xt78gt5ffj0k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78gt5ffj0k/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1978 newsletters  English The Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Kentucky Inter-Prison Press Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, December 1978 text volumes: illustrations 37 cm. Call Number: 17-C817I 8: The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, December 1978 1978 1978 2022 true xt78gt5ffj0k section xt78gt5ffj0k  








. «h 1979














Raymond Kottak, shown In his Frankfort office, has taken over the duties of Secretary of the



Smlth Enters AG Race
Kottak Assumes Role
In Department Of Justice

Three years after returning
to his native state to head the

Kentucky Department of Jus- \

tice, John-L. “Jack”~ Smith
announced . his resignation
from the post in order to enter
the race. for Attorney General.

Raymond A. Kattak, well-
known throughout the depart-
ment in his position as Deputy

Secretary, has been named by~

GovernOr Julian Carroll to fill
the office of Secretary.
. During. his tenure with the

Department of Justice, Smith -

.1 led the restructuring 'of the

"Bureau of Corrections during

..the summe: of, 1.976. 3 .
‘. 'Prior to the appointment of

V_‘7.Co'mmissioner : David Bland,‘

Smith held the post of acting
Corrections Commissioner, in
addition to his duties as Secre-

It was during this period,
that he pledged to take hold of
the state’s corrections system
and its problems—“to take
the hog by the cars.”

In March 1977, Kottak join-

‘ ed Smith in the'Department of

Justice, assuming the post of
Deputy Secretary.

The 31-year-old Kottak is a'

native of Louisville and came
to the Frankfort post after
having worked more than five
years in Jefferson County

.- Prior to his appointment, he

worked for .the Jefferson
County‘Fiscal Court, directing
the personnel administration
of the departments and agen-
cies answering to the courts.

Kottak has also. served as
Clerk of the Quarterly Court in
Jefferson County and as As-
sistant Director -of the Jef-
ferson County Personnel De-
partment. _

In addition, Kottak has held
the position of administrative
assistant with the Metropoli-
tan Park and Recreation Board
in Louisville. ~~.,

Kottak holds a Bachelor of A
Science degree in Commerce .

and a Masters degree in
Business Administration.


Residents' Children

By Beverly Combs

Once a month, through a _

program" called MOLD, the
residents at DBCDC have the
opportunity to have their chil-

dren spend the'weekend with -

them. The purpose of MOLD

, (Mather Offspring Life De-
.1velopment) is to allow the

mother and child to maintain
. contact and to become better
”acquainted. Mothers of MOLD
are required to attend classes
on being .3 parent in today’ s

’ Kentucky State Penitentiary .. . . .

Spend Weekends
Through DBCDC Program

ble for a MOLD weekend.

Frankie Beasly, program
director, had this to say about
MOLD, “I feel this program
helps keep a closeness that is
needed between mother and
child. Also, it gives the mother
more responsibilities. My job,
as MOLD director, is to ob-
serve and help in any way I

This is just another one of
the many programs here at
DBCDC that helps each wo-
man to achieve that final goal:



...... 872

Kentucky State Reformatory ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1783
Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women. ...88
' _ Blackburn Correctional Complex . . ....... .. . . .. .......... . ......... ”..201
Bell County Forestry Camp ..... ...... ' ...... . ...... . ...... ......66
Harlan County Forestry Camp ....................... ..........33
'Western Kentucky Farm Center . ...................... ..... ' ...112
‘ Daniel Boone Career Development Center ....... . ............ 29
Roederer Farm Center ........................ ' ....... ..... ..126
Frankfort Career Development Center ...................... .. ..... ..80
Total Resident Population ............ , ........... . ...... . ............. 3390

Parole Board Member
Ousley Dies At Age70

Carl C. Ousley, Jr., a mem-
ber of the Kentucky Parole
Board, died On November 10,
in Frankfort. He was 70 years

Ousley, a native of Louis-

ville, was named to the Parole

Board in March, 1973.

Prior to his appointment, he
served as an assistant com-
monwealth’s attorney in Jef-

ferson County where he was

known as a “tough and fiery"

' prosecutor. He held the Jet'-

ferson County post from 1946
to 1973.

