xt78gt5ffg12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78gt5ffg12/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1934 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.4 n.2, February-March, 1934 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.4 n.2, February-March, 1934 1934 1934 2020 true xt78gt5ffg12 section xt78gt5ffg12  



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, . . , , ,
5 Volume 4 ’ , February-March 1934 Num‘hu'Z E
E , E
E ’ ‘7 VA T ~ E
'E E
—- E
g' FRIPAY, MARCH 2, 1934 .5.
g l . . , , . , , a
EV \ N America today faces a choice between the child and the E
5 dollar. It cannot afford not ta put the child first. Any E
E W pther pfilicy destroys progfifis. The fiist’hnd last test of g
= v ‘ the statesman is his ammde towara education If he ’5
E cannot meet that test he has‘ no place in puMlc life. Only :2:
E . as the schomls move forward today c‘an government, in- E
\E dustry and the standard of living move forward to- E
E marrow. ‘ ~ _ ' E
E. g
E » ~ 5
x5 "An Eilual Educatinnal Opphnuntty‘far Even} Kentucky Child" E
E =






Kentucky Central .

Life and Accident
Insurance Company





Life, Accident and Health Insurance
Issued in One Policy Contract



All Policies Issued on the Weekly Payment Plan
nf Premiums
oven rounnzen MILLION DOLLARS mu)


If Not Insured—See our Agent at Once
Louisville District Offices: Bankers Trust Building






‘ ' The [.KenfuckySfatje“:

Industrial Collegg I ,;
Ffa’nk‘fortLKehtucky' ,

A Proyrgégivé, ‘St‘aie-Support‘egi .
[Foii‘ltlle Training of the » V
Negro Yum. ' ‘ V
Estab'nshea 5.. I886 Q









For Full Fungal-Lg was.



‘ R. B. ATWOOD, Presideni ' ’



 The K. N. E. A. Journal

Official Organ o: the Kentucky Negro Educational Association
Vol. IV. February»March, 1934 £10. 2

Published lby the Kentucky Negro Educational Association
Editorial Office at 1925 W, Madison Street
Louisville, Kentucky

Atwood S. Wilson, Executive Secretary, Louisville; Managing Editor.
IR. Bl Atwood, Frankfort. President of K. N. E. A.

Board of Diraclorl
J. L. Bean, Versailles W. S. Blanton, Frankfort
S. 1.. Baker, Owenshoro I". A. Taylor, Louiéville


Published Bimonthly during the school year: October, December,
February and April
Membership in the K. N. E. A. (One Dollar) includes mbmiph‘on to
the Journal
Rates for Advertising space mailed on request
Present Circulation, 2,000 copies. .1933 K1 N. E. A. Membership, 1084


Editorial Comment ..................... . . , ,
(1) Enroll by Mail. (2) The 1934 Conventio (3) SeotionalMeet—
ings. (4) The Spelling Bee. (5) Auto Mechanics at Maysville.

(6) Why You Should Join the N. A. T ‘C ‘3

Save Our Schools ...... . . . . l . . .

Elks Announce Oratorical Contest

Tentative Outline of the 1934 K. N. E. A. I’I‘og1am,. .

Honor Roll of the K. N. E. A ,

Convention Announcements . .

An Auto Mechanics Class at Maysvxlle (Ploture)

Repairing and Repainting School Plants (a circular by the

Rosenwald Fund)

[Program for Rosenwald Day .

RmsenWaJd School Day Program.

Purposes of the ’Meeting (By the Principal). .

We Will Remember (:By a Patron) ..... .. . . . . . . . . .

Helping ‘Durselves and Our Community (By a. successful Farmer) . . .22

How Can We Help to Improve Our School (By a Patron). .23

The C. W. A. Projects in Colored Schools.

K. N, E. A Kulling .

Julius Rosenwald .

The Story of Julius Rosenwald .

Findmgs of the National Advisory Committee.



. ....7











Editorial Comments



Principals and organizations are enralling their teachers in groups.
All such 100 per cent advance enrollments are placed on the K. N.
E. A. ’Honor Roll. This Honor Roll will be published in our Various
Kentucky weeklies, and a special record will be shown at the 1934
meeting. Certificates of Honor will be sent to all 100 per cent schools.
A dollar from every teacher is expected whether they attend the meet-
ing at Louisville or not. Do your part. Help maintain the K. N. E. A.



