xt78kp7tnt69 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78kp7tnt69/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-04-08 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 8, 1976, no. 123 text The Green Bean, April 8, 1976, no. 123 1976 1976-04-08 2014 true xt78kp7tnt69 section xt78kp7tnt69 {/·s:·‘(.t..!;y'¥   Q
. 9 April - Lecture by Prof. A.
` K Leslie Wilson, Uni- G R E E N
versity of Texas · v_ P
5 PM, Gallery. Topic: B E A A
"Gunter Grass and his
Double-Pronged Pen."
10 April — "The Challenge of N5w5LE7TER Ng,l23 4/8/76
Databanks to a Free David Farrell,Editor Ext.82684
Society - A Confereno€":“ ' "" " "““"'“"'"'"""“'“"
College of Law, UK. Registration 9:00 AM.
12 April - Annual University Recognition Dinner — 5:30 PM, Lafayette
13 April - AAUP UK Chapter Meeting - Springs Motel. Bar at 6:30,
Dinner at 7:30 (Reservations through Lou Brock, 8-2839);
Speaker at 8:30: Mr. Barney Tucker, Chairman, Council
on Public Higher Education.
l4 April - Tech Services Area Meeting — 8:30 AM, Tech Services Conf.
- ARL Movie, Styles of Leadership - 10:00 AM in Room 504.
There will be a discussion period following the movie.
Il5 April — Library Science Colloquium Series presents a lecture by
Dr. Elizabeth Stone - 7-9:00 PM, Student Center Presidentfs
19 April - Bluegrass Librarians' Association - 7:30 PM, Gallery
. (See Note).
. Planning Com ittee Report - Public Services _
(Editor's note: This concludes the four-part series on the.
Planning Committee Report.)
I The Public Services section of the Faculty Planning Report was
discussed at the April 2 Faculty meeting. Some areas of discusstui
were: ·
l) Spliting a position between two people. The advantage is that
this allows for more flexibility in matching staffing needs with
peak hours. Disadvantages are that the University gives no
benefits or salary raise money for part time positions and there
are problems with scheduling. A suggestion was made that the
Library Faculty pursue the issue of benefits and salary increase
money for-part time people through a committee.
2)e More fully utilizing students through better training. One
suggestion was that we hire a core of students to work in a public
service area for the summer, then send them to various units for
_ the school year; this would give them a good background in total »
library operations.

3) Combining several student positions to hire one library science
intern. It was pointed out that the library has total flexibility
in how it decides to spend its personal services money, so we can
go ahead and try anything we want. Another suggestion was to
make better use of 525 students.
F. Harders
Susan Csaky Awarded CLR Fellowship
Susan Csaky, Head of Government Publications at MIK, has been nmmd
one of 16 outstanding midcareer librarians selected as CLR Fellows
for the academic year 1976-77. Ms. Csaky will study the organi-
zational structure and publishing policies of the European
Community for the purpose of developing a functional classification
system for European Community documents. She plans to spend part
of the year working in Hungary.
Request for Periodical:
The Periodical Room needs the following issue:
Time - Jan. lg, 1976 4
(Editor's note: Bill James has prepared a short series of articles
on the recent copyright law controversy.)
Of particular interest to scholars, researchers, and librarians a
few years ago was the Williams and Wilkins Case. The case arose
from an action by a leading United States publisher of scholarly
periodicals against the National Library of Medicine and the National
Institute of Health for alleged unauthorized photocopying of copy-
righted materials during the course of performing ordinary library
reference work. On appeal, the U.S. Court of Claims held that there
was no breach of copyright within the factual circumstances presented
  in this case. On appeal by the publisher from the Court of Claims
  to the Supreme Court of the United States, four judges decided in
l favor of the appeal and four judges upheld the decision of the Court
of Claims. Therefore, pursuant to the rules of appellate procedure,
the decision of the Court of Claims was affirmed because—of the
technicality of having a split vote. Accordingly, a clear ruling
of law on the subject of photocopying copyrighted material incli-
braries was not reached.
The Williams and Wilkins Case is important because of adopting the
concept of "fair use" which permits individuals and institutions
other than the copyright owner to use the copyrighted material in a
reasonable manner without the owner's consent.
The controversy of the Copyright Law has now shifted from_the courts
to the Congress where a revision of the Copyright Law is in progress.
Next week, the Copyright Bill in Congress. I ' _

E The Bluegrass Librarians' Association will present a program dealing
i with ERIC, the abstracting and report service for educational re-
j search. To be held on Monday, April 19, at 7:30 in the Gallery of
> M.I. King Library, the meeting will feature Jane White, U.K.'s
Education librarian, along with Joe Forsee of the State Archives and
Public Library department, Dennis Swanson and Anne Hamilton of the
State Department of Education. The panel will discuss the helpful-
1 ness of ERIC to students, to educators, to librarians in all areas,
Q as well as to the layman. The meeting is open to all and is free.
i E. O'Hara
p "Computer—based Library Networks and Bibliographic Data Base Search
Services" is the topic of the SLA workshop to be held 29-30 April
at Berea. In addition to Ellen Baxter who will welcome the partic-
. ipants, three staff members at MIK are participating in panel dis-
f eussions. They are: Trudi Bellardo ("Computer-Based Bibliographic
, Search Services: What do we do now?"), Jean Graef ("Terminology
I Related to Computer—Based Systems"), and Gail Kennedy (“SOLINET:
A specific application").
. A limited number of reservations are available through Sara Leech,
Medical Center Library.
The following personnel decisions have been made for the coming
fiscal year:
Newspaper/Microtexts: Judy Sackett (she was the Serials/Microforms
librarian at Ft. Lewis College in Colorado)
Reference: Alice Morgan
Art Library: Karin Sandvik
Acting Head of Special Collections: Bill Marshall
Reference Librarian. Univ. of California, San Diego. 1 Sept. 76.
Curator, Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts. University of
Florida. $9,300+.
Reference Historian, North Carolina Collection. Univ. of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill. 1 July 76. $10,500+.
Director of Libraries. Ohio State Univ. l Sept. $40,000 maximum.
Law Librarian. Vanderbilt Univ. $9,000.
Medical Reference Librarian. Yale Univ. Medical Library. $10,000+.

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