xt78kp7tqj9p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78kp7tqj9p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 07, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 07, 1982 1982 1982-10-07 2020 true xt78kp7tqj9p section xt78kp7tqj9p I? 2 I . l 2 2 I ‘ z I " thecrlslsofrepe
Today‘s “MIMIC! deals with rape.
its legal definition and forms. Members
of the lexington Rape Crisis Center talk
about the program and its functions.
See page 3.
Vol. Lxxxv, No. 42 Thursday. October 7, i982 An Independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
Candidate heckles Rea an -- ..
I .- . .. . 3 M a
durin Re ublican e talk - Z. = if
WASHINGTON (AP) — Resident gan defended himself against Ar- plauded W the audience. ‘ a“, '7' at '71:?
Reagan. flushed with anger, told a nold's charges as they stood 25 feet The 'nCIdent We“, as A"“01‘1- a 1,1.=;.:{:;<;f'j} 2., ii _ _ ,1 1.; 5'3. 1:
Republican congressional candidate apart in the East Room of the White busmessman challenging Rep. Leon y -. -. 1 .; .. ' if? 3;" -. ;
to “shut up" yesterday after being House. Panetta, D-Calif., rose from ms «‘3: Wflm .-~ . ‘h ma»... "
- - backer w hair Rea n s ke rid ' 1/? 1 3: 4 1.;--.: M5 --
repeatedly interrupted With the ac- Arnold was among about 90 GOP . 0 C as. 83 P0 a . 1 3. ,, 1: .
cusation that he had abandoned con- candidates invited in for a series of said. “Mr. Premdentfi you have . . . . . 33,3, .
servative causes. political briefings and a presidential given US the largest tax increase . . - 32:13, ; A», . 3ft, 3? '
“I don't know who the two of you pep talk. 1" the United States history." , 4 .3; = “ ' . _ .
are. but you haven‘t said a word After Arnold interrupted him Two Of three members 0f the audi- . ' " . ‘_
that‘s true yet,“ Reagan told the more than a half—dozen times and ence tl'lfid to shove hlln down into " ’ ,3 ._I?,;§,_.;;':” _
candidate. Gary Richard Arnold of refused to let him finish an answer, his seat, but Arnold pers15ted. . '7 :33, f; 3. ,3... 1‘ ‘ g
Santa Cruz, Calif. and an unidenti— Reagan lost his patience and “We ,do not have the president :_, " ...». '
fied man who applauded Arnold‘s shouted, “Shutup. Look.” supporting the presidential Pm- " ” . . : .1. g; é
remarks. Arnold sat down shortly af- gram. You‘ve reversed yourself on . 3:} '5 - age -. 1.3a: -, '
For more than five minutes, Rea- terwards as the president was aP' Taiwan. The Sowets have a higher .. 742:3 ’ ‘51" V w 3 - <
_______.—._.————————— increase in trade. ,_ .. 1, g 73;;
“The Soviets get the wheat and g . g x1? ,
Americans get the shaft. We have a i" 1‘ ' 5;; I‘ 3;
THURSDAY Tylenol taxation situation here, and , W a" * .- i; ,4». Made in
we have a Reagan-moths setting ’ 3;? " = "l .4 ~
FromAssochcodProssreporn intothenation’s body politic." . t 7* x .1 the shade
He complained that Republicans igjjé é a "a
such as himself who opposed the tax 1‘ é ' 3 > :
17 prepare for Peace Pilgrimage 22:32" mg bee" demed GOP :; a? Keith Buckingham. an
, , Rea an tried to rebut the char es Q 7 1 I entomology senior,
H'GHLAND "“6"“ ‘f The Bethlehem Peace Pilgrimage, with agguments, and at one pointghe "i. a: 39 '. found a shaded bench
17 people on a 6,500-mile crusade to oppose nuclear proli- tried humor. 4‘1 thought this was for y i “ - r in from of the Biologi-
feration, readied themselves yesterday to cross into Ohio Republicancandidates.” . ~ . » . cal Sciences building
and begin the last leg of the United States portion of their The president said the tax in- :4 welcome relief from
walk. crease “that we reluctantly support- i unseasonably warm
The group began its trek April 9 at the Trident subma- ed in order to get continued reduc- ” . _ " E, weather.
rine base in Bangor, Wash., and plans to reach Washington, tions in spensiing W35 “0t the largest ; _ , i (W ‘
D.C., in mid-November in time for the U.S. Catholic Bishops' tax Increase inhistory. _ 53:4 » r , , if " l
Conference. taff {Md 0: It vylas tour prong]: l0 s 1-.» V ' nun IAVLOI/Kernelstall
Leaders plan to spend the winter regrouping, then fly to szd {MEX o cgrsecwhg‘gggyduckiif; 1w. I’ll". '
Ireland to resume their walk March l7. They'll pass through their tayires 3:3] that we're trying to 1
Scotland, England, France, Italy, Greece and Turkey, hoping get." 1
to wind up in Bethlehem by Christmas 1983. The audience whistled and roared . . %
"I've been talking peace, talking peace . . . here's a way applause. ,
to actually put your body into it," said the Rev. George 20- “I don’t know what you’ve been 1 _ :‘ é
belka, 67, a self-described pacifist Catholic priest and a reading." he told Arnold, “bl“ you ~ 4
focal point of the pilgrimage. "We are walking to bring into 232$ ”know what you re talking ' . .
being a new way of thinking, a new way of living." ' . . V " '
The walkers average about 20 miles a day, Zabelka sally: smeldhmino‘ShisglfdggigidReEl
said. The pace could be faster, but there are frequent stops believepeec that today America is
to make anti-war ”presentations" at schools and churches stranger'than it was ~10 years ago. ‘1 . .14?
along the way, he said. stronger economically, militarily, "“"" . 1, .
and yes, even morally." .1 we. .. 1 ... ;
Sweden threatens to sink mystery sub deb”? Swami "‘9 “m“ .“m‘f ‘5 . .’ My“ ;
puty press secretary. said at , y . _ . 1 31.. . 3 _
_ terward the president asked the A' w 3. 3. .jfi'fij ' 1”” ,1
BERGA NAVAL IA'SE. Sweden —— Forty Swedish vessels identity of his accuser. “It seemeda ., 3, 3% 123’ .‘§ ’ ‘ a?” 5.1 3.4.? i y ,% .:
and a fleet of helicopters yesterday tightened their net bit out of the ordinary. The presi- w m ’I-fi: , ny",__‘ >_
around a submarine believed to be a Soviet-bloc vessel dent responded with his usual eloqu- , u - __ ‘ 5‘ 5" 4i; ‘” "at“ ' a} ,
lurking near atop secret naval base. ence." 1» .- ‘ ”PM 1.. - , . it: . I. .
The navy dropped seven depth charges and threatened . .
to sink the sub if it tries to break out of the Swedish trap. Unemployment flamed f“ "word defied

