xt78kp7tqf2x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78kp7tqf2x/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2009-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 2009 text GLSO News, December 2009 2009 2009-12 2019 true xt78kp7tqf2x section xt78kp7tqf2x v‘
% The Decentber 2009
A Publication of the Lexington Gay Services Organization Volume 31 Number 12
ImpenaI Court Celebraates AIDS V°1““t°‘f’s °f If‘fngm“
The Imperial Court of Kentucky Candleltgltt Vlgfl
kicked off the Holiday Season with a AVOL'S Candlelight vigil is Tues-
BANG with Judy's Old Fashioned Holi- day, December 1st, World AIDS
day Show. What a delightful evening Day. You can bring a candle or pick
full of Gay Cheer. one up and start the walk at one of the
On December 2 we continue the following locations: 1) Common
Holiday spirit of giving with the AVOL Ground, 2) Dunkin Doughnuts, 3)
Kids Christmas Show at Crossings. Third Street Stuff, 4) Starbucks on
Doors open at 8:30 with the show start- Main Sto: 5) Tin ROOf-
ing at 9:30, $5 donation at the door or The candle stations Will be set up
bring a new kids toy. Come join in the by 5:30 (30 minutes prior) and the vigil
festivities and help us make several kid’s Will start at 6pm. Participants Will walk
Christmases Merry! through downtown, ending at the Cen—
In addition to the show we will be tral Library where we Will have a few
placing Christmas trees at The Bar Com- words 311d music. We Will then proceed
plex, Crossings and Pulse Nightlife and inside Where eight panels 0f the AIDS
any other establishment that would be (111ilt Will be on di8play- Starbucks on
interested in participating. Ask your High Will supply coffee and light
bartender how you can make a donation snacks.
to help AVOL Kid’s Christmas. . Red Ribbon Ball
Then lets keep the season Jolly by
crowning a Miss Mary Christmas on The Red Ribbon Ball will be Satur—
December 16th at the Bar Complex. day, December 5th, in the round barn
Doors open at 8:30 with the pageant at Red Mile. The event will start at
starting promptly at 9:30, $5 donation 7pm with a live silent art auction, heavy
at the door. Applications are available at hor‘deurves, and an open bar. At
Inspired Apparel, from Empress Nicole 10Pm-3 the art portion ends and the
Diamond or from Miss Mary Christmas Dance of the Winter begins with D]
2008 Helena Handbasket. Come join in Xenergy- cont. pg; 2
the fun!
A bi Con ratulations oes out to
Jacquelife Stoi’gm, Miss Difa of Dark— Sponsor Of The Month
ness 2009. All the contestants did an
mega! KC HIP
The Imperial Court of Kentucky
donated $8,000 to the Matthew She ard .
Foundation to be used for hate ci‘ime K’k ”Bl/W4]?
awareness in Kentucky Schools from the
proceeds of the production of the Lara— 877‘524‘4718
mre Project. Director cont. pg. 2

