xt78kp7tqk5w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78kp7tqk5w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-11-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1987 1987 1987-11-19 2020 true xt78kp7tqk5w section xt78kp7tqk5w  



Choral ensemble to give free concert.





UK swimmers young. but
talented. SEE PAGE 4.


Today: Partly sunny
Tomorrow: Partly sunny. SOs





Vol. XCl. NO. 89

W 1894


hdependent since 1971

Thursday. November 1 9, 1987

Legislator, father of AIDS victim, presents blood-donor bill

Associated Press

FRANKFORT — A legislator
whose daughter allegedly was given
AlDScontaminated blood during
surgery presented a bill yesterday
that would make it a felony to allow
transfisions of untested blood.

Knowingly donating contaminated
blood also would be a Class D felo-
ny. punishable by one to five years
in prison, under the bill proposed for
the 1%8 General Assembly by Rep.
Paul Mason, D-Whi tesburg.

“This measure is not directed at
the majority of the medical profes-

sion," but at “those few who bla-
tantly disregard life and health and
safety," said Mason, who appeared
with his daughter, Belinda Mason,
before the interim joint Health and
Welfare Committee.

Belinda Mason. 29. and her hus-
band, Steve Carden, have filed a $10
million federal lawsuit against the
Regional Medical Center of Hopkim
County in Madisonville.

She allegedly received a transfu-
sion tainted with the virus for ac-
quired immune deficiency syndrome

on Jan. 17, following the birth of the
couple‘s second child, a son.

The transfusion followed an unusu-
ally rugged delivery in which Ms.
Mason’s uteris ruptured. She suf-
fered a stroke, lapsed into a coma
and was temporarily paralyzed. The
suit contends that, although her
plight was an emergency, the do-
nated blood had been in storage long
enough to have been tested.

“Belinda’s story is one of horror
—- should never have happened,”
Mason told the committee.

Mason’s bill, which also would
apply to organs for transplant, cov-
ers the spectrum of health-care fa-
cilities, including blood banks, nurs-
ing homes and hospitals. It would
make administrators of the facilities
responsible for the purity of blood
and organ supplies.

The bill provides an exemption
when death or serious injury is im-
minent and no tested blood or organ
is available. It also makes allow-
ances for people donating their own
blood in advance of surgery — an in-


Mail call

b.----nn “New“



'P‘tI-n-uu .ncsa-ae‘rafl*l-

'0.’.----- --


Mohammad Nazhat, a finance junior. gets his mail out of the Post
Office boxes in the basement of the White Hall Classroom build-

ing yesterday afternoon. The post office stays open until 4 pm.

Monday through Friday.




Home economics more than just sewing

Contributing Writer

Contrary to popular belief, there
are some home economics students
who never sew a stitch and never
concoct a single casserole dish.

“Unfortunately, because many
people's only experience with home
economics is through junior high or
middle school or high school, they
tend to think that we are the same,"
said Sarah Henry, assistant dean of
the College of Home Economics.
“What we do at the college level is
not like it is at the high school
level,“ Henry said. “At the college
level, we are more specialized. "

Several specialized programs 0
crate under the home economi
umbrella: housing and interior de-
sign; individual and family devel-
opment; applied child development;
vocational home economics educa-
tion; dietetics; food service; human
nutrition; family resource manage-


“When I teach home
economics in junior
and senior high, I will
be discussing issues
such as AIDS with

Rolando Littrell,

UK graduate

ment; and consumer studies and
merchandising, apparel and textiles.

Home economics or domestic sci-
ence. as it used to be called, was
first incorporated into UK's curric-
ulum under the College of Agricul-
ture in 1910, according to a history
of thecollege.

Since the University‘s first two
home economics majors graduated
in 1917, the program has undergone
tremendous change.

In 1910, a home economics major
would take courses primarily re-
lated to the home, but could take
some agricultural offerings as well.

Today a home economics student
might learn to design nutritionally
sound menus for hospitals and
schools, collaborate with architects
to create an office environment that
is both functional and aesthetically
pleasing or design and manage pro-
duction in a textiles factory.

