xt78kp7tqg57 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78kp7tqg57/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2001 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 2001 Vol.72 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, July 2001 Vol.72 No.7 2001 2001 2019 true xt78kp7tqg57 section xt78kp7tqg57 I I I I“ Q
F (UK) LEX 405
. LEXINGTON KY 40506-0039
\ "1 LVLLDuVLX y
Volume 72, Number 7 - July 2001 I I es S
C 1° 1: ' 1d h ' ' t
By KIMBERLY K. GREENE paper may not republish a freelancer's articles Corporation), and other electronic databases
KPA General Counsel online without further compensation to the free- : jthe “databases”).
Dinsmore & Shohl lancer. g The freelancers claimed this was an unau-
Are there any KPA member newspapers out In Tasini, six freelance writers brought a thorized use of their articles. The print publish-
there who haven't used freelance writers or pho- copyright infringement lawsuit against several ers, on the other hand, argued that they owned
tographers from time to time? If so, don't both- publishers and electronic database publishers. the copyright in their respective collective
er reading any further. This information's not The freelancers had sold articles for publication _ works, and that republication on the electronic
for you. to the New York Times, Sports Illustrated and databases was nothing but a revision of the col-
If you do use stringers — or have in the past Newsday (the “publishers”). Each edition of the lective work, permitted by the Copyright Act.
— read on. The United States Supreme Court newspaper or magazine is considered a collec- The Supreme Court agreed with the free-
has just issued a decision which may have a sig- tive work, for copyright purposes (“collective lancers. The database republication was not a
! nificant impact on your newspaper. works”). The publishers then authorized repub- revision of the collective work. One of the pri-
’ Bottom line - the Supreme Court has held lication of their editions or collective works, mary reasons given by the Supreme Court for its
in New York Times Co., Inc., et al. v. Tasini, et including the freelancers’ articles, by NEXIS, ruling was that the freelancers’ articles are
al. (decided on June 25) that, unless there's a an electronic database operated by defendant independently searchable on the electronic data-
specific written contract to the contrary, a news- LEXIS/NEXIS (formerly Mead Data Central See RULING , page 9
c - 1111545” I ' ' ' .
w a KPA, KNNIE partner 1n
1.. . \; statew1de literacy pm] ect
W" ". VI 1.31:
I I 3%; «I: 1.3.1:: ., III as What do a boy, his dog, a really according to KNNIE chairperson
3% g; kg, .~' I #3 big pickle and a newspaper have in and KPA Circulation Division
g If, :5“ :fj ,1 I W F common? All are at the heart of the chairperson Kriss Johnson. _
£11."; £3 “3%.; 1.3: :15“ W Kentucky Network for Newspaper . “Luke 1n a Really Big Pickle,”
. 1:1“; KIM? m, 1-4“- ' , W“ in Education’s new statewide liter— is an adorable seven-week chapter
Ii§-1"1,_‘II..? ‘ -‘ - ‘ ’ acy project — and your newspaper story geared for elementary chil-
. II: 3:1 I I 4 ' : I j can be a part of the action. dren, their families and teachers.
I I“ “III“ I - 1' The project, never attempted It was written by Kentucky
. , » 4,1 in any other state, will have news- authors Marcia Thornton Jones
papers publishing and readers and Debbie Dadey, both from
“ reading the same chapter story Henderson, and illustrated by the
Walter Am": chairman 0’ Parade Magazine, was the keynote speak- during the same time frame. Lexington Herald-Leader’s nation—
er at the 2001 KPA Summer Convention In Northern Kentucky. The meet- Already, 23 newspapers across ally syndicated artist, Chris Ware.
ing was a joint one, with our counterparts from the Tennessee Press the state, dailies and weeklies,
Minion- have signed up to participate, See LITERACY, page 5
1355mm Boot Camp 21 go this time
Journal SOld By Lisa Carnahan Boot camp instructor Jim St.
KPA Member Services Director Clair, head of the journalism
I to S ChllI'Z OH This one’s a go. The 2001 department at Indiana University
gr p Journalism Boot Camp will get Southeast, agreed for the addltihm-
- underwa in a con le of weeks, a1 artici ants. Several ot er
b The Jessamine Journal has filled toycapacity...§ctually, past interested Ihandidates have been
een purchased by Advocate . l d 't' l' t f the next
Communications Inc., a subsidiary €81)?ng h . . p ace on a wax mg Is or
of Schurz Communications head- . .ad originally set a cap of boot camp.
. 20 part1c1pants at the request of The camp was proposed last
quartered in South Bend, Ind. the instructor, but 23 participants year and a three-week course was
Advocate Communications also are expected for the three-week scheduled but canceled due to a
publishes the Danvnlle Advocate- course that begins July 16 at drop in the number of partici-
Messenger. Georgetown College.
See SCHURZ, POO. 11 See BOOT CAMP, page 12