 Imperial Court ...cont from pg. 1
—e— 3‘, GAY Wesley Nelson and Cast did an amazing
"' F and job telling the story of Matthew Shepard
\ _ at Natsha's, EKU, UK and at The Bar
' ./ Lesblan Complex performances. Thanks to our
' ' cor orate s onsors and eve one that at—
2'13. Serv1ces t g d P W
_ . en e .
orgamzatlon The Imperial Court of Kentucky will
Incorporated as be represented at the Imperial Court of
The Gay Services Organization Boston and Imperial Court of Las Vegas
Coronations this month.
P.O. Box 1172 LeX., KY 40588 The Imperial Court of Kentucky helps
support Breast Cancer Research with the
WWW-QISO-OI'Q Pink Ribbon Ball held at The Bar Com-
plex on November 18. Thanks to every—
one or e in us reac out in our com—
6 f h lp' g h '
munity and support those special causes
Volume 31 NO- 12 near and dear to our heart!
_ AVOL ...cont Ii'om pg. 1
News Editors and Staff
Mary Crone, Judy Sutter The cost of tickets are: Art/Dance— $60
Ginger Moore-Minder, per person or $100 per couple, Dance
Marc Blevins, Dennis Wheatley only—$10 in advance or $15 at the door.
Sarah Phillips, David Spencer, and Tickets may be purchased in advance e1—
Jackie Cobem ther through our website www.avolky.org
or by calling Brian Slate at 859-225—3000
_— ext. 23. Please come out and support
Office Administrator m“ cause”
Bill Chandler OPEN HOUSE
859'253'3233 AVOL has moved to 225 Walton Ave-
— nue, Suite 110. They invite everyone to a
GLSO BOARD celebratory Open House on Friday, Dec. 11
from 2pm 6pm. The new space otters easier
Dennis Wheatley, President access’ greater Prime?“ and "for" Parking
Thomas Collins Vice Pres. AVOL ‘5 “0W making aPP°mtmems f"
Jane Minder Secretary Rapid Result HIV testing at Central Chris-
Ginger Moore-Minder, Treas. tian Church on Tuesday evenings from 6:00
Mary Crone GSA — 8:00 p.m. Call for more information and
Jackie Coéem appointment scheduling 859—225-3000.
Mark Johnson
Jessica SUCik Subscribe to the Newsletter by
David Spencer
Samantha James going to www.glso.org or
Next meeting Dec. 10, calling 359-253-3233
7pm at the Pride Center.
Page 2

 M -
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"Straightlaced: How Gender’s Pride Center Sale
Got Us All Tied Up” Books, T-Shirts, DVDS
The Kentucky Premiere of the docu- Are you ready to get under a nice
mentary “Straightlaced: HOW Gender’s warm blanket, with your favorite cup of
Got Us All Tied Up” —Will be on January hot beverage to read a juicy novel or
9, 2010. A reception begins at 10:15 am watch a “family” DVD? Perhaps one
and the film begins at 11 am inside the you might have bought at an expensive
KY Theater in the State Theatre, 214 E. bookstore? 01-, are you looking for some
Main Street. Free parking is available in inexpensive Presents for friends?
the City Annex garage next to the Fayette Well, do I have great news for you!
County Clerk's Office- Here at your favorite place in town, the
In November 0f 2007, Groundspark GLSO Pride Center, at 389 Waller, Suite
arrived at Dunbar High School’s Memo— 100 we will be having a sale on the first
rial Garden to interview friends of Josh three Saturdays in December from 12-
Shipman for their film. Hannah Landers 3pm (Dec. 5th 10— 12pm), and if we
candidly and emotionally spoke Of her have volunteers help we will be open on
love for Josh, the reason for the Memo— Sundays from 12 "ZPm' (call ahead 859
rial Garden, and her dismay at the hard— 253-3233),
ships JOSh endured as an openly gay and We have acquired many duplicate
flamboyant individual. J 0511 Shipman books, and videos from generous donors.
took his own life on Oct. 5, 2006. He Come look over our $cheap$ books,
was just shy of 16 years old. videos, and jewelry (some vintage). You
In May of 2008, days before Hannah can get the same satisfaction as buying
and her mother were to travel to Califor- from the big guys, only you will be sup—
nia to continue her participation in the portng your local Pride Center.
documentary, Hannah’s life was tragi- We will also have refillable Kroger
cally cut short in an automobile acci— gift cards, t_shirts, and newsletter sub—
dent. Hannah was 17 years old- scriptions. We will have coHee a brew-
In an effort to continue Hannah’s ing, and some pastries while they last.
work and tell JOSh’S story, You can sign up for a library card and
“Straightlaced” be shown with no admis— check out books from the Pride Library.
sion charge. We hope to encourage open Bring your friends, meet some friendly
discussion of gender bias and help others GLBT folks and see how you might get
toward a more inclusive, empowering involved your LGBT community.
culture. .
This film is brought to you by the S15tersmb
Jesse Higginbotham Technology Trust, This holiday, SisterSound will again
the family of Hannah Landers, and be singing for Amazon.com employees,
Groundspark.org, a documentary film eight sessions in mid—December from
company. Donations are requested to bene— 5:15 to 6:15pm. Training is provided,
fit the Hannah Landers Scholarship Fund and everyone has a great time. Contact
and a contribution to suicide prevention Sara at helregel@windstream.net.
program to be made inJosh’s name. Continued on next page
Page 3

