xt78gt5ffd6w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78gt5ffd6w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-09-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1999 1999 1999-09-28 2020 true xt78gt5ffd6w section xt78gt5ffd6w REP











“The ability
to quote is
a serviceable
for wit,"

or so said W. Somerset
Maugham. With that
in mind, here are
some quotes about
everything from a
date ender to

"I still say a church
steeple with a
lightning rod on top
shows a lack of

Doug MacLeod

"I find television very
educating. Every time
somebody turns on
the set, | go into the
other room arid read
a book."

Groucho Marx


"I've had a perfectly
wonderful evening.
But this wasn't it."

Groucho Marx

"We in the industry
know that behind
every successful
screenwriter stands a
woman. And behind
her stands his wife."

Groucho Marx

“Eighty percent of
married men cheat in
America. The rest
cheat in Europe."

Jackie Mason

"I owe the government
$3400 in taxes. So I
sent them two
hammers and a toilet

Michael McShane ,

”My father was a
minister. I had to
make up for the lack
of sin."

Milwaukee mayor. on
why he became a

"I love children
especially when they
cry, for then
someone takes them

Nancy Mitford"

"We do not have
censorship. What we
have is a limitation
on what newspapers
can report."

Louis Nel, Deputy
Minister of
Information, South


“I would have made a i
good Pope." i

Richard Nixon, us. ‘

"I couldn't remember
when I had been so
disappointed. Except
perhaps the time I
found out that M8Ms
really do melt in your
hand "

Peter Oakley

"If women didn‘t exist,
all the money in the
world would have no

Aristotle Onassis


Compiled by Samantha
Essid/Ron Norton


7,7 6.5

Mostly cloudy today

iii; c a tacky

VOL. 38105 ISSUE #25


News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write:





Winning ways






meme I KERNEL Sim

Sophomore midfielder Jen Reese battles a Georgia Bulldog for control of the ball. The Cats kept a tight leash on Georgia, holding them to only
one goal. The women's soccer team won both their road games this weekend. Get the scoop on page 4.


Ticket sales disappointing this season

After all they did: Students not taking
advantage of tickets after a series of
improvements all across the board

By Tracy Kershaw



An improved stadiutn.
two new ticket distribution lo-
cations aitd 2000 tnore student
tickets allotted than last year
have yet to produce an in
crease in student ticket sales.

“The ticket sales have
been disappointing this year."
commented Alvis Johnson.
UK Assistant Athletic liirec

Ticket sales have not de-
clined compared to last year.
but the expected increase in
sales has not occurred. (if the
12.000 student tickets avail
able each game. only 9000
were sold for the University of
Louisville game. 4500 for Uni
versity of (,‘onnecticut and
6")th for Florida.

Low numbers for the
Arkansas gatne are also ex-
pected due to It'K‘s‘ Fall Break
on the same weekend. said

UK ticket woes are not an
isolated incident. Student at-
tendance has declined at
sporting events on a national



The Kernel takes a look at how college students can gain
an advantage in getting a job in today's marketplace.

level. said IIK Athletic Direce
tor (YM. Newton.

Sales that are less than
full capacity still exist at UK
despite efforts to increase stu-
dent attendance.

Last spring. Johnson met
with various student leaders
on campus and asked their
suggestions as to how to in;
crease sales.

One. suggestion was that
more sites should exist for
ticket sales.

Itt response to this sugges-
tion. students can now also
purchase tickets at The (‘omv
mons on south campus and
Commonwealth Stadium in
addition to Memorial Colise»
um. where tickets were sold in
the past.

“Students suggested that
the new locations would make
it easier and more convenient
for them." said Johnson.

Students do agree that the
new sites make it tnuch easier
to get tickets.

"For the first game. I wait-
ed two hours in line at Memo
rial Coliseum. But for the
U(.‘.onn game. I was able to get

good tickets with no wait at
(‘ottttttotts." said Nelly Little. a
special education sophomore.

Little said that she didn't
know it‘that will always be the
case. because part of the rea
son why she got good seats
was that not many people
know about the two new sites.

