xt78kp7tqj7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78kp7tqj7h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-03-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1980 1980 1980-03-28 2020 true xt78kp7tqj7h section xt78kp7tqj7h Vol. LXXII. No_ In Ker cl l'nitersity of Kentucky
Friday, Much 28. I980 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
2 =
3 V -I s . , ..
5 w .5553 5 I I I
mm m m... «.555 s. SG candidates state philosophies
’3 i g t I V § 55.5% ' i
‘5 . - r; '. 5 .1” 5 . I
- ~55 "‘3‘ t ~- on an rovm UK overnment
55 . _ y - _ 5 5 _- -»
' : ' . 5‘ <- »: . ’ ,-..'2 ~’ 5 W" ‘h :‘ ‘- . ‘5 .~
g? 5. 5 «a W3 .- \_ 5 “‘5 "33* .g i 55.- . '3" it “ "’1 By JAY HAMBURG the one proposed L’ll seat. whether S(i should be restructured
' . ' -= €-'-5~is='3f‘s5‘ 5" *§ \5 ' ’5‘ Staff Writer The candidates for president (Brad and whether or not 80 could be an
5 :5; . 3 . *‘w Sturgeon. Feduchio Sanchez and effectiye organization if it operated on
" 5 55. 5; ' ‘5 Last night‘s candidates forum spcn- Chuck Malkus) and vice president a budget of SO.
. 2 ’“g \ _5 _'- sored by 50 gave presidential. vice- (Britt Brockman)spoke forthree min- Sturgeon and Brockman proposeda
,_ _ ~ _ ,~ ' - s. . presidential and senatorial candidates utes each. presenting their platforms. landlord file which would document
' 3 3' N ' 5 I . achance to airtheir viCWs.They spoke “We must fight against apathy by complaints made against landlords.
‘ ,5W \ I before a crowd of about forty-five working together. not ay indulging in The file would also list ayailable hoUs-
35555 § spectators which included thirty can- negativism." Sturgeon said. He added ing. In addition. they advocated estab-
e‘r ' " w ' didates. 50 President Mark Metcalf. that as a $0 senator he had stood lishing a book exchange and
‘ _. » 5 the chairman ofthe election board and against the proposed Student Center conducting opinion sury eys.
. I ' 5 a student who timed the speeches. expansion and the mandatory increase Sanche7 said that a ad\ertising pro-
' i 5M5 2 i 5 In his opening remarks. Metcalf in health fees. gramisneededtoestablish bettercom-
. ‘ \33 3“ ' w- ' 3 said that "the potential ofSG is great. Feduchio Sanchez. which is the alias munication between students and SG.
5 " \ 3-‘ V. ‘ although students rarely feel touched Richard DiIney‘ has used since filing Malkus said. “I‘m not going to give 5
3N5 ’ ,5 a! 5 a at ‘_ .5 by its operation." forcandidacy.said SG‘smain problem adimetoanyorganizationoncampus,
' .5. ‘5 5 5 ‘ 5 5 “As afreshman I did not feelcloseto is that it lacks a sense of purpose. 1 he money should go to actiyities to
5 . 5 5 5 55 5 3. -‘ . _ the organizationfl Metcalfsaid. “but “The problem was called apathyand promote unity with students.“
55 x 5 .355. 55 ’ 5 5555555 I‘ve come to realize that it ts much blamed on the students." he satd.“ihe mHe added. "We‘re college students.
' . . it“. 1.55 s more than a spot on the resume." only way around student bureaucracy Let’s live like college students. Let‘s
» I. h 53* 3' 3 5’: Responding to an editorial pub- is to go around itand heedthe popular haie fun. Let‘s party a little and get
.. .~.5.‘s . _. . lished in yesterday's Kernel. Metcalf voice. A vote for Sanchel is an active together." -
w § 5 w ,3 added. “Often I found myself under critique ofthe system." The following are the senatorial
3-. a“ s5 ‘3 __ attack from small groups of my sena- Malkus said. “There have been a candidates who spoke at last night‘s
! ’5’ 5 _555\\\ '3 '“ 55:“55‘ tors. but conflict is a necessary part of couple of big-time politicians here and forum. listed alphabetically by college.
\ ' 5 \ 5.35325; '- ~ . i any legislative process." we must restore credibility and erase Madeleine Yeh. Arts & Seiences;
‘ 5. 3 it? 55 55%. 5 § 5 35:50 5 ' ' As evidence ofSG‘s success. Metcalf apathy. Thesethings can beconquered (ireg Cinnamon and Scott Boggess.
£3323 .; WV . . listed such thingsas the evening bus by enthustasm and activities such as Business & Economics; Nancy Loomis
5 55 55M)" . ' service. Jogging in Memorial C (5)Il- get-togethers With the students.‘ 5 and Juli Johnson. Education; Dayid
‘ . s‘ 5555555xw§3 §§5§5§ _5 553-2... ‘ seum. typewriter service in the King Brockman. who is running with Hubbuch and Blake Ross (who came
' 3\ ‘3}‘3\ 5 5 , " Library. more cash in the check cash- Sturgeon. said that he and Sturgeon late and missed his turn to speak).
