xt78gt5ffb4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78gt5ffb4m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-05-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, May 01, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 01, 1980 1980 1980-05-01 2020 true xt78gt5ffb4m section xt78gt5ffb4m I
Vol. in". No. [56 Ker e1 l'nivmili of Kentucky
Thursday May I. I980 . an independent student newspaper .V . Lexington. Kentucky
‘ —— —
r M“ 1 . a .V .
'  New computer may aid
I - '1 my 2’
" Got the "me? UKPD in collecting fines
" h I I " W3 23‘ Time for testing ...Steve Benderchecks his
.V I ,g watch while Ernest Oliver catches ii few . . , . .. . ..
. more rays before getting up to take their By DALE (i. MORTON paic their lines. Padgett said. We'll
. ‘. ,V g? 1';- marketing exam yesterday. The two . mil wriicr be able to keep the delinquency
- V :33“ business administration seniors had beeen - . . . recorst Up (therefore making '0 caSier
._ a» y: cramming on the administation lawn and University officials hope to be for officers to check the records much
. f: paused for a few minutes '0 gather their collecting morc piirkinglunds w'iththc more qmckly and accurately. . .
V' .. .. thoughts. . the assistance ol i] new computer UK police are now writing
" .. V . 92“ V system to be installed during the approXimatcly 80(; to 900 tickets a
. V _W 4, i summer. wcck. Padgett said. It takes
. . .- W... gig . . By interconnecting thrcc terminals approximately two weeks to record
. v ill llK‘s police hcaidquartcrs with thc the tickets at that role. he said.
V - ‘ new computer. truflic rccords can be This delay in recording traffic
. ' ,. ,. .. - . .. .. . . . filed a nd rci ricvcd a I most citation transactions has occasionally
. , , . .. . V ~ immediately. UK I)ircctor for Public resulted in towing acarthat shouldn't
'. ' .., -. ,' V .. .. ... Safcty Iom l’adgctt said. Ihc now have been towed. Williams said. As a
. ' . systcm. which will be located on the result. the University ends up paying
VV ' . . V _. third floor of thc Scnicc Building. is the towing charges.
. V ‘ - 49/ / expected to incrcasc the number of “It will also eliminate the need of
. i parking tickctycollcctcd by 50 percent hiring a full-time person. which they
_. .~.~' , .' and to incrcasc thc department‘s desperately need." Williams said.

. it, ' ' . cl’ficicncy. according to l'niycrsity The computer system was .
1 _ 1 . / officials. originated primarily to relieve
. '- ' . ”3*" ' According to (icnc Williams. pressures the business affairs offices

W... .. ‘ ' V a: I" dircctor of organi/ation and faced in record-keeping. Until now.
- . _§ W; V, managcmcnt analysis for UK. the business transactions tookaback scat
r1 ' XV? w 3 * r 537.000 for thc WANG laboratories to academic programs at “computer
4 g (V ' i .. a rwfiw V Inc. ccntrul system will come from central."
W 5;" ,1 --VVV .. I? . _V . 3W .. m... as.” g state funds. Presently. no administrative work
. i ' . VV fl 3} . ' _ . I WW " ' WT ’l'hcthrcctcrminalstobc used by the can be performed on the computer
, V '3 , . . 36:13.1. J ”on .': : 7’». " , t , VV.V-rV. .V VV_V..,- " w‘-,.a.,.. policc. which will cost the safety located at McVey’ Hall until after all
‘ " ’ ' ' "'“ ' ' ’ ' . .751 4,!” " ‘ " division SI5.000. will be distributed academic work isthrough. sometimes
' V ‘3"; : , among the traffic department. the rcquiringsevcraldaystogctaprogram
3, Tim \ttiit\\ Mm“ M," parking department and the run. Williams said.
dispatchcr‘s office. he said. “We‘ve been centralized in our
Moncy to pay for the terminals will computing." he said, adding the new
‘ At Student Centa' met Shoppe be generated from parking ticket computer will allow for immediate
revenue. Padgett said. adding he data retrieval and storage by any
thought the system would pay foritsclf University agency willing to shell out .