For instance. undeclared
freshman Nitya Narayan said
that she ltad no clue about the
new locations.

“l’ntil [today]. I didn‘t
know that I could buy my tick—
et at (‘ommons Now it will be
more convenient." she said.

Johnson is surprised that
students do not know about
the new locations.

“We sent out informative
brochures to every student at
the beginning of the year. We
have also ran several ads itt
student publications and the
information has been an
nounced over the PA. at foot-
ball games." he said.

Aside from the new two
sites. an additional effort to iti-
crease ticket sales was allow-
ittg students to use their PLITS
account to buy tickets. John-
son said.

However. ticket purchase
on the I’LI'S account is only
on a trial basis. Johnson
added. The continuation ittto
basketball season will be
based on student use during
football season. he said.

Putting the pieces


Other ticket news:

The Oct. 4 basketball lottery
has been changed due to
the ticket shipment not
being sent out to the
manufacturer until Oct. 6.
The lottery has been
rescheduled for 9 pm.
Monday, Oct. l8th at
Memorial Coliseum.

Games include:

California All Stars - Nov. 2

Athletes in Action - Nov. II

NIT lst round - Nov. I5

NIT 2nd round ' Nov. l7

(If UK loses in the first round,
bring tickets back for a

Newton hopes more stu
dents take advantage of the
opportunities l'l\' sporting
events ofl‘er.

“We‘ve got almost 12.000
tickets assigned for students.
and we really want them to
use them." he said.


iversiy of Kentucky,

_- w»-_.---...-..-_...--- .-.. __...._.__.. ,y _ .


Ashley Judd
falters, and so
does her latest
film. Double
Jeopardy |
Page 8



Nicole Foster
{‘N'R‘BalzNi, WRllt ‘7

Its name is i.lllll\ This is the program
that threatens to polite Microsoft Win
llows with still cotttpcttttott in the coming

"The i.lllll\ l omputet‘ System is open
w .itiyone and it I‘ tn alternative to the Mt
i-msolt Sy stem ilk indowst.” said Ron I’etty.

a computer \"I"Ill“' Junior and treasurer of

thi- |.inu\ l'wt s til‘iillli at l'lx'. an ot‘gattifir
tton working to raise awareness about the
s\ \lt'ltl (it t‘itss campus.

"We want pmple to know that the Lot
lt‘.‘ Sy sti-m is free. easy to use. attd available
to anyone." l’etty said

.\n advantage of Linux systems is that
they can be changed to a particular per
son's liking and taste. said Kevin Walton. a
computer science senior at I'K.

The programs versatility is why some
cotttpantes. such as Red Hat. even create
lilt'll' own versions of Linux. and distribute
II to customers for a cost. he said.

David Reedy. President of the lntra
source (‘otnpany ot' Lexmgton said that the
Linux sy stein i\ more suitable for web
servers. but can‘t run all Windows applica
tions on a personal contputer. He also said
it‘s not as popular as Windows because it is
not as well know ii

That may change. however.

"The program will gain popularity
with the more ('(llllll‘tlil‘l‘rSilYVk' individuals
(with timet." said Ilarold Legget. President
of the Information Services tiroup of Les
ington. “It will have a stronger presence on
college campuses. especially among techni
cal people attd 'computt‘r Qt-t'ks'_“

And. for all of Llnnx‘s limitations. the

bast- version can be downloaded from the

Internet for tree.

"It the l'niyersity of Kentucky were to
actually switch to using the Linux system
they would save a lot of money" l’etty said.

While Linux may seem to be an option
to consider. [K has not switched from Win

“.-\ reason that l'K has not started us
ing Linux are liecaiise of support issues
and software availability." said Jay Baker.
a graduate ofl'K

The knowledge that people may have of
this system. and whether or not they will
have to be trained. is another matter that
some are concerned with

“...Students would have to get used to
it." said Justin Lawrence, a computer sci

However. there here w ill be newer and
easil‘l‘torllsc \‘t‘l'\lttll.\ of Linux coming up


net at UK

By Hillary Cromer

Assisrxkt inks invert

Imagine sleeping through your chem
istry class. .\'ot inst arty chemistry class.
but the one in which your professor ex
plains that crazy concept you have heard
horror stories about.