' - - 5, ' ft 55?» sex a» . ing line in theComplex Commons and represent diversity because they have Engineering; Vincent Veh and Tawny
33:3 5,; .' . 5 5 ‘\ it 5 having a stoplight installed at the different majors and because he Acker (write~in). Graduate School;
‘3 " 3 x M {5 intersection of Euclid and Harrison (Brocknian) is a member of a frater- Lisa Dacci. LTl; JayJones and Susan
. ' " 3 . . . . . ‘ avenues. nity' and Sturgeon is not. Meers. Nursing; (iary Smith. Don
V . Taste test 3’ TERI“ “L‘s/K'mdm'" The forum began withatwo-minute 5After stating their platforms. each Menser. Sali McSherry. Holly
‘ statement from each ofthetwenty-Stx of the candidates for presrdent and Guelich. Jeff Waldrop. Andy Heck-
Although Matthew Morris. 4. isn't enrolled in the fountain resemblesthe look some students wear during senatorial candidates in attendance. vice president respondedtothreeques- man. Debbie Early. Barb Rowe. Tom
, Geology class where students lick rocks to distinguish the course‘s rock-licking occasions. DeFord‘s mother. Including one candidatewho 18 con- tions which were drawn up bythe elec- Uram. Sune AntoniiklMark Rock. , ‘
the different specimens. the look 0" Matthew DeFord‘s Kathy. was babysitting while her husband, David, a ducting a write-in campaign. there are non board. The questions concerned James Bredar. Ann (offey and Alex-
face 35 the fi\9-year-u|d watches his friend sample the sophomore computer science major. attends classes. 52 people vying for40 senate seats and allocation ofmoney in the 80 budget. andra Dallas. at—large candidates. 5
M bl k d f l m' U ' ' m' ' 't
ore ac stu ents, acu ty co ing to niversrty, says inority recrur er V
5 By ANNE ('HARLES doctorate from [K he wasawarded pronged attack." said Smith. “Getting where he talks to those students inter- academic programs were what sold her “The number of blacks on the Les-
. , sum “TIIL‘I and his degree in NM. them here is the first step. Then we ested in attending a university. on UK and “the recruiters were very ington campus is steadily and gradu- .
JON] ESKRIDGE “Breaking tradition is where I hate have to keep them here." Recently an Hanley states that he will “go any- helpful.“ she said. ally growing." Smith said. He said he '
_ . i Rt‘pttll‘Ji’ my work cut out for me." said I'K increasing number of students who where to get any high school student “Some days I get a carload of stu— hopes to have l.3l9 black students at ‘
, ‘ Minority Recruiter Al\in Hanley. come in as freshmen are finishingtheir who expresses an interest in UK. I dents and take them to the campus. UK by I984.
' One group of people at l K who “I‘m tryingto help changctheimage of degree in four years. he said. have to go out and beat the buShes.“ When you extend yourself. the kids “We're quietly working hard to
rcceiie special recruiting attention I\ l‘K. since many blacks hayea negatiyc The man in charge ofactive recruit- Business Administration sopho- know you‘re serious.“ Hanley said. attract black students to l'K. and to
3 minorities. namely blacks lhat \pc» opinion of it.“ ing is Al Hanley. a familiar face to more Deborah Burks was visited by Bringing high school students to cam- provide them (with) a meaningful
. cial attention has paid off recently as lhc academic caliberof the l'niyer- black students. Duringatypicaldayhe UK representatives at Jeffersontown pus gives them afeel for UK before experience while here to help them
_ growing numbers of black students . . l'k" bi ‘ 5, 5 'lllf" ‘tion 5 5 tu- will yisit six Kentucky high schools. High School in Louisville. The strong they get here. Smith said. reach their goals." said Smith. .
. and faculty members are coming to “I" h ‘ 3+” t “L . (H _
, . . dents. according to Director of
I K. according to \icc President of 5 . .
. ,5 . Ad missions Don Byars. l‘actors which Oda
Minority Affairs John T Smith. .
;. help draw black students to l K
”I“ I“ NM ”NM“ “"“nd'ng include scholarshi -- 'bl' '. SECRETARY or STATE c v' ’ "t d were “shoveling the remains imo white plastic
, 5 5 .5 . p3. rLthOnd L [U] c . yI'US ance msrse
. I h LN ””19““ Wlhl‘r'Wd 3-5 PW" “(m5 black faculty and good facilities state yesterday that Americanforeign policy is“onthe right mortuary bags.“ '
. cent of the student boily.acCtirdii1g to according to By airs ' road. even if it is a long and difficuh oncf‘ Mine officials said at least 23 bodies were counted
Warren Spencer. ztsSIstan dean 0| “I like to thihk that [K h the ‘aca- THE STATE HOl'SE OF REPRESENTATIVES Vance defended the Carter administration‘s record The “T5! body bags were brought 5‘0 1h“ SWIM-‘9 3“
admissions. lwclyc black instructors d‘mr‘l ll: , hi 5‘ th‘ t' t‘ .. 8‘ ’th yesterday did some name changing regarding as the Senate Foreign RelationsCommittee openeda about l0 P-m-~ morethan '6 “9““ 3"”th accident.