The photos on Henry‘s office wall
offer a chronological progression of
home economics since 1913. For ex-
ample, the mock wedding receptions
once required of students have been
replaced by the more science-
oriented studies of nutrition and di-

“We have gone from generalists to
specialists in order to meet the
needs of society," said Henry, who
is a graduate of the UK College of
Home Economics.

Rolanda Littrell, an interior de-

Balloons launched at game Saturday
to help fund arthritis foundation

Staff Writer

There will be something special in
the air at Commonwealth Stadium

The Bluegrass branch of the Ar»
thritis Foundation plans to release
atom balloons before the UK-Ten-

The balloom are part of a fund-
raising effort by the Arthritis Foun-
dation to strike a blow against the
crippling disease. .which
afflictsnearly 500,000 Kentuckians of
all aga. This event will end the
foundation‘s Up and Away with Ar-
thritis campaign.

This branch of the foundation of-
fers assistance to 35,000 Fayette
Oomty residents who have the dis-
ease which attacks and inflames

joints, causing swelling, stiffness
and pain.

The balloons, symbolic of the thou-
sands of Fayette County residents
with arthritis, can be purchased
with a $1 donation.

Proceeds will go to the foundation
for expanding scientific research
and upgrading patient services.

UK's 37 fraternities and sororities
and the UK athletic committee have
teamed up to help in the fight. Other
contributors include The Kroger
Company, the Hyatt Regency and
Uniglobe Bluegrass Travel Agency.

Lexington Mayor Scotty Baesler.
in honor of the campaign. has wo-
claimed Saturday as Up. Up and
Away. . .wtth Arthritis Day

"I am very pleased that we are
goim up, up and away with artfri~

tis,“ said Carol Abuzant, coordina-
tor of the project.

“We surpassed our goal from last
year . .. and are very pleased that
the 20,000 balloons that are launched
will benefit 35,000 people in Fayette
County with arthritis.“ she said.

Another goal of the fund-raiser is
to increase public awareness and ed-
ucate the public, Abuzant said.
“Many people have misconception
that only the elderly have arthritis.
but this is not true," she said. “We
have a girl 22-years-old (who volun-
teers here). She has rheumatoid ar—
thritis which is very serious. “

Lisa Folks. a junior speech, lan-
guage and pathology major, has
rheumatoid artll’it‘is. She said that it
is important to "let people know
that there is an artll'itis founda-

sign graduate, said the program has
grown even since she graduated in

Littrell, who is planning to return
to UK next fall to pursue a vocatio-
nal home economics education de-
gree, said the changes in society
have mandated the change in home

“When I teach home economics in
junior and senior high, I will be dis-
cussing issues such as AIDS with
kids," she said. “There are some
important topics discussed in home
economics now."

The shift in American values has
placed more responsibility on
schools to teach social issues. In
many schools, home economies has
become the primary vehicle through
which young people learn about is-
sues such as corsumer education,
food and nutrition, abuse, forming
and maintaining family
relationships, career preparation
and the changing roles of men and
women in society.

“I think every high school student
should be required to take at least
one home economics class," Littrell
said. “Moms are working nowadays
and have little time to teach kids
these basic skills that everyone will

Carol Byrne. a merchandising. ap-
parel and textiles senior, hopes peo-
ple will realize the importance of
home economics.

“People who state that home eco
nomies is unnecessary are pe0ple
who are very short-sighted and unin-
formed about what (home econom-
ics) can do." Byrne said. "It's un-
fortunate that home economics ever
got the stigma of stitching and sew-

The College of Home Economics
currently has 504 students enrolled,
91 percent ofwhom are women.

Byrne would like to dispel the
image' of home economics as a field
of study primarily for women who

“Afta‘ graduation I'll have the
training to do jut about anything I
want," Byme said.

crleasingly popular option in hospi-
ta 5.

“We've been lulled into a false
sense of security about (the safety
of > the blood supply," Mason told re-
porters after the committee meet-
ing. “I was the girl next door. I was
living in small-town America. . . . If
it can happen to me, it can happen
to you."

Mason, a former newspaper re-
porter who also has a 4-yearold
daughter, said she is infected with
the AIDS virus, but has not been di-
agnosed with the disease.

She also said she had “unbounded
hope" that a cure would be found for
AIDS, adding: “I don‘t think I‘ll die
of AIDS."

