xt78kp7tqm5f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78kp7tqm5f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-07-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 03, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 03, 1996 1996 1996-07-03 2020 true xt78kp7tqm5f section xt78kp7tqm5f  


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eaaeowooaoaowooo KENTZchY






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Lexington offer; a
wide variety of
Fourth festivities.
See page 7.






Road war/e to be
completed early

By Chris Pad an
Editor In Cbie

Expansion plans for UK’s Virginia
Avenue entrance are months ahead of
schedule according to the Lexington-
based project contractor.

Joe Hodkins, president of J. M.
Craw ord and Associates, the company






"gum Amp'qm' will

that is handling central contracting for
the $4.8 million expansion of the road
to five lanes, says that road work
should be done in a little more than 15
months, nine fewer than was originally

Hodkins wants students, residents
and those who usuall use the road to
be inconvenienced as ittle as possible.

“We realize the sensitive nature of
where this work is being done and we
are t 'ng our ve best to accommo-
date t e interest 0 the large number of
p‘eople who use this roadway,” Hod-

_ 'ns said.

Good weather and hard-working
employees are two factors that are
being cited for the project’s rapid
pro ess.

“ e are hoping to have a substan-
tial part of the work done rim to stu-
dents coming back this fa l," Hodkins
said. “We are tryin to get the work
done now that wilf cause the least
amount of disturbance to the students
now while there are relatively few on

According to Hodkins, the new Vir-
ginia Avenue bridge should be com-
plete by this fall to replace the old

ridge that was built around the turn
of the century.

Business owners i?‘ thebleircine 3;] the
improvement prqect' ave t a
significant blow in the number oftheit
patrons who fry-em their stores since
the beginnin the road work.

David hfiller, mans r of the
Winn-Dixie store on Virginia Avenue,






am I I“ Work toutin-

uenntbemflwtiou tbeVirgim'a
Amubn'dgend WW“.
has noticed a loss of business sincethe
startofthep ' .

‘Wearefee' amajorlossinbmi-
ness,’ Miller sai .‘But weknowthat





M 3, 1996

'N Clarxifiedr 11 Featurer 4

2 Spam 10 Vim‘poim 8





Second ottioer
shot in domestic dispute

LEXINGTON, Ky. —— A Lexington police
officer was shot and wounded while attempting to
intervene in a domestic dispute, becoming the
second officer shot in the line of duty in less than
two weeks.

Police Chief Larry Walsh said at a news con-
ference Monday that the shooting of Officer Tim
Russell demonstrated the problems police face
from guns. He blasted Kentucky lawmakers for
voting to allow Kentuckians to obtain permits to
carry concealed weapons. '

“You realize how frivolous these stupid laws
are,” Walsh said. “They need to do something
about these darn guns because they’re every-

Russell, 31, was in fair condition Monday at
the University of Kentucky Medical Center. He
was shot once in the neck late Sunday night.

Jerry Lee Lewis, 38, of Lexington, was charged
with attempted murder and resisting arrest. He
was treated at Samaritan Medical Center alter
being sprayed with pepper gas during the arrest,
then he was taken to jail.

Lewis made his initial appearance in Fa ette
District Court later Monday. judge Sheila isaac
appointed a public defender to represent Lewis
and set bond at $250,000 cash. A preliminary
hearing was scheduled forjuly 10.

sum Campbellsville
dorms no smoke-tree

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. — Two of Cam -
bellsville University’s four dormitories will
smoke-free when students return to campus in the
fall, the school announced.

Academic buildings at the private Baptist col-
lege have been smoke-free for several years,
according to a statement Monday from the

Most of the colleges and universities around
the state allow smoking in private rooms in resi-
dence halls.

Spokesmen for both the University of Ken-
tucky and the University of Louisville said stu-
dents were permitted to smoke in individual
rooms in'residence halls, but that smoking was
prohibited in common areas in dormitories or fra-
ternity and sorority houses.

Smoking is also allowed in dorm rooms at
Eastern Kentucky University and Morehead Scare
aliversity, although it‘s banned in most other

After a January I993 directive from then-Gov.
Brereton Jones, Kentucky’s state universities
implemean non-smofing policies at most cam-
pus buddmss

Coupled)?" m and sufl'repam.