joined I‘K's staff in IQ"). bringingthc 3 3 ._ db '33 (. . L .3 d. L .3 ml Kentucky drivers. broad inquiry into the American position in the and were taken ‘0 a mortuary 'h nearby Klerksdorp. '
. total number of black instructors to said. IhCHMb.lm-\ of m'”‘.""-" Stu' The HouseapprovedaSenatebillthatwouldreturn world. The rescue team described the Wk 33 "‘30
3t 1 he added attcntion minority dentstn [ht athlettcprogramisalsoan Kentucky to its old style ol‘license plates with the full “What the American people want to know is where unpleasant." bl" ml"? 0mm“ 53'd “Wk “mild
, students get ls necessam to draw ”‘5“ “Id 851”" lhe turning point name of the state and the county name on the plate. we are going and how we intend to get there.“ said COhIIhU¢_ihY°u8h the h'ghlt _ _
‘ blacks to3l‘K. a collcaeyihcrc few If" m'hhmlm CSPCLTIRII.‘ lh lht‘ I-CX— The House earlier resurrected andthcn passeda bill Sen. Frank Church. D-ldaho. committee chairman 40h“ tplett.5mana'ger ofthebmine inshis town l00
black students haic chroll‘d m th' Int-”on iirea. came with the I974 sign- that would allow a womanto use her maiden name on Vance responded with a bO-page statement. from hill“ southwest 0f .ohannes urg: sat own not
. 3 3 ing of grunts-in-uid hy basketball her driser‘s license, which he read for slightly more than an hour in the Immed'a‘eli clear how the accident happened.
. :51:sz lithillliiifl [I:1335‘j:n:‘lucr:il£1193]: players .Iack (iiycns and James Lee. Senate Caucus Room. The hearing was broadcast lmltesugabiiiseyctlrethrtfpe‘i'rytfc‘::iigtehsailrtingworktrsfor
‘ C‘tL‘CiCi"; . .. . 5 was 6 5.. , 
Mm“ 1055.051” Hum. dayscndcd and ““0!de 10 Smllh A SPECIAL FEDERAL GRAND JURY mummy by the pum telms'on network the 5.30 am. shift jammed at the top of the shalt. be
5 a black student “”5 “N admitted to I he admissions 0m“. uses an inten- yesterday apparently turned its attention again to the 5 5 5 5 5 5 said. The cageapparently‘jerked freeandthe bridle. or
I'K in [9495 m5. student contact program to reach state's purchase ofthe Hidden Valley Resortin Powell 5 GOVLRNMLNT "LALTH OI'F“ ““455 metal frame surrounding it. sheared off from the
"lhis set a precedent bccausc \fll— potential students through career (”um—3 . . . ., soundedkthe alarms yesterday that Amezican youths cable. falling '12 WI“ to [he ghafl bottom at an ‘ '
' dents tend to go (to college) w here days. information sessions. letters and lhe “a": paid an Indianapolistirm. lnvestorsTrust are smo ing more potent marijuana an ”startingat estimated 160 miles an hour,
. .. ' . . , lnc . 355.000 for 54H acres of the resort in I977, lt earlier ages despite newevtdencethat marijuana poses
members of their families ha\c gone. phone calls. Byars said recrumng “as m be converted for use as a minimum security serious health hazards. wor'd
Smith said. " l o rcycisc that trend, it's “starts with a base of contact. I he tool prison. The Department of Health. Education and Welfare
necessary to do cxtra recruiting " “CTL‘ using is assistance." Yesterday‘s wttncgseg, included David Bland. who said in a report to Congress that marijuana smoking THE [3.5. EMBASSY hostages w,” probably
Smith was the first black to rcccue .i \Iinority recruitment is "a two- “5,5 state corrections commissioner from I976 until “now often begins at a much earlier age and is more languish m theirTehran imprisonment forat leasttwo
this year. likely to be frequent rather than experimental “sei‘lh more months. possibly into the summer. a member of
' ' ' Bland would say only the grand jurors “asked me comparison WM '970- the UN. investigatory commission on Iran was
0,, ’19 cal/apses In North sea questions about my role as commissioner of II said that although marijuana has “0‘ been quated as saying yesterday.