The K. N. E. A. will convene in Louisville for its 58th annual
session April 13—21, 1934.4 An outline of the prugrsm, now being
prepared, is shown elsewhere in this Journal. Teachers will note the
unusual type of program being arranged, especially, the outstanding
speakers to be heard this year. In addition to the program outlined,
leaders of various departments are arranging sectional meetings that
will prove directly beneficial to the class room teacher.

On Friday night during the meeting there will l'be a musicale
featuring artists of the slate and other extraordinary music attrac-
tions. On Saturday night, there will be given the Fourteenth Au-
nual Exhibition. Beside gymnastic numbers‘a‘nd special orchestral
music for the social period there will be a demolisn‘at‘un by the va—
rious drum and bugle corps of Louisville. A prize will he offered tire
best organization in the display.

The K. N. E. A. is also arranging to show a picture at the Lyric
Theatre Friday, April 20, free to enrolled teachers.

Another attractive feature of the meeting will he the annual
Spelling Bee which, this year, is receiving unusual interest. Many
counties have written for spelling lists and have announcedK the win-
ners in local contests. With such an elaborate pmgmm, teachers
should make definite plans to attend the K. N. E. A. ,meefing this year.

Teachers are requested to enroll in advance and upon reporting
to the convention register and receive their badge. Membership cards
should be brought by each teacher to the convention. I'The officers of
the K. N. E. A. are preparing for 1200 teachers atlthe convention

this year.


Each teacher should plan to visit 8 Departmental Meeting of the
K. N. E. A. The first meetings will be on Thursday afternoon of the
K. N. E. A. convention. The sections! meetings have been arranged
in the afternoons for the convenience of all. Ten departments will


 have programs, five being on Thursday afternoon and five being .on
Frisky morning. ‘Dn each program there will be one or more out-
standing speakers. The K. N. E. A. is paying the speakers’ expenses
to Louisville for some of these speakers in order to make sectional
meetings more ecu-active. Read the program of these departments
and attend the one which you- feel will benefit you in your Work. For
professional improvement attend a sectional program



The Annual State Spelling Bee will be on Friday morning of the

K. N. E. A. meeting in theYElementary School Department. Twelve

prizes will be awarded, the first: four being prizes of $10.00, $5.00,

$3.00, and $2.00, and the remainder being dictionaries. The Louis-

ville Courier-Journal has agreed to donate ten dollars and eight die.

tionories for prizes in the K. N. E. A. Spelling Bee. From all indica-

tions this will he largest spelling hee in the history of the K. N. E. A

Local elimination contests are being held throughout the State and the
winners will be in Louisville for the finale.



In a previous K, N. E. A Joumal, a picture of the John G. Fee
Industrial high school was shown. The building is modern through-
out and rep nts a camperatian between the local school authorities
and Rosenwalrl authorities. The school has among other departments,
on auto mechanics shop which is unusually successful and well con-
ducted. At present, about fifty students are taking auto mechanics in
the well~equipped shop, a picture of which is shown elsewhere in this
Journal. The boys receive training in acetylene welding and brazing.
They also study battery building and learn how to repair a car through-
out. Recently, a course in “Aviation Engines" has been given to the
senior class. The shop has received special mention from Mr, A. N.
May, Supervisor of Vocational Education in Kentucky Mr. J. E.
Mooreman is the instructor and Prof. W. H. Humphrey is the prin-

cipal of this school.




The National Association of Teachers in Colored Schools seeks to
elevate the standard and status of teachers in colored schools. It aims
to improve the outlook of every Negro boy and girl in America
through better schools for the race. It stands for longer tonne,
teacher tenure and retirement pensions. it seeks to give the people
more light on their duties as citizens, and wise guidance in their
struggle for better living conditions and economic security. It seeks
to magnify the public school system as the bulwark of our democracy.

There is no other national association of teachers dedicated to
the colored‘ schools. Your membership in this burly will exhibit the
esprit e corps we will find valuable in ‘our life relationships There


 are more than 50,000 teachers in colored schpols in America. This
Association is fighting their battle. Gan yau afl’ord Ito stand on the aide
lines and awept as alms the fmits at victories won by others? Join
and be i loyal booster of the National Associanfion of Teachers in
Colored School: Our problem whether we labor in the North or the
South is One and the same and varies only as to details. Let us unite
for the general welfare of the race and the nation. Join now when
education is at the crossroads and everybody needs to be on guard.
The fee is one dollar. For full information address William W.
Sanders, Executive Secretary, 1034 Bridge Avenue, Charleston,
West Virginia.







