xt78kp7tn468 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78kp7tn468/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1949 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 20, 1949 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 20, 1949 1949 1949 2012 true xt78kp7tn468 section xt78kp7tn468 VV-     sw ;     -·,    V     V V /»,.!     V. , A _,,._A. ‘  
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272 y H e Earned Meir "L " For Loyal; l 2
The 1948—’49 Loyalty Fund drive has gotten off to an ausp1c1ous begmmng. Many alumni . QUARTE}
\ have already contributed, as the subsequent list shows, but there are many st1l1 to be op- ,
e proached. Mr. J. Stephen Watkins, chairman of the current drive 1S urging every alumnus
i and former student to part1c1pate, no matter to how small an extent, so that we may all have
a part m th1s, one of the iinest projects the assoc1at10n ever has imtiated.   ‘
Raymer, NV. F. -.-413 Walker Road, West Orange, N. J. Pllillllls. J. M.. Ji'. 1-...--.-—-——-—-Stanford, Ky O,. E.
Barton, Gaylord T. ___Nor(:h Street, Carlisle, Kentucky BTOIIIBI', Helen IW- -—-:-- .».».-.. ------.----...-..-_ Govern ‘
, Dorman, Harold W. __ _____, __ Box 447, Bardstown, Ky. .--- ...... -- .... 1869 Farmington Rd., East Cleveland, om., - had 3],,,
· Baker, A. Frank-110 North Ashland Ave., Lexington, Ky. Thompson, Mabel K. ---.-;.La.ncaster, Ky. ' gms
Dunlap, Joseph W. - .,.. Liso Paris Ave., Lexington, Ky. Clarlte. Theo. W. .-. .... -.--—-Hazard, Ky, l Kentucky E,
— Garland, \'Villiam -_-.- .... -376 Fifth St., Paintsville, Ky. Sullivan, VV. D. .-.--.32lfl 6th Ave., Beaver Falls, pn
Flora, Marie 3--..-.345 YVest Main St., Carlisle, Ky. Carlton, Martha. ..-—--2792 Coral Road, Union, N, J, c Commonl
‘ Frazer, Edwin W. _- ,............. -.-Clark Street, Marion, Ky. RL1Clll1l. J0lln M. -——»-- ----. ~ ·,.-»- - ».---- -....-.—-_-__, k _ t th
Brown, Otis ----231 "West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. _ -....--.--. -r-—.-Apt. YD. 20 P£t1‘l< AVe.. New York, N. Y,  ee el 3 E
Frazier, Chalmer -- .... 401 Court St., Prestonsburg, Ky. Z1mHl€1‘1'¤9.n. J- VV. ~ --.--.--.-.. ,...--..-W -....... .-...;.-m,  nvocgtjgn to
Williams, Margie --..- .... - ...... - ...,,..... ---Carr0llton, Ky. ...... -.----11E)4S Mayfield Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
Keeti, Shirley _-._._. ,.... - ..ri - .... -L-onmbei—1nnd, Ky. Moore. Isaac C. - .-.......... -- ...._ -R.D. 1, Milton, pa,  all on F€b1‘11
Mayhall, Russell -.-..--116 Crestwood, Louisville 6, Ky. BYOCK. Louis M. --.- ..---- 2*525 Rillley St., Davenport, Iowg
Poynter, R. W. -- ............ --.-- ..,i .----Horse Cave, Ky. M’€Y*‘l_`. M. M. .--.-H5 \Vest \Vnlnut, Goldsboro, N_ C Features of
Peterson, Frank -1557 Tates Creek Road, Lexington, Ky. Bwffltt. W; S. -—..--.  . .