‘ *" ' ""‘€Hewwas~'34;.u5‘;m-'~‘9 ‘1' '



 2 Wednesday, My 3, 1996, Kentucky Kernel






;_ KchuCKY Newsroom. ...... (606) 257—1915
K Advertising....~..(606) 257-2871
Fax ................... (606) 323-1906
8 r n e I E-Mail ..... kernel©pop.uky.edu -
Editor In Chief ................................................... Chris Padgett
Assistant Editor ............................................... Sheri Phalsaphie
Cbiebeoto apberJames CriSp - ' ,
On—Line bigger: ...................................................... Scott Drake . ' . - I ’ a
Chemo” Editor ............................................... Tiffany White - v’ , ' " ' ’ I . ’ ' ' " ‘“~’ " " , " ‘
News LdztorJulie Anderson '
Spam Editor ........................................................ Brett Dawson i
Features Editor .................................................. Eric M. Zeman
Senior Stufl‘Co/unmirt ................................ Ashley Shrewsbury ‘
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Staff Reporters
Hope Artis ...................... Ann Boden ................... Craig Bealer
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The Kean Kernel is a publication of Kernel Press Inc.
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MES cmsr Kernels-m}?


”UMBER: on "If RISE The Lexington Community College has experienced a I4 perrent increase in stu—
dent population—a 40 percent increase in enrollment from I 993.

Lee enrollment booming

Staff Report

In an era when “downsizing”
is affecting nearly everyone, Lex—
ington Community College is
bucking the trend.

The school’s student popula—
tion for the first of two summer
terms grew 14 percent over last
year, and is up 40 percent since
1993. That’s good news to LCC
President Janice N. Friedel.

“()ur fall semester enrollment
increased about 6 percent last
year, but we’ve seen a tremen-
dous jump in summer enroll—
ment,” Friedel said. “We’re
anticipating even more summer
growth as we become a college
of choice for students.”

There were 1,095 students
enrolled in LCC’s first six—week
summer session for this year.
compared to 961 in 1995, 864 in
1994 and 786 in 1993. That
reversed a trend that saw the
enrollment drop nine percent

during the previous two years.
There are several reasons for the
sudden picku in summer enroll-
ment, Friederaid.

Many pre-baccalaureate, four-
year students are coming to
LCC to take specific courses
because we offer smaller classes
and more personal attention,”
she explained. “Our su port ser—
vices are geared to ai students
in bein successful.”

In a dition, more students are
taking summer classes to lighten
the academic load during the
regular semesters, she noted.

“Research has shown that stu-
dents are taking longer than four
years to earn a baccalaureate
degree and more than two years
for an associate’s degree,” said
Friedel. “That’s due to the need
to work full- or part-time and
other modem-day demands.”

While most of the non-tradi-
tional adult students attend fall
and spring semesters. summer

lexington Community College Enrollment

"" 1991—1996




schools are comprised mostly of
full-time students working
toward their degrees. In summer,
the average age of a student

A demographic study showed
that while 52 percent of LCC’s
students come from Fayette
County, the students body also
has representatives from 22
countries. Full-time students
make up 59 percent of the popu-
lation. es range from 16 to 76
years 01 , with 53 percent being

It is not clear if this trend is
statewide, since the onl other
community college which offers
two six—week summer sessions is
Ashland Community College.
The others offer a four-week and
an eight-week session for sum-
mer students, same as the Uni-
versity of Kentucky’s main cam-


Many colleges are finding stu-
dent enrollment drops as the
economy picks up and more jobs
become available, but that isn’t
happlening at LCC, Friedel said.

“ oday’s job market demands
com uter knowledge and higher
leve skills, and that’s why more
adults are enrolling at communi-

colleges,” said Friedel.
“Instead of displacing peo le
from jobs, the computer as
opened up new areas of employ-
ment. We will continue to look
at new technologies and l1ew
programs to help meet these
employment needs.”







Kentucky Kernel, u’edmsday, 71d] 3, 1996 8


THE.'.\VA r1 '4‘ T‘ I:T All? .i'h "‘ :uwf‘


(v 1.1m, gut; .igcm my”








UK Archives
invites inquiry

By Joe Dobner
Contributing Writer

Bill Marshall likes nothing
more than lookin through peo-
ple’s attics and c osets. In fact,
that’s his job.