7 I I I in the near future. the money for a computer terminal.
ee a rea I a le ay en 8 gOt It or you With the computer“wc Wlli be able The additions to the base can be
to keep up with people who have not Continued on page 6 ‘
By JULIE HAHN the cudomcn. Il ii lot ol girls Llrt‘ arc thc chocolzitcs: miiltcd milk bulls. “dc ”WT” (“CT until they 8‘“ a 300d ,
'- choricr ltrtlllnti.lht‘glly\\\llikdrtitlntiIlllliilllc chocolatc-covcrcd pcanuts. pcanut nutritional meal-u Bod/es 0f U S commandos
countcr is clear bclorc buying a L‘Hhit‘l'x. and bridgc mix." \did A llul'icol l.c.xington. Hayden has I I ,
If you have 2i sweet tooth. need a Playboy magazine." shc said. Huydcn.adding.“SomctimcsIordcra been working I" the Student Center , ,
smoke. or are sick and tired of rcading l aughing. llaydcn continucd. “ I'hc lttVOl’ilC candy suggested by studcnts." candy “0T9 {Of '2 3'9"” and I5 are center 0f Olltlca/ ame
your books whilc in the Student girls do ilic sumc thing whcn buying According to Hayden. candy mm responsible Vlor ordering candy and p g
(cntcr. you have probably wandered Plui‘gii'l or they whispci' among arc HOCXCCPHOI'Iltlliliialitin."(:itndlcs olht‘r sundries avatlable ill the SV‘MCl . . .
V over to the Sweci Shoppc thcmsclvcs. ‘I don‘t we it; thcy must haw gonc up quite a h” cspcciallv in ShOPPt‘ SUCh 41> chewing gum. “'83” By the Associated Press taken on the rchponSibility for
. not have mm- m wif‘ . V . V V V .. 'V .~ ' and cigarettes. transferring the bodies out of Iran.

‘ And Chance“ "m n. )0“ \c 9‘" Along with it \tiiiciy ol magnum-y. the past mm 'mm' ”didm ‘dld' Despite working at the candy A leading ayatollah put the bodies Iran‘s domestic troubles.
bought a pornographic “9""5' the Sweet Shoppc ollcrx ii \ttl'lCl\ ol llaydcn Mild student eating habits counter five days it week. from 8:45 ofeight II,S.commandos at thcccntcr meanwhile. flared into terrorist
candy. or cigurctlcs at the SM“ caiid\ including hard candy. iL‘iH‘C'mthh to be dCSII'Cd,"KIdS today am. to 4:30 pm. Hayden said she of a newpolitical tug-of—war in Iran violence in London.

Shoppe. badic VB Hayden. managcrol chocolates and nut llll\C\ it” sold by cut morc iunk food. As soon as I get finds it pleasant to work with the yesterday. saying Ayatollah Ruhollah Thrcc “Arab power" militants took
, ”‘6 shop. “Md ” w you. the quarter-pound. lhc chci Shoppe my gates up at 8:45 (am) I‘m selling Sweet Shoppe. students and staff. Her Khomeini or the Revolutionary over the Iranian Embassy on a quiet
, Adult maga/incs an: very popular also opcrutcs as it Iiwi-iind-l'ound for candy and churches." She added. “If secret: "Take your time. Don't let Council. not President Abolhassan London back street yesterday and ‘
' - ' with students. according to the Student (‘cntciz the calcium lint it long. lht‘y impatience b0lh€f ,VOU- COMFOI Bani-Sadr. must decide whether the threatened to kill their 20 hostages
Haydcn."|t’s \cry‘ amusing watching V“Studcnts‘ ittH‘l'llc kllld\ of candy (\tudcntxi run to thc chct Shoppe to yourself. and just do your hCSt." Americans‘ remains should be sent unlcss Ayatollah Ruhollah
’ home. Khomeini‘s regime frees 9| political
I As Ayatollah Mohammad Bchcshti prisoners held in Iran‘s Arab-
. sum mer JObS Offer money set out these conditions. two Catholic populated oil belt.
I ’ clcrgymcn wcrc visiting the Tehran Ifthc Tehran government does not
9 p wan e I morgue where the bodies were being meet their demand by noon today.theV
' kcpt. gunmen said. they will blow up the
eXperlence for StUdentS The two (ircck Catholic building.
Archbishop Hilarion Capudji and The three terrorists. reportedly
papal nuncio Monsignor Annibalc armed with submachinc guns or
By MATH KATHERINE MILLER on thc idmll} l.irni in Shelby Comm 5-: 50 this summer_ the most fatiguingjob was working on Hugnini prayed and sprinkled holy carbincs. identified themselves as
chottcr “In tIic littlc community ili\L‘lll.li \tilt Iiiisincss administration and 2t machine that chopped glass tubing. \Hlle over the rcmziins of eight Arabs from Khuzestan who support’
liycd on it hunt. you worked on .l SpanishiuniorKurchlurkworkcd at She said working with hot tubing was sciviccmcn killcd in an aircraft autonomy forthatrcgionofsouthwest
Summertimc! larm."slic \ttlti tIic Corning (ilass Works in her sometimes dangerous. and shc had collision whcn thc attcmpl to rescue Iran.