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, July 2001
K t k l . th W
en uc y peop e, papers in e ne s
' ° position was effective June 1. and resources to its Covington affairs in Woodford County, includ-
Nelklrk.’ HaSSCI't take Neikirk, 46, joined The Post in office. ing the United Way and Rotary
Post edltor prOmOthUS 1979 as a reporter. He became Club. He is a member of St. John’s
Mark Neikirk night city editor at The Kentucky Alexieff hired as editor Episcopal Church. . .
has been named 33, 3 Post in 1985, then state editor and , _ Peterson, 46, is a native of
. - - > city editor. His primary responsibil- 1n BOWlln GrCen Fayette County - He received 310111"
managing editor of . . .
The Cincinnati Post '; ity since becoming an assistant Mike Alexieff, .. . nalism degree from the UniverSity
and The Kentucky f i..;., ' managing editor in 1996 has been former city editor at . 0f Kentucky m 1988' He Jomed the
Post. ' . 'gzggi- daily oversight of the Kentucky the Ow en sb or 0 We staff of the then-Georgetown News
Dan Hassert, an " staff in Covington. Messenger-Inquirer, ”$33 and Times In 1989 and left a year
assistant city editor A 1977 graduate 0f the has been hired as the we“; 3 later to pursue a career as a free-
at the Cincinnati NEIKIRK University Of Kentucky With a managing editor of 3‘ lance writer. , , _
office of The . degree in American history, the Bowling Green . After-a brief Stmt at th‘? Corbin
Kentucky Post, was ' ' Neikirk's interest in journalism Daily News. Times-Tribune, Peterson J9lned the
promoted to assis- began at his high school newspaper, A graduate of the ALEXIEFF staff Of The Woodford Sun In 1991-
tant managing editor the Lafayette Times, in Lexington. University of Texas 0 .
of The Kentucky “‘ Hassert, 35, a Covington native, at Austin, Alexieff has worked at Mulcahy named 1nt€nm
Post. He replaces .. began writing for the Post in 1989. Semi-weekly newspapers in Texas . . .
Neikirk. am?“ He will direct the newspaper's and at dailies in Arizona and Texas. CdltOf 1n ShelbyVlllC
N e i k i r k ' s 3% ' . - Kentucky newsroom. He came to Kentucky and the M-I Newspaper veteran James
appomtment to the HASSET ' The POSt recently announced in 1997‘ . . Mulcahy has been hired as interim
newspaper S N 0- 2 plans to move additional reporters 9’19 0f the ‘mmed‘ate change? editor of the Shelbyville Sentinel-
Alex1eff announced was the addi- News
"““ The Kentucky Press "““‘ it?2£::"°’“ ”m“ °“ Mu... who h... w... ...
Theyniove which brings the several Kentucky papers including
' _ . ’ - the Clay City Times, The Bourbon
TheKentucky Press (lSSN-(X)23-0324)1.spub- District 13 paper to four seCthDS on Times Ma SVille Led er_
lished monthlyby theKentucky Press GlermGray,Manchester Enterprise Wednesdays, Thursdays and I d ’ d y d h J g.
Association/Kentucky PressService,lnc. Fridays, will allow for expanded n epen e,nt’ .an. t .e essamine
Periodical-classpostageispaid atFrankfort, District 14 sports coverage and color sports Journal! 18 fllllng In for Kelly
KY. 40601. Subscription price is $8 per year. David Thornberry, Commonwealth-Journal photos Menser.
IllosntsaiteESendlglliaCngeofaddréisetolhe ' Menser recently graduated
9“ C Y “355' 0mm“ ' District 15-A - from the University of Louisville
. Frankfort, KY. 40601,(502) 2238821. Don White! Anderson News VEHICC I'CUI'CS, Peterson Law School and is working at the
Officers and Directors ‘ ' LaGrange public defender’s office
Kentucky Press Association Elfinmgellgg Danville Advocate-M named as replacement for 10 weeks this summer.
P . ' W‘s“ at Woodford Sun
reSident . K hl h d
Marty Backus, Appalachian News-Express State at Large Henry Moss Vance, managing e Ire as Sports