 Save Our Schools

Schools closing

2,600 schools were closed on or
before January 1, 1934.

20,000 schools will mohably be
closed April 1, 1934.

Sohool budgets

Money spent on schools in 1933
34 will be $563,000,000 less than
in 1929~30.

Budget reductions in severa‘i
states range from 25 to 40 per

lCity school budgets averaged 20
pe: cent less for 193534 than in
1931. ,

School building construction in
1933-34 is 75 per cent less than
in 1930.

Some public schools have gone
on a tuition basis, thus zeroing out
cilimren who cannot afiord to pay.
More work—fewer teachers

1,000,000 more pupils in high
schools than in 1930 but 40,000
fewer public school teachers in the

Teachers‘ salaries

200,000 teachers, 1 in even; 4,
receiving less than $750 annually
(amount paid factory hands under
the Blanket Code).

85,000 receiving less than $450

45,000 receiving less than $300

40,000 teachers owed $40,000,-
000 back pay.

Quality of education

Fewer teachers with more pupils
mean larger classes.

An average of 45 pupils
teacher in one state.

Kindergartens, music, art, play-
grounds and remation, evening


schools, adult classes, and other
essential services have been ser-
iously reduced or eliminated in
large numbers 01. cities.

fish: of textbooks is 3-0 per cent
less than. in 1930.

Many counties report that rural
teachers with lower qualifications
are being employed or are dis-
placing trained teachers.

What is the Federal Government‘s

States and colllmunities must do
their part, but immediate assis-
tance from the Federal Government
is imperative if the present crisis
is to be met quickly and efl’ectively.
Ha. a progron. for emergency

federal aid to education been

Yes. By a committee represent-
ing 32 national organizations on-
terested in education which met at
the call of George F'. Zook, U. 5.
Commissioner of Education, under
the chairmanship of James N.
ltule, Pennsylvania State Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction. The
program was adopted January 6,
1934, at the final meeting of the
group in Washington.

What is the program?

1. An appropriation of $50,-
000,000 to help maintain schools
hug the school year 1933—34.

2. An appropriation of $100,-
000,000 to help maintain schools
during 1934735, the fund to be dis-
tributed upon the basis of reason-
able evidence of needs snu re-

3. An additional substantial ap—
propriation on be distributed to all


 the states for the year 1934—35 in
order that educational institutions
may he adequately supported. The
instability of educational support
even in more fortunate states and
communities endangers the euee—
tiveness of the schools and the
safety of the nation. The situa-
tion is so critical that the people
are justified in using federal funds
to insure normal operation or' the

4. Local funds to be released
for school maintenance by refi-
nancing school district debts and
providing federal loans to school
districts on the security of deline
quent taxes, frozen assets in closed
banks, or other acceptable securi-

5. Out of any new appropria—
tions made for public works, ‘not
les than 10 per cent to he alloc-
ated for buildings for schools,
colleges, and other educational
enterprises. These grants should
cover the entire cost. Major at,
tention should be given to the
needs of rural schools.

6. An appropriation of $30,-
000,000 do be administered by the
United States Ofiice of Education
to assist students to attend insti-
stutions of higher education.
is this an unreasonable proposal?

The Federal Government has 89‘
sisted indusm, banks, agriculture,
and labor. Last year it wisely sl-
lotted $400,000,000 for roads.
Should not the Federal Govern-
ment give substantial emergency
aid to schools also?

Would this program mun federnl
control of the schools?

No. The program provides only
for temporary financial aid to en-
able the states to meet the emer-
gency in education. Its purpose
is to prevent children of the de-
pression from being deprived of
their rightful educational oppor-

What You Can Do

If you are interested in having
the Federal Government help
children to get a fair deal in the
present crisis

1. Write at once to the Presi-
dent and to your Congressmen
urging prompt passage of federal
emergency aid for education.