Ousley graduated from
Male High' School in Lo‘uis-'
ville, and went on to receive
his law degree from the Uni-
versity of Louisville in 1931.

He practiced law from
1931 to 1942, and then entered
the United States Navy.

Following his discharge, he
joined the Jefferson County
Commonwealth's Attorney’s
Office. .



 Page 2-The INTER-PRISON PRESS-December 1978

Students at the Bridgeport Elementary School in Frankfort, received first place honors in the Great


Pumpkin Contest sponsored by the FCDC Futuristic Jaycees. The students and their teacher, Mrs.
‘Jackie O’Lane, are pictured with their winning entry.

“The Great Pumpkin COntest”

By Kent Trumhle -

The Futuristic Jaycees of
* the Frankfort Career. Develop-
ment Center sponsored ; a
- county- -wide Pumpkin Contest
in the Franklin County Ele-

month of OCtober.

True, the time is a little late
to diseuss'pumpkins, but in all-
honesty, it was discovered'by

the FCDC J aycee Chapter that ’1

there were ~more ways. to
enhance a pumpkin than our
imagination could offer.

, The project itself was ini-
tiated by Mr. Mike Martin,
Superintendent of FCDC after
discovering a surplus of
pumpkins 1n the Jaycee Senior
Citizen Garden. He felt that it
may prove interesting to give
the surplus pumpkins to_the

elementary schools to carve,
dress up, or just use the old
imagination and came up with
a finished product.

' To say the least, the project
proved to be a brilliant suc-

ce-ss. it was finally labeled the.
..-',.s.,mentary. Schools. urdnnngaathe“ .; ‘Fitst JAlnnualaEutumstr’ '-“'


cee Pumpkin Contest. ”
Final judging was from Oc-

itober 25 through 30. But due
to the unforeseen anticipation

that these children possess

the most fantastic imagina~.

tions Conceivable, the judges
had to deliberatean additional
week to come? to their final
decision. With much serious
thought and painstaking ener~

gies, the judges finally found a


The final outcome was:_

School, lst place; Bald Knob



Elementary School, 2nd place
and Thornhill Elementary
School, 3rd place.

All students and classrooms

were given individual certifi-.- “
Wcates The first place W'“


er ”given the ad’d1t1onal pr1ze
of coming to the Frankfort
Career Development Center
for a tour of the facility and
lunch and the entire. event

- proved to be a success for both

the participants and Futuristic

Mr. Marshall, principal of
. Bridgeport

Schools, has in turn invited the

Futuristic Jaycees to. their _
school for lunch and to speak

on the topic of “being incar-
cerated." The Chapter is pre-
sently in the process of plan-
ning this event.

getting CJo Ute Editor

Christmas at KSP

Christmas 1978, in the max-
imum-security prison at
Eddyville, was a different kind
of holiday than the memorable
1977 Christmas when an open
house for family and friends
was held.

Many inmates have ques-
tioned why the administration
decided against another open

house after last year’s big-

success. More than 1,200 visi-
tors spent the entire day at the
institution during the 1977
open house.

However, Christmas 1978
still offered something a bit
different from Christmas past.
Visiting on the picnic area was
held for 10 days—from De-
cember 23, through January 1.

No 'visits wereheld in the

prison’s regular visiting room,
located in #4 Cellhouse.

It is truly hoped that the fine
turnout of 1977 will open the

. eyes of the administration in

1979 and allow open house to
return to KSP. . ,

Ronald L. Tipton


‘ New 115? Warden f

eWgarden at the 96~year old
maximum security prison lo-
cated in Western Kentucky.

_ After nearly two and one-'
half years as warden at Ken-‘
tucky’ s only maximum secur-*

ity prisdn, Donald E.

Bordenkircher announced that
' he 15 getting out of corrections

and entering politics.
Dewey Sowders, an 11-year
veteran _ in the Bureau of

Corrections, has been named "

.1 January 3 1979 will find a '-

to replace Bordenkircher by
Corrections Commissioner
David H. Bland. It is hoped by
the KSP population that the
new Warden will bring with
him a new outlook on reha-

The past two and one-half
years at KSP, the inmates
were taken through several
changes by Bordenkircher.
The inmates saw practically all
their privileges stripped with-
out due process of law. Reha-
bilitation has been overlooked
because Bordenkircher cent-
ered his attention on retribu-
tion and on the welfare of the
citizens of Lyon County.

