xt78gt5ff83x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt78gt5ff83x/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1992 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1992 Vol.63 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, November 1992 Vol.63 No.11 1992 1992 2019 true xt78gt5ff83x section xt78gt5ff83x _ . , _ - . » ‘ ' - ' ‘ 'l
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KENTUCRMLW” »~ ‘ ' i
- VOLUME 63 0 NUMBER 11 .3
1 ' The official publication of the
7 3 Kentucky Press SerVIce
W _
l l , .-
Get the PM”? - Photo workshop, critique planned
t . , - ’” I-E“,:§:i‘:::':r,;‘/=§.»:Q535.3}2,-3.31‘3333,3: .' 33.1} 1:33 3
1135*.Tfi , ' ' %% As any newspaper editor or reporter who juggles a note- COPY “3““ recent. “guess
3 , 5 :5 to publisher knows, there’s more book and camera.” _ along With a 1\il'Iegistfiatgirim ox, 3 3
if? IEEZ ’ -. , - i" “so. to Photography than adming . Bast“ easy'to'uge ups for 3113291” Jarce :1 g25SW’ ‘
’r'. ' 33mg! your subject to say “Cheese.” improvmg the quality of pho- e douner-Lourn {He KY
'3 - -' ' img’fwfirmm“ togFaPheTS, KPA’S news edito' 535510“ 0“ Spec’fic problems. . If you 0 51g“ Minor: 1‘
., (3/ rial division is sponsoring two At 3 p.m. that same day, tique, you or a mem r o ygir 3,
33 . f ,3 3 programs in conjunction with KNPA is offering a (Xingu-e 0f stafi: are expected to be at e j
3333 3 3 3 :3 ,3 , 3 the winter convention. newspaper photography in 3 88581011. 3 3 ll 3
, , =:; . ,. “Photography tips “I sessim °n “The use °f Ph°' F9’ mm ”Naming? 3
' " 4, 3 ' reporters” is the title of a tographs and newspaper DaVid Thompson 13133 , 3
.. ,z: T" " or workshop set for Jan. 22 at design” Critiques of mdmd- BOO/2645721, °r J° "5°" at -. f,
N 3 , 3;” 1:30 pm. ual papers will be done for the 502/582-4011. 1 h 3 ,l
We" . . 3:, _ : 3 ' ”3,, Led by members of the Ken- first 25 newspapers to Sign up. A150 Planned i0 be P t e ‘
“'= » . rocky News Photographers Those wanting the mks.- 1°°ks °f Kent.“ ’ Pater“ é :'
1 ‘ ”wilgwfé/J Association, the workshop is sional photographers to cri- newSpapeI‘ deSIEn consu tant 3'
2 L... ..= . W described-as some “for the sous their papers must send a See "who 90994 .
Photo by Sue Cammack ,. . 3 V . i 33’
, Dan White of The Anderson News in Lawrenceburg rolled 3 , ', 3 , . ~ , ’ f
up his sleeves and went to work when KPA members 3 _- __ : 1 3 _- g 3 _ , 3 i
were called on to judge entries in the New England Press 1W5, : -' -, ._ ’ , ' -
Association’s recent contest. More pictures and namesot ‘ " ' ‘ ‘ “ fission ' " A i' 3, 3 .. . c e- 4‘
. the judges can be seen on page 3. ,, , , n . 3
- M 1 , set? ‘ 1 -- . . f
Temp/In Award seeks nominees . ‘ , e 4
[- Nominations are being Elizabeth Spalding, Niles 3 ' .,».. ‘ ‘ , ,-'
’3 accepted for the Edwards M. Dillingham, Creed C. Black, 3 _ '- " x . g, 3 r
Templin Memorial Award for Floe Bowles, John B. and Ray : ; 3 3 ' ’ ,V” 3 i“
1992. Gaines, Thomas 3L. Adams, ;:_ I , f o 3
GiVen annually by the Lex- Larry Stone, Enos Swain, ' : ” 3 ' * :
ington Herald-Leader, the Jane Bird Hutton, Mrs. . ' '1. ” ' r
award honors a Kentucky George Joplin Jr., May ,- 33 . ' 3 3
newspaper person for out- Rogers, John L. Crawford, 33,, g 2.,3 J.» ;.
