outlets
paid plenty of attention. but after
the cease-fire went into effect on
Aug. H. the media tumed to more
“pressing” items of business.
He/bollah. Lebanon. Israel and a
suddenly rising death toll in the
face of a humanitarian crisis faded
itito the background as we moved

However. the world is larger
than Hilton's jail cell. and Ameri-
cans 7 ourselves included 77
should Icam to be more conccmcd
about others and try to find ways
to help.

I lit April. I‘K‘s Board of
Trustees passed a package of new
benefits for employees. However.
one of those benefits
partner benefits _. took the spot—
light away from the others.

We‘re all for the benefits
package -- domestic partner ben-
efits included 7 btit we don't ap-
preciate other benefits being ne—




employees is a tuition discount

also available to
for a spouse. partner or one de-
pendent. Thc university is also
buildng two new childcare cen<
tei's for faculty and staff. creating
additional opportunities for pro,
fessional development and career
advancement for staff. including a
full-time and
adding a staff member and iii-

carcer counselor
creasing funding for the work-life

While we applaud these ei»
forts. we wish they would all get
the attention they deserve.



y/as anyone Seen
the issues?



BRETT NOLAN, Kernel cartoonist

The top UK sporting events to see

Over the last few w eeks the Lexington
HeraId~Leader Iias run two articles. one on
the top sports events around the nation one
has to see before dying. the other the top
Kentucky sports events one has to see be-
fore dying. So. in light of the fact that this

is a topic that can be
stretched and ex-
panded a thousand
different ways. why
not put down the top
I'K sports events to
see before you gradu»
atc'.’ Seeing that I am.
of course. the be-all-
and—end-all determin-
er of this list (I. I've
graduated 3. I‘ve
been to numerous
sporting events 3.
I’ve covered numer-
ous sporting events as
a reporter) there is no reason to think that
the Kemel is just publishing this column to
H“ space or because we are out of options
lunlike the other paper down the street),

So here it is. the top I'K sporting
events you have to before you



I [K football against Vanderbilt -—
It's cold whenever the Cats play the Com-
modores. Probably because it‘s November.
btit also in a very symbolic way. UK by
now either sucks. is desperate for a win or
needs the win to make a bowl game ap—
pearance. Vandy is in the same position.
Each and every year it‘s the same story.
And that makes for good football. When ei-
ther team is pinned against a comer and the
weather is too cold to cheer the best thing
to do is grab a hot chocolate and scream
your lungs out in the biting early winter af—
ternoon. And good things are always sure
to come. The last time Vandy beat UK. the
students tore out the goal post. The last
time I'K won. a bowl game was more than
a dream.

I [K soccer against a big team w If
you've never gone to a UK men’s soccer
game you wouldn't understand the sure
ferocity of what happens on the field. Es-
pecially when they play a big team. be—
cause that‘s w