Iol'Kstudcntthaiword bringsto Sonic ol lriimho‘x dllllt‘\ on inc lionictown ol Danvillc last summer. been burned by theglassscvcraltimes. the US. Embassy hostages was The British Broadcasting Corp.
mind thoughts ol sandy beachcs. ti farm includcd moving cattlc. mowing and said slic planstoworkthcrc again The Corning plant isa closed shop. aborted last Friday in the Iranian which received the ultimatum in a
break lrom textbooks. and for most of hay and working with hogs .-\lihough this yctir. Ihc Corning plant makes so Clark had tojoin the union for the dcscrt. telephone call from the embassy. said '
us a summcrjob. she will probably go into lht‘ gltm lot lightbulbs. Clark worked at summer. Although Clark said she Capudji. with tthwissgovcrnmcnt the gunmen reported one of their V
. A full-timcyoh in thc summcr ollcrs ltlculpttt‘k ing iii d ll\ll_\ a “CF dilfcrcnt jobs in thc factory. but said Continued on page 6 and the International Red Cross. has Continued on page 7
many opportumticy. bill for \tll‘llt‘ graduation. Irumbo \illti licriiltimiitc
students. it no fact of Me. ncccssary to goal is to own hcr own lurm. d
finance the cycr-incrcaxing Costs ol liduczilion scnioi' I)cbbic .‘vlillcrgoi 0 a
attcndiiig collcgc. l‘or olhcrs. it a toxic ol lici chosen licld wlicn \lit‘ ”10mm“ cwnfihucrm eight 10“ng IthuIiu arc \cry much tilted toward recession," He said the
'proyidcs an opportunity to mcct tulorcd ll \lklll-g'riltlt‘l lll i‘ciiding itINI Bcllc Swain wontlictrophy m |976. Ilic I)clta Quccn iivcragcdcclincinthcmdexvinccOctobt-rhasbccn0.8
lrirnds and combine vacation with summcr. Ivcn though \iIL‘ liiid ncwr dcfaultcd in l97l. percent.
, work tiitorcd bcloic. Millci \ttlti \llCt‘llltiyL‘d State A large number of economists. along with officials
‘ Still others find CitrCt‘l-Otlt‘lllt‘d why it and rccommciidcd liitoiingtootlicr P 'N’ , _ y . , . . V . SOMl-ZOI-‘THl-Il29cmployccs who willbcluidofl' i" the Carter administration. bclicvc a recession
that will help them prcparc lor lilc CdllL‘dlIOllIlliI]til’\ wliowtiniiolindout ARI. Ts (H ("II‘DRH‘mpmduuhmflwm Muir I5 from the sl’tll: Dc -rinicni )f H 'm' “med” l-VcbruaryorMarch.Itwould bethcseventh
V . V . gi-i \tiltlt‘ linuncuil help from thc state when school . . . ‘ pa (.. h ‘m rcccsSion since World War II.
after graduation. Altcr working in a what tc.iching l\ ic.i|Iy likc bcgins m ”K. lull. Resources have indicatcd they plan to file a class
loo Kuthcrinc “Kay Kay" (icrwin. ttn Wliilc most collcgc students do not Sum. lunds totaling about $500me will be used to action W” 'V' "WC-“all:- _ MORE WAVES 0F RFFlIGl-IES mixed with
undccidcd lrcshman from Cincinnati. L‘l'l\|\|0ll curccrx on tIic .mcmbly Iinc. help purchasc tc\thook.~ for private school swam“ 50C“ a “I" "ch he filed 0'“) bl it it“ personswith convicts released fibm Cuban‘prisons swamashorc at
‘..\ Iciining torward a carccr working miiny find lhc high wagcs zippcdliiig lhaiwillbcincrciiscdtoahoutSl milliontorthleKI- tththipulalioVn Eh‘“ Ihcoum’mc “mm“! all when Kc» we“. Florida yesterday as the Carter
with animals last sumnicr (icrwm enough to work in liittoiics lot ;i *2 school ycur. lhc moncy w‘aHIPPrOPrlitlt‘d h.‘ ”"3 “mlddrlj‘ \ltu'illfd .. . y . . administration workcd'lo negotiate an airlift ‘0
workcd ill thc (‘iiicmnati loo. with .xummcr Iindii Woolumx. :t prc- '9’“) (it'm‘rktl AN‘mh') hmjdri ”Tm?“ :‘“.'°“”-‘ (Had). Numb“ replace the illegal boat convoy bchCcn the United
gorillas and othcr animals. pharmacy sophoinoic. workcd in the (“WWW \Chm‘" apparently “I" MM“! "1051mm CpTV‘TLTl‘quwrfddyl ”m H wEuIVd Cit-{MN} :6:th States and Cuba.