The resignation of
Bordenkircher brought a won~
derful Christmas present to
the inmates at KSP.

At the present time, the
prison is at an all~time low in
many respects. First of all, the
inmate morale has been com-
pletely destroyed and, se-
condly, the prison as a whole
has been left to pot.

"Many of the activities here

,_ .have been stopped. Inithe past

two and one-half years, yery

:little 'has been spent on the '

athletic program andA‘A (Al-
coholics Anonymous), a pro-
gram which the Parole Board

' looks 011 as beneficial to those
inmates with a drinking prob- ‘

lem, has been stopped.

1 ‘ We hope that the new-.1
7war-den will bring back these, .

programs and give they in-
matesmewenepe - - » ,
For many of the inmates, all


dordenkircher has left behind

him is a legacy of hate,

. distrust and constant turmoil,

among his own staff as well as
the inmates. If Danald E.
BOrdenkirCher does for politics

What he has done for correc- ' _
tions, then pOlitics is headed 1

for a dark storm.

Ronald L. Tipton


Twill-:6 7 K V







The KENTUCKY lNTER-PRISON PRESS, a monthly publication of
the Kentucky Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky, 40601, is
produced by and for residents of the 11 correctional institutions of
the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The views expressed in this
publication are not necessarily those of the Kentucky Bureau of
Corrections. Reprint permission is hereby granted, provided the
' proper credit is given. All correspondence and Forms 3579 should
he directed to the Public Education Services Manager, Bureau of
Corrections, Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601. Second Class postage 1'
rates paid at Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601. .

USPS 011110’ ‘


Gay Dwyer...........P»ub|ic Education Services; Manager

Larry Lenston....._...........Photo8 Art Editor .


.. Kathy Martin-.......'.....KCIW I
1 , Rita Dockery...........KClW.
David Flemmg..........BCC7'

Ronal'dTi'pton ..'........}..’.KSP '

WalterHarris..............KSR': I









She has black coarse hair with a pretty
face, and wearing a soulful dress with
a touch of grace.

She has gleaming eyes and pearl white teeth,
with the soulful dress covering the
ebony skin underneath.

She has love for humanity within her

heart, while possessing the power to resist

a false God, she is dancing up and down

all through the land. And magnifying
strength making America an even better land.

She knows someday we will reach that higher
goal. For we got beauty, intelligence and

a choice of soul.

She keeps dancing and wearing her soulful
dress. For she knows she is fair

lots more than the rest.

She is one of the profound beauties of this world

She is Black Woman—Alias Colored Girl.



Is there any rest pertainmg‘toethewe << *1" 7:
question why on the thoughts of live and die ~ -
If no—where does the peace lie. *-

In the way we conduct this life before we die.
Will we take care of all we have that '
others had or will we be consumed by

some destructive fad. Shall we follow

or shall we. lead. Will we ever be

smug or will we forever need.

What is down and how far is up

Who controls the measuring cup

How do you do the dance to .‘make it rain ‘
Shall we do our good in vain. '

We can have peace as we live in time
Because peace is a state of mind

After all is unraveled and done and we die
But still remains the question why.

Now I rest
I do my best

L Many men are conf1ned


The INTER-PRISON PRESS-December l978—-Page 3


I love to party
I love to dance
But I was told
It will never lost.

.For dancing legs

Make not of praying knees
For the devil in hell
Wants to punish me.

I know these things are no good

To make it to heaven I must be good

Eternal life- sounds good to me

The thought of burning for eternity

Makes this hell we’re in a small burn on men.

But when we get there it burns without

And we burn within
A living hell with no end.


I It' s a beautiful day
- beyond that fence

but from in here
where the air is dense

There is no beauty
of a springtime day
only an X on the calendar


With thoughts of imprisonment
to torture their mind

With hearts full of bitterness
contempt and hate v
for people and things

that decided their fate

For the father of children -
The tormenting hell

Of what their kids think
about Daddy in jail. '

Awaiting impatiently
For that‘ ‘nightmare” to cease

. and that precious moment

of that final release

For when that day comes
so happy I ’ll be

but I ’11 not rest easy
until I am free.