Naval officials speculated the unidentified vessel — be-

lieved to be hiding in a narrow, i2-mile-Iong channel in wa- . .
ters south of Stockholm — might be a small, new spy sub. pea er sees economic restructuring
possibly remote-controlled and without a crew.

Sweden has refused to speculate on the nationality of
the intruder, but newspapers have said the vessel was be- W tion that the economic crisis is not President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "The real argument is not Wheth-
lieved to belong to a Warsaw Pact nation. perhaps the Sovi- yEdit r-'n-Chief “Simply one more down in the capi- "New Deal." er we will have free enterprise or
e, Union or P 0' end. 0 ‘ talist cycle of ups and downs. but 3 “But (corporations) have made planning, but whether it will be top-

The Kremlin, in its firs, comment on the incident, said structural'crisis.“ The last such cri- some incredibly stupid mistakes," down authoritative planning or hot-
the sub saga may be a hoax designed to disrupt Scandina- sis, he said, occurred when the na- he said, citing the collapse 0f the tom-up libertarian planning."
vion-Soviet “es_ Prominent socialist Michael Har- tion movednfrom a laissez-faire sys- Northeastern and Midvimstern rail~ He said the public must take con-

Yesterday, the navy deployed coast guard commandos rington told a Memorial Hall a udi- tem to a corporate economy in roads and the dire straits of the au- trol of corporations and technology,

