xt78kp7tqh7z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78kp7tqh7z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-04-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1971 1971 1971-04-20 2020 true xt78kp7tqh7z section xt78kp7tqh7z ' '\. I . . . . I ll . .' 4 . .. I i , . . l

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Tuesday, April 20, 197l UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON \ til I \II. \u. L": «i "7.126.. . i
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13:53:“- i f I) "c fix-“j - ' ' - c A ‘t I t; ._ .1: ..., t . _

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By GREG HARTMAN teaching minors completely, as” _. - - _. 1 3‘. \t . _ by; , , - - n

. . t ”:t'f‘ ,, tgfi. .5. ‘P ' "5‘ u * ' . 1 1 6 I 1’ t t... .

Kernel Staff Writer except where they reinforce ., j‘ . {Tr ' .t I? ' . . -. ~§ , ’ i ‘I :" I,

. . . . ‘ ~51: I>I-.,.‘-.: - - - . q . ‘ .v u. .I ~I.Ii_|‘I .

Higher admission standards ntaiors.’ I. -_ . t, ;' 1- g; i f»: \ _ t m . ~.

. » 1. » -: 5 \ ‘ . , . t i" . (3.; , § .. , .. ,.I 2‘ . t. t ;

a rid c h a n g e s in t he Musselman cited the changes , - - ~ ~ to. a » . J _ , :‘r.
major—minor systCm are in in the history prograrii as an %* it” ., , . ..v ...»r‘ - j a .- '5.
store for future teaching exairiple of the llL‘“ policy. fife ”-_ fl ' . I ; _ ’” a . ‘ “2* g 1‘; ». I' . -~.
st udents. the ldc‘llll)’ or the l’uture history teachers will ,. 1,. t 7». it" '- _ , £1 , in? -_
C o l l e ge of l" d U11 5 to it prepare by taking 30 hours in if " ’ . '- . ‘ ‘ “4"” 4-" ”ain’t“! '1» y

' ~ ~' :25 .. 6'93'1'5'245232 a. ' «~- . 52"": _I~:’Efi'_"~¢:;§I,’.:§E$:I' ~ ,.‘ I ’ =- ' ' ' V 1 .
announced last week, history. plus other hours in . I .. . ' ‘w v. ,.'-': 1- '1 :

l he action came in the lace one or more supporting ‘ . , ‘w ...?) l ~-- . 4‘.’ ' t. at"?! , {f t‘
ot a rising surplus of teachers 8 ll l‘ iet l S ills s‘ s‘s "l‘it‘lms'M / _. M1“ . . ‘ ' “ ., i ‘2 _. *2 ~. "
and increasing: costs in vlsl‘IlUi—‘l- NC ' . V " I gt. ; . \3, I I -‘rl lull
carrying on present progsurrts, Quotas have been sct to? -' t " N K ' . ' :1: ' '
Future teaching hopefuls will adiriissitins tn the l iinish iriii A 13:... ‘13," r ‘ § . we. . . I‘ ‘. ‘K 'Ig
need a 2,3 grade~poinl average social studies progrartis. tuii ' ‘ ' .' ; .: ‘ - - ‘2‘. '} _
t o e n t c r t h e l‘ c .i it c r .i reris in \\ iiicfi there w .‘l " I .»' t ~- g 3' W . ,. ._ if“. f 3.
Education Program. .siltl \\lll especizills great siir'piit. iii j _ ’ .... ~; ,3 f , ‘ ,-; “is: ' " 1 t Ij
f a c c d i f f c r c H t m a t o i teachers. 'I he l'iiulish teacher -. ' » " ', ' - ,. ‘ 5w" 3 , 7:3? . .
re it urrements and :i \lllt‘lrl p rogt‘arti \i'ill accept a) .-; ,, - . R ' x1» .. -" ' c "k '~ v"

. . . .» "’. . -, . .521: wI-ItIIII .' .l . . ear-W“. . .4 3. . t, . .’
93/5101“ for Ul‘llllt‘dllls. applicants per scmt stei ; social _ -. o; »_ 1‘s; . s _ .1
,. / t I 17 _‘ I: .51}: ::-.I . . if?" ,. ._Ifj;:.:.y:‘>.\s <53 418% r‘ayIL/‘tb . ‘i. ., ,1 ; \

l)r. \ Cl‘llOll M usseiman. studies \iiii accept .ui. .3, ,r' , : ya , . ”1% . _ , , 4 r '- .‘
acting 3550C id 3 C dean of Musselman said raising; the $5? " f x k“ 3'
teacher education. said the required grade—point average .. r . . .~i 4", 1:;