standing community service. Ben E. Boone III, Barry Bing— 3 we . , 3‘ 113%,, _ w ., f
The awards namesake was ham Sr., Roscoe I. Downs, ,. * ’3 .. s
promotion director for the James T.‘Norris_Sr., Lawrence ' :3 £23 3. , ,s iiiifjjlf: . 3
Lexington paper and’ presi- W. Hager Sr., and Albert E. ' ' , 3: ' - -: . -' :3' 1 : ”,3: , ,
' dent-elect of KPA at the time Dix. 3 , 3 3 :3 3' g; :3: 3 3
: Deadline for nominations is ' ' ~ - : - j - ' a
.7 Nov. 20. h 133 lnsie . ,. l99 , ' 1 envenygn
1 be sent to David T. Thompson, 5E55355:”:353E3E33553E51355E355353E53355E5E555153333253525E33355E5E5£555E53553333523555IE:Ezi2E2S:335=3tE:3=3:":EiE:EIEfitE=E=EIE=E$=ZIE=E N at] 0 [$1 gem 33 )B%l&llo n3 3
" Kentucky Press Association, ' 25.333333 all"? " “is :
35 101 Consumer Lane, Frank- Insurance 75, page 2 3 3 {£3ng :3 ” s ' ' f
5 fort, KY 40601. The judges, page 3 . , flags" i 1 " ', ,1.:::,::y . , 3
' If you have not received a Names. page 4 - WM” " ' '
. gggggieggform: call KPA at WKU wins big. page 4 Award winner 1;
'3 Previous .winners have Uno V9351 page 5 7 National Newspaper Association 1992 President Charlotte T. Schexnayder ol the Dumas
included Max Heath, Wan-en Who is KPA' page 6' (AR) Clarion, presents a plaque to NNA I992 Postal Committee chair Max Heath oi
Fisher, David McBride, Betty Views, 9099 30'“ Landmark Community Newspapers in Shelbyville. Schexnayder also presented Heath the g
' Berryman, Loujse Hatmaker, AP editors, page ‘7 “Ambassador Award." the awards were given during NNA's l07th convention In San Diego, 3
Don Towles, George Joplin III, Using the census. page 19 Sept, 16-13, 3.,
L ,-
7 1

 Page 2, The Kentucky Press, November 1992 I I)“
Blue CTOSS Blue Shield r 95p On d s newsroom
to KPA customers' I" I
p _ ‘ ques Ions W
' . , President
, calSlince maily KPA members . Q. I‘ve heard you are merg— make healthy lifestyle choices. Mary Schurz
. throylgimglolyéeeciflss:rgrlice ivrvifilwmh :nother company. After all, studies show that DanV/I/9 AdVocaIG'MGSSQNQBV
. ue 1 you c ange your present between 50 P
Shield of Kentucky John Bird ' ' percent and 75 reSIdent-Elect
vice president ofthe insurer, , egg-initment to customer ser- gigcentlof VlSltg'tO doctors and Jerry LyleS. Benton Tribune-Courier Mrs
has prepared a set of questions A: We will alwa b h ' 1'” a s are .1rectly related I Pas't PreSldent I “T
and answers for The Kentuck ' t h ys e ere to lifestyle ch01ces. Celia MCDonald 1::
Press y g; 13:5”? wga age if}? thedlasll; If you don’t already do so Vice Presldent Fr
.' . . — mg emelca ou h ' ' ~ 3‘9
wafigd‘msaid the company bills of our customers. We will healffiiariliogisggy 21561-51203? T'égtfgery' "’9 Ken’UCky Slanda’d De
, reassure your mem- continue rovidin th - V _
bers that there is no reason to high levelpof custorgner 2:13;: mg the amounts you pay - Here Dorothy Abernathy,-Oldham Era 3
be concerned about their h are a few tips: Board Of Dlrectors e1
_ you ave come to expect from . L District 1 3‘
health care claims.” us. - et your doctor know COSt William M't h H F It L d D
If you have questions, call B mer 'n with ' ls aconcem. ' [C e I u on ea or t:
him at 502/423-2704. InsuDi‘ancegEEmpanifisssiffclitdg ' fish ”m d°°t°’ ab°ut the 3535:: ha 7 °
, I l u m
Q; Ive read some articles _ anapolls, which markets the :giiifiys: can expect from Dawson gpr/‘ngs Progress 2
Eecently datating other Blue Blue Cross and Blue Shield mentS IVIces and treat- Distrlct3 E
ross an Blue Shield plans Pl'OdlICt in Indiana we are cre- . Teresa ReV' <
' . _ . , . . . . n,
are fac1ng finanCIal dlfficul— atlng the strongest of all Blue . Determine If It 15'- c°St 0' t ' e Mama" county News .
' . _ . effective to have a ser 5 r ct4
ties. What 15 Blue Cross and CF°55 and Blue Shleld compa- treatment if d ' Vice or CharliePortmann Franklin Favor it 1
Blue Shield of Kentucky’s mes. A5 500“ as the arrange- tin othe It; omhe 1n alset- Districts ' 9
financial strength? ment is complete, you will likg t an t e hospital, COIeman Love
A‘ W h . ; ha th _ f _ _ e an ambulatory care facil- .
, e are t e thll‘d ve. e peace 0 mind of lty _ or even th d , Landmark Community Newspa ers
stmngflst of the 73 companies knowégg your health insur- office e octor S Dlsmm 6 p
using 3 Blue cross and Blue ance nefits are backed by a ' . . Dorothy Abernath Old '
Shield trademark. Each com-- company with a reserve level a Pgrogifatzlidgizl Zirilces District 7 y. ham Era . F”
' pany 15 an Independent, 0f “ea?” $750 million. . that 90 percent ofyhos Iilfvl Kelley Warnick. Gallatin County News
totally separate organization” Thos mamage also wrl‘ eme, em , . . p a meme e9
meaning each has its own secure our position as one of n°n_e€neryen(£m,wsns are for Ken Metz, Bath County News-Outlook
board of directors and man- the COUNTY’S largest proces- o Checi es. d' - Dlstrlct 10-11
agement team. In other words, Sors of Medicare claims. your me 1°81 blus Marty Backu ' '
. . . _ the same way you would ch k s
the financial Stablllty 0f one Because Of Medlcarels recent any otheripfll W ' .ec fl Appalachian News-Emma ,, . .