Robertson, Elmer -- .... -4000 S. Preston, Louisville, Ky. »---»- --- ...... 38oS N0l`tl`l New Jersey St., Indianapolis, lng],  i€bl`HU0U. U
. Davis, Charles L., - ..... --.--- .... --.-.-LaGrange, Ky. Clark, Raymond E. ---...----.m__  O,. Clementg
- Kirwan, A. D. -B0wman Hall, University of Kentucky ..... -.---- .... 936 Nela View Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio ` _
Forgey, J. P., Jr. ---.- .... - ........ -.-Morgantown, Ky. Little, Ercel B. ----..--. ...... ------l\larion, Ky,  ying ofthe C
Taylor, William R, -147 Boone Avenue, Winchester, Ky. Slomer, Jos. J. --7416 Bennett Ave., Chicago 49, lll, _ ldhouse 3
Wiggins, Eugene .-- ..... -Burnam Court, Richmond, Ky. Barney, Mrs. Ruby ---.2770 Park St., Jacksonville, Fla,  E l
. \Varnock, Wendell -.---.-------.--.-.---- Patterson, Pauline ---.--5. Limestone, Lexington ,· ures on the
...--.-245 Morris Ave. S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Payne, V. F. -.-400 Atlantic Ave., Long Branch, N_ J,
f Haggard, Clark _.-----_Route 3, \Vinchester, Ky. Spears, Ramon L. -.--.-..-..- .... -_--.__________  Bm of the
, Herndon, L. F. ___-L-.-__-Georgetowil -4618 North YVildwood Ave., Milwaukee 11, XVisoon5jn  gtorjcal exhil
- Daugherty, N. B. .--.-----.-Nicholasx·ille, Ky. YVeitzel, Kathryn -2440 Overlook Road, Cleveland 6, ohio
Gorbandt, E. T. - ..... --- .... --.--.---.--_-- Shearer, Nancy J. ._Ritz Apts. 1, Elizabethtown, Ky, bl`0&dC£1SlL bl
" ---.-118 North Peachtree Pl., N.W., Atlanta, Ga. Marshall, P. F. --.1222 Cypress St., Louisville ll, Ky,  0,, which Wi]
. Beach, G. D. -.-...---.-.-..---...-.--Beattyville, Ky. Thacker, J. A. ---.3025 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio . j _
Spurlock, Chester -- .... -..-..--306 Third St., Ravenna, Ky. Osthagen, Clarence ...... ,135 72nd St., North Bergen, N, J,  d10 stations
Griffins. Waller H. -.--.- ........ -.-...------.----- Elliott, J. Milward -- ...... - ...... --.---...-- . ,
I --.--320 South Broadway Park, Lexington, Ky. ___-.__,;257 South Hanover Ave., Lexington, Ky.  Q Week of FE
_ Caldwell, Margaret - ...... --...--.Box 264, Danville, Ky. Barnes, C. E. __.-.222 Forest Park Rd., Lexington, Ky, _
.. Smith, Randolph -.-- .... ----...- .......... --Burkesville, Ky. Rosenberg, James ........ _ .... ---.-- ..... .----..-...-_-_- The radio pr
~· Money, Lillian --..----- ..... ---- .... -.-.--Ewing, Ky. .__,____4-108 Del Park Terrace, Apt. 7, Louisville, Ky. {fe, dt H F
' _ McDaniel, John W. -...---..-...~..:...- ....-..... ..---.—.--..--. Morgan, Charles Lee -.-- ........ -.-Clemson, South Carolina E O 3 ·
; . ---.---1SOZ Overlook Ave., Youngstown, Ohio Mccaw, Mrs. C. A., Jr. .... 351 Park Ave., Lexington, Ky.  clude 3 I-evie
. Carter`, Mary C. .. ..-... -.-413 AYl€Sf0l`d Pl., LeXin*gt0n, Ky. Brown, Olive M. .... 3802 Noyes Ave., Charleston, YV. Va. . ,
Young, Edward R. -.- ...... -227 Hillcrest, State College, Pa. Carmody, John P. ,,-...1535 24th st., N,\V., Canton, Ohio my f1`0lll tl
; McDonald, Col. John - .......... -.--. .... - ....... -..- .......... - ............ --- Mathis, Harlan F. ,___ ______, _ ______ _________________Bai·.lslown, Ky, ., today. the
· ----34 Hollstein Str., Bad Homburg, Germany Price, Vtlilliam R, ______________________Qntleiisourg, l{y_ _ ’ _
‘ Lewis, E. H. .- ............ -.1902 Netherwood, Memphis. Tenn. Pope, H. H. .,,......... __.___- .._.__,_...... ______Box 531, Harlan, Ky, · Cllllg Univ
` \Vetherby, George S. ..--.-.--- ..... -- ......... A nchoraze. Ky. McFadden, Don C. _____ ______._____ __._________________________ ,,O\,€m t .