The bill was approved by the in-
terim joint committee for prefiling
in the 1988 General Assembly, which
convenes in January. That potential-
ly gives the bill greater weight.

Finding she had been infected
with AIDS was like “a terrible. ter~
rible nightmare. she said, but
"we're not quitlcrs As long as
there's something we can do. we‘ll
do it."

SGA to publish
its evaluations

Staff Writer

The Student Government Associa-
tion unanimously passed a proposal
last night to publish teacher evalua-
tions by students.

“This is the most important thing
we‘ve done all year and probably
the most important thing we will do
for the rest of the year." said SGA
President Cyndi Weaver. ”It‘s some-
thing SGA has talked about for a
long time."

Teacher evaluation forms will be
handed out to students in the first
week of December. Teachers will be
ranked from “poor” to “superior,"
based on the instructor‘s commu-
nication skills, knowledge of subject,
concern for the students and
fairness. The results will be pub-
lished before the Fall 1988 registra-
tion next spring.

“We’re doing it for the students.
not as a vendetta against teachers."
said Carl Baker, principle sponsor of
the bill and a member of the Aca-
demic Affairs Committee. “I've had
favorable comments from students.
I think they will be glad to get

Baker said he hopes to make an-
nual publications of evaluations to
aid students in choosing professors.

“I think students will be support»
ive of this and really use it." said
Senator at Large Linda Bridwell.
“Students need to know these things
so they can gauge the classes."

Baker said he intends to target
about 15,000 undergraduates by pro-
viding evaluation forms in the resi-
dence halls. fraternities. sororities
and Greg Page Apartments. He has
not decided how to reach offcampus

Weaver was especially pleased
with the bill's unammous approval
because it was part of her presi-
dential platform.

“I‘m ecstatic," she said. “I feel
like we're making ground toward
fulfilling our promises."


In other business. the senate:

' Passed a resolution to create two
"free" days prior to finals by a 264
rollcall vote. In a recent survey.
69.6 percent of students polled rc-
sponded favorably to the proposal
However, opponents of free days
have said it would cause scheduling
conflicts that would interfere with
sorority rush in the week prior to
the fall semester.

- Allocated 82.000 to the Lexington
Community (‘ollcgc student body
Initially. $1.000 had been asked for.
but LCC Senator ('hris Esstd said
more funds were needed to provide
more services to LCC students.

“LCC is part of I'K. and we should
make them feel like they are.“ said
Senator at Large Penny Peavler

LC-"T students' ccs account for $4.—
450 of SGA‘S budget. but “they don't
benefit from a lot of what we do,"
Weaver said.

0 Approved a bill that established
three $1.000 scholarships. The schol
arships, provided by SGA. will be
based on academic standing. lead-
ership contribution and financial

House, Senate reps.
reach compromise

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — House and Sen-
ate negotiators forged a bipartisan
arms control compromise yesterday
which they said will maintain the
strategic nuclear balance between
the United States and the Soviet
Union while giving President Rea-
gan maximum flexibility in critical
arms talks with Moscow.

The agreement smoothed the way
to the accord on a defense bill pro
viding up to $296 billion in spending
authority for the current fiscal year.
The Senate and Home will be asked
to ratify the measure later this

There had been widespread re-
ports that President Reagan would
veto the bill if it reached his desk in
the more radical version originally
adopted by the Home. But epublican
members said they now expect Rea-
gan tosign it.

The authorization bill contains two
alternate spending levels designed
to allow for budget cuts in military
spending expected to be made by
the on-going deficit reduction meet-

Sharp cuts on the military side of
the bucket ledger would result in a
spendirg authority of m billion;

.ess severe reductions would pro-
duce a $296 billion level.

The arms control provisions were
by far the most controversial and
disputed elements of the measure.
especially in light of continuing talks
on reducing US. and Soviet strateg-
ic nuclear-armed missiles and next
month's summit meeting here be»
tween Reagan and Soviet leader
Mikhail Gorbachev.

In essence, the compromise is in-
tended to produce continued US.
compliance with the general limits
and restrictions set by the Anti-Bal-
listic Missile Treaty and the unrati-
fied SALT II treaty without harming
the US. negotiating position.