Keith Ponder, Glasgow Daily Times editor of The Woodford Sun since '
President Elect - - writer at Henry County
De Eld 'd . . Mik Sm _ G , 1964 and news editor prior to that,
V9 1" 8919553mm9hma‘ e 3“” eo’gemwn News-Graphic has retired. Brian Kehl is the new sports
P tPresid ack M cNeel M orehead News Vance is the second long-stand- reporter at the Henry County Local.
as ent I y. . ,
Tem5a Revlett, McLean County News mg member of the newspapers staff A recent graduate of the
, , Associates Division to retire thls year. R- Haywood University of Louisville, Kehl
Vicevprwdem Armando Arrasti Alves, former advertising manager, began working part-time at the
ggfwrierme Kenkay Standard. Kentucky Department of Education retired in January. A reception for newspaper during his last semester
Ad ‘ . Di . ' bOth gen W33 119115!“ the newspa- of college. He received his bache-
Treasurer Yemsmg “9‘0“ per 0 ces 1“ une - lor’s degree in humanities.
Sharon “new, Winchester Sun PElaine Morgan. (i3wensboro Publisher Ben Chandler named While attending U of L, Kehl
ger- nqu rer Stephen Peterson, who has worked wrote for the Louisville Cardinal
District] . . . . at the paper for nine years as a newspaper and freelanced for
AliceRouse: Murray [ABC‘EGNVWWs $3,533?“ 1.312;?“ [dobeader reporter and photographer, as Offbeat magazine. He’s also worked
D... "‘“‘ ”we . -. WWW...
l e 1 u a o
, _ . Circulation Division . , , zme, Bride and Groom magazine
Jed Dilhngham,DawsonSpnngsProgi-ess Kriss]ohnson,LexingtonHerald-lgader Woodford County Since he was an and as a clerk in the Courier-
infant. He plans to remain on the Journal sports department
District3 ‘ Journalism Education newspaper’s board of directors and '
Ed Rme)’, owmbom MMB“ 13‘0““?! Buck Ryan officers and contribute to the news- , , ,
We UniversityofKentucky pap:l .on t? gong-time bags. f6 WllllamS hll'ed as staff
Cl l'PI F.11'P"te - serv mte ..Armyan grau- .
avert. GaieralCounsels ated from the University of WHtCr at Murray
Districts ' Ion Fleischaker and Kim Greene Kentucky in 1953 with a degree in Brandi Williams has been hired
TeresaRioemebaimEntupfise ‘DinunoneacShohl Fadlgsiiti-g the 19503 Vance we as a staff writer for The Murray
. - , s a - -
W6 1“!“ka Press 59300.350“ radio announcer for WVLK (then in Ledger &- 'I_‘imes.. A native 0f Bells,
Dorothy Abematliy,OldhamEra ‘ Kentucky pm Service 5mg . . , Tenn., Williams is a 2000 graduate
_ , , . Versailles) and WEKY in Richmond - - -
David ’1'. 1110mm, Executive Director . . . of Murray State UniverSity. While
DIstlct? ' ' ‘ Bonnie Howard, Controller :ndwafigegionfiroducler/ director attending MSU, she worked at the
KeneyWanudgGallahnCmmtyNews uncamhan,MemberSetvicesDirectot or . .' m ms“ e. , Murray State News, the college
{any Bmoks,Advertislng Directoi- He JOlned the newspapers staff newspaper and com leted an
Districts-9 - RebaLethaemdi/Mrkefingcmmator in 1960 as news editor then left in - t h' ,2 th B to ‘31. 'b
KaiMetz, BathCounty NW3 Outlook, 1'fo Statesman, INAN Account EXECUfiVE 1963 for a short stint as the person- m ems .113 a e .en n n une.
’ David Spencer,New Media Dim” nel administrator for Texas Williams preViously worked at
DistricthJl Dail _ facin‘ta Peldman, NewsBureau Director Instruments He returned to The the Madisonville Messenger as a
IeryPamirigmtAshlmd ylndependeo 36mm Afgizinsgtrzgégxwmt Woo dfor d Sun in 196 4 as managing general aSSignment reporter.
Demon Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant editor-
Stephen Bowlkiglacksm‘fimes Holly Willard, rem-sheet Coordinator Vance has been active in civic See PEOPLE, page 10