- primary emphasis of the would also limit program W“ ‘-; ."
changes was to prepare better sizes. but the effect would ' ' :3"?-
qualified teachers. probably be slight. The new \ Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor Julian Carroll at 13x

u . l . , . ' . . - ) - J j 1 . . . . ' , . t , . _ _ . \

ICostIs, arc only a minor grade-pomt rcquirt mtnt, “53’ (1" rrOIll N 0-? politicking on the UK campus yesterday. Here he dines u llis ~._
pomt. . he said. “Vt hat 15_ three-tenths of 3 mm 2" members of the Pi Beta Phi sorority tit-tore hitting t‘m
matters is that in the past we higher than the old. campaign trail again. (Kernel photo by Keri “Cu\t*{l ’. is
were certifying people who uh: r._'
w c r e n o t q u i t e a s 577:: ’in
well-Prepared as we would . . . . ' 3:7.” ‘r _:
un CI‘lthlZ es letn am o my
shortage of teachers has been . . 2: . 5
met, we can hold to higher V ,r- .-"
standards and give our By MIKE MILAM She mentioned that she had appealing personality She Vietnaiiiwati v: s 5"
teachers a greater depth and Kernel Staff Writer drawn several conclusions called them “less sophistitated “racist innm' and »..'.d \l t >5}._-I""
bre h_" . from talkin with ne otiators and very human.” n '2 ‘t'li.l.‘f’*» a»: ‘l.ll" 'r’ '.1‘. . ',

adt , Sister Margaret Holman. an f b h g t, g ,_ - . “‘7‘ ‘ l ,‘ , t .

Musselman said the changes .. . ., . t .i . or ot sidts the reason “ l h e v 4 n 5 a L- r t- u ,Ut ! ptzict xi: ~. ~‘ _\ 2.- ; .

. . _ educator at (,atherinc Sparding th- h . _ . . _ - . _ , , ,-_ t; , :
W1” emphasrze mators and (0“ch in Louisville said last «it t s) are at a standstill questions \\ :tn precise terms “'1‘ ~11 Jr” # :31"! 7 .
areas of concentration. tinder night in the Student (‘enter OVs‘t there is because each and seemed mar».- identifiable wrtiidizm if ‘1 .. ._ (t f .1

) - . . , . _ ‘ . Side is very one-soc l. " * ~ ;‘ it . i- .1» .t. 1.2., i .. '- t J, “ oi. __ _ . > ‘33: -‘
the old 5} MU?(‘J’ person could that the ‘American PCOI‘lL‘ is In“ ”I .t r r' t l (”1?st {it I“ H t ll“ L3H , Ain‘t dink I t . .t.,_ , _ \.-.

' ' i - . v . 1 t ‘ e .‘i: ‘ isirL'. 4' ;. .. ‘ ' i i ii he, . -. \t trt- :v‘ ‘t- ' 'j .- -
major“ tgtt - J 3t) hours) in have made more (,ommunists lll‘ll"\' n Hr ‘ ti t 1 Its til it \tlt .it In \..'. i. .. t tlL\ it Strut t I

, . . . s i . . ,. . l’ e‘ .itiss itx- ;' . a it’ ‘c - : i“: '. i». ; vi _ ._ ~ r‘ I
one llLttl and minor (.th Itits m South Vietnam m)“, than hm]: \ hi] t itt tilnt t ti in H .t.. \.. ...t \ _. *.s/‘ a ;

.,.. .. ~. .. . . .. .. it a ‘i‘ r» e ‘. i run. L‘Tz‘lll‘ ll l'!:' t ‘i'l‘t'f' » ' "~" ' ‘ .
” U ”1“”! ‘fl ld‘wlll “‘ lu“) vs ere there hetore. Sister P'II'H h H l Lt. l ”my” l\ t 3 ~‘ - ‘ ' ‘ t‘ 9,1»:

" ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ’ . t .CL‘I'SL' 0. ill}. "(W Y .t‘; ::“\'\‘ 'Afilhtt‘t {V'V ttttiiist ‘ ' ‘ "~ . 31:“. . . .
llnrtddult K ‘ l 1; who“ llolrnan l‘tlSL‘tl her reriiarlts on lll(lk"tlll 1L lriv .l \ l ”3 l‘ l. t_ l l ”PM , \, t ‘t'
- s ,. ~ » . . . ‘ ‘ Lt" 'c L. ‘, “&‘L.‘.!l‘_’ ; -.:'.!.i1 ' ‘ = : ~‘- ‘ . ‘ " , 'i

. . tofu titn tcaci tit minor a Visit to the Paris peace Shl ll; r ll; 1 H t I . t _ . i llL\l_Ii v v r . _ t 2" ,
' ‘ ‘ . r L‘ ;1 M .c”; , L‘t 1;. it; 3» 3T: . ~5‘i c‘ it a: .27. t.‘ i ~ .. ; - ,. I, i". - .
slthLLt. talks earl} this )ear‘. . . .. \. I i t l t t . or \it t id r.s . .i..i. t -.

Now that we can produce rritrt prtstnct in \ retriain has Lituitjt iii attendance, sttt'r 779mm A :12 s‘? :7“. f: f" ..
enough teachers with strong She said that her concept lnlllthd a “blood bath on Holman tlcst'i'il‘ctl l'iiznipetin that twice .11'1‘.‘ «'rstxi: ‘ - ..f 3,’ . ‘3»,
majors, we don‘t really need of Communism was somewhat the people of that nation.” v i c it s‘ (ll t h c \\‘ .ii in t h L .v ii ' ‘lr L t. r‘ ». ':‘ “Kr, .: ' 1.:
people teaching in rnjnor changed. Hl had man} ‘ [hey ltlls‘ National lllLlOt'l‘illlti. Sllt‘ s‘gtd l‘uittpt‘dns clit‘liittltiIN l‘.\L\L ,.: 5‘;’:r\‘~.27_:.i '1'; ". :- .'
fields," Musselnian said. misgivmgs 21h0Ut tommunism Liberation Front tNLlW can‘t understand \ih) ‘xxe that iii; \’ll\'ristfl gti ; 33% >37.
‘ ‘ W e ‘ r e m 0 vi ng in the below I went to Paris, ‘ she negotiators) want every single don‘t lclhk‘ the tiuick and c;is_\ with \\ .:nt E‘L'ut .f'i; I
direction of eliminating noted. “My opinion now is a American out of their wa} out of the urn.” She sdlil fiver-c xii aid ‘x ‘. l. j 1'

little diflt‘ft‘nt in that the country. and I tend to agree ‘ lite) know that m are ’ lfc'ill'c‘lltltll. \ .i . mm: - ‘ ‘xr :V .

C I w P8091? over there really with them.” there tt- prevent the flow of dtStTU‘iltrlgt'lllK'ill i: t fli'nil‘i mu». ..3 a7» '. g '.
onél‘eSSlnCn believe that the war is really About the negotiators. Sister (”WHIYHHHSIII in Sout lteast aren‘t gmisscd iii aid ll‘: 'tia ’ ‘

‘ a fight for freedom from Holman praised the NLF team A s i a. h iit th e y c an t {Kurt t :21.“ cme'tt She ‘2‘ch as ‘

° 't d to foreign influence.” for what she termed their understand \\l1_\' we should an example the (‘ttoper-Fhiirtgh '._‘It".IJ“IfI'_, (If,
111V] 8 linger on. losing American Amendment to prohibit tiit ’_.""t‘ ","

.;.:-' :,.‘3- - . . . n c t .v_ a a - .f.

:;r_;_.§;_g;1525733.; - v‘ ' _' lives. ush ot \merican forces into . ‘, ‘. l .

t P t , . .

° ”“6" .1 . "‘ . ...-2t . She called President Nixon s other Southeast Asia lands. 1’ ‘ . g ,.

r at.“ w- . . .. t }

:->.:,<::<,;::;§2‘2.g-:-:*.:-jitjagig ’ 331'“ f . -- .. ‘ ‘~

*‘WW‘ , -'=-’ ~-’ 7“ 0 K. "t 3 I

All the US. senators and in 1. > -, _ q; 1-5;. ~ 1
“al'v .. ): .t , 31-1.. \s .' r ':5‘.--; "M4" . , / I . t' 5' ’. . .

congressmen from Kentucky {at -. *2: ,1 " -_.~. .w A r , -t .
have been invited to meet *2“? ' . _‘ . _, 2g; :2». ~, .r.
- - - ;‘;?"?- f Bv RON HAWKINS actrvrtics could range trom 3 " -' ‘6 t ‘z " .. 3

, ' ” “'-_: , ‘ .., _i .