, the late 19th century. tomobile and steel industries. rather than Vice-versa through the
and army troops near the search zone to bolster the fleet of ence last night that unemployment “When (this crisis) is over auto Ar ~ - . . '
, , , , . . . . 1 guing that free enterprise "0 incluSion of workers on corporate
hunters, including a submarine salvage vessel and 10 heli- is behind the record deficits plagu- workers will not go back to work, longer exists, he advocated a pub- boarib fdirect the de t-
. in the Rea an admmistration s eco- - - - - . .° . ors 0' mocra
COPtefs- 8 3 3 nor Will workers in the rubber, glass licly planned economy. He said even 1c election of directors by workers.
"officcfiogrggsfimon for every one and steel industries,” he said. “The the Reagan administration. contrary But. he added, such methods will
' ' . ,, economy is being reshaped." to its libertarian rhetoric. ractices not be effective until inf rmati ‘
Anniversary of Sadat 3 death observed piercentage pom: of linentiploymfenttfie He said he believes the “next ch81, centralized planning. 9 democratized as we". ° °“ '5
CAIRO. Egypt — Wiping a tear from her eye, the widow of Diglfiailc' sz‘cib‘lfits :f Alrlnegica a lenge” will be 'to the traditional “When they manipulate the econ- “If the expertise is owned by the
President Anwar Sadat placed a wreath on his grave yester- leftist faction of the Democratic Tight 0t corporations to allocate re- omy to 831“ more capital for their government and corporations, it ex-

__ - - ~ . - sources. a basic tenet of the U.S. goals. they are planning (it),” he cludes the people," he said, charg-
day the first anniversary of his assassmation by Moslem party, told the crowd of nearly 5“). economy even unchallenged by said _ that . t 1, be _
fanatics. “If unemployment was reduced to 4 ' y . infi- . laws; :1 wens can as"

Relatives ond friends, including the widow of the shah of percent, the U.S. budget would be in ' " .. ~ y mtlml t i Y government and
Iran, stood by Jihan Sadat beneath a brilliant desert sky as surplus." gzarfnosafiorimgtgzefintgurged With
an honor guard placed the flowers on Sadat's white marble The money is absorbed by the COSt 0 P P .
tomb, 300 yards from the site where he was gunned down. 0f relief programs SUCh as f°0d ' W” "I believe in the empowering of

Some of the women. all dressed in mourning black, lémp‘dnilnfpfdxd $135: payments " g " geopledto g1? gape!“ off their Mf”

, _ . . , . esai.“ ycan ormsi ii~
wept during the. brief, low key ceremony. Farah .letl, But Harrington, best known for his -1 : cant groups, they should “8310-
Widow of the Ionian monarch whom Sadat sheltered in his 1963 book Th 0th A . which K 1 .
final months stood gaunt-faced beneatha black lace shawl. ~ - e - er. menu-1‘ I .. ; cated the computer timenand funds
', . . ‘3 credited With influencing the , t i toget experts of their own.

The shahs son and self-proclaimed heir, Reza, was “War On Poverty“ of the Kennedy f: . \ l Harrington. however. admitted
among the mourners for Sadat, architect of the Egyptian-ls- and Johnson administrations. said A . that the enactment of his ideas may
raeli peace treaty. President Reagan’s massive cuts to «I, , bealong way off,

Mrs. Sadat, wearing dark glasses and a black dress but- social welfare programs are not the , 1 I "The ideas l‘m talking about can .
toned to the neck, was also accompanied by her son Gamal solution. a! r E ' sound fairly good in a college set-
and President Hosni Mubarak's wife Suzan, who rarely ap- ”If 3'0“.th every cent away from i . ' ting, but they‘re harder to commu-
pears in public. They listened as a Moslem sheik read from the American P0013?“ Stdl_¢°‘fldnt a- ” ‘ nicatetoworkerS.”
the Koran, and then Mrls. Sadat shook hands with other 2:???mmu: Elwdfeslécigesmamzfi‘; . , Harrington said the 7.000-member
mourners, W O Wep Open y. . . . DSA re raents the stro at smia]-

A Koran lay in a book-r‘est on top of Sadat's tomb, which ffimcsagfesozfialtfpecrfdis'hsg' tillage": - __ ist movgmem in 45 yeaf-‘ss, including
was surrounded by wreaths of pink, red and purple carna- cheapestnationby far." ' in ’ . i among its members actor Ed Asner
tions and roses. A gas flame burned in a cast iron vase He said Reagan's method of fight. g ’ 3 ' and members of local, state and na-
atop a marble column behind the tomb. ing unemployment has been to five a! i i: tional legislative bodies. -

huge tax breaks to the rich with the a . . " , It MP?“ however. mean 30ml-
expectation they will invest the ' ‘ -: ism is saimns power. he said - only