Ihc gorillas wcrc part of a study on Rand McNtilly plant iii \‘cisuillcs m” spccml '“nd “mu":“mnwdcm‘umnd‘hcm' :ih‘cdn d“ ‘0 tmpo'wmmm c cgd amom I cy More than 5-000 CUM" "NSC“ have 53”“ ‘0
' Primzitcv. in which thc object was to during the \ummcr ol WW. and Plum "mm" 3.000 "mnd (“her private Mum“ and may i‘Myv . 4 ‘ l - ‘ Horida sinccthe “Freedom Float”bcganlast week. In
V V “I“, bcnclit. . . parlwasto ook .itthc hudgctthc |980(icncral V

get the animals to bchanc as they to work thcrc tigain lth sunimcr . . . . V , . . _ . lawn,“v upprmcd and m “n. M. don‘t have the thc DENIM) days a'°"¢~ab9U‘ L500 refugeeschcckcd
would in thc wild (icrwin had to ctirc Wooliimx \ttlti shc did \C\t.‘ltll tih\;tl (iovunmcnt Md m pdrmhldl “hm“ hd‘ chcn d - "'h ' t i m at the swamped processmg center m Key West.
- . V V . I ‘tnllth‘Hldi [OPIC Ill rcccnt )L‘iln. spawning a monc"' t‘ M,“ C '. (, da'rs [V “an cstcrda showedthat
lor th I5 .tnlmdlS with such the factory. \llCll it» cliccking ltltlti\ iiiimbcr of wu” chum“ 0““ “at ' u 6' ccy y
~ . . . ' . ‘ 1-“ dozens of slit 5 had set out from the Cuban port of
colorful ntiniu as king Iul and coming in and ouiolii \Mllt‘lttilm‘ Shc ti p . f i ' h Fl ‘d
Pcnclopc and work withthcm cvcry said she also worked at it lrcc trip- . . . , . , _ "a on raricltoyakcagvantadgeo canwateVVrsinet tchcronA:
d3! routing \t‘fllt‘t‘lht‘ compttm prtl\ldC\. TlII. Hulk ()I l.0l IMII‘H‘ mm ”m ”m . . . .. Ara-“7s 835301,“: lily; owroug wda bl d
“I'ye “("de with horscx VV” my life. marking th bcxl routcs to CCflitln annual (irciit Stettmbiml Rticc ycvtcrday by a mile - TH}, THIVRD STEEPLST plunge on record inthc addllVIOVVIVI‘ 03“ H cy “WW" ay. 0““
hm the gorillas wcrc icully 'lun .. destinations on Rand McN'illv maps \omc .(l mIICN to bc more and governments index of cconomic indicators suggests for (U a.
V V V . - - . - ‘ . lhc other hull ol thc rticc. thc l)clta Quccn.wuv \llil the upcoming rcccssron may not be the mild and short
(”mm ‘a‘d- "”163 W lu‘I “kc pcoplc; Mil“) WHL‘SC studcnly “(lfh'id t" battling high water and still currents on the Ohio variety prcdictcd by PrcSidcnt Cartcr weathal'
they Iovc attention‘" Shc also hclpcd the factory for thc yummcr. \hc \tllti. Ri\t‘l’\0nit‘ 25 mllt‘\d0\\nrl\t‘r of l ommllc whcn the The Conimcrcc Department \md )Ncrdai ”‘6
care for other alllmt'tl\. \IIChihlht‘ riirc adding lhtit no oiic cyci (itmpldlllt‘tl i.it~.- got llntlt'l\\.t\ .iiniind ‘ 3* pm indct that I\ tit‘uflflt‘d to liiiccayi the More courscol WELL.ITCOl'IDNTBENASTYlorcver. Partly
whitc ligcr. about the iob. "I vcnbody was thcrc lhc Hcllc t‘rllht‘d at‘rou ihc liniyh linc tit lhc Clark the economy lcll 2.6 percent in March following a sunny and warmer through tomorrow.VHigh today in

Another student who I\ .ilm for the money; u M“ Iiltl i0, mg \lcmonul Bridge yhortly bclorc 7 p m. illlt'l' doinga drop of 0.4 pcrccni in tchruary, the mid to upper 605. hightomorrow in the low 70:.
preparing for carccrx with animals. summer.” she said. Woolums 'ldmhtliflnldtth'tIOOPHHhC hulllwaypointncarbix Feliks lamm. a Commerce Department analyst, l‘onight's low should be in the mid to upper 405.
Debbie lrumbo. an animal \ClchC estimated the starting hourly salary ill Md" I‘m“, ‘3'“ ”W "WI“ “cant“ ”I ”W '"dc‘ “mean“ {0"“5 new) Day "”"°°“- fa" and "m"
junior. spends her summers working Rand McNally to bc upprommatcly

KENTUCKY ”Whit“ “fulfil" Mark Green
Idrior m ( lllt’l Jay Mussel! Kim Aubrey Thomas ( lull John (lay (ill) Lind"!