' , t ’ ..'I> _ , , _ ) » . . . . ‘

Steve Bright, who sent the .. Assistant Managing Editor to“. ‘ l (d) l l _ g g. M ‘ ,._=

letters, 581d the meeting -. " Gatewood Galbraith says the l ‘ n L l“ ltl H \‘l I: h V 1 g ‘1‘ . :5
would be held at the Wesley . boycott of classes scheduled tttt orstts i it my tott ccause .
Theological beminary m 3‘5 ‘ heat” ... L for Wednesday is still on. but ”l “ l‘” l“ ‘ “‘ll‘ ‘1 ll” ‘t ‘ w .~ ,.
' ’ ‘ . c '33:..‘ilgs ’ . “ “ i - ~ . ,« t. 3 E
Washington. Bright said that $3 . _ .4 that all the details are not opportunity to ilrstiiss tht .' V. I .
would be the best place Since . .~ ~. X «t final lsstlt‘s‘ iii stttilt‘ttt \Utlk‘ 3
many of the marchers front e, ,t; \‘\ .. ' 3., ..._ . WWW)” hiring and mm? ‘md ‘3. t fl
_ . . ._ . 9% --~=.. ‘* -.~... . Tentativclv the ho) colt. t I‘ _\ , . . t t '1
Kentucky Will be staying \, star . ,- .~.« . ._ , 5.1m , . - to I\ t (\t «tint l.\ '. , ._
' . N -. . - r T' " v. to. which has received the W ~ 1 i' t . * i i ‘ It
there_ ‘ Q v“ , ) L ttt List.i>.l \illtl tlk q .
if“! gm a ., .I endorscrncnt of S(. It rtsidtnt ttnttttrwtt the ‘ .llltltg: ott ”t . t , . . .
I ‘ ’ . f . t . v. o t t . ~_. 1 i '
’,"Nm’oo4-”’o”m ( “his. » ’ -. . SL()tt “LittlLlSthH. \‘Ill lk‘lllllk \ ltl\\k'\ h\ i‘l’l‘ll“\\ill\_ l‘lll ; ..
, . a Program ”f \‘Pt‘l‘t‘ht‘ Wt Wltllltl he tuiiiiiii t'ilt‘du‘tl ll ~' - -
Wt‘atllt‘l‘ it :‘"-.-:j.=‘,;-’“ p 0 S 5 l l‘ l) m ” ‘ l ‘i l ”l the teat hers clisi iAsscd the . ‘- 'ti
£ ' _ «W . participating students. Nu“ m their (”\“W 1

For Lexington and "91m”: ..r :.» z" A , ' st: Galbraith says the speeches i cxz‘eci !llltlllll.ll t’cst‘ortsc . '

partly cloudy and warm today A \ .f ‘4- :I will ta he place on lllt‘ trom the a d min lxl ration." ,‘. 1

- - * “'13 ' 1-2, '. -' ‘_ -. ‘ , . t »_

With a high of 80. Mostly cloudy - .. h t ‘ 1 " ,- "-“" Student (enter patio trotn l l Wendelsdort \dltl. “ l he strike ., . ,

and mild tonight With a low near ' ' ' 3* .47." a.m. to l 30 pm. Among the is Is ind of a meaningless . ..

50. Wednesday Will be cloudy ' ’” t e n ta t iv e s p e a kers a re gesture. l'nless the students .

with a 60 percent chance of Sister Margaret Holman told a group of students last night about Galbraith, Wendelsdorf‘ 80 are serious. nothing will come _

thunder showers. The weather her recent Visit to the Pans Peace Talks. Sllf denounced President Vice President Rebecca of it. Unfortunately. the ' ,

- ‘ V ' ' ' ' II ‘ . , . r
. bureau is a non~prophct NixonIs Vietnamtzation policy as Iractst and called for the Westerfield and Jim Williams. turnout depends more on the ‘
2: organization. immediate Withdrawal ofI all Americans from South Vietnam. Galbraith speculated that weather than anything. I plan .
(Kernel photo by Jerry Willllml) the turnout for the boycott to be there regardless." '