 The Kentucky Press, July 2001 - Page 3
Help wanted ad W° 11 - - b 1 -

, , , 1 community veices e est in cutbacks?
d6C11ne derlng essing , _ by eliminating or decreasing the size of editorial sec-
papers WOeS Issues <- _ A" 9‘: t As noted above, Akron readers no longer receive

f" g,“ Sunday’s popular “News and Views” section.

(AP) — A steep decline in help- —"——— it": if . Ohio native Michael J. Murphy, longtime op—ed
wanted ads is at the heart of dis- By Randy Hines . , J as editor of the Orlando Sentinel, expressed his concern
appointing financial conditions at and Jen-y Hilliard -‘ g -’ about eliminating such a key section of Akron 5
newspapers across the country, Sunday paper With a press run over 200,000.
media executives said June 19 and The story dominating news about newspapers is (I m heartbroken ,_ particularly when I see that
20- the economy. Citing advertising revenue declines and the News and Views section has been deleted from

Bearing the brunt ofthe slump newsprint increases, individual newspapers and the Sunday lineup. I grew up w‘th my family SUb'
are large national newspapers and media groups are looking for ways to slash expendi_ SCI‘lblng t0 the Canton REPOSltOI'y. And when I was 12
larger regional newspapers where tures. or 13, when I discovered the Beacon, it really ignited
help-wanted ads have dropped the Staff cutbacks and hiring freezes have become the my passion for journalism.
most, media executives said dur- norm across the country at both small and large “In the years after I started reading the Beacon,I
ing the second and third days of 3 papers. came to appreciate ‘John S. Knight’s Notebook’ and
midyear industry review spon— At The Kansas City Star, for example, publisher the Beacon’s editorials and coverage.”
sored by Gannett Co., the nation's Arthur Brisbane sent a notice to employees the first A similar fate may be in store for The Kansas
N0. 1 newspaper publisher. week of May informing them of 125 job eliminations. City Star readers. Remember the publisher’s memo

_H1gh newsprint COStS are [now “We’re working through the various functions and said the paper was looking through various depart-
easmg, bUt the Wlhdfall W01} t. be departments and when we’re able to complete that, ments to see what could be eliminated.
enough to offset theadvertismg we’ll have a. clearer idea of where the reductions will Recently a focus group looked at a slimmed-down
dropéoff, executfivasl sag}. d rt' happen,” Brisbane said. _ _ . version of the paper that combined the “A” and metro
in arcilsfewvfillerstaisi‘zl: 1:; , The Star ‘5 one of 32 dailies owned by nght sections. Participants liked some things about the
. g p . . . Ridder, the country 5 second-largest newspaper change, but they said they had serious misgivings
improve 15 dlfflelflt because the group. All ofthem Will be facmg Similar fates. b t th Am th - f 't l , 'l
decline happened much more Consider what has been going on at The Star’s a on 0 ers. ong . eir avori es no onger an a] -