' company has no effect on the ”nowcement 0f i,“ intentgm mess. ff“- :3 so - . ‘77: . ,j “i
stability of another. do busmess only With regional were you billed for treatment\‘ '“ I ““59 “maker ' ' " ' ‘ I A I”? ‘ _.
The bottom line about our processors, we WI“ be m a You never received? Jackson fimes/Beatiyville Enterprise
financial stability is that none “”989? P051t1°n *0 continue 0 Eat properly. Exercise. District 13 .
of our customers needs to be servmg your needs. - Maintain a moderate weight. Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise
concerned about the payment Q: What have you done at. Wear your seatbelt. Keep Dlstrlct14 . . e;
of his or her health care Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of immunizations current. Watch gtluarlt Sigrfon. PUIaSk’ Week
claims. They will continue - your'alcohol intake. In short .5" on .
being paid as they have for the Kentucky t9 av01d the finan- act as if our lif ’ J'm Green, Lexmgton Herald-Leader a
1 d f 1 d b y edepends on i ’
last 53 years. cm l mu ties experience y your lifestyle It does DISMCt 153 . g/“efi
. other insurers? ' ' Jerlene Rose, Clay City Times fie/4%
Q: What is reserve? A: Early on, we recognize State-At-Large ‘ ‘ ' ~
A: As a mutual insurance the dilemma caused by the Merv Aubespin, Courier—Journal .
company 1 any amount left . rapid escalation of health care , (€93 Camilla BOX. Union 00“le AdVocalQ
unspent after we pay current costs, and we are committed to (3163‘s. . Gene ClabeS. Recorder Newspapers "
claims of our customers and working in partnership with fiat-fies“; John Del Santo '
pay our day-to-day expenses is doctors,‘hospitals, government 235$??? Ash/and Daily Independent V
_ set asude 1n reserve to pay officials, business leaders and 3%. Associates Division’ ‘ 1
future claims — much like you — most important — con- . V Brad Hughes . x F
would set asrde money in your sumers -— to find and imple- g pkg V‘ff‘j/l , KentuckyCabinetior Human Resources , ..
savmgs account so you are ment the solutions. We hope b3 / - Advertising DMSIO" V :-
able to pay your bills when you join this partnership. r » Cheryl Wilcher '
they exceed your income. In We have also increased our / Central Kentucky Newsdournal '
1991, we spent 86 cents of efforts tovdiscover fraud and men."- News-Editorial Division I v
every dollar we .received on abuse and we have initiated ‘ Your nuts and bolts andawhole lot more. RUSS Powell
our customers’ claims, 11 cents numerous cost-containment For more info call your regional manager, Ashland Daily IndBPGNdem 'r
on day- to- day administrative programs. ‘ Lou Ann Sornson , Education Representative
costs and three cents were put In 1991 alone, we saved a‘ David Did“ Universitv Of Kentucky '
aside in reserve to pay future more than $116 million for our 1'800'223'1600 I
_ ‘ . _ . . KPNKPS Central Office
claims. customers by negotlatmg (115- Metro Creatlve Graphics ,
V T d y, h' h-t h (1 'th d d h _ 33 w.34m SLNY010001 DavldT.ThomP|0fl.EX0¢WV° WWW ”
. . 0 a s new 1g co m": ' (Bonnys W1 .Octors an ospl- Bonnle Howard. Business Manager; Buffy
ical procedures and new dis- tals, mcreasmg the effective- J°"“S°"- 3”“ka mm; 5“ Gamma°k' I V
~ eases hke AIDS make a strong ness of patients’ long-term Secrelam “mm“: 6"“ DaV‘S- Di'em" - .
. reserve more important than. care, and increasing the num- WfionlmesfltComPany Reba Law‘s! Adm‘ms‘mmm ASSis‘am- N‘l’" ‘ y 3
ever for insurers. You see, her of programs to reduce Maemwvamncomltams Bum": Beckyl“ Meadws' Oiled“ cupplng
those factors, as well as other unnecessary “in-house” admin- mamwosmosissa firrgggafls'rm 0,3”;3 ”r" C“. -,
factors like the aging ofAmor- istrativo expenses. warmth—sarong phi. "‘ '"""" “' ”° "my .;
we and government attempts Q= Can I .do anything to eeoeeenemeeleeporeooomooo me «me e... «ssoooeooeeo published
to shift a larger portoon of help get 8 em on health care LaWGtime—i’resldem mmoooosooomoosooooooooosoormoooxv.
health care costs to privately— 005$? » ' Gtarksbuerandaoisomoay W‘MWM'WWW” gs”
insured consumers are forcing A= Absolutely! Perhaps the 9’2“") t:::;..i‘;‘;“.‘::l°i-£°3§.§E:.‘L€°L:L: 69:23:15: T127
up the cost of health care. best way y0u can help is to 1:253:a:a:22é:ééiéé5%aééézégzgzgizzségiaégisési232:a:gigiaiiéséiieésésééi:529:2:éait?éiiiiié?éiiééi3%Eiéiiifiéiiaiéiiiéiiéiééiiiiiiéiiiéiii‘éiiiiéfii?ééiiii‘eiiéiiiéiilmenulscnmow. ' ' ' 5%»2»

 - . 1_ 3: f
l ‘ (I, ,
3 , 5.;
‘ g . // November 1992, The Kentucky Press, Pages ‘33
’ ' 3““ ' PRESS ASSOCIATlON ”’We/wo/ lI’
» I e° ' ‘3... NEW ENGLAND t station ' I’I/”////“fl§””;‘/ 733
I ' ' 0 Box 820: A5 or “152:: 5///o”»”/ . 7:”;
f —I (1 P.0- 23,0820 , ‘ . ”mg/3r” / ;.