2. Have your local and state or-
ganizations call upon the Presi-
dent and the Congress by resolu—
tion and petition to take immediate
steps to help meet the crisis in

3. Write to the National lGom—
mittee for Federal Emergency Aid
1501' Education, Powhatan Hotel,
Washington, D. 0., for specially
prepared materials on this problem
for use in the preparation of inn—
terials for local newspapers, radio
and platform addresses, and group
study meetings. '

v’l‘he fime is ripe for prompt
and vigorous action. The degree
of success in this vital matter de-
pends unon how quickly and for-
cibly the friends of education
throughout the nation ACT.


Have You Enrolled for 1934?




A. 5. WILSON, Secretary of K, N. E. A.

1925 Madison Street

Louilville, Ky.

 Elks Announce Oratorical Contest

The Kentucky Elks Association
Will conduct the annual State Ora—
torical Contest in Paducah, Ken~
tucky Tuesday evening, ut 3:00
o’clock, May 22, 1934. The con.
test is .to be held on the spacious
auditorium of West Kentucky in-
dustrial College. The grand ex-
altod ruler, Mr. J. Finley Wilson,
the commissioner of education and
your state officials urge that you
have a representative there on the
above date.

Some worthy girl or boy from
your home may m‘n the State. Gou—
test, and thereby be in a position
to secure a free scholarship for
his or her education.

Students of Kentucky High
Schools are eligible to enter the

The contestants may choose any
one of the following subjeots:

1. The Constitution and Slavery.

2. The Constitution and Citizen-

3. Frederick Douglas

4. Harriet Beecher Stowe and
the Constitution.

5. Abraham ,Lincoln and the

6. John Marshall and the Gm:~
stitutiou. "'

’1. The Negro and the Constitu-

The orations must he the ori-
ginal composition of the contes—
tant, and must not require more
than ten minutes for delivery.

Tile winner of the state contest
will he the state’s representative
in the third Regional Oratorial
lC'ontest, composed of Ohio, In-
diana, Illinois, Michigan, Wiscon<
sin, and Kentucky. There will be

and the

six Regional Contests. The winner
of each Regional Contest will. be
awarded a scholarship of one thou~
sand dollars ($1,000) to be used
in any standard college. In addi—
tion to the scholarship the winners
of the six Regional Contests will
go to Atlantic City, New Jersey in
August to enter the National Dra-
torial Contest. The winner of the
National Oratorical Contest will be
awarded two hundred and fifty
dollal's ($250.00) cash, and the
other five contestants will receive
one hundred dollars ($100) cash

The principals and teachers of
high schools are requested to lend
their assistance to this worthy un~

The Elks’ Grand Lodge awards
annually six scholarships. Those
in.» stcd In the guest should
cmmionitate Wl’vl [eon T. R.
Bailey at the West Kentucky In-
(lustriul College at Paducah. He
is the educational director of the
Elks in Kentucky.




Take this my child and remember
it long,

Though now it may strike you as

A ,job with a chance to improve
and advance,

Is better than one that pays money.

So look for a job with a future

Seek a ,chance to grow greater and

Seek a place where you know as
you work you. will grow,
And the money will come to you

~—Edgar Guest.

 l'Tentative Outline of the 1934 K. N. E. A.

APRIL 1 8-21

CENTRAL THEME: “Meeting- the Emergency in ithe Education of

the Negro.”
Wednesday, April is, 1934

9:00 A. M. Regisuation of teacher's, K. N. E. A. Headquarters,

10 :00
12 :00

3 :00



9 :25



10 :20
10 :30









Quinn Chapel Church, Chestnut Street betvl'reen Ninth
and Tenth, Louisville, Kentucky.
Observation of Louisville Public School classes at Work
Visitation to Louisville Municipal College at Seventh
and Kentucky Streets and other places of educational
Pl'incipals’ Conference. A program to which all teachers
are imited‘. Quinn Chapel Main Auditorium. Prof.
w. H. Fouse of Lexington, presiding.
Music Hour of State Music Association. R. L. Car—
penter, Directress.
First General Session of 1934 lC‘anvention at Quinn
Chapel. ’
Welcome Addre Mrs. Mayme Morris, Prin. Harrods
Creek School, Je erson County.
Response to Welcome: Mrs. L. H. Smith, 13. T. Wash-
ington Scliool, Lexington.
President‘s Annual Address: R. B. Atwood, President of
K. S. I. 'L’. and K. N. E. A.
Address: Outstanding Woman in the Education of the
Negro. (to be selected)
Announcements and Adjournment.
Thursday, April 19, 1934

Second General Session of K. N. E. A. at Quinn Chapel.
Report of K. N. E. A. Contact Committee. W. S.
Blanton, Frankfort, lChaimlan.