money in new factories and busi- '1 . influence. ,
misses. creating more jobs. But , ‘Referring to his own ”We” expe-
most. henoted, haven‘t. nence as a leftist. he said he has be-
“The rich aren’t dumb." he said. I come used to being "wrong a lot and

mm“ ”When factories aren’t operating. I; beata 10t-
' why build more?" : “Socialism is a dirty word in
* He said companies currently _, America .. he said “Most We .
39‘3““ mm 'T‘WY .°“ ”"3" b“? I 1 don't realize that it‘s not something
'6': mfi‘tsm-lmd’ogfmstiamixwysl: . that was imported. it growshere. It
There is a 50 percent chance of showers today with . . ”I'm couldeven grow in Kentucky.

tures of billions of dollars that have ‘- Harrington's appearance at UK
_ .. ° N.“ '" Th. "Pn'1o' 'o Io" '0‘. so weakened some companies that not srivns KernelStaff was sponsored by the Student Gov.

‘l'onlght. the chance of thunderstorms will drop to they are on the brinkof bankruptcy. , . . , . . ernment Association the DSA the
40 percent wltha low In fl" low to mid m. "threatenimeven morejobl." Michael Harrington, national chair of the Democratic Somal- Coll of Soc'al Work the out of

_ H rringtori however said he ists of America, spoke to a crowd of about 500 last night at . 68.9 l .' oe

Tomorrow wlll 5‘ mostly “W‘Y ""5 0 2° ”NW" ulad a“; an thecoinplimait of Memorial Hall. His appearance was sponsored by the Stu- Minority Student Affairs, the m &
chance at rain. the hlgh will be In the mid 10s to near gllingpahlm a q‘radical" became his dent Government Association and several other University sc'lfi'fgtsdegg spgffdgphmd ”hands;
.0. programs are based on the realiu- departments and organizations. filence andsociology. y. [)0 ca