- - - . . . able was a a e of editorials ex un ed to save four
rapidly In the first half 0f the year Sister publication, the Akron Beacon Journal. f p g . .11 p g .
than it did during the 199091 In an article in Cleveland Scene titled “Slouching pages 0 newsprint. W1 the paper I‘Ste‘.‘ t9) those
recession, said Gary L- Watson, Toward Mediocrity,” editor Pete Kotz writes: “But focus group readers or listen to the bottom line. .
president 0f Gannett's newspaper these days, The Beacon’s glow has faded. In recent These are JUSt two examples Of what S takmg
division. months, the paper dumped its Sunday magazine and place across the country. Wm y our newspaper sacri-

Some of the recent cutback- ‘News & Views’ section. It’s cut back on resources, fice its v01ce 1n the community in exchange for savmg
related news announced by news- barred certain sports beat reporters from covering a page 0f newsprint?
papers include: their teams’ away games, and eliminated suburban (Hines teaches journalism and advises The

0Dow Jones & Co. bureaus.” Periscope at Shorter College in Rome, Ga. Hilliard

A continued decline in adver- Especially disturbing about The Star and the coordinates the journalism sequence at East Tennessee
tising and other revenues Will Beacon Journal situations is that the cutbacks entail State University in Johnson City. Please send com-
prompt DOW Jones & 00- to slash more than pink slips. Even more alarming is the fact ments to them at randyhinesapr@yahoo.com. We
COSt'i‘flor thgsefiondlfinle lhds year. that both dailies are silencing their community voices would love to hear your suggestions for future topics.)

ecu ac sw1 inc u e more
staff reductions, including layoffs . . . _
for the first time at The Wall
StreetJoumaL Newspaper credibility handbook available from ASN E

Earlier thls year, Dow 40998 After discussing credibility for Foundation. The book has four sections:

made cuts totaling $120 million four b f u _ - - _

years, mem ers o the If newspapers want to pre reader connections, community can
annually: The company has American Society of Newspaper serve and improve upon the trust nections, accuracy, and ethics.
already lald Off 202 employees and Editors in Reston, Va., released a readers have in us, we must con- It includes tools and strategies
has eliminated about ‘5on open- 193-page spiral-bound book that stantly be mindful of such vital for implementing change. The
ings. That eccwnted for about 6 brings the issue home to every issues as accuracy, fairness and handbook also features interviews
percent Of Its prevmus employee newsroom. values,” says Peter Bhatia, chair- with editors and strategies for con-
base. The Newspaper Credibility man of the committee and execu- ducting newsroom training.

None Of the layoffs so far have Handbook, prepared by ASNE’s tive editor of The Oregonian in The book costs $15 plus $5 ship-
come at Dow Jones flagship publi- 2000 Ethics & Values Committee, Portland. He adds that the hand- ping and handling. For copies, con—
cation, The Wall Street Journal. comes out of its Journalism book gives editors and journalists tact Cristal Williams, project direc-
BUt. Paul E..Steiger, the newspa- Credibility Project, funded by the “essential tools to ensure that we do tor, by e-mail, cwilliams@asne.org;

. pers managing editor, told senior Robert R. McCormick Tribune better." or phone, (703)453-1138.
editors on June 23 that between
10 and 20 editorial staffers would
be terminated, according to com- . . '
pany spokesman Dick Tofel. I h C J O b S h 0 p

At a recent investor confer-
ence, Dow Jones chairman and
chief executive Peter Kann said Q r” " . r “ ” ' i '
advertising linage at The Wall \ Takeadvantoge Ogllnggs Job Shop. List your newspaper’s J01;
Street Journal fell 34 percent from .-4 “ opening fOr Just . . ‘r, if you are a newspaper Professiona
the beginning of the year through - I, seeking new opportunities, send us that information. Call 800-
May_ = ‘wm ’ 264-5721 or e-mail lcarnahan@kypress.com