Last year. this may have crushed any
glimpse of a decent grade but w ith the help
of Top (‘lass students can make a come
back lit their chemistry class.

Top (‘lass is a server developed by the
chemistry department through which stu
dents can take practice exams. look over
class notes and listen to audible lectures

”For students who want to catch up.
improve or tnaintam their grades. they
now have 'l‘op (‘lass for that." said Dr. Boyd
Haley. chairman of the chetttistry depart-
tnent. “Students can go back over and over
the material outside of class with it."

Top (‘lass is new this semester after he»
ittg installed over the summer. “We bought
the equipment and put it tip ourselves." lla-
ley said. “Ten thousand dollars of research
money was spent on this system"

The site is a web-delivery device for
course material. It assigns and collects
homework. When the homework is submitv
ted into the server. it is automatically grad-
ed. saving professors a lot of time.

Top Class. unlike the previous system.
(TAPA. can be accessed by students who are
otfcampus and wish to do their homework.

See CHEMISTRY on 2 >>>




" 2| qusoAY. SEPTEMBER 28 I999 l KENYUCKY itEiuiEL


The Low-down

GDP pushes through reforms

WASHINGTON Printing for yeareriil liiid
get battles. Senate Republicans arid llerriocrats
spent yesterday in a highly partisan debate over
the course and funding of national education pro-
grams Republicans. using their rrrarnr'ity'. pre»
\ailed in pushing through a nonbinding resnlu
tioir cornrriending the GOP led t‘oirgress for re»
forming the education system by giy ing states.
local schools and parents more tlexibility and au
thority over their children‘s education It passed
on a party-line Til-13 vnte.

$115 billion budget surplus?

WASHING'I‘GN The federal budget sur-
plus is now expected to swell to a record $l l3 bil-
lion for the fiscal year that ends this week. the
largest surplus in history. "It is a landmark

We need

to let acliievetrierit for our econoiriy.” President (VIIII-
nations tori said yesterday. The 1999 surplus would be
k about 1.3 percent of the gross domestic product.
HOW the largest on this basis since lit‘rl.
If you

McCain announces candidacy

NASHI'A. .'\'.H. .Inhn Mc(‘ain nfticially an
rioiiriced his candidacy yeaterday for the Repub-

with the

States l‘ican presidential nomination. The (S. senator
’ from Arizona and \ ietriam war hero said he was
you the best candidate to t'nirrniand z\IiIt'I‘I('.‘lIl troops
have and to reform a political systerri that is “a specta—
. ,, cle of selfish ambition “ Mct‘am vowed to protect
had It. Social Security. cut taxes. veto porksbarrel
spending. improve lnterrret access and test the
P“ Buchanan. merits nfsperiding government money in private
VOICIMI his view schools. Meanwhile. former vice president Dan
that the United (Quayle gave up his White House dreams.
States should
return to the
milita stren th .
mammoth. Greenspan urges improvements
Reagan adminis-

\t’.v\SHl.\JG’l'f ).\' l’uture Asian style cur
rericy crises could be avoided or at least lessened
it‘deycloping countries strive to improve the
soundness oftheir tinsrncral systems. Federal Re-
serve (‘hairirian A\lan Greenspan said yesterday.
"Improving deficiencies in dorriestic banking
systems in errierging markets w ill help to liiriit
the toll of the next financial disturbance."
Greenspan said in a speech 'rt the annual irreet
ings ofthe Inter‘riatinnal Monetary Fund arid the
World Hank


A judge praised
actor Charlie
Sheen Monday
for making
progress in his
fight against
drugs but
refused the
star's request
to end his pro-
bation stem-
ming from
spousal battery
and drug tak-
ing. “I want
you to under-
stand, I could-
n't be more
pleased with
your effort,"
Lawrence Mira
told the star of
Platoon and
Wall Street.