Akers, Susan Grey -316 Tenney Circle, Chapel Hill, N. C. ______ ____,_ ___340 North Maysville Sp, Mo Sterling, l{y_ ` en S In
Harelson, Mrs. H. L. .... 174 Park Avenue, Lexington, Ky. Gulley, J. \Vo01folk -.450 Kentucky Ave., Danville,   8l`S0nne1 over
N01`€k€l‘. Pftlll B· ---- ---—..—--» ---.- -— »»-» -M-— ..... · .--»--........-.----.-».............-»....... Brown, L. Chauncey -.-- ..-.-. ..... - -.- .... ------.. I
- .--..22 Rivarrl Dr., Ft. Wright, Covington, Ky. » _______.___2200 Coffee Pot Drive, st. Petersburg, Fla. Hcluded on
· Galloway, O. F.-.330 East College Ave., Jacksonville, Ill. Osborne, §Mrs. Theo. G. -_----m----.  resident H ]
j . Crawley. Everett H. -.-3613 Hycliffe. Louisville 7. Ky. .. ... Ant. 200, New Richmond 1-ictel, Richmond, Ky. ‘
. , Stagg, Stanley M. -.-2719 Preston St., Louisville 13, Ky. Walden, Cass R, ___ ___ Edmonton, Ky.  0 m€mb€l`S
1; ’ Wells. John S. -.--.--314 Lincoln Ave., Clearwater. Fla. Thornton, D. L. -- .-200 Morgan st. Versailles, Ky.  ,3..,,
t · · Wolnbe, Chester C. -2410 Crosshill Rd., Louisville 6, Ky_ Blake, \v_ E, ____________________________________;_____`]{],C]{S(jy1),Ky,   ‘ on the
’ ‘ White, Porter J. ---.-779 Rose St., Lexington, Ky. Browder, James G-Swift & Co., Inc., \Vest Point, Miss  OW.,}
Duncan. Fred W- —T-—-M-.——.--Basdad, Ky. Swift, Edward L., Jr. -,-Gay st., Winclleste1‘, Ky.
Frezzan Anth0“Y -T· ——-———i——--—--— ---- —-W-.--- Curry, Gordon L-3145 \Vest Broadway, Louisville ll, Ki'. A Committee
»-Ant. 5. Spruce St. Housing. N. Tonawanda, N. Y. Galbraith, McClellan-630 \Vashington st., Henderson, liv. b _ .
Gragg, Major T. J.-.2409 Augusta Rd., Greenville, S. C, Lynch, _l_ \v_ _____________Ronte 7, Lexington, Ky.  Em €lS 1S Wo
Hening, James E. --336 Fourth St., Richmond, Ky. Harper, Mrs. W. H. .-.-.345 Dudley Rd., Lexinglllll lltllne of to i
` Dugan. J- Ami ~————-—-——-——-»-—--—-Wllli€Sb¤FLI. KY. Van Horn, Maynard, Jr.-136 Iroquois Ct., Lexington, K1'. _ p
Gray, Mrs. MoD. .... -.1450 Cherokee Rd., Louisville 4, Ky. Alperin, Moses __1238 \Vest Elmdale, Chicago 40, lll. res dllllng tl
' SKZUTIDST'. Floyd A· -— ---» ----.—---—-....-..Ci1l‘l‘0lll£01'l, Ky. Cummins, Marjorie ________ ____ ______________Brooksvi1le, K1'. a and th·
Ross. Bess —-—--——~—--——~~~——————.Fl€ml!l»¥Sbl11`§. KY. Dimmitt, Addison, Jr. -3033 Poppy Way, Louisville, lil'. ’ IS OL
Bradshaw, A. J. ---,409 Custer Ave., Evanston, Ill, Freeman, M,·S_ Jenn D_ ___________________ ________,- ¤ all faculty
Smith, Alfred E, - .... 2583 Greenup Rd., Louisville 13, Ky. -.__ ._.., , ..._.. _ _____ _____608 Elsmere Park, Lexington, KY. 0 th
Stoll. Eliz. R. ---.----..-.---P.O. 6, Lexington. Ky. Elliott, Dr. Richard -252. Cassidy Ave., Lexington. Ki'- pe et et lee
Moore. Billie J- ----139 RO0k“'00d Ave. DKYKOU 5. Ohio Johnson, Joseph, Jr. -.600 Sayre Avenue, Lexington. KY  ch instructor
Schwant, O. G. -.-141 Nighbert Ave., Logan, W. Va. Musselman, S. F. -.1942 West 102nd St., Chicago 43, lll. . _
Rizzo, Vincent J. - .... 215 E. Madison St., Louisville 2. KY- Patton, Billy L, -408 YVest End Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. , €USSi0ll of
Fieber, Mack H. -.141 East 88th St., New York, N. Y. Gore, Thos. S.__l49 Norwood Avenue, Long Bl`£Ll'lCll. N· J· mind and
VVllliams, Helen ...-.-.----Box 81, Hitchins, Ky Duncan, Rjc]]_ L_ LaGrange, Kentucltl , _ (
Davis, June -.--713 Washington St., Shelbyville, Ky. Becker, George ______S14 Gwinn St., Medina., New YQH  mverslty.