Ker 2 IN!” ltllt’ li/iiort Bob ( oehrune I.Iiii rltllllhlt'lll I.iliIoi .slrom Lil o, llm‘tlor til PhUluRIuplll t _
(ary “illis Paul Minn
iii/Ironing lillliu H“ ”"u‘“'d ( ind) Mctiee 5. I. Robinson Brig" Ridtfld Dflld M'lnl'd
lllili'MIl lillli'l Jacki Rudd 4\\l\luill tun/um Spurn ljiliior MW“ "WW”
_ . . Steve Massey Leslie Michelson ( ii/M li/iiory llllt'llullllllt‘nl li/i/ot \
ed ltfl‘lals & comments ( “’"l'm I‘m'” ‘1\\l\lulll kill/oriu/ lililiir . _ '
Class of 1980 needs to change
I I ' - e
' attitude of uncertainty paranora . _ .. W
V I II ‘II‘p' . VIV".-I\ ‘I\V Ir'j
Barring any catastrophes. such as nulccar In the 60s and early 7(ls, the standard of living was g V” .-. _‘ I ii i i .
explosions. Iranian takeovers or Russian invasions. taken for granted by many of the middle class _ , . , _ V . Rely” .' l I Vi .' V .
the UK (‘lass of ‘80 will graduate on May ll), collegians Daddy footed the billwith noproblems. .. . 'r. l‘- ':- i) V. 'Vll . l l V; . l f i '
Where it goes or what it does from there is ill laythe lack olknowledge solelyonthestudcnts. I, ‘,- ‘I ‘ \ I V. .~I 'l i‘I 4’, _Jl l I
anybody's guess. But the stage has been set and it however. ““lllld be 1‘ grave 'nJUWCCI All" all. during ' ‘ ' -' , ‘ -I,; -. L. 1 . li .‘l 4 L ‘ L *‘
my, very optimistic. lhere is. however. hope their drive to maturity, students were glutted with ‘ ,V I. - . ‘ IV». 2, j .. .. Il. . ' \
I tconomists tell us a recession. and possible television. bll‘llW movies and maga/incs all pushing ' " , . "' rfl‘ Jiffy“ ‘ ‘ ‘. I F 7f V—/—_\
_ ' depression. Is right around the corner. Military "th H‘Wd |ife"and edging on the very‘consumerism . I‘,’ 'I’ El. 50 :. i . ‘ - . i _ 6‘1
action. even war. are commonly discussed issues that has done touch to lock our nation into terminal ' ', ' I “‘"I' ‘II I l ‘ . s‘ ‘ V‘ ' -
among the nation‘s policy makers and leaders. And Inflation. _ _ . . "' - - ’ _V I r" ' ' l ’ ‘ ‘
the overall attitude of l .S. citI/ens seems to be one of And ”m“ one ”l the only ““55 '9“ “”“ll’ spiralling .' . -. ~ __ ‘ i‘ff. ' ‘1. ' '.\ . i
uncertainty. almost paranoia. inflation is to cut back on the amount of funds I H‘gjrfc. .. -V \ _ . .e .. V ./
lhe solutions given for the problems are as available ll" Petiple to spendVV to thwart .I .’- u". (5 ' , "I H e
, f . , I, . - , _ . , . consumerism()neofthe bad srde-eflectsrndorngthrs 'I' ‘l 6A5 ”Mm“ , ‘ ' l “,1 . , \th ‘
numerous as the people in the l nited States. . . _ . y . him e \ \ I
l-veryonc seems to have an answer. btrt no one seems '5 ”W4 people w'“ lace Increasing unemployment. \ . . 1!) i' ’//\ , . ' \ l,
to listen. “.‘vlc"ism has h” an all—time high. since tight money in business leads to decreased '- Is A In u I V @V VI \ V\ .
. . demand for laborers. ' . , \ '~. , _, ‘ i. \ .I) .
Hopefully. thisyearsclasswillstarta new trend 3... . . .. . . I. . V ; ‘, l .V 3“"; Ie‘lfl‘. , . l II V
_ . . , .. I . . . d away from . ccausc the first ones to feel thciob squee/e effect , r . V, \ . . Ki I i . If”
' ‘1”an VtoVwards “nun involvement an vvrll be students cspecrally thosewho have labored I ' . {a}. 7M , ’ m l
superfrcrai participation, It has few otheralternatives, in the liberal arts only to find decreased demand for ., ' ic' ‘ 7’ ‘ ‘4! , c e \l
h” m" long. “WW“ “I l K ha” “1‘ on the” socialscientists thesestudentsand recentgraduates ‘ ‘. ' l l i . ‘ i
collective ch‘rIcre getting stoned and talking about are finally. for their good. being forced to become ' t . l ‘ . / T». .I/ ‘t
. anything but the creeping national malaise. And even ”“0in in events which affect their style of living. ‘\ V I/‘lVf vl' " .