 Z—TIIF. KENTI'CKY KERNEI.. Tuesday. April 20. l97| ________________________________________——-—-———
i k I A I d . l . 1 Ch . ‘
news erne S w l L L l A M 3 B L' RU, Va. the team. whom he did not 1 h S t~ L” U "1‘ th V
, .‘ .- .. , . , ,. . . g- ‘ll reporter in a
‘ i . (Al’i Vice President Spiro l. name. JPPKJTLd to he Poxt Dispitc I. .
, From JP r(’I)Ur’.\ Agnew told Republican returning home talking tlle dispatch from Williamsburg by
.. . .. . , . . . governors Monday he has Communist line. lhomas Wottenad that Agnew
,. MOSH)“- llle Soviet lrllltHl has orbited the first pllase niisglvillg about the American A g n e w r e p o rtedly told the newmen he had not
ot what inlormed sources said Would he a complex space table tennis team's tour of complained that during the discussed his views With
_ , SPCCIILIthla‘r‘involving several cosmonauts and at least two Communist China. tour, a 15 by 15 foot room, President Nison. The. story "
' . . ”10R SPJLHNN- A Republican source also the home of a Chinese added that The Post-Dispatch
. i . SAlGON~ Two US congressmen said Monday 10 to 15 said Agnew had indicated family, was described as an wtafsthnot rflpresehdiid lid Shh:
. g -, . - r- 'r seSSi ,ar '1 ,
- percent of American troops in Vietnain—‘30.000—40,000 93m” he had doubts about apartment. H”. aserted the :11?leth the meetin were
- men-use high-grade heroin and addiction is of epidemic the current administration same quarters m the Uhlted this 0 g -
. . _ course in dealin with States would have been learned from other sources.
. ~ proportions. g . D' ‘h .
. r , relations with China. “He denounced as eVidence of The POSt- lspatt 831d
' . WASHINGTON—Drafters of a new Welfare-Social seemed to be implying we repression and poverty. Agnewexpressed concern that
' Security bill are pondering changes to make it easier for shouldn’t have a thaw,” this Agnew mentioned to the the ViSIt by the table “3th
.- states to increase welfare benefits and to spare medicare source said. governors that while he had team had Put the Uhlthd
. . ' recipients an increase in their costs. The source said Agnew also been accused of avoiding States at ‘a disadvantage in
" CANTON~The sun set here Monday over what one discussed China policy in a newsmen during the world opinion. He was quoted
w. - - i ~ - rivate conversation with 3 Williamsburg conference, he as havmg referred to the
» (.anadian busmessman called a world of innocence, the p , , .1 , 1 H t‘ 'nd enthus” t'
I ' ' home of the pure religion " reported John Roderick group or newsmen early actually sat up Uhtl eary cour co'us ‘1 . his 1C
, . , Associated Pr’ss Writir d’1rib'n th I” )1“ R’iubli: Monday and emphasized then morning hours Monday talking reception that the Chinese
' ' of Chm “ L ’ “5L 1 g C “h ‘5 h L that the United States still with a group of them. gave 10 the Americans; and 1’0
' ‘ - i has commitments to the The vice president saw nine have expressed the View that
' > _ " WASHINGTON~Muhammad Ali’s lawyer argued Monday Nationalist Chinese government reporters in his hotel room'in the United States had been
- . that the government has a prejudice against the former on Taiwan. an off-the-record conversation ”3999“ into a disadvantageous
. heavyweight Champion’s Black Muslim religion. At the Monday luncheon of that began at 12130 a.m. and po§1t10h from 3 Phbhc relations
Chauncey Eskridge, who represented the former Cassius the Republican Governor’s went on for 2% hours. p01nt 0f Vlew-
. ' Clay before the high court, said the key issue is whether conference. Agnew was quoted 9
' ‘ the Justice Department misled the Kentucky Selective as saying the table-tennis tour M ll _
. Service Appeals Board iii a letter saying that All was not of C hina had been anson S 0 Owers
. sincere in his religion. over-emphasized at home.
. . . “Basically. he was saying
. WASHINGTON~Presrdent Nixon told the Daughters of . '3 d h
- . . . . _ . me of th‘ thin s that were t
' . ,' the American Revolution Monday night he believes hiaised in Ehinagwere things ace eat sen ence l
. ' Americans will take the “more difficult but wiser way” that would be criticized .