Lauer, C. E. ---3346 11th St., Port Arthur, Texas VVendt, Wylie B. -2346 Emerson Ave., Louisville 5. }}Y·
Cawjby, Elmer-4829 Presidio Dr., Los Angeles 43, Calif, Gilliam, Mrs. Many __ __________ 4405 Exley oo, Louisville. l~Y· The ljbrar 9
Klein, Nicholas W. -.310 Armory Place, Louisville, Ky. Elliott, E. Cronly .-.8 Mentelle Park, LeXin.Bt0¤· Ki  V I y
Williams, Geneva --249 Sherman Ave., Lexington, Ky. Colvin, Richard H. ____ Rox 937, Logan, \Vest Vlrgllllt . E °Pm€llt of
Tapp, Jesse W. J2 Coleridge Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. Colvin, Mrs. Richard H, _Box 987, Logan, West Virginia  E earl
Tapp, Isabelle C. -.232 Coleridge Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. Nash, Dr, James (3. .___ _Box 87, Route 4, Huntsville. Alt   da:
Steely. Hush ---—...-.———Wllliamsburg, Ky. vvhittlnghill, Frank ,,_____._____13cx 262, Robinson. lll ' Ough its pre
Hopper, Velmer H_ ________4()3 Masters SL, Corbin, Ky, Bee, Ru ________________ _____,_ ______4QA North SL, Richmond,    nsion I
Daniel. K€&Y¤€Y B· ————-——-—-—-—-Danville, Ky. Rosa, Leo S. -1818 Edgeland Avenue, Louisville 4. I‘·l·  im d‘ t W
* Q materi
  ··  will be
H .
2 THE xrzvrucxy ALUMNU _ EKEN
l -‘

i   Z/ze Kentucky .4/umm;
1mEs ) '
ov. Clements To Speak Founders Day, Feb. 22
l- KY Governor Earle C. Clements, dis- historical sidelight of the Founders  
;,   ; guished alumnus of the University D&X’11C€1ibYat{0n· ’ New York Alumni L
—· KY· ` i Kentucky and chief executive of _‘ H umm are ulged to Watch
KP?. E Commonwealth, Wm be the tlgeiil 10cal papers for announcement Meet And Elect
—=i  Gaim at me annual Founders Day ¤ t 6 F9u{*d€‘YS_ Day brcadcast, and
31;  nvocamm to be held in Memorial the administration has extended a William E. Butler, outgoing secre·
$3;,;;,  all On February 22_ ieordieiul 1nv1;ati;>; to former stud§n;s tary Of the New York Alumni Club,
-· ; o re urn o e campus on e - .
iwba Features of the Founders Day mary 22 to participate in the C€1€_ was elected president of the group
E  lgbyation, in addition t0 GOV€1‘- bratiOn· at a dinner meeting held Dec. 18 at
W or Clements} address, W1}1 b€ the   the Hotel Paramount in New Y0rk
10 ·
',    Ymg Of the Comersmne Of the new ' t rior to the Kentucky-St. Johns
`exlgi.  Eidhouse, a series of ciassmom New Orleans Alums Liskgtball me
ihgil; ~ ures 0n the history and develop- F O _ t_ I; g d 'L D St k
N-J-  ent of the University, a special OTH] I'g£lI]1Z2l 101] e succee s . uncan 0 GS,
cousin smieal exhibit in the library, and _ _ _ _ who has been transferred from New
LOIQQ.? broadcast by electrical transcrip- A SYOUP Of Gllumnl hvmg 111 Néw York to South Carolina with the
1·O¥§¥·  on, which will be sent to Kentucky Orleans met with Helen hG. Simi}? Southern Railway
10 . . ° '
’_i_ _  dio stations for broadcasts during €X€€ut1V€ $€CF€t31`Y Of t 9 · ·
{ig- M  week of February 22. Alumni ASSOCi3’tiO¤, OH Wednesday Other of f i c e 1* s elected vger?