3 0 - ton MA 021 615 ~ w . - fr
3 ' 2 Q ’ 805 I 17 437-5 23:11 .. 2”” :z’ "3
I October 7, 1992 / I/VOW/[Z/Ifié/ III/'7" : 2'. I ’35
’fe/wa’fi// ' Ii";
- so /’.”~/I .- ~ - 1.1.: :. . 1, .
3 Mr- “3‘!“ TI-‘ozgtor ‘ ,/////r?” w ,1 .' 4W éI
i . Executive D“ ' tion "'5? l3 ~ 5 ‘ ' . :‘r.
Press Assocxa . 5 213,3” 2,???» . 5- ./z4 "I;
I £01 i223? Ky 40601 ,§~I err/x“ ‘
; 1.1.... WI wet . . ,r . , . ,-. -. . a .. s...v..:.v.n.:.4.«.- 5
I ' ' I 1 1,0,”! 4,22,; A; ,1... .‘ 3,, m .7. M1, IW/~I>15 JIR‘ _
3 ' ' est Judgmg. .,-. ,I’m/xx;’IW’WMQM””V. 5/ " e ‘1'.
5 Dear DaVId- in setting up the “mums. I . 1 “ré/Z/Ifé/mw '9
I uch f°r all Y°ur hIal'pcvqes 9°“- thrwqh m: fines and g5” ./*‘““WWWWM’M y’ 1" ‘
~ t how qu 1‘ I‘d 11 m 1nd1v1dua . ,;;;'¢’2»>';.§;m3€,’,:,, 13515.3.- ,..;2.I:;.:z::.;;.:4 “3:52;; 11 . ' . I- 1 ' . 5:. z, x ,1 .L
. was amazec} a ke a lot 1.onqe . can thank the 1 to gettlng ”/1, / V; : ,- g» g: 2:.-
expected 1” t° can of the Judges 3" I ma effort they Put 1“ / . . . ., 1 1
830 1: me a z .z .. ,, ,. .
I addresses fZZiate the amount 0f 1 I???” II . ”/0 .I.'-1:' 2.23 ... -. . .- “ i?
I 'reallytiggs judge‘l' the weekend- we went on Z" . " .j ' ‘ -
z . the e“ 1 . . Kentucky Oval? .1... evening and WWW”? . s2: ,. z
' a x had a great “me fiat dinner “use EII'IltuIéky is a really ,3 .f‘éf’rétI ' 1 .
-‘ ' earn a“ f Lexingtc’“ paddle c v. on Saturaav- Ken winded me a lot ./,,,,,/,3,;.;g " ‘5 ‘
I the star 0 0th ONYX a Parkway 1' %Wz,>zr3‘:f3«.¢?e=g " I . ., one ' . .‘rI
I drove to see the Mali-live down the Blue Grass . -3I / I; I I ")5
E 333:3, England~ , e can do it again am a few . ,3;
I in for all Your help: “Y” I"
I Thanks aga . . 5;:
years ‘Iu mu! “m abng°bnandPET°uP
= sincenelyr of spemal somebodles dldlt! 2‘":
I M5 ' . The following were judges 31
' :1:15:1:$15:izi:1:i:3:i:{:5:5:3:f:35:3z3:5:3:5:33:3:;:5:3zE:E:E:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:E13:5:31}:E:3:E:3:3:E:E:3:5zE:E13:3:fzf:E:5:3:5:f:Etfif55:3:§:§:§:§:E:E:E:§:§:§:§:3:3z§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§§§§§§§§E; . . r?
-. ., . 3 laSt month 1n Lexmgton for .5.
I3 ' Ly‘éd Pagli§mlonanager E n the New England Press Assn-13)
: “ember semces ' ciation contest: 33
. s5 23 Stephen 1’93"st Wood' ' f
I I‘- i 3331:3332”. , ford Sun, Versallles; Don ;;