 m I
use no“ I
Illlnuon Anon-W mum» Momentum»: unused-e- LIN-libel. new
Editor-in Ch". NOW! idl'fl' At" Editor 590'" 5“"0' Special Fusions idlvoi ”iota Editor Graphics Editor
Joe-u Idwln Monk and, Desire! lotion '. tulle. Mid-w m In». lulu Ion VII Mod Chris A..- _
NWT“ 5“"0' Editovlolidilor Afllitém:;;‘ AINI'MISFO'NEdl'OI Speciol'roioctsnumam Chiot'hotwopher Copy Desk Chief
ewspaper ee reca S ar -WOII I‘Ig ts
Congress shall make no law. . .abridging Since the governor’s time. Since its birth in
the freedom 0f speech. or of the press; . . . 1690, when the first — and last —- edition of .
First Amendment, Benjamin Harrison’s Publick Occurrences, ”GPOD LORD, MVE JUST A MOMENT, _ ‘
The Constitution of the United States Both Forreign and Domestick hit the stands, E5 S l ILL TRIED T HAVE SOME ; :
. _ . American journalists have fought a constant AFTER US.’ ‘N’ TRlED MAYBE "' I l 4
In 1671, the colonial governor of Virginia war to keep their craft free from govern- CAN'TCHA w 807' HE ’ (5 w QUEST'IONS- E U ‘
wrote the following: “I thank God we have ment intervention. SOMETHING KEEPS STUFF W! m Tm m2 / -
no free schools nor printing, and I hope we The war hasn’t been an easy one to win. TD GET‘lM / WOR "Ml-L 0% Q5: .
shall not have these hundred years. For Harrison’s newspaper, three printed pages OFF OUR COM'NG- fuming? at' HQ” w ‘(00 EXPLA‘N '
learning has brought disobedience and here- in length, was immediately shut down by co- TAILSD’ DRAT/ 4mm» ,4" Y0 UK MOST. RECENT ?:
sy and sects into the world, and printing has Ionial authorities after he ran a story that . - ‘5 “We -»
divulged them and libels against the govern- deplored cruel treatment of French prison- “Val qfi4’. AC1- ( ONE OF nu ..
ment. Godkeep us from both.” ers by Indians allied with the British and an- ,, M m .3 y ’ g - .
If, 311 years later, the good governor could other exploring a scandal about the king of W“ ‘ $51 l .‘ "i 1
have returned to Virginia, to a two-children- France. 3? . gigs/”’74, 9 fitSlK
and-station wagon lifestyle in metropolitan Throughout journalism’s history are re- ng'} \' "é, .. , i\ r‘ _ .
Washington, D.C., wouldn’t he have been dis- minders that the American press, despite ”Wilma/’7‘ .‘—~. - 1 . A A 1 _
turbed by the sound of something hitting his the zealousness of government to suppress " ‘ ”WW,” . ‘ \\ _ ' ,
screen door — and denting it for the ump— information about its workings, labored to ‘ > 6‘ W ' ,
teenth time—at5:30a.m.? expose the truth for the betterment of all. ‘ . .0
What he would have found sitting on his Only through efforts of men like John Peter ’,_, ~ i. We '
welcome mat surely would have made the Zenger was it realized that criticism and “175%,; . gin,
old boy’s blood boil. Who are these two men, truth are rights that are undeniable. ~7%fl;#flr~, ' r” 2 .
Woodward and Bernstein, who dare to libel These rights will again be celebrated next '~'. a” ,3; h, »
the government and foster insurrection? week during National Newspaper Week. :1 .. , Fewer; :1;
“Who is the man who allows this treason?,” During this time, journalists across Ameri- ; Wm %% iéfgi‘iw'»; Q .
he would have roared. ca will be remembering their predecessors , 1;, “mil. ‘.'.“,/(//.\ . :xfifll,:\;,é,j_i"l¢ E j
Assuming he could understand the work- who strove to maintain a press unemcum- a C e ,- ‘ ' . ‘ 1 “£33,335 M‘s
ings of the telephone, he would have angrily bered by outside forces. . " . ' , "'-‘i../.-;;i-'-‘?‘-" ' ' XX
dialed the number for The Washington Post. They will reflect on the gains journalists (iowh ihe '1 ‘ _‘ . I / z, . g
- - . . ,. l ,r N 4‘ ,_ .1
While demanding to speak to the man who have made in this century that enable them (4% (31,9 \\
published the sedition, he would have been to report without retribution the news of the T g ” 2 ”ll! “ 4‘ §\ p f.
planning to contact the colonial authorities world. They will be concerned, however, @— _\ . ‘\
to determine whether this man had a license With recent government efforts to tighten , f . ,
to publish a newspaper. provisions of the Freedom of Information 13 ”'__ ‘% g...
Imagine his horror when his party came Act, without which journalists could not {i—
on the line and said. “Mrs Graham’s of— check the darker side of government. ._.. :11»
fice." And in their leisure, they will thank God i
The American press has indeed changed for ignoring that Virginia governor. ”1
Wilson l0 speak follow the lecture. Maybe they should turn the old swipers since they devoted a special when will enough people be found information thathe knew to be false,
Jim Dinkle bookstore (another current waste) department and salesperson to help that know about this cavern to fill and especially, in his refusal to
The Student Government Associa- SGA President into a gift shop and reorganize the us. I hope they never detect my re- the unoccupied booth upstairs? But allow the audience to hear the truth,
tion and the Student Activities This letter was also signed by new one so that students can find volver with that ominous frame I then, who wants to sit there and his presentation was an attempt to .
Board are proud to present former Jack Dulworth, chairman of the Sen- their books. pass through as I leave to explore watch a bunch of students walk deceivetheaudience. '