"I believe we reached a fair and
balanced package of agreements in
the arms control area,“ said Sen.
Sam Nunn, D—Ga., chairman of the
Senate Armed Services Committee.
“This package fully preserves the
prerogatives of Congress to control
the power of the purse while also
giving the president needed flexibili-
ty as the negotiations on START
(Strategic Arms Reduction Talks)
and defense and space reach a crit-

The administration had requested
$4.5 billion which the Home reduced
to ”.2 billion. The conference
agreedonaflsbillionprice tag.



2 — Kentucky Kernel. Thursdayfiovembertmtu‘l


Tuning up

Black Voices vocalize talent Sunday

Staff Writer



DThe Black Voices will per-
form Sunday at 3 p.m. in the
Singletary Center for the Arts.
The show. sponsored by UK
Minority Student Affairs and
the Center Sundays Series. is
free and open to the public.

The Black Voices, a choral en-
semble made up of 40 UK stu-
dents, will give a free concert
Sunday at 3 p.m. in Singletary
Center for the Arts.

Nanci Unger, director of Public
Arts Programs at the Singletary
Center for the Arts, is looking
forward to the performance,
which is sponsored by UK Minori-
ty Student Affairs and the Center
Sundays Series. “The center is
pleased to present a group of mi-
nority students because it‘s a
rare opportunity," Unger said.
"And The Black Voices are such
an excellent group. "

The Black Voices, founded in
1974. gives black students at UK
the chance to build on the choir
experience they may have had in
their hometown churches. Being
a part of the group eases the
transition from a small town to a
large university by acquainting
students with similar interests.

Chester Grundy, director of UK
Minority Student Affairs. over-

Want to Sing?

A new ensemble group,
“Thursday's Child," is now
auditioning SATB voices
for spring semester per-
formances. Call John

.l‘ 277-3642f




sees the group. which performs a
variety of music including
hymns, anthems. spirituals, tra-
ditional gospel and contemporary

This fall, the group has been in-
volved in weekly rehearsals in
preparation for the spring‘s con-
cert schedule, which will consist
of two or more concerts per
month. The concerts often take
place in the churches where these
students received their musical

The Black Voices recruits
members with posters, flyers and

word of mouth. Interested people
simply attend the rehearsals.
Brian Garrett, a chemical engi-
neering freshman, is the director
of The Black Voices. A self-
taught musician, Garrett started
playing the piano when he was
about 7 or 8 years old. Now Gar-

Sports Monday EEL SKIN

Ladles' and men's briefcaaes and handbags





449 S. Ashland








Brian Garrett, director of Black Voices, will perform with the group
Sunday at the Singletary Center for the Arts.

rett is a pianist for the East Sec-
ond Street Christian Church in

Not only does Garrett enjoy
what the group has to offer musi-
cally, but he also appreciates the
social aspect of it.

Erik Reece
Arts Editor

Sting tour to promote
‘Nothing Like the Sun’

Associated Press

LONDON -— A concert tour pro-
moting the new Sting album opens
Nov. 21 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and
will take Sting across the United
States at the beginning of the year,
then to Europe, the Far East and
Australia in the spring, and perhaps
back to North America in the sum-

Former lead singer of the British
rock group, The Police, Sting dis-
plays a more reflective and adapta-
ble side as a solo performer, but he
still inflames mass adulation.

His recent second solo LP, Noth-
ing Like the Sun, has influences
ranging from jazz to Latin to George
Gershwin and contains an underly-
ing theme in praise of womanhood.

“Success to me is being allowed to
make the music I want without com-
promising it for the purposes of sell-
ing a lot,“ Sting said in an inter-
view. “This is the record I wanted to
make . . .. If its successful and sells
millions of copies, then great. If it
doesn‘t, I’ll make another one."

Sting's solo songs contain some fa-

miliar strantk, such as social aliena-
tion and heart-stopping lave, but are
more often politicized, personalized.
And, so far. they appear hardly less
His first solo LP, The Dream of
the Blue Turtles, sold more than 6
million copies — as many as The
Police's fifth and last smash-hit
album, Synchronicity.