 SisterSound from page 3 KCHIP
SisterSound will present Puttin' on Health Insurance for Kids
the thz’ 0,“ January, Saturday 23rd, at The Kentucky Children's Health
St Michael s Episcopal Church. Look for .
d . . . Insurance Program (KCHIP) is free or
etails in the Jan. issue. , .
. . . . low cost health insurance for children.
SisterSound is a non—audition cho- _ ,
th KCHIP is for children under the age of
rus at welcomes new members. Re— .
19 who do not have health insurance
hearsals are at 6 pm every Sunday at the . . .

. . and whose family income is below 200
Episcopal Church Of the Resurrection, ercent of the federal ove level For
3220 Lexington Rd, Nicholasville (on P l f 'l ffP “y '
Nicholasvill' e Rd, 5 minutes from Fayette examp e, a am y o .0“: can earn up to
Rd . . $42,400 a year and still be eligible.

, on the left). For information, contact Childr d h al h .

Patti Owens at 859—806—0243. 6“ nee . , e ‘ mum?“
There are many families that are havmg

White Christmas difficulty providing fornLheir chilhtiilren's
Benefiting the Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center health needs. Ifyou d” your c dren
nught qualify, call (877) KCHIP—18

On Thursday, December 3, join us at (877—524—4718)
the Kentucky Theater for a special show— In Fayette County, outreach ser-
ing ofErving Berlin’s White Christmas. vices are offered at various Health De—

There will b? a Reception at 6:30pm and partment functions, community events,
the “1.0V“: W111 start at 7pm. school and Family Resources and, Youth

Tickets are $10 and can be purchased Services Centers events. Social workers

at the door, by calling 859.255.2615 or provide on—going long—term case man—
online: www.bluegrassrapecrisis.org. En— agement services to patients. Assess-
JOY a class1c movie and support the Blue— merit, counseling, referral and advocacy
grass Rape Gus“ Center. services are provided through oHice vis-
‘ its, home visits, and follow—up phone

,“Keep the love YOU ”lid. calls. Services covered include medical,

I” dental, hospital, v1s10n exams and hear—

~ Ge: the love you want ing services, mental health, prescrip—

" tions, and other services.

_ _ Sometimes, there are co-payments

JeSSIca BOlllnger LCSW required. For example, pharmacy co-

- - - payments range from $1 to $3 per pre-

lmago Relationship Theraplst scription, depending on the type of
EMDR TraumaWork medicine you receive.

Coup|es, Fayfly, Individud Total costs to you will not be more

' immnnedioncom 552-5533 than $450 a year. This includes all co-

payments and premiums. Call the Pre—
. niium Payment Center at (866) 9KY-
Ge“‘,"‘3 ‘1“? L0“ “"3 Wm“ CHIP ((866) 959-2447) for more infor—
JeSSica Bollinger offers individual, mation
couple, and family therapy. She will be KCHIP Toll—Free Hotlines
leading a workshop on the weekend of (877) KCHIP—18 (877-524—4718)
P” 11 Emugh 13" The, W‘f’I‘Sh0PS (877) KCHIP—19 (877—524-4719)
include brief lectures, mov1e clips, and f th (1 af d h d fh .
ortunities for ri ate r fl ti n and or e e an ar .0 caring
°PP P V e cc 0 (800) 662—5397 If Spanish language
sharing privately with your partner. services are needed
Page 4

Your child may qualify for free or low-cost health insurance through
the Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program (KCHIP). The
program covers children from birth to 19 years old.