British Prime Minister Sir Harold ate Political Affairs Committee, and Who deSigned this bookstore any- the rest of “Crackerbox Palace.” around from roomtoempty room? To put this simply, and in terms
Wilson on campus 8 pm. tonight at Coral West, director of the Student way? It must have been an ex-FBI The NCAA can take away the Finally, there’s only one good where these individuals may realize _ _
Memorial Hall. Services Department. agent. fringe benefits of Wildcat Lodge and thing about “King Otis’ Tomb": The the severity of their deception. The .
Admission is free, but a pass must I I The entrance gate is cute but a limit scholarships, but they can’t doors and access for handicapped Bible states that attempts to deceive :
be obtained at the Student Center Student Center? little annoying. Does it really help take away our music listening students are excellent. But it’s like and the use of deception are the
ticket window any day this week them watch the incoming “custom- rooms. Imagine how many Heisman having a gold wristband on a watch marksofSatan. ,
from 10 am. and4p.m. What's this I hear from some stu- ers” to make sure they put their Trophy winners and Rhode Scholars that doesn’t tick. If it was possible for these “Chris—
We encourage the campus com- dents that the new $4.3 million ”Stu- books in the lockers? this room will bring in. Maybe the University’s priorities tians" to look at themselves and .
munity to come meet a man who dent” Center Addition is a waste of It seems in their minds, students Maybe the mining college will be- havebeentootight. what they did in another Christian’s
has served four times as England’s money? Obviously, there are those not only try to steal from the come accreditied when it is learned Brad Duncan point of View, and, if it were possible f‘ff»
Prime Minister. Wilson was also in- that have looked at its full potential bookstore but also from each other. that the mining students have an ed- Journalism junior to put it all on an album cover, I r“
strumental in his country’s admis- or benefits. Nobody hassles with finding a quar- ucation in Credence Clearwater Re- , , can't help but wonder if that album
sion to the European Conunon Mar- It‘s unquestionable the University ter and carrying that awful key vival and other backward styles of ROCk n roll would have been a part of their slide
ket. Today, he is a Labour member needed a bigger bookstore. Where around anyway. heritage. . .uh, Imean music. presentation. John Hamilton
of Parliament. else were they going put a growing Designers must have been'partic- It's not too surprising an informa- On Sept. 28, [attended the rock ’n’ p0“. Sci. sophomore
A question and answer session will inventory of UK paraphenalia'.’ ularly weary of us pencil and pen tion booth or two is needed, but roll seminar. As I expected, it was
an excme to gather us for a sermon. 1
As I also expected, discussion Mekong Delta 39-1»
- I I . and/or argument with the speaker %
umans must ea wu‘ Insecurltles ..............................- - .
pletely within their rights, since the In respondms to the letter written (it
purpose was for them to present about the Mekong Delta party. l E:
WASHINGTON -‘ It's the Purest Dolan’s powerful National Conser- those who are blatantly competitive; ing people from accepting them- the" 90"" °f V!" and the" reasons ”gagged“? WWI d the writer’s 3:
kind of human-interest story, pur- vative Political Action Committee, those given to cheating frequently selves (while loving themselves fal- ‘0' "B‘Wmlusm- . view but I In" “W the I”, » ‘
porting t0 anOlVC only one person though not a leading gay-baiter, has express the shrillest outrage at sely), it invites suppression and That 15 the purpose 0‘ any W' threé M ies and will admit 13""
when it could describelsall. appealed to contributors to join the those caught in the act. W.e dabble sometimes self-destruction. nar. The problem came, however, to ha . ehong ”it t ch 'I‘h' _-“""_"f
A man, for some reason ashamed fight against homosexual rights in dishonesty in an effort to be The tragedy of self-denial is mas- when the speaker turned t0 factual finalize” till: a ea ' '5
of himself, takes aim at those who laws. something we aren’t. terfully outlined by Taylor Branch information. . . fly“: ‘ anyto. 'themt t.e party,
are similarly “flawed.” As a hedge law We lie to others about what we do, in the October issue of Harper's It W3? never my intention to cre- t to . "Kw” y s n: aimleons are
against either self-hate or the scorn . . , w whom we know, how much we earn Magazine, “Closets of Power” de- ate a dlSllh'bancei yet, under the “gums whomlost 3;. “names . v;
of society, his recriminations in- ' ~—-—-— g GLEN and how We" we treat ourselves. tails the saga of Dan Bradley, who circumstances, there was little else 0 mm big“ of ir ves or
crease: in time, he comes to stand . . , , v .t and Functionally, thedenial of one’s sex- “came out” after stepping down to do. The speaker presented false are use war.
for the opposite of whathetruly is. - . _ f g ‘3! uality ranks with allthese. from the presidency of the Legal information, and, knowing the actu- Tum?” each membegiggtDegt: ' p