Report of K. N. E. A. Degislative Committee.
Annual Report of Secretary—Treasurer, Atwood S. Wil-
son, Louisville, Kentucky.
Report of Nominating Committee,
Address: Hon. Clark Foreman, Special Adviser to See-
retary Ickes, Dept. of Interior, Washingum, D. (1.
Announcements and Adjournment.
ISeutional Meetings of K. 'N. E. A, Departments as

(1) Primary Deparmenb—Mrs. Blanche Elliott, Green-
villeJ Chairman. Western Branch Library at Tenth and
‘Chesmut Streets.

(2) Elementary Education Depamnenb—‘Mrs.!L. H.



 7:15 P. M.
8 1 M.
8:35 'P. M.
9:45 ‘vP. M.

8:30 A. M.

9:00 A. M.

10:30 A. M.
11:30 A. M.
2:45 P. M.
3:00 5P. M

3:45 P. M

4:30 P. M
8:15 7?. M.

Smith, Lexington, Chairman. Main Auditorium of
Quinn lchapel. '
(3) High School and College Depanment—Dean T. R.
Dailey, Paducah, Chairman. Sunday School Room of
Quinn chapel.
(4) Music DepamnentvMiss R. L. Carpenter, Chair-
man, Central High School Chapel.
(5) Rural Education Department—Mrs. M. L. Cope—
land, Hopkinsville. presiding. Central High School
Music Hour at Quinn Chapel. Miss R. L. Carpenter,
Third General Session: of K. N. E. A. at Quinn Chapel.
Address: Dr. Carter G. Woodson, President of Associa-
tion of Negro Life and History, Washington, D. C.
Announcements and Adjournment.

Frid-y. April 20, 1934
Election of Officers. Voting begins at K. N. E. A.
Sectional Meeting of K. N. E. A. Departments .as
(1) Vocational Education Department—Dean Whitney
M. Young, Lincoln Ridge, Chairman. Sunday School
Room of Quinn Chapel.
(2) Run] Education Depafiment‘Mrs. '1‘. L. Anderson,
Frankfort, presiding. Central High School Gymnasium.
(3) Foreign Language Department—Miss A. M.
Emanuel3 Chairman. Room 201, Central High School.
(4) Science Teachers’ Conference—Prof. W. M. Bright.
Chairman. [Room 202 Central High School.
(5) Athletic Depanmeno—Mr. H. A. Kean, Frankfort.
Chairman. Room 104 Central High School.
(6) Elementary Education—Mrs. L. H. Smith, Lexing-
ton, yresid’ing. Quinn Chapel.
Annual Spelling BeohAuspices Elementary Education
Department, Prof. G. H. Brown, presiding. Quinn
Special Picture—Lyric Theatre, Sixth and Walnut
Streets. Free to teachers enrolled in K. N. :E A. for
1934. Present membership cards.
Fourth General Session of K. N. E. A. Quinn lChapel.
Address: Prof. Frank Williams, Prin. Vashon Vocational
School, St. Louis, Mo.
Address: Prof. J. W. Scout, President N. A. '1‘. C. 8.,
Cincinnati, Ollie.
Announcements and Adjournment.
Third Annual 'K. N. E. A. Musicale. Quinn Chapel. Miss
R. L. Carpenter, Directress.

 Free to members of the K. N. E. A. who resent mem-
bership cards. All others a fee of 15 cents.
This program to,featu-1-e:

1. The K. -S. I. IO. Octette

2. The Apollo Quartet

3. The Louisville Choral club

4. Louisville High School Glee ‘Olu'bs

5. Other selected artists

Sunni”, April 21, 1934

Final General Session of the K. N. E. A. (‘Antral High
School Chapel.
Report of K. N. E. 'A. Special Committees.
Repom of Dewtmental Chairmen.
New Business and Plans for 1934-35.
Fourteenth Annual Exhibition, Armory, Sixth and Wal-
nut Streets, Louisville, Kentucky. This program will be
presentevi rhyjupils of the Louisville Public Schools.
Part I—Drum and Bugle Corps Demonstration.
Part n—Physical Exhibition.
Purim—Social Hours: 10 P. M. to 12 M. Special
Orchestra Music.