·   it , Dec. 29, prior to t e t h ‘ S —· 11, ` esi en ;
g The radio p1`Og1`BIn;   xvill be iieillgl-[;2;r;-Tu1Qn€ Sugar Bowl gall-19, ;€§)7_a2]?bQft01;;C1`€t;/iif? aillé S• A'
*· KY ered to all Kentucky stations, will · · · ' _ ’ . . . .
molma _ _ _ and perfected plans to initiate an Raplel, and Mlmm S_ Smith, Jomt
Q·    _°1ud€ a IQVIGW Of the Umvemtyys organization in the southern city. Ueasurers
Vbh?5 tory from the turn of the century Th mu Called to ether by `
n. KF- A  today; the problems of an ex- 6 g p’ , g . The New York group héld H
L M d· - , - . Bernard Freedman, 40, met in the _ . _ .
" Ky' I mg Umvelsity and the Im- H t 1Ne O·1ea11s and made plans Cocktail party and dmnel meeting
:7; Iovements in physical facilities and f (ie bw . I meetm at Mr gn the evening of the K€HtL10kY·St·
3; Kgf  rscmnel over a period 0f 50 years. OI a Elsmess g ` Johns game, and guests included .
~·_- Included OH the b1`O3dC8St \Viu be Flleedmans home On January 5, at Bernie A ShiV€].y     athletic
’·Fl°‘ . · . which time the group planned t0 _ ' ’ 1 . d
  resident H` L' Donovan 44* and elect officers and formulate policies. d“€°t°r’ Kentucky aumm an
if   0 members of the faculty who sports writers from the BIUGSMSS
§·    He on the Qgmpug ·-Then and Mr. Freednian actiii as teéngiyragy who had accompanied the team to
imsé.  0w." chairman of t e mee mg, an au e New York
IV 19] · . . M k S' , M.S. ’38, took 0ve1‘
     A conmiittee of Univgi-sity faculty EhEO§u€i€S1‘£°?;mpO1_a1_y S€C1_€tm_y· Present at the meeting Were: ML
n,·K$,:  ernbers is working on a suggested _ 1 and Ml~S_ Stokes; Mr. and Mrs.
  thne of topics for Classroom ]€C_ The clnb plans to hold a soeiiq Butler; Miss Sorrell; Mr. and Mm
402 H? ms during the Week Of F"b*"~““`Y nileetmg m the may future at Whm Albert; Mr. Smith; Mi-. Rapier; Mr. .
2;    » and this outline win be Offered time films of some ·0f the Kentucky and Mm J. F. Johnston; W' E_ Davis;
.i; * all faculty members \Vith the basketball games will be shown. Walter N. Flippin, JL; Thomas S_
ii. iii: ope Phat at 1€¤St cme class period of   Stevenson; Charles White; Rufus L.
fg Ifflj  °h “¥StF¤€t0F will be devoted to a Sylvia Smith, senior in the College Weaver; Eiizuckeiman; Mr. and Mrs.