Such may be the parable of John ‘. SHEARER But the compelliru irony of Do- services Corp. in 1981. al “11th, I attempted to correct hlm thaeu dr aft M12: "133““; e (L ‘ * .
T. “Terry" Dolan. In a seemingly ”ii ' 7 lan’s story is that he is not only an- Writes Branch: “As J species, andpresentthetrue “Whim- tunit m; fri 2:3 to et “‘2“ng .
criminal disclosure, a recently-re- other guilt-riddai soul, but also one human beings refuse to be humbled I was not, however, allowed to allow? me: ood spubli . and g
leased book alleges that Dolan, wiz- What’s most unfortunate, howev- who fosters such trepidation. His al- by the most prosaic aspects of our speak._ The speaker was "0‘ "“6" all the rt 3 to 1.33:; ha k
ard among the New Right fund- er, is that Establishment Washing- fiance with the Moral Majority and condition. We come in different col- ested in knowmg the truth and, ob- to 3v" dhoo‘da y-goers c
raisers,isahomosexual. ton probably lacks the wherewnhal other “social" reformers puts him ors, we copulate in different ways, wously, he certainly d'dnt want his Aft all ho f
Author and former United Press to-overstep the political gos5lp and in cahoots with those who peddle and wimdifferem things at heart. captive C0n8f683tl°h ‘0 he” the 'th 31" . ”mm-y 0 “9 81"" "P
International correspondent Perry consider the real lessons .of the self-denial. ”These simple matters raise truth. . . ' _ KI!a k dsoe £33ng my in our ‘
Deane Young makes this charge to story. For whatever one thinks of Rather than help people to under- passions that regularly confound the Whether his mistake in his facts lib”? . :rdr 'W I is! green
expose what he calls the hypocrisy Dolan. his adherence to a self-loath- stand what they are, emading mor- pretensions of civil society." was due to a deliberate he or an lg- :0 ere am 8:108 Pl” “3 guns
and oppression threatening the na- ing double standard 15 part 0‘ the alists often try to mold us into same In other words, we all have inse- norance 0‘ the subject ‘3 irrelevant. mints: It’ e: “£23m”- ound 5::
“0" fr om the right. human experience. . thing we are not. While they lead the curities. We all have frailties. It’s What ‘5, relevant was the fact that was ' shamk but 't’ evelr) t
The book, God’s bullies: Power It seems that Terry polan. like a fight against abortion and Darwin, better to learn to live with them the ”my 0‘ "m ”Ema“ 9f!!!“ me “n 3: ,fm'm ' 3 a PM
Politics and Religious Tyranny, is a lot of us, has found it difficult to ac- they also chide us for the very char- thantopretend they don't exist. seminar was based upon false 0'" in“? ‘05; 1.5." , . but I
shot in the arm for this town's gos- cept his shortcomings. Preoccupied acteristics that makeushuman. mation. . . ”9°C , W" s'opltltolcfek
SlP mill, With coPies 0‘ “the D013" With being accepted by his own Quite simply, the New Maxwell Glen and Cody Shearer Because Of thlS. 32.3““), d 5:.me 1:611. mm :28 '
chapter" already circulating at the crowd, he’s hidden those'character- Right asks many of us to deny what are Pulitzer Prize-winning national that segment '8 ren 901"th the Yr ll W we e
highest levels of theWhite House. istics that would undermine his sta- we are. And, if we happen to be gay, columnists. and WW6? and “I!“ gum 8W?“ ”film Wgawtrefillt: I8
Of course, these revelations about tus. ' that’s easier saidthandone. mine any legitimate paints ' may you ed ' ‘ ' m M re-
Dolan, whose negative campaign ad- Self-denial 12:?“ in :hlle sfizfils an: Such an effort can clearly back- — mum made m the other ”3‘ nam ' Laurie J l l l
vertisements brought down numer- shapes. We onto 8 ts fire. While it victimizes Terry ' - , . ' .
ous liberal senators in 1900, won’t be others, as if to cure ourselves of the noun, it also limits the Mom] in... letters POIICY In the Speaker s continued use of mBilleriumor
easy for the Christian right to shake same. jority into low standing among most . .-.__...
off. The ambitious among us damn Americans. Moreover, in discourag- ”"7" °' "M K”'“‘:‘:' “7.": q (a? #4:?“
a 0'0”” ODIN f' ’ ‘ I . " ’/
DRABBLE ® by Kevnn F090” M'~“"°fl.|'.... ' X 13;- H‘WA’V' 31mm
to In considered for Mlle-O on. ‘Q 4 l
NORMAN, \MKE “LL,“ W, MRKK! \ TWT Wklm, letters entrained to the Kernel . \'l‘— _,flg . w
09‘. l CN'T . m3 m M TO W MIGHT iF NORMAN EVER LOSES should .4“... "”5, m" I ~ . i’ , )4 PU
l SLEEV‘ IMKE K 0? l.- 606“, uKi i) HAVE “l6 W35“, 'Y'.‘ CM MIC-w '. m d]. _____ - £ . A Cmp '
‘i ”Tim some Mill's )1?“ K131 M035 torlcl «loo: .9 no Joann-Ian- ”7‘:;¢~._ A , '
l. flfl/fl 4% 130 MM... ' k with ME. "’1‘ .\ 7'; Wilts. lulldlng—UKJOMI. - - 4:“. In . I
l| f. 7/”? /. / e as [7/2, , ’- «\ ‘1 l} r wmm mo Include their ”:4 . ‘ '
' . 3 .. 1/7/ ’ i" g 'v , ‘ addresses. telephone number! 3'. _‘ . ‘ , 5:)
<3! ; 3'? ¢ -13: 6/ M, ,, at), Vve “ I their melon. shuffle-Olen. or 000- t‘ 1! '9. ~ , I g“ m‘... 'Ekfi
'6 4‘ -:‘.-.‘.‘ u 4/6 o l. 2 of...’ i <1 melon with UK. “emulation will “fill in // .( m; I? .. -
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101 g , /// . s". m 3 1802 Umteofulmes MICII', Inc - d 1 , l. 74 OM90 “'0'” "5"" m..,h|. l m ll" muf ll! H II! Cl'plllc am M1 M81 m T": .