Marshall is the director of the
UK Library S ecial Collections
department. If it belongs in the
library and it isn’t a circulating
book, special collections proba-
bly handles it.

Special collections is an amal-
gam of different departments,
such as UK Archives and Office
Records. These departments
collect and store all rinted
materials produced by K, UK
employees and Rare Books,
which collects one—of-a-kind and
very old texts.

Other departments include
the King Library
Press, Modern Polit-
ical Papers, Audiovi-
sual Archives, Oral
History and the
Appalachian Collec—
tion and Manu-

“Our biggest area
is Kentuckiana. We .
t to collect every- 1
thing about Ken- 3
tucky or by Kentuck-
ians,” Marshall said.

Marshall and
other Special Collec-
tions staff go out and
find material, usually
in private hands. f
“Most of what we get
is through gifts,” he said.

For instance, Wilson Wyatt
gave his political correspondence
and papers to Modern Political
Papers, which is archiving them
currently. Wyatt, who died
recently, was a former Louisville
mayor, lieutenant governor and

was the campaign manager for
Adlai Stevenson in 1952.

Special Collections doesn’t
just archive information that has
already been collected. For
example, Oral History conducts
transcribes and stores interviews
with everyone from prominent
Kentucky politicians to family

Only about 10 percent of the
over 5000 interviews stored in
Oral Histo are conducted by
its staff. “a try to serve as an
archive for other oral historians
in the other regions,” said Terry
Birdwhistell, head of the Oral
History runent.

A major job of the Special
Collections staff is assisting
patrons. Marshall also,worlts at
the reference desk, where
patrons come for help finding




Hill I": SIIIIPIIISES UK Special Collections, located in Margaret 1.

‘ Kernel Ira/9'

King Library North, ba: original: letters from Henry Clay Ertate.

documents, as the materials are
not necessarily stored in the
same fashion from department to

“A large part of our function
is researching,” said
Frank Stan er, a
worker for e UK
Archives and Office
Records. Patrons can
ask questions at the
reference desk and in
certain cases, the staff
does the researches
them. “It is a very
process,” Stanger

The Special Collec-
tions department
began in 1946 as a
result of the be uest
‘ ofJudge Samuel ll-
son’s personal collec-

tion, which comprised about

1000 cubic feet of documents.

Since those humble beginnings,
Special Collections now occupies

almost the entirety of King
Library North.

Once the W. T. Youn library
is completed, Special Co lections
will move their 30,000 cubic feet
of documents and 130,000 vol-
umes into the first two sections
of King Library South. This will
allow them to bring the several
thousand cubic feet of docu-
ments stored offsite back into
easy reach of patrons. Also in the
future of Special Collections is
the World Wide Web.

There are already some docu-
ments on the web (and also
accessible by gopher), and indi-
cies of some collections are being
made available via the web. Man-
uscri ts are already in the
NO S database.

Marshall is excited about any
and all ways to make the materi-
als in S cial Collections more
accessib e to patrons. “It’s dis-
covery when we first find some-
thing, and it’s discovery all over
a ain when a student uses it,”

arshall said.



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 '- 4 Widncrday, July 3, 1996. Kcntm‘ky Kernel



Philharmonic ollcl's patriotic
music and lun lol‘ the holiday

By Carl Hoekelman
Stuff ll '11!”

exception when the Lexington
Philharmonic takes center stage
at Transylvania University along
with vocalists Melissa Kelley
Baber, Othello Pumphery and
the Lexington Singers.

George Zack, conductor of
the Philharmonic for 24 years, or
most of its lifetime, says this con—
cert “is one of our favorites”

The Fourth of july means
parades, cook-outs and fire—
works. For more than 10 years, it
has also meant performances by
the Lexington Philharmonic in
downtown Lexington.

This holiday weekend is no
. i . . _ ‘ ., . . '3
- 35:, *i 3%.;




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because of the large number of
listeners, the casual atmosphere
and the spirit of the holiday.
Although arts in Lexington
have wide appeal and value, Zack
laments, “We don’t have the his—

tory of arts support that
Louxsville does, but we are
changing that.”