r .,., . ”’3w‘2w/3f"/ - - -
5 E .1: flgéiéfiew %T/(2MNJI)34%5¢§Q‘{” Whlte and Dwaln HBITIS, if?
7 I ’ ”ggw ’.“//.33’”I3II>€;‘;;3”3”’2‘" f} Anderson News, Lawrence- ;'
' -»:.='.;=s;':;é;2=:3.3525,:€253:.-3i=:"si.’::::i:' 1.¥5 . . .., ,~"2':..t«?';s-.a.. .i'rwww,1,/””~N<,«,l,; . , 1:13. 2.; 1 _ . . . . - 1
; $3 ywe. e32 .’ 315‘" burg, Rlck J enkms and TM 1
'13:: .3 w 3 e5 . “.3: Wlesenhohr Georgetown "I
-'. gab .3 2‘33- 373 ~ --”* ’f/ w .. .. - ’- ‘ -‘ 33
3 ‘ ' We; W 3% 3:" Graphw; Dav1d Greer, News- 3 5;;
11 3 333% «w ”3%., ‘ :3 fwm ‘y .34 Enterpr 189, Ehzabethtown; Joe '5‘
a ., .35 1 1 5 - 333; 1.: e3"... _ 3.35 g Imel, Daily News, Bowling
. . . , .mw,» I31": ,1 . , .. ~~~~ 11 11.5. “v1.52 4, , ‘k « 3f,- . _ . . M” 5/2“)“ 5 7 .. greeln,-HogyBH0Wlard,1R?lph {I
: e” \ ~- '. .; -» ‘ waww . .mw" . ’ . ‘ . ~> “£15
< . 1- ””3““ sgmea»-.,>,5; 0 Walt Handy Winchester -' 2.51:3}.
II WW? I“? ‘6 e .v: .111: ~ *4We%§n;§w%%§§;wW¢%l a.) II . I ~ I I ‘III’I
.e-~ . «2.433»: 5 Sun; Paul Gettbrath, Dally
; _ M;% § 1 {'1 f 2 ~15 . ” 1 ,zfieggfggfi E Carnahan and John Henson,
} §3f ’ 1' 31w ‘.. 1 1. 5 3,, 2'23””: 2::3. ”531.43’7;%%% m Harlan Dally Enterpnse, Pam QI-
E 333* 1...... 3,. 3” ' 33”?”7” 3 Shmgle” APPal‘19h‘0" News' ‘ '.
3 . " ’ ” 12; Express, P‘kev‘u‘” Mark ' .
‘ .é/ .g ' 3, 9-: Cooper, Spencer Magnet, Tay- .
. .>533:;3;.;.§;ZE$.".§gs;2". -» .. »1.-;5-;j;5;:;"1§;:., ; (‘Vvs 3323.1 r; .31. ‘..-,5: g: 31.1,, ':.' 1.515;.) .1; 2 - » "~' #3
r: 1.: é, -' if ' m4. .2. g - 5 lorsv1lle; Ken Stone, Grant . 15.33,-
. ' ’"m ’ - - .
I . {33' COW” News, W‘lhamsmwn’
. v , wsM.z.-e-....-M...z .W. .5 .. » new. s» , .W— Dav1d Cazalet, nmes_Joumal’ I,,,
I- I I I Russell Springs; Kit Millay, ‘ .
1 1 ' 5 5 . 1 .x; . 1' .1 ' 1 ' Oldham Era, LaGrange; Jack ' 1.7
3 i‘ 1. I 1’ I ‘. » P81101105 and Karen Meiman: .55
‘ f -1 " I an; ”3 ' Y 1 ‘ I '1 '1 . ‘ ' '1‘ Garrard County News, Lan- ';
, 3 " ' ‘ . . .. -" ‘ 1 -1 1- 1. Phillip Todd and Neil . ..
1 5. 5;: “:1 . , 5 ;'j “ " " " ' ‘ Roberts, Jackson County Sun, _
; f; ~ ' :1: " ‘1 ' ‘ ' ; -. McKee; Ron Bridgeman and .
‘9 1 ‘ i =3 ‘ ' ' 1 .1 '31 1 Patti Clark Jessamine Jour- 'i""1
. _ ~ ' . 1 - *3 ’5 = ' , ~ :1 1 '- ' nal, Nlcholaswlle Lomse Hat- ,5
' 5: -. 1' 1. 1 _1 Egg/aw“ £3335? m1, ' ' . 1 5 ’.1 . 21.5
a -1 - 1. . 21:12:": ' 3g . - a ' ~ ' “ . maker, Cheryl 391°“: Tammy
- ‘. I . ".‘I; ’33" -‘ Howard and Jeanne DZlel‘Zek, '3'
"..I5:312:15?41:25.23; : " ' " fix ' ., ‘-=-=- “,1 '1-=.;:;'1;..1z.,13;,'~’1 j1- .' .5 1:: 1%., . 5- " .1. , 13.5
‘ ~ “ f ‘ s3 » . - 1 - W ' . 1 ' . / Jackson TlmeS' Jerlene R056 - 57
I ' "'.;--":.=:5~:" $4,522; ‘ ."9‘ : . ' : »,_..<.......~ ~-jg»~"gz'-=:=;=52:2;=.2.;:-;-=55:".:' r: 5 2"“ ,v . , _ 5 3%“ d K S _ ’ C l C 't II?
= . - ' ' . . .- 1. '1 : e3 ' . . an en lmon ay 1 y
z 3.3513‘ ' : ., 1 .. ' . ' 1 5 szes; J°hn Lucas, crutende” ' -'5'
‘ I . *1 . €333...“ ‘ ' . I- -' .1 ,. 3 Press, Manon; Terry Sebast- . ' » if!