The new 12-track album includes
some potential hit singles, such as
the bouncy “We’ll Be Together," but
is more memorable for its unifying
theme of female superiority. Guest
instrumentalists include guitarist
Eric Clapton, Police guitarist Andy
Summers and jazz orchestrator Gil

The opening track, “The Lazams
Heart,“ is dedicated to Sting‘s moth-
er, Audrey Sumner, who died of can-
cer in June.

The photogenic multi-millionaire
is 36 and the father of four. The sex-
symbol image of old is less studious-
ly exploited.





(Kick ’em in the vols!)

“The World Famous”



Creative Leadership New, and for the Future, presents Three Seminars



Dr. Jack Blanton
UK Vice Chancellor
for Administration



speaks on.“Who’s Who”


4:00 p.m. room 231 Student Center -— “Money Speaks: Fundrais-
Ing on Campus for Student Organizations" ... Find out about the
types of fundraising allowed on campus and brainstorm with other
student leaders on new approaches to raising money for your


4:00 pm, room 203 Student Center — “Who's Who: You Need to
Have a Program to Tell the Players of theGame" .. . Learn how the
University of Kentucky is organized, and how to navigate through
f‘red tape" to make efficient use of University services and staff.

5:00 p.m. room 205 Student Center -—— “it's Too Simple to be Com-
plicated: Student Government Services" identify SGA services
available to student organizations, learn how to procure services
and funding, and understand how SGA can be of benefit to you.



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 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Wmmtldifl



Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White
Assistant Sports Edltor



Staff Writer

When you look at its record
from last year, the UK menb
swim team doesn‘t seem that for-

The men's team finished 6—5
and placed only 7th, ahead of
only Vanderbilt, in the eight~team
Southeastern Conference.

But records can be deceiving.
said UK coach Wynn Paul.

“We’ve got better, quality
swimmers," Paul said. “We
might not do as well. We do not
have much depth in some areas,
and that will hurt us."

But Paul said he does have
good swimmers and that will

Leading the list is Jim McCar-
thy. a SOphomore from Ormond
Beach, Florida.

McCarthy. a specialist in the
freestyle. holds the UK record in
the 500-meter at 4:31.53 and in
the 1650-meterat 15:48.37.

Also back is sophomore Ken At~
kinson, a 6-foot-3 backstroke spe-
cialist from Bettendorf. Iowa,
who set a Wildcat mark in the
loo-meter backstroke at 51 :37.

Paul said that both made an
impact on the team last year and
should continue their leadership
this year.

“1 think we will score better at
the SEC meet than in the past,"
Paul said. “We‘ve got some
young swimmers who, by the
SEC. could be qualifying for the

Paul plans to put the emphasis
on his young swimmers. Of the 17
members on the men's roster,
only one is a senior.

“The majority of them have
had national competition," Paul
said. “They know what it takes."

Paul has some interesting new-
comers dotting the roster — six
of them. And they’re good. Paul

“The freshmen have to learn
what it‘s like to swim hard for
five days and then come back for
a meet on the next day.“ Paul

Heading the list of newcomers
is Ken Silvesrti.

The Miami, Fla. native was a
two time AlhAmerican diver in
high school.

Also new is freshman Mike Mc-
Intire, a U.S.S. Nationals qual~
if ier in the ZOO-meter breastroke.



' 'M ’ mrcvmrhmn...n.n.,

UK swim coach Wynn Paul watches his team
work out at Memorial Coliseum yesterday. Al-

“They'll get used to it," Paul
said of the transition and gruel-
ing practice schedule. “We have
the kind of caliber of kids who
can do it."

But those aren't the only Wild-

Senior captain Chris Godfrey
will be counted on for middle dis-
tance and distance freestyle

Juniors Chris Budvitis (the UK
record-holder in the loo-meter.
200-meter and 500-meter freestyle
events) and Billy Godfrey (swim-
ming the 100-meter and 200-meter
backstroke and 50-meter free-
style) will be mainstays.

All will be fighting for one big
goal — the NCAA championships.

"The tap 25 (swimmers) in the
country make the NCAA cut.
That‘s the meet you put your
sights on." Paul said.


Wildcat swimmers young but confident




mat. mime/Roma suit

though the team is young, Paul said the group is
talented enough to do well in the SEC.


“I think we will score better at the SEC meet
than in the past. We’ve got some young
sw1mmers who, by the SEC, could be qualifying

for the NCAA."