4 r . . to stop the war in Vietnam so the 19705, like the here ,. one gOVernor said. LOS ANGELES (AP)—The father . . .I accept the '
' 17705. will be remembered “as a decade of honor, of Ag’new was quoted at“, as judge in the Sharon Tate case judgment of my father.”
. . hope. of new birth for Almerica.“ saying that one member of declined Monday to spare the The women, Patricia
lives of Charles Manson and Krenwinkel. '23; Susan Atkins, f
. . three women followers and 22. and Leslie Van Houten, b
formally sentenced them to 2l, who all confessed roles in
S. ' lets scout A Shau ' alle y death for what he called “seven the slayings, declined to make it
. senseless murders." any statement. They came to
. ~ SAlGON (AP) South miles 1011!} hit” this Wk‘t‘k- forces will take part ill the “NOt only .15 the death court With their heads shaved.
Vietnamese reconnaissance Depending “PO“ what patrols drive. said Sundav he would penalty appropriate but It is Judge Older 531d he felt
. _ , 3 troops scouted the A Sliau find. it may be a smaller not rule out targets in Laos almost compelled. by thls death sentences WOhld “show i
' Valley Monday ahead of a big OPCTHUOU 0T 1‘ larger one if the situation warranted. But case. said Superior Judge the r.thlSIOh 0f the
. push into the old enemy extending into Laos, they he did not say that any Charles H. Older alter denying community for the kind of l
. , stronghold later this week by added. Americans would enter Laos. defense mOhOhS for .8 new COhdUCt engaged in' This is i
allied forces. field reports The Smith Vietnamese have The operation, code-named ”131 and for reduction Of an appropriate case for the l
‘ . ~ ' said. said their forces so far have Lam Son 720, was announced sentence. death penalty. After 9V1 "
U.S. fighter-bombers for the made no significent contacts last Saturday by President Manson and three. women months of trial all of the t
‘ . second straight day attacked since they first went into the Nguyen Van Thieu and Gen. members of his hippie-type superlatives have been l
suspected enemy positions in valley last Tuesday: The Creighton W. Abrams. clan were condemned to used.... ~
V ~ _ the valley, 28 miles southwest South Vietnamese lorces commander 0f U. S. troops in death March 2? by the same
' ' “ . of Hue and 375 miles north include two regiments of the Vietnam. Abrams said South luryd that CQhWCteththem 0‘ —_———-
' . of Saigon. ISt Infantry DlViSlOH 311d tWO Vietnamese troops were in the mur er-conspiracy. 155 Tate,
- ‘ brigades of marines. All took valley a beautiful actress, was THE KENTUCKY KERNEL
~ » - Field officers said the main . ' . ‘ . ' - ' « - v el slain alon with four The Kentucky Kernel Unlversit
. . . Pdft 1“ lhk IIlLUfSION ””0 About 60 miles northwest 53 ag y g . Sta’ ' - ' y
, force of 2,000 Americans and Laos. of A Shau Valley North visitors in her home in I969. inglbeingghsgcgyfigog‘eggtgifi 3:; i '
' ' .t . 10909 SOUth Vietnamese are The allies have made Vietnamese trucks have The next night a man and wife. hifiitlaesiefhjédtiarilegefigeglthydlfigliitgchge l
.' . ' committed .Oh paper to the previous ventures into the crossed the Laotian border wealthy market owners. were Sghfgésyeardexcept holidays and exam 5 i
operation 1“ the valley. 30 valley and have often met and driven 13 miles inside similarly stabbed in 3 “copycat lshessiont'an once dhnhg the summer l
' . With heavy TCSiSIBIlCC- South Vietnam to scavenge killing.” belilaclftilghs.btsixhigoslgtgrrt‘icgfiagfifgs? l
‘ - - ‘ L The vallev provides a w. . ~ ~'1 1v Nubia/4 a. Manson 36 his once bushy 59.8“" as the Cadet in 1894 and ‘
__ . — — — — — q . . Jr materias Lit l.L.....v at l l . bl h d - i
. * convenient supply storage area th Sanh by the allies, U. S. locks now a stubble, asked to gihcéslgiafommuouhy as the Kernel
, ; . I I and an incursion route to the sources reported. speak before sentence was teficiiehfrttéhhglph‘thgsheegdgerglg”Air’s; -
_ en coastal areas around Hue and They told Associated Press passed. Head bowed, he said galse or misleading advertising .should to
f ' I . . . D11 Nang. A ”1310f supply correspondent J. T. in 3 VOlCC wavering With 9 rept’sréigsé‘fixifioid‘hfilzs 1‘