crime melodra-
ma Double
Jeopardy, star-
ring Ashley
Judd and
Tommy Lee
Jones, enjoyed
a sizzling No. i
debut at the
box office this
weekend, while
Robin Williams'
new Holocaust
comedy Jakob
the Liar flopped

Peacekeepers continue

LIQUICA, East Tirnnr Peacekeepers ar-
rived at the nearly deserted coastal town of
Liquica yesterday. as the multinational force ex-
tended its control in East 'I‘imor hours after the
Indonesian army relinquished its authority in
thet etr‘.ritory ()n the opposite side of East Tim-
or. reports emerged that as many as 16 people
were killed over the weekend during a mercy
mission to refugees. 'lhe reported killings un-
dcrscored the urgency for the Australiantled
force to speed up its deployment throughout the
round y side where militias opposed to indepen
dent e maintain control.

UAW OKs new contract

DETROIT The United Auto Workers today
approved a lucrative four-year contract with
I)aimler‘(‘hrysler The union said the deal gives
the average I)ainrler(‘hrysler assembly worker
829.300 in wage increases and bonuses over the
next four years. Workers get an annual increase
of 3 percent a year for all four years. at $1.350
signing bonus and improved cost ofliving adjust-

States investigate bank sales

.\I()i\"l‘l’EI.II-IR. Vt. State attorneys gener-
al are investigating whether banks that issue
credit cards are selling data on customers‘
spending habits and creditworthiness to market-
ing firms. A spokesman for New York Attorney
General Eliot Spitzer said banks “may be breach-
ing the trust ot‘their customers by selling infor-
rriation about their customers buying patterns.
their credit limits and other personal data."

Medicare reference books of-
fer new editions

WASHINGTON For the first time. the new
government guidebook on Medicare will come in
26 regional editions. offering specific informa
tioii about the private health plans open to
Medicare beneficiaries iti each state. The new in-
formation campaign. which cost $133 million this
year. was required by Congress in 1997 legisla-
tion to encourage rrinre enrollment in private
health plans.

Dow bounces back 24.06

NEW YORK Stocks rose broadly yester-

day as traders returned to Wall Street looking for
bargains. The Dow rose 21.06 to close at 10.30339.
()n the NYSE. g

ainers led losers l.7TI—l.20l.




Giuliani talk

art and obscenity


NEW YORK Art fused
with politics Monday as an ex-
hibit featuring elephant dung
on a painting of the Virgin
Mary became the latest issue
in the duel between Mayor
Rudolph Giuliani and Hillary
Rodham (‘Iintnn

Giuliani who like the
first lady is an a”hut-declared
candidate for the Senate from
New York has threatened to
cut 37 million in funding il'the
Brooklyn Museum of Art goes
ahead with the show on Satur-
day. He has called the exhibit.
which also features bisected
animals and a topless Woman
in the place of Jesus at the
Last Supper. “sick" and often

Mrs (‘lintnrr however de-
clared Monday that the muse-
um shouldn't lose its funding

money that makes up a full
third of its budget.

“It's not appropriate to pe-
nalize and punish an institu-
tion such as the Brooklyn Mu-
seum." Mrs, (‘linton said dur-
ing an appearance at a Harlem

"I would not go to see this
exhibit." she added.

Giuliani. who is Roman
(‘atholic. accused the first lady

of supporting the use of public
money to attack and bash the
Catholic religion.

Among the works in the
exhibit: “The Holy Virgin
Mary" painting. which depicts
Mary with dark skin. African
features and flowing robes. It
includes shellacked clumps of
elephant (lung and dozens of
cutouts of female private parts
from pornographic magazines.

The work part of the
British “Sensation” exhibit
has fueled a debate about free
dom of expression and public
support of the arts. It has also
brought both financial peril
and publicity to a museum
used to operating in the shad-
ows of the Metropolitan Muse-
um of Art and other Manhat-
tan attractions.