  °“SS1°¤ of the historical back- of Agriculture and Home Economics wl F_ Steers and son, Bill; Mr. and
iitlritki  9u“d_"‘“d d€V€l<>Pm€¤t of ‘¤h€ from Brandenburg, Ky., has been Mis Hugh R, Jackson; Webb Wy-
   mV"s‘ty· honored by having her photograph man; Mi; and Mrs. J. Fred Rayburn;
S-   Thehbrary exhibit wiii foiigw the appear on the cover page of the W. B. Mayes; Mr. Shlvély; M1`- and
iéginw  "‘*l°Pm€¤t of the University from November issue of "What’s New In Mrs. T. C. Lyons; Mr. and MPS- W· L-
;'g},’{E  ° Qafly days at “WOOd1a¤dsg· Home Economics," a national maga- Gabbert; Robert L. Manley; J'. W. V
»éH,Igl:  °}*€h its present program of sx- zine. Its cover pages are devoted Geiger; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Euisen- I - A
4; KY·  _S10'n‘     iHC].L1d€ piCt,ul`€S, to picturing 011tstandlng Stlfdcnts In berry;     K*mbf`°“$Sh*     ` I
 mt°d_ mamflal and manuscripts home economics from various c0l- ton; Mr. and M1S· · - Y»
 d Wm be 811 interesting and leges and universities. Continued on Page 20
. | 1

 · The K c n tu C |< Y A I u m n u S I\€llTll('k}"S I l1l\`t‘l`S1I(}' <
Must IIzi,ve Housuig A    
Official Organ of the Alumni Associa- , ‘ ..
tion of the University of Kentucky pub- (From the Cowmefr JOM-nal) ,
lished quarterly on the campus of the It is not to Ke·mjuek;y’s credit that The s€COI1d .
University, at Lexington. Subscription _ _ _ _ h 1,
to non-members, $2.00. Membership its State university leads an C.'1?'LS—  penS€ SC 0*
(Type A) in the Association includes . . bu ,
SubSc,.,,,tiO,, U, me Ah,m,,,,s_ tence much like that of the 0lcl—tzmc , eshman >tud€
\   movie serial queen. N0 sooner is it iversity UEX
Entered as Second Class Matter at the . · . _ _ - ,
0 POS, Office at Lexmgmm Ky., May 22, rescinded from sheer disastci, usiml  onzed b} the
i 1929, under the not or mamii 3, 1879, ly at the last moment, than it finds , o Alum_
't el cm the brink 0 a resh and · ·
Heien G. King. .......,,.l....   l,.l.c,,... Editor is f .   f . .  UUUHUOUS 31
G_ Loo Moeinin _ _______,____ mmonngol- Editor more threatening peril. Earlier this  W and April
)[21l'g`ll€l'i[€ )1L‘L1Illg`ll]ill Associate Editor '
  Mi l,,.   _... ei-im Statistics Editor vw the COM of Avpm Saved the _ o
  University from almost certain, col-   The bcholms
Exigcwmvm COMMITTEE lapse 0;f its faculty by lifting the C13SS€S1890_,91; 190..,, ,08` .09 om. e the OSB  
. John   Bullock, ·P,2€sid€.¤t_6()g Dix;. Sl1lU.T’y l‘i’l`I1'Zf(Lf'LO7L which had 1710.dQ it 1926, :27, i28’ 729; 1945 -46. .,0  48· “1H 8 gl
Teri‘mna.1Bldg,, Cincinnati · illegal to pay any pyofessgy qnoye `   of UIQ 194
B·§gg;e,,gb€,§g;;g;,1gé, *01;;,, §g¤;g,<}¢¤t— than $5,000 it year and kept most REUNION IN JUNE ill be 2r¤¤t·
` ' ' ' · ulastic abi1i1
Helen G. King, Executive S€cI_€mry_ teachers 021 much.l0wer salaries. It ' A l 'I ’ ‘ I 4
522 Sayre Ave., Lexington seemed fm- 4; while after this that and homes undef Umversity gi; Y), €kUH Qui
James S. Shropshire, Treasurer-Route the University might g0 forward ¢I7TC€-’- €€d· and Wm
N.4,R·..·-1·d,L.·‘~ . . _ _ , .