“When you study community,
you study its arts. You don’t
study its sports,” Zack said.

Zack has lived in a variety of
communities during the years he
spent obtaining his education.
He attended VVitchita State for
undergraduate study, the Uni-
versity of Michigan for graduate
work and was awarded a doctor-
ate from Florida State. He also
attended Yale, where he did
some post-graduate work.

Although Zack has received
offers to go to other more ‘artsy’

towns, he prefers to stay in Lex-

ington. “It’s a mar-
velous place to live,
to raise a family”
Zack said.

The Lexington
Orchestra performed
its first Fourth ofjuly
concert downtown
on the steps of the
Central Bank office.
Later, the concert
site moved to the
Citizens’ Fidelity
Bank. This year’s
concert is being held
at Transylvania Uni-

The July Fourth
concert is typically
the warmest outdoor
concert of the year
for the orchestra.
Temperatures typi-
cally reach the upper
805 and lower 905.
The members doff
their tuxedos and
long black skirts to



don more sun-sensible white
shirts, blouses, dark pants and

and skirts.

Selecting the music
for this kind of con-
cert is not as simple
as one would like to
think. “This town
loves tradition...but
you play the national
songs and now what
do you do?” Zack

However difficult the
selection process is,
Zack is never at a loss
for ideas. The
orchestra has a
“Salute to the Armed
Forces” prepared for
tonight’s concert,
which features music
from all five branches
of service.

Good weather pend-
ing, Zack expects the
crowd number to
reach five thousand.
He said, “It’s a huge
crowd, you have peo-
ple listening to the
music in Gratz Park,”
which is two blocks away from
the concert site.



Win money writing poetry, fiction

By Eric M. Zeman

Features Editor

Lexington area writers are
invited to participate in three
writing contests.

free Poetry competition

The grand prize is $1,000 and
$500 to second place. Other
pgizes include a $50 award plus-

ok awards. The competition is
free and open to everyone.

Send one original poem of
any subject or style to Famous
Poets of America, Dept. Free
Poetry Competition, 1626 N.


Wilcox Ave., Suite 126, Holly-

wood, CA 9002 8. Do not exceed

21 lines. The deadline is July 31.

For more information, call Dr.

glarolyn Vanderbilt at (800) 689—

"III '00!!! "llltl 00“.“

The grand prize is $1,000.
This competition is also free and
open to everyone.

To enter, send in one original
poem of any style or subject to
Poetry Contest, 1712 E. River-
side Dr., Suite 147, Austin, Texas
78741-1320. Do not exceed 21
lines. The deadline isJuly 21.



writer's fllu Project

The Chesterfield Film Com-
any is offering up to five
£20,000 fellowships to fiction
writers. Acce tance is based sole-
ly on storytel ing talent.
Interested writers should call
(213) 683-3977 or send a SASE
to the Writer’s Film Pro'ect in
care of the Chesterfiel Film
Company, 8205 Santa Monica
Blvd, Suite 200 Santa Monica,
CA 90046. Applications and
information may also be
obtained at the intemet site at
h ://www.infoboard.com/chest
e eldI.


* a «a «v, ....,. -...












Kentucky Kernel, lVednerday, ]rrly 3, 1996 5


WHAT'Syour Sign?

By Suzanne Hatfield

Aries (March 21-April 19):
You are blessed with the summer
job of being a server. This job
requires you to be pleasant with
rude people or whose existence
is a burden on the planet. Con-
stant niceness slowly wears on
your sanity. Soon, you snap at
work and run after a customer,
attempting to stab the person in
the heart with a salad fork.

Taurus (April 20-May 20):
You have decided that you are
not going to work this summer.
Instead, you decide to sleep as
much as you possibly can. So,
you routinely sleep 22 hours a
day. Unfortunately, your family
mistakes you for dead and buries
you alive. Yet, even in your final
moments, you believe that laying
in a coffin is much better than
mgspping the floor at McDon—
al .

Gemini (May 21—June 21):
You work at a retail clothing
store. You don’t fold or hang up
your own stuff so straightening
up someone else’s clothes is too
ironic. You go to check the dress-
ing rooms and realize that cus—
tomers haven’t heard of an
invention called the hanger. Sud-
denly, the magic retail fairy
appears and hangs up all the
clothing. You’re a happy camper
for the rest of the day.