Ctyrtccttomf‘ conclusively linked to lung cancer. “it appears likely In an interview published yesterday m a Lebanese
’ ' 'I‘a‘. daily use of marijuana leads to lung damage newspaper,SyrianlawyerAdthaoudi.a member of 5
()SI.(). Norway A floating “hotel" lapsed one of the platform‘s five legs natlon 3:213; 3.0 that resulting from heavy ctgarette the U.:‘5«', C0mml55l0h 0" lran.was5quoted assaying he
platform with more than 30“ \orth and the structure turned over in the TRFASl'RY SECRETARY (5 W' _ 5 3' expects the Iranians to do nothing about the issue
'. ., . . . ., _. .. , » ~ , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ f “ 'H'am Mm" until after the Maths convenes. Although is may
83“ ()llIltld “mu“ ‘Ihndld L‘IP‘l/Cd ‘L‘l' Hm" Pl‘nmrmhi (m “h'Ch 0'] ““1 yesterday that PI‘CSidcnl Carter‘s new budget.th¢ RONAI DREACAN esterda' r0 ogcda | in convene in May. Iranian leaders have said II M“ lake
last night and rescuers battled galc- workers ll\L‘. resemble apartment latest move in the battle against inflation. will be “extreme pressure“'that)dould “tbiichpon a thprgtii 08f some weeks {or it to organile itself and deal with
force winds mthe darkricsstoptill nut” buildings on stilts. followed by additional measures later ongbut that force“ to win the release of the American hostages pmgtng matters before turning to the hostage issue.
from the towering. frigid wait-s -\ spokesman at the Royal Air they wont include wage and price controls. 5 held in Tehran by Iranian militants. In Washington. State Department spokesman ,
Reports said seyen persons were lorccresciieccntei at Pitrcatie ('astle. “We W'” "0‘ “have mand?‘°Ty “8° and Wm The former California governor. campaigning for Hodding Carter indicated US policy-makers have
- known dead. Scotland. said a rescue plane acting as “3""0'5‘ period: Mm" said ”I a speech 3' the Wisconsin‘s Republican presidential primary next reached decisions in recent days on new steps to end
Authorities said early this morning a communications link with search ““0"“! Press ( IUh' . . . , ‘I uesday. told reporters that in making his proposal. the films.
that “H persons had been rescued rind teams and rescue centers said about 50 Mm“ ”'d the“ ( an” adf‘m'smuon ‘3 stand he was “not thinking of pushingihe war button" over He refused to say what was being contemplated but
65 others were in acuatetl from a persons were belies cd trapped in a against controls is irrevocable because they wont the estimated 50 hostages who have been held captive said.“You ought to be seeing some resultsinashortcr
, . . work. . , " ffi als who
nearby oil production rig by British motic theater on the platform. 5m“ NOV- 4, _ _ _ ”3h" than a longer Perm: EM" 0 c'“ 5‘.”
and Norwegian helicopters. ships and tire“ Assocration. the British THE SENATE YESTERDAY gave final Reagan said that in handlingthe hostage cri5is. the Wished not tobeidentificd'said't emeasures wi not
dtyers {I MI “I ds 5' 1 Hit) h domestic newsa t 5 uotedarescue ‘ .- . y y . a . ,, Carter administration had failed totakeadvantageof be POIIUWIIY POPUI“ ”1 ran.
51: ng n t tp tt mp ti 5 q congressional approval to a compromise windfall . - d food and us need to
They said many of the platform suni- center spokesman at Stayanger as say- tax on the oil industry. a S227-billion measure ml.“ defiendmc: on impodrte h
yors were inlured mg those in the theater were believed designed asa cornerstone OlPI’CSidcmcarm'S energy de w" 0' to tan m eac ay. weat er
Fstimates of the number of persons alive. that the platform “is floating POIICY- 5 5 .
aboard ranged from 20X to 21x and upside down and we are hoping to The 66-31 vote sent the measure to Carter for his TWO DOZEN MITVILRS plungedtotheirdeathsina THERE WILL BE periods of spring showers
nearly all were said to bc Norwegian send dl\Cr\ and diving bells down." "ghalum ” months after h‘ recommended "~ _ runaway 3°” mm‘ ““3"" yesterday. hurling today. P0312” heavy mung: H'shs 3“” hchm T:
A spokesman in \orway for Phillips A Phillips spokesman said the dead Opponm.“ contendedthe t" would deprive the 0" downward more than a m”: at '60 mph. mm 5037 h showerzos 0T” 30mm"; 10.33: l M h
Petroleum ('0 whi‘h ‘h' te rd th~ wcrclound in water c the l'tfo industry 0' money needed for “9"" investment. Rescue teams atVaalReefs.theworldslargest 80“ the '°w‘.‘"‘ cupper 3‘ omorrows ou5 emuc
3 3 ar R i n at P d rm. Backers called it fair and well Within the ability of0i| mine. foundagruesomemghtofsmashed b0d'35 3' the better w'Ih ”It '3'” "‘de and ”3‘ mg,“ 'n [he m'd
platform and made the IIN strike In ”3 ‘ald Ih “I those rescued had clam— producers and toyattyflwmrt to pay bottom ofthe shaft. Mining sources said the workers 608,
the Norwegian North Sea more than It) hered onto an adioining platform and
years ago said a huge wayc col- the other 75wcretnlif’ehoatsand rafts.

 KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel
h/i/o: II! t hlt‘l Muir (ireen Kim Aubrey Thomas ('hrIt John (1., Guy Linden
. . Jay hone" Bob ('oehnne Emeriumnmil Edi/or spam hm“, Director of Photography
(‘Iry Willis 4mm Iult’ I‘.tllItII\ Pllll Mann
2' 2 Managing filimr (’indy McGee s. T. Robinson Brim Rickrrd David Maynard
Jacki Rudd hut/uni 41mm,” gym”. NH“, Phoio .ilamigrr
. . \teve Massey Lis- Douslrd ('o/vr hdriors Hire-riainirrml ktliior
editorials & comments (ulll/‘lli trim" Iu/rlorrul lililol
Lottery measure deserves closer look ~
‘ l/llh qu \‘ i? like:- ’r‘|
l/ 1,4515 Hal C W“? g, 335:14537‘
.lust MW do you mink ”m ”I “Hum-r Hm there --.\trer thr- lottery winners get their share. hall ol~ \Ql 5‘3» [WER P'efwe ’4 1‘1! fig;- I / ,
las Vegas" what was lelt was supposed to go toward public i Q); at?" . 1“ we CATCH l..’."'\. , 11',I“ I , / .U’I/ . .
Son. we‘re a (rod-tearing coritniunity \ke don‘t s‘dUCJUWL 5 WWW“ toward state highways.andthe \ \§_ . . ”’9‘! r ?\ “ 'i/ MM'J . a“? ' ‘
approye ”I garriblrng m ”k. mm. 01 Kentucky other 25 percent toward aid lorcities and counties. f \ 1 ‘\ Ki ' 3.60 4715' 55/4!”
"But mister. what about horse racing" I mean. Wl‘i” aqurckand 935) “3} “”1““ money. ll WOUld E- \s .'e \v i ' dill" .~ l~ ‘ q". ' if; '
millions ol dollarsare wagered at (‘hurcltill l)owrison certainly ht‘ “WW lun than [HXCS- . ' ' sly? ‘. , 1 \ . I" 15;" r- t» . l , . '
Derby Day Alum. -~ "()r is it something else that bugs you about this . -~ , y“. ‘5’“ [#51 2.: i w / .
. . Iliat‘s ditlererrt Ya see. ya lust aren‘t old enough to 5"”? A” W“ ill—”WM legalt/ing bingo 3‘ churches and J "er." .‘l'g / ‘ 'JJ.‘ 1’ , " . f 1 g '
. understand \\ lien you place a bet on a horse. yott itist socral EWUPY'" 5" ¢ .5 \ ,\.,m 5 ‘ «5 ’lI; . .3 . , .
I I kinda hate a hunch. ya know what I niean’ l ike_ ya WCIL ‘1 '5 i5 lor‘m “l gambling. W“. Besides. ll ain‘t ‘ . h‘ i J \1 ‘ 1, ‘5 .11 .1155]; l
tatta look at his record and arialy/e how he‘s been Willi} Clllm‘t‘t‘d WNW)» ‘ \ ‘ y;- . \ l .1. “Bil ‘
. doing. see. and look at what coiidrttor: the tracks he‘s ill‘l‘liis'll.‘ 5” “h.\ 5““ legalile ll?“ (a » ' r V I -.
hcmirunnmgnn1mg 1m.” 1” ton and I both know about problems with 92582: <‘ “i ! ‘~ ~ ~I_ ..' .
y _ compulsiye gamblers. lhey don't need any more ' Lxflfihmw“l fit . ‘ “3 .. -. .
It s a right eorrrplicated process \a gotta tlirrik such temptation. ’ .1 ~ '1 \ ~~ \ 1' L-
things out '\lltl yougetari idea ol w hat kind ol sliot ya “Bingo games” (iet serious. You'd hate to play /.' 1 l1} ‘- ' Gill g '
- got at wiriniri‘arid how much viioney you‘re willing to some intense bingo to lose morethan a “1“ dollars m ' -l, I I " \ Q’WI.~\/
‘. I i bet and all, Hm l mm w m” ”hm” ll mm” “(m-l one night Also. did )ou lorgct how we were able to L. t it t" ‘l’ illth‘lfi 7 lib: ' ’
. haIer muclt “lulu” ”l “mm”?! attord new gym equipment lor the school'.’/\nd surely l . ml . r TVM’M,‘
. ' BL” you told mg 7“)“ “l“lll‘ .llM ‘1 “lull“ M “I you rerrtember when old Mrs. Adkins won that color "K X l y ~ , .t. / VJ
money at thetraeks \otisaid you d rieyergoout there l\' set last year at that one game. ~431wa4.: ,. w,’ ,. I. _ . I. _' Ing i M
' , . again, Oh. and remember when you went otrt to Reno “She‘d been telling eyerybody how shewasgoingto ' .WL? , ”1;; .‘f {21’3" ‘ fr..- " LWNHIIMM
5‘ l‘N “mm“ ””‘l ll"! ‘1” that win all along. and you kept saying it was about time I i i WW“ ”MSW“ ,
- - \\ hoa. now. boy. llrat was last year I‘ve gotten a some lUL‘ls came Mr “11)."