(Tivil rights activists have
said that pulling the muse-
um's funding would violate
the First Amendment. The
New York (‘ivil Liberties
Union was planning a rally to
support the exhibit. and con-
servative Republicans were
planning one against it.

“Virgin Mary“ artist
Chris ()fili. who is noted for
using elephant dung in his
works. has refused interviews

a stance that has done noth—
ing to halt the furor.



Continued from page 1

Many of the professors are
also switching from the older
blackboard teaching method to
the smart classroom method. an
audiovisual way of teaching
lectures done through comput-
ers For example. In. .lim
Holler. a professor in the chem-
istry department is currently
working on putting his audible
class lectures on the site.

"(‘hemistry‘s tough. we‘re

trying to retain students.“

Another way in which stu~
dents can excel iii chemistry is
the new program, (“hem Excel.
(Shem Excel is a program led by
an advanced undergraduate stit-
dent in one section ofthe (‘hem-
istry 107 class. It is sponsored
on a National Science Founda
tion grant.

"('hem Excel is basically a
help session for those struggling
in chemistry." said Dr. Joe Wil-
son. a former chemistry profes-
sor. “The amount of As. B‘s and
("s in the program is 85 percent
compared to about 6’) percent in
the regular class.“






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ttlcx touECEtt l KERNEL STAFF




()ne of the General As-
sembly's lesser-known
members is on the verge
of a high-profile chair-

Sen. Richie Sanders.
a Republican from Ed-
monson County. is poised
to take over the powerful
Appropriations and Rev-
enue Committee.

Sanders has been
vice chairman of the corn
mittee. which helps write
Kentucky‘s biennial bud.
get. In the wake ofthe Re-
publican takeover of the
Senate this summer.
there is a general under
standing that most vice
chairmen will move up to
chairmanships of their
committees. leaders said

Sanders delivered a
budget briefing for the
Republican Caucus Mon-
day afternoon at the Capi—
tol. He declined comment

he was the caucus‘ choice
to replace Democratic

when asked afterward if

Sanders rises

Republican floor leader.
said of Sanders. “it would
appear he'd be the logical
choice. ()bviousiy i
have great confidence in

The chairman of the
Republican caucus. Sen.
Charlie liorders of Rus«
sell. said tiiere could he
exceptions to the chair-
manship succession plan
if a vice chairman strong-
ly preferred a different as»

Appropriations and
Revenue is the crown
jewel of chairmanships.
however ”i don't think
Richie‘s going to have a
preference to that com
mittee.“ Borders said.

Sanders. a farmer
and restaurant owner
from tiny (‘halybeate. has
been in the (leneral As-
sembly since 1991. His
first five years were spent
in the House. He won a
special election in 1996 to
succeed former Sen. Wal-
ter Baker of Glasgow.

Republicans became
a 20-18 majority the
party‘s first Kentucky
Senate majority when

Chris lankster, an undeclared freshman. wore a gorilla suit on campus yes-
terday as part of a project for Sociology 101. The project measured students'

reactions to violations of societal norms.




Sen. Benny Ray Bailey of Sens. Dan

"He‘s a modest man."
Sen. David Williams.

Louisville and Bob Leep-
er of l’aducah switched
the parties.

Local polluters face suit

New York, New Hampshire may sue if coal-
fired power plants don't clean up their act


Hampshire could join New
York in legal action against 17
power plants in the Midwest
and Southeast that are blamed
for acid rain and smog in the

New York Attorney Gener-
al Eliot Spitzer has sent out a
legal notice to 17 coal-fired
plants in Ohio. lndiana. Kett-
tucky. Virginia and West Vir»
ginia. saying if they don‘t
agree within two months to
clean up their emissions. New
York will sue.

Spitzer said the plants
have increased their power
output and made costly invest-
ments without also upgrading
their pollution control equip
ment. violating the federal
Clean Air Act.

However. the power plants
deny they have made the kind
of substantial improvements
that would trigger the require
ment to install better scrubbers
on their smokestacks.