0New York Times Co. I /

The New York Times Co. will I H
cut up t.0 9 percent Of its wqu l - a» commitment to being our readers’ irreplaceable news source a soon
force this yearas It copes wnh Managing Editor to be head-taming redesign and supportive management have'us well-
declimng advertismg revenue, but The Richmond Register, a 7-day daily in Richmond. Ky.. is searching equipped for continued success in the highest traditions of community
the company said it still expects to :3" 23:22:33 estrillfshame'a'e 332mg; egcghdegefiirizggneg :32“ EeWSpfperkRichmgnd ishloeated i‘n Madison County, 2: milesksouslh ol
meets Wall Street eammes expec- sorFied veterans 9and young journalists. Exceptional organizational and 3:33:36 Reethle gfidhgrrisplistilighcevx'(lghgogigtilnigndegygisi‘er, 323
tatlons for bOth the coming quar- inspirational abilities (motivating beat reporters, editors and photogra- Big Hill Ave, PO. Box 99, Richmond. Ky. 40475. Phone (859) 623-

See DECLINE, page 12 phers on enterprise projects) are a must. He or she needs to have a 1669.

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, July 2001
Somerset sports editor doesn’t let handicap slow him down
.3 By TRICIA BRAY, After a summer of rehabilitation, Jones was able to return to
2...... Commonwealth JOurnal Pulaski County High School for his junior and senior years. He went on
9... . Staff Writer to attend and graduate from college — a noble accomplishment for most
‘§‘° He attends ball games, interviews y OUIZg men, but a major step ff” Jones. _ . ,
H 7 ”egg coaches and players, writes stories and , Gomg to college, gr aduating, getting a 10b and domg somethlng you
M>%¥~>:?> _ lays out a sports section for a daily hke to do — that 3 just normal for most people, I?“ for me, that s a real-
..li' newspaper. ly big deal,” he says. “Somebody that’s not in a Situation like mine takes
a”, l » He expresses his opinions in a week- those little things like that for granted.” .
' , 1y column, and flashes a friendly smile At 15, Jones learned a lesson some people never learn —- that life
”ties and words of encouragement to his co- canno always be perfect. He has used his positiveness to overcome weak-
»: 3" workers. nesses which could have tied him down.
: . $$fi He can make someone feel at ease in “When I got hurt, my life changed drastically, but my focus really
, %;.+ .33 a matter of minutes. But no matter how didn’t,” Jones says. “If anything, I became more focused.”
' :2” well a person gets to know him, there's One thing he focused on was not feeling sorry for himself. He may be
5...,” ,3“ « always more to discover. permanently seated, but his life is not standing still.
5,,» “After a week with Jason, you don't “Sitting around was never really an option for me," he says. “Once I
even see the wheelchair,” said realized I was going to be alive several years down the road, I knew I
Commonwealth Journal managing edi- had to go and live. Living is not sitting around doing nothing. Living is
(C-J staff photo by Trevor Frey) tor Jeff Neal. . . jumping in the fire and doing it'”
C om m onwea lth- J o u rn all _That's right. The outgomg, ever-m- Jones wrote for Eastern Kentucky University’s newspaper while he
Sports Editor Jason Jones piotion, (1161::de Unwersxty 0f Tennessee :vdastoa student there. Eventually, he was asked to be the paper’s sports
. an 13 a qua rip egic. i r.
3:;Jgjigg‘d‘339: 2:928]ng Jones has been the Commonwealth After he graduated from college, he learned the Commonwealth
The accident left him a quad- Journals sports editor {0" nearly "a year Journal in his hometown of Somerset was looking for a sports editor.
ripiegic. now, provmg that n18 handicap can t Did he worry that his limitations may affect his chances of being
stand in the way of his progress. hired?
_ . , , , , Jones was injured 11 years 38° dur- “No, because I’d done it before,” he says. “If there was a way to get to
mg a high jump competition at 'h'imty Springs Park in Somerset. Jones the newsroom and do the things I needed to do, then I knew I could do
won, but he landed head first after his winning jump. Jones says his it. There was never a doubt."
headhstulek it“ ttlheblandtng hr?“ “like a lawn gait" As h‘s body fllpped Jones navigates his own wheelchair by moving his head around a
overAftZr :3 ambiilgrrif: dashesdnlficm ‘tvoetleiglblsalehospital, he was flown to pan: Lzzsretlfifihfifsgfdghs?n :11: $285032}: g1: (1:11: 32:1.“Headmaster”
thoenUniversity of Kentucky Medical Center where he was placed in trac- Neal haed c anti (1 en c e in Jar; es from the start. p ' .
He spent three weeks in intensive care on a bed that rotated him at “Weftallied f0; Pgmilnutes 33:1 hadno doubt that he 21118311? right
a 45 degree angle all the time. person or t e jo , ea says. 18 section is growmg, an n e ieve it
He soon learned he wouldn’t walk again, but he did regain his sense WI“ continue to grow. He has turned into a great sports editor.
' of feeling. See EDITOR, page 12
Quality newspaper design usually done by trained ‘designers ’
. . --=.~.-:...:.:.:...:.:.:..:.~....,. good designer, in brief, can bring your newspa- visualize those elements — because the stories