. lot more sensible since then. I rust think tlieie are Yeah. I remember. Her eyes lit up and she started ________._._______. .
better ways or kicking inoney around. \\ e hate to hugging Hey. wait a minute. boy; thatain‘t gonna
. ser\e the people ol this state. doriclia know work. tryingtoconyince me by getting on mysolt side.
.. “Vt ell. they‘re saying this lottery could raise well “\ ou‘ll neyer change, You know. the only people r - .
oyei Slot) million. with maybe 55 million going to more hypocritical. more illogical than you. are the \ ’fl \‘RI‘
lsentueky‘s war \eterans. \nybody who ser\ed state legislators. lhis one representatiye from \- ‘ 1 "s r
' ”I. . between N and “3 could get as much as 35110 It ()werrsboro asked the sponsor olthe billilthe lottery ‘ \ V». ’
II I_ . seems like a reasonable way to ser\e lteoPle B) the was going to be a game ot’ chance. Real smart.“ ‘\s \s'. 4‘
» " way. when did you get out ot the \larines'” Sounds like he was only doing his job. I‘m afraid ‘\ ; \ fly,“
_ . , l h. Ho: llut. tih. that‘s not w hat‘s bugging me. I yott got a lew things to learn about lawmaking. boy. 1“ \‘ \fiqm l
‘1 ain't worried about arty \etcraris‘ bonus "I gttcss I do. mister. I guess I do," ' ~ 'si .‘l l \b‘h'
’. \ . . r: ‘1 \"",r. -. ‘.
. I l n l ‘ § . i i y l I l \l m '1\' 27‘“ fit
: , Anderson 3 future/s sir/la question 0 81 i . l t < 3* lit ,
. y ‘ l l ‘.-.n
. , Pa 01) 8 \.. .. sll sir .. ll , l 51 3t W , .
, I \ .
r 4 By RON l)l Kl E l I‘ “P‘l STOP of“ I "I \:'i '~.
. _ .\ m“ Mm hm “mm [m pillllrktll $40 billion ol the total amount would not only . morally wrong but politr- ‘ A“ : u w. \\I.l “up a} ,It lul .
' , . . . targonotinc l‘thll primary mm)“ H” be used tocut yyoikeis 5UC!;tl5L‘Cll:Il_\ call) stupid tor the (r()l to embrace l .' ,' 1 HQ, .I. 0 ‘ y m I I ”1 m '
. . - . term h 1mm“ Republican and l\ “mi [in rate oycr fill percent. ll‘ttm bl: to anrdcology soInarrow astoshuIt outall ~\\ .\ ’ ll. '1 l s -..\\
_ . , to describe the presidential candidacy dill percent. According [9. a story but 7‘ yocal. rlght-wrng mlnortty. @\f ll. N‘ s...” .980 rOPP . M
. . I All l tlllt'd \lales Replt’st'lllttllst'.ltillll llllhmllul m 1er Mill )1,“ [Hull ”k. “'llh lhc locus 0f lhe prlmar'lcs ' .T / l.“ @ ‘ E s [\Pdent’ '70? I
. . [\ndwmn ”1 “MW“ resulting increase in workers take moying away lrom the east.Ilollow'Iing ‘ “I '~\\ ’r llw l li‘tflfiil ‘\ ';-.~‘ll\!luflfl ‘ er .-'
. I 1, mp \nduwn 1W hm) WM“: “1‘ home pay will be enough to coy er the the \ew York and (Ionnecticut prtm- 3‘ f .. El \ ' '$\R\HE: “Emile" may .11,
. . . support “(mm M a mu“ “I \H‘UM ray on l.353 gallons ot gas peryeartor aries that occurred lIuesday. the race ‘ l .1 l . ' '\‘ l ,; ,
. . . . \hm‘mp in recent northeastern arid the ayerage single worker lamily. lhe will turn to Wisconsin where AIndcr- 1 1 l l 1 'l “0 1 'rI.."
. _' mummy” plum” ”kw “ II.” mm remaining SI} billion dollars in son expectstodowell. Anderson ssuc- ‘ H \ | l r 1 y l] ' I X
1 mm primary “Ikiuww hm mm: I‘ :eyenue would be usedtotuiid a redtic— cess willdepend to a large extentupon l l V"! l l l i 1 I .
,' . concurrent mg m yolunteei and ttrran- iron in eruployers‘ payroll tax from thetradittonally moderate Republican 'l l i' Jl L {Irl .‘ 1. l/"E' 9““ . ._‘ l L l l y
,. - ~ ., . 1 .11.... ————————— m. it. Md'Wt'" ...‘.. - - i=4 1 .‘s. Q; 1111‘ IEEIIQ] \\l . -15 s. -
i . . ‘A club stttcesses to his cartipaign stra— tndependentsand l)cm0crals“h0mll “{9} il tmllll r i ll? ti. “‘5‘“ i— ghQflbhlfi-ll‘ij Eli llll -,~i
. .5 teg\ w ltieli he describes as berth: based . . cross pan) [”7“ to support Anderson — db 1‘21.“ la- ll 1 U.» - _:—-—- i f m;i “l";-
. 1m“! ”campaign “I MCI“ .. ‘ Op/n/On Anderson's luture as a presidential ”" r—‘m. .