 THE KENTUCK YKERNEL Juanthy, Octobor 7, 19.2 - 3
, 5 5 " . ' " Men rape to express anger. to According to a 1971 study done treated first.
5" _ _. overpower, to humiliate and to in Philadelphia, 60 percent of the Warfield commended the cam-
. . degrade, Groth said. Rape is not rapists are married or have a pus police and the Medical Cen-
. 1. , . ' an aggressive form of sex. but a regular sexual partner, and 75 ter for their treatment of rape
. , . . . . sexual form of aggression. percent of the rapists plan the victims.
' ' . ' ‘ ' 5 according to the author. assault.
. ' - ' ' .3 Most rapists are power rapists If the victim decides to pros- .
5 ’ ‘ . — probably more than the per- ecute. she usually has a faster
5 . . . " cent represented in prisons. mental and physical recovery
-_ . _. . 5, 5 . Groth said. than one who does not, Warfield
. . . ' ' Power rapists use intimidation said.
5; . . . ‘ 5 - »_' to scare women and do not usual- Those cases considered anger
'1 _ . 5 .. _ ' ly physically batter them, War- rapes usually involve older
5. . , i- .5 A 5 fieldsaid. women who have been beaten. -
» . ' , ' 5 '~ ' A 1981 police study found 34 Warfield said, adding that arfield said the 5
. ’ 5 ' 3 percent of reported rapes occur “anger rapists are the easiest Crisis Center is looking for vol-
' . '. -'L' in the victim’s home, 26 percent cases to take to court." unteers to work the “hot lines.“
j , - . . 55 ~ are in open spaces and 22 per- The physical evidence of the She said volunteers should be in-
, - . . ' - ~ ‘ cent in cars. beating provides more convinc~ terested in basic counseling work
', « ~ Teenagers and children are at- ing evidence of the rape act, said and may be either male or fer
f _ ' . .. _ warfield said the cam us and tacked more frequently in their an anonymous police officer. male. .
' It continues to state that un - p homes than the figures indicate. Because of the physical abuse A training program for the '
— lawful means unmarried and surrounding areas foster a false 5 _ _ 5 _ 5
By BARBARA PRICE SALLEE that ' cannot be charged image of safety for female stu- Warfieldsaid. involved in rape, medical treat- “hot line" serVice Will begin
Assistant Arts Editor 'th d "3:" his wife That law dents. “Female students are Warfield said studies indicate ment is another factor to consid- Nov. 6 and meet four times. two
W11 ”2' rfien are never consid- much less guarded about the most victims are young and sin- er. consecutive Saturdays and ‘
W a :15“ victims people around them in a college gle. In 1981, a police study The UK Medical Center places Wednesdays at the Rape Crisis '
15> er “5.2an or cibly ‘and against her area." shililwed 69 perctzaisit of the celndter‘s the:j care oft ralpe \Ilictu’nscfis a sec- Cepter'. Peolpllelsmefiesvtled finkyolt-
. ,. ‘ . t K I ’ rdj to ca ers were years 0 or on priori y eve , w l means on eering s 0 ca ar ie a
7' ~ En" thgquzfima 13%;? $2513: “BS“; mindacihagt; esothenaNar younger. That year, the youngest the hospital will treat life threat- the center at 253-2511.
. h . all fightin or verbal