xt78kp7tp19w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78kp7tp19w/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1964 journals 147 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.147 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.147 1964 1964 2014 true xt78kp7tp19w section xt78kp7tp19w HARDY CHRYSANTHEMUM
By J. W. Abernathie and J. W. Buxton
Progress Report 147
(Filing Code 17—3)
Department of Horticulture

By J. W. Abernathie and J. W. Buxton
Many varieties of garden chrysanthemums are offered to the general
public each year. Most people and many producers are relatively uninformed
about the colors, shapes, and general growth characteristics of many of
these plants under local or regional conditions. The trial garden at the
University of Kentucky Experiment Station Farm in 1964 offered opportunity
for interested visitors to compare the many varieties of chrysanthemums.
Rooted cuttings of l40varieties were obtained from producers the
first week in June 1964, and planted immediately in the prepared garden.
Trial plots were 5 feet square and laid out in rows with a 5—foot walkway
between rows. Ten plants were planted in each plot. Plants were pinched
twice during the summer - first when 3 to 4 pairs of leaves were formed
and again the second week in July. Watering was applied by a sprinkler
system as was necessary throughout the sum er. Tests indicated that only
nitrogen was needed in the soil, so ammonium nitrate was applied around
each plant after it had become established.
Varieties were evaluated on their value as cut flowers, garden
flowers, susceptibility to frost damage, and general growth habit.
Blooming time was designated as E-Early (September 5 to September 22),
M-Mid-season (September 23 to October 16), and L—Late (October 17 to
October 30). Plants not in bloom by October 30 were considered too
late to be useful in this location. Evaluation of cut and garden flower
desirability was made on the basis of 3-excellent, 2—mediocre, and 1-poor.
Frost damage evaluation was made on plants after an early hard frost.
Those flowers that were not damaged very much were called frost resistant.
Flowers that bloomed late were not open and thus were not damaged.

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Blooming Cut Garden
Variety Time Flower Flower General Description (a) and Remarks
Osage E 1 3 Small decorative. Compact cushion.
Paper White E 2 3 Small decorative. Medium habit.
Powder Puff E 1 3 Small decorative. Very dwarf cushion.
Silver Song E 3 2 Medium semi-incurve. Recommend disbudding. _
Medium Harvest Giant.
White Frost M *3 2 Medium semi-incurve. Ivory. Tall. Harvest
Sleigh Ride M l 3 Intermediate decorative. Dwarf and compact.
Full Moon M 3 l Large incurve. Tall habit. Harvest Giant. ·
Ostosa M 2 3 Intermediate pompon. Pure white. Short. `
White Cushion M 2 3 Small decorative. Crown buds open in l
August. Cushion habit.
Raggedy Ann M 2 *3 Small decorative. Early cushion
Mt. Hood M 2 2 Large pompon. Pure white. Medium habit. ‘
Candleglow M 3 l Intermediate pompon. Ivory. Medium.
Chris. Columbus M 2 2 Small decorative. Ivory white. Medium
Corsage Cushion M l 3 Serrated decorative. Will tinge pink if
finished cool. Short and compact.
Grace Bradshaw M 3 3 Large decorative. Disbud. Medium height.
Jessamine Williams M 3 *3 Spoon decorative. White. Medium.
Larry M 2 2 Intermediate decorative. Pure white. Mediui
Diamond M 2 2 Intermediate pompon. Pure white. Short A
Horizon M 3 3 Intermediate pompon. White. Outdoor cut.
Tall growth.
Joan-Ette M 2 3 Small fujii. Mediu .