I i V Th. c Complex “05 WCSl Of the Wolkerstorfer there were clear emotion: “I have always lived Yea'h’r by mat! —$9-‘5 "’
ls oupon V0110! in L305 0“ one Of the indications the enemy trucks in the truth 0f your hgsfifiég‘flL§;°§gN§° '5‘
. I is w th $2 00 I branches of the Ho (‘lii Minh had used Highway 9 to drive courtroom. l have always Edrtor. ManagingeEditor 257-1755
. - . or - supply ”all. to the abandoned combat ‘h‘h" what I “'35 tt’ld- Sir» I EdAtszggilatEal-géfiiggétog'ports 257-1740
' ' ‘ I H o S I I A US. lOlst Airborne base iii the jungled mountains invented this courtroom - . -1 Agggtmng' Busméss- Circ‘ha' l
. ' on alr ty e. Division spokesman, whose of northern South Vietnam. accept this 0011” as my _ ""”"""""""""2584646
' .' I Student Center I 7
. ' I Roy Browning I l l . . .
. i. Don Oney ». :3;
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1 ALWAYS hold . . . .
‘ , § matches till cold. Offers lucrative opportunity to students with following qualifications: *th
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A ‘s ‘\ "
The Issues are more Important than the class boycott —
‘ ‘ u s I u o l u ‘
Students, although often stereotyped, are a community 0t people with Students responded With rallies and reVlSlOIlS on the code, forums on 1
different views on different issues. It only stands to reason that an the issues of publish or perish and the problems ofa student community.
announcement of a student strike, a boycott of classes for this The Tripartite plan provided for more student participation in academic FRAV
I Wednesday, April 31. ShOUld create V'dI‘lOUS OPlthHS in different affairs and the list easily continues Yet, at no time have students called gdihmi
‘ » PeOPle‘S mlhdS- There is the 'dppfehemlml 0f some tYPe 0t for a boycott of classes when these issues have been the prime concern. the Cit
‘ l . demonstration similar to last Spring, when irrational thinking by the Instead, because of the work of students, the Board of Trustees has been orderin
I . . A UhlV'eYSltY administration brought Ollt the National Guard troops to forced into showing their true colors with the cutback of Tripartite and $331?
. the campus. Many students argue that a strike at the time of finals the Kernel funding, expansi
can only serve to hurt the student, while at the same time, it does If the purpose of the student strike is to gather students at the Student Unde
- . little towards changing the University. Finally, there are students Center to listen to speeches then all of us might as well stay in class. The Health
’ ' who feel a strike is simply uncalled for now or any other time. same type thing usually happens in the classroom anyway. 34:85::
:. 5 ’9 L l
4 The “dont buck the system syndrome. We feel that a more reasonable effort for students to undertake on bTh
- . ' ' - ; It is because of these mixed feelings that we feel a student strike April 21 will be to attend their class, and if a final exam or some other e‘
‘ _ ‘ , without student organization beforehand cannot expect to do the job it test is not already scheduled, start a discussion in the class on the issues
‘ . . should. A few signs around campus and a few individuals speaking at a we have faced all year. By this means, all of the students in the class may
' - ‘ rally hardly presents a picture to anyone 0f the students at UK become involved in a discussion of opinions, as well as the professor
: . [ demonstrating a strong opinion on the issues of the strike. himself.
» V This is not to say that the issues dont’t exist or aren’t of importance. A student strike may create a controversy or make a point to the public
' This past year we have witnessed students challenging the political hold on outside the University, but we have witnessed the awareness and change WAS]
this University and our education. However, it is important to notice how which can take place when we work from within. Why should we hint“?
V ' these issues have been dealt with. quit now? ‘ Mugaochl
' . 0.0. (m
V , for Fridi
. , _______________._.. __,, , 23-24. F:
. """"—" "_—__—_—_——— “A Fl
.‘ 1» Theatre
" E ENTUCKY ERNEL “ ”“- ’“’
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‘ ' U .. legals \ ' , -’ 7-. " . '7' 3