DeSlgn ls per a better sense of organization, planning and may not have been written yet; the photos may

. timing. not have been shot yet. All of this takes a

Elje'ythmg 3:: Many of you, I'm sure, agree with that. But strong ability to ignore the “if—then” and work

3% ,, many of you still go out and look for a reporter with the “why not?” Yl'es, even in design there

'—‘_—,— . r every time your newsroom needs a new person. are immutable princi es. But once t ose princi-

By Edward F- Hennmger Perhaps you do this in the hope that the person ples are satisfied, dgsign becomes much more
“t you hire might just grow into a seasoned subjective than reporting or editing.

Want to guarantee weak design at your reporter. Who then will become a good editor. Asking a reporter or an editor who is
newspaper? Start by failing to hire someone Who then will become trained in left-brain
who knows anything about design. a good designer. . thinking to turn magical-

When you're searching for someone to fill a GOOd IUCk- Yes, it A gOOd deSIgner 1y into ‘ a right-brain-
slot in your newsroom, most often you go out does happen occasion- d h thinking designer is
looking for another reporter. Occasionally, you'll ally. 11311“ whenlit goes. nee S to ave a - Haifa}; to tile reporter,
search for a hoto a her. After all, hoto a- it rea y isjust uc . t e e itOI', t e newspaper
phy is a speciglty, gr p p gr Reporting and Strong sense Of and the reader. The jour-

But design is a specialty, too. And the last editing require mostly “why not?” I ney to good design can
time you went looking specifically for a designer left-brain, linear— take years for many.
was...? thinking skills. These Some give it their best

If you want good reporting, you 100k for a are linked to What I but never (1in make it.
good reporter. If you want good editing, you look call “if-thens.” Still Others become 80
for a good editor. If you want good photography, If...someone is murdered in your town...then frustrated with the process that they give up.
you look for a good photographer. If you want there has to be a suspect. And that surrender is characterized by design
good design, you look for a good...editor. If...there is a suspect...then the law will pur- that becomes mediocre or, worse, overdone.

Yes, I appreciate that you have limits. You sue that suspect. There's not one publisher I know who would
can only have a news stafl‘ so large and run a . If...the suspect is arrested...then charges hire a reporter or editor or photographer who's
successful newspaper. You feel that you can't W1“ be brought. had no training. Yet we often expect the
afford to pay someone just to design pages. If...charges are brought...then there will be untrained to do page design.