Children enrolled in KCHIP are covered for:
. doctors’ visits
9 hospital stays and emergency services
0 prescription drugs
0 health screenings
9 dental, hearing and eye checkups
Applying is easy. A face-to-face interview is not required. You can
request an application by phone, fill out a mail-in application online
or apply at your local Community Based Services office.
Request an application by calling
877-KCHIP-l 8 (877-524-4718)
Get information online at kidshealth.ky. gov
Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program
Page 5

 P ride Gen te
Hours |0a.m. to 3pm M-F 389 Waller Ave., Ste. |00 Phone 359_253_3233
Trflflskeflfilcky lnslght Group
TransKentucky is a support, so- l-‘rlday, Dec 4 th at 7 pm
cial, and resource group serving Lex— Po‘ Luck and 3 "Rune
ington and Kentucky. The group Pro— Prlde Center, 389 Waller Ave.
vides a safe place for transgender indi— GLSO News OnLine
vlduals and people who feel they do
not fit into the standard gender norms To receive the e—newsletter email.-
to express their true selves. glsonews@yahoogroups.com and type
While the group is not therapeutic “online Newsletter” in the Subject line.
in nature, we can provide information, . .
advise and resources from our unique Teen Gay Stralght Alhance
experiences. Family and friends are
invited and encouraged to attend The GLSO Community GSA meets
meetings to gain understanding and be every Tuesday at the Pride Center from
supportive of their loved ones. We also 7 until 9 pm. Teens ages 15 through 19
welcome supportive community members are welcome to attend. The Pride Cen-
who have an interest in issues of gender ter is located at 389 Waller AVC- F01"
presentation, identity, and variance. info contact Mary at 2665904 01'
TransKentucky meets on the first email: marycrone@insightbb.com.
Saturday of each month at 7:30pm, This fall, only three Lexington
doors open at 7pm. We include cross high SChOOlS had aCthC GSAs. With
dressers, transsexuals, gender queers, the help 0f the GLSO GSA and mem—
intersexuals, and others who do not fit bers 0f UK GSA all the schools will
the standard gender norms or who are have GSAS by January 2010.
questioning their gender. Meetings are
free and ou ma dress however ou
feel comertable. ig‘or information don— Bluegrass Women’s Network
tact TransKentucky@gmail.com or all The Bluegrass Women's Network
859-9636606. is a social group for women who iden-
. tify as lesbian. Membership is free and
LBX. Lyons LEVI & Leather Club there are no obligations. Members plan
Monda ’ Dec_ 14th at 7 pm a variety of activities such as potluck
gride Center dinners, plays, movies, parties, card
389 Waller Ave., Sie.100 games and whatever else we manage to
dream up! Members choose those ac—
tivities that are appealing to them.
DIICUIIION GROUP If interested in joining go
EveryWednesdayat 7pm to groups.yahoo.com/group/
Pride Center 389 Waller, Ste. 100 tliebluegrasswogletlllinetwork/ and :5-
to 'oin. ac' 'tators are De
A“ Are Welcome glimsto’ck and Lynn Matlock. Y
Page 6

 Come cefe5rate (fie fiofiarays mm
The Impdeourz
I; \
. _/ ofKentany
f.- ( 015-1}? 7 fl ' 3:1
ii j/H/‘fi “5 Cfl ’ Z 51‘ ”lay
3;; (11055111th L fiV/thofi
«1;; i1)oors<5’:50pm sfiom C 9:30pm
- ‘9,“ 55 {Donation
‘fi 27155 9113773; cfimtma H"
)5 {Decem b
L Wm Compfex
Weir/u ()jkégar’s Ce[e6l'ati012! ~
511 121435 in n zany 3
OMB? Wig f2. tfife
Netproceedstqbe anties ofthe Imperial Coun of Kentucky
, . k Page 7

 Retiring as Editor I will also continue my work with
B 11121 crane the Gay Straight Alliance for Youth.
y W This fall, I have visited a number of

I have enjoyed working on this high schools and encouraged students
newsletter for a dozen years. It is time to become more connected to our com—
for me to turn it over to other people. munity GSA. Several teens are working
We have established a great team. Jackie to re-start GSAs in their high schools.
Cobern has been assisting with the news- It may be even be time to start working
letter and is now assuming the major with middle school personnel to make
responsibility for producing the GLSO their schools safer for GLBT teens. I am
News. excited about the possibilities!

This newsletter is one of the ways There are many dedicated people
that GLSO works to unite our diverse working behind the scenes who will
community. We appreciate the contri— continue to do much of the detailed
butions from other organizations who work to get the newsletter to you.
sponsor the newsletter, place ads, write Jackie is coordinating their work. If
articles and in general help spread the you are interested in writing or helping
word in our community about all the in some other way, contact Jackie at
activities that are moving us forward. lexingtonglso@yahoo.coni.