S Ut W(?l31fl5l€lW\Da eunbwn CO?”Lf1d€7'lUy OH its new expansmqi, ThC effect 077 K€7lULC}»y has 0; hOO1 Eiaduaw
, »   Qx,;,,}3;"m9j Bla“t°“* P’mS· Ky' progrann more serious than most of us my hc HWY *96 Y
‘ . ` ‘ ‘  ' d alumn
G. Lee McClain, Bardstown, Ky. (term Now president HC D Thousands of applications ION 128
expires 1949) Tman mwvml mission have b€’C1t 7‘C’Q7‘€tfuN=` i  Vidual =i1¤m¤
. a th t ‘ ' · "
, DF- Gwrge W¤1S¤¤· 200 N Upper- Lex- aiu TNS a the expansion pmgmm fused. Education of these on  S student me
mgmn (term expires 19oO) 'LS HL d<1?lg€T DQCCLILSQ of the SIIOTHIQC th . fm t.O in nl , sam`, have t,
. _ . _ _ , Nl gw: · _
, Mrs. John N, Browning, Edgemont tn wO771€1t’S housing. While Univer- 0 me .mS1 ll .HS G J Ca Jr .. ·
» Road, Maysville, Ky. (term expires . . _ been inconvenient and more cig, €¤tUCk} hlgh
. 1950) sity YIOIISHYQ has 777/LlShTOO77l€d since _ S _ t dj _ j_  ted but he C,
_ H. D. Pzilnmro, 1"l'£Ll`L]{fOl`{, Ky. (term thi? 'LUCIT ]°TO77Z 3,500 to 7484 €’I'LTOH— SIUE. Omg uomcn S U tmc M `·
_· Expires 1951) ment of women students ’has not been fmccd to postpone Umm;  red Dy an O1
‘ Homer L. Ba.ke,2242Rth f dA*., V · T`· ~*`
_ Luuisville tterfii expire; 1$§>li)Qr uz K6]-975 DGCG. By Sfrainiitg every fa- leg; Ccweersb _ I _ M I d lm` msu)
; Ggjveq 9r¤¤¢h· 2522 Seneca Valley Roedi cility, using makeshift housing and _ ut DT‘ YMOUWS PF? ·'°T L N<>mi¤H¤0¤S
__ ouiexille (Board 0t Trustees) . mortal dormitory jf(1C1Ztt1€S is ‘ ·
.. T. H, Cutler, Fyankfgpty Ky_..(BO;,_rd of €U€7‘y iwtlllable rental space in Legg- b d _ L h I f _  H also bf? i
- ` GTm;tԡԤ) 1 t B R . ingfcm, the University has managed Uase Simp? maya S OT Tterlniw hoo] prmcipa
. uy . u ue , d, - · _ 0,- . . .
_, e, ,0,, (,20,,,% of T,`,,@§;§;§ °a Lexing to house 6,111 men. The women, , nfozjwiam y’ t is tempcim ,  t‘H“*“O“ Of to
7 Le31?~gy ML€1giigeibnFirgt11H1;12t(§0§0ai Ban}: however, cannot be housed SO hap_ gn? tst °TH$9€Ui‘;" Ccffelg QS?  the pyjnejp;
¤·· · ¤ .. ' . J.! .
I - president) " Das haeardly. Parents demand that WT. O e I Umm Jh am .·  Seam] Fwm
·_ Marguerite McLaughiin, 226 E, Mgxwou @00771871 students live under super- 97-aélon Of F€mpeTaTy_ Ousmg W QYS {hi? $€h0]Z
_ gg,) Lexingmii (hte member, honor- vision and there Simply is no mom it imperative that it be rcpki  500,8,,0,,
I .
· . - - · . `hin the next five years but
, J'. CRTIISIG Myers, Jr., 918 E. High St,, l€§ft UI d0T77l7.fOT1,CS $OT07‘1tz hm; e wit N The `
_ L·§;é?_;IQ;;i U48 class representative, ) J S S mement buildings. Unless Iiifi  tainégfémnat
‘ done thc University cannot rr .