Cancer (lune 22-July 22):
Because you chose to s end the
days of summer being a ifeguard
at a pool, your thoughts mostly
concern your kickin’ tan. But a
dark thought ominously con-
sumes your brain. You begin to
suspect that everyone who dives
into the pool is purposely trying
to inflict a spinal injury upon
themselves. Leo (July 23-Aug.
22): Working as a bank teller
gives you a lot of responsibility
and time to think about how that
$30,000 in your drawer would
reall help your tuition,
ward‘iobe, car payments and rent
costs for the next year. You begin
to believe the money is yours.

When a customer wants to make
a withdrawal, you scream, “It’s all
mine! Mine!” while laughing
maniacally and drooling. After
spending a few weeks at Charter
Rehab, you seem to be better,
except for the drooling thing.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
This summer, you earn your
keep from lawn and garden
work. Unfortunately, you
neglected to consider your hor-
rendous allergies to grass and
general ineptness with sharp
objects. One da you have a
sneezin fit while trimming a
shrub. This sends your clippers
flying in the direction of your
neighbor’s yappy little dog,
Mitzie, whom you can’t stand.
The clippers knock her uncon-
scious. You are filled with a feel-
ing of accomplishment for the
rest of the afternoon.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 2 3):
Welcome to the world of intem—
ing without pay. Experience
might help you in the future, but
it sure isn’t helping your check-
ing account now—besides, you
miss eatin . You decide to take
another jo as a night janitor at
an office. But you don’t clean
anything—you use the office to
sleep instead. As an added bonus,
you befriend two mice and name
them Chaz and Maurice.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21):
You take a job through a temp
a ency as a hairdresser. Your first
c ient is a person who dumped

on in sixth ade. You shave off

alf of their flu and create geo-
metric shapes with the rest.
When your ex oes ballistic, you
calml remind im/her that you
are oldin a shar pointy
object, and t at you wi I not hes-
itate to use it on something other
than hair. You are fired, but so
inspired by your revengeful
experience that you write a
“how-to” book, which becomes a
best seller.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22—Dec.
21): You babysit twins whose
energy levels are comparable to
Pee \Vee Herman on speed.
They bite; and they especially

enjoy biting you. You begin to
think you have taken the appear-
ance ofa large steak. Because of
the bite marks, your friends
begin to suspect that you are
involved in a weird cult and
refuse to associate with you. But
you still have the twins to hang
out with, and they really seem to
like you and your flesh.

Capricom (Dec. ZZ-Jan. 19):
You have been unemployed ever
since the circus rejected you.
Eventually, you find work as a
mime in the park. However, you
decide to be a talking mime and
scream nonsensical epithets to
anyone who appears. Park offi-
cials believe you are another
crazy bum so they attempt to
arrest you. But you win them
over with your rendition of a
show tune and they let you go.

Aquarius (Ian. 20-Feb. 18):
You become a driving instructor.
Oddly, you have a sadistic side
that appears when teaching 16
year-old kids to drive. You tell
your students that playing chick-
en is a requirement to pass the
course. You get on the interstate
and tell a student driver to go for
it. Your pupil completes the task
with only minor injuries. You
become the most requested dri-
ving instructor and soon open up
your own school called, “Dare-
devil Driving for the Unlicensed

Pisces (Feb. l9-March 20):
Scooping ice cream for fat,
sweaty people isn’t your idea of
fun. You think it is rather odd
that fat, sweaty people are the
only ones to come into the store,
until you realize the shopping
center you work in is geared
toward fat people who sweat a
lot. By the end of the summer,
you perspire frequently, balloon
up to 400 lbs. and become like
the fat, sweaty people you
served. But hey, now you know
where all the great shopping is.


"Milo.“ _






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OIIIIDIIIKINTW") 'OmAMWEDC’lY ".45 2,30 510 750 10.30

The Graduate Schoi Doctoral Dissertation Defenses

Name: swim Yin 5





Name: Yong Liu





2:4 Fromm: Plant Physiology 3

Mammohctinlmflepaic mummmwm .
mmmmmrummmnmm ofaPahogeaandElicilor 1min: Serquilu'pem if;
Extrusion of Bile Acid Transporters ia the Liver Cyclate Gene Pram
Major hula-or: Dr. Mary Vote _’ Major Melon Dr. Joe Chappell

_. Date:luiy2. I996 mrulyz, l996

M 9:00 am. line: 91(1) am.