I will still write occasional articles I would particularly like to thank
and work with the newsletter team on a our Sponsors, advertisers, and the writ—
limited basiS. I particularly enjoy writing ers who send us articles to include. All
about LGBT history, so you should see of you help make this newsletter a com—
those articles appear periodically. munity creation.
Spotlight on the Beautifid People... . Miss Wylde’

.4? whose entertainment
By Helena Handbasket career began in the
. i O’ ,
I want to thank everyone for their > early to mild 6 s was
. . 7 born in Knox
support over the last year. This column a, ‘ Coun IN Juice
is so much fun to write and I appreciate Q came ty’to b; when
all of the feedback you have given me. I 3“ \2
. . . 5‘ Jeanette won a Hal—
Will be stepping down as Miss Mary ‘ loween “dress u ,,
Charms 2008, at the Miss Mary Christ- ankl?
mas pageant at the bar complex on Pal’ S akh contEst as :“P r IN "1
Wednesday, December 16th I would love s te ouse m vansv e.’ ’ a
. . , restaurant by day and an establishment
for all of you to Join us for a fun evening h l h d b . h
d the crownin of the 2009 title win— w ere gay peop e gat ere y mg L
:2: g At that time there were only 6 openly
° . . , gay clubs in the country.
As my very special Christmas gift to She was hired to be in the show and
all of you, I am honored and humbled to .
. , . , became their MC, but only stayed for
share this month 5 spotlight With you. I . .

. . , about 6 months. The biggest club in
have been a fan of hers Since the mid 80 s L . 'll . d h k MC
( es I am that old) and she continues to mus“ e recruite er to wor as

Y ’ . . , for them. She also worked at the Talk
be one of my inspirations. Our Decem- .
, , of the Town in Newport where she
ber honor shines the spotlight on Jeanette . .
“ , ,, entertained such famous people as Phyllis
Wylde also called JUice by those who . . .
Diller, Toty Fields, and John DaVidson.
know and love her. Th uld ft
__. _ ey wo 0 en Cont. on gage 10
Page 8

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Page 9

 Helena “cont. from pg. 8 - _ _
and John Davidson. They would often be “Oh Street in. Louisville, was hlt lh the
performing at the Beverly Hills Supper head by a ceiling beam WhICh left her
Club and would come to see her after unconscious and accidentally hung on a
their shows. hook which caused her to pass out from

She has made Lexington her home lack of oxygen: She says that you learn
since 1986 but lived in Louisville eight to “1m them lhto great moments lh'
years prior to that. She packed away her stead 0f being embarrassed.
heels and hung up her gowns in 1997, Her name, “Juice”, came from a
while she was at her peak. time at the Odyssey in Louisville when

During her years of performing, she she was performing “Angel Of the
won at least 13 major titles including Morning”. Another performer, Kay
Miss World, Miss Kentucky, Miss Indi— F ox, was standing at the back 0f the
ana, and Miss Ohio, as well as many bar room and, excited that it was a Juice
titles and pageants. In fact, she was titled Newton song that Miss Wylde was do-
so often that she really doesn’t remember ing, yelled to the top Of her lungs,
just how many she has won. “JUICE”. The name stuck.

She tells this, not bragging, but as She is currently single but shares her
fact and attributes her success to her out— life and home with the loves of her life,
look on drag. She says that she always Drake 300800 and Hershey BOOBOP’
looked at it as a job. She got paid well her dogs...uh... children. -She Stdl

. and she wanted to give the people what loves to stay current With mllSlC, always
they paid for...a real show, not just a trying to hhd that new great drag song,
drag—a—thon. She also tells me that she although she swears she is done with
never drank or did drugs. “The show is the pumps and pads. Her favorite color
a better show and is more fun for the is green, favorite TV show is Jeopardy
queens working as well as the audience if (maybe because she was aJr. High Prin-
you are clean and sober. Who needs it?” cipal for 23 years), favorite movie is