. ,, . .1 3‘. -- . e... ian» Sentinel-News. Shel- ‘3
I. 3 ‘ . 1 -II ' 1513' 3'” “b ':1 1_ Kelly Warnick, Gallatin 3 '1 2';
1 a? :1." “.1535 ‘, ‘ ‘ '; ' «*3 1 ’ '1 m” ' County News, Warsaw; Lucy . 513..
1 6/“3. 32 5 . ' . I . I ‘C‘IIg‘Qf ' 3.2;;:2‘::’;:i:;;3,§5533365153-,‘ fi’rfi’%’/~x4r”’ 5 . j.’ 55:;
.. . 1 _ 3% . ~ . *3” VanHook, Cynthzana Democ- ,,
I 3‘ :' - :3’/.,M " :31 ‘ ' rat; Wales Hunter, McLean 5.:
: 53“” : I . I . wi’ew’flgéz ' 1 ' 1 15.53.3135 County News, Calhoun; Jim 6%
I I33; ,n 33:5: , ‘ ' 315,55? 1‘ ' ' 7' McAhster, Sentmel-Echa,1Lon- ~ ’ 3',“
. ”4%,. ,WA .- . ’ . ' . - .f
' 53’3” 111313;??? .333- ' ' 1g; « - 11 . ;_1 don; Becky Meadows, Sue , ,
. ' wr».r; .9 -_;. "I13; me , 1 Gammack and DaVld Thomp_ 2.3
.- ‘/e~‘ r," ___::;,..,, 3.: /« “3"”, 1 ,. ., . 5. . - 5,11.
I”? u. Mgefl 1 son. KPA- . . g
3 . ,5. 5 3f:-
. , . . 1 :1 »1 . 1 . . ’ ' - 1 I 4g g

‘ l
Page 4, The Kentucky Press, November 1992 l
- L '
. 3y I;
,, . . ., at
JO-ANN HUFF elected to a three-year term Publishing in Shepherdsville. tor and publisher of The , 19505 and '605 and was also Owin
ALBERS, chairperson of the on the SNPA board, repre- The company‘is owned by Jackson Times and The an ISWNE president. l Ba
journalism deparunent at sentlng Kentucky. . Landmark Community Beattyville Enterprise, has been A fomler reporter for days”
. Western Kentucky . After almost 38 years Newspapers. named second vice president the Flemingsburg Gazette, prior
University, took office Oct. 1 as Vice pre51dent and general Two staff members at of Kentucky River Medical JOHN EARLY MCINTYRE meth
as president-elect of the manager of the Andy the Georgetown Newsé‘a’Times Center's board of trustees. has been named a deputy I week]
Association of Schools of Anderson Corp. and were recently promoted. DUANNE PUCK- copy desk Chjef at The by the
Journalism and Mass Muhienberg Broadcasting MITZI GRAY MONTFORT ETT, editor of The Sentinel- Baltimore sun, He worked as T1“
Communication. She will Co., RON BE ANE retired at is the new composition man- News in Shelbyville, was the reporter, editor and colum— EYPe (
i move up to president in the end of October. The ager. The Georgetown keynote speaker at Eastern nist in Flemingsburg during oard
October 1993_ previously the Anderson group includes the College graduate has worked Kentucky University's Society the summers of 1968 through ters (ll
vice president and chair of Leader—News in Greenvill e, at the paper since 1990. BOB of Professional Joumalists’ 1973. He was a copy editor at them i
the Publications committee of Ohio County Tim es-N ews in VLACH, a 1990 graduate of ninth annual High School the Cincinnati Enquirer t em 3.
ASIMC, she has been a mem— Hartford, Ohio County Eastern Kentucky University, Newspaper Competition and before joining the Sun in 1986. were .‘
ber of the national Messenger in Beaver Dam and 15 now associate editor. He Ioumalism Worksho in FRED BROCK, a for ‘ machn
Accrediting Council on part of the Times—Argus in joined the sports staff, part September. She spokg on mer reporter for The Courier— gas 3]
Education in Journalism and Central City, as well as time, in February 1991 and "News in a Small Town " Iournal, has been named COPY ulOty]
' Mass Communication for 11 Paragon Press. Starting with began work as a full-time A fomer editor of editor on the business desk of t g
years. the broadcasting side in 1954 writer and photographer a The McLean County News has The New York Times. He is yfa rs t
' Elected treasurer of he was named general man- I year later. ' . _ been elected president of the also a former editor 0“ the géhgvd
the board of trustees of ager of the Leader—News in The News-Entemrzse 1“ International Society of overseas deSk at the W311 neymei
Southern Newspaper 1961. Elizabethtown has hired Weekly Newspaper Editors. Street Journal. larger 1
Publishers Association Also leaving the busi- MISHELL L. NIBERT, a CLYDE WILLS is now editor At KPA Associate So it
Foundation at the group's ness in October was JOHN senior co—op student at North and publisher of The Meridian communications in newspz
annual convention last month BRAMEL, publisher and gen- Hardin High School, as a file Metropolis (111.) Planet and Lexington, JOEL RAPP has leges o:
in West Virginia was MARY eral manager of The Lebanon clerk in accounting. president of the Illinois Press been named vice president, this un
SCHURZ, PubllSher of the Enterprise since 1987. Bramel, - Three staff members Association. His father media diteaor- Meridian is a most 0
Advocate-Messenger in who has won a host of KPA at KPA papers were sched- LANDON WILLS owned marketing/adverfising/pub- work 0
Danville. The KPA president awards, announced he is uled to be panelists at a the Calhoun paper’in the “‘3 relations firm where t.