. ,‘ _\”IJW\I~I1.‘*[mud M” a Itl~year candidate is a question only time and .
, ‘1 span in the l s Hum 1,; Represerrtm the primary trail cart answer. . - m
. . tIpes is the basis tor the tag or liberal _——‘—‘——'— Ron Duke1”ooliticalsciencesenior.
.- epublican \ndersori supported and h l.5 to 5 percent llic ta\ cuts for
. . -. continues to support the \alt ll employers would be antr—rntlationary ' I
i, .‘ ~‘ lreaty He hecartie an early and out~ as the cost ot thesetayes are normally COI um nISt hears the SO nd Of d 'Sta nt drum mer
I. . sPokeri ttrttt or the \ ie'narrr war He W‘Wd on W consumers. \ccording li) u
. V » has also supported the latial Rights the same IIHH'\ article. the 50-51)
. . latron. PUhhs l‘llrtl‘iclllg or pump“! \ndcmm I‘M primmm a “mm“; Maybe a dozen years a 0 I read a it was only yesterday that intantrle dn wasall the moreIperpleited. so I kind oi anIiInflfteranthbeIaft orfmetzrthjat .
5‘ J ' campaigns. and open liot.s:rig legisla- cartel ol oiH‘onsuming countries to 1311011 ”ghoul Viruses L11 5w: written I paralysts (10.0mm children and young showed " m an Engltshgrad student 39""? Ol d ectst e tleo 6:: In P
. . ‘ ' tron while in the llllllsl' \c"lllt’l did deal with ()l’H on a oneto one basis belieye by the late-Dr John Eriders adults toa “let-”mm cruel paralysis ll who told me. Oh' you ve written a “4518‘ [0.a. greater or esser egree.I
, . . . _ I r I . . . . 1 . . .. death did n01 ”119”ch poem lhe classrcal scholar began his
. \ntlusor. l.rr.cli liorrr attacking a and as an allocating authority in case oneolihemrrld'sloremostauthorities - 'l' - _ , , l) b 'd h ,. l , ,- ~ ' . alt‘ u77|in over the fact
. " - I' Republican l’restdent dirrrrrg the or shortages. Rep ‘\ndCf.\Un‘rCCL’nll\' on the subiectolithose mysterious sub hsllndxm my‘ll elm.“ fulfill pox has 'b urpr or imp; t rental. rfmdm. lgqmr) 1 cr 1) ‘1 g ge m ble to
.. . -‘_ Watergate stlllldl \‘rlrle being strggested that strch a cartel ”might micro organisms blamed for i so Len “mm-.0“ [ht lace ”l the globe. d out reererse. dentedIiItwasaIpoem ls“ gfreaI opera sars . e' a ,
I‘ l . socially libera’. Rep \lltle‘!‘~till is also gi\e non-()l’l ( oil preferred access to many of man's ills . . Strange Is It no“ ho“ eachIsucceIs- ‘ adding. Butll It [5' It s the kmd Of sing. or lnStancF' l agnenan opera,
I . i .- all aslrllt' .tttd k'ithlit'll' 'Iscal our markets." ltpetrilied melhinking backtothe illcd ggllcraIlIIon gels lllcllfq lImo ”.8 [30:33) I high: .. n I 'd d bulniafll: solllog :hgodzgol immersed in
‘ - L"”““"‘-1“"~' \nderson‘s stews on alternatryeluel book. it still does. l am not sure that .m Ol.mule And euua \ strange. n i ever! s .655. my gm Stu em ' ‘ 3 cf hng i k lid b -
‘ ,. .. I- . Rep \rrdeisoi; gines L"lL"_L’\ policy sources ltaye undergone a shilt during eyen in the 110,511 cars smcethat read- would appear. as how. having become added. It Is ‘.’ poIem. . d stu y 0 l e .00 0 o 7 was cpehr
i “ : ‘ his top pr (\‘ils 'liouglr. since he the past lew years. \ one time adyo- in 'lhc medicalanld “.131 ‘d ml 1. s) . locked mm the new beat. each genera- l was working tn the(I0mm0ns(tlie platted. Something was amiss an h c
. l 1 It» i . MN“ m“ .IIm “Wig“ {MINI HUI (Inc “I ”WEI” power. he recently him much more aboui Vilma-21:15: tron linds the old beat intolerable. 305 name forIthe cafeteria on the top waISI refilling :3: ‘th lelle llo “’0‘“
. . y {.1 ('L'tllltlllllc pol.e_y our prosperity all stated iii a li/lugr' lorri- interview then. Based on obsenattons ol‘elec- ' ' ”(i3 ‘0‘ 21‘4“”) lhalhmghthwhmIt’hc Ellltldle: themllook oalJo: whnsangtfzril-
. . I, -. hinge on raiding a solution to the that“! am one who has really moyed tron microscopic plates the wee beas- pOS/t/Ve . .3” stu ent camel roug I 6 inc t bi - le uthor lndeed he