I can still remember her version of Imitation of Life, favorite actor is For—
“ Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”. She est Whitaker, favorite actress, Tyne
could out-twirl any queen working, then Daly, and dream vacation would be the
or now. As show director, she also staged Vatican CltY' The three people she
and choreographed many outrageous would want to be stranded 0“ a desert
production numbers. She says that her lSlahd Wlth are R°blh Wllllalhs (he
favorite person to perform with was would keep things alive and active and
Linda Martel from Louisville who was provide entertainment), James Lipton
always kind and considerate to everyone. of the 'Actor’s Studio (for his intellect

Her favorite song to perform to was flhd ahlhty {0 help his maintain his 5311‘
“Best Thing That Ever Happened”, to lty)’ and Wlll Rogers (for his ingenuity
Me by Gladys Knight, although I would and cleverness)-
guess that the public favorite would still ' The world would be a better place
be her interpretation of ,“Wet Pussy”. 1h“ “Everybody WOUld tht be kinder
Among her many talents, she also de- to each other.”
signed and made her own clothes and I strive to make the world a better
continues to sew for many of today’s place hY'" “Telling the truth. If you
performers. don’t want to know the truth, then

She tells me stories of many embar— don’t 35k me.”
rassing moments on stage. During one The thlhg she would most want to
number she fell out a window onto Pre— be remembered for would be “That I

did not try to keep
Cont. on page 12
Page 10 I

 - LARA: L= Listen A=Affirm

COHVCPSfltIOIlS that R=Respond A=Add information
Change MlndS Listen: Listen for the concern and
by mary crone fears expressed as well as for the con—

The holidays are upon us! Many of tent. Listen to understand, not just for
us feel joy at this time of year and look Pommrefhtf h kn
forward to being with our families. Some h . 5. Ct? t em 0:: you are
of us have biological relatives who will . earingk ell-1121mm concgrn If rig”?—
never completely accept us for who we mg a ey P ase or 1 ea. 00 or
are, so we form families of choice. And paints 0f agreement you can express.
in many families, we keep lines of com— Respond: Make a statement that
munication open even though we know ::fi:?s:: yggnfileri: 2262:3’ concern,
we .Wm probably here comments based A’dd:PAdd inforfiiation that is rele—
on ignorance or homophobia. h , I 1 din _

There are many ways to deal with vant to t e. top 1c. Inc u g some per
family members that are “difficult”. I sonal experience is important because it
personally like to imagine one of my cm; :ot easily bf: challerlilged as ilintrue
relatives as a barking dog as she expresses an :cause u ? en :3.” es geop e m a
her religious opinions. But I also keep wayt at statistics or acts 0 not.
looking for alternatives. An example:

The LARA Method of conversation Aunt Jane: I hear you and Rob are
is designed to help people talk about thinking of adopting a baby. With all
difficult issues. The goal is to have non— that you went thtOI-lgh in SChOOl, I
confrontational dialogues in which you WOUld think that you would not want
seek to convey respect and/or under— to expose a Child to that. You know
standing of their point of view and to other kids will be mean to him.
In“ 2;: m seam: mom

Discussions can easily become de- :2“; tcgn e . c .t :r ..
bates or arguments in which both people e Cf.) “I society ls econung more
are trying to “win”. In such a discussion, accepting, “110018 are changing. In fact,
you may make brilliant arguments for young imipléLag; 1.11.“?ng supp or-
your position but convince no one. tive o .t eir _ rien '

Creating a non-combative atmos- I(add information) We have been read—
phere invites people to consider your ing about techniques parents can use to
point of view. After the conversation is help kids deal With hurtful comments.
over, the individual you were speaking There are 59’“? great childrens b°°k5
with and the others who were listening that give kids- ideas about how to re-
will be more likely to think about what spond to bullies and teaches them t°
you said if they are not upset by the way SUCk “P for others.
you handled the conversation. If appropriate, involve others. Ask

The people listening may be more other parents what they teach their
Open to change than the individual who children about teasing. You could even
is speaking, so if confronted by someone 351‘ Aunt Jane for support.
you consider a bigot, respond with the “If 0111' Child lets you know they are
audience in mind. You might also ask having a hard time, we hope that you
them for an opinion after you have had Will give them a hug and let them know
your say. they are loved.”