- was also elected to an initial devoting full time to his pho- debate in September in Ft. . W
three-year term on the foun— tography business, PHOTO- Mitchell between congres- - '
dation board and has just SOURCE, and its freelance sional candidates Jim 2 1 Id 905 1'0 h el m O'HV 'l'
completed a three-year term writing subsidiary, Natural Bunning and Floyd Poore. p G e
on the SNPA board of direc- Vision. He joined Landmark They are JUDY CLABES, edi- _
tors. Community Newspapers in tor of The Kentucky Post in By BUDDY KING besides wages — your “total ‘ ,
JOHN HAGER, pres- 1978 at the Central Kentucky Covington; MARK Texarkana (Ark) Gazette investment” in them.
ident of the Ouiensboro News-Journal in PROV ANO, regional editor ‘ 1. Don’t forgetto thank peo- 15. Pay for employees to C b'
Messenger-Inquirer, was also Campbellsville and has for The Courier—journal in ple for doing the 3°,b- attend seminars and training b23131“ ‘
. worked at The Oldham Era in Louisville, and GEORGE 2~ Instead of Just 5 ailing in their field. H; a}
LaGrange and The Springfield WOLFFORD, senior reporter math” ‘° “1“ SS“““"““ 16- Give “me kind of Prize 85??
Sun- for The Daily Independent in wrlte a “Thank You now to or monetary rewgnition When ‘ pu ls ‘
Booothomtehovosooo Replacing amen Ashland. Veteran newsman Y°ur°wnfimpl°yeeo an employee wins an award “W"
studentnewspapers—~or Lebanon is NINIE GLA S 5- AL SMITH was moderator. 3. Don i; forget to let people such as the APA Better N ews-
whw COCK, editor/general man- LINDA LUDLAM, know- When they are d°ing a paper C°nt95t tndepen‘
mantlegeHeehoHo-aw agerofTheSPringfieldSun, former major accounts execu— g°°digj°b and to i° always en? 17- Start an emphyee dmcltease
afWestemKentunkyUmvsr canton. win manage both oveattheOwensboro 3“ if} °f“““°‘sm°”"°s" “ewstette’inwmwmmy- r5035?
snyhaswanonssrmur papers, which are in neigh- Messenger-Inquirer, has joined ”2 “Estabi- h 1 18‘ An” “3‘“ “PM“ t" Octob a
nssrnaioacematerswams boring counties and are the Courier Co- ioIndiana as in... ‘5 a“ m" ”a" “n free °‘ass¥fieds If Y“ mas”;
Thannmmcementwas owned by Landmark. She areoilaccouotexecufivein 5g§tana§3§$ds sears, ““iélriadydmng” - from;
oftheAssmratedCfillegxate Lebanon paper before going L OUI SEKPA board memb‘?‘ 6. Hold a sales contest, with grain for‘hew efnrpihlyzglson pro- $10 per r
oressColleseMedmAdvisers toSprmgoeldinlooo.A “MAKER/ed" some nice, worthwhile pm 20 H n - ' Poceofe
mehmago gaouatstofgexzznch ed 7- Put all sales people on general ggnagif 22123335 same,acr
Thetwiceweel mvers‘ , 5 ‘? 5 eat“ 76 . commiSSion: not just a man- ' Bob Hen
categorymrssiudgmgof gr herloumahsm work over .fisst goals andlgbiectives with the employee: an c at ”h N1
353:5ESE???7555f'23?an:i3553§§3§§E2:1:飧E§E5ii'E5if"‘55§§EEEf*s?§5255332552;2:333:”if§§355355;:;-.;§‘;:5?35355;;giftitizgisgsig ears. . w1 Incentives . ' . 0 e a
paperspubhsheddurmgthe y VIRGINIA PAGE 0 The James Beard J our- reaching those goilzdagld 21' Try to V18“ all Of the Editorial
19919256310013’6611’ ‘ . . ' nalism Awards will b ' ob' t‘ emphyees at least Once a 'th
risiisiii; managing 9d1t0r 0f the Logan . e glven Jec lves' . month' take them to 1 h W D"
Thesmdempat’e'ha-‘tw‘m Leader and News-Democrat in “6“ Apr” t° f°°d and beve" 9' P0“ 3 P‘Cture 0f the ’ um ' page edit
theawardsfivetimesithelast Russellville has taken a med- age writers. Categories for the Employee Of the Month where -———_. Her “Id-Ln
' omommss icaneaveot'abseme new awards include everyone can see it. ventioncl
TanyaBnckmgwasHerald Reporter /pho mgmp'her s news/investigative reporting, 10. Work toward good cam- ' Photo workshop ' Clabes, ec
eotormtholosllfalisemes mm DICE,a1990gradu- ‘tstaurant ’eV‘ewing/"iti- municatim throughout the From page 1 1’08”“ G
terananugTammms ate of Western Kentucky C‘ sm’ . feature§/c°nsumer comma“! .. . . Panel on 1
springedxtorBobAéamsis University, is serving as inter- reporting, and “literary food 1 1. Hold employee focus I‘Jd Henninger wrll present a torial pagt
facultyadmor in managing editor. New to 362;?“35 Erna: 1‘3““ be gm" "-‘eetmgs 9"" them give mgm‘mg' sessm that day °n daymnfe
TheEaStemProgressof the editorial staff of the news— W Y a“ ' resented suggesmns ”d‘dea“ re ”Ign‘mgmwsWP“
. by the James Beard Founda- 12. Pay employees for good . . T-
» EasternKentuckyUmversmy papers ”STEVE BOGART, a tion, the awards honor one of ideas. The convention is set for and Louis