UK will have plenty of diving
experience. with Silvestri, sopho-
more Jamie Bloomfield and ju-
nior Jim Hill.

“We’ve got good divers,“ Paul
said. “We've got a shot to make
the NCAA. We need the point to-
tals it takes to make the NCAA."

But the Wildcats still will be
hard-pressed to better their re-
cord this year, Paul said.

They‘ll face what Paul called a
tough dual meet schedule with

Wynn Paul
UK swlm coach

Alabama, Georgia, Cincinnati,
and Tennessee to contend With.

This Friday at 1:30 pm, the
Cats will swim at Louisville in
their first meet of the season.

Paul said he hopes the Cats fin-
ish higher than 7th, but he does
not expect the team to finish

But he said that by late_Feb- .
ruary, when the Wildcats travel ,

to Knoxville, Tenn. for the SEC
championship, they should be
ready for a good meet.






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you bought her truth.
you bought her iielim.
So when are you going to buy her
a permei?
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Basketball tickets
distributed Sunday

Staff reports

Student tickets for the UK basket-
ball team’s scrimmage against the
Soviet Union on Tuesday, Nov. 24
will be distributed starting this Sun-
Also this Sunday, tickets will be
available for the Cats' first two reg-
ular season games against Hawaii,
Saturday, Nov. 28 and Cincinnati,
Tuesday, Dec. 1.

Students will not be permitted to
begin lining up at Memorial Col-
iseum for the lottery until 9 am.

At 9 am, students will be mhered
into the Coliseum and given a ran-
dom control card. The students will
then line up outside the Coliseum in
order of the control card numbers
until ticket distribution begins at 1


Students must stay in line during
this time, Student Athletics Director
Rodney Stiles said. The UK ticket
office will issue one ticket per per-
son — not one ticket per student ID.

Student tickets will also be avail-
able on Monday and Tuesday from 9

am. to 4 pm. At noon on Monday,
guest upper arena tickets will go on
sale for $6. Availability of guest tick-
ets depends on the game. Stiles said.

Tickets for the rest of the season's
home games will also be distributed
on the proceeding Sunday, Monday
and Tuesday at the same times.

Group seating will also be avail—
able for all home games except for
those over the Christmas break.
from Monday, Dec. 28 to Saturday,
Jan. 9.

For group seating, organizations
must brim student IDs and activity
cards to Room 91 Memorial Col-
iseum between 10 and 11 am. pre-
ceeding Sunday distribution. Tickets
will be returned Monday at 9 am.

Spouse books for UK's foul: fall se-
mester home games are now on sale
for $24. The books for second semes-
ter will go on sale Dec. 7 and will
cost $42.

No student tickets will be avail-
able for UK's Jan. 31 game against
Notre Dame in Louisville.

SEC volleyball team
takes three Lady Kats

Staff reports

Three Players from the 9th-ranked
UK women’s volleyball team were
named to the six-member All-South~
eastern Conference squad.

The three Lady Kats are senior
co-captains Lisa Dausman and An-
nette Ewasek and junior Lisa Boko-

Dausman led the SEC in hitting
percentage for most of the season,
hitting well above .400.

Now, with the regular season
over, Dausman is ranked No. 2 in
the conference and No. 11 in the
country with a percentage of .362.

Throughout the regular season,
Ewasek has averaged above four
kills per game. She is second in the
SEC and currently 18th in the coun-
try in the hitting percentage catego-


With 230 digs, Ewasek is second
on the team in dig average with 2.74
per game. Bokovoy is currently
ninth in the country in hitting with a
percentage of .412.

She also leads the SEC in that cat-
egory. Five times this season, Boko-
voy has hit better than .700, with one
of her best games coming against

She had 18 kills and a hitting per-
centage of .773 against the Vols. Bo-
kovoy was also named All-SEC Aca—

“I think it's a great credit to the
players in our program, and it high-
lights what we have known to be the
reason for our success, which is our
great balance," UK coach Kathy
DeBoer said.

UK travels to Baton Rouge, La.
this weekend to play in the SEC
tournament, which decides who will
represent the conference in the up-
coming NCAA championships.

The lady Kats will be the No. 1
seed in the tournament and will face
Mississippi State Friday, N