-. -‘ . energy sll‘tldlltll‘r " ln support or this away lrom the beltel that. nuclear t r. ' ' b 1 - ' 1 vi negatIVe and asked me lllsllll had my poeml Ien ). a Isrng a ' '
, _ \lcw \irriusrrirnet-nus irrltodtlcedthe )w‘rl it ,1 . , .h _, . '5‘ “We“ ‘0 e ""3 56”“ a we told her I had turned it rn to George statedtn hisscholarlyreport.theBook
.',I‘ ’ .‘ ,5 511,511 PM“ In“ M” A dwm‘d m RC :yt-ihlildnht ilt‘wliiillll“llllt‘lrlll‘lhtlllg IVthateyer they 5"“ _h““"“~ they ___._————————-— Spencer. the Kernel editor. as my OfJOb was probably writeen by three '
‘ . ,' . i 5' . ""1”“ l \ dependence 5’“ Plllll's‘iill,‘ yiew Andersin cited otirtechnoltigicgl :Egdliers ilnotll:tnllilellllalllll(\ttllleyrllfflfreTtltC) I don't thing that was exactly] Why?! column. . , gersgns Vd-alld he COUld separatethem
' 1 ““‘h‘l‘ll' """l't-"i “lllis‘hl‘ dud \Imlll- inability to guarantee sale disposal of certain cells iniect'thecells withaniy's- David lhoreau had m ”.11"? w Ien e Nextday at noontheIsamegrad stu- y l err 1mm“: mcter. l
3' ' , x ' Ii l‘mwu‘l‘ "*"lm" “”5“” U‘l'l‘orate waste as one ol the primary factors in terrous ingredient thercb. creatin‘ a relerred (0‘me Ol us as marching It) dent camethrough theline and handed Now backItot emusrctn on; souhs.
." . . ,I and mdmmm ”hum, I“ I’m dcwmn “I mIM away {mm yirus lactory out Of the CZ” g the beat ol a distant drummer IIbut me a small scroll of paper held by a I am a Big Band pgrsolrlt stfeehpewint 3
II .' 1 mm [M NIH” ‘U-u-rir-pergallon nuclear mum“ . Only the body‘sown delense mecha- surely it is related. Ill may digress rubber band. I. being very busy. musrhc 0;!th 1:36; 5.3 o t e san
- I’ on ta\ and diesel tuel would raise Sbl Whether Anderson‘s hid lot the ntsm combats i't.~ if at all i . AS a student Sudyears €81“: grebw :hOVCd ll under the copnter. \szhere : mac 0 tIe 3 tand wh decibels
‘1 ' ,. h'lll‘m PW year lhrs tax would nor- Republican presidential nomination it would appear that man ts on the inatteryttvhe m Llafsyurinfri‘fcaflcieni orgoI: (l; “y?!” houlrs :ter. hen . are criigrzbrglloifie subtletiis ()ng1
'I . '. _. rnally be lt'glii\ inflationary Mil \ntl- will be a success is lar from a moot brink of a discovery that may change onefo l .6 5:31;; grol liarquhar unro 6.. [l e 59;; ItnforeIIzvas [iii Banld m fullswing Surely the interirrgt
I ,' ersrrn‘s proposal talls tor tcderal tas question Many national Republican all that. For a number oi years scient- Enassffilsl was seized byla real and {poem Sure“ d 1 pct: en‘rations have die‘niedtliemsclvcs so
. I 1 cuts to ollsct the entire arriotrni ot the leaders agreed with Michigan (‘ioycr- ists hate. at enormous cost. been i ii any; r {may set! meg“, “111,. Owl-mid ortvgor 5‘ Smugh reat music by limitingthcir 115.
. gasolrnetayincrease lotaciluarerhts. nor William Nlrllikeri when hesaidit is extracting the essence of the human ibrIrIesrs a e u g i ' i ' ' H I "0 U) I i ' I g i
i ' . ing on my note pad, I wrote faster on I went to Pref. Farquhar who. tenrng to all strings.
, ,5 j , dam“ “hcm'cal that heal” back "l”‘l' than normal. and. to the best of my after giving me hell for my neglect of I would like to die to a Big Band
' .. ' Letters pallcy mad“ ”‘9‘ have Chrlsmnéd it recollection. was unaware of what I his lecture‘ agreed that it was a poem. beat. \‘0 funeralservices for me! Bury
‘ « ' Interferon. ll appears ‘0 W‘Wde it wrote. As suddenly as the urge had Thence 10 [)r. Dantzlcr. head of the me to the blare and the beat of Benny
lhe Amtrak: [\t'nii'l welcomes all contributions trom the l'K boosttothesaggtng human defensesin come it departed. I then read what 1 English department and a very dra-