V when diseassions have turned to sortie of the nation's l‘pon graduation. students will not only lace ‘ "I”
i ' A problems. ”will“ have “m” been 1”” hu‘l talking to economic problems. but also problems with how the
V I INC”- V system is run. World interdependency isa big factorin
, l us‘lsll)~iit‘11lll.\ ‘Cs‘m‘ l” “1"“ “‘“Cl‘ul ”‘ Plnflildt keeping everything running as smoothly as possible. Market countries and Japan have recently Tired or not. what happens in the next few weeks.
though not ns‘s‘s‘vurll} h} Chum- Sllld6'1l‘3rk‘llni‘ll.‘ Witness Saudi Arabia and other ()l’EC countries. strengthened alliances in an attempt to warn Russia months and years should be of upmost concern to
having ‘0 Cull” hc “WW ”l “hi” l‘ 110mg on or ”‘9‘ for example. lwcnty‘ years ago. the Mideast countries and her allies to keep their hands off and their noses students. especially those who are graduating.
. -_ are left to doodle out in left field. were nothing more than suppliers ofcheap oil. Now out. In America. the decade ofthe 805 is goingto prove EL -. .
. One reason for emerging activism is the economy. these countries dictate oil prices by virtue of their The Iranian and Afghanistan crises have given new crucial as to how the system survives and functions.
Students are beginning to l'cdlf/t‘ that the economy is resources. and hence have become friends and fellow dimension to the power struggle. Tension has and maybe even whether the system survives and
‘_ , I an overbearing factor in how they can live. for w hen businessmen. mounted to the point where some military action has functions. It‘s time for students to become involved. :
L you threaten to take something away from someone Instability in this section of the world would be a been undertaken and more may be pending — yet and notjust a bunch of zombies or puppets.
- in this case "the good and easy life." a reaction is great blow to the United States and its allied many students have been oblivious to the situation. Hopefully. the Class of ‘80 will set out in that new ,
- . . usually imminent. countries. Consequently. the European (‘ommon saying that they‘re getting tired of hearing about it. direction.
" L h Ed '
, BITE/'8 t0 t e [for i
VI L water facilities lliough water features on campus thclaw'of‘thestatcand countryforan toany idea. popularlyacccpfed ornot. adversely affects the quality of about the total education of her i
add I“ ”19 \ClllmlI they “ill 10 PmVIdt‘ establishment 0i lhe” “gill to try a that possession ofdrugs is not a "real education at this University. The loss students. Dr. S7eklev was dismissed
, “en. the weather ls warm again. adequately for student needs. My wild new variety ofintoxicant ofacrimmal crime" and that criminal inyolycmcnt of outstanding faculty members and because of “unethical modes of
_ ‘ and it‘s time to think of lying on the alternative is to construct a small and illegal variety. or activity can easily be controlled in the retention of mediocre ones makes teaching. and lack of time spent with
beach. swimming. canocing. vviiter artificial lake complete with a sandy ('an the sheltered pot-user in the accordance with onc‘s aim in lifestyle. us wonder ifthe Universitv' is honestly her advisees." We doubtthe validity of
. I' skiing. and other sllcll summer beach and park In the south campus l'niversity believe that if he advocates l have deep sympathy for Marcus concerned with the education of us these reasons since we havefound Dr,
activities.btithereoncanipiistliinkrng area. lhis type of feature has been the use of illegal substances. he is l'rcderick Paul. but it is hardtoaccept students. or is too caught up in Syekley to always be available for
' . II isaboutaslarasyou‘llget.unlessyou constructed before and could have championing substances that are that students will refuse to see that political nonsense to amend this consultation and to be a highlv
.‘ are a frequent visitor to one of the been done here associated with serious crimes. such as drugs are big factors in tragic events situation, motivated instructor. Aside from this.