But I'm not suggesting that a designer is a prosecution. . It's up to you. Get a designer with experi-
someone who just designs pages. A good design- ...And so it continues for the duration of the ence. Get training for the inexperienced.
er should possess good editing skills: he or she StOTY- _ _ 01’ maybe get lucky -
needs to know how to massage copy and to 'DeSIgn skillsare much more right-brain and (Edward F. Henninger is an independent
make your stories part of a package. A good holistic. The desngner must see. and work with newspaper consultant and the director of
designer should be a good organizer, knowing the relationship between physmal elements on OMNIA Consulting in Rock Hill, 3.0 You can
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 The Kentucky Press, July 2001 - Page 5
A (1 ° ° K t t ° '
goo anti-Virus program 6y 0 cus omer SCI‘VICB.
0 t O O 0
well worth the inves ment Be Willing to paint the frog
. goal as “provide outstanding cus-
D n T8011 '5???" m. Hetllne Ad-libs© ”’ng tomer service” and their only rule
0 I V; "521:9:515211;: ‘j . as “use good judgement in all situa-
HOtllne ,1 §;.f7{5;i§fNumber8 ' . m. '51'537 as...” tions.” That’s it. No thick manuals,
. 1~800~684~1181coda7076 5;, I no complicated chain of command.
By Tim Jones .11-,-.... .. i211...{;f_‘_-.;_ By John Faust ‘ ‘I Just the succinct requirement to
Parts-Plus } I -7f_}_:jf;359‘314~5143 Raleigh. N.C. provide “outstanding customer ser-
Il"3'* . - , I vice” by using “good judgement.”
With every upgrade of soft- 859.623.3880 f’ ' When it comes to customer ser- Competition for customers
ware, you can expect some adjust- 859-824-3737 vice, it’s hard to beat what hap- increases the need for customer
ments and sometimes difficulties. In; 1 1 - 1. ' _ pened to my Aunt Jo when she and service. If you don’t take care of
A recent problem that has e-mail: fiones9692@aol~com ' UntlefBobby stopped to browse at a your customers, they will take their
occurred with Mac OS 9_1 is that * ' .I 5 cra t air. business somewhere else. It’s a
Microsoft Office 98 is crashing. 11310859624‘9893 . She pointed to a homemade, modern version of Darwin’s sur-
There does not seem to be any puter components. The most com- er8 sculpture of a frog. It was vival of the fittest. Paint the frog
clear answer to this except mon problem is modem failure on pamfed bnght red- ,, _ and W1“-
upgrade office. Macs or Windows computers. I collect fr‘pg art, she said to I once heard about an ad man-
Other issues that have come Another problem that can occur is the proprietor, .311.“ I wonder If you ager who dealt WIIh a complaint
up this month have been the Auto— power supply damage by lighten- have one 11kg, thls 1" green. _ about a wrong Phor?" number In a
Start Worm. It will slow down ing surges. Ethernet cards and He held itup‘,exaim1ned’i,t care- quarter—page ad by issuing a credit
powermacs. It can be easily cured hubs can also be affected. fully and said, I think so. Then fortonly the tiny amount of space
with either Wormfood or While nothing will protect picking up a paper sachhhe stepped which was occupied by the typo.
Wormscanner. Either can be equipment from a direct hit, there to the’door ofthe tent. Ill be right Although it was clearly. the news-
downloaded free from internet are some devices and procedures back. , paper S mistake, the t‘ght'fiSted
sites. You can find help at that will help. Surge protectors They heard the unmistakable manager wouldn t conSider any
www.macvirus.com. will help protect power supply spray of an aerosol can and, a few other solution. A few days later,
While virus problems are not issues. Protectors for modern lines seconds later, he re-entered the when told that the advertiser was
rampant among Macs, it is wise to will help. There are also surge sup- tent holding a green .frog at the end cutting his newspaper Budget in
keep an up to date virus program pressors for ethernet connections. ofa green-tipped ‘sitring. Handing it half, the manfger said, He s just
available. Norton Anti-Virus is a If you have warning and enough over, he wmked, Better hfld it by being difficult. . .
good one. time, the best protection is to the string for a little while. Some “good judgement,’ huh?
Has your monitor been cali- unplug powercords, modem lines . “i’il‘hat was terrific“customer ser- The newspaper prints the wrong
brated? I will not try to explain it and ethernet connections. Macs Vice, Jo said later. The frog was phone number, essentially render-
in this column, but if you are hav- with built-in Ethernet ports need a only five dollars, and I probably ing an ad ineffective. The advertis-
ing problems with color photos total logic board replacement to fix twoulddhave brliugltit lit1 anIyway. gut er gives the ad manager a chance to
printing in the right c