f > , \VH1`l`€H C t_·.._]_ P . . . T,  umm SQCYEE,
T 1 B ;PPOINTIVD·hIEMBERS Helm Hogg}? Egowung Iélfgggy KQYYYBFPY. mamtam its present eiirollmtvii-0  mUmOn Un
2 2 yion egiey, Jr., Richmond, Ky. Y C,,,Cm,,ati (G,_€&t€r)_C· D. Mccmnahan There zs another TOGSON U  xmct  
_ Judge Edwin Denney, Mt. Vernon, ky. 1232 Rossmore Cincinnati ' Kentucky must maintain thy 7* b On “9‘ P
L. K. Frankel, McClelland Bldg, L — ·, I Y e {fi ‘
mgmn · ex Ch§ca_i%,Sa}lIé.EF1‘est0n H_ Willianis, 29 q;e·rsi1;y’s expa?isiO11 QJTOQTUWVL I  ·nOpI;€-dm;)
R&‘3;2$;,,*éi,c?§Q;i?m¢y"· 1517 Cam     N. Y.-wm. E. Bm. 35 wmv piaimm hm      ii-Ch n-,,,§°d,
_y_ Stgphen “vatkmS_ 145 E_ High St" Parkview, Hi-mixviile, N_ Y_ to readjust building plans F0 if EmuCk_ b _ A
` _`i];f;m2_gg’1“T Wi]1_ m 134 M \V%Sh1r0lgt0n, D. €.—Georgo Lleuth, 2323 form with the birth Tate Siilffli  mmatsi 501
. . . . or . · * · V ~
t Somerset ia s, aple St., Détmit "*¤1?·¥€;¤»   W·»JW&;h1¤gf¤¤ The unprgcgdgqited baby crop 0I·  ecampil “1;
` Y -1c1.—*em~y . eam, 331 . . · · ig ‘ Sem
. Larchlezt Drive, Binningim , M- h_ mst sw yews will bwiw *"··   .
CLUB PRESIDENTS Cleveland, Ohi0—Robert 1\IcD"elwe111C3203 to be felt at the University W hm dud mf
BCS/d COYul1ty—T0m Phipps, Catletts- YV. Tlst St., Cleveland 2 I d I __OH,,,€.  made by thg
C_l,;‘1:§éllIg'C{um__G H P dl _ P§,1otge¥ii§a,Pi;gLr.gom€,S A_ 3200,.,% 2228 piece ented ·fi·es imeii em    Olarship mm
=tOn Ky 3 - · 6 Gy, Prmce- Atldlli lgé ·H.,.., Pluladelpliia, 10, P;t_ Even gtssuntiqtg that H10 Dm AC l'
' ' 21 I , .— - `¤ C `
Christian C0unty—Jesse Keith, Hopkins- Blggg, Agantaugh AdcOck’ 1034 Hurt PTOSPCTUU abate-? before thaw ,, flilcmg to
vmen Ky' _ New OFIBHDS, Lz1.—Be1·nard Freedman University estimates place 1938 ` 0% the Scli
D%§ss C8unty·-3ti1ton_Yunker, Houana 772S Belfast st, ’ mumems at G Tobable 10000,,  mmlttee of ,
g., wensboio, Ixy, Chicago Club meets Second M0 d P ¤ _  e_ . . _
Hgdegson C°u“tY—H€mY A- TRYTOF, each month noon Buiidops (gllobaszglgi dents. Upon our current effort leclplem Oi
en erson, I'y. ' ' _ _ . ,  · - ·._,
Jegfigiog Comfy-J¤¤—€S W- Mai- 3908 ,5i2§ifl;?§?,Ni>L“§&1‘3i5;· mem B G mam me Ummm im "S  §§“““°" i°
< *_,l ' ' ¤ » · · SCOH . . iv ·, '
t Lugar? C}0€untyi\g;a];R§11e c1o_rk_ Rus- W€d¤9S¤m. Lafayette Hotel. · `
F ·  

 ‘ill1llH1 Scholarship N oininatlons Due Apr1l 1
The second $2,800, f0l,lr-year, all- The first scholarship was awarded  
_ me scholarship for ei worthy to John Biggerstaff, of Berea, K ., `
•__  piman Student who wil] enter the last fall, who was nominated by foiir Whltaker dneeeeds
`y_   on-sity next fall has been au- arumm of the Unrversrw He has Self lll Congress ·
_ l  owed by the executive Committee proven to beta very satistactory stu-
i the Alumni Association, and eign an? Fr; reenrds Jusjtlfy the J0h¤ A. Whitaker, of Russellville,
 mmamms are in Order between ingglnileqn 0 t e committee in select- Ky., was elected to a full two-year
  an Aeu I- An ind` .,, , , (Z3`)“a§§?5§§ZZ§fOi’§lSE£E.S.i°‘lEZ
ivi ua · ·
‘ The scholarship, to be 3W31`d€d wishiig to make ;I;I;2?§at?;nC@;? November elections, succeeding him-
_09 rm  e the one set up in September the second alumni Scholarship, Self. Mr. Whitaker had served since ‘
.46.` ri  48, Will be grven Eerere tne·Open‘ should send for a nomination blank eerly lest Sprmd Wher