. . many grass beaches on campus \\ hcn('ommonvvcalth Stadiumand murder. extortion. smuggling. such as this one. and that drugs can In the (‘ollege of Home Economics she has also published a book and
. _ l K‘s facilities for swimming and the Page \par'tments were bribery. and prostitution‘.’ Perhaps hurt anyone. as well as make them alone. there has been a high turnover several articles while being employed
~ . other water-related activities are not constructed. a surface run-off pond “being high" does not have any "high." lixtremc susceptibility or of excellent faculty in the past few bv’ the lSniv‘ersitv'. We cannot
. > , , very good compared to most mirror was created brit no thought was given relation to criminal acts. btit use of an desperate need. and maybe ignorance years. It would seemthatacollegethat understand why the '(‘ollege of Home
, , V colleges of its on All accurate to the possible benefits this run—off Illegal substance brings one closer to or innocence. are the only excuses I has so little to brag about would strive Economics ca'n willingly lose an '
. . ‘mfllWWl ‘lllth-“l l'L't'lL'i'lllt‘ulld‘l‘s‘s'u Wllld WW'dC l" students. I" ”mm the “state"Iof the cnm'm‘l VCls‘mcnts can see for students to accept to improve its academic standing by instructor with thces kinds of i i
. . ,_ taken before, biit needs to be taken times these holding ponds have been through which they are obtained. marijuana once the dangers which retaining good faculty and disposing credentials. . f
, . again modified to accommodate recreation What recently happened to a youth accompany them become clear. of poor faculty~ instead of the Although nothing can be done J
V' \lanv letters have been written and nature study arcaswrthotrtmuch not fortunate enough to have the (‘harles Manson was hard to opposite. . about the loss ofl)r. S/ekley‘. we were .
“hm” l K“ “ill“ l's't‘lcslllt’lllll “‘ltlml “”‘l- ll" ‘UW ”‘0 (“”9216 PrillCCllOn 0i a “gesttipti” type believe. I guess; more staggering. the We are referring specifically to the upset enough about the siiuation to l
' facilitiesand aboutthe recent lotimam officials were concerned about atmosphere.orprotectivehome-mould still Popular cmbrasure of illegal case ofl)r. Laura Szekley.aprofessor want toinformthe UK communitv.so ‘
' V . . . reconstruction recommending such accidents and liabilities btit student happen to more people than him activities such asdrugs that seemin in the department of Human that this will not recur. How canyUK
. \(ll iit ion s a s I lood i ng thc needs should otitwcrghthesc concerns. alone. I am referring to Marcus themselves so harmless. Environment in Textiles. [)r. Slekley expect to uphold a reputation of
. , . M... M... ~-
. (mice lowci lhoiich these methods landscape “(mature sophomore ‘ I think Mr l(oo man. and all English junior [SI-sum“) 91 lechnology. m New York Vthter instructors ,dr-e chVased (Nd) by
may not \\till\_ thcii points are well Dan d Interested in pot and) other‘ illegal - ind," WhlhCh lIS Perle 'Of we "allons Shad) pomlcal dedlmgs' ‘
V. ‘ taken (oriccrning the classroom gerous rugs (””85 5h0Uld ChCCb out the hl5l(ll\- Shady dealInQS? qetzt‘esltritg)Sihggglillitfiiigtnhc 53:23:12.: Diane M' Smithling
. ‘ court ltillllldltl. ot course~ the It is very well for college students ancient and modern. of illegal drugs Asthe semester draws to a close. we herl distissal Alihough gshe is an Home Economics senior
. ' s‘oiiliIiv'b are all signed and the “is Mulls Ki’t‘nmém '0 "WW iht‘ and theiruses. lamafraidthatcollege have become increasingly concerned outstanding and stimulating teacher Malvaria J. Smith
'I . . approximate sotiioii will be spent lum‘Nl) ill "gestapoism" in an) students who champion the cause of about a situation which we think an excellent advisor and isconcerned (‘ivil Engineeringjunior i
, However. I wonder ll a more music“ i” conservative Clio” ll might drugs used illegally'are ignorant ofthe . i i ,9,
.‘ l -- , inespensivc structure cotrld have makctostyntietlicuseofrllegaldrugs. types of danger they can conceal. .