ADVANCE SALE ADMISSIONS: Pupils—15¢; Adults—25 eenza


Honor Roll of the K. N. E. A.
(February 12, 1934)

The following counties and cities have remitted membership
dues on one hundred per cent basis.

Counties Snperinkandnnt
Bracken Harry F. Momhon
Christian H. W. Peters
Washington Al. F. McWhorter
Schanl City Priudpol
Booker T. Washington—Wagon Paul V. Smith
Constitution—Lexington John B. Guilder
Paul L. Dubai-Mngton W. H. Fouse
Ed Davis‘Georgethn E. B. Davin
Patterson—ARM); F. E White
SauthgaFNewport Nora H. Ward
Splingfield~5pringfleld . G. W. Adams


 Convention Announcements

Railroad certificates insuring the
usual rates will be sent each
teacher enrolled in the ‘K. N. E. A.
Dr any other teacher who desires
to attend the meeting.

a i. x a

Visiting teachers may secure
rooms at 75c per night and board
at 75¢ per day, a total of $1.50
per day. Write or interview the
secretary for home reservations.

o t t c

All departments of the K. N.
E. A. will meet on Thursday after-
noon or inday morning.

o r a o

Voting for K. N. E. A. oflieers
will be by ballot (unless by ac-
clamntion on Thursday morning)
and will take place at the west
entrance of Quinn Chapel Church
beginning Friday, April 20 at 8:30
A. M. and lasting until 6 P. M.
Each person must present his mem-
bership card before receiving a

c t t t

K. N. E. A. members who pre-
sent their membership cards will
he admitted to the Friday night
Musicale without a fee. other
persons are to pay 15c.

v r t t

The advance sale price for the
exhibition at [me Armory on Sat-
urday, April 21 will be 25c.
Tickets will be on sale with the

, c o a

Those who wear badges may he
admitted to the picture show be-
ing sponsored by the K. N. E. A.
on Friday morning.

. u: r r.

The Domestic Art Department

of Central High School at Louie-

ville will present a Style Show
Emmy, April 20 from 6 P. M. to
7:30 P. M. in the school gym-
nasium. All visiting teachers and
local teachers are Eordially invited.
. t e t
Register spellers for the K. N.
E. A. “Spelling Bee” with the
secretary as soon as possible.
3 w r e
Participants on programs miss!
be on time, especially the music
numbers. Names will not be called
the second lime.
, a s t c
The orchestra of Lockwood
Lewis will furnish music forth;
social hours—~10 P. M. to 12
P. M. on; the Armory on Saturday,
April 21 for the K. N. E. A.
s o t 0
Heads of K'. N. E. A. depart-
ments are requested to eomplete
their programs and send them to
the secretary during the month
of March.
* 1: c t
The K. N. E. A. urges all
teachers of the stalte to observe
Negro Health Week during the
first Week in April. Let us honor
Booker T. Washington, the
founder of this project in a spe-
cial way this year.
t r v. t
On Wednesday night at the gem
eral session of the K N. E. A” all
olfioers of the Association are to
have seats on the rostrum.
. k. e r a
On Thursday night at the gen-
eral session of the K. N. E. A.,aJl
lax-presidents of the K. N. E. A.
are requested to have seats on the


 An Auto Mechanics Class at Maysville





Ah Auto Mechanics Clan of ch: John a Fez Industrial High School
at Maylville

J. E. Moorman, Instructor w, H, Humphrey, Principal
(The Rosenwald‘ Fund Aided This School)




Lnuiuille, Kentucky




 Suggestions for






Wyhnt mnimenmoe is we often neglzctnd by public school mam. Rammed
.chonx budgets during m: pm mm years hm made the maintcnanc: problem ”(tun-ml}!
lame. Capital inmtmcm: are rapidly depreciating. Th: eyesight or boys and girls will b:
injured by dirty walls with law light mama“ "his. Th5: (auditions can an. be cut-
umd by inmfligmt repliring and repainting ofschonlhouscs. Alllmugh an; bulleu'n is
issued pximarily fur m: smaller schools when sum ”imam: xupuvisian is not mu—
Able, a: is hoped um i: may use he oisome value in the lnrgu sysms. Every 5mm
:huuld luv: u my ohms bullen‘n. sum workman, reliable paint denies, and mhitecu
my ofir Additional mggsfimu rm npaiting and repainting schoolhousa.