 - 3 -
Blooming Cut Garden
A Variet _ Time Flower Flower General Descri·tion (a) and Remarks _
Blizzard L 2 3 Small pompon. Formal button type. Tall
Echo L 3 2 Small pompon. Pure white. Tall growth.
Gardenia L 2 *3 Intermediate decorative. Disbud for earlier
flowering. Medium habit.
_ Golden Promise E 2 3 Large incurve. Harvest Giant. Medium.
Moonlight Spoon M 2 2 Large spoon single. Primrose yellow. Early
variety. Short.
Real Gold M 2 3 Large decorative. Deep golden yellow.
Mediu .
Yellow Frost M 3 2 Medium semi—incurve. Tall. Harvest Giant.
Golden Age M 3 2 Large decorative. Golden yellow. Disbud.
Tall habit. Frost resistant.
Golden Arrow M *3 2 Medium incurve. Deep yellow. Disbud. Tall
habit. Harvest Giant.
Golden Cushion M l 3 Small decorative. Dwarf cushion.
Yellow Moon M 2 l Large incurve. Disbud. Tall. Harvest
Chiquita M 2 2 Small pompon. Deep yellow. Good form.
Medium habit.
Gay Blade M *3 2 Small fujii. Medium habit.
Ruby Breithaupt M 3 3 Large decorative. Primrose yellow. Disrid. .i·,
Medium habit.
Yel. Chris. Columbus M 2 3 Small decorative. Pinch to late July Eo#
more dwarf habit. Short.
Polaris M 3 2 Intermediate daisy. Golden yellow on*ioor
spray. Tall.
Yellow Spoon M 2 3 Spoon daisy. Medium habit.
Bright Forecast M *3 *3 Small pompon. Deep yellow. Medium.
Frost resistant.

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Blooming Cut Garden
Variet Time Flower Flower General Descri•tion (a) and Remarks
Kings Ransom M *3 2 Intermediate pompon. Golden yellow. Medium
Ethel Waters M 2 2 Intermediate pompon. Deep yellow reselectio
Formal form. Tall.
Golden Peking L 2 2 Large decorative. Deep yellow sport.
Peking L 2 2 Large decorative. Light yellow. Medium
Yellow Calumet L 3 1 Intermediate pompon. Yellow. Tall.
Topflight L 3 2 Small anemone. Deep yellow. Tall.
Bronze and Red
Glow Worm E 1 3 Small decorative. Orange scarlet. Very l
early. Short.
Bronze Song E *3 2 Medium incurve. Brick bronze. Develops
4-6" blooms when disbudded. Harvest Giant.
Minnehaha E 2 *3 Small decorative. Bronze. Holds color
under high temperatures. Short. Frost ·
Bronze Queen M l 3 Intermediate pompon. Copper bronze ~
cushion. Compact. Short habit.
Cochise M l 3 Small decorative. Rich bronze. Mound
type growth. Short.
Indian Sum er M *3 l Large decorative. Scarlet bronze. Standar• V
Disbud. Tall. Harvest Giant.
Mesabi M l 2 Small pompon. Bronze. Short.
Scarlet Crimson M 2 *3 Intermediate decorative. Medium habit.
Frost resistant.
Spunky M l 2 Small button. Golden bronze. Early and
dwarf. Frost resistant.
Toronto M 3 3 Intermediate decorative. Copper bronze.
Medium. Frost resistant. ‘
Pancho M l 3 Intermediate pompon. Orange bronze.
Compact cushion.

 . A _ \ 4
- 5 -
Blooming Cut Garden
» Variet Time Flower Flower General Descri•tion (a) and Remarks
_ Autumn Leaves M , *3~ 3 Large semi-incurve. Orange bronze. Early
- standard. Tall. Harvest Giant. Frost
Champion Cushion M 2 *3 Small decorative. Bronze. Short habit.
Commander Cushion ` M 2 3 Small pompon. Deep bronze. Short habit.
‘ Frost resistant.
Ruby Mound M 1 3 Small pompon. Intense red.
` Mojave Gold M *3 2 Large decorative. Golden bronze. Disbud.
I Medium habit. Frost resistant.
3 Mikado M *3 2 Large cactus decorative. Golden bronze.
Short habit.
Rocket . M l *3 Small pompon. Deep brick red. Globe plant.
Short grower.
Falcon M l 3 Small anemone. Bright bronze. Resembles
` an improved bronze sport of Ann Ladygo.
Medium habit.
Rambler M 2 3 Small anemone. Warm bronze. Masses of
smart anemones. Medium.
Red Skin M 2 3 Large decorative. Crimson red. Disbud
also. Medium. Harvest Giant. Frost
Futurama M 2 3 Intermediate decorative. Light bronze.
1 »`Medium habit.
Huntsman M 3 *3 Intermediate decorative. Red bronze. Tall.
Frost resistant.
p Lipstick M l *3 Small decorative. Red. Short. Frost
Red Rustic M *2 *3 Intermediate pompon. Short, compact habit.
Frost resistant.
Rustic M 2 *3 Intermediate pompon. Orange bronze. Short
habit. Frost resistant.
Remembrance M *2 *3 Intermediate decorative. Deep red. Good
short, compact habit. Frost resistant.