. . . replaced the old fountain Instead of it Is \cl_\ well for college students lragediL‘s like that which has C I, h Id It b h I I f
. ' spending Sottllllfpltis for Inarntcrr “ll“ Alls‘ sheltered from V'Clill happened to Marcus l‘rcdcrick Paul 0 eye S a" n e W a e I e h
. ‘ , V ance costs l's“l‘l‘ll"l‘ll'l.\ and WWW” 1“ break cannot be ignored as "rareexccptions"
: . . I: ,- l.’ PM AFRMDW __ ,1 By SARAH UNDERWOOD will still rise. lhere is always another Unfortunately. some of us are here
V_.I . . I l l'V A} M. . ”Vs. semester. It may just be time to try for a purpose. Some of us hope a
V ‘ 1 ~ i UNWIMATQD ii ‘1/ \I N V J» Ibis column is an ”mice in some new tactics maybe they‘ll degree will help smooth the way
V, . V' . l TLb (Ml/BODY " ‘t' ,d‘ y W.— - \ iIfi/K‘ creative procrastination; I should be “(llk the $00M time. towards an exciting. maybe well
' . V ,‘ IlV , l" , ' . Kalli ‘__ I“. _Qn writing a paper. It's also a personal lhose of us already on academic paying. job. Still. bad grades don't
. I ; ‘ V B” CARTER f) Ifl ”Ii l3: ‘Ai‘; reminder of what is really going on at probation and destined to be asked to have to ruin everything. When a i
V . 1 V. lV‘\V \bé I, V~ N if k\m’_‘ ‘,. “I it l’K. lhis is the last week of the leaveVindefiriitcly might have better person makes less money. he spends
‘ ' ‘ . V, -, \ ”' //’ ENE) 3 l ‘5'.“ If l I- ———-v———-———- ~———————-—- 7 ‘ Pf/l‘c semester and summer‘s ahead it experiences away frochollege. lfthey less money and sometimes adapts to
V V . I, V \\ ——', I; _. /4//i V‘s, . will? _ 1‘ ‘ lac nothing clscI And maybe some of of are not better. by the time it becomes being less than affluent. A boringiob
. ‘VI‘ _ g \ ,r»- '...ii'.li I. ”if; A \sal V ‘v' -_..._. g t; £22; need to be reminded thatas serious as obvious. a return to school wrll look can lead to a greater appreciation of I
' V 'V V. (7/5 . ,t-\ \I \i \ l Vil' ”fly I if} acollegc career may betosomeolus.it like Child-5 play. ll might l00l< more free time. .
, . I/c-V ”V‘s \ I: V ‘ . . \ «r A t" a I‘- 31,- really shouldn‘t be everything. likeagamethananervous breakdown School can be a life and death
, ‘ (IQ. We ‘ _' 69/ .>“ \ ‘ ‘ I Al ’ ‘ - J Some people are running around Situation. situation. but it's much healthier to
i . ‘ I' «ll‘\ ~ , (Wen; ,' 4, ‘s . A, . K, I“ A ( 9 I : worrying about term papers not yet think of it asagame. especially atthis
. . .. . C, /I "Si/K J I , , IV .\l I, / r ' I; , started. but still due tridaytor worse. Stafi column late date. People who have papers
. I 'I‘bew' / l I" . o’] ,, . .iV‘V‘IVyIII l. due last Frrday.)()thers seethothrnk might try Iiust Sitting doan and .
V . W .I II ; . I, l a ‘ wry". l < they might have trouble reading seven E throwmg words together. Simply
, , I V ‘ f iiVV ’ V y ‘ ’ A books between now and their lhe point of all of this babbling is make sure every sentence begins wrtha
. I I . 4 / J. \— a ( V13 comprehensive finals on Monday. only meant to serve as a reminder that capital. contains a verb and ends wrth
‘ , pat; ' if“, V I’ /~,/ V, ff ' 4/ fi) l lhe world seems to be in trouble. the University of Kentucky is by no a period. .
" ' ‘ \cil / c T 2:3. 4 ' 4y // oi §". ('5); VVI! GE< lth International situation. means the whole world. We have if these papers dont make sense.
‘ . fi . . It A4 I t.\ ‘ ' if . [NET ”W 3‘4 _, admittedly. looks bad. But as long as lovely weather right now. Our parents you might fVOOl your professor info .
. . I J.\ \I .. ‘Q ‘7 :7». l I I 5/1 a. ,I. K (.4; ’u we don‘t treat our nuclearwcapons as and or children probably won‘t thinking you VC createdanewstyle.At
. / \\ V? iVy L. I‘ \ ’ by” -. . ' . -i:§—— _.___ V I-“ (J toys and destroy ourselves completely. disown us, Maybe we won‘t starve to any rate. you can hand something In
L, l \ \ \ ,' . ‘. 3'in @ .' 4"": \ \ ' U (and we haven’t yet anyway). there is death. Soon the swimming pools will along Wllh Vyour Classmates. if you
t V \ I \ . ‘. - ,//A\.gI$I ’ . m 1,} still room for optimism. be open. Beer mightgoon sale. Maybe know nothing asked on an exam.
. .c . ‘ "'"‘ “ ‘ Students scemtobeequally worried we will solve our international and make something up. Make yourself
' ,— about grades and other academic domestic problems. or at least manage believe you‘re playing a game. But
_ 4—. — — -————— h. _H‘ things. This might be a good time to them. most Of all. have fun.
V as???" if" QRESID ‘3' remember that the real world doesn’t And no matter what happens. life
. ' . . fl“. "3 .‘ _9 §m¢ ‘-' revolve around them. willcontinue. Schoolis mostlyagame. Sll’lll Underwood is I Kernel Stiff
T ' V I 4‘) A grade card ftill of l-‘s doesn't and atthrstimeofyearweforgetthatit writer Ind I graduate Student in
’ "' . ' 5'2"»- . necessarily signala ruined life. lhe sun can be. and should be. fun. English It l'K.

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