"If what they are question-
ing is whether we have done
maintenance. yes. we have."
said Pat Hemlepp. a spokesman
for American Electric Power.
one of the companies threat-
ened with a lawsuit. "Have we
made improvements that would
increase capacity? N 0."

State Environmental Ser-
vices Commissioner Robert
Varney said the attorney gener-
al‘s office is evaluating New
York‘s legal arguments.

“We are seriously consider-
itig joining in the lawsuit with
New York." Varney said. “it‘s
under active discussion."

The decision to take legal
action against the power plants

comes after air pollution negog
tiations between the Northeast
em and Midwestern states
broke down.

The Northeastern states
say power plants here are
forced to meet tough emissions
standards because the states all
have high levels of smog on the

Some of that is generated
locally. However. scientific re-
search shows that much of the
pollution generated by coal
plants in the Midwest rides the
upper air currents to the North

The Midwestern states dis-
agree, saying the Northeastern
states are responsible for most
of their own smog. The older
power plants in the Midwestern
states are not required to meet
tough standards because the
states themselves do not have
high levels of ground-level pol-

The courts have urged com-
promise. But when talks failed.
New York decided to sue 17
power plants directly.

“We weren‘t asking the up-
wind states to do anything that
we haven‘t already done in
New Hampshire." Varney said.
“We‘re asking them to control
nitrogen oxides from their pow~
er plants just as New Hamp-
shire has done at its (coalfired)
plants in How and

()hio power plants produce
nearly 9.000 tons a day of sulfur
dioxide. which causes acid
rain. That is nearly twice as
much as all the New England
states. New York and New Jer~
sey combined. according to the
national Emtironniental I)e-
fense Fund. a nonprofit group.

Federal emissions records
show that one plant in Ohio
emits more smogproducing iii-
trogen oxide than all of the
dozen or so coal—fired plants in
New York State.

if the lawsuits are filed. it
would be the first time a state
has sued private. out-of-state
companies for causing pollu-
tion that travels across state
lines. New York officials say.





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talk through issues of diversity. Studonts. faculty and
statl are invited. There are no fees. and a light meal will

M: 5-7 pm. weekly Oct 10 through Nov 11.

For more Inlormatlon or to sign up for a dialogue group.
contact David Stockham at 257-3754 or dstock@pop uky edu
or John Lindsay at 252-7781 or ictindt@sac uky edu






The Student Organizations Center
invites organisational representatives,
advisers, and university guest: to
attend an Open House on
Wednesday, October 6, 1999,
from 4 pm -

" ‘ ' ”use call 257-1099
3) ifwu plan to attend.


5:30 pm.







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E xcllrchv KERHEL | TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1999 I 3


the Campus Calendar ls produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings in the calendar are tree to all registered student organizations and UK
Departments. Information can be submitted in Rm 203. Student Center or by
completing a request form on line at http://www.ukyedu/StudentCenter.
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information IS to
appear in the calendar. For more information call 257—8867.



Free Math109 and123 tutoring. Rm 119 Student Center. Sign up in advonrexail
776959 for more into

Inlormai Creative Writing Workshops. 6:30—8pm. Rm 308A of the Commons. FREE
Res Life tutoring: Eng 101. 6130-9. Holmes Study Lounge and Commons 3088

Res Lite tutoring: Spanish. 5~7pm. Holmes Classroom and Haggin Lounge

Res Lite tutoring: French. 4~7pm. Haggin Computer Lab

Res Life tutoring: Math. 6<10pm. Commons 308A

Res Lite tutoring: History 108/109. 6:30-10pm. Commons 306

i I" .}
MEETINQS . ‘r‘ . .i
t-N-t Meeting. 7:30pm. Baptist Student Center
Alpha Phi Omega Meeting. 7:30pm. Rm 359 Student Center
National Society of Black Engineers Meeting. 6pm. Rm 102 Mining Building. call

William at 245-1642 for info


Movie: Austin Powers. the Spy Who Shagged Me. 7:30pm. Worshamtbeatre. $3.
sponsored by SAB