Page 11

 Helena ..continued
had the inclination and desire to better the years of making me smile and laugh.
themselves to go on and conquer their May your life be filled with many new
own worlds. I am more proud of what life experiences from which to make
the people I have helped and inspired new memories Ilove ya, Darlin’. ‘
have accomplished than my own suc— I am currently taking nominations
cesses.” for people that YOU think deserve to be ‘
Does anybody besides me wonder spotlighted. Just send your request to -
why she hasn’t been elected into the Hall AdvicefromHelena@aol.com. Let’s be
of Fame? Hmmm. Something to defi— myspace friends. Look me up at http://
nitely think about. www.myspace.com/helenah. Looking 1
Thank you so much Juice, for sharing forward to seeing all of you in 2010. .
these memories with me as well as the
years of making me smile and laugh. :
Remembrance filrfledpmfesf— the reach of his. "No hate" chants were
heard intermittentl between the list of
”406’ D dyof Remembrance m trans related death: read aloud by dif- I
By/llafifiewcfirls-f/gfl ferent protesters. :
Momséyfincenfl’urce/l ‘“‘}{1’*;“";“_‘5 15;; ";‘;,;3: LAC—1'1}; 3:5“; 3
The University of Kentucky Gay— r “C“ .
Straight Alliance tabled outside the Stu— .‘jviiigfi" "£3, ‘
dent Center on November 20th to 43,”; h '39,“ :51}? . J
honor the lives of transgender and )1: J? . .} 1";;‘§1";§ 1
transsexual individuals who have been --. 5 1r... '1 ”‘1 L'Q :
lost. Some of these individuals were ‘ g: 5 l ‘
murdered, some tortured and murdered, { I" d "l ,' 1
and others died because they did not ' W . i
receive adequate medical care. . 'Brother Rick' continually targets i
Black remembrance lapel pins were members of the LGBTQQIA commu— I
handed out.to inquiring students as well nity, women and feminists, and people I
as cards Wlth the name, location, and of color. The protestors made it a I
Circumstance ofvarious trans murders. point to have no interaction with the .
Around noon, W. . . , _,,. _ ‘ .s 51.3, _ ...,.- pastor. (The protest I
the pastor Brother ‘ ‘9 ft- i' i r it “33"“\"i;"§“u 1:3; was non—violent in the
Rmk “it up near , ’f" i :33“. if, tradition of Bayard J
the tabling session 1;. f 1 v M, “fl; .1 "g. Rustin, gay African _ ‘
With guitar I'll V Ii 4 .’ fig. 35%. American pacifist who I
hand. At this . J ' I 4" 37: " taught Martin Luther i
pomt, members of " , 4'” v ' f a. V King, Jr how to imple— l
the OUTsource , . V, ment Ghandian non— l
and. the .Gay- :5 . 1 2 violent protest.) (
Straight Alliance ‘1'» ’3' 573%., “if! a. . We hope that “brother
felt the . need to .'~~ _, ..‘.:" , x M, Rick” will not return 5
squash his hate SRCCCh _ and that ‘3 anytime soon. Perhaps his insensitive l
exactly what they dld' remarks and prejudicial attitude will ‘
For nearly three hours, a cycle 0f become absent from campus once—and- ‘
10-15 students 'boxed in' the zealous for—all. ]
visitor and carried their voices beyond _
Page 12

 W110 LOVCS Ya evil. Lot was trying to protect the angels
by Karen Taylor he took under his roof.
In the next several verses, the crowd
AsI pondered where to startwith these tells Lot to stand back or they will do
series of articles, I decided there is probably worse to him then they plan to do to the
no better place than the story of Sodom angels. As they start beating down the
and Gomorrah, found in Genesis 19:1-29. door, the angels grab Lot, pull him back
We have all heard the story and how it has into the house, and bolt the door. Then,
been related to the homosexual commu- they blind the crowd so they mn’t find the
nity. Well let’s take a look at this together door. Next they tell him to gather all his
as I share w