'. EDITOR’S NOTE: The'poetry printed on thislpage was written ' 4 , -
by a former BCC resident, James Howard Fields. Fields, ' , - ‘ 3,;
known by the nickname “How. Boo,” has made parole. He is 29 ‘ - ' '
years eldand‘ wasiborn and raised in New_Castle, Kentucky.



 fi. vrvyvr'a





Page 4~The INTER-PRISON PRESS-December 1978


Don Bordenkircher and Operations Director Mike Taylor, make
their way down the steps at the Penitentiary. Bordenkireher
has resigned his post at KSP to ‘manage the lieutenant
gubernatorial campaign of Richard Lewis.

Superintendent Ranks

U ndergoMaior Changes

Dewey Sowderstan 11-year
veteran of the Bureau of
Corrections, ' has been named

' superintendent of the Ken-


'tucky State Penitentiary by
Governor Julian Carroll.
Sewders’ appointment was
a result of. the resignation'of'
fDon' Bordenkircher as Warden



Bordenkircher’s decision to
resign marked the, end of a
20-year career in corrections: 1

The __ 43- year-,'_
Bordenkircher began _ his
career as a correctional Officer
at 'San '.Quentin. He; later
served as the senior correc-
tions consultant to South ~Viet-g
nam; as chief instructor on

prisons for the international.

Police Academy and, prior to
his appointment at Kentucky
State Penitentiary, as warden
of the West Virginia State
Prison at Moundsville.-
Bordenkircher resigned his
post at Kentucky State Peni-
tentiary to manage the cam-
paign of Richard Lewis, a
candidate for the Democratic
Lieutenant Gubernatorial

Sowders brings more than
six years experience as a
superintendent to his new job
at Kentucky State Peniten-
tiary. He served as superin-

, tendent at the Bell County

Forestry Camp for two years;
as Blackburn Superintendent
for three years and superin-
tendent at Kentucky State
‘Reformatory for nearly one
and one-half years.

He joined the, bureau in
March.,1967, as a correctional
officer. ‘ '

The Bell County native also i

spent 10 years in military

v service and is a former mem-

ber of the Middlesboro Police



old .

Department. - g .
Sowders, 43, is a president-
elect of the Kentucky Council
on Crime and Delinquency
(KCCD). ‘ , , ' '
As a .reSult of Sowders’
transfer to Kentucky State
Penitentiary, Steve ' Smith has

. HRefoun .éiasmthu
served as Associate Superin-
tendent for Treatment from
February, 1974, until} his yap,-
pointnient as, superintendent, _
Smith, 31, joined the Ken-

. tucky State Reformatoryustaff .
in September, 1970, as 1, a] ;,.‘

ClaSsification and Treatment “
Officer. During his. tenure at
Kentucky State Reformatory,
he has also served as;_Admin-

istrativeiAssistant, to the Sn-
‘perint‘endent; and Assistant

Director of the Admissions.

and Orientation Unit and“ as 7

Supervisor Of casework""Ser-
vices. ‘ — ’
Harlan County Forestry
Camp has also undergone a
change in superintendents.
Jody lson resigned as super-
intendent of the minimum

’ security camp on November 30

to enter private business.

The 28-year-old Ison joined
the bureau in July, 1973, as a
correctional officer at Harlan
County ForestryCamp.

Lieutenant Hobart Nantz
was named 'Acting- Superin-V
tendent, following ison’s re-
signation and on January 15,
Lieutenant Russell . Johnson
officially assumed the Super-
intendent’svposition. ,V .

'Nantz,49, joined the bureau
in April, 1973, as a cerrec-

' tional officer at Harlan County 7-

Forestry. Camp. The SB-year-Z
old Johnson began work at
Harlan County Forestry Camp
in March, ,1973.

g V




Newly-appointed KSP Superintendent Dewey ’Sowders hogan work at the maximum-security -
institution in early January. Sowders had previously served as superintendent at the Reformatory.


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