Exhibit: A tale of two Cities. UK Art Museum

Exhibit: 100 Giants of (hair Design. UK Art Museum

Exhibitztown and Country. 12—4pm. UK Art Museum

Exhibit: Modern Fiction and Art. 12-4pm. UK Art Museum

Ultimate Frisbee Club Practice. 6—8pm. Hand held



toe—Boxing. 3:30pm. Baptist Student Union


Res Life tutoring: Eng 101. 6:30—9. Holmes Classroom and Commons 3088
Res Life tutoring: Chemistry. 5-7130pm. Commons 308A

Res Lite tutoring: French. 7—10pm. Keeneiand

Res Lite tutoring: Spanish. 8—1 0pm at Commons 306

Res Life tutoring: Math. 6-10pm. Haggin lounge

Res Life tutoring: History 108/109. 6—9230pm. History 104,105. 6.30-7813Opm.
Holmes Study Lounge


Movie: American Beauty. 7:300m. Worshamtheatre. Free!. 3 ?
sponsored by SAB

SAB Indoor Activities Committee Meeting. 5pm. 203 Student





toe—Boxing. 5pm. Baptist Student Union


Free Math 109and 123 tutoring. RM 119Student Center. Sign up in advance. call
7-6959 for more into

Res Life tutoring: Chemistry. 5-7:30pm. Haggin Lounge

Res Life tutoring: French. 4-6pm. Commons 306

Res Lite tutoring: Spanish. 3-530pm at Holmes Study Lounge 8. S-VTpm at Haggin
Computer Lab

Res Lite tutoring: Math. 6—10pm. Holmes Classroom T
Res Life tutoring: History 104/105. 6:30~8:30pm. Commons 306 '3 “1- :2

UK Snowski/Snowboard Club Meeting. 7:30pm. Rm 245 Student Center
thursdav Night Live. 8pm. Christian Student Fellowship building (50.7 Columbia

Devotion and Lunch. 12pm. Baptist Student Center. St

Freshman Focus. 6pm. Baptist Student Center

UK Lambda. the Gay and Lesbian Student Org Meeting. ?:30pm. Rm 231 Student


Guest Euphonium Recital with Neal Corwell. 8pm. Singletary Recital Hall
UK Lab Band and UK Jazz Ensemble Concert. 8pm. Singletary Com ert Hall

Ultimate Frisbee Club Practice. 6—8pm. Band Field



tee—Boxing. 3:30pm. Baptist Student Union


Orientation tor internships/Cooperative Education and Shadowing. 10am—12pm.
Rm 111 Student Center fl,



UK Men's Soccer vs. Marshall, 7:30pm . ‘

UK Women‘s Volleyball vs. Alabama. 7pm. Memorial Coliseum “ ‘

UK Ice Hockey ((001 Cats) vs. Meramec College. Midnight. Lexrngton Ice Center.


Catholic Mass at the Newman Center. 6pm



UK ice Hockey ((001 Cats) vs. Meramec College. Midnight.
lexington Ice Center. 34

UK Football vs. Arkansas. 1:30pm. Commonwealth Stadium


Res Life tutoring: Eng 101 . 6:30—9. Holmes Study Lounge and Commons 306

Res Life Tutoring: Spanish. 5—7pm. Holmes Classroom

Res Life tutoring: Math. 6—10pm. Commons 308A

Res Lite tutoring: History 108/109. 6—9pm at Commons 30811 8. History 104 105. 2—
5pm at Commons 306

Res Lite Tutoring: Chemistry. 5-8pm. Boyd Study Lounge


Sunday Morning Worship. 11am. Christian Student Fellowship
(502 Columbia Ave.)

Catholic Mass at the Newman Center. 9am. 11:306m.5pm. 8'30nm

Exhibit: 0N tHE BRINK. the Mlllenium Nears. ux an Museum. 1275pm


UK Women‘s Volleyball vs. Auburn. 2pm. Memorial Coliseum


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