Blooming Cut Garden
Variet Time Flower Flower General Descri»tion (a) and Remarks '_
Carnival M 3 l Intermediate pompon. Orange red. Medium.
Frost resistant.
Dolli-Ette M 2 *3 Spoon daisy. Bright bronze. Short.
Red Mischief M 1 3 Small daisy. Red. Very prolific and ,
shapely like a Cineraria. Short. Frost
resistant. -
Amber Bright L 3 1 Large decorative. Amber bronze. Tall
habit. Disbud.
Calumet L 3 2 Intermediate pompon. Golden bronze.
Tall habit. ,
Cheyenne L 2 1 Large decorative. Deep red. Can be
improved by disbudding. Medium. i
Dark Calu et L 3 l Intermediate pompon. Bronze. Outdoor
cut. Tall habit.
Radiance L 2 3 Intermediate pompon. Deep red. Tall grower. 4
Rajah L 3 2 Intermediate daisy. Intense red. Tall
Resolute L 3 2 Large pompon. Red bronze. Better suited
to southemiareas. Tall habit.
'ink .
Sal. Precose E 1 l Large decorative. Salmon pink. Short habit.
Princess E 2 3 Intermediate decorative. Deep old rose.
Medium habit.
September Song E *3 2 Semi-incurve. Pink. Disbud early for y
maximum size. Medium. Harvest Giant.
Touchdown M 3 1 Large semi-incurve. Very large standard.
Tall. Harvest Giant. Frost resistant. —
Telltale M l *3 Small pompon. Rich purple. Early cushion. U
Coquette M l 3 Small pompon. Pink. Clean, short, compact
Major Cushion M 2 *3 Small decorative. Light pink. Crowns
open in August. Short. Frost resistant.

 - 7 -
Blooming Cut Garden
` Variet Time Flower Flower General Descri•tion (a) and Remarks
B Minnpink M l *3 Small decorative. Pink. Fine cushion habit.
` Purple Waters. M l 2 Intermediate pompon. Deep purple. Short.
Loveliness M l *3 Intermediate spoon. Carmine pink. Medium.
Pink Spoon Cushion M l 3 Small spoon. Lavender pink. Short and
\ Purple Dusk M 1 3 Small decorative. Purple. Clean, dwarf
· habit.
Betty M *3 3 Large decorative. Rose pink. Tall. Frost
h resistant.
Pat Lehman M 3 *3 Large decorative. Salmon pink. Disbud
also. Tall. `
Artist's Delight M 2 *2 Intermediate decorative. Medium.
Purple Pirate M 1 *3 Small decorative. Intense purple. Short
Cecelia M 2 3 Intermediate pompon. Pink. Short.
Comet M l 2 Small anemone. Medium.
I Corvair M 2 3 Small pompon. Two tone pink. Good plant.
I Helen Bogue M 2 3 Large decorative. Rose purple. Large l
disbud. Medium.
Jeweltone M 2 3 Small pompon. Salmon pink. Fine fall
color. Medium habit.
Joybringer M 2 *3 Small pompon. Salmon pink. Short habit.
Frost resistant.
y Spellbound M 3 3 Intermediate decorative. Lavender pink.
Medium habit.
Mango M 2 3 Small anemone. Deep pink.
Millionaire M 2 *3 Intermediate decorative. Light pink.
Medium. Frost resistant.
Mischief M l 3 Small daisy. Deep pink. Short. Frost
Raspberry Ice M 2 3 Intermediate pompon. Fuchsia pink.
Medium. Frost resistant.

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Blooming Cut Garden
Variety Time Flower Flower General Description (a) and Remarks _
Fury L 1 2 Intermediate decorative. Rich purplec Short¤
Alert L 2 2 Intermediate pomponc Purpleu Pinch until
late Julyo Mediumo
#2 Fuchsia Fairy L l 3 Small decorativeo Deep pinko Shortc
Accolade L 3 3 Intermediate decorativec Coral pinka Talib
Enterprise L 3 l Small pompont Deep pinko Tall habita
Major Bowes L 3 I Large incurve, Deep pink standardc Tallo
(a) General description as given by Yoder Brothers Chrysanthemum Catalog, p, &8~5l0
* Varieties of hardy chrysanthemums judged to be outstanding either as a cut
flower or garden flower by the researchers. _
106M — 2¤65