Place: M8303 Clundler Medical Cu

Na. . W.... was“... r. a. .. .

Nae: Dccpti Btarai
. m: Chemical & Maerials Engimring
' W Title: Medium Id Motion




Dbartatiaa 1111:». n: Medium oiBiological
Efleas of Puoxisorne Proliferaun: lucrwod NF-kil
Anivity by C'proiihrae




Date: July 9, I996 W Meson: g 23?;01.“
1hr: 9m a.m. . Date: July 9. I996
hoe: 209 Center for Robotics Manufacturing Time: mm am.

_ Place: M8403 Chandler Medical Ctr
Nam: Sroekumar Ramakrishnan
Plug-an: Chemistry
Dhertatioa ‘litie: Development and Hydroliquefnioa
Studies of Coal Model Compounds

Major Professor: Dr. Robert D. Guthrie

' Date: July 16. I9%




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By LaShanna Carter

For the students who'
aren’t able to go home for-r-the
Fourth of Julyweekend, Lox:
ington has numerousfiactivi;
ties to keep them entertained. , .

All of the events this year: ’
will take place downtown——
including the fireworks. This
year’s theme is “America, Of
Thee I Sing.” ..

Festival Chairman Charles
Little comments on this year’s


festivities, “July ' fourth“ is a on eight Fferent stages. 1:45 pm. =

time when Lexington’s. muiti- ”I I " Vine hand"Upp will be Free pa 'ng 15 available
cultural community and sur— 8 6 featuring" The M Street downtown gom 8 a.m -10
rounding counties can cele— -. A lethora of musrc Brass, performing triotic p.m. so you c" park once and
brate together through music, styles ighlight some of t music from 5:30 pm. stay all day.

food, competition, arts, crafts
and more. . . the freedom of 0
our great American society.”

It may not be a perfect
land, but truly we can be
proud to say, “America, Of
Thee I Sing.”

On Wednesday, July 3, the
Lexington Herald~Leader,



7 ' p.-'m'. Thcggm'ajofriry of the
festival actitiities 5_ are free.
There will be‘ approximately
45 foodg‘vendors, 100 arts and

musical groups performi


Transylvania University
hosting a Patriotic Music Fes-
tival at 8 pm. The Lexington

Lexington Singers, Othello

will be performing.


_ _ . ., . - -.w.~~w~eeu«~‘-m—W~~~H~




Kentucky Thoroughblad
,Street Hockey and graffi
. party begins at 4 pm. at Rupp

.. Arena-Cox Street Lot.


How can the Fourth of
July be celebrated without
Is ectacular explosions in the
sky? Fireworks start at 10
.at Rupp Arena/Cox
t. They should be visible







s booths .and 38 live






For more information on
the Fourth of July activities
call 2 58-312 3. Brochures may
be picked up at the UCG
_ de Division of Public Informa-
' d tion, 200 E. Main Steét, Lex-
- ington. Cable GTV—fi, will
e also air a schedule of evehts.

Phoenix Park is featuring
Eclipse from 3 p.m.-5 ? .

PIP“. III Pll'tiIS

The Fourth of July P
begins at 2 pm. on Mai
Vine Streets and circles,
tral downtown on tb
streets. '-

n Wednesday July


p rey and Melissa Baber



‘ ‘ a ['1
Iv “ oi»
i - v- 7 a
4.. ., . .
. “We ‘

ants cause wing

First Ami lam-tea Baltic uasslc

The Celtic Classic took place Saturdayjune 29, at the gazebo in
Woodland Park and featured varim Celtic music groups-from Cincin-
natti, Louis-ville, Frankfitrt and Lexington. Other aspecn If the ferti-
val included a mall dance perform-me and workshop. A null crowd




of a few hundred gathered to enjoy the nitric and dancing.

- .- w.m,-o~-~M~- v*‘wfll -. .mr r...» “I..." ~-— ~-