wonaregmnalaward,whxch minister m the Church Of the the country’s most noted food 13. Have a company picnic Jan._ 2 123- at the Executive Chose to d
wasanmuscedmlastmonth’s Nazarene. writers. For details, contact and company socials. ’ Inn -ln Louisvflle. More infor- part Of the
enhtlonof’l‘heKentuckyPress ROBIN CRLlMP has Melanie Young, Young C 0111- 14' At the end of the year matlon on part1culars of the Gravure C
been?“ Pmducmn munications.- New York, N.Y. include a sheet showing all the °°“Ve““°“ W1“ be mailed to After look
-v-*“i-i'5!511:15:55:21?I3232::12':1:1:1:1:1:313:1221$:35:35:11::?:3:3:5;?:?:i:3:1:1:3:523.15131:::r515?51313151535131}51351335551515:3:53 admlnlsh'atol' at Standard ( E& P) benefits paid to the employee KP A members soon- fou'i‘f-stotg
ny oun

 l , ' J
i . .
2 .
1 November 1992, The Kentucky Press, Page 5
l l .1
~ Linotype vets learned SklIIS at small papers up. ,
1 By KEN METZ better than weeklies could at the University of Kentucky, was essentially the process of Computers . ,
‘51” ‘ Bath County News-Outlook offer. ' was a Linotype company sales- putting printed information Most Macintosh Viruses are
OWingsville The Bath County News-Out- man 2nd fgziallylgggned th: dtirectly on paper and pasting anomng, but not destructive. If,
, Back in the “blacksmith look, like so many other Heral -Lea rim to wot i up onapage. at’s not true — not any- j
‘ days” of newspapering in the weekly newspapers, trained up to his present management At the SUI”: the change more! The newest, called INIT ,‘
2 prior 19605, the customary its share of these printers and DOSitiOIl- ’ involved the implementation 1984, is dangerous! It will acti- r
method of producing your Linotype operators. Usually, His job responsibilities 0f computer typesetting and vate on each and every Friday 2
weekly and daily papers was they graduated to the Lexing— include-superVismg composmg that ’evolution becameHorse- the 13th, destroying your files 3 .
by the hot metal press. ton Herald or Leader (now the operations, coordinating man s main responSibility, every time :_
That is, a Rube Goldberg- Herald-Leader) or nearby fadvanced systfems technlolodgies Eelng (alarged “flth seieftlgg CODE é52 is another new
‘ t e of machine with a ke - dailies. or composi ion inc u ing ypese mg equipmen o e _ , ' - .
bhgrd that would take'the lei:- Two of these Linotype- research, recommendations, purchased and then hiring and one, but 1t_ ”is": if“??? you by ;
ters (molds) you selected, drop trained Bath Countians now development, testing and training staff members to saying It 15 _1h1t13 1,1111% your
1 them into a row and then cast in the composition department training in all facets of pagina- operate the equipment. hard dISk — 1t doesn t. ’
t them into a lead slug. These of the Herald-Leader are he tion, which is the creating of The Sun was among the first A180, keep your eyes open -;
were lines of type and the witt Breeze and Billy T. an entire page of newspaper papers to. utilize a front-end for a program called »
5- machine that produced them Horseman. (Bill Stene is type including news and system usmg Vldeo display ter- “Tetricycle.” It is a Trojan ,_
" was appropriately named a another one who operates 3 advertising of? a computer 311111315- tHorseman' made sure horse carrying the Macintosh
Linotype. computer composing ads in screen, rea y or printing on is sys em remame opera- virus MDBF.
v’ It generally took several their department. This news- layout pages. _ tional hhd handled some Arkansas Press Association -
'f years to be proficient at oper- paper featured him in a story ‘It sounds a bit complicated repair Wlth SUPPOTt from the . .
ating these machines and the afew years ago.) and it is. It is a far cry from dealer. _ _ . . —__———_‘—_
men who developed into “jour- Prewitt is well-qualified for the days of the old Linotype Along “nth hls respon51bil- KET hOnors Press 1
neymen” were sought by the his position of foreman of the grinding out the slugs of hot ity for the typesetting system, _
larger newspapers. composition department at the metal and sometimes spitting he did the paste-up of special .
So it was that the weekly Herald-Leader. He got his bap- some of the hot metalhon your sections and tabloids at the The first. weekend 0f OCtO-
n newspapers became the col- tism of hot lead at the News- leg as you sat at its keyboard. Sun. Horseman made the deci- ber 1992 W111 long be remem-
leges of training for those in Out