15mm) n


Numvuug, Tnnvzssiz


Clean oil' the rubbish, loose rocks, and unsightly objects.

Grade and surface walks from road to schoolhouse and from the
Ichoolhouse to all outbuildings and well.

Grade and terrace school grounds; use retaining walls where necessary
to prevent washing.

Repair and paint the fence if grounds are enclosed.

Lay out play fields: volley ban, playground ball, basket ball, etc.

Lay our garden and agricultural plots wherever necessary.

Plant shade trees in comets of the grounds and shrubbery about the
building, at the intersections of walks and ground lines, and as screens
to outbuildings. Trees and shrubbery should not interfere with play-
grounds nor reduce the light in classrooms.

All area not otherwise used should be set in grass.


It is essential that there be an ample supply of pure water on the
school grounds for drinking and washing.

Have water analyzed annually by Department of Health.

If local well is used, install proper curb and cover to keep out surface
water. If no water is available on school grounds,a well should be dug
or bored.


If pit toilet is used, the pit should be 6 or 3 feet deep.

I: is essential that there be seat covers and that the toilets be fly.
tight from the sear down.

Cast-iron risers and concrete floors are recommended.

There should be no possible drainage to the school or neighbor's
water supply.

Repair and pain: the toilet building inside and out.

A fuel house should he provided and paineed,


Repair all roof leaks or replace the roof if it is not worth repairs.

Repair porches and steps. Use Concrete where buildings seem to be
pumanently located.

Protect building with gutters and downspouts.

Make buildings safe and more comfortable by underpinning.

Repair wearherboarding and replace broken or decayed boards where

Repair doors and door hardware; bolt doors together where they are
pulling apart.

Repair windows by replacing decayed portions of sash and frames,
and replace all broken window glass, fastened with both sprigs and putty.


Repair all broken plaster and fill cracks.

Securely fasten all wood ceiling and wood trim.

Repair or replace window shades on the sunny sides of the house.
Window shades should be of light can or buff translucent material. A
window should have two shades fixed at the middle, one rolling up and
the other down; or be adjustable so is to mover any portion of the window.
If there is a single roll shade, it should be fixed about ten inches below
the window top.

Remove lire hazards by repairing the fines. All lines should extend to
the ground and have fire—proof tile lining.

Replace defective stove pipe and rivet joints.

Repair stoves, and provide for pan of water on stove. Install jacketed
stove if possible or place a homemade jacket around the stove. Place
metal sheet or concrete beneath stove.

Repair or replace worn flooring boards. Flatgrain pine is not suit-
able for school floors. Edge~grain pine or hardwood should be used.
Floors should be kept well oiled or waxed.

Each classroom should have from 20 to 40 linear feet of good black-
board, Most worn boards can be restored by applying liquid slating. If
the boards are too far gone, they should be replaced with new blackboards
or tack boards. Pulp blackboards should be suspended from the top with
expansion space left at bottom and ends.

Built—in bookshelves should be provided in every classroom.

Desks should be repaired by combining good portions of broken desks,
tightening up all screws, and refinishing.

Desks should be arranged so the pupils will receive light from their
left, or if windows arc on two sides, from the left and rear. It is important
that every child be provided with a seat and desk of the proper height.
His feel: should touch the floor, the desk should be at =lbow height when
upper arm is vertical and the seat should underlap the desk by about one
or two inches.

If the structure of the building will permit, the windows should be
rearranged on one side of the classroom and up against the ceiling.

Ventilation can be improved by window deflectors and breeze open.
ings. If window sills are the proper height, use glass deflectors; if the sills
are too low, use wood or opaque deflectors.


Before any painting is done, the building should be carefully repaired
and put in good oundiLion.

The surfaces should be thoroughly clean and dry before applying paint.

All loose and cracked point should be removed before painting, using
steel brush, blow torch or paint remover.

Knot or sap place- in woodwork should be filled with pure grain alcohol

 shellac, All nail holes,craeks and other defects should be filled with putty
between coats.

Exterior paint should be thinned with the best grade of linseed oil.
Never use gasoline or kerosene in thinning exterior paint.

The first coat should have plenty of oil. The second coat should be
thicker. Two coats will usually be sufficient on old work unless the sur-
face is in bad condition. The rule should be two coats every four years.
Certain portions of the building which are subjected to severe conditions